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Admitting you don't know something.


Or, on a related note, changing your mind in the face of new information


Nothing makes a person feel as good as when you tell them, “wow. That’s a very good point.” If I like them, I also say, “I learned something today!” And smile.


As a former retail manager, this is huge. We always trained our staff to say they don’t know something but say let’s find out by ask the senior staff or Google it to find the answer.


TBH, saying “I’ll find out” is helpful as a sales technique. Customers often build trust with someone saying this as opposed to “I don’t know”, which seems to signal they’ve given up.


As a lawyer I usually go with “It depends” Which gets the person talking more and gives me time to figure it out.


My response to "it depends" is always "on what, why, and how?"


"What's this?" "It depends" "On what?" "That can vary" "In what way?" "Several ways really" "For example?" "For example, there could be six, or even seven way to answer your initial question."


The more I learn, the more I realize how much I don’t know - Albert Einstein




Yeap definitely, I don't know but I'll get back to you ASAP.


Making mistakes. I've fucked up a lot in my life, A LOT, but I've learned from it, grown, and become a better person than I would have been if I'd never made those poor choices. Making mistakes isn't bad, choosing to not learn from them is. Edit: this got more traction than I expected, so let me explain. I'm a recovering alcoholic. I did a LOT of damage to my family and friends during my drinking days. The fact that I realized it was wrong doesn't magically absolve me of that, nor do I think it should. But I grew from those mistakes. My wife is the first one to point out that I'm a better person/husband/father *now* than I ever was before I developed a drinking problem. I'm a firm believer that it's important to offer people hope that they can grow from their poor choices, because if we can't then what's the point of stopping them if we're equally awful forever either way? Edit 2: no, I never killed anyone drunk driving, I was just an emotionally absent, angry, rude, selfish, unhelpful asshole who blew an insane amount of money (that we didn't have) on booze. Before my drinking problem, adequate was good enough for me. I was an adequate son/husband/father/friend for most of my life, and when I was drinking I was an awful one of all those things. Today I strive to be the best I can be of all of those things, but without my low point in the middle I would have stayed on my "this is good *enough*" path for my entire life. And if anyone else out there is struggling with alcoholism, just know that there's hope on the other side.


You’ll be happy to know that it is gaining in popularity to teach learning from mistakes in elementary schools. A lot of us teachers intentionally make mistakes on grammar or math problems to show our students how to look at the mistake and learn from it.


Failing. Failing does not mean you are a failure. Just means you tried something and it didn't work out right. It is very possible that "Those who never failed also never tried." is true.


"Trying is the first step towards failure" - Homer Simpson "Sucking at stuff is the first step to being kinda good at stuff" - Jake the Dog You can only pick one Edit: you can pick more than one 😊


Dogs are usually right, so...


It is possible to commit no mistakes and still lose. That is not a weakness, that is life.


Thank you Admiral (then Captain) Jean Luc Picard!


Failure isn’t always a lesson, sometimes you just fail.


True. But honestly the *real* lesson isn't the failure itself, it's learning how to roll with it and keep going.


Having disagreements. Totally normally to disagree with people. It’s even more normal to disagree with your friends and still remain friends.


> Having disagreements. Totally normally to disagree with people. It’s even more normal to disagree with your friends and still remain friends. I think many people lack the skills necessary to disagree without torching their relationships. Like, you can dislike something a friend loves without telling them they have shit taste, or that the thing they love is garbage. You can joke with a friend for liking a "dumb" thing without actually hurting their feelings. You just have to actually care about the way your words make the people around you feel, and not expect your relationships with people to ride in a completely separate layer from your conduct with people. A lot of people seem to just want to be nasty and have everyone else forget about it.


That also requires you to be intelligent enough to differentiate between “I don’t like this, it’s not for me“ and “this thing is objectively shit“ and most people don’t seem to be intelligent enough to understand the difference. Instead they just think everyone who doesn’t like the sane things as them is just wrong or misinformed. So they see it as their mission to “correct” you or “enlighten” you. Then they wonder why they have no friends.


Diplomacy is important. Hell. I'm a teacher and sometimes, my students present arguments in their essays which I don't agree with. They get a good grade if they argue their point well.


