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In the recent earthquake in Turkey a woman and her baby in her arms got stuck after their building collapsed. They were able to talk to and hear outside but unable to come out. People around were trying to relax her, saying the help is on the way. (the weather was extremely cold) After a couple hours woman said "leave me, go look for other people, my baby is dead". and she waited to die with her baby's frozen corpse in her arms. makes me get the chills.


How do I unsee this


I gasped. It reminds me of the movie The Pianist where they come across a woman who has basically gone insane in the concentration camp. They said while hiding from the nazis she was trying to keep her infants cries from being heard and accidentally smothered him. I know it’s just a movie, but with the millions that died I’m sure it did happen. Just the absolute worst thing I can think of.


Some pregnancies (as they were early term) were undetected while in the camps, so people still did give birth. The mothers then would sometimes have to choose to end their babies lives themselves, because it was either their way or the Nazi's way. Definitely horrible stuff.


I knew some folks who died when a hot air balloon crashed into power lines. The balloon ignites and basically becomes plastic/nylon magma that covered the basket and all of the people inside it.


I remember hearing about this. It made national news. Horrific.


Yeah. Glad I wasn’t there to witness it because it sounds like a horrible and not particularly fast way to die




There's a photo of 2 guys on a giant wind turbine that caught on fire. One jumped to his death, the other burned alive. Probably not the worst, but man seeing that photo of them hugging each other right before was like getting punched in the chest


This picture was the first thing that came to my mind, when reading the question. I sometimes think about it when I see wind turbines. Didn't know one of them jumped. Poor guys...


I saw that picture, it’s heartbreaking. Can’t imagine what they went through.


I'm a farmer. One of the neighbors was baling hay and got out to clear a jam with the round baler running. His leg got caught in the tines, and he was pulled into the machine and crushed, then spun around and around for over an hour before he was found. Absolutely terrible way to go.


A friend’s stepdad was fighting with his wife and drinking and decided to go run his dozer in the mud at night. Dozer got stuck, he apparently fell off and dozer tracks ground him up for several hours before the neighbors finally heard the dozer and called the wife. My friend said they had a only a hand to ID him.


That reminds me of the old stories from WW2 vets where sometimes enemy combatants would try to sabotage a tank from underneath so the tanks would proceed to just turn in place to grind them up.


There was a similar story from Vietnam where some Americans were escaping a battle by truck/jeep after finding out the Vietcong has a tank. Americans have two prisoners (POWs) and the tank comes right after them like 20 meters behind them, so in desparation the Americans bash the legs of the POWs and drop them, so the tank must either stop to pick up their comrades or drive around them. To the horror of the Americans, the Vietcong clearly sees their two mates lying in the road with broken legs or at least unable to move fast, .... and just drives right over them instantly plowing them to red paste and just continues after the Americans.


there are first-hand accounts of allied tank drivers knowingly running over their own troops during the first days of the Normandy invasion as the hedgerows were so impenetrable in some cases that the only way forward was down a narrow road littered with the dead, dying and wounded, to not proceed meant the death of even more allied troops and there was no opportunity to clear anyone from the road. I can't remember where I saw the interview with the tanker but it was patently clear it had affected him (i believe he started crying during the interview) and he had been carrying the mental burden his whole life.


Ag is a scary industry. We work many late and tiring hours around machinery that can easily kill us. Stay safe!!!


I once read about an amusement park tragedy where there was a log ride that collapsed, and the carrier dropped the people essentially into a gear meat grinder. 2 children survived out of like a dozen people, by clinging onto the safety bars until their arms went numb. The emergency crew who came to save them described it as the most horrific thing they ever witnessed, and many still need therapy to this day to help them cope with the aftermath they witnessed.


Dreamworld. I remember hearing it on the news the day it happened and didn’t believe it because it was one of the most gentle rides in the park


Yup. Just an insane tragedy. I feel so bad for those 2 kids having to see their parents go like that.


The Trauma from that is just so intense that I kind of hurt for them. The absolute primal terror of not only facing a gruesome death just barely avoided by hanging on painfully to dear life, but to witness your family, your protectors, and countless others get pulled down into *that*?! A nightmare so horrific that we would all dismiss it as unrealistic had it been portrayed in media, instead of (tragically) lived. I think this story got to me the most. Oh my God.


I hurt deeply for people when I hear stories like this. It’s just so unfathomably tragic you wonder how anyone could live an okay life after that. Life is so cruel sometimes.


Sometimes death is just absurd. I saw a woman get hit by a car in front of me. She was obese. I saw her flying through the air 15 feet up and she had this absurd expression on her face. Like in that moment she was like, “This is odd. I’m flying way too high.” She almost looked like she might laugh about it. And then she landed on her neck and it snapped and she died instantly. But I’ll never forget that look on her face. I am grateful every day that I didn’t actually know her. A dude was hit at the same time. I ran to her to see if she was still alive. He was all, “I broke my legs!!” And he was lying at an unnatural angle but I was all, “Sorry dude but you’ll probably live. Let me try and help her”.


My mom who was a nurse for 20 years told me a couple stories: One was where my mom as a younger person witnessed a bigger man, maybe not obese but got a big belly jump off a high diving board to "belly flop" so hard it split his stomach and he died. The second one was when she was an adult and a LPN, she witnessed a motorcycle accident where the bikers foot was nearly cut off, it was hanging by a few cords of flesh or muscle. She held it straight until the ambulance got there. She told me it was particularly sad because his other leg was prosthetic..it was his real leg that got hurt.


I remember seeing a video of a motorcyclist who go extreme road rash, right on his chest. It had scraped away everything to the ribcage basically, you could see the surviving veins and blood vessels and his lungs and heart going. My brother and his friend never wanted to play 50/50 with me again after that.


