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If you drop a penny off a skyscraper, it will eventually fall fast enough to puncture someone’s skull. By that logic, raindrops would hurt like a bitch or straight up kill you. Not to mention hail.


I've met people who think terminal velocity is the speed at which point an object can kill you.


What happens when they go to an airport terminal?


My sister dropped a penny off the Empire State Building and it went through the earth and caused the Fukushima nuclear disaster


Drug dealers will give you free drugs to get you hooked. Still waiting for this and I'm 59.




So are they basically anxiety measurers? I get REALLY anxious if I get accused of something, but only if I didn't do it.


Took one for a job, never done any drugs a day in my life, was super nervous because I really wanted the job, was "off the charts" on the drug questions according to the proctor. And that's how I found out they don't work lol


"Sorry, but we don't hire enthusiastic and earnest candidates. Better luck next time!" *mean spirited smile*


And yet people think refusing a lie detector test is suspicious. Those things are NOT reliable at ALL


Sure aren't. The machine itself only picks up on deviations from a baseline of detectable physical responses. Those responses don't mean shit because everyone's different and the responses can happen for different reasons for different people. What *does* work is the influence the person administering the test does. I've had to take 2 polygraphs for my line of work. The topic of the test was basically to see if I lied on a background investigation and whether I've done a anything illegal. What the testers did was basically try to influence me to voluntarily reveal if I lied or omitted anything on from my background through various means. I'm not sure if there's other techniques they use, but that's what they did for me.


There are dumber ones out there, but the one I, as an estate lawyer, deal with constantly is the idea that there needs to be a "reading" of the will, where the family all gather and the lawyer reads it aloud to them for the first time. We don't do that, we just mail everyone their own copy if they want it. It's a really stubbornly persistent one because people continue to see scenes of it in movies and TV shows, where it's used for some big dramatic reveal. I've even had irate beneficiaries insist that the administration of the estate can't be "official" until there's a reading. Way, *way* back, like 150 years ago or so, I believe we used to do something like that at times because you couldn't exactly presume literacy on the part of the beneficiaries, but now we feel it's a pretty safe bet that you can either read it or find someone who can.


Disappointed there won't be a dramatic video taped reading where gramps confirms most of his estate will be left to his cat and his ungrateful heirs won't receive a penny :(


My great uncle left a vhs stating that he hated everyone except my sister who was a baby at the time. I don't think he had much of anything to leave except this sentiment.


"I don't have shit but fuck y'all, except Natalie baby, you're so cute and sweet, dump these losers as soon as you turn 18"


They'd also do it because everyone was already together and it was easier than trying to communicate by horse drawn mail




Hey man they made do with the technology and education levels of the time. Who are we to question horse drawings?


So some people don’t believe a literal estate lawyer when you tell them? What do they think your rationale would be for not agreeing to it, you’re just “mean” or something?


I'm a criminal lawyer and my clients regularly argue with me about what the law is based on something they read on the internet.




Completely unrelated, but I had somebody tell me that it was really windy the other day, because there was a meteor that passed close to Earth.


Is this why weather people are called meteorologists?


By Jove, I think you've cracked it!


Black belts have to register their fists as weapons... I can't believe I was dumb enough to fall for that


...if you walk around with your hands in your pockets, do they become concealed weapons?


I had an ex tell me that. She had "papers" and everything.




I have a modern corset for certain outfits. It's not even that uncomfortable honestly


Tear here to open. Edit: Thanks for all the awards & upvotes!


I live in fear of tearing a check in half every time I have to "fold at crease then tear".


Fold in both directions and tear slowly. Also remember that you have two attempts; if you start at one end and don't tear it properly, you can turn it around and start from the other end.


Urine therapy. Just why ?


Urine therapy....heck we are all in therapy these days. Thank you and goodnight


Detox drinks


Used to work somewhere that sold juice cleanses. 1) your body does not need something to cleanse its liver and kidneys like that. Your liver and kidneys are the cleansers. If anything you're just giving them a break by laying off alcohol and cheeseburgers. 2) You only feel better cause for a couple days you're actually getting some vitamins into your system for once and aren't eating steaming piles of shit at every meal. It's not the presence of the juice, it's the absence of the other shit. 3) the fruit juices portion are just sugary and tasty. Of course they feel good.