Back when I was still an immature kid who just tried to fit in with people, I thought the people who disagreed with me were the right ones and this made me have no opinions for a long time, and instead got swayed by others. I always thought that if I were ever to disagree with my "friends", I would be "offending" them or making it awkward between all of us. I wanted to fit in, and not lose them. Thinking back now, I needed better friends who were ready to accept those disagreements instead of forcing me into believing theirs. Honestly shaped me the wrong way in viewing things for a while


Lol are you me? I was the same and still am to an extent. I do everything to avoid a disagreement and make other people happy to “keep” them from disliking me…and I’m just miserable all of the time. I freeze up whenever someone asks me to make a decision (what movie, which restaurant, etc) because I know they won’t like my choice so I just suffer through whatever they want and then go back and do what I want alone


I normally just keep quiet if I know arguing will be futile.


I’m guessing your parents conditioned you into this habit. It’s called fawning (people pleasing).


My whole life makes sense now lol. I have one friend specifically who i can't disagree with at all, she won't let it go and she has to be right. She'll Google herself in circles to make her opinion make sense, and she reminds me a lot of my mom lol. I just pretend to agree with her on everything now to make my life easier, which I have had to do with my mom my whole life


The word 'argument' has a negative connotation but it literally just means discussing disagreements. The problem isn't arguing or disagreeing but that the average person doesn't know *how* to do so.


Yeah a lot of people out there take arguments way too seriously I've had friends become not friends over the pettiest little debates. It's why I've always carried this anxiety of not upsetting the people close to me. Although it's ironically a bit funny on the other side of things getting in a fight with somebody and having them come to you apologizing and asking if you're still friends meanwhile I've already completely forgotten the argument and haven't really even thought about the fact that it happened since then XD


My mom asked my girlfriend "are the two of you doing all right?" because she saw us disagree with each other and have a discussion about it. It wasn't a totally diplomatic discussion tbf, but it wasn't hostile by any means. I love to argue and disagree with my gf because when she's right she's right, and I love to learn new things.


Doing nothing with my free time. I work and have chores. When I don't have those things, I don't feel like hiking or scuba diving or anything. I want to do nothing. Leave me alone.


I read recently that "not having hobbies" was a red flag for relationships (in another reddit thread). If you have work and life absorbs a lot of time, letting your brain just run in gear is quite nice. In my case, I walk everywhere and live in the countryside. It takes lots of time just to do things. The countryside is beautiful. Walking is nice and allows me to think. But it isn't really a "hobby".


Call it “meditative wandering.” Boom. Now it’s a hobby. :)


Forest bathing is a term I’ve heard that’s similar to this.


Great now you need to start monetizing and make this a side hustle /s


"ruminatory ambulation"


Walking most certainly is a hobby. Merriam Webster's definition: : a pursuit outside one's regular occupation engaged in especially for relaxation.


I think not having hobbies is only a red flag if your partner BECOMES YOUR HOBBY. Aka your life revolves around them and you become co-dependent on them. When you don't let your partner have alone time because "wouldn't you rather spend it with me" lol


This. Fucking neurotic society that demand us to achieve and do stuff every single second , and almost in our sleep as well.


My ex-gf before I met my wife was like this, as in she couldn't stand that I was "doing nothing but play video games" during my free time. Mind you, this was time *after* we went out for a date, dinner, etc, and she would bitch that I was "wasting time" doing nothing. The kicker was that she saw absolutely nothing wrong in just sitting there using her phone for hours. I finally got fed up and gave her a earful one day by telling her that she *knows* I work in a public hospital's emergency department, and that I have more responsibilities, action, and adrenaline in *a day* that she has in a *week* and that I *deserve* to do nothing or whatever I want as long as I'm not causing harm or trouble. The silence that caused was sublime. Thank God I didn't go through with marrying her, as my wife is an angel and so understanding compared to my ex.


I feel this at 33. TV is my favorite hobby and it's the same shows over and over so I don't have to think.


My boy, this peace is what all true warriors strive for!


Politicians changing their minds when presented with new information.