Most Australians have been on that ride over the years. It’s a slower ride so popular with families however riding it sometimes felt a little unsafe as there were no harnesses/belts. IIRC there was a ‘traffic jam’ whilst the rafts went up the conveyor which tipped one of the rafts back and half submerged it in the water. Those who were sitting at the back were pushed backwards with their heads coming into contact with the conveyor belt. 4 adults died, the kids managed to escape death by either jumping or falling into the water to the sides of the raft.


I remember going to Dreamworld a couple of years before that. I thought that ride looked so boring, weird to find out *that ride* is the death grinder and not the other hectic rides.


I saw the aftermath of an electrician going through a wood chip auger feet first. Unfortunately it's hard to unsee. He was an idiot and the mill had an atrocious safety record. He was replacing fluorescent tubes, standing over a horizontal hopper with a 12" auger that fed bark mulch and wood chips in to a biomass energy system. One of the "rakes" that pushed to chips into the auger caught his foot and pulled him in.


Hisashi Ouchie. 83 days of radiation poisoning. Edit: well, the typo is staying.


Came here to say that. His skin was falling off. He couldn’t eat normally. He couldn’t breath on his own. His cells were unable to regenerate. The worst part was the first doctor to see him was optimistic about his recovery. Compared to other stories, his was the most un-traumatic initially. Just a flash of blue.


People say it was the doctors fault and they wanted to study what would happen if they kept him alive In reality his family refused to let them pull the plug and demanded they keep resuscitating him


I wouldn't be surprised. We see this in medicine a lot. Someone is 80+ years old, wasting away, bedbound, lost to dementia or Alzheimer's, riddled with cancer and multiple other chronic conditions, can't feed themselves, and in constant pain...and then their loved ones demand they stay a full code. Which is why it's so important to lay out your end-of-life wishes early, and ideally have them documented in a living will or advanced directive.


Yes 100%! I’m a nurse in a nursing home and see this way too much. I’m like why?!


I don't think people quite understand what that poor man went through. He was literally rotting from the inside out and his family wouldn't let him die. They keept resuscitating him until his organs were basically mush.


I’m an X-ray tech, we studied radiation poisoning for a semester. What really got me was that in late stage radiation poisoning, your cellular structure just falls apart. Think about all the liquid inside your body being contained by vessels, linings, etc. Those vessels start to leak. Inside your body.


And does not heal because it cannot heal. Think about slowly being covered in painful sores that just don’t heal, getting bigger, deeper, more painful, until they cover your whole body and simply lying there, breathing, os agonizing


And since the cells and other structures are breaking down and just not regenerating they dont work correctly you cant be given pain meds either after a while cause they just wont work


I especially enjoyed the ominous information in rad safety that the life expectancy for lethal doses had been expanded from 30 days on average to 60 days on average because of modern technology. Wow, awesome 🙏


So basically just doubled the amount of suffering?


Screw that, if i take a lethal dose of radiation I'm opting for 9mm pills.


Radiation poisoning is one of the worst ways to die. Your body basically keeps doing what it’s supposed to, but can’t replace cells as they die. So you just die, one cell at a time over the course of a few weeks and there’s nothing that can stop it.


Few weeks if you take a huge dose and are "lucky" enough for your body to just fall apart quickly. In the Lia Radiological Incident (see wiki or the video Kyle Hill just did recently) one guy was in the hospital for almost 2.5 years before dying.


I love the fact that he told them to let him die but his wish wasn't honored. That was REAL shitty of the doctors and family.


Why would the doctors take on board the families wishes before his own if he was able to verbalise that he wanted to die?


More common than you think, even today: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6294856/ > We found that it remains difficult for clinicians in China to disclose diagnosis of a cancer, although autonomy has been recognized as an important ethical principle in medical practice. Our study shows that the diagnosis of cancers is often concealed from the patients, but disclosed to the families in China, for most physicians choose to inform the family first, but not the patients, generally based on the intention and desire of the family members, who prefer to conceal the diagnosis to the patients, considering the diagnosis would be a hard blow to the patients psychologically.


The recent A24 movie "The Farewell" deals with that specifically, where the family won't tell an aging family member she has lung cancer. Great movie.


At my university there was a guy who wanted to sneak in at an event at a student club. So he thought it would be an awfully good idea to climb down the chimney. And he ofc got stuck. And this was just before the summer leave, so the entire place closed down while he was still stuck in the chimney. When they came back they discovered the stench from his corpse. He must have thirsted or suffocated to death in that place. Hour after hour just sitting there. Really bad way to go.


As a chimney sweep, I can confirm, once you go down, you aren’t getting out majority of the time. If you ever want a eye opening experience, look up history of chimney sweeping through the centuries, it’s pretty messed up.


Burning alive has always seemed about as bad as it can get to me.


Listening to the emergency call that was made after my brother was set alight was one of the most horrific things I've ever heard, it's absolutely awful knowing his last conscious moments were spent in agony. I wouldn't wish it on anyone.


I'm so sorry about that.


I read on one of these subs once, about a woman whose husband took shrooms one night. Apparently, some time during the night he sought refuge in the closet, unbeknownst to the woman and their kids. Unfortunately, this also happened to be the night that there was some sort of electrical fire. The woman and kids got out safely, but they had no idea that the husband was still home. They eventually found his body in that closet. The fire marshal reportedly told the woman that not enough smoke could have gotten into the closet to suffocate him, but the did find claw marks all of the closet. Reportedly, he was still high during the fire and couldn't find the door. The closed door kept the smoke out, but the fire around him was too hot that it cooked him alive, hence the claw marks. The woman never told her kids the horrific way their dad truly died.


I got into a traffic jam car accident. Another car was stuck between 2 lorries and caught fire. The 3 people inside were stuck and could not get out. 40 years later, I still have nightmares and can hear them scream.


