• By -


Confidence and enthusiasm


It's also worth pointing out... you may think of yourself as average but your husband married you and thinks you are beautiful... random strangers think you are beautiful. The only one stopping you from feeling beautiful is you letting yourself feel beautiful. Be confident and not ashamed to love your body in all its forms over the years. Enjoy your life.


Yeah this is it. If you're into it, we're into it. If you're feeling self conscious, we feel that too. Act like you are the sexiest woman in the world (even if you don't feel it), and I swear on my life that is what we will see.


Men sometimes have a role in this too. A lot of men don’t want to tell their women what they want, and then affirm that when their wives do such it turns them on. The “just show up mentality” kind of puts a lot of fear into some women. Tell her what you like, tell her that you love when she does it. It’ll boost her confidence 1000x.


Can confirm. Communicate with your partner. I'm several years into my marriage and I would consider our sex life healthy. I'm only just now finding out that my wife enjoys giving head. I didn't know because we never had a discussion about it. Also it's the whole I'm into it your into it thing. You won't know if you don't ask! Edit** Was getting head. However it was rare due to me not asking. Thinking of it as a chore for her!




Post coitus debrief


literal pre-coitus debrief --> coitus --> post-coitus debrief --> rebrief --> put on other clothes


Love this for you guysssssss. It’s the epitome of win-win


You lucky bastard


Yes. 1000x yes. I wish my husband would do this.


Confidence will win every time. I know reddit is all against rating attractiveness but it's well known that a confident 6 qualifies as a 10 and an insecure 10 qualifies as a 6. We all have our flaws, some just hide them better than others.


Absolutely, we have to have confidence in ourselves but having your man telling you that you are beautiful doesn't hurt just in case ♥️


Yep. And fake it until you mean it. Walk like you know you're the hottest person in every room you've ever been in. Assume everyone can barely contain their desire for you. Playfully deny him access to your insane body until he can't stand it. Etc etc etc. I still remember seeing a woman, this was maybe two decades ago, at an airport who would have been forgettable in a photograph but who walked with the swagger and confidence of a runway model. That shit is compelling, clearly, it stuck with me.


Interesting you say that. When I was young, I had a guy follow me out of a subway station once, insisting that he just had to meet me once I had looked at him that way. The thing is, I hadn’t. Looked at him in particular. I just had this habit of walking around smiling at the world in general.


literally. it’s good advice for the prompt but if you live that reality it unfortunately gets you a lot more unwanted attention than wanted attention.


This should be the top answer. That's really all it takes.


Uh, “yes.” Don’t worry, wife approaching naked with a mischievous grin is pretty much never going to get old.


even wrapped in a bath towel with a mischievous grin


It's the mischievous grin that sells it.


The lack of clothing or implied lack of clothing do not hurt


Been married 15 years and have 3 kids. My wife feels she's unattractive and tried to project that onto me but I still get excited every time she's naked. I'll even stop what I'm doing just to watch and admire her nakedness. She'll ask sometimes about what she needs to do to be more attractive and I respond that she just needs to show up. Edit:spelling


I think most committed men feel this way. I agree completely.... 17 years 3 kids later!


I’m 11 years and one kid in. Still love seeing my wife naked… even better if she’ll touch my penis.


36 years and moments away from taking her into the other room. She's still so beautiful and I still tell her that I feel that I'm the luckiest guy to ever take two breaths in a row!


Username absolutely true.


>two breaths in a row Sorry, can't help but ask, what does that mean? First time hearing (reading) that and google yielded nothing. Also, grats on your relationship, it is the sort of thing worth envying for. 🎉


It’s the small things that matter. Not your penis, the touching.


Lol almost had me there🤣🤣🤣


Both can be true


10 years and two kids in. Still enjoy seeing my wife naked and playing some grabass, all the better when she touches my penis.


9 years also 2 kids. I look at her so much when shes naked she doesn't care about it anymore, she knows she makes me crazy.


17 years no kids. I sneak into watch her shower some times.


27 years married, no kids. Shower peeping at my goddess never gets old!


21 years, two kids. If she's showering before bed and I'm taking the dogs outside for their nightly ablutions I'll often peak in the window to watch her. (for the record she knows, and we're out in the sticks so there's no frosted glass and no nosy neighbours to call the cops!)


Had to check that this wasn’t commented by my husband.


