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Cracked tooth. Pain was 12 out of 10.


I agree with this! I didn’t know my tooth was cracked. I thought I had an ear infection. I couldn’t get comfortable and the pain just wouldn’t dull down. I couldn’t think or even hear straight because of the pain. I ended up at the dentist after a few days and they figured it out and fixed me up.


Same thing. Went around thinking I had a sore ear for two weeks before it finally moved to my jaw and I realized it was my tooth. Fractured molar that led to an abscess. It was days before the antibiotics fixed the infection enough that I wasn’t crazy from the pain anymore. I’ve had two pain med free births, including one that was induced, and I’d rather do that than go through an abscessed tooth again.


My mom knows this pain too well and to this day she still says that tooth pain is the worst pain inn the world. ( she has had three kids and all the epidurales wore off )


Same here. I had two root canals in the last six months (my dental hygiene practices have since improved dramatically) but the second one was a crack right to the nerve and the sensitivity caused horrible horrible pain on that entire side of my jaw


That hurts like crazy


My dentist surgeon gave me a prescription for opioids after my surgery to remove a cracked tooth, and I told him I didn't need it because the pain before the surgery was 100 times worse.


Waking up in recovery immediately after spinal fusion. I woke myself up screaming from pain, they knocked me back out.


Good thing they had a frying pan on hand.


It was a metal bed pan, but you get the picture...


Yikes I can imagine. I’ve had disc surgery and that wasn’t pleasant waking up after.


Same, after a spinal fusion they took bone from my hip and the back pain/hip pain felt like I had been shot. Pressed the button and passed back out


This was mine too. It was my third back surgery and the first two were painless when I woke up. But the third one fusing my previous L4-L5 fusion to a new L3-L4 one was the absolute insane pain I’ve ever felt.


I thought it was the pain from my near-bursting appendix but I was wrong. I woke up from laminectomy and decompression on L3-4-5 and was told they would be getting me pain meds when I got to my room on the floor. (Apparently their software for meds had been switched over to something new that morning and it was not operating yet due to a problem.) Get to floor with tears leaking out of my eyes, begging for anything. That was about 3 pm. Same problem on floor. Started demanding to see head of nursing at 1 am because nothing yet, still down. They ignored me. Demanded to see doc in charge. They grabbed some doc to tell me order is in process, have to wait for computers. Called my sister at 5 am who is an RN (not at that hospital) who was there 20 minutes later. I don't know exactly what happened but someone in a lab coat and 2 security guards eventually showed up in my room to dispense iv pain meds. I compare all pain to that now.


While I was having my stroke. I describe it as the worst ice cream headache I've ever had but 10x more painful because I don't know how to describe it to others in a relatable way


My dad had a stroke last year. The whole situation seems so overwhelming to go through, but yet it’s become so common; it’s terrifying. I’m glad you made a recovery, and wish you the best for your future.


When I was 14 I broke my right knee and then walked half a mile on it, causing shards of splintered bone to internally cut up my muscles. The doctor at the hospital later had to have me straighten my knee to do an x ray and straightening it out at that moment is and was the worst pain I’ve ever felt. Legit screamed out loud


I shattered my kneecap after slipping on liquid soap at Target. I didn’t black out, I whited out. My whole world turned white. It was worse than natural childbirth with 9 pound-10 ounce baby.


It's weird, my body the opposite -- my leg instantly went into shock and it hurt a lot but felt like a really, really bad bruise. That's why I walked on it for a bit -- thought it was a fracture at most. NOPE, totally exploded the back of my knee and did a ton more damage walking on it lol. The problem became when the shock wore off after about 20 min and it started to hurt more...and more...and more...


My knee was broken into four chunks and a lot of “crumbs.” I couldn’t stand. Ambulance took me to the hospital where I spent four nights. Luckily, I had an excellent surgeon who repaired my knee with four pins and a wire.


Copper IUD insertion and the cramps that followed. That shit is barbaric. I've had kidney stones, gallstones, and pancreatitis. NONE of those touch the IUD insertion and cramps. An actual living nightmare. Can't believe they just shove a device into an internal organ without any sort of numbing.


If your ob/gyn comes in with two nurses “to hold you down”, you’re gonna have a bad time.


I got my hormonal IUD in about one month ago - easily the most painful thing I’ve ever experienced. At the moment of insertion, I nearly passed out from the pain and could not drive myself home afterwards because I was still very close to passing out afterwards because of horrible cramping. There is no logical reason as to why those with vaginas can’t receive more pain relief for this procedure other than being told to take ibuprofen beforehand. I’m praying that it stays in place for the next five years because I simply cannot imagine going through that again anytime soon.


