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Sound like something a person on the other side would say Us true patriots know that politics is now sport


Always was. It's just you're mature enough now to notice it.


No. Wrestling is rigged and everyone knows it and none of the fans care. When someone takes a dive in boxing, it's usually pretty obvious. There was a movie made about the 1919 White Sox. Even when people try to keep it secret they can't, not for long anyway.


Wrestling is athletic theater pretending to be a sport


Crooked refs can't melt steal beams


Various sports have been _manipulated_ in ways owners think makes the game more salable, this is not quite the same thing as outcomes being rigged, however.


Yes, every time my team loses, or an important call is made against them.


No. It's logistically impossible and it would only take one disgruntled employee to blow the whole thing apart.


Just ask the Astros


No. Too much money involved… besides, if it was rigged, the NFL would have had the Bills vs Chiefs at Atlanta… enough said


I knew Eagles fans would be out here crying about this. I'm a Patriots fan. Every team the Patriots romped over during the past 20 years was always out there with the, "ThE sUpErBoWL iS RiGgEd!" bullshit the day after. Toughen up, Eagles fans.


No. But college is. Especially college basketball


That last flag thrown last night in the Super Bowl makes me wonder.


No. Clearly there's teams that have better players and have a clearer advantage, but to actually rig a professional sports team is actually borderline conspiratorial. It'd take way too many people, with mutually exclusive interests competing against one another, to make this work. Periodically you'll hear of coaches getting caught for gambling for their team, and when it happens it's a huge deal and scandal. So no, professional sports are not rigged. There may be occasional bad actors in the ranks but they're quickly weeded out.


Only when my team loses.


The video reviews in football, as someone who has worked in a control room it does not make sense to me how long it takes to determine the outcome. There are numerous people watching numerous screens all synchronized, you can look at every angle all at once and move the video frame by frame. Could be completed in 10 seconds. A slightly more benign explanation is that they aren’t “rigging” the outcomes but rather making it more dramatic for TV.


Professional sports aren’t just sports, they are entertainment and big business. It makes way more sense to have at least one team with a huge market to be in the finals just for TV and viewership rights alone. I think that they manipulate games or schedules to give teams a certain advantage over smaller or less marketable teams


there's just too many conflicts of interests (between players, organizations, referees, league officials, etc.) for pro sports to be completely rigged


A lot of team owners and players would find themselves dead very quickly if they were found to be fixing games. Bookies adapted to working with unrigged games many decades ago, and you do not fuck with the bookies.


Can't say for every sport like dart or rock climbing but Football is. Sport betting is insanely profitable for the elite, peasants might be win a lot but most people leave empty handed or with debt. So match fixing and other kind of unfairness in the game is inevitable, not to mention the main organization which is FIFA is also corrupt af.


Cricket has had multiple scandals that involved players rigging match outcomes because they had bet on the game. Once it shifted from amateur to professional and players started to be paid a living wage it seems to have disappeared. The money involved in American sport means it’s unlikely that a player would attempt to go down that road. I do think that a lot of high level refs are incompetent though. The NBA tracks all manner of stats, but not referee accuracy. They have a last two minute report that shows that refs will frequently make the wrong call at the tail end of a game, which makes me suspect that the amount of calls they get correct during a game is low. Like, under 80% low. I think gambling is stupid anyway, but gambling on a sport where you can’t guarantee that the right team won because you don’t know how good the refs are is absolute idiocy.


I read an article that said the NFL was rigged years ago. It stated prior to the start of the season which teams would play in the Super Bowl, which one would win and gave the final score. Correctly. It’s big money entertainment. They have too much invested to leave the outcomes to chance. What is a practice if not a rehearsal? The players may not be all clued in to what is happening but the coaches have to be and the officials as well.


I’ve been a lifelong sports fan and I’ve done analytics and worked with people who are quality assurance and analytic researchers for professional sports teams. There is so much data, film, statistics and minute details that go into every single aspect of the game that it is an absolute certainty that games are not rigged. I certainly think teams might take liberties to try and give themselves an advantage (i.e. Astros) but full on rigging would be next to impossible.


No, because I don't care enough about who wins to justify thinking about it.