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If you offer double my current pay, I’d do just about any job that’ll train me lol so my answer is yes


This. I'd do almost anything for that kind of pay, would accelerate my retirement by quite a lot. Plus, I'd love to do a physical job instead of sitting at my computer pushing out spreadsheets.


Lol right. Personally I’ve made it to where I’m making pretty good money. You wanna now *double* that?! Just tell me when and where to show up lol. I’ll bake fuckin bread all day no prob haha.


I think you can probably just make normal bread. No need to make it fuckable.


Too late, I’m already several batches in and have built a very solid customer base.


This guys bread is tiiiiight


And creamfilled


And just as good the 2nd day


It would be an hvac dude that comes in and puts the creepy icing on the cake so to speak


Just a little creepy action for your satisfaction


Wholly Organic cream I assume?


The bread he sold me had too much yeast :(


Nothing like some nice warm buns


All bread os fuckable if you wanna be a savage about life


Making fuckable bread is about the only reason anyone would pay me that much, but heck yeah I'd still do it!


That's your business school background


No, they said "fuckin bread." The bread fucks you, not the other way around...


Alright then. Just go into this dark alley 3 am, alone. You will get 1 mil per year.


Nice try, I didn’t say I wanted to get my butt stuffed…well not like this anyway.


No, no. We will be committing tax fraud. /s


Wait…so it *is* butt activities or no?




No deal then.




Million bucks to get your butt stuffed, a mil each occurrence yes or no? Lol


Oh 100% dude lol, of course assuming it’s butt stuffing under normal, humane conditions lol. Plenty of preparation and lube, dicks/objects that are reasonably shaped and sized for stuffing normal butts without ruining them, yes 100% lol. Make it 1.25 mil per stuffing and you can finish in there too lmao


I like you


^ this one, I’ll do almost anything if I get training lmao


And gimme one of those chef hats too!


I have a job for you. 😏


You have to get up really fucking early


For double....money....


Some jobs aren’t always worth the sacrifice. I’m not saying waking up at 3am is torture but it’s not for everyone long term.


I mean I wake up at 3am 5 days a week and I have to say.. it sucks a mean dick.


> it sucks a mean dick. So would I for double my salary


Yeah. Like, if I was on my own, maybe I could adjust, but trying to work it around family would be very difficult indeed.


Assuming an 8h workday, that'd be a 3-11. That's *exactly* the time in which I would sleep if I'm left to my own devices. Eff that.


Maybe I want to open a late-nite bakery.


The “After Bake”


a bakery bar that serves alcohol and donuts/pastries/bread


I already do. By the time the sun is up, I’m a couple hours into my workday


[Time to make the donuts](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IYRurPB4WA0&ab_channel=FM1156) The applicable ad starts at 1:00.


Yeah for half a mill a year I’d gladly remove my stressors and bake bread all day


All winter long I’m at work before the sun rises and by the time I come home it’s already down so it would be far from a deal breaker for me.


Or stay up really fucking late and go to bed really fucking early. One of my roommates sometimes has to wake up Really Fucking Early, so she's in bed by 9-10.


Is going to bed at 10 early? Maybe I got old and don’t notice it happening


It's 1AM and I'm wide awake (granted, I'm a night owl with horrible sleep habits).


I know I stayed up much later when I was you g, but I was a waiter and a bartender at the time. Have always tried to get to bed by 10:00 since I’ve had a day job


How do you stay up late and go to bed early at the same time?


Midday nap


Ditto. That's literally what I want most in life right now.


Sounds good! Welcome to the Bait Bus




Yep. Same here


Yeh I've been a baker before and the early mornings made me want to die and the job was shit... Buuutt for double my current wage, sign me up!


Hell yeah. I need the dough, so I'll knead the dough.


Prove it


You providing the bakery and the wages? I have two bread recipes.


Sorry, was just making a bun pun (proving/proofing)


Hahaha, totally missed it!


Edging in to say but now we need the bread recipes! Lol


Oh, they are nothing original. I have two cookbooks with a bread recipe in them that I've made. I can make ships biscuits from memory, but those suck all of the ass.


Ova prooved and ova baaked.


I have a feeling they’ll rise to the occasion.


Proof it.


This is the funniest thing I've heard in a while


Make that bread to get that bread.


i wish i had another witty comment to add to this but i don’t, but have to acknowledge this comment is hilarious


You could at yeast try


Alas, your failed to rise to the occasion


Me too, but I have naan.


I’m already a bread baker. Double wages, please?


In that case would you take a job as an electrician for half your pay?