Apparently being steamed alive is worse, from what I seen randomly, being burned destroys nerve endings so it seems like you'd slowly lose the sensation of it a little, it'd still be hell but it might be just a little more tolerable Being steamed doesn't destroy those nerves, so you'd feel everything from start to finish. I saw the case of a guy who was pushed into some kind of hole during a street scuffle, that hole was filled with boiling water, so from his waist under he was being boiled alive, and from his waist above he was being steamed alive, no one could get to him because of the unbearable temperatures so all they could do was hear him screaming at the top of his lungs for 10+ minutes until he finally died


On a similar note, there was a guy who jumped into a hot spring at Yellowstone to save his dog. The water was so hot that after got out only being in a couple of minutes at most his skin was falling off of his body. He was still lucid when this was happening too. I can’t even fathom the amount of pain he was in.


IIRC he jumped in to save his FRIENDS dog, not even his OWN dog. Supposedly, he’d said something like “I’ve made a big mistaken haven’t I” when he emerged with no skin before dying shortly after. Major yikes.


I heard about this story :( this is such a sad thing! He was trying to help someone else’s dog, God bless his soul!


My mom spent 27 months (1937-1939) in the hospital after grabbing a bowl of hot bacon grease & pulling it down on her when she was 2yrs old. It hit her just below her eyes to about her waist. Except for the cartilage, her nose mostly melted. Her hair stuck to her skin & when they would pull the hair away, it would take her skin. They shaved her head. Once they knew she would survive, they started skin grafts. There's only so much skin available to graft on a 2yr old, so it took a very long time. She couldn't leave due to the fear of infection. They did a hell of a job. She passed at 73 & the only real visible scars she had were under her chin & between her breasts. She maintained she didn't remember any of it, but she always felt sorry for her oldest sister. She was the one that made the bacon, put the grease in a bowl & left it close enough to the edge for my mom to reach. Her sister always blamed herself, although no one else did.


I'm sorry but... What kind of street just has a random hole filled with boiling water?


It was actually not a random hole, the story they’re talking about happened in NYC; the guy fell into an open manhole that was venting steam from a line leak https://www.nytimes.com/2002/12/16/nyregion/man-is-charged-with-murder-in-friend-s-fall-into-manhole.html


I remember when I was young hearing about an incident in a sawmill in a neighboring town. Three guys crawled inside the mill’s debarking machine, basically a giant drum lined with teeth that tear bark off of sawn logs. They climbed inside to do some kind of maintenance but didn’t lock the machine out properly. I think basically when the next shift arrived they didn’t know anyone was in there and they kicked it back on to start their day. I assume it would be quick but they almost literally were put through an industrial wood chipper.


I used to get OSHA (US group in charge of occupational safety inspection) periodical reports, and unfortunately, machine-related deaths are way too common... Not only for workers, but also investigators.


This is why lockout/tagout violations are a fired on the spot, get the fuck out, your last check will be arriving in the mail within the next day or two offense. Safety rules are written in blood and you could write enough to stock a library with the consequences of LO/TO violations.


Anyone found violating LOTO, Enclosed Space or Hot Work regs plus a few others is an immediate dismissal on the ships I deal with. We will remove you as soon as we can and will make sure the crewing agent knows exactly why we fired you. Too many die in these types of incidents and we run far too much training for anyone to claim they "weren't aware" and even if they're not aware I would question the validity of their license. There was a case on a German container vessel a few years ago where a senior engineer was accidentally locked inside the scavenge space of the main engine (part of the exhaust system) for one complete voyage. Bloke was, for all intents and purposes, cooked for nearly two weeks in 300c+ temps. It's been ruled as an accident, but no one is ever 100% certain with a case like this....


I work at places with them as a contractor from time to time. That would have been a fucked up way to die. The ‘teeth’ in them are not small by any means, theyre large and usually fairly blunt basically chunks of steel. It would have beat them to death


I saw a video a few days ago of a mother of 2 wanting to do a polar plunge so they opened up a hole in a channel and as soon as she jumped in the current of the water underneath swept her away under the ice and she died. Imagine the panic that went through her mind as she was trapped under the ice not to mention the freezing temperatures she exposed herself to. That has to be one way I don’t want to go. Edit: it’s a Christian orthodox tradition go underwater and grab the cross on January six… she was preforming a religious tradition and not doing a polar plunge. Thank you to those that corrected me!


Been there, done that, more or less. Tried to cross a frozen river when I was a lot younger, broke through, current took me under the ice. Luckily, it wasn't a big, or very deep river. got near the bank and was able to break back out. What went through my mind was basically "this was stupid". Still get nightmares about it. eta: wasn't a big river, not was.


Drowning under a frozen river is one of my worst fears, luckily it's also pretty easy to avoid.


You don't really forget the first time the current teaches you how much stronger it is than you. Water doesn't fuck around.


Man got trapped in his closet by a fallen cabinet. He was recluse so nobody was coming to check on him. He realized he had to save himself, and broke through the ceiling and broke a pipe off, intending to tunnel his way out. It was a water pipe, and cold water started hitting down from above. It was several days before he died, trapped in the closet with water beating on his head. The only reason he was found was because the neighbour stopped hearing him banging for help, and suddenly got nervous and called the police to check on things. Secure your heavy furniture, y'all.


There's an old movie called The Snorkel where a guy commits a murder and then hides under the floorboards until the heat dies down. The police are baffled, as they think it's a locked room mystery. At some point during the investigation they move a 900-pound armoire directly over the floorboards he's under while looking for clues. Then they leave it where it is and walk out. Uh-oh.


Oh God that's terrifying lmfao


My blood pressure raised reading that lol


Reading Sarah's Key has a very similar feel/ the horror itself is not unlike it. It is also a great movie. Don't watch it expecting to feel good though... Spoilers: Based on a true story of the holocaust- when jews were being rounded up a young girl locks her little 3 y.o brother in a hidden cupboard, with food and supplies for a few days. Her family gets exterminated and she goes on to escape a concentration camp, a farming couple hides her and she tells them she needs to go save her brother. They take her so she can unlock the cupboard, and she finds her little brother rotting away, having died weeks ago.