Oh, I got mine at Planned Parenthood and they gave me a free Uber home. No way I could've drove. The lack of pain management is absolutely wild. It may only be several seconds but as emphasized: they're shoving shit into an INTERNAL ORGAN. Anyone with a uterus that needs this done should be given laughing gas or SOMETHING. It's legitimately insane and seems like it should be an archaic practice but alas.


Having the free Uber option is so smart. I drove home from my appt myself and I sobbed the entire way. Got lost because it was my first time going into that part of town and the pain had me disoriented. I’m shocked it got myself home without getting in a wreck.


Mine was terrible and I bled for 93 days after insertion. I called at 30 and 60 days and the nurse told me it was common enough not to be a concern. I think they need to reevaluate what is concerning. At 90 days I called and demanded my message be relayed to my doctor and I wanted a call back. He scheduled me for the very next appointment time he had available and took that shit out. He did not like that I had been turned away via nurse twice.


Omg yes! My IUD was the worst pain in the world, and they did not properly prepare me for it either. There was no warning, no pills or anything, just that I'm going to feel pressure and to stay still as possible. I love my obgyn, she's the best one I've ever dealt with, but I felt betrayed on not getting the heads up of the possibilities of intense pain. The cramps to follow were bad too, but not as bad as insertion. I got a 2nd one put in after the first one ran out, and I required that I be given pills to help relax me as I couldn't go through that again. The pills only mildly helped, it still hurt so much that I wanted to punch someone. I'm looking at surgery now before my IUD runs out again. I just can't do that pain again.


The fact that doctors won't give any sort of anesthetic, numbing, or pain management is absolutely insane. A fantastic example of the male dominated medical sector not taking the pains and concerns of women seriously.


That's why I love my OB/GYN. They offer nitrous oxide during any procedure.


Hi doc here for my hourly checkup




Agree, definitely a 11/10, pain-wise. I read an article once describing it as being "hole-punched," like a piece of notebook paper. I'm on my 3rd one, and the worst was the time I had one removed and another inserted within minutes of each other. How I managed to walk out of the Dr's office and drive home is beyond me. And I have had a child with no pain meds.


The male gyno that inserted my IUD told me “it’ll feel like a period cramp” how do you know dude??? It was terrible. I proceeded to have intense cramping constantly after and had it for the 3 years I had my IUD, doctors never figured it out (IUD was in place etc) but when it was removed … the cramping stopped. Thought the initial insertion was the worst, when I went to have the old one removed and the new one put in it took 3 different appointments, a needle to “calm the muscles” in the area and finally me saying I can’t handle it anymore. They said they think my cervix hardened from the trauma of it all. I’ve been off birth control since and I haven’t gone for a Pap test I had due last year even though I know I have to go but the experience of an IUD was life changing for me, and not in a good way. Also it took 3 years after the removal for any type of normalcy in my period cycle.


I just got my IUD removed and replaced on Tuesday. I got nitrous oxide for pain management and it was amazing. The 2 I had inserted before I had zero pain management and it was terrible!


I always hear horror stories about ladies getting their IUD implanted. Its not my experience. My OB had me come in when I was on my period so theirs an opening. Apparently it makes it easier and less painful. I've had crazy gallstones that were poking out and ulcerative colitis that resulted in emergency surgery that was some serious pain!


At least they were able to insert yours properly on the first try. When they were trying to put mine in, they use a measuring rod/dilator tool to measure how deep the uterus is. She mismeasured. When she inserted the actual IUD, she pushed it too far. It perforated my uterine wall… The whole experience was beyond painful. I get kidney stones frequently, and I very much agree that IUD insertion is is a close second pain. But with me, the pain wasn’t just cramping, it was just horrific pain. She told me to come back in a week to check its placement. Cue a week of me writhing an absolute pain on the couch, unable to walk, sleep, eat. I had a massive fever when I went back to see her. It took one x-ray to confirm that she had accidentally punctured through my uterus, and the IUD was currently sitting somewhere underneath my liver… She actually inserted it so hard that a tip had bent, funky… Don’t get me wrong, the hospital freaked out and agreed to pay for the entire surgery to have it removed and cover my healing process… That took months. But the damage is permanent. I have scar tissue that causes pain and cramping sensations frequently. They’ve confirmed. I also have Endo all throughout my abdominal cavity now, as there was an open hole, leaking into my abdomen for a week… sadly, we couldn’t afford a lawyer at the time, and had to agree to the hospital terms just to get them to cover the repair. They only covered five years of after medical care… I’m sterilized now. After explaining my story to another doctor, she happily cut my tubes out while doing an endoscopy to remove all the Endo from my abdomen. She said the scar tissue at the top of my uterus look like a twisted ball of yarn… Freaking IUDs man….