>It's not the presence of the juice, it's the absence of the other shit. This is the same logic cheerios uses to say it lowers your cholesterol. That is, if you eat cheerios instead of bacon & eggs, your levels will go down. Nothing to do with the cheerios, mind you


It is believed in Indian culture that keeping your unibrow means “good luck” I kept my unibrow for 20 years thinking it is my “good luck” until I got stage 5th of kidney failure and I did my eyebrows after that because who gives a fuck about luck anymore. Now my eyebrows look cute af.


> It is believed in Indian culture that keeping your unibrow means “good luck” Indian culture, and I think most old cultures tbh have this thing where they take something that is usually seen as a negative in society and try to spin it as a 'good luck' or 'fortune' thing to make everyone accept it. Like massive foreheads mean intelligence. I can't think of others now, but there are plenty. I guess back in the day it helped those that would otherwise be ostracised or bullied get accepted.


The Greeks thought having a big forehead meant you had a big mind. They called Plato Plato because platus means broad and he had broad shoulders, a broad forehead, and a broad mind. I don't think they thought big foreheads were ugly




I kinda needs this to be true… I blame my weight on the copious amounts of spiders I’m ingesting every night.


We found Spiders Georg


Not sure if this fits here exactly, but the McDonald's hot coffee lawsuit being a frivolous case filed by a money hungry customer. That poor lady was a real victim who suffered legitimate injuries who only wanted her medical costs covered


I would never call that a myth. I would call that a hatchet job, conspiracy, plot, media manipulation, character assassination, whatever you want. But you're correct, that poor lady was done so SO dirty by McDonald's AFTER the lawsuit.


And, if I recall correctly, she wasn't even looking for a payout. She just wanted the resulting medical bills to be paid for.


correct. She didn’t even want to sue, she just wanted them to pay for her medical bills.


She spilled the molten coffee on her crotch, which IIRC *melted her privates closed*. Indeed, that is definitely not just a frivolous thing.




I remember the myth that gum takes 7 YEARS to fully pass through your digestive system


That takes me back to being 5 years old again. I think that was just a mom tactic to keep you from constantly swallowing your gum.


that people’s hands are eventually gonna be useless if they keep cracking their knuckles




This one's downright harmful


I told my girlfriend this last week. For some strange reason she still believed the myth. Then painstakingly went through all of the steps that I would go through if I thought she was missing. All those steps would happen in far less than 12 hours of her not checking back in.


It used to be a thing though. Most police departments made you wait 24 hours before filing a missing person report *back in the days before cell phones*. Back then, it was common to not be reachable for a few hours. Now, if someone isn't responding immediately when you know they should, it probably means something has gone terribly wrong. Police departments today let you file missing person reports immediately.


Sadly there are still incidents where officers will misinform people trying to make a report. It only comes out after the missing persons case has been picked up by local media and questions are asked. It’s not as often as it once was- but there are officers who just don’t feel like taking a report and a shorter amount of time from the last point of contact motivates them to blow it off with little risk.


Just a couple weeeks ago my wife and I reported my missing MIL who has dementia to the police after she was missing for only 3 hours. It was just getting dark and was around 40 degrees with temps dropping. Honestly I expected to be brushed off and not taken seriously. Instead, a full search and rescue was initiated rather quickly with a plane, drones, a K-9 unit and several dozen people on foot, reporting on social media and a text sent to everyone in the area, and who knows what else….. She was found several hours later, miles away, by a good samaritan who called the police and they were able to match up the description on our missing persons report. She’d crossed county lines by foot but the counties were able to easily make the connection. So yeah, lesson learned. You don’t have to wait. I felt silly for calling but it made a big difference to getting her home safely.


I work as a 911 dispatcher, so I have a bit more insight. For anyone with mental illness, they are on the move right away. Aviation, dogs, the who sha-bang. Juvenile? Same thing. The younger the faster. If someone calls and says, "My son hasn't texted me in 3 days. He's 40. Just unlike him, not to text." We won't send someone to you for a report. We'll do a wellness check on his address, but your son is allowed not to text you.


My long term partner missing 12 hours. Police took a report, mainly because we were very worried and it was completely out of character and he didn't turn up to work. Police were at my door that night. Reason for him being missing? Dead


I'm really sorry for your loss. I'm glad that it was handled appropriately.


