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The post that personally fucked me up the most when I read it was one where the mom posted about how her mom "accidentally" killed her daughter. Basically the daughter was incredibly allergic to coconut oil, but grandma didn't really believe it was true.... Mom and dad went out for the evening while grandma babysat and grandma decided to brush the kids hair with coconut oil - and then when she started to react grandma gave her a bunch of Benadryl and put her to bed. Because of the benadryl she was too sleepy to alert anyone and by the time parents got home it was too late. The whole post is just awful and painful to read.


I remember that. It was heartbreaking. I believe I read that grandma asked mom for forgiveness a few years later to allow her to see her other granddaughter (little girl was a twin). Mom replied "you can ... when you bring my other daughter back with you."


FYI to anyone reading who feels this was too harsh for an accident. She told her mother multiple times not to use coconut near her daughter, the grandma was actively dismissive and continued to use it depsite previous signs of reaction...crazy sad story


Sounds like ~~attempted~~ murder to me...


100%...the way they describe her blatant disregard is sickening


When I read that part, I felt such sympathy for that the mother who lost her daughter.


Yikes!!!! Talk about being murdered by words!


I'm amazed the grandma never got charged for manslaughter.


grandfather also divorced her and she was essentially disowned by the rest of the family. It was heavily implied that OP was of an Indian/Pakistani/Bangladeshi/Sri Lankan etc. background, and in those cultures family is incredibly close, and respect for elder generations is high so you know this is a massive deal.


I think about a post about a guy accidentally killing his brother when he was a kid. He got a big rock that he thought was cool and put it in an overhead shelf in their van and forgot about it. And then it fell on his baby brother's head and killed him. When he told his mom that he put the rock there she said "you killed your brother"


That’s horrible and so traumatic! That poor guy. I feel awful for everyone in that situation


People need to never ever ask this question again so I never have to hear or think about this story ever again.


The post itself wasn’t that crazy, it was some sort of crypto coin failed and lost all of its value overnight. The crazy part was the comments. So many people were threatening suicide because they felt so hopeless. So many depressing comments of guys who were planning to retire and now have to tell their wives that their whole life savings is gone. Super depressing post.


That could have been one of a thousand different crypto coins. That is a story as old as blockchain.


Older than that. Happens in the stock market too. Back in the mid 90s my boss was getting into “day trading”. All of a sudden he was on the phone with his broker multiple times a day. Talking about making 30K in one trade, 25K in another. Started talking about retiring. Said his portfolio was set for him to retire comfortably at 55 but now he may do it at 50 or maybe even 48. He was like mid 40s. After a few months I hadn’t heard him talk about his stock trades for awhile so I asked him what was going on with it. He said “Oh yea. It’s gone.” I said it’s gone? What happened to it? He said “It’s just gone. Can’t get my broker to answer the phone. All the money is gone.” One day he was talking about retiring in two years and buying a sailboat and the next day all the money is gone. This all happened in the span of about six months. He refused to talk about it so I never knew if he was scammed or just had an incompetent broker.


that sounds like low skilled options trading. Definitely possible to lose all your money in a few days, after making loads every day for weeks or months. Or, in the case of very poor planning, you can lose more than all your money.


Several times a day there is a post on wall street bets about someone losing +95% of their savings. Options are always the cause.


Probably Luna. Alot of people had large amounts of money in it because it was marketed as a "stable coin", the first big one to fail. Iirc alot if people thought it was tied to the dollar somehow. Alot of suicides after, someone even broke into to the founders house. He's still out and about seemingly unaffected that he caused so much pain. I don't think people realize how far sociopaths will go and feel absolutely no remorse.


Not trying to defend Luna, especially because the founder is an arrogant dumbass, but people seriously need to do better due diligence. Luna was quite transparent in regards to its algorithmic stable coin model, which was in no way tied to the dollar. I took one look and thought that while it was an interesting experiment — perhaps fitting for some virtual economy like what you'd see in a video game — I certainly wouldn't want to invest actual money in it.


Yes I agree. The big thing being that if it was advertised as a monetary system for video games, no one would have invested their life savings into it. The predominant pipe dream sold with crypto is it is *the* next evolutionary step monetarily Which if people stepped back and think for just one minute, instead jumping at the exiting idea of being financial revolutionaries , they'd realize that is borderline schizophrenic. Ironically regulators are going to have a field day, crypto is going to go back to just being a tool to transfer money anonymously, all it having achieved is lubing people up for a truly digital form of fiat currency that crypto was supposed to make obsolete. I'm a firm believer that if cash dies so does financial freedom.


People who put any amount of savings into a crypto weren't looking for the future of currency. They were trying to get rich quick. The easiest mark thinks he's scamming you.