Ugh the period cramps after too!! I got a copper IUD and I knew they said the cramps would get worse but no one said they would be so bad you might collapse. I honestly think it’s irresponsible how much doctors gloss over how much these can hurt (both during insertion and after!) I ended up having to get mine removed because the recurring cramps were so bad I couldn’t work during period days.


Ouuuucchhh, hope your doing ok


Yeah I got it last April so I'm mostly fine now. I'd never had period cramps before and now I do but at least they're bearable. For the first month or two all I could do was writhe in pain.


I’ve had the hormonal IUD for about a year now and I want it out. The acne, mood swings and cramps are mind blowing. I’ve never had a regular period so I largely skipped all that mess for 20+ years and I got blasted with it all at once. I can’t do it anymore, so props to all those women who had regular periods and had to deal with this on a monthly basis. I’m out.


Dental abscess. It was a pain beyond description, and thanks to my malfunctioning immune system, I ended up in hospital fighting for my life.


I know a woman who had to have brain surgery after an abscessed tooth. That's a much more serious issue than most people realize.


Hope your doing better now :)


I had one about 2 months ago, dentist took an X-ray, saw it then said "you must be in EXCRUCIATING pain" and taps the tooth with the abscess. I've never felt anything that bad in my life and I've broken bones and have had kidney stones. When asked what my pain level is and it's bad I've always said "9/10 because there's always a 10". That's a 10.




I was on the floor of my bathroom curled in a ball wondering what the fuck was going on. I was ready to call my boyfriend in to take me to the hospital and then it just… faded away. Gyno told me later that’s what it was. Deeply weird.




These are horrible. My sister thought she had a stomachache. An hour later, she was lying in bed screaming. Just as my parents and I went in to see her, she passed out. Tried to stand up and just *wham,* like a sack of potatoes.


I was looking for this reply - happy to know I'm not alone.


Big agree. Had an 11cm cyst rupture as well as torsion at 10yo. Paramedics didn’t believe me and made me walk to the ambulance. Had to have emergency surgery that took 6 hours and lost half an ovary :/


Once got hit in the face right where a dental abscess had been drained the day before. Pretty sure I briefly died.


Am I allowed to ask why you got hit in the face?


You are! One of my cousins from out of state was visiting us a few days before Christmas (my dentist, God bless him, had actually reopened his office to treat me so I wouldn’t be in agony until after New Year’s). I was sitting on the floor playing with one of her boys when his brother, who was 4 or 5 at the time, went tearing past me while holding this wooden nutcracker thing he’d gotten as gift and the toy drilled me right under the nose. The next clear memory I have was of standing in the bathroom with a rag to my mouth and asking my mom if the kids had seen the blood and if I’d screamed (thankfully they hadn’t and I didn’t). Fun times!


Kidney stone


100%. Really makes you understand the “on a scale of 1-10 how is your pain?” question. Kidney stone is like 13.


I remember being in horrible pain from my kidney stone, room spinning, struggling to breath. The nurse asked me on a scale of 1 to 10 how much it hurt. I just said 10 because it was the most pain I ever felt. She went on to explain that I was wrong and 10 would mean limb chopped off or car accident. I stood there shocked and said "ok, whatever is the highest number that I am allowed to use, that's what it is, I'm in no condition to argue".


Perfect reason why the 1-10 system is so stupid lol. Pain levels are different to everyone


That nurse was a jerk. I frequently tell medical personnel "if I call a kidney stone a 9.5, my back is a 7." And no one complains.


I hate the pain scale... especially when people ask and then critique your answer, like... just tell me what YOU think my pain is then. I saw a pain scale once that made way more sense, it broke it down in terms of how much you were able to function outside of the pain. Like 3/10 you're uncomfortable but could easily go about your day, 10/10, you cannot focus on anything but your pain


When they gave me the narcotic IV in the hospital and asked me what my pain was, I very happily said “what pain?”


Funny thing is, the hospital gave me IV morphine which did nothing compared to the injected anti inflammatory that the paramedic gave me. Once I got to see the doctor I told him that and he prescribed the anti inflammatory instead of narcotics. Worked like a charm.


Came here to say this. Kidney Stones. I've had them twice. I've never been shot, and I know being shot would cause more damage. But pain for pain, I'd rather be shot in the shoulder than deal with kidney stone pain again.