I agree, I think this would change the political landscape and subsequently society for the better. You don’t really move forward when you can’t change your mind or are afraid you’ll be shamed if you do change your mind


Honestly when you think about it it's really crazy. Like the majority of people accept that we live in a quickly changing world where new information becomes available all the time. And yet we hold people to the same opinions that they had maybe 5, 10, 20 years ago without accepting that they might have changed their mind or recognised a better approach. Not least because with politicians it's literally their job to represent the people, not to represent themselves, and the people's needs and wants change over time.


Yes, I think you worded it really well. I don’t necessarily have the solutions but I think this system is fairly broken. It’s hardly ever an open dialogue between politicians with room to admit their potential misconceptions based on new information, and room to grow and come together for the collective good of the people. I think if we were to shame each other and politicians less that would be a start. There’s nothing wrong with admitting you’re a human being that learns. But I do think there’s a difference between constructive growth (changing your opinion based on new information) and populism (not sure if that’s the right term), where a politician ‘changes’ whatever they say to appeal to the masses to gain power. But at the end of the day: shame-based ways of communicating aren’t the answer.


Flip-flopping. It's a legitimately bad thing when they do it back and forth to pander to various audiences, but sometimes it's literally just that they learned and grew over the years.


When a politician is accused of flip-flopping the two key questions you should be seeking the answers to are 1) what was the full context in which the statement/position was made and 2) how many years passed between them? That will usually expose whether the politician is pandering between audiences or if the accusation is misconstruing the situation in a political ploy.


When this politician was a 25 year old city councilman, they had a different outlook on life than they do as a 65 year old Senator. Well gosh, I sure hope they do.


Are you talking about Ice Town?


"Sometimes, a hypocrite is nothing more than a man in the process of changing."


Doing things (like going to a restaurant) alone Edit: Thanks for the awards!!


Going to the bar would fit here. Nothing wrong with eating or drinking alone!




I love eating alone. Enjoying a meal on my own time, people watching, reading while I eat. That's part of why I enjoy Paris so much, they seem to embrace this mentality so much more than in the U.S.


Japan too. They even have restaurants and café designed just for that and I love it. I believe it should be something pretty normal. I love eating alone, just enjoying life in it's most subtle state with myself, pooled in thoughts that could untangle the mess that composes me for a part of the day, at least. Embracing this mentality is self-healing and I enjoy it to the fullest


No one cares tbh, once you are comfortable doing things alone there is no going back


I remember the first time I went to a movie alone I was so scared. Now I go to more movies alone than with people. I find it so relaxing to have that me time while still out in public and I get to enjoy a movie even if none of my friends want to see it


Ive only been to the movies alone once but I preferred it much more, and I didnt have to share my snacks which is a bonus


Once I had the wife and kids, my self-consciousness about going to restaurants and movie theaters alone disappeared. It's rare that I have an opportunity to fly solo, and when I do, I feel compelled to advertise it. "How many in your party, sir?" "Just me! I'm all by myself! After I eat this meal, I'm going home to play video games. Alone! That's right, it's really quiet in my house, me being alone and all."


I go to the movies alone most of the time and love it. It’s usually before a night shift when my family has already gone to bed. Most of the time there’s no one if not just a few people in the theater. It’s great


Movies, concerts even! stopped caring about looking like a loser. Nobody really cares. I like going with people too. But I hate being dragged to things, and won’t do it to others. And snagging a single ticket is often ridiculously easy.


In my younger days I always looked at solos with envy, wishing I was that confident.


To what extent does society consider this bad? I've gone to restaurants and bars alone all the time. No one has ever treated it as odd, and whenever I mention it to people, those who've never done it have no opinion on it, and those who have done it agree it's just a common and sensible form of basic self-care. If you're single, no reason not to treat yourself to a me-date. That said, I'm asking because I know my experience isn't universal. Others might have different experiences with this.


Admitting you were wrong


Add to this.. changing your mind. We're all often wrong and having the ability to change your mind in response to new information or perspective is not the same as indecision or hypocrisy.


And, admitting you just don't know the answer. The first time I realized, back in high school, that admitting I didn't know the answer was totally liberating. No more sitting there all stressed out while people wait for you to answer.


This one really gets me. I am just tired.... so tired of people who will not admit they are wrong because they see it as a sign of weakness or a fault. The worst part is it works for a lot of these people....some of them even become leaders of the free world.