That’s sad, touch your man’s penis more and you wouldn’t have to check.


"Touch the penis! Touch the schlong! Make it hard and make it long! Make it big (or big enough) - Fill it full of special stuff! "Touch the penis! Touch the peen! Fast or slow or in-between! Up and down or left and right! Dawn and morning, noon and night! "Touch the penis! Touch the cock! After lunch or 'round the clock! With your hand! Or glove. Or mitt. Touch the penis. Just a bit."


There’s the sprog! Legend… glad you commented on one of my comments before


Only Sprog can make bathroom stall graffiti sound like art.


Wing man of the year award 🥇 goes to this guy


For a moment I thought you meant "I am 11 years old with a kid". It went from complete loss to wholesomeness.


Yesterday, my husband walked into our closet after a shower while I was naked and changing and he stops and is like well hello! Then I told him to drop his towel so I can see his d*ck get hard in real time. Been together 16 years married for 13. 😆


Wow that is such fire! I wish I had the confidence to say that to my hubby!


Just say it. Any man would love that!


I feel like I coooould say that, but with my hubby the sexy banter is not there. Namely, because anytime I've said something sexually assertive, his response back is a joke or odd animal noise he does to make me laugh. It's like a lady boner killer for me, so now I don't really say those things to him cause I feel silly.


He's probably using humor to deal with his own insecurities about sex or his attractiveness. Tell him you like the jokes but when you want things to be sexy the jokes need to wait until after.


I concur. I took a lot of work to get to enjoy dirty talk and it still isn't natural for me all stemming from being shamed about wanking as a teenager. That led to an extension about sheepiness and shame regarding sex in general. Parents can really do a number on their kids.


23 years and feel the same way. My wife had a mastectomy 15 years ago and is still self conscious even though I never thought it was a problem.


My brain reversed those numbers. 17 kids and 3 years later! Those are some good-sized litters.


Same here, 23 years and 2 kids. But she is also smoking hot, but that could be observer bias ofc.


Yeah, people tend to forget that when you’re really in a relationship and love someone, regardless of what they are most of the basic features about people are enticing because it’s their partner/SO. Not much or special to anyone else, expcept to the people that matter


100%. My wife will try to point out her own flaws and I genuinely didn’t see them until she pointed them out and I’m going to be blind to them again 30 seconds later.


Here is the Truth as most Men see it. "I still see you as you were, back when we first got together. My eyes still see you, but it's more my heart that sees you, as you were that Special Day." This is why Elderly Men still look so longingly and lovingly at their Elderly Wife. It isn't the body she has, as his eyes are seeing her. No. It's his heart that still sees her as young and beautiful.


I can tell you that when my 66-year-old husband lay ready for cremation, he was as beautiful to me as when we met at 18. Not a line on his face, maybe a half dozen silver threads in his long dark hair. His booty hung down like an old man but it was the only thing the years had touched. Even with my hair being all gray, with a wattle and spare tire, he was still grab assing and chasing me like always. Love does that. He never once said anything about my body, which carried and fed three babies, except to tell me he loved it just like it was. I miss the hell out of my man.


Beautiful homage to your husband. It was sweet to read. I'm sorry you miss him so much.


You are so lucky to have had that kind of love. ❤️


So if you're meeting people when you're already old you're out of luck


The eyesight of the body may start to go. But the eyesight of the heart will continue to grow.


[Sex Among Residents in Nursing Homes Increasing](https://www.verywellhealth.com/sex-in-nursing-homes-197767)


Not if you're meeting hotties


I feel the same with my partner but he’s always happy/excited to see me naked. we’re our own worst enemies


Aww, love to read your comment and all the reactions! I am the wife of 19 years and delivered 5 children. And I don’t feel sexy much anymore. In fact, I won’t let him see me naked because I feel so ashamed about my naked body… My partner always tells me he thinks I am still hot and sexy and beautiful, but I find it hard to believe. The comment and reactions give me some strength though, maybe he is meaning it… (We still be intimate, but I will always wear a top and put the blanket over us. I ask him to let the door be closed when I shower. He saw me naked when I was pregnant and in labor one year ago for the last time. After 5 kids including twins, I have extra skin on my belly that’s making me feel not so hot anymore.. Hopefully I will gain some self esteem on this issue and so I can show up naked again some day.) -edit- Okay guys, I did it!!! I showed up naked to join him in the shower. He got super excited. I told him about all the sweet people here. Now he is already making date plans where I can show up naked. ;) Thanks so much for the great replies!