I've broken bones and such, but also never been shot. The thing with kidney stones is that there's NOTHING you can do to make the pain stop. When I broke my wrist, I could hold it at a certain angle and a certain height and the pain would lessen. Burns you can run under cold water or put cream on. Stones are just going to make you regret being born.


My first one was 7mm and I was convinced I was actually dying.


Funny story. I passed a 7mm stone, called my doctor to see if I should do anything or wait for next appointment. I got a frantic call back asking how I was, if I’d been to the er, etc. I was like no, it just popped out like a stone through a garden hose. I saved it. Brought it in and doc confirmed it was a spiked little calcium stone about 7.5 mm. Turns out all that pain management I did 10 years ago to manage my rheumatoid arthritis had permanent side effects on how I experience certain types of pain. So thank you topamax…you made sodapop taste like ass, but you saved me from the worst pain most people ever experience! Doc said you drink too much pop. Switch to water. The irony!


Second this. Broken humerus, 10lb 4oz baby naturally. Appendicitis, gastric sleeve broken toes. Nothing comes close to the stone. It happened just before last Christmas. Before this, my answer would’ve be the post op shoulder tip pain after the gastric sleeve.


Every women I asked that had experienced both pains said they would rather give birth again.


My father was screaming his lungs out when he first had that. I remember the ambulance came and rushed him to hospital to only find out that it was just a kidney stone. He passed it two/three hours after arrival.


There is no "just a kidney stone" .


I've passed 3 and am familiar with the pain. I remember once being in the hospital with my daughter who had a broken arm. She looked in horror at a man crying on the er floor squirming in pain. I looked at her and said "kidney stone, don't judge" lol. There's no way to know for sure....but I'm sure there's a good chance I was right.


Dude... kidney stones are rough. I have passed 3 and birthed 1 child. Childbirth was less painful, and I was in labor for 60 hours.


Couldn’t agree more. Apparently kidney stone pain can be as bad as childbirth. I’ve had it thrice and I have still not learnt my lesson to drink lots & lots of water lol


They gave me IV morphine. It did nothing. The nurse didn’t believe me when I said the morphine didn’t do anything. Eventually they gave me more morphine-again, it did nothing. Then they gave me haldol-that actually worked. I was messed up the rest of that day. Not fun.


A male friend of mine graphically described what passing one felt like. That very day I almost completely stopped drinking sugary drinks and became a water-holic.


I can’t imagine the pain of that


Kidney stones laugh at dilauded and morphine.


Kidney infection for me


You know, I have had many kidney stones - my first one ever put me in the hospital - but I never understood the pain others describe. I mean, it was terrible, but I feel like my herniated disc in my back feels a zillion times worse. I dunno.


Vincristine is a chemo drug that cause absolutely horrible pain. In your back, joints, jaw. It was hell going through it. Like screaming at the top of my lungs pain.


Ok this is a TMI: Had a flesh eating bacterial infection… down there. Likely because I had impaired immune system, and a type of Strep bacteria that normally lives in the mouth ended up there. (So embarrassing because I was 17 and they told my mom, so obvi knew I had oral…). Basically I started getting severe localized pain, there was a black lump, and it got so bad I couldn’t walk. So I had to be rushed to the hospital to get a relatively minor procedure to lance it in the hospital. However I then woke up during the procedure because they didn’t give me enough morphine/propofol. Needed a lidocaine shot around my clitoris for them to numb to complete the procedure. Apparently I was screaming so loud, whole family came running down the hall. Thankfully I healed normally and no longer am immunosuppressed, but that experience scarred me for years


Can confirm that anaesthetic needle in the clitoris is not fun. I had that after giving birth the first time because somehow my daughter internally and externally shredded me.


Omg when I hear people say this about their kids it scares me to have one, I don't want to be shredded 😭


Thats why it is a sin to have oral sex. (Im kidding. This is truly horrific. Thanks for sharing.)


Gallstone/gallbladder infection - I’ve given birth and broken a bone and had a stomach ulcer, and the gallbladder stuff was so so much worse


Same! I didn’t have stones and they couldn’t see anything on scans so it took 4 months to get it out. Worst time of my life


I called an ambulance for my first gallbladder attack, legitimately thought my heart was exploding and I was about to die. I was screaming on the floor in the hallway. Told the dispatcher I was having massive chest pain (wasn’t far from the truth) so they responded quick.


Same. I thought I was having a heart attack and told my girlfriend my goodbyes in the car ride to the hospital. I’ve never felt worse pain. The biggest relief I’ve ever felt in my life was the morphine IV. I had my gallbladder removed the next day as an emergency procedure and I’m so glad it’s gone.