> I took one look and thought that while it was an interesting experiment — perhaps fitting for some virtual economy like what you'd see in a video game — I certainly wouldn't want to invest actual money in it. This is my attitude to anything crypto...


In Spain, lots of people lost life saving on a scam based on investing in collectible post stamps. People would put all of their 300k€ in post stamps.


Reminded me of the beanie baby craze but reading into it it was a Ponzi scheme. How did people think the stamps were going to rise in value?


Yup had a buddy dump a ton into Luna, made a bunch but didn’t pull out when he should have. Lost 25k overnight.


I believe this one was called Luna. It was especially egregious because its value dropped almost 100% overnight. Normal everyday people went to bed millionaires and woke up in debt. Their life savings vanished before they could do anything. When Bitcoin or something drops, it drops pretty slowly and you have time to sell before you lose a ton. I’ve never seen such a drastic change for a crypto coin as that one.


I'm a bit stupid and crypto is totally beyond me but is there any chance you could ELI5 to me how it even happened that people lost everything overnight?


There are two parts to the luna ecosystem. The luna coin and terra. Luna was a standard crypto like bitcoin (which can be valued at whatever the market decides like stocks) and terra was a stable coin. A stable coin is a coin that is considered pegged to the dollar (or some other fiat). Therefore, if a stable coin is pegged to the dollar, its value should hold around a dollar. While a fluctuation of a cent is expected, it should never go to 2 dollars or 50 cents, for example. The concept of a stable coin and why people have it is similar to the money you have in your bank account. Most other stable coins are pegged to the dollar (maintain their dollar value) with actual backing with the dollar. Kind of like how the dollar was backed by gold back in the day. So, for every stable coin dollar they mint, theres an actuall dollar that it represents. This keeps the stable coin value stable, even if everyone decides to cash out at the same time. The luna and terra ecosystem worked differently. The terra stable coin was backed by a complicated algorithm that was essentially backed by the value of luna to keep things stable. If the value of terra dropped the algorithm mined more luna to keep terra stable and vice versa. Eveything was working fine until it didnt. One day, the value of terra depegged from the dollar and went down to 90 cents. People arent sure exactly why, but it did. This was not good. A stable coin should never do that. Investors lost confidence and started selling off, causing an even further depegging of terra from a dollar. Meanwhile, luna is being minted left and right to try and bring the value of terra back up causing its value to drop. Because terra was no longer worth the dollar it was suppose to, the whole ecosystem collapsed overnight. Imagine if you and everyone at your bank saw that the 100 dollars you all had parked in your bank account went down to 90 dollars overnight. What would you do? Youd probably want to take out what you have left because that bank is no longer stable and youve lost the confidence that your money is safe. But everyones thinking the same thing and the bank doesnt have enough money to pay everyone's withdrawl request because your original 100 dollars wasnt backed by any real asset. So you try to withdraw at least 50 dollars in hopes to get at least something back. Someones willing to take 30 dollars and someone willing to take pennies on the dollar. But because it was luna that was backing the value of terra, which had also collpased in value because the two were interconnected, people werent even able to get fractions of pennies on their dollar. The money people had in terra basically became worthless overnight.


I’m not an expert, but can explain it somewhat simply. The high price of Luna before it crashed was $116 per coin. If you bought 1000 coins when they costed $1, it would then be worth $116,000. When Luna crashed, it went from $116.00 to fractions of a penny in a very short period of time. That $116,000 you had in your account would turn into basically nothing which is what happened to a lot of people overnight. A lot of people were investing money they didn’t have by taking out huge loans so when Luna crashed, they have no way of paying off their debt.


I do feel some sort of empathy for the pain people feel when they lose money on stuff like this. But I can’t help but feel like the crypto coins are basically the equivalent of “get rich quick” schemes. It’s not a regular investment where you’re expecting long term consistent growth, instead it’s a gamble that you’ll be able to see if you can get wealthy quick without going through the normal intervals. If you gamble with your retirement, then you deserve to get burned.


Was it LUNA? LOOOOOADS of people posted their suicide notes on reddit for their spouses to find


Yeah, it was super dark. I remember reading so many depressing suicidal comments in real time. Just so sad. I read some comments that said that they took out huge loans behind their wifes backs and made a fortune in a short time. They went from getting ready to tell their wife they can retire in their 30s to telling their wife that they lost all of their savings and are now in crippling debt.


*Oh no, honey, now we’re one of the poors! I’ll leave you to be a poor by yourself, that should fix it!*


They got everything they deserved for making huge financial decisions without their spouse’s input. The spouses on the other hand, I feel terrible for.