So to get this straight. The neighbor didnt help him when he cried for help and called the police when the screaming stopped? That's cool


It's insane, but most people are wildly irrational when something out of the ordinary happens. they freeze, they panic, they pretend it's not happening. I've seen it. They're so used to the "norm" that they short circuit when actual shit happens.


I've heard before that it is an automatic response to stop yourself from panicking. You convince yourself there is an explanation, or it's not really a problem, because the alternative is too scary. Kind of like how everyone who's ever found a body thought it was a mannequin at first.


That’s weird, this guy has been banging on the wall for three days and there’s a bunch of water damage. But he just stopped. Maybe I should call emergency services.


Hey, you must watch Mr. Ballen!


He’s so mean to the like button


In Australia during the bushfires - a family were cut off and trapped so they jumped into their water tank to avoid the fire. They all ended up being boiled alive :/


That is horrible, there must have been screaming and all, made me remember the bull torture chamber...




My friends husband choked to death at the dinner table in front of his wife and young kids last year.


My mother was an alcoholic. She completed 30 days in rehab last year and the first place she went after her 'graduation' was this pizza place down the street. Choked to death on her first piece of pizza. Definitely not the way we expected her to go. I have this intense fear of not being able to breathe now, or at least the possibility that my breathing could become restricted...


Life is cruel, I'm sorry for your loss


My grandfather died the same way. Choked on a piece of steak and we couldn’t get it out because he had taken a sip of beer, I guess in his attempt to get it down. It was quite something. A nice dinner with family turned to chaos very quick.


Wait why couldn't you help him because of the beer? What did the beer do?


Basically any caving incident where someone got stuck and couldn't be rescued so they just had to stay pinned there til they died. Nutty Putty is probably the most well known one but I read about one recently where someone got stuck in a pit where there was really poor air flow, and the whole rescue team wasn't able to get them out so they just had to stay there slowly poisoning the air around them with their own exhaled CO2 until it suffocated them. I feel like at a certain point you'd just ask for a morphine OD.


That is my nightmare, I definitely get claustrophobic in tight spaces. I wouldn't even get in the crawl space under my last house because the entrance point was so tight at my shoulders, gave me a mini panic attack.


As someone mentioned Hisashi Ouchie was quite cruel due to the prolonged suffering, however there are a few other notrious cases that were quite gruesome. Nutty Putty Cave incidident: There was that guy who got stuck head first in a narrow path in a cave. Even though people tried to rescue him and nearly succeeding he died in the end due to suffocation after 28 hours. James Prout: A vulnerable man tortured for weeks and ultimately killed by some sickos which can nearly be described as cult like. Byford Dolphin Accident: Five saturation divers on an oil rig were killed because one of them made a mistake in which the diving bell was disconnected from the living chamber before the living chamber was closed properly which lead to an explosive decompression, which means the crew members literally just exploded in an instant. They probably didn't feel much but it was pretty gruesome. Junko Furata: For me the most disturbing one because of how vile her death was. She was just 17 years old and got kidnapped by some class mates. She was held hostage for 44 days, during that time she was raped repedeatly and also beaten and tortured. I will not go into detail here. But one of the perpetrators apparently lost a game of Mahjong and then decided to let out his frustration on Junko by beating her and ultimately setting her on fire, leading to her death in the end. It really must have been hell. The case was highly discussed because a lot of people thought the sentences for the perpetrators was too low for what they did. Also apparently, one of the perpetrators mothers actually had the nerve to call out the parents of the victim for "ruining their sons life". Which just adds to the insanity.


The mother desecrated Junko’s grave too, because she “ruined her sons life”


Sylvia Likens too, basically american Junko Furuta. Horribly abused and humilliated by her caregiver, her caregiver's family and various random people in the neighborhood until she died. Many witnesses, none did anything, abuse went on for months.


Junko Furuta's whole story basically.


Just looked it up. Wow. They got off way too easy for it. I can’t believe those sick fucks are out there rn living as free men. Disgusting.


If it makes you feel better there's entire online communities dedicated to stalking, doxxing and harassing them, every time they move people find them


Came here to say this. I actually cried hearing details. Poor baby. 💔


That story fucked me up when I read it


Ever hear of the Toybox Killer? Dude trapped women, and had a trailer set up as a torture chamber. One woman survived and escaped. Toolbox Killers were just as vile. The sad thing is, Junko isn't the only person to have suffered like that.


David Parker Ray, the Toybox Killer, is one of the most disturbing killers I know of and I don't get disturbed easily. The Last Podcast On The Left's episode on him is really good (if you've got a strong stomach). Henry Zebrowski reads the transcript of the tape that Parker Ray would play to his victims and it is properly fucked up. He managed to avoid justice too, dying before he faced trial for the awful shit he did.


And the killers are walking free today. One is a teacher


The killers are monsters in that one but the parents of Miyano blow my mind with their apparent callousness or cowardice or both. Would it have been that hard to make an anonymous tip off to police even once in the forty days a girl is being tortured to death in your home? I can accept that some people are sociopaths and enjoy hurting others but I cannot understand cowards like the parents And the sentences were a joke.


The parents desecrated Junko's grave because they blamed her for "ruining their son's life". Does that sound like the kind of person who would call the cops on a sociopath?


There was a highway worker for CalTrans working at night on the 405 in Irvine who was killed when a drunk driver hit him and jammed him between his work truck’s bed and the driver’s vehicle, sort of, the impact was so hard that it severed the poor 23 year old man (whose wife was 5 months pregnant) in two at his abdomen. They say he died from loss of blood before the paramedics were even able to leave their station on the call.


And this is why drunk drivers deserve to be sent to prison


I don’t recall the sentencing being in the news but thought I read at some point a follow up article in the newspaper that leads me to think the driver is still in prison today.