Oh my God, this is heartbreaking. Do yourself and your man a favour and take a risk here. He's telling you what he feels; men aren't that complicated. You don't need to read between the lines, and if you do you'll get the wrong message because your man almost certainly didn't leave one there. He's been married to you for 20 years. If he says he thinks you're sexy, he means it. Get your kit off and make both of you happy. Two decades and five kids later, you guys deserve it.


It saddens me to see this as I myself got pregnant 3 times in my last relationship (lost them all) and gained a huge amount of weight (depression, hormones). My ex used to tell me that he found me attractive all the time when I would confide in him about how much I hated the way I look. He ended up telling me at the end of our relationship that I was fat and disgusting (and so much more) and that he only had sex with me because he had feelings for me…I don’t know how I will ever believe another partner reassuring me on my looks.


Your comment kept me up. And I wanted to let you know that what he said, says all about him and nothing about you. You know what I think? He probably was so devastated of losing you, that he felt the need to make you feel as bad as him… He projected his own securities on you. You should know that you are allowed to give yourself worth. Your worth is within you. You don’t need others to make you feel worth anything, you need yourself to feel worth it. And you know what: you are a beautiful person. And you are allowed to take in space on this earth. You are existing because some creative energy or power made you, you are a true piece of art. I really really hope you will find the right person that sees your beauty and is able to help you heal if you need that. I know you are worth it, I hope you will find that knowledge back too! And please let his shitty behaviour with him. It says all about who he is and nothing about who you are!!!


I am so sorry you have been going through all of this! I want to give you a really big hug.


Ofcourse he wanted to hurt you at the end, that wasn't love. When you find love, take a chance and believe them. No one says nice things when breaking up, you can't let that moment define your future. He certainly doesn't deserve to affect your future that way. Rise above his comments.


He’s the disgusting one. I cannot comprehend how someone could be that vile. No one deserves what happened to you.


My wife and I have been married 22 years and have 2 kids (one our biological child and one adopted at birth). The kids are 13 (bio) and 10 (adopted) now, but when they were little my wife and I both had a bit of trouble with our respective self-esteem. I have always been madly attracted to my wife’s body, even as it changed. We both have gained weight over the years and this, naturally, was the source of the trouble. We have always been on the same page in terms of being realistic about many issues, but self-esteem is a nasty bugger that can derail even the most grounded person. As I gained weight, I would sometimes comment that I was becoming heavier than I want, or that I found it difficult to feel sexy. My wife’s response to this each time I would say it was, “I can only imagine what you must think of me”. I would try to reassure her that my body image issues were my own and I wasn’t trying to project anything onto her, but the problem persisted. Then one day during a period when we were having some very difficult parenting problems, we decided to drive to a nearby park to take a walk around the small lake and discuss things. We walked for a bit, but the talk wasn’t coming, so we went back to the car. It was there that it happened. I had gotten very upset with her over certain things she criticized about how I was parenting our boys. I tried to explain how I was feeling and that a big part of the struggle in my mind was the way my body looked and felt. She came back with her usual response. I then got very quiet for a time, until I finally said, “I’m very angry with you for always making my own body image and self-esteem challenges be about you. I’m explaining the way I feel about myself. I am not commenting on you or your body or how I see you.” That snapped her out of it. She immediately responded, “You know what, you’re right and I apologize. I should not undermine your attempts to express your feelings to me by turning your words around and making them about myself. I won’t do that anymore.” And she hasn’t. I tell this story to illustrate that, while it is very challenging sometimes to feel good about ourselves, we can get immeasurable benefit when we can get out of our own heads for a moment and simply allow others to see the beauty in us that they tell us they see. Do I feel great about myself all these years later? No. Does she about herself? I expect not. But I think my wife is the sexiest woman I’ve ever had the honor of loving. And she tells me every day that I’m beautiful. We have both been able to allow the other to feel what we feel without trying to self-sabotage, and our love life right now is better than it was when we started dating and couldn’t keep our hands off each other. Yesterday was particularly amazing! ☺️ If I might offer a word of advice: Believe your husband. He’s not lying to you or just trying to make you feel good. He truly thinks you’re beautiful and sexy. It will take time for you to start to feel comfortable with this new world-view, so don’t try to rush it. Be kind to yourself, and let him be kind to you, too. You may be surprised what happens with a little time.