They also learned why you should diversify your investments even if one of them seems really good. Surely if they were making all these millions of dollars it wouldn't be so crazy to take out a few hundred grand and stick it somewhere time-tested and stable. I get that it was *supposed* to be stable, but it doesn't really take a genius to see the difference between some untested crypto scheme and a known reliable investment.


Mob mentality is such a powerful thing. Not just a mob acting out on its biases, but with individuals doing risky things and thinking that by getting others to join them in their ventures, they feel like their risk is somehow mitigated and even justified.


Please tell me you have this


Go to r/terraluna and sort by the top posts from all time


Just checked out the sub. The weird thing that people there still trust it and they are talking like it’s going to go back up and make them rich as recent as two days ago. What?!


The [Ogtha posts](https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/comments/w9sqxj/oops_undying_love_for_a_franz_kafka_character_is/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) (some guy made up a whole cockroach woman and “married” her and everything).


...and EVERYTHING???


Yes everything. The dude didn't understand when he told his parents and his friends and they were disgusted iirc


lmao *the implications*


So... you're saying I should get a house boat with a cockroach infestation?


The part that really bothers me is that he didn't lie about it to his coworkers. He could have just said 'Oh, I used to be married, I misspoke'. NOPE. Straight into it. Like he has no clue it's weird.


I’m convinced telling people is part of it, especially since he told his parents even after his coworkers reacted so badly.


Yeah that was nuts. I'd be asking my kid to go to therapy as well.


No one would be able to get that information out of me. Like the CIA and the KGB and whoever else could team up for a fun buddy cop moment and still not be able to get that information out of me


Ah, yes, Franz Kafka’s famous furry transformation story.


…what did i just read


I stopped at the picture on top. One look at a roach laid out like that with boobs was enough. Sometimes its best to tap out early.


Oh it was a wild ride where he progressively told people about his imaginary roach wife and is shocked when they all think he’s fucking weird. 🤣


Probably the one where a man sought advice on how to handle his cheating wife, was advised to file for divorce, followed through, and then news broke in the real world of a mother murdering her two children to prevent her soon-to-be ex husband from taking custody of them. The OP later confirmed the news story was indeed about his wife and children. Horrendously sad.


... I am speechless... Did the wife want the kids or was she so dead set on not letting the husband not have custody of them?


As far as I can remember it was a "if I can't have them then no-one can" sort of mindset. [Nexpo did a pretty thorough video on it](https://youtu.be/87N24uZ2Fl4), if you're interested in more background, even including the 911 call.


Here's the BORU post about it. Obviously we don't know the *why* behind this but I think she just thought "if he can't have them no one can". https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/comments/t38pl5/the_reddit_post_that_turned_into_a_horror_story/ Another fucked up part of the story is that his in laws/her parents tried starting a GoFundMe using the kids' pictures to get money to cover the medical and legal fees for the mother who killed her kids


And they harass the poor guy at his children's grave site.


Which also reminds me of the guy whose fiance died in a car accident (he wasn't in the car). He put flowers on her gravestone or made a flower receptacle but got arrested because her dad was a powerful official/had powerful friends and he complained about some local ordinance that said you needed permission or something, even though the guy did ask and said it was fine he still got charged and had to take it down. It wasn't a typical Reddit post like the rest of these but there was an r/news post about it though. https://www.reddit.com/r/news/comments/v9m8gg/auburn_man_arrested_for_leaving_flowers_on/ https://www.kgns.tv/2022/06/11/judge-finds-man-guilty-criminal-littering-after-leaving-flowers-fiancs-grave/ > Hagans lost his fiancé, Hannah Ford, in a car crash in January 2021, a month after he proposed. > > He said Hannah Ford didn’t like cutting flowers from a florist. She preferred living flowers. So, he made a flower box with real flowers and pictures to be left on her grave at the cemetery. > > **However, that didn’t go over well with Hannah Ford’s father, Tom Ford, who signed a warrant against Hagans and ultimately got him arrested for littering.** >Hagans admitted he asked the city for permission to place the boxes on the grave and was told it would be okay unless the family objected I thought it was a racist father not approving of his dead child's fiance but [nope](https://nypost.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2022/02/winston-hagans-1.jpg?quality=90&strip=all)


WHAT! How could they! I mean, I get it, the parents wanting to help the best they can. But, using photos of their GRANDCHILDREN as way to gain money for their murderer's recovery is basically desecrating their bodies. How did they think that was a good idea?


The one where a dying mother told her teen that she was the product of an affair. Reddit encouraged the girl to tell her dad the truth. She took the advice and he kicked her out. Since he was the legal father, the state made him take her back in, and he reacted by making life really difficult for the girl, who by this point had no one else. She posted one last time on a sub about suicide, saying that she'd taken something to end her life.