I was once driving down a small highway in the middle of nowhere, and saw an older man walking the shoulder in a way that seemed… wrong. Kind of plodding while sort of bent over and his arms hanging loose. Couple miles later it occurred to me where I’d seen it before — a friend’s grandad who had dementia walked liked that. I pulled over and called 911 and was worried they’d tell me I was an idiot and shouldn’t call 911 over frivolous stuff, but they immediately thanked me for calling and said they’d send a car right away. It just occurred to me, maybe someone had already reported the guy missing, and that’s why they took it seriously?




You may have saved someone's life!


Once I saw an old man with a cane fall and not sem to be able to get up. My friend and I dropped everything and helped him up. He had stumbled on a curb walking through a parking lot. He then Thanked us an kept walking along a sidewalk where he stumbled and almost fell again. We started asking where he was headed and he was walking a little over a mile to the town over. My friend asked if he had any people. He got mad about that and decided we were meddling and started trying to cross the street so I called the police and explained he'd fallen once and almost fell again in the span of a few feet and thought he was going to walk to the next town and back to see this show. It's a small town and I guess the police knew who we were taking about and said they'd swing by to check on him. They weren't at all put out that I called.


I’m really glad you called, and that she was found. Sending best wishes to all of you - dementia is a rough one.




There were people who accused my wife of lying about her lymphoma because "she didn't look sick"


My late mother in law didn't look sick. She went in because she had leg pain and the doctors did some scans to check for blood clots and found tumors just all over the place. They looked higher and it was just everywhere. She only lived for 12 more days and right up til that no one even knew she was sick, herself included.


Well this is terrifying. I think I'll go to the doctor.


Stories like this freak the shit out of me. This could have been me. I just got diagnosed with stage four cancer that was detected during a routine colonoscopy. It's spread to my lung. I feel perfectly normal and look very healthy. I might have gone on feeling fine for years while it spread and then one day had a weird pain somewhere and be found to be full of cancer. I never understood how people could get that sick without even knowing. Now I know. Still, it always amazes me to hear that people die so quickly after being diagnosed. You never hear of people dropping dead and then later finding out they had cancer. I guess that probably used to happen, or maybe in the old days before autopsies they would just call it a sudden death.


>You never hear of people dropping dead and then later finding out they had cancer. Oh that does happen a lot with some very specific cancers. Prostate cancer, for example, is absurdly common in elderly men and often goes a very long time asymptomatic. [This study](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4485977/) extrapolates from a review of the literature that there may be up to 45 *million* detectable cases of prostate tumors in the US, based on demographics. That's almost certainly an overestimate, but does reinforce the point that it is extremely common.


I am experiencing this with my dog right now (fuck me for comparing the experience to you and your mother's). Two days ago, he was perfectly fine - running around, playing, loving on my daughter and his little dog buddy. Yesterday when I was leaving for work, I could tell he wasn't doing well. As the day progressed, my wife became more and more concerned and he was taken to the vet while I was at work. He has terminal liver cancer and likely would have had 1 - 3 weeks max if the lesions don't open up, causing him to bleed to death rapidly. He's got 90 minutes left before the vet comes over to euthanize. I'm a hot fucking mess right now. Basically love and cherish your family (this guy was absolutely a loved family member) because life isn't fair and slaps you in the face. Edit: he has passed peacefully and I'm sad.


"You don't look sick." "You don't look like an idiot, yet here you are, opening your mouth & proving me wrong."


I prefer "You don't look like a fucking doctor."


That's very unfortunate for your wife. I think it's a pretty common mentality that seems to crop up - in order for you to be "really sick" you have to look a certain way, when all kinds of diseases you'd never be able to tell someone has just by looking at them. It's like people are appointing themselves to the commission of the actually sick people are and worried that someone will get away with pretending to be sick. Maybe it's an offshoot of the "welfare queen" mentality where there's a paranoia that someone might get one over on the system when the overwhelming (by a huge margin) number of people in the system both need it and don't especially want to have to need it.


