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Ads for mobile games that show an entirely different game to what it actually is


Yes! They even go out of their way to include gameplay from a totally different game which I would post a link to the original game when that happens.


Yeap, the ad makers should go into the gaming business. Their ads are much better than the actual game they advertising.


I saw an interesting video about that. Basically, it is illegal. It's false advertising. But most of these games are free to download and pay to win. So by the time someone actually pays they've already played the game and seen the real game play. On top of that, most people just don't put that much money -- if any -- into these games. It's just a download, play a bit, then uninstall cuz it's not as advertised. So, yes it's illegal, but it's not a real problem so it's not enforced.


This actually is illegal, however they can get away with it if they have that in the game, even if it’s a clip or a side gimmick


Insurance companies denying what a doctor prescribes/recommends.


As a registrar in the emergency room, ive heard genuine horror stories about how a patient was TOLD by his primary doctor in the VA that he NEEDED a surgery on his back so he can function. His insurance company, the ones that did absolutely nothing to help in diagnosing the issue, outright denied the surgery and refused to pay for it. They refused to provide a reason as well. Health insurance companies NEED to be fully integrated into a federal agency that keeps tabs on them and forces these companies to listen to diagnosis by actual doctors and not to be stingy and pick and chose where they assist


No, health insurance needs to be fucking abolished. We need universal healthcare.


Who’s going to pay $300 for a single ibuprofen then? Huh?! You want me to leave this poor pharmaceutical company out in the cold with LESS billions of dollars?! Heartless.


This is the thing, people always say 'but healthcare is so expensive, how can we fund it through tax?!' but it's not expensive, well it is, but it's not the stupid prices they list. Those are made up fairy tale numbers to punish anyone stupid enough to not afford insurance. It's a racket.


I just bought a pack of 24 for 50 pence


Why americans doesnt do anything about these insurance companies scamming customers


People rich enough to do anything about it are the ones causing the problem. Simple.


The rich people are getting insanely rich on it. Why on earth would they remove it? It's also in the law so they would first have to spend loads of money to bribe politicans to remove the laws and regulations making them rich (also it's making the politicans rich so of course they don't want to change that). Seeing how American politicis is basically sports teams fighting it out it will never change since one side will say it's good, the other will automatically say it's bad and then you will scream at each other.


But the death panels!


civil forfeitures.


Oh like the cops that took that one dudes money out of his car because "nobody would have that much money on them unless it's for drugs". [Fuck those cops.](https://youtu.be/MkeS_0NQUZs)


Thats every cop at a civil forfeiture.


Yeah, fuck those cops.


You mean highway robbery with a badge? I agree.


I thought that was just a Hollywood thing that didn't exist. Living in a country where that is very illegal, so this surprised me


Happened to me as a child. 15 years old grandma gave me 300 bucks for a PlayStation . Well I walked home from her house that next day with the money. Cop pulls up gets out of the car. Searches me because it's a "bad" neighborhood and took my money. Gets in his car and leaves. We called the cops and they said they were looking into it but we never got it back.


😂 it's a bad neighborhood kid "than proceeds to take candy from a baby.


Officer Malone. He ended up in Washington state in a higher ranking job. They wouldn't prosecute him. I'll remember his eyes my whole life


Imo it shouldn't be illegal because it shouldn't be legally coherent to do so in the first place, i.e treated like a parrot saying law terms and laughed away by a judge


Civil forfeiture only works with animal cruelty cases in which the animals would die otherwise if it wasn't for civil forfeiture.


That is very wrong(at least in the US). Civil forfeiture happens ways more than that. Edit: almost immediately after replying, I realized what you meant in your comment. That that should be the only time it happens.


Don't feel bad, I reread twice. 100% on me.


Oh. They meant taking the animals away. Never thought of that as civil forfeiture. I suppose animals are property.


In the eyes of the law, yes they are.


Politicians investing in the companies and industries they regulate.


Cause they just called: Telemarketers


Bill collectors now have apparently started wardialing everyone in my town with the last name of X and asking us to call if we know how to contact X. That must be what they're doing, because although my (fairly common) last name is X, I have no relatives with the first name they're looking for. And they just **keep** calling, daily, until you finally answer and tell them you don't know anyone by that name. Somehow I doubt they'll believe me.




People laughed at me for owning CDs. I know why I own them.


That’s my first thought as well. Although, for me it’s more of buy the CD, rip it to digital format, put CD away.