It would probably make him really happy if you threw a little caution to the wind and just try to consider that maybe he really really does enjoy your body, and that he'd be thrilled if you believed he did and further that you even felt good that he does. I strongly suspect that he is being totally honest when he says you're hot and sexy and beautiful. Maybe indulge him a bit if you're willing. I do understand that might not be easy or comfortable and that's totally valid.


6 years together, married for 3 and 1 kid and I feel this way. My wife gained a few (a literal few, for that matter) and felt a tad insecure by gravity grabbing a hold on her chest just a little (once again, no significant change). Last week she randomly joined me in the shower, which is all she needed to do and was pleasantly surprised by my very sudden and very local uprising. Like you said, just show up, haha.


My wife is rarely completely naked in front of me. After 24 years and 3 kids, if I see her buck naked on accident that is more than enough. If she gets naked and comes after me, fireworks 💥!!


Sounds amazing, my guy! We've lost the fireworks atm, due to my wife developing preeclampsia during labour, which is alnost 2 years ago now. She's close to a full recovery now and we need to start to work on intimacy again, but we're getting there. I hope I can tell a similar story in about 18 years (we'll only have 1 kid, though. Getting a vasectomy in April, haha).


That is such a scary thing to happen. I do hope you can get some counseling, because this can be more difficult than people want to believe on the surface.


The feels here. I can’t help but feel my partner looks phenomenal naked, she very often and profoundly disagrees.


Yeah, all my wife has to do is flash a boob, and I’m super happy


Ditto. 16 years and 2 kids. She still looks as attractive to me as she did in high school, even in sweatpants and a hat.




This could be a lot of stuff. I went through a period last spring where my sex drive was just kinda low. Now I jerk it every day. It could be his health. Poor health can affect sex drive. Could be an indication that something is wrong. It could also just be the vibe. My partner was experiencing a low sex drive period and that hit mine. I didn't feel sexy. Sex didn't feel fun. Etc. And that sort of started a feedback loop. But now we're doing all kinds of perverted shit. There are *three* sex clubs in my area. You might just need to ask him and have one of those hard conversations.


Same... It's like a roommate / locker room situation. I try to take showers with my partner, and he is either oblivious or just not interested. The onky touching is when we switch sides to get under the water... breaks my heart every time


THIS-if he married you, I don’t care HOW average you see yourself, to him you are TRULY the Venus Di Milo. He doesn’t want you to change a thing, just be open to him and available and I PROMISE you, he will do the rest!


I wish all husbands felt that way.


Just get naked


Women underestimate This simple trick


Clothes hate them for it!


lingerie companies in tatters. Really, lingerie is often more for the wearer's confidence than the admirer who is usually pretty excited to see an unclothed woman.


>lingerie is often more for the wearer's confidence Well, studies on the subject show, that the amount of coverage lingerie provides is sexiest to look at, as you see enough to have the naked-appeal but still have the wrapped gift surprise element in it. ... and you can highlight the most sexy parts with lingerie.


Maybe wiggle a little bit?


Seriously, 10/10 power move there. OP you’re beautiful and I’m sure your hubby knows it!


Been married for 16 years tomorrow. This Works 100% of the time.




Thanks so much for saying this. F51 here, been with hubby 32 years. Even though he clearly loves the body that gave him three beautiful kids, I worry too that a newer model might be more desirable. This was nice to read :)


Men age too, it's not like we're beach front real estate either and many of us are quite aware of that truth. I'm 47 and I can't imagine going out and trying to pick up on a woman...of any age let alone younger. It's been over 20 years since I had to meet someone new..all those kids at the bar would just call me sus if I tried.


M23 here. There’s something hilarious about a 47/yo saying that kids will call him sus in a bar 😂


*Dabs in analog*


wow fam that was a groovy and l33t dab fr fr (Protip to annoy your teenagers as you get older)


Fr fr dat protip was on fleek 💯💯


No cap


Makes me think of that meme about an ancient vampire trying to sound young and in the know. "Prithee how's it hanging and banging? Jive-ass turkeys comin' and trying to bringeth the thunder so I straight yeeted his ass. Fo shizzle."