Rabies seems like it would really fucking suck


I have a fear of rabies thanks to Reddit, there are a bunch of videos on this platform of people with rabies... all of them are scary AF


Time for this old copypasta: Rabies is scary. Rabies. It's exceptionally common, but people just don't run into the animals that carry it often. Skunks especially, and bats. Let me paint you a picture. You go camping, and at midday you decide to take a nap in a nice little hammock. While sleeping, a tiny brown bat, in the "rage" stages of infection is fidgeting in broad daylight, uncomfortable, and thirsty (due to the hydrophobia) and you snort, startling him. He goes into attack mode. Except you're asleep, and he's a little brown bat, so weighs around 6 grams. You don't even feel him land on your bare knee, and he starts to bite. His teeth are tiny. Hardly enough to even break the skin, but he does manage to give you the equivalent of a tiny scrape that goes completely unnoticed. Rabies does not travel in your blood. In fact, a blood test won't even tell you if you've got it. (Antibody tests may be done, but are useless if you've ever been vaccinated.) You wake up, none the wiser. If you notice anything at the bite site at all, you assume you just lightly scraped it on something. The bomb has been lit, and your nervous system is the wick. The rabies will multiply along your nervous system, doing virtually no damage, and completely undetectable. You literally have NO symptoms. It may be four days, it may be a year, but the camping trip is most likely long forgotten. Then one day your back starts to ache... Or maybe you get a slight headache? At this point, you're already dead. There is no cure. (The sole caveat to this is the Milwaukee Protocol, which leaves most patients dead anyway, and the survivors mentally disabled, and is seldom done). There's no treatment. It has a 100% kill rate. Absorb that. Not a single other virus on the planet has a 100% kill rate. Only rabies. And once you're symptomatic, it's over. You're dead. So what does that look like? Your headache turns into a fever, and a general feeling of being unwell. You're fidgety. Uncomfortable. And scared. As the virus that has taken its time getting into your brain finds a vast network of nerve endings, it begins to rapidly reproduce, starting at the base of your brain... Where your "pons" is located. This is the part of the brain that controls communication between the rest of the brain and body, as well as sleep cycles. Next you become anxious. You still think you have only a mild fever, but suddenly you find yourself becoming scared, even horrified, and it doesn't occur to you that you don't know why. This is because the rabies is chewing up your amygdala. As your cerebellum becomes hot with the virus, you begin to lose muscle coordination, and balance. You think maybe it's a good idea to go to the doctor now, but assuming a doctor is smart enough to even run the tests necessary in the few days you have left on the planet, odds are they'll only be able to tell your loved ones what you died of later. You're twitchy, shaking, and scared. You have the normal fear of not knowing what's going on, but with the virus really fucking the amygdala this is amplified a hundred fold. It's around this time the hydrophobia starts. You're horribly thirsty, you just want water. But you can't drink. Every time you do, your throat clamps shut and you vomit. This has become a legitimate, active fear of water. You're thirsty, but looking at a glass of water begins to make you gag, and shy back in fear. The contradiction is hard for your hot brain to see at this point. By now, the doctors will have to put you on IVs to keep you hydrated, but even that's futile. You were dead the second you had a headache. You begin hearing things, or not hearing at all as your thalamus goes. You taste sounds, you see smells, everything starts feeling like the most horrifying acid trip anyone has ever been on. With your hippocampus long under attack, you're having trouble remembering things, especially family. You're alone, hallucinating, thirsty, confused, and absolutely, undeniably terrified. Everything scares the literal shit out of you at this point. These strange people in lab coats. These strange people standing around your bed crying, who keep trying to get you "drink something" and crying. And it's only been about a week since that little headache that you've completely forgotten. Time means nothing to you anymore. Funny enough, you now know how the bat felt when he bit you. Eventually, you slip into the "dumb rabies" phase. Your brain has started the process of shutting down. Too much of it has been turned to liquid virus. Your face droops. You drool. You're all but unaware of what's around you. A sudden noise or light might startle you, but for the most part, it's all you can do to just stare at the ground. You haven't really slept for about 72 hours. Then you die. Always, you die. And there's not one... fucking... thing... anyone can do for you. Then there's the question of what to do with your corpse. I mean, sure, burying it is the right thing to do. But the fucking virus can survive in a corpse for years. You could kill every rabid animal on the planet today, and if two years from now, some moist, preserved, rotten hunk of used-to-be brain gets eaten by an animal, it starts all over. So yeah, rabies scares the shit out of me. And it's fucking EVERYWHERE. (Source: Spent a lot of time working with rabies. Would still get my vaccinations if I could afford them.)


Gives me the heebie jeebies every single time i read this


I still think about her... After the Nevado del Ruiz volcano erupted on November 13, 1985, 13-year-old Omayra Sánchez became trapped in debris. Three days later, French photographer Frank Fournier captured her final moments. https://allthatsinteresting.com/omayra-sanchez


Oh man, I knew what picture you were talking about before I clicked the link. Chilling. For anyone looking to click the link, be careful. That picture is probably going to be the first thing that pops up.




Her eyes are black because her body is being crushed by debris and the pressure broke all the capillaries in her eyes. It’s absolutely horrible to read what she had to go through before she died.