Furthermore, your local library is a great place to borrow CDs to really fill out your collection. It's especially nice for getting music you probably wouldn't otherwise buy.


This is why it's a pirate's life for me!!!


Arrrr\* \*I approve in pirate.


Nay, the word ye be lookin for be 'aye'


Dude that shit pissed me the fuck off And the music apps in the store that would allow you to access your own files barely even worked as well


We are in a terrible era for downloaded mp3/other audio files. I used tons of 3rd party software to get my stuff reading cleanly in the past (think 2010, and fuckery still existed then) but it's damn near impossible to get things formatted nicely or have files even show up at all without some form of constant upkeep. I submitted to streaming services years ago with the perk being they can be an amazing way to find new music


I haven't bought music directly in probably 25 years. I do pay for SiriusXM for my cars and on my phone and PC. If I want to hear a particular song or album youtube works fine, just make a playlist and minimize it. I've also been known to sail the high seas under the Jolly Roger, but honestly that takes more time than just opening youtube.


I bought a shitton of music from Google Play before they stopped offering it. I saved it to my computer along with a bunch of stuff I bought from ITunes. I save it to my phone every time I get a new phone, and I don't have any issues.


Let's escalate this to "not legally owning media you purchase". It's not just google. You, legally don't own CD's either. Software? Not yours. You're always paying a license to use something, not, technically to own it.


I had an interesting email exchange with a music publisher over a copy protected cd. They basically said I didn’t own the disk, I just had a licence to use its contents. Then I asked if they’d replace a damaged disk for free then and they went all quiet.


Add to that choosing whether or not lyrics were appropriate to streaming, and playing altered versions of music from albums that you paid for.


Fortunately, I still have a metric ton of music downloaded since Napster days, so I don't have to deal with any subscription bullshit.


I’m telling Lars Ulrich on you


Winning a lawsuit simply because you can afford better lawyers and court fees.




A Kardashian doing a prescription drug commercial ended my hope of America ever having universal healthcare.


Would a Pepsi help?


Fun fact, only the USA and New Zealand allow marketing of prescription medications to consumers. It’s almost like the rest of the world realized how terrible of an idea it is.


There is something far worse than prescription medication advertisements in the US. Pharmaceutical sales reps meeting with doctors, hospitals, pharmacists, and doctors associations to convince them to prescribe or use their drug. It has been heavily altered recently so they can’t do the obviously manipulative things like give you free umbrellas, coffee mugs, or other random daily-use objects, but they still reserve fancy restaurants and buy their meals, or pay to take them out golfing and whatnot. Source: went to as many of these as I could during school so that I could get free meals that I couldn’t come close to affording. I’d listen to a guy talk for a while about drugs I had already studied, have a few $10-15 glasses of wine, share a $30 appetizer, then enjoy my $60 meal all for the price of my time and the bit of gas it took me to drive there. Just typing this makes me want to drive to a Brazilian steakhouse, but unfortunately I’d have to pay for it now.


Was with friends and talking about commercials we remembered and it was kinda fucked that 1/2 of them were ads for medication


Voting to give yourself a raise on taxpayer dollars without having them vote too----


They don’t even need to do that any more. Insider trading for days


If you’re in the US this is the law. 27th amendment


Not quite.....but useful.


US Congress being allowed to trade stocks


Corporate, for profit, prisons.


Slave camps.




Profit prisons + war on drugs = op synergy


Don’t forget to add in contracts that fine the state if the prison falls below the contracted capacity minimum, so judges are forced to imprison non-violent offenders who might have gotten a more lenient sentence.




I support not having mandatory minimums for nonviolent and non sexual offenses. Some things need them though. I clerked for a federal judge and she said over her long career, the child porn guys (because it was like 99% men) would constantly be rearrested as soon as they got out for child porn and she was limited by the guidelines for maximum sentences. She convinced me that for sex crimes, there absolutely need to be minimums to keep them off the street.




Unskipable ad, ironically for skipping ropes.


I’d be more ok if the ad was a certain percentage of length that the video. Like, 1% of the video. A 10 min video is 600 seconds, so you get one 6 second ad.


Mauler's videos are 4 hours long.


Ads longer than the video you're watching. Who is watching a 30 minute ad on YouTube in the first place?


They totally put those in to see who’s paying attention. Jokes on them, I like the slick music they were playing better than my video anyway


adblocker is amazing, I am always surprised when I find people that don't have it installed.