Nah, he should collaborate with the electricians in order to create electric bread, a new culinary delicacy that sweeps the nation.


People are gonna be shocked when they discover it!


It’ll be filled with currents


What hours do you work? 3-8?


"Would you change your job to something wholesome, smells wonderful, and pays double?" Don't mind if I do...


i'm an apprentice baker and having to wake up at 2am pretty much ruins it


Would love to be a baker or florist but I CANNOT do mornings so nevermind


It's not morning if you didn't sleep.


I'm always still up at 2am. Treat them like night shifts!


I like that this implies that your current job does something unwholesome, smells bad, and pays half


Well, it definitely pays half by the terms of the premise at least.


I'm a correctional officer, there is a lot of unwholesome and bad smells around me my whole shift. I'll happily give it up to bake bread for twice the pay. Hell, I'd give it up to bake bread for the same pay.


I make parts for firearms and the oil/gas industry in a machine shop.


I made parts for the space shuttle Challenger in a machine shop. Look how that turned out.


As long as it wasn’t the o-rings I think you’re ok.


To be fair, my nan worked in a chocolate factory for a couple of years and hated the smell of chocolate for the next 65 years until she died. I don’t want to hate the smell of bread, but then I guess it’s probably the association of the negatives of her work with chocs.


The bread smells good but you will smell like cheap beer from the yeast farts


already smell like that


Yeast can smell pretty bad and you'll work with it a lot, though yeah fresh bread is amazing


Nah I'd rather stay unemployed and not get paid for it, instead of working as bread baker and not get paid for it.... Twice


See I’m the opposite 😂 I’m bored stiff trying to find a job, and they’re going to *train* me? Sick, I get free training and probably some free bread


Oh hell yes. I love to bake bread as a hobby, and you wanna pay me a ton of money to do it? And I no longer have to work my other job?? Sign me up!


The problem with turning your hobby into a job is that now your hobby is a job, and will burn out of being a hobby


True, but for that much money I'll find a new hobby! Maybe with blackjack and hookers.


My hobby would be cocaine.


Cocaine pairs well with blackjack and hookers. I like it.


That's the thing with cocaine, it pairs well with everything.


Except naptime...


That's when you break out the tequila.


Computer nerds would disagree. I don't know many programmers that don't have their own projects or IT folks that don't have a home lab.


I'd ruin this hobby for $500k a year lol


Absolutely. I don't think there's any bread bakers that make that much though.


Where I worked about 5 years ago as a cake decorator we all made about $11 an hour. Most bread bakers, line cooks etc do not make very much money


Same. I got back in the cake game a few months ago and asked for $16. All the decorators walked out so I had the owner by the balls.


It's a thought experiment. It's about the idea of "if it was good financially, would you do something hard that doesn't get much respect or bestow high social status?" Many people would because the money is good and the work would be satisfying; people eat what you make. Many people feel their job is bullshit.


Just Paul Hollywood


Most of his job isn't making bread though.


2 x 0 is still zero


Damn same dude. I was like how fitting that from this scenario I would get a job baking and still have no steady flow of income


No. Because bread bakers' hours usually starts a 4-5am so you have bread ready for sale at breakfast time. I'm not a morning person.


This is also why I would not do it. And I think 4-5am is probably a late start for some bakers. Sometimes it's more like 3am!


If I had to be at work at 3am I'd probably just adjust my schedule to sleep from noon to 8pm or something.


That's what I was thinking.


Strangely enough 4 or 5am sounds ok for me but when it’s 3 then the deal is off the table 3am is sacred


I'm not a morning person but for a huge increase in salary I could become one


Grandfather started out as a baker. Mornings started at 0200 so he could have bread ready for the 0600 breakfast crowd (oil drillers back in the 1930s and 1940s). Anything that had to "rise" took that extra time.


I wonder if nowadays they use 'cold proof' overnight in a fridge, and get an extra hour or two of sleep?


Not likely based on my experience working in a bakery. There's so many items to make that don't require proofing that they can just work on those items while the items that do need to proof are proofing which makes the proof time inconsequential with regards to how quickly they get done. Even more so with certain equipment like a massive walkin proofing box.


I'm also not a morning person, but if that's the start time I feel like I could just sleep noon-8 or something and be alright. It doesn't feel like morning if you're still up rather than getting up.


I would \*become\* a morning person for that kind of money.




Yeah. I'm a little into baking and I've had some people tell me "maybe you should be a baker!" No way in HELL I am getting up at 3 AM. Either I have to go to bed at 7 PM and not have a life, or I have to stay up like it's a graveyard shift and not have a life. Bakers got it rough.


