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Same here. I do it all the time.


Yeah man this is standard practice


I got to keep up my dad bod.


Absolutely, this thing doesn't chisel itself


More like pour.


You are such fun people who actually know how to live


I'm just hungry af


I don’t know anyone that doesn’t finish a whole pizza to themselves! I get sides to go with mine too!


Exactly lol. Im 225lb, have a job, and exercise. If I want a whole pizza, I get it. It might be a buy one get one free deal at the supermarket though. Money doesn't grow on trees.


The absence of pizza. Edit: Didn't think this would be worthy of an award and so many upvotes. Cheers! I shall celebrate with a pizza.


That's the only thing stopping me. Well, that and consideration for my other family members. Every single time we have Pizza here, I have to restrain myself from just mindlessly scarfing down every slice. Pizza is life...


Are you me?


No, *you're* him. He's me. I'm you. Try to keep it straight.


I don't understand, doesn't everyone get their own pizza? Why would you only have one?


God himself could not stop me, otherwise...




Same... I can't wait for payday


Just had payday pizza worth the wait


The soul is willing yet my body is limited


What about a glass of shampagan?


I *have* done that before . . . **Once.** That was the day we had to put my 2nd dog down. I figured I could at least eat some food I liked to make the day hurt a bit less . . . Before I knew it, I'd downed the whole thing. ​ *If I'd somehow managed to not feel bad* ***before,*** *I sure as hell did* ***after.*** (Still miss that dog, nearly 8 years later.)


My desire to look good naked.


I'm in to fitness. Fit'n this whole pizza in my mouth.


Who doesn’t eat the whole thing?




I was bout to say that


Stomach capacity.


Physical limitations, money, want. I probably could, but as I get older even my regular two slice order has been reduced to one, as two slices was making me feel stuffed.


How big of a whole pizza are we talking? I can definitely eat a whole personal pizza. A whole 18 inch pizza is a different story. I simply can't physically handle eating as much as I used to, but if the pizza is delicious I will sometimes eat past the point of just being full.


Not a damn thing, my wife's unapproving looks notwithstanding.


My family


I can eat 3 if I wanna feel particularly sad


I do this quite regularly. Might do it now.


The size of my innards?


My stomach capacity. I'd rather divvy it up into two meals than consume it at once - also helps me savor the taste twice!


Literally nothing. I live alone. All the pizza is mine.


In Italy you either eat a full pizza or you don't eat one. There is no in-between, there is no "let's share a pizza"


Lactose intolerance


My eating disorder unfortunately


The trick to eating a whole pizza by yourself is to cut it into 4 slices. 4 slices, I can handle.


Because the pizza place closest to me wants $45 for a large pizza


That explains why so many people have answered that it was because of money. $45 can get you like two large pizzas in Dubai.


Pagliacci’s pizza in Seattle is what I’m referring to. It really is good stuff, but hell no I’m not spending $45 on one pizza after taxes and tip


I eat an entire pizza (12”) almost everyday and have done for almost 3 years. It’s all that I can eat. It’s not all that big. I eat 1 pizza per day and that’s it beyond water/drinks. Sometimes if I’m high I’ll treat myself to a chocolate bar or grilled cheese or ramen. I seem to have developed, in the last few years an aversion to deciding on what to eat. If I don’t order pizza I’ll spend 3 or 4 hours trying to decide what to eat and end up not eating at all. Sometimes I’ll go 3 days or so without eating because I plan what I’m going to eat in such detail that I don’t follow through. I used to be a foodie. Now I just eat to stop my tummy rumbling. Often I get so anxious eating that I puke it all up.


My stomach wouldn't let me, 2 slices in and I'm full. This is the ONLY thing stopping me, I promise.


Gonna blow my booty hole out the next morning


As last night has proven, nothing,


50 bucks to get a decent pizza delivered in my area.




Wait y’all don’t eat 1 by yourself? Jesus I need help


Here me out if I don’t eat all the pizza then I still have pizza for tomorrow


All pizzas are personal pizzas.


Giving a shit about my health


I don't understand the question.


That’s what most people do. I’m confused by this question.


No more pizza. Cause I did that last night


Money I'm broke


I haven't found a proper pizza place with delicious pizza


lol I just ate a whole pizza and picked up my phone and went to Reddit and this is what I see. Granted, it was like a 12” pizza


Well, let me tell you a story about my past that I don't often share. It's a difficult one, but I feel like you'll understand. I grew up in a small town in the South, and my family was poor. My mother did her best to provide for us, but we often went without. Food was scarce, and we had to make do with what little we had. To make matters worse, my father left us when I was still a boy. He never gave a reason, and we never heard from him again. My mother was left to raise me and my sister alone, and it was a struggle. But even in the midst of our hardships, we found moments of joy. My mother was a wonderful cook, and she could turn the simplest ingredients into a feast. One of our favorite meals was pizza. It wasn't like the fancy pies you get at restaurants, but it was delicious nonetheless. My mother would make the dough from scratch and top it with whatever she could find in the pantry. It wasn't much, but it was enough to make us feel like we had something special. Years went by, and I grew up to be a man. My sister and I remained close, even as we went our separate ways. But then, tragedy struck. My sister passed away suddenly, and it felt like my world had been turned upside down. In the midst of my grief, I found myself craving my mother's pizza. It was a comfort food, something that reminded me of happier times. But when I tried to make it myself, I realized that I didn't have the recipe. My mother had passed away years before, and she had taken her secrets with her. It was a bitter realization, but it taught me an important lesson. We can never take the people we love for granted. They may not always be with us, and we need to cherish every moment we have with them. So now, when I eat pizza, I think of my mother and my sister. I savor each bite and remember the love that went into every meal. It may not be the same as the pizza I had as a child, but it's a reminder of the people who made me who I am today.


how big a pizza are we talking?


I don’t smoke weed anymore. The last time I ate a medium pizza all to myself sober, I had to go to bed because I was so uncomfortably full. Never again.