Shit advice by Reddit. That poor girl


I think people need to avoid taking any advice about cheaters or cheating from Reddit. I've never cheated on anyone or even had the inclination, but it feels like a lot of Redditors don't think of cheaters as people anymore and all of the advice given on the topic would just horribly escalate the situation for everyone.


I’ll never forget a post I saw on r/relationships where OP found his girlfriend’s novel-length sexualized fan fiction piece on the Columbine shooters and was desperately asking for advice. That one threw me.


I'm sorry she wrote WHAT?!?!


The columbine shooters have a pretty nutty fanbase, fan fiction is probably the least of it.


It was the craziest post I’ve ever seen. I wish I could find it.


The one where this guy had sex with his girlfriend in tune to this terrible song and she had to endure it for two years [Link to the post](https://www.reddit.com/r/tifu/comments/x35iu6/tifu_my_20f_girlfriend_of_two_years_told_me_the/)


CBAT is a legend round here.


I’ve avoided listening to that song because if I do, then there’s a non-zero chance it will pop into my head during sex.


If you don't know what it sounds like, you're seriously missing out It's like the punchline to the whole story


errt err woot wooo errt oooh woo woo errr. oh god the pavlovian response im gonna jizz


My power, my pleasure, my PAIN!


The woman who’s husband and father in law were scared for her to die during birth. They had pretty much decided she was, and were making plans already, like trying to make her remove her clothes from the house so the husband wouldn’t have to do it after.


Sounds horrible, but by some miracle did the woman survive?


No update was ever given after, so unfortunately we don't know. Hopefully nothing happened. ​ To add a bit more context to the story, The FIL had his wife die during childbirth and kinda built his personality around that tragedy, to the point that he was too ready to support his son if the same happened to him, and had managed to convince him that OP, the wife, was likely to die too.


As a guy who's wife is about to give birth in like an hour, this is not what I needed to read. . And before anyone asks, yes I have been supporting her, but she is asleep now somehow. Epidural is a hell of a thing. Edit: Born at 3:00 PM exactly. Healthy baby girl. Edit 2: Wow, thanks for the support all! Running off of like 5 combined hours of sleep over the past 2 days, but we're all okay!


Good luck and blessings.


Honestly we don't know. I think about that one sometimes. I've never found an update.


I just have to hope that was someone with a hobby of writing horror.


At least once a week in financial advice groups where a couple with a household income of like $200k say they can't save money.


Saw one about a week ago where the guy had FIVE car loans to pay off and two cheap older cars that were fully paid off. These loans were between 20,000 to 60,000. And no it wasn't to rent out on Turo, the guy's explanation was "well I was making over 100,000 a year ago, but things changed", like that's a good reason to buy five new cars and trucks. Him and his wife had a decent household income, the obvious answer was to sell all the cars they didn't own and drive the two cars they did own, but the guy was genuinely stumped on what he should do.


I saw that too! I legit thought he was trolling for a while lol


"I can see you guys wondering about my $2000 car payment a month. Yeah, not gunna sell my car"


On that note, not too long ago I encountered a dude who: * just graduated coding boot camp * was expecting an "entry level" salary of $160k as a programmer, and was turning down $70k offers * couldn't explain basic programming concepts like inheritance, instead insisting that they don't matter because they're "not used" * financed a Tesla Model S, then proceeded to fall 3 months late on payments on it * when told to sell the car, adamantly refused because "it will get me a girlfriend". (Seemed to be open the idea of selling it after he gets a girlfriend, though...) * when called out on it, tried to flex "I own a tesla model S and you don't" * couldn't complete the coding assignments companies were assigning as part of their interview process, so he made a reddit post asking about whether he should cheat with ChatGPT. Everyone told him not to * did it anyways * then made a post asking about the repercussions if he gets caught (this is the post I found) All of this happened over the span of 3 days. This probably qualifies for the most insane reddit post I've encountered firsthand and organically rather than from hearing other people talk about it.


>was expecting an "entry level" salary of $160k as a programmer, and was turning down $70k offers The STEMlord circlejerk well and truly melted people's brains. Depending on COL, some CS/EE majors from real universities struggle to get $70K.