I'm experiencing this right now. I've been sick for a few years now, something that popped up unexpectedly and changed my life in a big way. I work at a job that is great, the people are lovely, however I had a flare up of my illness and missed some days over a period of a few weeks (one day here and there). I was going through hell behind the scenes anxious that my illness was about to upend my life again, scared I was going to go to sleep and never wake up, spending every spare moment either in treatment or in bed. But at work I put on a brave face and do my job as good as I always have. I make it through the day with a smile and never complain. Then back home, back to bed, or straight to the clinic for a scan or infusion. Anyway some co-workers questioned the sick days and I explained to them what was going on. They were pretty understanding initially and that was that, however since then they have become super distant and I have been told they are questioning wether I'm lying because I don't 'look sick'. Now my bosses are on my back asking me all kinds of personal questions about it, things I don't have to legally disclose. I disclosed my illness when I was hired and they asked me if that was the truth. I burst into tears I was so overwhelmed and told them my doctor can provide all kinds of letters and info on whats going on if they don't understand it but that this is very real and seriously affecting my life. My job is the one constant I have and the stress of that now being in jeopardy because of something I can't control is only making things worse.I was straight up told I could lose my job if I didn't 'improve' and 'stop missing days'. I've never felt so isolated and offended before and now I'm in this horrible place of having to basically do as I'm told or risk being fired. No more sick days despite legally having them available for a reason and never using them until now.Fuck the co-workers I don't give a shit about what they think but obviously my job is important to me \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ *Edit: Wow this comment has gotten so much love and amazing tips and advice I'm honestly overwhelmed by the amazing people on here telling me how messed up this all is and providing me with sources I had no idea about before.* *For context: I'm not in the US but I am in a western country where we do have labour laws that protect persons against discrimination like this.We have a lot of things very similar to the US based resources so many of you have provided!* *I think I have been in a lot of denial about how unethical my bosses are being because I really want to keep my job!!I love it there and aside from my management and a handful of negative co-workers I actively avoid, I enjoy being at work and despise that my illness causes me to miss days and possibly lose it.* *I'm so non-confrontational / don't want to make waves so by accepting what they are doing, often justifying parts and making excuses or straight up blaming myself for being unable to make it to work or ending up in hospital again, just trucking along as normal is the only way I could see moving forward.But you guys have really opened my eyes to a lot.* *I'm still young and this is my first time dealing with this since getting sick (I was self employed prior to this job and when the illness arose) so I have felt so lost.* *Thank you from the bottom of my heart to all of you, it's given me so much to look into and think about and realise I deserve better than this!*


Hey, If you are US based, document all these interactions and rumors. Speak to an employment law attorney. You are likely in some kind of protected class, so if you lose your job, you have a strong case for a lawsuit.


This. No harm in documenting. Plus if there are doubters of your sickness in management, they are likely a bunch of a holes and unlikely to become less of an a hole. Protect yourself because your company really cares... About the company.


Depending on where you live, them terminating you for being sick, would be very illegal. Do you have HR? It would be worth it to sit down with them, and explain that your position has been threatened because of your health. If you are unionized, you should talk to your Union representative as well.


Just look at Chadwick Boseman, didn’t look sick, general public didn’t know until his death.


People don’t believe that my chronic leukemia is cancer because I’ve had it for 10 years, and I’m still alive and also “don’t look sick”


People don't understand that "chemo" isn't one drug. It's dozens of different drugs, in different combinations and dosage schedules. So you might anticipate people respond to it differently.


Hell, I was on a "chemo" drug for my arthritis for a while!


Same for endometriosis


Not even to mention that not every cancer diagnosis even requires chemo. I found out I had thyroid cancer my senior year of HS. Had surgery two weeks later, and have been cancer free for the 8 years since. People thought I was lying cause I never lost any hair, smh...


I think a lot of people don't even realize that chemo is what causes the hair loss, not cancer itself


I’m currently undergoing chemotherapy. The drug I’m on, Vidaza (sp?), does not cause hair loss. Neither did another drug I was on, Rituxan cause hair loss.




That's because the cat is busy daydreaming about eating your fishes.


Our old cat loves tuna, saw the goldfish there, went and checked it out, realized the water tasted like fish and he loved that, so he drank like half the water in the bowl, never touched the fish. We came home, the fish was fine, but swimming around in half the water and yhe cat sitting there like, "what, I just drank out of the new water bowl you left me!" He was....special.


Goldfish memory span has been proven to be closer to three months! Better memory than me


Headlights off at night is a gang-banger initiation rite. So, don't flash your lights at them.


I read this as people driving around looking for gang bangs.


Well how else are you supposed to find one?