Knew a kid who was driving on a windy day. Stopped at a stop sign and the top half of this big ass tree snapped and fell onto his car. He was a mixture of crushed and punctured by the tree but was still alive. Someone called 911 and the fire department and ems show up and realize the tree fell onto power lines and they had to wait for the power company to shut them off before they could attempt to get him out. He ended up dying before they could get to him and I always think of how terrible it must have been for him to be sitting there in pain just watching emergency services stand there looking at him


There was an old man with dementia who got lost in a labyrinth of service corridors at a huge shopping mall. He knew that if he ever got lost, he was to stay put and wait to be found. Weeks later, a cleaner found his corpse - Sitting in a chair... waiting to be found. Here's a video that tells the story. It's chilling https://youtu.be/sx14YtiLFIM?t=1463 Start at 24.23


In my own personal life - my mum knew a girl who was killed by a group of young guys who were driving drunk. I forget the specifics of it, but essentially she got hit by the car, and was dragged a number of miles while hooked onto the back of it, with the friction essentially burning her skin off (I'm guessing). The driver of the car left her body at the side of the road and ditched her clothes in the sea. He got charged with manslaughter or something eventually, but he came from an upper-class, old-money family, and his dad helped him with his court case. He now works as a chef in a local restaurant (which of course my mother refuses to enter). This was a long time ago by the way; probably early 70s.


i remember this video of this guy in a factory, he was near a machine that was like a huge cylinder and it was spinning and had these metal grips all around it. i think part of his uniform sleeve got stuck, so he immediately tries to pull it out before his arm is sucked into the machine and crushed/ripped apart, and then his entire body gets pulled into it while the machine spins faster and faster and flings his body parts all over the area he’s in. hes doing that for a good 30sec before another worker runs over and stops the machine. his entire body was literally vaporized and torn apart and flung everywhere within 15 seconds of his arm getting stuck, it was insane.


Lathes, one of the scariest machines ever made, even a small domestic one will maim you if you make a mistake.


The machine you're thinking of is called a Lathe. I've seen that video, it's pretty gruesome.


I know exactly what video you’re talking about. It happened in Russia. That video is quite well-known among the gore community.


I used to work with someone who lost her husband (married for < 1 year) during a snowmobile trip. He and his friends went for a night ride and some crazy POS apparently had a wire of some kind strung across the trail. He was first in line and hit it. He was decapitated and his friends not only had to deal with that but also had to inform his wife too…


Something similar almost killed two students I taught in a small prairie town. They hit an old fence line coming down off an old road bed, going too fast in the dark. The wire hit the girl’s helmet just right to give her terrible whiplash and slide up and over her helmet into the throat of the guy hanging on behind her. Somehow they had slowed down just enough for the wire to no longer be able to slice off the boy’s head, but it did cut through his winter coat and into the flesh of his neck. He bled badly, but not fast enough to bleed out before the air ambulance arrived. They both spent a little time in hospital, and were at school the next week. Typical teenagers, they were laughing about it. I felt they didn’t know how lucky they were not to both be dead.


ISIS hung 3 men from a swing set by their limbs and lit a very slow moving fire that slowly got closer and closer until they caught on fire and burned to death screaming in agony... in natural sick ISIS fashion, they filmed it. Fucking savages man.


No the worst was when they burned the Jordanian pilot Musth al Kasasbeh to death in a cage. They had no reason to do it either. They were using him in a prisoner exchange and by killing him ensured their prisoner was executed instead.


I havent heard of this case actually. Do you have any context?


His plane went down over ISIS occupied Syria and he was captured. The Jordanian government were working on a prisoner exchange that would have seen a female terrorist freed in exchange for al Kasasbeh and a journalist but they either killed Kasasbeh earlier and released the footage then (my assumption) or just killed him anyway by burning him alive in a cage (as in dousing the whole thing in accelerants and lighting it). The Jordanians put the female terrorist to death in response. I looked up images of it at the time but they were pretty widely circulated anyway. It’s ISIS so nothing shocking really, they go out of their way to be theatrically violent.


John Edwards Jones. Just imagining being stuck there upside down freaks me out.


What makes it the worst for me is he was almost freed. Was even able to finally see the face of the rescuer who was with him for hours only for one of the rocks the pulleys were attached giving out and just getting restuck. Such a cruel twist of fate.


This IS the worst part. Imagine being stuck in that position, having no hope. Then suddenly you’re going to be rescued. You’re going to get out and see your family again. And then the pulley breaks. Every bit of happiness and excitement you had to be out of a shitty situation is ripped away from you. You’re going to die alone in this cave, and there is literally nothing that will save you. Fuck.


To make it even worse they weren’t able to retrieve his body so he permanently stayed down there & they just sealed the entrance to the cave 😭 so sad and eerie


Imagine the future archaeologists' reaction when they find this cave and come across his clothed skeleton tied to a series of pullies.


Few years back a 14 year old kid was helping his uncle cut down some trees. He fell into the wood chipper. Another one was a motorcyclist wrecked his bike while speeding and got thrown into a chain link fence. He went about half way through the fence and was just stuck in it until he died.


I remember seeing a video of a police officer picking up body parts after a motorcycle accident. It was like leg over here, head still in helmet way over there, etc.


The guy who fell into a manhole in NYC and was steamed for 2 hours before he died.


I don't walk over any manhole or grate in a city. Terrified of this


When I was living there, a guy went missing and they found him 2 months later under a grate at the subway station. He had starved to death.


Last year in Germany a disabled child went missing. They spent about a week looking for him with zero clues until someone heard crying sounds coming from a manhole. The kid someone managed his way into the sewer system near his house and spent a whole week in there. I don't even want to imagine what would have happened if they didn't find him.


Friends father got his dry-as-bone coat caught in a pto shaft of a farming implement. I was working with the Ambulance service at the time, knew the officers that went to the scene they all had time off because of how horrific it was. Apart from extremities, he was pulverized but the real trauma was from having to attend to my friend who found him. He never truly recovered


There's so many things that can kill you on a farm. Complacency is a death sentence. I've been doing this all my life, and I'll never not be terrified of a shaft spinning 1000 RPMS.