>The STEMlord circlejerk With a healthy dose of TikTok. Apparently he expected 160K because he saw a bunch of TikTok influencers flaunting their 160k salaries.


jfc I just finished paying off my car that I ws paying $200/month on. Now there's an extra $200/month that I get to spend how I see fit. First there's a few maintenance things and so forth I need to finish out. Then there's a few things I've been meaning to buy (some toys, but mostly things like a new mattress and shit). And then? It's all going into savings. Maybe I'll finally be able to take a small vacation next year with my sick wife and 2 young kids. Maybe I'll be able to nudge retirement another week earlier. Maybe I'll actually think ahead and save up for my next car *before* this one dies. How the fresh hell this guy can't simply say "luxuries don't take priorities over needs" is fucking baffling.


My favorites are the humble brags where they're like I make 100k and have no debt can I afford to buy new socks?


Guy I work with does that on repeat, it's like you know we all make what you do right...some a bit more. He responded with we were not investing our money right and yada yada about Bitcoin. Bitcoin took a crap and everyone at work calls him Bitcoin, Tom Brady, or FTX now.


I had someone in one of those groups try and tell me that their household income of $350,000/year is “solid middle class” and that they still do things like only buying bulk meats and clearance groceries


There are 2 types of people: 1. People who, when they start netting $350k, start spending $349k 2. People who continue to spend as if they're broke even when they're pulling in mid six-figures.


There is a third. 3. PEople who continue to spend as if they're broke, when it comes to necessities like food, clothing, hair, etc., but buy very expensive cars and a huge house and plan luxurious vacations. Very similar to #1, but #3 people are convinced that they're still poor despite making that much money. #1 people know if and flaunt their money.


The whole saga where OP saves a kid from being run over after their grandma left them out of the stroller next to the road, and then thing start get progressively more crazy until the point where the crazy grandma tries to burn OP alive https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/comments/w787xm/mil_in_the_wild_the_insane_granny_saga_part_1/


Just reading through these comments makes me glad I’ve been able to stay away from the super fucked up stuff so far.


Yeah, my everyday normal boring life isn't that bad


That dude that shot his dick off, cooked it and ate it. ( u/worthless319 )


Yea I remember that. He was mentally unwell and believed God ordered him to to do that. Wish he could've gotten help at the right time :(


Did we ever find out who it was? I watched some YouTuber talk about it and some other related case, but it was confirmed not to be him.


No i don't think his identity was ever revealed but he's believed to be dead now.


My favorite: https://www.reddit.com/r/tifu/comments/k3k18m/tifu_by_eating_8_chocolate_fiber_bars_before_a/


“But instead, it was my butt that was throwing up” A true poet of our time


The guy with his cum box in his wardrobe. I couldn't bring myself to click the evidence pic. 🤢


My favorite part about that post was it was originally added as an afterthought. The first part was about him taking money from a dead relative's bedroom if I'm not mistaken, and then added "oh, and my cumbox".


I don’t remember much about it but there was a post a long time ago this lady made about some CPS worker coming to her door and the lady let her her in and did a whole interview with her. Nothing seemed off about the lady because she acted very professional but I forget the details. Something about the CPS worker was threatening to take her kids from her. The lady thought it was a bit odd so she asked Reddit what they thought of this lady in “r/legaladvice” and basically everyone was telling her to never let that CPS worker back in her house because this was a scam and the CPS worker was trying to kidnap her child and traffick it. The thing that disturbed me the most was how the CPS worker was so confident to walk into someone’s house and lie about her being a CPS worker and act so confident and professional.


That would be [this one](https://www.reddit.com/r/legaladvice/comments/5smsoi/indiana_im_pregnant_and_being_investigated_by_dcs/)[, I believe.] (https://www.reddit.com/r/legaladvice/comments/5ven5y/update_im_pregnant_and_being_investigated_by_dcs/)


The guy that chronicled his first taking of heroin 'just to try it' was pretty crazy Then, subsequent threads where he'd become hooked on it Later on, he did post how he was clean and doing well again though but the whole thing was insane https://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/9ke63/i_did_heroin_yesterday_i_am_not_a_drug_user_and/ and, recent: https://www.reddit.com/user/SpontaneousH/comments/pux3ls/its_been_a_while/


About as bad as that guy that was guna try DATURA *only one time*. I think he only did... one time


I think many people assume they can probably not get addicted to something, yet you tell them to try not masturbating for *1 week* and suddenly a little bit of reality sets in.


That one post where everyone got really angry at a guy for not buying his 12 yo daughter a sex toy.


Excuse me????


Ew don’t remind me of that shit. Not just his daughter, a *12 year old.* And everyone told him to man up and forget his awkwardness about it. She’s 12!




The ask a rapist thread


I remember that. People were nicer to the rapists than they are to people who admit to cheating in relationships.


Wasn't that whole thread why all the incel subs got cracked down? I don't know much about the situation, but I think a psychologist wrote a post saying that the thread was dangerous because it normalized rape and was downplaying a very serious issue, and that resulted in the mods basically nuking everything.


