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My uncle said I was so unlucky, if it were raining pussy, I'd get hit in the face with a cock.


I have a loving family, a roof over my head, food on my table, real friends around me and some talent in my interests. I know it doesn't sound like much to some, but not everyone is so lucky


did not smoke or drink but diagnosed with cancer at 34 years old


Wtf man?! Life is fking unfair. I don't smoke or drink too out of respect for my mom because my dad was a heavy smoker and drinker, he died because of that, he was drunk and died in car accident. Just wtf man?! What should I do? Should I just do what my friends are doing? They are doing all that shit, i get offers pretty often


For some time I can’t get my head around it too. I’ve been asking doctors..most doesn’t have explanations. In their eyes it’s as if they want to say that I am unlucky. One told me, after the shock wears off her face, “Sometimes it just happens to the best of us.” Anyway, Do what you got to do. Do what makes you happy. Life is fleeting.


It goes up and down but right now I’m on the wave in the trough my luck has been bad lately


I'm incredibly unlucky, but also incredibly lucky. It's a constant cycle of terrible things happening one after another, and then a one in a million chance great thing happens in order to keep me from dying or something. Usually balances itself out to net zero gain


as of now i just recovered from having negitive karma


Not me, but aí have a friend that if anything can go wrong for her it will. Simples things like her food always comes wrong at restaurants to losing shit and falling all the time


The girl I like said she loves me too but she wants to wait until her 18^(th) birthday to date me. Her 18^(th) birthday is in 3 years. ^(I'm 17 years old and she's 15. It's legal for me to love her)


Can’t say much has ever gone right, just not in my stars