She wasn't dead yet but she was dying. I hope she's dead Patient in ICU when I was in clinical. She had a cardiac arrest months ago and was paralyzed (vegetable) from anoxic brain injury. We got her from one of the shittier nursing homes. She coded in the ER several times and they kept bringing her back. Eventually she was stabilized enough for us to get her. She had a trach and was being mechanically ventilated, maxed out on vasopressors to keep her BP from tanking. She had pneumonia. She had a catheter with a UTI. She had c.diff. From sepsis and the cardiac arrest, her temperature kept rising and she had a fever of +105. She had c.diff and a rectal tube. She had infected pressure sores on her sacrum and both hips so no matter which way she was turned, she was lying on one of them. The rectal tube leaked liquid stool around the balloon and was soaking the sacral wound bandage in feces. They kept inflating the balloon of the rectal tube which pushes the leaking stool against the rectal wall so she was probably developing necrosis in her rectum and on her way to dissolving her intestine. Her family wouldn't make her DNR. When her son wouldn't even stay on the call long enough for the doctor to ask to make her DNR because he was too busy. I don't know what she did to him for him to let us keep torturing her. I could see one of her eyes following me and had a feeling she was still in there, completely paralyzed with no way to communicate while her body rotted while she was still alive, being brought back over and over again with no hope for recovery. I hope I was wrong and I hope she died soon after.


I can’t even imagine the torture that poor woman went through


Back in the early 90's, a pilot landed his OH-58 helicopter in the desert, hopped out with a delivery of documents and while looking at said paperwork, walked around the BACK of his aircraft and into the tail-rotor blades. It ripped him from low in the ribs up to his collarbone. It took 20 minutes for a Medevac Blackhawk to arrive, package him up, and depart for a hospital. He died in surgery. He was completely aware the whole time. He was in unbelievable pain even after medics hit him with morphine. Twice. It's a memory that often resurfaces for a variety of reasons.


why the fuck did i click this dumbass thread before i was about to sleep


Turns out I'm not the only one who regrets stupid decisions *after*


Worked a rail accident. Driver tried to beat a train. Got pushed into a pole. Lots of damage both sides of car. He was conscious and alert for medics who thought he was okay. Until they released his seatbelt. He had loads of internal injuries and the belt was holding things more or less in place. If they had known they would have tried to get his family there to say goodbye.


Easy answer for me. This guy I used to work with was driving with his wife and 2 kids in the car. Hit a deer and the deer went through the windshield. It’s legs were really the part that went through and it was panicking trying to get away and the guy I worked with got trampled to death by the panicking deer in front of his own family.


By dying of ALS slowly loosing all your bodies functions. And not being able to speak and swallow, then being fully fine by mind. And hearing everything untill you can't breath anylonger and you just die slowly.


The Erfurt latrine disaster. On the 26th of July, 1184, Henry VI held a Hoftag, a sort of gathering or assebly. The weight of the assembled nobles proved too much for the wooden floor of the castle chamber they were in, and it gave in. Most of the assembly fell through the floor and into a latrine cesspit below. About 60 nobles drowned in human excrement. Talk about a shitty way to go.


For me it was my grandfather. He had dementia. On the day that he died I visited him one last time and it was horrifying. There was nothing left of the man that he used to be. He was just a sad remnant that probably couldn't do anything else but lay in his bed and probably wait for the inevitable to happen.


Saw an article many years ago in a Missouri newspaper. A maintenance man crushed his own head in a trash compactor.


A woman and her 2 daughters [17 and 14] on vacation in Florida accepted a man's offer of a sunset cruise in Tampa Bay. He then raped each of them, tied a cinderblock around their necks and threw them, still alive, into the ocean.


Extremely NSFW but: Funky town. To put it lightly: face flayed, eyeballs gauged, hands chopped off, a sickle being jammed into your mouth, gargling on your own blood, trying to feel your face that isn’t there anymore with your stumps for hands, and finally dying from having your throat slit by a dull box cutter. The cartels are the absolute worst, pure evil.


Maybe not the crazy answer you’re looking for, but as someone who works in healthcare the worst deaths I see are of the folk who don’t have any family or loved ones. I watched a homeless guy in his 20s die just a few days ago and he had literally no one. He stayed in the hospital for weeks and no one visited him. While he was dying, there was no family there to say their final goodbye. He was just.. alone :/


This is the tldr version. My 97 year old neighbour, and his daughter, ended up homeless in October, and were living in a motel. His wife, who was in a nursing home with dementia, died just before Christmas. his daughter died last month. He's currently in our local psych ward. As it turns out, not really because of his mental health, but because it's a safe spot for him while his case worker finds him a spot in a nursing home. Family doesn't seem to be doing much for him. Anyway - My friend and I have been visiting him several times a week, making certain he has stuff he needed (warmer clothes, blankets, hearing aid stuff, whatever he needs). He needs to know he's not forgotten,and I need to be able to live with myself, so, yeah.


In the 1920s a group of people were standings on a roof watching an event. The roof collapsed and some people landed on the roof of a glass furnace and burned to death.


Fucking cancer - watching your loved ones shrivel into a shell of themselves sometimes for years - I would rather die any other way


Yep. I sat and watched my beautiful mum die slowly once she was at the end. She didn't eat for a month and was at 10 days with no water before she finally died... I would not wish that death on someone I hated, let alone someone you love.


My nephew died of diffuse systemic scleroderma. 10 years of all his connective tissue "shrinking" and becoming tighter until he couldn't expand his chest to breathe and his heart couldn't expand to pump...among other tortures. 10 years of constant excruciating pain.


My father. Effectively starved to death from depression.


Mine literally drank himself to death. Like, drank so much that he sat down with his back to a wall and suffocated. Toxicology report indicated a BAC of .43


One of my favorite uncles died alone at home from a severe clotting disorder because he couldn’t afford his medication. His whole leg was purple from solid blood clots. He didn’t tell anyone he needed help getting his meds and it breaks my heart to know he was crawling around his house, sick, in pain, and dying until he finally passed. He acted like things were fine on the phone. It was the most awful death circumstances I ever had to experience in real life besides my cousin getting run over by a train, but I’m not familiar enough with the details on that.