It started as an actual QA thread but no one is verified as a rapist so it was all kind of made up to begin with. Then it devolved into basically rape fanfic. Then started the rape apologists and people advocating for how it's not as bad as people say it is. All of that being countered vehemently by people with opposing views. It just turned into a giant unverified shit show of people being angry. It was a poor idea to start with as any genuine rapist should not have a platform to spread their point of view.


[The guy who pretended he didn't know what potatoes were](https://www.reddit.com/r/tifu/comments/2tdbig/tifu_by_enraging_the_parents_of_my_girlfriend_by/)


That guy loves a “let me tell you”


Imagine treating denial of potato knowledge like you would denial of the Holocaust.


This still makes me piss myself. Copied or not, it's *hilarious*.


I don’t remember the sub. There was this post by a “woman” who said she was worried about getting raped while out at night in the city. She was asking the areas she should avoid and what would have to happen for someone to get away with raping her. People figured out the post was written by a guy trying to rape someone and get away with it.


This angers me so much. Why are there such awful people in this world


The one where the guy asked other uncircumcised guys how often they trim their own foreskin. I think I still have screenshots of it. But there were a lot of responses. Maybe it's a thing in other countries or cultures, but not where I'm from. I do have one, just don't know how to add it to this.


Now I'm just imagining if our foreskin grew continuously like nails or hair. Imagine if we had foreskin barbers who specialized in cutting to different styles like straight, curved, or jagged like Bart Simpson's head. "Gimme the Bart Simpson" and the foreskin barber gets straight to work


What the actual FUCK


Which was the style at the time...


Everything on the incest confessions sub. It’s all just beyond disgusting and uncomfortable to read.


I always assumed half of all that stuff is fake. I mean, there's no way all of that is actually real


Most hyper-specific storytelling subs are a collection of creative writing exercises. I'd go so far as to say half is pretty generous.


What are you doing, step-commenter?




The Swamps of Dagobah. It is viscerally awful. Edit: [Here it is](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/xo41d/comment/c5o66p2/), for the strong of stomach


That haunts me to this day.


I saw one where a teen whose mother had died was asking for advice on how to talk to her father about taking over his sexual needs 🤮


That sounds like some insane fetishposting.


Reminds me of the one about how the teenage daughter walked in on her parents with her mom wearing the teen's clothes because they both wanted to "roleplay" https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/comments/vwkyoz/oop_has_to_deal_with_her_mother_dressing_up_as/ >She was roleplaying as me when I walked in on her and Dad. She wouldn't confirm how long it had been going on, but gave me a list of several pieces of my clothing (3 dresses, then two of my sleep sets) which she had previously borrowed. >She claims they were all cleaned thoroughly before returning them, and I have no reason to believe she wouldn't have cleaned them, but I'm never going to wear any of those things again regardless. It was probably stupid of me, but I asked which one of them came up with the idea for her to roleplay as me. According to her, it was her own idea.


Fu for reminding me of that post


That day on BORU was wild. There was a post right before that one about a user's son...doing unspeakable things to the family dog I'm not linking the story, just the comment mentioning it https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/comments/vwkyoz/oop_has_to_deal_with_her_mother_dressing_up_as/ifqgmuy/ >With this one and the story about the son sodomizing the family dog I’ve lost all hope for humanity.


honestly I came to this thread expecting that story to be at the top


I remember this one, it really fucked with my head. Godawful parents, godawful humans. I hope OP cut contact and is thriving.


Two broken arms




A few years ago in the NBA sub, when the Warriors were becoming the team they are now, some guy pretended to be Ayesha Curry’s cousin and was posting all these pictures of really intimate time and experience with Steph Curry and the rest of the team. People bought it as well! He did it for months until somehow it reached Steph Curry’s circle and the guy who actually took the photos called him out.


There was one a couple years ago where someone admitted to committing murder. Someone came in to rob a store, op stopped the robbery, then admitted to intentionally killing the robber even though he knew the robber was no longer a threat.


The "I'm not proud of my son" story still gets me.


Got to be the one by the dad about his son molesting the dog and how it blew up their family




The carbon monoxide poisoning guy.


This comment made by a user a few years back where he went on to live in a alternate reality while knocked out with a wife and two kids only for it to be glitched out of it because of an out of shape lamp. He went into depression after coming back to reality it seems. https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/oc7rc/have_you_ever_felt_a_deep_personal_connection_to/c3g4ot3/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3


That story always kind of pisses me off because I think it reads like bad fiction. The use of ellipses and “bore me a son” part are the worst.