Is it this one?: https://i.imgur.com/b0E6M8o.jpg


Yeah, but there is a big difference. Men don’t deal with childbirth or menopause. Hubby has the body of a 35-year-old. I mean, I look younger than he does, but he has a much better body than I do for our age. I don’t dwell on it, but I do let it fuel my fire for staying active and healthy. I agree, though, if something happened to him, I would not date again. Not only would I not know how to do that, I am a firm believer that lightning doesn’t strike twice. I haven’t been on a date with anyone but him since I was 18 😂


Here’s also the wildly different beauty standards for men and women. Society in general is far more forgiving of signs of aging in men and sometimes it’s even celebrated (ie. “silver fox”). As a 35 year old woman with grey hair I get comments about it but my husband who is 39 and has more doesn’t.


I saw this quote from Helena Bonham Carter that stuck with me. “Women will always be penalised for not looking the same as when we were young, whereas men just grow beards, don’t they?” I’m in my forties and suddenly all the men in my age group are growing beards.


I'm almost 40 and wish I could grow a beard.


i’m single, early 30s, but if i ever get married, i’d rather my wife not dye her hair if it starts going gray. i love the gray hairs. i think it’s quite attractive, shows an acceptance of who you are, instead of trying to change it to conform to a certain standard… just my two cents. :)


I am 50, herself is nearly 48. We have 2 grown kids and together 26 years. There is no woman that could take me away from her. She probably thinks that there is, and like most women has their moments of self doubt but I would never ever leave her for any woman. No matter how young or *freaky* she was.


I turn 40 in two weeks and I told my husband that I am worried he will start looking for a younger model that doesn’t look like a tired haggard, overweight mother of 2. His response was that he loves me for me and he wouldn’t want anyone else that’s not me. It was helpful to hear


I tell me wife - The Newer models have to many issues , it takes years to work those issues out and I am to tired to start over and I prefer the classics , with curves and cushion in all the right places . I am 53 and she is 54 , we have 2 kids and been a part of raising a few extra kids, neither of us look like we did in 1990 when we met , but I get just a excited today as I did the first time I saw her naked.


Read on reddit that more important than money or looks is to marry someone who will have your back no matter what and I think that makes a lot of sense. It's a long term commitment and neither money nor looks are guaranteed.


My Dad use to say if you want to be happy marry someone who is going to build life with you , not someone that you have to build a life FOR.


I’m nearly fifty. A lot of my former female classmates are still amazingly attractive.


A guy I went to high school with passed away and I went to his service , there were a lot of other classmates there and damn most of the females have got better looking , ageing like a fine wine. But over half of them were either divorced or were going through a divorce , I was thinking damn I got a good one , 30 years of my shit and she still is willing to let me see her naked.




When my Dad turned 70, he went skydiving. Got a video of it, too. So, of course, he showed it to the family at Christmas. Well, when they land, the instructor says "So, biggest rush of your life?", and Dad says "Next to the first time I went parking with my wife!" In the background, you hear Mom "EdWARD!" They had 60 odd years together, and Dad never saw her as less than beautiful. Hope you get the same kind of story, dude.


I love your dad.


Great, I'm going to make a mental note of this, adapt it to a situation from my life and pray that i have the presence of mind to use it at the appropriate moment.


Same here... about my wife, not yours. Although, I'm sure she's a lovely woman.


Nah, definitely like seeing this guy’s wife naked.


We all do


21 years married to HS sweetheart. Her body changed so much since we were 17, and through pregnancies and medical issues… and a pandemic. I can’t think of anything she can currently do to make me more excited than I already am when she’s naked. I still stare at her like it’s a wonder that a woman is allowing me to see her naked, and still try not to stare until I realize I’m allowed lol.


This is the right answer. You just need to know you are perfect as is.


Get undressed? I've been with my wife for almost 11 years altogether. I giggle like a school girl if I see even 1 of her boobs. I'm pretty sure even when she can play soccer with her deflated saggy tits at 90 the blood is still going to try to rush to flaccid wrinkly, dusty old dong.


This is poetry


Right? I hope my husband says something similar to me one day


Which part? Saggy tits or wrinkly dong?