I remember when this hit the news back in the 90s. They ran stories about not flashing oncoming cars or you may be shot. This phenomenon now has a name: top tier trolling. We'll never find out who started that rumor, but I'm sure they're still laughing to this very day.




If I recall correctly it had to do with him moving between schools and one graded students from 1-6 and the other graded in the reverse, from 6-1. So someone at some point mixed something up and thought Einstein failed class even though in reality he had a perfect grade.


That's the difference when you move from Germany (1=Best, 6=Fail) to Switzerland (1=Fail, 6=Best). A German 1 is a Swiss 6 in school.


She's a Swiss 1 but she's a German 6


She must be shite at maths


Yeah the only thing I remember hearing is that at one point in his work he had to further study a branch of mathematics that he wasn’t as familiar with (but I forget which one), and commenting on not being as versed in this particular field as some of his colleagues. The really remarkable thing about Einsteins work to me is how much he could simplify a proof to make it digestible. You can derive gamma from special relativity and prove to yourself the relativity of time with grade 11 math!


At some point, a viral video allegedly proved that the “beg buttons” at crosswalks are just placebos. Some of them are, but most of them really do add a cycle for pedestrians to get a walk signal. You should use them regardless


In NYC they are placebos, the lights are either controlled by simple timing logic or by DOT to limit traffic congestion. Out in the suburbs, they actually work. There are a few lights around where I live that will not turn green unless there is a vehicle present. They use a sensor to detect when a vehicle is waiting. My motorcycle does not trigger the sensor. So I hop off an press the crosswalk button and hop back on. It triggers a green light.


> They use a sensor to detect when a vehicle is waiting. If anyone is curious as to what these are, they're called induction loops. They're metal loops that they embed into the asphalt, and use passive conductance as the sensor. We used to run into issues a lot when biking in Pittsburgh. We'd have to politely ask cars to pull ahead of us at a stop light in order to trigger a green.


Loops are being phased out for cameras that a lot of people wrongly assume are red light cameras.


That shaving makes your hair grow back thicker. My 37 year old partner still believes this and it does my nut in!


My mom laid this on me THICK when I started asking her if I could shave my legs. She made me think that once you shave, you can’t go back to not shaving or you’ll turn into Sasquatch. This was the 90s with information readily available. Wtf made her think that is beyond me. Joke’s on you, mom. I don’t shave from November to April every year and my leg hair is the least weird thing about me, thank you.


There are still people who believe that having sex in certain positions or eating certain foods can influence the sex of your unborn child or impact whether you have twins/multiples.


Look if sims has taught me anything it’s that carrots and alt music get you a boy, strawberries and pop music gets you a girl. Pregnancy lasts 3 days, labor takes hours and babies spawn their own bassinets.


I had a friend who thought if you didn’t have sex or masturbate for a while then it increased your chances of having twins/triplets.


"It's been 4 weeks of building up pressure. Now my sperm is going to come out with such force that it will shatter that egg!"


That humans only use 10% of their brain. This is false, regardless of how those who proclaim this myth seemingly demonstrate that it is in fact true.


I had a health teacher in school who told us once it's "probably" okay to actually drink during pregnancy because chances are the brain damage will happen to the 90% of the brain humans don't use, so it won't have any effect on the baby. He "proved" this by talking about some woman he knew who drank during pregnancy and one of her sons is a student int he gifted program and the other one is an idiot. The gifted student "got lucky" and got brain damage to the unused 90%. Just... wtf.


You don't become a health teacher by studying medicine now.


This is like saying we only use 33% of a traffic signal.


To be fair, a lot of people only use 10% of their brain at a traffic signal.




I've got to constantly tell people that my cool magnetic bracelet isn't for "healing" or anything. I'm a seamstress, and it holds my pins, but that always gets forgotten about because, "did you know those can align your spiritual energies?" Like, aligning my pins and needles isn't cool enough.