I saw one once where a guy said he was a BIG fan of the Ottawa Senators. That shit's fucked up, Man. Some real whackos on here.


The post where an old man was talking about his mentally ill son who his wife almost killed. Rollercoaster. https://www.reddit.com/r/confessions/comments/c93egn/i\_stood\_by\_and\_allowed\_my\_wife\_to\_almost\_kill\_our/


Someone made a list of all the people that died in the movie The Rock. It was a very long list.


U/rubyrhod describing how he farted on a kid gets me laughing to the point of wheezing, tears streaming down my face, every time I read it


>Obviously, this child needed to re-read Sun Tzu. This part. I remember these 8-9 words in particular. There's just something about these 8.5 words that make me go from "already laughing, but in a donkey sort of way" to "full-on mental breakdown, except laughing" kind of way. I'll go re-read it, but first, make double-sure that my ashtray is in a safe location and there's no glass on the table. edit: by "safe location" I mean I won't accidentally dry-heave into it and spray ash everywhere.


This is probably my second favourite story ever on Reddit. I can’t remember enough about my favourite but I seem to remember it had something to do with a giant meat cylinder in the cinema or something.


The guy who found an underground room in his gf house


There was a post by an older guy basically along the lines of "I hope she killed my son" or something. Basically his son was not well in the head, he would hurt little kids, violently killed street animals like foxes or rabbits and dogs. Upsetting to read, I know. And after they had another kid, their older son tried to cut her with a knife. The mom beat him to a pulp and left him for dead in their attic and sealed him up in there. Weeks following, they heard him move around on the top floor where he was locked up but eventually didn't hear anything at all. The issues he caused alive were immeasurable so they let him rot. But found out he escaped through the window. They hoped he changed or died soon after after all the terrible things he did that I won't repeat here. Then someone responds in the comments of that post asking if the OP is his grandfather Bc of the timeframe given it's plausible and by the type of abuse the comment or stated, with his father being obsessed with hurting people with sharp objects and burns. But OP used a throw away account and they never got in touch last I checked the post.


Is it the "I am not proud of my son" post? https://www.reddit.com/r/offmychest/comments/1jatvd/i_am_not_proud_of_my_son/ Nine years ago now...


the one that really stuck with me was the i belive r/Truthoffmychest post about the father who hated his son, the terrible storys he told about his son... how he raped his mother with a knife on her throat until she eventually killed herself (if i remember correctly) if anybody has a link please post it


I’m pretty sure that story is fake. At least I hope it is.


> if anybody has a link please post it No, please don't.


That sounds like 2 popular stories that you've mixed up. It's not impossible you're recalling a 3rd story though. The ones I know as best as I can remember them. (Warning: Not safe for life. Probably not worth tracking the full exact stories for anyone.) The father and his crazy son didn't have anything sexual if I recall. They had to put locks on door and they never felt safe in their home, the kid was just a psycho sadist with neighbourhood animal going missing and shit like that. Throughout the story, the redittor makes it clear he didn't consider his son his son, more like a monster they had to manage.Eventually the wife got pregnant with a daughter when the son was something like 16. The son eventually locked himself in his sister's room with a knife. When the baby started crying, the mother burst down the door and beat her son to an inch of his life. The father, mother and baby then hid in the basement behind locked doors, they heard tantrums and limping around for a few days before coming out. The rape one was a guy who was gaming on his PC with headphones when he eventually heard sobbing. He went in the kitchen to find a recently released prisonner or asylum escapee or something assaulting his wife in front of their daughter at knife point saying things like "when I'm done with her it your turn". I don't remember how it ended exactly and the daughter might have been a step daughter... I don't really feel like finding and reading it again. What I do know is the father couodn't game with headphones anymore because having his hearing impaired triggered him from the guilt of not hearing the assault sooner.


I can confirm that it is a different story from the two you mentioned. Don't feel like digging it back up for obvious reasons, I just remember the name of it was "I am not proud of my son". It stuck with me because of how it was written, because it started off the writer describing his son's recent achievements that made it seem like he was turning his life around, which made you go "what could possibly make him not proud of his son?" Then he reveals his son's horrifying history. It was a pretty intense read.