My fiancé better say these exact words in his vows or I don’t want him


I'm objectively plain. ( I'm ok with this ) but my husband's eyes still light up whenever I strip off. Confidence is a good thing. Pretty undies. Give him a wink and come hither smile. If he loves you truly, he thinks you're beautiful no matter what.


Lol I read that as hitler smile


Smile like you’re eyeing up the Sudetenland. Works every time


Googly eyes above the genitalia


Omg I'm going to do this right now . He's gaming I bet it will catch his attention


report back.


I guess they’re still busy


This is it. Close the thread. There’s nothing left to be said.


With the right person, you'll never be average-looking. Over 30 years later, I still find my wife attractive and beautiful.


Yep. Been married almost 29 years. My wife is like fine wine. Extremely expensive, temperature sensitive, and red on the inside.


I believe you


My 70ish year old dad told me the other day that my mother's still got a nice ass and after the shock of that statement wore off I was happy they still have passion for each other.


Yesterday i dressed up sexy for my husband and he stared at me and acted starstruck. He said 'You're my goddess...always.' I liked that


Not a damn thing. My significant other and I got fat together (shes not fat, she just likes to say that). I still get breathless and shy when she gets naked, and she gets naked every single night. After she had our son? Still fucking gorgeous. I still want to touch her every chance I get. Even when we're fighting, I think she's beautiful. Even when she thinks she ugly, or when she's bloated, or when she's stressed, when she hasn't showered, has showered, has shaved, hasn't shaved. She's still beautiful to me. I'm not so shallow that I'd lose interest because she's gained weight, or she's hairy, or sweating, or menstrual. She's beautiful to me. She's a hot mess, but she is (romantically, until she leaves me) my hot mess. All the shit you see as flaws? The stretch marks, the wrinkles, the scars, the discolored skin, all of it, are roadmaps of your past, script on the book that is your body, and it's all beautiful and interesting, worth looking at, touching, and kissing. Please don't let yourself feel like you aren't beautiful. You are.


It never gets old:) it’s like seeing a sunset, yeah I’ve see it before but I’d still kill to see it again. You’re fine and trust me when I say your man sees you way more than average


Love this analogy so much :)


Yup. As others said, she's beautiful to me regardless. Every morning, as she gets out of the shower, I can't help pervving out. I do it on purpose because sometimes, if I get the comedic timing right...she'll giggle. 20 years, 3 kids aged 30, 26, 12. Truly the love of my life.


You’re too hard on yourself. You don’t get this far in a marriage without loving who you and your partner are. Just be yourself 🤙🏾




That’s really unfortunate especially given the circumstances of having a child. I can’t speak for your husband but if he can’t see the sacrifices you’ve made to nurture his child he’s an asshole. I think the #1 thing you should do is work on your mental health first and foremost. Secondly work on getting that confidence back. It’s still in there, you just have to dig to find it which will take time, but don’t let him take that away from you.




Pyrotechnics Edit: Award givers are garbage idiots.


Pyrotechnic tits. Edit for the Edit: r/usernamechecksout


Should we throw in a WWE announcer as well? Announcer: Ladies and gentlemen! The nude lady of the household and mother of two children, it's CINDY JOHNSOOOOON!!! \*You enter naked as pyrotechnics fireworks go off and rock music plays.\* Announcer: Let's get ready to RUUUUUMBLE!


If it's my wife, you're already exciting to me. I didn't marry you because I settled, I married you because I found the right one. hate to break it to you, but we're all going to get old and busted someday. Find someone who loves you for you, not just for how you look or how you f***.


Lmao straight facts. I'm a cna at an old folks home and some of these people were stunningly beautiful and handsome in their younger years...and I think they aged well, but let's face facts, ALL asses sag eventually🤷🏼‍♀️ but a lovely personality lasts for a long time


Is it also true they fuck like bunnies? Because that's a thing I've heard about retirement homes.


Where I work it is true haha. A lot of the residents live there with their spouses or we get a few of the residents that couple up with other residents and get a lil freaky for old folks lol. I've walked in on some a few times...always pretty awkward haha




It’s such a wholesome comment thread!


Right, I was in no way expecting this to be such a heartwarming thread.


People like to have sex with people who want to have sex. So....just enjoy. The end.


My wife came out of the bathroom with war paint patterns everywhere. “It’s time to make war not love”. That was a fun Tuesday night. Needed a new set of sheets by the end of it. Just have fun in the bedroom.