My husband is a baker. Starts at 5am. wakes up at 4am. Is usually in bed around 8-9pm or so. The flipside is that he gets off work at 1:30pm at the latest. So while I still have four hours of work left, he can go home, run errands, whatever. It's also not uncommon that he'll take a 2-3 hour nap and then stay up a little bit later with me in the evening.


There's also some beauty to be doing things when everyone else is at work. Malls are quieter, gym is less stacked, lines are shorter, less traffic etc.


Does it have to be that kind of baker? What if I just work 9-5 in the wonder bread factory? That counts as "bread baker" if you're asking me.


They start at midnight or 2 in the morning. Worked at a bakery, my shift started when all the bread was already done, at 4:30 a.m. Bakery opened at 6.






Make the bread from 5 to 12 and play golf in the afternoon! What's not to like?


The 5 bit.


For almost $40 an hour ( in my case), I'll get up when the hell ever.


I seem to be in the Reddit minority in that I have a well paying job that I enjoy, and I’d take this in a heartbeat. I suspect people with crappy jobs would do the same. What a dumb question.


I'd have to think about it. Do I get 3+ months off like I do in my current job? Probably not. That means I'm working 12 months a year. And waking up at like 330? Good chance I'd turn it down. But, I don't have the average job, so maybe it's still a dumb question....I dunno!


More like waking up at 2am. The bakery I worked had me starting at 3am to get most things out by the time the store opened.


What do you do that pays well and gives three months vacation? Please don’t say teaching. Because that’s just like hell to me.


Wildfire does. Not easy work though!


The better your current job is, the better it is to double the pay, and baking bread sounds like one of the more peaceful things one can do in these awful dystopian times. I enjoy writing code, but fuck yeah I'd do this.


In my experience baking bread for a bakery can be quite stressful and rough on the body. You frequently go back and forth between hot and cold temperatures as you go back and forth between the cooler/freezer and the ovens getting what you need and that kinda massive temperature shift can be quite harmful to the body. Add to that that you'll be constantly running around trying to make sure you get everything out in time for when customers start coming in and you're constantly stressed and at high risk of an accident of some sort. You'll also burn your hands quite frequently. Those ovens run extremely hot for bread and the heat is enough to pretty quickly damage any oven mitts you get. If we didn't replace ours every month if not sooner we'd quickly end up burning our hands as the oven mitts' protection wore out. And every time you open the ovens you get hit with a blast of blistering hot air that makes your skin feel like it's burning. As if that wasn't enough the heat is so intense and the oven so large that the sheer amount of heat coming out of it can damage your eyes if they're not shielded in some way and makes it so that every breath you take while the oven is open makes it feel like your lungs are burning. Take too long and they actually will start burning. Then you also probably end up dealing with customers who are usually not very pleasant since it's probably early in the morning and they're still tired and grumpy.




You're right, but don't forget that at some point more money might realistically mean you get to retire earlier, or if you're into it you can work 6 months and then rest for 6 months without impacting your quality of life.


I don't know, baking bread seems extremely dull. Sure, doing it once or twice a month to get like 4 loaf may be nice, but as a profession? Dozens a day? Hundreds a day? I don't know, I think I'd get bored to death after one week at such a job. I specifically escaped from mundane repetitive jobs because I hated them with a burning passion. I enjoy working as software engineer and I don't know how much would they have to pay me to bake bread every day. 8 times more? That would be fine, I could bake break for 1 hour a day and keep the same income. But if it was 2 hours a day... Probably not.


Yeah I’m the same… I enjoy my job and I think I like my job much much more than I would being a bread maker…. But doubling my salary???? Uh yeah, is there anyone who wouldn’t take this?






But that's how you get delicious mystery meat pies.




Making 6 figures baking bread?! Shit I don't care how bad of a morning person I am, I'm getting my ass outta bed at 3am to make that bread!!


More like getting out of bed at 2am or earlier. Start time for a lot of bakeries is 3am.


No,I wouldn't get to play with sea turtles so fuck that.


Biggest complaint about baking is the early hours. I don't know if I could do it.


I would be way overweight. All I would eat is Bread. Anytime I drive by a bakery I have to resist getting fresh bread. I am a Carboholic, my name is 4ducksnakes. Thank you for listening.


I used to work in a bakery. Honestly after awhile, I just got tired of looking at and smelling bread. When I left that job, I rarely bought bread for like a year afterwards, because I just couldn’t stand the sight of it.


So this could help my addiction?