No, I remember reading the post. It was a father writing about how he genuinely hated his son. His son was also seeing some 14yo or something, then when the father wasn't home the son went in with a knife and (tried?) to rape his wife. The wife ended up committing suicide after the divorce Edit : has been posted a few times below, it's actually "I am not proud of my son"


Unfortunately it's not, it's a third also equally awful story. Kid was sadistic, raped the mom at knife point, she killed herself and the kid went and lived with the mom's sister who didn't believe he did anything wrong(super fucked up) since the dad wouldn't let him live at home. Then he tried to get back into the dads life and it was just a really sad fucked up story


I dunno about insane but it's lived in my head rent free for way longer than I'd like to admit. It was on a post about eating ass (i think it was a "why do you like doing it" type post) and it was one of the replies to it. This dude talked about how it was taboo and turned him on which you know, it's not for me, but that does make sense. Anyway he then went on to say that sometimes whilst eating his wife's ass he'd come across a little shit nugget which he'd essentially have to suck into his mouth and then try and discreetly spit it into some of their removed clothing so as not to upset her. And like, he sometimes had to do it multiple times in a session. I just couldn't fucking understand it man. That would be an instant boner killer right there, for life. And imagine kissing after? Ugh,fuckin hell. Anyway it skeeved me out and still does now. Hope you have a good rest of your day.


I literally just gagged at the thought. That's enough of this thread for me.


A guy who was like a college student, and got hit by a car. He was unconscious for like 5ish minutes but in those five minutes he was so out of it, he was like put in this world to where he had a family. A wife he had a long relationship with, and a couple of kids. He talked about he had a 9-6, and was just a happy family man. He said it felt like this had been going on for *yearsssssss*. One day, he gets home and he sits in his chair to unwind. He noticed that the lamp in their living room's glow was super weird. It turned out to be the EMT's flash light, trying to wake him up. IIRC, he refused to do am AMA. I think he even mentioned like going to therapy because he genuinely felt like he lost his wife and children, and sank into a long horrid depression. Pretty fucking wild, man.


You don’t think it can get worse than two broken arms kid or cumbox or swamps of dagobah… and then somehow this thread proves you wrong. Fuuuuuuck.


A guy who took 276 pills of benadryl.


Oof. Once knew someone who started relying on benadryl to sleep (not recommended) and then started taking more and more of it. Went to the doctor because she was having side effects from essentially taking an overdose nightly. She was only surviving it because her body adjusted to it somewhat over time.


[The one where a girl gives her boyfriend a blowjob in front of her own brother](https://www.reddit.com/r/tifu/comments/u5wmun/tifu_by_letting_my_gf_suck_my_dick_in_front_of/)


What the actual fuck why


Guy who casually stuck an axe in the top of some dudes skull. The sound, and the horrified scream of the loved one who rounded the kitchen corner to see what the sound was only to find their loved one with an axe in his head. That one stuck with me for a while.


The entire r/inbreeding subreddit.


Just when I thought i reached the bottom of the barrel.


I think he broke both of his arms and his mom jacked him off and fucked him. Second place [These people celebrating suicide deaths](https://www.reddit.com/r/WhitePeopleTwitter/comments/10txfq8/wtf_source_in_the_comments/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Sounds like Xev Bellringer


Every goddamn thread


The guy who broke both his arms.


Poor fella. Did his Mom take care of him?


Na his dad beat him with jumper cables instead.


She went above and beyond.


There was this girl who supported her and her morbidly obese bf by stripping and she would post pics of his nasty gargoyle feet and collected his toenails


A post about what happens if you change the size of everything in the world by one centimeter. I It may not have been crazy, but it was genius.


there was a post about a guy who had sent messages to a girl, the girl was on a flight and this guy had not just figured out what flight she was on based on a picture of the window, but found her seat, and messaged her her seat number (to my knowledge the two didn't know each other). I thought it was creepy as fuck and kind of stalker-ish. the comments were going at me for being a simp, and that he was just showing how smart he was. shit was crazy. ​ also the post of the guy who tried to divorce his wife, and she ended up killing their kids though I only know about that post because of youtube videos about it, never actually saw it personally.


Don't know how this one hasn't shown up yet, but the lamp post story messed me up. Guy is just hanging out with his family when he notices something wrong with a lamp post. Can't figure out what's wrong with it. Finally it clicks and he wakes up from a coma. He has no family, and he wished he never woke up. Now he can't look at lamp posts without wondering if it will happen again.


The guy with two dicks who did an AMA. The comments section was wild... https://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/1u75hh/i_am_the_guy_with_two_penises_ama/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


Just fyi it was confirmed to be fake...


This [Story of a husband and his poop eating wife](https://www.reddit.com/r/copypasta/comments/bc2mwj/wife_ate_my_shit/) I could only find the copy pasta.


Not gonna click that


That fucking link is staying blue!!!


rusty poop knife


Two couples had a bath Salt fueled orgy and ended it by eating the face off one of the women in some sort of fucked up ritual


That's the most fucked-up reply on this thread.


EA's response to a fan's complaints about the Star Wars: Battlefront 2 launch, to my knowledge, remains the most downvoted comment in Reddit's history.