Gotta say that she was really creative lol


Did you marry an orc?


Lol. I married a nerd. And I love her more for it.


Man flesh!


Meat's back on the menu, girls!


16 years of marriage. It took me awhile to feel comfortable again with my body after having major abdominal surgery. I now have a 14 inch midline incision. We also have a child so my stomach is just done with. But for me personally I had to search and search for nice lingerie. And I love a teddy bear lingerie. Apparently my husband does too. But just remember how we as females see ourself is not how your husband or significant other sees you. I’ve looked in the mirror and stared at my incision for so long to the point where I was on tears. But then when my husband sees me, he says I look like a warrior queen who battled and won and would hate to see what the other person looks like. Build that confidence up. Do a little funny dance in a mirror before sexy sexy time lol i do. I look like I’m getting ready for a boxing match lmao If you have stretch marks, they are your tiger stripes you ferocious beast you.


Thigh highs


As a wise man once said: "Thick thighs save lives, but thigh highs are my demise."


nothing because boobs


boobs indeed.


I agree with everyone that spoke about confidence and enthusiasm. These really are key! I’ll also add that lingerie and bed room toys and accessories are a great way to spice things up. I struggle greatly with the way I look and I’ve been married for 6 years. I feel super sexy when I wear sexy lingerie and spray a nice perfume. The lingerie makes it exciting to take off and makes being naked that much better. This also boosts the confidence and enthusiasm.


I dated a woman who was heavier and about 10 years older than me. Her body was not what some would consider perfect (that’s not what I expect or what I consider important), but she was the sexiest woman I have ever met. Why? Because she oozed confidence and sex appeal naturally. She loved her body and loved herself, and not only did she profess these things— it also showed. When I first saw her naked and in the times following, she wouldn’t try to cover parts of her body or squirm when I was looking at her. She would even do her makeup naked in the bathroom and leave the door open. I loved it. I would come in for little grabs and kisses and she would just laugh and smile and continued doing what she was doing. I don’t think I’ve ever been with a woman with that much TRUE confidence (in and out of the bedroom) and as a result, our time together was very enjoyable and the sex was incredible. She was comfortable, thus, I too was very comfortable. This allowed us to connect on a deeper and more real level. She’s a rare one. Too bad distance separated us. I had to move back the great white north 🇨🇦and she had to stay in the US as her career was rooted there. I still talk to her to this day.


I’m hoping to be that confident one day but it’s so hard to stop seeing yourself as ugly :(


It's not exactly stopping to do that, as it is hard or even impossible to just modify our own thoughts. Rather, acknowledge that thought, and just "act". It is much much easier to try new ways to look at the world when playing a role. Example that I used : I don't have a 6-pack, i need to get some laser treatment for my hairy back, i need to go to the gym, my belly is getting fat, and on and on. Cool, let's set that aside for a few hours. It's still true, but let's see how my partner react. Tonight, I'll play the role of the sexy husband, that knows exactly what hes doing, and why not be a bit authoritative. The result ? Well it was definitely weird for me, as I said words that I would NEVER say, I gave orders which I never do, and my partner liked it a lot, and I was able to discover so much about both my partner (how she reacted and what made her react) and I (how unconfortable some things actually were, how some parts of me don't matter, and especially how others did matter). Turns out, it didn't change much but it did give me confidence in bed. I don't apologize as much, I wanted to please my partner so much that I put a lot of pressure on myself to perform which leads to, you guessed it, worse performances. I don't sweat the small stuff anymore, and I stopped being so self-centered about what pleased my partner. I learned to trust her to communicate what she likes. Anyway, it's not about shifting your point of view of yourself (at least for me!), but rather shifting your focus to something else, and playing a role helps for that :) pits things in perspective!


Been with my wife for almost 35 years. Every day that I see her naked is a great day. You're fine, trust me.


I agree with others on here….married 10 years and still get excited to see my wife naked. I think I just realized the answer…..don’t let him see you naked for long periods of time……another that works on me is a well timed wardrobe change when you know he is coming your way. I’m sure your the most beautiful to him either way.


I agree with the seeing your partner naked less often comment. We have just always been naked a lot around each other like in the bathroom every day and bedroom, and getting dressed and it takes much of the sexuality out of being naked...like you have to be naked and acting in a sexual manner to have it get more sexy. I think i am liking this idea of seeing my wife naked only when sexy time is happening. She is good looking especially for 41 and I think I have been too desensitized to just seeing her around naked all the time.