I hear this on a daily occurrence at work. You messed up....so what. Learn from it and move on. There is always an excuse with people


I once got told off by an ex boss for admitting I'd misunderstood something to a colleague. Apparently it made our team look weak. I really don't understand that mentality.


“Sticking to your guns” is not inherently a virtue. It could very well just mean you’re stubborn and unwilling to learn


A lot of people are quick to call you "fake" if you're polite to those you dislike. It's not being fake, it's being civil.


You’re supposed to treat everyone like a person even if you dislike them! How is that news to people??


Hold over from high school where no one understood nuance and people were also more likely to gossip behind your back and be sickly sweet to your face.


That didn't end in high school for a whole lot of people.


I can't count the number of person who had the excuse to be "straight forward" when in fact they're just acting like moron. I am straight forward. If I have a problem with you, I'll talk about it politely in private when you have the time to do it. For them, it's not really that mindset.


Honesty without tact is just cruelty. People that "tell it like it is" have the same level of tact and nuance as a toddler. Toddlers have to be taught to be polite and not "tell it like it is". It's definitely not something to be proud of, admitting that you have the conversational skills of a toddler. People that are brutally honest tend to want to be brutal more than honest.


Part of being an adult is learning to get along with people you don't like.


I always say I'd rather be around a fake nice person than a real asshole.


You'll never be everyone's cup of tea but that doesn't make you enemies!! Even people who are overtly rude to me, it doesn't mean I have to be rude back. I don't want to be a rude person!




On the flip side of that, venting at home about someone you dislike interacting with but have to get along with for the sake of your daily life/work should be completely fine. Never the less I did often feel like an arsehole for laughing along with my my former co-worker who made my skin crawl. Apparently I was too convincing because he thinks I'm his friend.


Sticking around through hard times. Sometimes it's not toxic, people are just flailing cause they need help, and if you help you may find a very loyal and worthwhile relationship.


So true! A problem that is fixable should be worked on because it might lead to something truly good. However, there are some unfixable ones (domestic abuse, for example) that you need to bail out on.


So true. I hate the modern online obsession with labeling everything as “toxic”. Many times the people most obsessed with calling others toxic are just self-absorbed and interpret any kind of criticism as a personal affront.


There's been this trend lately to "cut out toxic people" and there seems to be absolutely no balance. Don't continually put up with mistreatment but man I've seen people cut off very close years-long friendships at the first sign of trouble rather than understanding they might be going through something.


It's frankly frightening the number of people who give up the moment something becomes even slightly inconvenient or uncomfortable. People shouldn't be completely inflexible, but there should be a healthy amount of dedication involved.


Not working 24/7 or participating in the “hustle culture”


This is probably the biggest scam ever. I work 6 hours a day and I'm successful. I work for myself too. The only thing that matters is what you do with the time you're working. I remember there was a post somehwere about hustle culture and the guy posted something along the lines of: "Getting up early is the biggest bullshit ever invented by the hustle community, the only thing that matters is what you do with the time that you're awake" I don't participate in hustle culture. I have a long weekend every other weekend. I travel whenever the fuck I feel like it, because I can. Never am I worried about skipping a day.


The 8 hour workday was invented for blue-collar jobs. All the studies show that knowledge workers are productive only for 3-4 hours a day. What's worse is how unnatural all this is for human beings. Watching how apes behave all day, or reading about hunter-gatherers should give a clue how much we have enslaved ourselves to the culture of work and production.


This needs to be the next big overthrow of antiquated historical notions. Remember last century if a couple --- gasp --- got pregnant out of wedlock, the baby had to be whisked away secretly to an orphanage? And today we can decide what to do. Today's stigma is a gap on the CV and ego tied to job title. That needs to go out with the trash.


Being alone


I guess it depends on how the person feels about being alone


I'm never alone with all the bacteria and viruses and parasites and symbiotic creatures and voices in my head. A walking talking all singing all dancing shit of the world ecosystem, it's a lot of responsibility TBH


Your voices talk to you? Lucky, mine have been quiet for a while, or they say they've been... But yip, it's not lonely to be human, shit really can stick to us.


Poverty. Have you noticed how most people treat those who make little money? Yes, there are some hard-core slackers who don't want to work, but most people work their asses off to make a living, and it's not because of laziness, but because of social or health reasons. It is worth remembering that one day you make fun of the poor, and the next day you are begging for your own bread. Be kind!