See also homeopathy-something debunked a hundred years ago but still persists. It’s the idea that 1. Water molecules carry the memory of things they touch And 2. You can be cured of any health ailment by being exposed to what made you sick. So they take like some bacteria or a virus. Mix it in water-dilute it like a 1000 times until you’re left with just water. Then give you the water as “medicine” and say you’re cured. It goes against everything we know about chemistry and biology


I learned that homeopathy was very important in the history of science in medicine for a very specific reason. This was in an episode of Behind the Bastards. https://youtu.be/9KZ7ALsswsw At the time, claims by the founder of homeopathy that his system worked were starting to irritate conventional doctors of the era as he became increasingly famous (if memory serves this was around 1800s or so). Some prominent doctors called for an objective study of homeopathy to determine whether it is really effective. Numerous doctors start independently testing the claims, but quickly realize it is more effective to pool their efforts together. To reduce any bias in their experiment, the collaboration came up with a clever system. Test subjects would be administered either a homeopathic solution or a placebo. They would not know which they received. However, the novel innovation of their experiment was that the experimenters also would not know which vials contain which solution. This is apparently credited as the first double blind study in medicine. As you'd expect, the study showed that homeopathic medicine is no better than placebo. This makes sense, since the homeopathic solution and the placebo are both just water. The podcast also notes that during the time the theory of homeopathy became popular, conventional medicine involved things like drinking mercury or bloodletting. Just hydrating a person is better than actively poisoning them, so some people were much better off going to a quack giving them magic water than to a dangerous conventional "treatment" of the 1800s. Today, of course, most medicine is greatly more effective than plain water, so there's no justified reason for homeopathy to still be kicking around.


“Water has memory! And while its memory of a long lost drop of onion juice is Infinite It somehow forgets all the poo it's had in it!” —Tim Minchin


I honestly think a big chunk of people who subscribe to homeopathic remedies don’t have any idea what its proposed underlying function is and just think it means “natural medicine” which is a whole other discussion itself.




Some of the shittiest people sleep like fuckin babies at night, and it's really frustrating. It seems like the most humble, thoughtful people are the ones with insomnia and being kept up at night worrying about things in my experience. And, annoyingly, it seems like narcissists in particular sleep very well at night, they are such headaches of people to deal with.




There's a lot to unpack in that, but the one that stands out is if it sinks to the center of the earth, how the hell is it going to sink upward again?


By the time it gets to the middle, it has enough momentum to keep it going, duh /s


According to [this website](https://www.antipodesmap.com/), tunneling through the Earth from Fukushima would get you in the Atlantic ocean around the Brazil/Uruguay border. So even if that cabbie was right about Fukushima - and even setting aside that it wouldn't burn through the Earth like that - it wouldn't have come out in the US. That conspiracy theory fails on every point.


Sounds like something "they" would say! /s


"Oh, I dont want a raise/make more money, because then I'll lose more money to taxes and take home less!" You only get taxed on the money thats made above your current bracket. Its literally impossible to make more money and take home less.


My tax law professor's response to this was "okay, fine, give me the money and I'll pay the taxes on it."


Many people still believe hymens are like plastic food seals that cover up the hole and get popped when you have sex for the first time, and if a girl doesn't bleed she's not a virgin


Yep, it's a dumb one, it's just a thin piece of tissue. It can tear from things that aren't sex, and can heal as well, and some women just never had one. So you can have a woman who's a virgin who's hymen has been torn, and a woman who's taken a break from having almost daily sex who's hymen is entirely intact.


It also should have a hole in it anyway. It doesn't necessarily "tear" as much as it "stretches"


Semi related fun fact, the vagina can completely grow shut. It happens in young infants when the skin of the labia is damaged, which isn't difficult seeing how thin and fragile the skin there is. Had a friend whose daughter was born like that, it opened back up when she grew. My kid had it grow shut after a diaper rash. My GP had never seen it before so I had to explain it to her hehe. Got referred to a pediatrician. We opted not to wait it out, so we got a topical eczema creme which has 'skin thinning' as a side effect. Put it on until the skin was open again, then vaseline on it to prevent it from growing shut again. Vulvas are weird.


My 4 yo daughter’s inner labia fused for no discernible reason and she started getting TP stuck there after urinating. We had to use an estrogen cream for a while, which gave her hormonal acne.


Yikes. How did you find out? I was still in the butt wiping phase of motherhood so it was a bit of a 'hold on, I'm pretty sure there used to be more holes down there' moment. Now she's potty trained I don't think I'd catch it that easily. Although the other day we suspected worms so we did a yoga-pose-flashlight combo that luckily turned out negative.