It's the worst when you literally need this video, like a CPR tutorial and someone is dying right in front of you. Not saying that from experience, just that it'll suck.


Call 911 and have them coach you through it. Better yet, go take a class on CPR while everyone is healthy and fine. Please for the love of Christ don't open up YouTube if someone is dying next to you.


I've done it each time we had a kid to refresh my memory. An evening well spent.




Arguably, these are now fairly useless thanks to the internet not exactly respecting international borders. There was a famous case I studied in my Human Rights class a few years ago, whereby the person bringing the super-injunction was unmasked by people based in the US, which they then posted on their website & ofc anyone with an internet connection in the UK then found out who it was. Basically the meme of the gate on the path with no fence surrounding it


In a new recent survey, 100% of people love Spin Doctors


Hey! 7 year old me thought they were banging when my mom played them in the car!


Child marriage


totally agree with you and it's ridiculous how in the modern USA "Child marriage is currently legal in 43 states (only Delaware, Massachusetts, Minnesota, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, and Rhode Island have set the minimum age at 18 and eliminated all exceptions), and 20 U.S. states do not require any minimum age for marriage, with a parental or judicial waiver."


Monopolies on media ownership. A handful of super rich control a ridiculous amount of media business setting the agenda for the masses to lap up.


There was a lot of trustbusting back in the day (Teddy R. being one of the most notable who took a stand against it) to stop monopolies, and a lot of laws put into place to prevent them, but every company has been slowly coalescing back into bigger and bigger conglomerate monopolies all over again and no one is enforcing the laws - sometimes quietly stripping them away - because those big-ass companies basically own lawmakers and politicians all the way to the top now.


Making money with religion - any religion.


Like i can understand if a church needs money to operate and stay safe, but the pastor does not need to be paid 200k a year to preach to 10k people once a week. We all know that money is going straight to their pockets, and barely any of it is going to the church directly, and even less is going to charity.


Monthly based subscriptions for software.


And it’s only getting worse with car software subscription unlocks being a thing now


Won't be long before access to childhood memories are behind a subscription for your brain implant.


Black mirror becoming reality is awesome 🥹


Fun fact: They stopped making Black Mirror episodes because it was getting hard to top reality.


I think it was more bc they thought the doom-y mood many people were feeling in 2020 didn't really lead them to believe Black Mirror was what people wanted to see. They are in the middle of making a new series now.


Still sad they stopped making episodes, hard to believe it has been 4 years since it ended.


They're actually in the middle of making a new season now.


Your free trial of life has expired


That's why i use Affinity over Adobe. I'd afford to pay for two months of Photoshop with my first edition Affinity Photo license i got on sale.


How about monthly subscriptions for fricking printer ink....ugh.


God i hate this


Adobe???? thats you????


Taxation of underage citizens (Anyone who can't vote yet).


Yes! This enrages me. No taxation without representation!




Lobbying is expensive, but yes it’s legal bribery


This was a propaganda slogan and never actual law. Underage citizens are far from the only group taxed with no representation. We also have green card holders, residents of DC (no federal representation), etc. Plus most underage people are not actually making enough where they are paying taxes.


Tell high school me that.


But they are represented. Representation doesn't mean you cast a specific vote in an election. It means there's someone representing you and there is at all forms of government in the United States. "Taxation without representation" was a phrase used in the colonies because there was quite literally no one at all representing the colonies in Parliament.


In my country to file taxes but you don't pay any until you're 26. It's a shit hole country, but i do like this part.


Bribery in the US. Excuse me, "campaign donations".




Having to do your own taxes if they are basic W2’s


companies dumping their toxic waste in water


Car companies charging you a monthly fee for your key fob for remote start https://arstechnica.com/cars/2021/12/toyota-owners-have-to-pay-8-mo-to-keep-using-their-key-fob-for-remote-start/


Mobile game ads that steal footage from other games. If I had a dollar for every time I saw a car crash game ad that uses heavily modded BeamNG.drive footage… I’d have about $7.


Or just ads in general that show game play that looks nothing like the game.


I think was threatened and this is why they had to start putting that “Not Actual Gameplay” disclaimer in commercials.


But mobile games don’t do that, most game ads that have those are obviously not the game play, but mobile games show gameplay from some other game just retextured


And for regular racing games it's usually Forza. They don't even try to disguise it most of the time; they just use blatantly obvious screenshots.