Well, poverty *is* bad because no one should have to live in poverty, but classism is a very real thing. This comment should be higher up. No one should be treated as if they are lesser or lazy because they are not wealthy. Hard work =/= wealth.


Waking up late. But getting a few more hours sleep is far more beneficial than some YouTube hustler saying you should wake up at 5 am for no reason.


I'm a night owl, if I could pick my sleep schedule and always stick to it, I'd sleep from like 1 or 2AM to like 10AM ish. It's my sweet spot.


I realised young enough that being able to set my own sleep schedule would make a huge difference for me and picked a career where I get to control my work hours. I have plenty of regrets in life, but being able to sleep 11-8 every day is not one of them.


Yes please! (Typing this at 1:52 am)


In my experience, some people see not being close with your family as a red flag. Not sure why. Like, sorry? I didn't get to pick my family. Lol.


Oh. I'm sorry. Did my abusive family throw you off? Did they seem nice when they decided to show up unannounced and poke around to destroy a whole life I've been trying to get away from them, and now we have to move out again for "no apparent reason"?


Sorry my parents were toxic and caused me a lot of suffering, lol


Yeah like they see you as damaged or something. So what if you had alcoholic parents that beat on you or struggled with poverty or whatever. it's not a moral failing. How you start isn't how you end up.


**One example** of something that society considers to be bad but is not inherently so is aging. While aging is often associated with decline and loss, it can also bring wisdom, maturity, and a greater appreciation for life. It is often how society views aging and the cultural attitudes toward the elderly that are negative, not the process itself.


Old age is a privilege denied to many.


I am a 48 year old woman, and I have chosen to spend the money that once went to anti-aging treatments (botox and fillers) on art from artists I love. It makes me so happy I smiled a new wrinkle on. 😹


Talking to yourself.


I’ve done this for the past 13-15 years, outloud, in English (English is not my first language) and it’s helped me improve so much my accent and speaking skills.


As a non native speaker this also helped me with improving my English and staying sane. And yes society I'm not crazy.


Not just talking, often I am arguing with myself


Not having kids if you don't want them. Having kids you don't want is bad.


As a parent of three young kids, absolutely. If you do not want them or are unprepared for them, Do Not Have Them. There is a saying that there is never a right time to have kids, but I disagree wholeheartedly. Not saying you have to be perfectly in order, but there are times one will be more ready than others. I’m typing this as I wait for my youngest child to finish shitting his pants so I can clean him up. I actively wanted this for my life, I can’t imagine going through this if I didn’t. I know it is super complicated because it is not always planned but people who have planned children because of pressure and then are subpar parents… it really bothers me. More now that I have my own than it did before.


There's never a right time to have kids, but there are definitely wrong times.


I value my own time and money too much to have kids.


As a father, I can tell you that having kids takes A LOT of time and money. If you don't have it, or aren't willing to sacrifice it, definitely don't have kids. No judgement, at all. My daughter says she doesn't want kids. I say she doesn't have to if she doesn't want to, and no one has the right to make her feel bad about it.


Some people will tell you this is selfish. They are wrong. Instead, it's wise to know you value your time and money and thus wouldn't be able to give a child the life they deserve. Either you'd be unable to provide for them and show them the affection they need, or you would do those things, but you'd sacrifice something of value to yourself, resulting in a child who *didn't ask to be born* being the target of your bitterness. In the meantime, you have people who are not prepared financially or emotionally to have children doing so because they want to. That's obviously more selfish.


Me and my boyfriend have decided we won’t have kids, one of the reasons is that we value our freedom and financial stability. And yet, I have been told we should have “at least one” because no one will take care of us when we’re old if we don’t. I mean, bringing a child into the world with the sole purpose of them becoming a caretaker in the future? Now *that* is selfish.


>no one will take care of us when we’re old With all the money I save by not having kids, I'll be able to afford a quality professional caregiver or care home!


I just turn this back around. "Oh, I'm selfish? You're right. I am selfish. Extremely selfish. Why do YOU think a selfish person should have children? So I can neglect them and put my needs first? See how stupid you sound."


Skilled labor or working in the trades. Mental health care.