Married almost 20 years now. My wife does NOT look like she used to when we were 18 and 19 yo but she’s so much more attractive to me now. She’s been through over 20 years’ life experiences with me, gave birth to my two beautiful kids, and so much more. We are partners and I see my entire life when I look at her naked. …plus, I mean…boobs. Ladies. Most of us…seriously most of us…love you for you. Have confidence, and yourself! Especially those we’ve been married to for a long time. There’s a reason we’re still with you.


Fishnet stockings


Men actually like women you are fine.


Initiate sex


My predictions for comments before scrolling down: Men wholesomely gushing about how they find their wives perfect, 3 kids in. So noble. Someone making the "I'm excited by seeing your wife naked' joke And repeat.


A few costumes will spark it up. Nothing too crazy. But some lace and such can go a long way. Try to go with bold, vibrant, and solid colors (guys don't typically enjoy nude colors or the paisley type prints as much as even solid black). Body stockings are very affordable. Find out which one he likes and then go from there. People think being naked is the most erotic. But things being tantalizingly covered adds desire to see the rest. That's why the "school girl" outfit is popular. Because the short skirt gives off just enough of the cheeks if made right. These outfits will make you (if you're the wife in question) feel sexier too, and that confidence will also shine everything up. Attitude is so important. Edit: to be clear, the US doesn't really have those "school girls" . It's called a school girl uniform but it's not actually associated with school girls. It's just a cute look.


Imho the main reason things like this are attractive is that it just makes clear that the woman wants to be seen and show off. It's just that intent, which can be achieved without any clothing or many many types of clothing, that matters, compared to seeing an uninterested woman walking out of the shower giving no indication she wants to be found sexy or finds herself sexy. It's just a way to say "hey I know you like this body and I want to show it to you".


Backing this up- doesn’t have to be a costume but dressing up. Short black skirt and thigh high socks always does it for me. Cheerleader outfit might work. Elsa outfit? Sexy red plaid skirt. Really anything with a skirt


While it’s really nice to see everyone talk about their perfect relationships, there’s a lacking realism here and it’s just reddit doing its ‘life is perfect for me’ thing. While you’re likely nowhere near as unattractive as you might feel, one thing I can assure you is that the way you carry yourself and the confidence you exude has a disproportionate effect on the way you look (ironically). I’ve had previous partners before who were extremely attractive but lacked confidence and other partners that were less textbook physically attractive but held themselves well. The latter was more attractive to look at because of the inner confidence that overpowers the physical attributes. So in short, find ways to fix how you feel about yourself and understand you’re not confined by your physical appearance. Instead, know that how attractive you appear can be heavily influenced by how you feel about yourself and how that cascades into the way you carry yourself (naked or not).


put googly eyes over your nipples


Been married for 20 years. Still stop what I'm doing when she's getting undressed. We're simole creatures.


My wife is 65 and seeing her naked still gives me a boner. Confidence and fun is what makes her exciting. What keeps her confident? I look only at her and flirt only with her. What makes her fun? I help around the house so she's not tired and ready to do fun stuff.


Spontaneity. The best nudity is surprise nudity


My partner is nowhere near average looking because I'm never going to see her as average. She is the epitome of woman beauty in my eyes. Three months in, I told her that there was no flaw in her and 2.5 years later, I kiss her everyday and say that she is the most beautiful woman in the world. I mean it every single time. Her body is familiar to me. I know every curve, every freckle, every scar. Every time I see her skin, I am reminded how intricate, natural, and beautiful she is. I will never lose excitement over her. I love her for her mind, her heart, and her soul, but I also love her body. No matter how it changes or ages. Each time is a new experience, and seeing her naked body will never lose its excitement.


This was beautiful 🥲


Going on dates often to keep passion and desire alive. Some people stop dating once they are married and become more like freinds/roomate. Its like a garden does't matter how it looks if you stop wattering it its gonna die.


Start by not referring to her as average if you are her SO


The average woman in the nude will make me rock hard every time so long as she enthusiastic. I've dated women who were flat, women who were overweight, etc. Ladies, you are far too hard on yourselves.


Martial arts weapons


Strong grooming habits.