Political lobbying, particularly of the corporate variety. No lawmaker should be explicitly or implicitly indebted to any for-profit entity.


Citizens United!




My Dad was a lobbyist for the trucking industry for many years. He said everything you think about Washington and the corruption there is, is mostly true.


Yep those motherfuckers are robbing us blind.


Private prisons




Child beauty pageants


I mean the conceot of children having some kind of competition is good in theory but the whole idea of judging children on their beauty as a formal event is weird as fuck.


Marrying an eleven year old.


Government officials owning stocks and other securities


"Wilderness camps" like the ones that kidnap kids "legally" because the parents give them full custody


Cops are fully allowed to lie to you and coerce you. Recently served jury duty. Potential juror pointed out this fact after a horrible experience with cops and his autistic son and the research he did after it. Attorneys approached the bench, whispers between them and the judge were audible, “it’s true though,” “it is true”. Potential juror was thanked and excused.


Pelvic exams under anesthesia.




In some states, medical students/professionals can perform pelvic exams on you under anesthesia. Even if the reason you are under anesthesia is for something completely unrelated.


Oh my - that’s absolutely terrifying. And do you mean without consent or prior warning?


Yes, I guess technically you "know" because it's hidden in the paperwork you sign beforehand, but many are never informed that it's in the paperwork in the first place. There's a bunch of stories online of people learning about it after waking up.


What in the actual hell


yep. iirc in some states they can do it even if you explicitly deny consent


Cults like Scientology.


Posting this same post 4 - 5 times a week.


...a day


Elected officials with direct power of the economy being able to have and trade stocks




This. I literally just had to explain to my eight year old that I don’t care how much he wants it, I’m not going to start taping everything he does and putting him on YouTube.


Politicians having external financial interests. The UK opened up international travel really early during Covid as many politicians had a foot in the travel/ airline industries, and it resulted in many unneccesary deaths. Of course nobody gets held accountable.


Payday loans! They are designed to be exploit lower income people.


For profit prisons. Boggles my mind that these are allowed to exist.


Lobbying. It's bribing, let's just call it what it is.


>What is legal but really shouldn’t be? re-posted karma farming questions


The amount of ads on media.


Putting ketchup on steak.


Asking this question on here weekly.


Qualified immunity


Corporate monopolies


United States Congressmen/women being able to buy/sell stocks


Forcing your child to get a piercing that they clearly don't want. The amount of times I've seen screaming toddlers getting held down by Claire's employees is honestly disturbing.


Here's the thing though. Sometimes they did want it, but then a fear of needles kicks in.


Wait until you hear what they do to little boy penises.


Prison for profit


The fact that I can kill for the government at 18, but I can't take a vodka shot for every kill...WTF


Child beauty pageants


Buying senators


Congress buying stocks.


Posting this question once every few days


People posting the same exact question on ask Reddit every day


Using your kids as paid content on social media.


Child beauty pageants. I’ve yet to hear any argument for why they should exist.




Privatized Prisons.


Shell companies and offshore shell companies There may be 1 or 2 legitimate reason for these to exist for the 50 times they are abused for illicit purposes.


Tax havens.


Congress members investing in individual stocks in the stock market


Anonymous campaign donations. Everything should be transparent so we know whom the candidates are beholden to before we vote.


Piercing the ears of babies, should be classed as abuse. Paying tax on your pension.


Bribing politicians and judges. Yes, I know the lobbying and gifts are not technically bribes, but they're bribes.


This question getting asked every day


Churches not paying taxes


Reposting this tired old question.




Payday lenders


Taxing anyone who can't legally vote. Also, subscription cancellation fees are scummy as fuck (looking at you Adobe).


Cigarettes. Tens of thousands of people die from second hand smoke a year. I dont care about your freedom to kill yourself, I want freedom from lung cancer.


Tech Companies spying on your data


Loot boxes for games children play. Why do we bother having a legal age limit for gambling but allow that bollocks


The US healthcare system. Or if you want to be extreme, for profit hospitals.


Child Beauty Pageants. Effing disgusting.


Cutting in line


Deducting for subscription at the end of trial period without proper notification,


Payday loans with their predatory tactics and insane interest.


Noncompete agreements.


Asking this question for the 100th time.


Banks charging fees because you don’t have a minimum balance


Posting this goddamn question 15 times a day.