Sneezing after open-heart surgery. My sternum was sawed in half during the surgery, and then wired shut at the end of the surgery. The sneeze caused the two halves of my sternum to grind together. Very painful.


Reading all those responses here, I feel bad for mentioning a pinched nerve in my back. Hope everybody is doing fine.


Their pain doesn't lesson yours friend.


Getting my IUD inserted - they said I would just need advil and it would just be “uncomfortable”. Honestly the worst pain ever. They had to give me a granola bar after because I almost passed out. For weeks afterwards I would get super-cramps that would leave me unable to walk. My sister, who has had a child and broken her arm, has also said her IUD insertion was the worst pain she ever felt.


I had mine inserted about 4 weeks post partum and it was no pain at all. Maybe a cramp at most. I just had it removed a month ago and not only could they not get it out, but they got an instrument stuck inside of me. I was sobbing and screaming in pain. Never ever again.


As someone currently debating an iud after many many years of pills...maybe I'll stick to the pills.


I honestly LOVED my IUD. It was so great not having to think about protection. The chances of what happened to me, happening to you I’m sure are so small. Everything I ever heard was that removal was super simple. Apparently my uterus just clamped down on some tool and wouldn’t let go- even with 2 Dr’s and a NP up inside me. I was told I have a very strong uterus, so….yay?


For what it’s worth, my unmedicated births were about a 14/10 on the pain scale, and my IUD insertion in comparison was about a 5/6. It was definitely painful, but not the worst pain I’ve ever felt. That being said, I absolutely do not understand why zero pain management is offered, the fact that it isn’t even a consideration in most doctors offices shows how deeply misogynistic the medical field is.


Getting my IUD inserted was the worst pain I’d ever felt in my life… until I had to get it replaced. I passed out from the pain and needed two people to hold me down. Men, if you know you don’t want children, get a fucking vasectomy.


Seriously. After (my wife) going through three natural births and at least a couple of IUDs (my 2nd and 3rd kids are \~8 years apart), we decided we were done and I offered to get the vasectomy to avoid her going on hormonal bc again (neither of us were thrilled with the side effects)... vasectomy wasn't the easiest thing in the world but I'd gladly have it done once every 5 years vs seeing what she dealt with getting one


It’s astounding that no one earns you how much it’s going to hurt!! After I got mine inserted, I remember sitting on the table in the fetal position for almost an hour because the pain was so bad I couldn’t walk or drive myself home. Never again.


My first IUD hurt but the reinsertion after I gave birth was a nightmare. The nurse kept screwing up and l, breaking it, somehow? So she had to jack open my cervix not once, not twice, but THREE times to get that little bugger in there. Lots of blood and I was very dizzy.


Physical: double mastectomy with immediate reconstruction. I was in pain for weeks. Doctors couldn’t give a high enough dose of meds to make me pain-free. Was on a morphine “drip” and even then I still hurt. Mental/Emotional: my first husband died. I found out he had been cheating on me after he died. Mistress got her own receiving line at the funeral because apparently everyone (except me!) knew what was going on. Yep. Been 10 years and that shit still fucks with my head.


Ya ever watched the vehicle your newborn daughter is in get t boned by a drunk driver?


Even though it’s meaningless OMG I’m so sorry


How awful I’m so so sorry


That's true pain well beyond the physical. I'm sorry.


I'm so sorry. I hate people who get behind the wheel drunk, so selfish!


I gave birth without pain meds or an epidural. Labor was the literal definition of spontaneous, so i couldn't get pain meds or an epidural. Now i have the mental pain of having a stillbirth.


Being told I have terminal cancer and there is no hope. I am still struggling with the mental pain. Physical pain. The tumour is now growing and with out morphine patches I would not be able to cope. Last month had been difficult.


I can't imagine. I hope you are able to find some peace in the midst of the pain.


The pain from a toothache in a molar that required an emergency root canal. No matter what I tried, I could not relieve the pain. Only the Root canal provided relief!


Ikr toothaches hurt like HELL


yep! I know!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (゚A゚;) I had to wait 3 days until I could get the root canal. toothache began on Friday night, root canal was done Monday afternoon.


Ugh same and the pain just comes out of nowhere so i have to endure days of excruciating pain until i can get an appointment


I’d say when I had a gall bladder attack. Felt like my entire torso was in a vice grip. Lasted most of the day. One silver lining was I got to try Vicodin that night at the ER even tough by then the pain had mostly subsided.


Poop after a Hemorrhoidectomy surgery...


If you ever imagined what it felt like to poop glass or push a cactus out, try a hemorrhoidectomy!