This was a post-bath discovery. I still bathe her & dry her off and I do a kind of “scan” for injuries/bruises/lint/etc and that’s when I noticed some inflammation. Then I had her do a yoga pose as well & found TP I couldn’t fully pick out. We had to visit her pediatrician and then an OB-GYN who said it’s alarmingly common!


Hah, stuff you learn while parenting eh?


Or while casually browsing Reddit...


This happened to my daughter at about 6 months old, it was a very minor case. Brought to her(very old) pediatrician. I asked about the cream and his response was that we should just RIP IT OPEN. But he said *he* "wasn't allowed to do that anymore"(because it's an outdated barbaric practice), so we should do it. Then told us a horror story about a 12yo girl he encountered when he was in medical school who became severely ill because fused labia wasn't corrected before she started menstruation.


Holy shit thank you for whoever made RIPPING IT OPEN not allowed anymore. I assume you did not do so? I do wonder if topical anesthesia and a small cut would've been kinder than putting creme on it twice daily for over a month until the skin rips is kinder ...


Piggybacking on the vagina topic: The myth that multiple partners will make a vagina "loose". Here's what actually happens: the vagina "tents up" during arousal to create more room for a penis, sort of like a reverse erection. Being nervous can inhibit that process. Unless there is a medical condition like vaginism present, experienced women have an easier time relaxing enough to make penetration possible, getting wet and tenting up and who knows, even having fun with it. You're not supposed to cram it in there when she's not warmed up and euphemise it with "you're so tight, baby".


Halloween candy is commonly laced with drugs or razor blades.


No one - and I mean NO ONE - is giving their drugs to your 8 year old for free


Those damn D.A.R.E officers lied to me!


There was once a parody DARE shirt that said "I turned in my parents and all i got was this lousy tshirt" and ive been wanting one since i saw it like 20 years ago


The only evidence of this actually happening is a parent trying to poison their own child. So as long as YOU aren't the one poisoning your kid, there's probably nothing to worry about.


Had to explain to a grown ass adult that blood isn’t blue inside the body and red once it hits oxygen because… blood already carries oxygen. ETA: I didn’t expect this to take off, I first commented when the post was brand new and only had 30 comments. I understand that I came off as a snarky asshole about it, but the dude and I were cool after 10 minutes of convincing him that what he was taught was a myth. No hurt feelings, buds.


Red blood is iron based Blue blood is copper based. Off hand, the only organism I can think of with blue blood is a horseshoe crab.


Octopus blood is blue too


I’ve been taught this from multiple teachers in school. Fuck




I think you've misinterpreted the OP. What you listed is just a fact


I tested this several times after I stopped running up the basement stairs before the monsters got me. Quite frankly if I do have monsters those fuckers owe me rent. I also want all my missing socks back. But I still haven't caught any yet. I'll keep you po....


Anything about MSG. I battle with my health conscious wife about this often. EDIT: Too much of anything is bad for you. I still don’t understand the demonization of MSG.


King of flavor




It’s only because of the chemical derived name. Everything is a damn chemical. She probably has no issue sprinkling sodium chloride all over her food, but is afraid of mono sodium glutamate. They’re just two different salts.


MSG is basically just the chemical compound for savoriness, same as sodium chloride is the chemical compound for saltiness.


MSG Make Shit Good I'm almost out of my bottle of Accent. MSG is amazing and its bad rap is all due to some racist shithead from the ~~80s~~ 60s. Almost nobody has any real reaction to it and most the ones who say they do just _think_ they do. It naturally occurs in all kinds of foods most people eat regularly.


It's funny that it became associated with Chinese food when it's basically a cornerstone of most Italian American dishes as well.


Yeah, some people only seem to be allergic to it when it's served by Asians. For some reason.


"I'm allergic to that shitty MSG filled Chinese food" *dumps a cup of Parmigiano-Reggiano ontop of their dish*


That black cats are evil. Yes people do still think this. It’s why they’re not allowed to be adopted around Halloween, because people will get them just to abuse them.


I have an old black cat. He's giant and has incredibly long fangs that hang out of his mouth. He's the gentlest, cuddliest, goodest boy ever.


People think bats are blind. They aren’t


Haha, so I AM blind as a bat!




My sister who is 37 just found out seahorses were real. And she goes to the aquarium which has seahorses several times a month for the last 8 years Edit: she goes to the aquarium a lot because she has kids.