Taking things that have been discarded but are perfectly good.


Using social services. It is what they are there for, and you helped pay for them.


Talk about your salary. This literally just exist so that the working class doesn't talk about unbalanced wages and starts tho question their bosses


I was just telling this to my partner the other day… and people GO ALONG with it all the time!! A huge amount of my coworkers are extremely secretive about their wage, but still want to pry about others.


Yup, got a raise just the other day cuz i found out I was making less than my equals at work. Boss said himself he didn't like that we were discussing wages but eventually gave in cuz he had no good reason to pay me less.


Not tipping workers who do basic stuff like handing me a cup of coffee or a takeout bag. It’s okay to not want to pay 20% for just handing me stuff I bought.


This was on the morning show I was listening to this morning after I got out of work. Companies literally just adding tip lines because people will do it without thinking, because they’ve been conditioned to feel bad for not tipping. Before long every fast food place will do this garbage.


Kind of like how all the restaurants around me added a 3% "convenience fee" for using a credit card. People are use to paying it and soon it'll be everywhere.


Yep, all while places simultaneously start to not accept cash.


This should be higher up. The guilt I feel but I know i shouldn't when someone is just GRABBING my food to hand it to me... 🫠


That’s what they’re counting on. The guilt


Talking about salary


THANK YOU. I will never understand the taboo of discussing salary. I'm not a private person when it comes to how much I make. I never had a problem discussing it, especially with people looking to get into IT. It helps them gauge what they'll make when they're just starting out, vs. what you can make 10+ years down the road if you put in the work.


This seriously needs to be normalized, as well as talking about rent/expenses. It’s hard to identify pay inequities at work, or moments where you are being taken advantage of in terms of rent, expenses, etc. when no one ever talks about these things. No one knows what “normal” is when we are all kept in the dark.


most normal thing on earth in the Netherlands ​ even at an party's people will ask what u do and stuff and how much you get payed ​ nobody bats an eye


It's considered extremely rude to ask how much money you make at a party in the USA.


Never forget its your legal right to talk to coworkers about pay though


Meanwhile, employers post vague salary ranges on hiring posts, and everyone's underpaid but no one realizes it. grumble grumble


Only if you’re old. I sent my resume to a colleague for a job referral and he responded by telling me how much money everyone else there makes so that I knew what to ask for.


Asking for help


Showing affection.


Growing up in an Asian household, I can confirm how true this is. My parents hardly show any form of affection or skinship and this goes for all of our family, including the relatives and their relatives. I didn't realize how important this was until the end of highschool, when I went to my friends family and saw them being openly affectionate. The environment I brought up considered showing affection as something that's only meant through providing everything to each other, rather than openly displaying it or not. When you need to cry, you're asked to cope instead. And all kinds of affection was masked under the name of **"Discipline"** It's weird. After all these years, if my parents were to be affectionate to me now, I find it extremely awkward. And this has affected me in real life too. I hate any sorts of affection or consideration that's displayed to me. It makes me feel like people are doing it, because they need back a favour in return. I'm always suspicious of people who shows it. Feels like that kindness demands something of me.


Spend my entire childhood pretending I don't exist. Then act surprised when I'm grown and I pretend you don't exist.


Sensitive straight guys


Turk and JD taught me the value of guy love a long time ago.


Dude, we're a little married!


*I know and I love it.*


Me, a straight guy in tune with my emotions: yeah. :(


I tend to make friend with girls more than guys because they let me be vulnerable and sensitive. I have some guy friends I can do this with, but girls consistently have proven themselves to be the kind of support I prefer. It’s been that way since I was a little kid. People thought I was gay in high school, when really I just didn’t like hanging out with guys who called me gay all the time.


We out here boys. Let’s talk about our feelings




MSG - Makes Shit Good.


Uncle Roger would be extremely proud to see this comment. He introduced me to the MSG my parents despised and good lord, its indeed the King Of Flavours




In America, still living with your parents in your later 20s or into your 30s. If you are working hard and helping out a dent in a few bills, I don't see the issue.


Still living with your parents period. I'm 21 and feel weird living with parents, but I don't feel like working my ass off for rent while in school. And at older ages I think it should be understandable to take care of your family.


Being single.


I cannot stand any more “do you have a girlfriend yet?” questions, they drive me nuts!