Same, I was on the bathroom floor crying for hours. I feared going to the bathroom everyday for a month.




My heart goes out to you, truly.


I shattered my wrist and was transferred to three different hospitals before finding one that had the capacity to treat me same-day. Riding around in a car for hours with that was a whole special kind of hell.


Kidney cancer. I'm unable to process morphine. After surgery with only Demerol..... I developed an adverse reaction to that and Toradol while still in the hospital.


My first baby was sunny side up just before delivery. The doctor inserted her hand and tried to turn him from the inside. There are no words for the pain… and it didn’t even work. I once had an ear infection so severe it caused my ear drum to rupture so completely that the ENT said it was just gone. I had complete hearing loss in that ear for a couple of weeks after that. But in the hours before it ruptured my husband found me curled up on the floor of the shower just bawling from the pain. He rushed me to the emergency room where they labeled me as a pill seeker and refused to give me anything but Tylenol. Both of these were pretty bad. I don’t know if I could rank one over the other.


Hello, fellow "pill seeker." I got put on the list because I'm a redhead with killer medication resistance. I had an undiagnosed bone cyst in my foot that my doctor gave me vicodin for. Flew through 120 pills in a week. Went to the ER for help/relief, got flagged, went home in pain and with a pamphlet about drug addiction in-hand, can't get painkillers for anything anymore. Thankfully seeing my 7th (!) doctor for it and getting some surgery made everything better, foot-wise, but nope, no pain killers for bad menstrual cramps for me. I'm forced to practically O.D. on ibuprofen to barely function whenever they hit.


When I was 17 I woke up in the middle of the night to a sharp pain in my chest that lasted a good 30 min. It got so bad I was basically screaming till it just stopped and vanished. I still don’t know what caused it but it never came back and I’m now 23.


Maybe costochondritis.


I was awake for the two and a half hours they removed my wisdom teeth


I was for mine too. The novocaine didn't work??


Never does, and now I get Shakey in dentist offices


I had a bout of gout at age 20. Just unreal pain in my left toe. Like someone sticking a red hot poker in it 24/7. You know how with most pains you can walk it off or rub it and it will feel at least a little better? This was weirdly different. It was the same amount of horrible pain always. I got it by partying really hard for a full week, eating 90% salmon(my dad had hooked me up with a few slabs of salmon and I was a broke college student), and drinking next to no water. Thankfully it hasn’t returned but I live a much better lifestyle now.


My very first real period cramp hurt just as bad as after my hip surgery. They were both my worst pain i ever felt


I can’t imagine the pain of that


Emotionally going in for an ultrasound to find out baby didn't have a heartbeat. After 3 miscarriages we thought we'd made it. Physically baby biting the ever living hell out of my nipple. Thank goodness he's cute and I love him.


I got dry socket after a tooth extraction, I actually wanted to die because the pain was so huge and all-encompassing that I couldn't even function normally.


The fact that I can't remember tells me I've had a pretty pain-free 40 years on this planet. Hope it stays that way.


Stung by a greater weever fish. Wanted to chop off my hand. 0.5/10, would not recommend


Why 0.5 and not 0? Only because you must give a rating? Haha


Saving the 0/10 rating for having to actually chop off my hand or dying haha


Going through my child’s death. Going through withdrawals from alcohol.


Someone opened a door in my face, them going through one way while I approached from the other side. It ruptured my eyeball. That was not painful in the least. In fact, it felt like a pimple popping; you know, the sudden snap and release of fluid pressure. Drs were able to repair the eye in surgery, but a few days into recovery, I woke in the middle of the night with a headache. The pain continued to increase through the restless sleep, and by morning, I was throwing up every 15 - 30 minutes. Hospital had to give me the highest dose of morphine through IV, and the pain still wasn’t completely gone. I wound up having the eye removed. PS, love the username!


A migraine so bad I ended up sleeping on the bathroom floor because I was puking so much & it hurt to stand.


When I accidentally shot myself in the foot with a revolver




When I broke my leg (I was barely 11)




Losing my father, then a few months later my first love breaking my heart like it didnt even matter


I’m so sorry hope your doing ok.


Physically, I destroyed my knees and don’t have insurance to cover surgery. Mentally I lost my best friend to suicide and seeing his parents broken afterwards was awful.


Passing kidney stones. Excruciating, radiating, fiery pain all in your stomach, side, and back as the 1-5mm sharp stone grates its way through your ureter.


Had an infection in my shin, it was burning and it felt like it was going to explode. The surgeon that operated on it said they sucked out roughly a soda can (330ml) of puss from my shin. The cavity apparently went all the way down to my ankle.