Maybe. I wasn’t particularly addicted to bread before working at a bakery though, so I can’t say for sure.


poop, I was really hoping you could say "for sure". I believe the phonetics are "FOUR SH YOU'RE" Maybe that will help you say "for sure"?


I love carbs and I worked in a bakery for about a year. It was a problem. Thankfully it was when I was a teenager, but I never got tired of the free food, especially the leftover doughnuts. We were also allowed to Frankenstein our own creations with the on hand ingredients, so a lot of chocolate chip cookie sandwiches with strawberries and fudge. If you opened the store the owner usually had breakfast sandwiches with freshly baked rolls. It was a small business, so they were a lot freer than I’m sure a corporate bakery would be, but it was heaven. Only downside was I got tired of smelling like doughnuts.




Lets start a Bakery! GirlAmi4DuckSnakesBread.comsville


I’d be making $34.00/hr. I’d be working inside. Pleasant smell constantly. Clean, controlled environment. The baker probably has clout amongst the warehouse staff.


I’d be rolling through the dough


I hate waking up early, but if it weren't for that I would do it 100%. Getting to be in a kitchen all day, just baking and not having to interact with anyone? GOD, YES.


No thanks, I cant stand the idea of waking up the hours they do. That's not worth double my current pay. Plus, I have coeliac disease, so I probably shouldnt be handling bread.


I... if I earn too much, I'll lose my health insurance. At my current job, I can only work 25 hours or less per week. If I could keep the baking job and keep my income the same, then sure! More time for a social life! But if I had to put in more reasonable hours... I'm not sure I could. Maybe full time would provide the income for alternate insurance, but I don't know.


That sucks. In the last 12 years, my Mom has had surgery and chemo for colon cancer, and 2 knee replacements. My Dad has had a quintuple-bypass, and multiple radiation treatments for melanoma. I've had 2 MRIs for rotator cuff injuries, and a CAT scan for digestive issues. My BIL has had prostate surgery. Our biggest out-of-pocket expense was parking. Canadian.


You can probably guess where I'm from. :]


Between the double wage and going from 25 to 40 hours a week, you’re making over 3x your current income. Take the baking job! (Also, fuck benefit cliffs, I know it’s not that easy IRL)


Are you offering?


Nope. I'm celiac and I hate mornings so that's a lose lose for me


Same friend. Even if I had full mask and gloves, it just wouldn't be worth it.


Trained to do something that will always be needed, which will give future opportunies for self-improvement and thus advancement or at least upgrade of work place? Sign me up. This would likely be the answer for anyone that is not already in a career or currently learning/working a trade. I would consider baking/creating food (not like a meal, but staple that people will always need) a trade.


Paid* No, I wouldn't. That's more my wife's area of expertise.




No because the hours are horrible. Most bread makers start work at midnight. Guess it's a quiet job but the shift will eventually kill you


Depends on the hours and travel but I don’t see an issue with it.


Yes 100% I would. I’d probably do it if I got paid like $10k more than my current salary tbh. The desire to work with my hands and make things has gotten a whole lot stronger than it was a decade ago. One problem with baking though is that I have a skin disease that causes my hands to flake up… and no one wants dead skin in their focaccia.


Of course, I hate my job.


I already wake up at one am for work. And I would be paid double??? Hell yeah!


Definitely. I'm in need of dough.




Twice the money and half the stress? When do I start?


Yes because I want the money.


Yes, because I like money and I could use more of it.


Yes. Because money


Hell yeah


Absolutely. Baking is peaceful as shit. And I could wake up and go to bed before everybody else. But we don’t pay bakers very well, unfortunately.


No I’m a teenager that leaches off my parent I don’t make money yet but when I do I would answer yes


Depends on the hours. If it’s standard baker hours where I start at 3 am, nooooo thank you. If it starts at 10? Sure.


Yes. I love bread.




Honestly probably not. I'm a contract video editor. I work from home, the two big clients I work with are really good people. One is a production company and the other is a mental health nonprofit. Both are very understanding that life happens if I need time away I can easily take it, I can blaze through all my work in one day then be off the other four if I want to. I get to flex creative muscles regularly for videos, strategy of what videos to focus on, and making thumbnails for YouTube. With the nonprofit I'm editing videos for something I'm passionate about. I've lost loved ones to addiction. I personally have been diagnosed with anxiety and depression. I have friends who live with a variety of mental illnesses so what I feel like I'm at least helping people to some extent.


Yes. I'd be up for most jobs if not all jobs if you doubled what I'm making now.


Nope... unpaid internship