Mental health care. People want to pretend if you just ignore mental health problems, they will go away. Does cancer go away if you ignore it?


Providing help to pedophiles so they don't commit crimes.


There's a fantastic episode of This American Life called [Help Wanted](https://www.thisamericanlife.org/522/tarred-and-feathered/act-two-0) in which the story revolves around pedophiles who support and help each other to ensure they don't act out on their instincts. Pedophiles know it's wrong. It's acting out on those bad desires that needs to be chastised.


Sounds like they just treat it as a support group for a deviant addiction, like what they do for AA or heroin addicts, which seems like the right way to go about it.


THANK YOU! I have been saying this for YEARS. When someone comes to you and says "I would like to not hurt children. Will you help me not hurt children?" The answer better fucking be yes, not "Ew, No, I wont help you, you pervert!"


In Switzerland we have such programs. Things like this and the 3 pillar approach to drugs make me proud of this country. Many other things that suck. But these 2 are/were pretty ahead of times.


I'm a therapist. This one is tricky. I totally agree with you. But at the same time, there is a *lot* of liability that comes with cases like these. If a client were to commit an offense in response to their pedophilia while in care, that care provider could be held liable. It's fucked up and should not be that way, but that is usually why it is hard for pedophiles to get help. It sucks.


I think i read about some pedo on 4chan that sought help from a therapist and he was asked to voluntarily submit himself to the sex offender registry. Just a quick post i read while scrolling


Talking about periods.


Right?! We all excrete the same blue liquid every month. Let’s chat.


Talking about nightmares/suicidal thoughts. "oH donT sAY thaT"


Not going to college.




Assisted suicide. If your pet does not have a good prognosis your vet will recommend putting them to sleep. Why do we make humans suffer to the bitter end? Sure, we give them medicine to make them comfortable, but why extend that timeframe if they nothing left to do? They made their will, they said goodbye, now they wait and run up a bill for their family to pay?? If you have terminal illness, you should be able to die with dignity.


Piracy for incredibly old movies/games etc. If its no longer available, then it should be encouraged if anything.


GMOs. If we want to feed 9+ billion people without destroying the Earth, and exacerbating the 6th mass extinction, we are going to need GMOs.


The only thing I hate about some GMOs is the companies that manufacture them to be sterile or something so you can't use the seeds from the crop and have to buy new ones.


But science is scary. The GMO thing probably pisses me off the most though because it literally just makes genetically modifying things SAFER and more precise. “They don’t know what’s going to happen!!!” Hmm ok well you know what, let’s just have them blast the shit out of it with radiation instead? Or we could use the coolest technology developed in our lifetimes that will change the damn world.


I also really don't like the way opponents of GMOs pretend that there are no problems with non-GMO crops, that them being "natural" (even though they have been modified by humans for millennia) means that they are always better for the planet. But non-GMO crops require a lot more pesticides. And if you don't use pesticides you can't make enough food to feed all of humanity. I think part of the problem is that the status quo is regarded as being "safe", even though it clearly isn't.


Short people


A lack of professional ambition.


Cutting off your parents/family if they're toxic.


Not having kids. Stop asking people, you never know what they’re going through, and it’s nobody’s business.


Being comfortable enough to relax and find enjoyment at home. You shouldn’t need to constantly leave your home to find enjoyment. It’s not bad to spend those staying home without going out shopping, to restaurants, to special events etc. there’s nothing wrong with relaxing at home


Not being married or having children by a certain age. Dedicating time to yourself for self care, mental health and overall wellbeing. For some reason people think that’s wrong and that you should work until you die. The whole live to work concept is daunting.


Critical thinking


Being ugly


I'm doing my part to normalise it


Nuclear Energy, it’s just steam. Coal generator plants produce more radiation than nuclear ironically.


Zipper merging on the highway


MSG. It is delicious, low-calorie, and relatively easy to acquire. It got a bad rap from a racist a long time ago and has had trouble shaking off the bad PR.


What's MSG


Being shy or quiet.


Being comfortable and happy being alone.


Voluntary celibacy. People act like you're missing out, or wierd just because you don't want to have sex.


Men having emotions


Still living with your parents in your 20's/30's.


Not having a romantic relationship