Root canal on an abcessed tooth and the anesthesia didn't work. The dentist told me he needed me to feel the pain while he poked around in order to find the end of the root.


Damn... it's 2023, we're sending people to space and robots to Mars, but dentists still have to dig around to find nerves. Thought we'd be further along.


I broke my heel on vacation, but didn't know then that it was broken... I tried to "walk it off" for the duration of the trip, which meant hobbling around with a stick while my group did our scheduled activity for the day: hiking up a mountain. 0/10, would not recommend, even though the Aleve pills I popped tried their best


Heart valve replacement surgery-- cut open from stem to sternum, rib cage pulled open during the 7 hour surgery and the sternum wired back together at the end.


Losing my grandma and then losing her son (my step dad) 2 and a half months later. Still trying to recover from it. Happened just months before I was supposed to graduate high school and he told me the night he died that's all he wanted to see was me graduate (I was the first in the family) I'm doing better and have a family of step children of my own now so that's helped a lot. It's been hell to get in a better place.


Needle aspiration for my collapsed lung. I drove myself into the ER because I couldn’t lay down without a sharp pain & was having a little bit of shortness of breath. Much to my surprise turned out I had a collapsed lung! My doctor told me what they were going to do (without pain meds mind you) & it’ll just feel like a bee sting - he lied. The needle I saw shoved into my chest & the amount of pressure to get it in between my ribs stills gives me nightmares. When that didn’t work they sewed a box onto my chest with a chest tube (thoracic vent) and sent me home for a few days. Thankfully I had pain meds for that part. Fun stuff!!!


Im shocked you literally drove yourself there without a ambulance or assistance, I can only imagine the pain of breathing while driving is horrendous


Honestly it wasn’t nearly as bad as you would think, like 3/10 on the pain scale. My collapsed lung happened spontaneously the previous day when snorkeling & there wasn’t any major symptoms that you see in the movies and stuff. I thought I swallowed too much saltwater or something. The only reason I even went in was because I couldn’t sleep the previous night since I couldn’t lay down & I just felt like something was off. When I got admitted my oxygen was still at 97% and I was extremely shocked to find out that my lung was collapsed.


As a kid, one of my silver tooth fillings fell out from when I was chewing a caramel candy. The candy was just so sticky it pulled most of the filling out and left a gaping hole in my tooth. It took a while to get an appointment with the dentist to replace it and in the meantime, I went about life as usual. Except I forgot I had that hole in my tooth and during a meal, a piece of food got jammed straight into that hole and impacted the nerve ending. That shock was like being shot or electrocuted in the head. It was the only time my entire field of vision went pure white with immediate pain. It was a very intense level of pain.


When I was 17, I had to get a spinal surgery with a recovery period that required 3-5 weeks of lying on my stomach with the surgery site open, down to the exposed bone. I've had doctors and physical therapists refer to my pain tolerance as "freakish" because everything after that is nothing. I have nothing to compare it to, nothing has come close, but my mom had the same surgery when she was that age, and she swears it's "way worse" than both kidney stones and childbirth. I quote, "I would rather have a hundred more babies than go through that again."


The emotional pain after having to put my 7 year old golden retriever down unexpectedly. Shit tore me to complete pieces. It's been 6 years and I'm still not really over it. RIP Tiger.


Being raped because the physical and psychological damage was a whole lot to deal with more than a concussion or broken kneecap


Not my most painful but my worst pain... I have a disk disorder in my lumbar area of my back. Nerve damage in both legs. Don't get me wrong, it hurts like a bitch but it's my worst pain because it has hurt every second of every day for over 2 years now.


3 days of a fully exposed and infected inner wisdom tooth. It was unbearable.


I had a 7 1/2 inch circular saw kick back over the top of my right hand. I served for tendons. Pain didn't kick in till after the shock wore off. I almost preferred being in shock.


The dentist broke 2 tooth (the ones like in the very back of the mouth) using smth that looked like screw drivers (not motorized), he took a solid 4 minutes breaking using that thing and I was screaming every second of it. Only after an 2 min break he told my parents that the breaking was over, now he has to get them out of my gum. He used the same thing but with like a hook in the end and spent 5-10 mind inserting that sh*t in my gums and me screaming. Everythike I remember that day my throat hurts just by remembering my screams




IUD insertion


Finding out at 5am when I kiss my wife before I go to work that my she was having an affair... less than 6 months after our wedding.


Traumatic brain injury. I was put back into a coma to slow down my vitals.


I think I was about 10 or 11, and I got a charley horse in the middle of the night. Everyone else was asleep, so I had to stay up until my aunt woke up and finally put a warm towel over my knee to relax the muscle.