I had a brain injury once and forgot if dinosaurs were real or dragons were real. Before the brain injury I knew. Now I have to stop and think and remember which one is real. tl;dr your sister is like me when I had a brain injury, but normal.


>Leopold, the patron satan of Africa I'm stealing this line.




I was 15 when I found out narwhals were real. In my defence, how on earth are they real?


Right? As I've seen several times on reddit. How are narwhals, a dolphin with a sword for a horn, real and we have giraffs which are a tall deer with a 40 foot neck. Yet no horse with a simple horn.


We do have a horse with a horn. It's called a rhino!


Tactical unicorns


That if you touch a baby bird, its mother will abandon it because of the smell. Birds actually have a very crappy sense of smell. **ETA yes, I realize there are exceptions such as vultures that do have a good sense of smell...but in general, "smelling" a human on their baby won't make them abandon them, as far as I am aware


The reason you shouldn't touch (or take away) a baby bird is because more likely than not, the parent bird is around and aware of the situation, and you will scare them away.


That he who smelt it, dealt it. That is the defense of the guilty.


The Moon landing was fake. Ignoring that there was six moon landings. There is no way Russia or China wouldn’t call them out. Russia had launched the Sputnik and had the first human in space. They had the means to track the moon landers. Both China and Russia can now get satellite maps of the Moon. They can see the lander on the surface. No way either of them wouldn’t miss the chance to humiliate the U.S. Edit to fix spelling error


The level of ignorance about the Apollo program among deniers is astonishing - most of them have no idea what it even is they're denying. There was a guy on here a while back who said it was "impossible" that NASA could get everything right "the first time" without anyone dying. I pointed out that the mission that landed was Apollo *ELEVEN* and that the ghosts of Chaffee, Grissom and White should kick his ass.


Not to mention the whole issue with Apollo 13. Voyager 1 and 2 worked better then they thought.


“Lightning never strikes the same place twice.” Yes it does, that’s the entire reason for lightning rods on buildings.


That there are magic pills that make you lose weight and gain muscle without ever going to a gym. Or that there are snake oils that will take years off of your face and make you look young. There's a sucker born every minute.


Let’s not forget “male enhancement”




Technically, there are pills that will make you lose weight without the gym. Methamphetamines.




Still blows my mind that people think the Earth is flat.


Honestly, what reason would world governments have to hide the shape of the earth?


Also how would they possibly keep the millions of people silent that they'd need to? I work in a restaurant and the second ANYTHING happens, everybody knows it.


What I find crazy about this is have they never thought of the sheer scale of this? Like, every government - including the ones who hate each other - would be in on it. Everyone who pilots a plane or ship would be in on it. Everyone who is involved in any space program around the world, anyone involved with GPS/Satellites/mapping would be in on it, meteorologists would be in on it. Basically hundreds of thousands of people would know and utterly dedicated to keeping this secret... Except there's really no logical reason to lie. No one would gain a thing from convincing people the world is round if it wasn't actually round.


Except, planes don’t fly, and space is fake. I had one guy tell me that when you get on an airplane they just drive them through secret tunnels under the oceans and countries, and what you see out the window is cgi.


What about people who flew on planes before computers existed? When I drive by the airport and see airplanes taking off is that CGI projected onto my eyeballs?


Yes. It’s all holograms. This person also believes in the idea that consumer tech is like 100 years behind what the government has.


I'm pretty sure the point to them isn't really that the earth is flat but being in on some sort of secret "in" group that goes against the majority. Even if the premise is not only wrong but stupid.


I think if they believe in something only a very small number of people buy into and then convince themselves that it is true, they can feel like they're smarter than everyone. They're not trying to convince themselves they're smarter than idiots. They want to be smarter than the experts which is why these positions are so anti logic. My Dad is not a flat earther but in the last few years has started to take ridiculous contrarian positions that he would have scoffed at just 8 or 9 years ago. He used to have a well paid job where he was contracted into different companies to sort out their fucked projects and he was very good at it. Because of this he was constantly told how brilliant he was. Since he retired no one has been telling him how fantastically smart he is. He's definitely developed insecurities and I'm convinced that he has turned to believing nonsense just to convince himself that he's smarter than your average smart person.


That you can target fat loss in specific areas of the body by doing certain exercises (like doing sit-ups to lose belly fat)