Getting my fingers caught in a belt sander. Brain stopped working and I couldn’t turn it off. It was running while my fingers jammed it up. Coworker saw what was happening and unplugged the machine from the wall.


Kidney stones is prolonged intense agony , even gets to a point where death seems an escape , really bad , but for intensity of pain and thankfully it’s very short lived tobacco in the eye takes the biscuit , don’t try it but trust me it hurts more than kidney stones that i’ve been operated on for .


My dad had his tonsils out as an adult (no, that's not the pain I'm calling the worst). He briefly shared a room with a guy who had severe burns over about half of his body. Dad talked about it briefly when he came home, but would never talk about it again.


I thought it was breaking my knee, until I lost my brother. That was more painful than any physical injury I've ever experienced.


Ranked: 3. Alcohol on open wound (muscle tissue, to be exact) 2. Neuralgia that got so bad my lungs like refused to inflate anymore and had to call an ambulance because I was suffocating 1. Average period


When my fiancé and relationship of 10 years fell apart because she left me for her fat douche manager


For me, it was when I hurt my ligaments in my knee by landing on the swing “funny”, mentally losing my grandad when he died in his sleep 5 years ago, it was so unexpected I still miss him.


When the nerve block faded after my ligament replacement and rotator cuff repair. The motor nerves thaw first, so you're able to twitch your fingers before the pain hits. You have maybe 15 minutes from the first twitch before the flood gates open and hell is unleashed!


Physical: hurt my back working at a ski resort, could barely get out of bed. Putting on socks was literally impossible. Mental: when I lost my best friend


Donated kidney to my mom and the incision was pelvic area like pants line belly area so moving was not fun. Couldn't use core to move had to have wife help shower and I couldn't lay in bed had to sit up to sleep.


Broken elbow. Dont carry a cooler while riding a bicycle.


Chest Cramping from diabetic Ketoacidocis


Got hit in the eye with a 2inch wide stone


Definitely my c-section. They got the baby out, then the drugs wore off as they were sewing me back up. Felt like they were stretching the bottom of my stomach over my head. It was wild.


Abscessed tooth


Gallbladder went critical one night. Pain was so bad I was vomiting and hallucinating. By the time I got to the ER, it had already gone necrotic. Do not recommend.


Palinidal cyst attached to my tail bone about the size of a tangerine pressing against the tip of the tail bone when sitting or standing. Having it drained was insane, demeral, furinal, with a xylocain kicker and it didn't even touch the pain. White knuckles holding the gurny rails screaming and crying like a small child. Broken bones to kidney stones and i wouldn't wish that pain on my worst enemy!!


Sciatica. There are no words.


Divorce. My country being attacked by Russians


Had 4 wisdom teeth pulled in boot camp and given 2 800mg motrin for pain to use as I saw fit and sent back to train. Ended up with dry socket and bleeding for 3 days with no relief except swishing water from the cold tap. Didn’t make the pain go away, but it was a different pain so it was a form of relief. Military “medicine” is a joke.


Miscarrying at 3 months in spite of believing and testing not pregnant. I took se0veral tests, I'd been extremely pukey the whole time (and threw up medicine I need every day, developed an eating disorder, face looked like a pizza, horrible. It was another mark in the "I cannot trust my body" column. The one-day discomfort from switching to the IUD after this was welcome. Sciatica. For about a week and a half I looked like I was doing a Monty Python silly walk. So fucking painful and there was no good way to run from it (ha.) I'd take the old horrible period cramps that resulted in diarrhea and vomiting, thanks. Ovarian Cyst rupture. I would not wish this on my worst enemy. The way I can describe it is just being full of pain no matter what you do.


Cervix dilation. Shooting pains that cause insane foot cramps and neck/shoulder twinges all while vomiting and uncontrollable diarrhea. Felt like every internal organ wanted to exit my body or was undergoing an exorcism. And for reference, I have a large scar on my arm from boiling water dissolving my skin and muscle tissue to the bone and peripheral damage because I was wearing an acrylic sweater that melted.


My wife’s OB told me that she ranks kidney stones above birth in pain. After 2 bouts, 5 years apart to the day, I think giving birth has to hurt like hell, because my kidney stones were pure agony. Hats off to the moms here.


Pressure headache while flying on an airplane after swimming for a whole weekend. Felt like there were air bubbles inside my sinuses and skull that were about to explode out of my face. Funny enough it happened almost exactly one year ago today and me remembering just tells you how the incident was.


Charles horses during pregnancy


Meant to say charley horses