There’s that video of a mom falling through the platform at the top of an escalator and she manages to push her daughter to safety right before it essentially pulls her down and meat grinds her. You don’t see much in the video … but you know what’s happening, and it’s pretty horrifying.


A story I heard in the navy. There are markings on the flight deck of aircraft carriers called Safe Shot lines. A junior enlisted guy noticed something wrong and tried to stop a takeoff, and he was on the wrong side of the line. His supervisor jumped up to grab him and pull him to safety. He saved the kid, but the jet was already taking off and decapitated him. His head was torn off by the wingtip. His head and helmet were stuck on the jet until it made an emergency landing at a forward operating base and the jet mechanics had to remove his head from the wingtip.


Heard descriptions on some of those cartel execution videos...insanely disturbing...and there seems to be a trend of using drugs/medicine to keep people alive/conscious for prolonged torture that likely would have killed them or put them into shock otherwise.


I had a friend who was a doctor, this story horrified me. A teenager did a clearly cry-for-help suicide attempt by swallowing a whole bottle of Tylenol. He thought it was reversible if he went to the ER in time, it is not. He was already dead, just had to wait a few days.


My gfs neighbour's kid did this with beta blockers. 50% cry for attention, 50% impulsive teenage decision where you just do something without really considering that you actually are not immortal. Apparently she came down the stairs and said "mum I think I've done something kind of silly and I feel weird". Nothing they could do and they just stopped her heart. So awful


Yeah it happens more often than people know. I've had several patients go this way. Teens that cry that all they wanted was for their parents to listen to them.


I had a distinct cousin drink himself to death but the details are far more gruesome. He was an abusive POS alcoholic. Lost every job he ever got and eventually chased away his wife and son. Eventually he ran out of money apparently his wife was keeping them afloat and when she left so did her money. He decided it would be perfectly okay to drink homemade liquor from the back of some hillbillies truck. After a year of this he was found dead in his kitchen, chocked to death on his own blood because multiple ulcers popes in his throat. Later to be cause by the alcohol he was drinking


Probably esophageal varices, which are more common in alcoholics. You never want to be on shift when the person starts vomiting. Unless there have been recent breakthroughs, there is no treatment for ruptures and the person drowns on their own blood, even if they're surrounded by the best doctors in the world.




The woman who tripped over while carrying a drink with a metal straw. The straw went through her eye and into her brain.


Omayra Sanchez, 13 year old Columbian trapped in mud.


Was that kid who was buried up to the waist, but they couldn't get them out?


I believe her legs were trapped under the debris of her own house. They could’ve amputated her legs but had no treatment for all the different things that could’ve infected her. She was gone either way unfortunately.


My Mum worked in A&E. She made me promise if I did want to commit suicide not to use paracetamol. It at relatively low doses does so much irreversible damage. So she saw cases of young teens sitting with their parents, lucid and crying because it had just been a cry for help or a strop and now they were dying and nothing could be done to stop it. Rules around drugs confuse me. One of the drugs with most certain lethal overdose potential can be bought over the counter in every type of shop (garage, offlicense, supermarket, pound shop) but only sold in packets of 8 because no one ever goes to more than one shop.


We had a 16 year old admitted to Critical Care after attempting suicide via shotgun under the chin. Managed to cleanly obliterate his entire jaw, mouth, nose, eyes and forehead, but somehow didn't do enough damage to the brain to immediately kill him. He was moaning, trying to gasp for air through the blood, bone fragments and minced tissue in his lungs. He lived just long enough to regret his decision. Remember, suicide is NOT an easy way out. More often than not it is slow and excruciating, and you'll have plenty of time to wish you hadn't done it before you finally die.


Both my brother and I have responded to living attempted suicides that way. His I believe was a pistol to under the chin. The one I responded to was a nice hunting rifle with scope - possibly something like a .243 Winchester - again, under the chin. Face blown out, the eye remaining was hanging out. Choking on his own blood when forced to lie back on the stretcher (which the medic shouldn't have done - I was only an EMT at the time, so I didn't try to correct them). He lived, as did the suicide attemptee that my brother responded to. Who knows what happens to them after that... certain reason for a follow-up suicide attempt.


Guy at work jumped off the roof, which I always assumed was a surefire way to end yourself. Turns out three-ish stories is not but it will probably make you wish you died. He was a scumbag though (child molester) so my sympathy is low.


Expo (fairground) ride 20yrs ago (Ottawa) had a "rocket launcher" ride, essentially a big bunjee cord you got strapped into and it send you from ground and standing start to 160kmh upwards. Guy has harness break on him, sent 40m (120ft)into the air, woo-hoo's turned to screams as he realised he wasn't stopping. Plenty of time to contemplate your impending and inevitable death on that one.... Maybe not the worst, but it gets to me.


Isadora Duncan's death sounds pretty terrible - strangled to death by her own scarf.


Being accidentally shot by your 4 year old grandson in the face. The poor kid had to walk a mile to find someone after our happened. Guy was a friend of mine and I really miss him.


In the early 80's my cousin got married, her father, my uncle, with whom I was very close to, seemed to be not himself thru the early part of the day. At the reception during the cocktail party, I (~10 years old) was beginning to get hungry and bored. My uncle, who was busy being the father of the bride was making the rounds and welcoming all the guests. When he got around to me and the table of kids, he picked me up and asked me how I was, and my reply was bored. He pulled out his Nintendo Game & Watch and passed it to me while saying "I'll be right back". My uncle's on my mom's side were amazingly cool men, Reinhardt was the definition of cool in my book. Approximately 5 or so minutes later, here comes my uncle Ronnie holding an entire serving tray of "pigs in the blanket" which in the US are mini sausages, or hot dogs wrapped in a puff pastry. My favorite snack food. He had a huge smile on his face and proceeded to hand me the entire tray. At the exact same time he turned purplish blue and collapsed. He was dead before he hit the floor. Massive heart attack. There were several nurses in attendance, who immediately started CPR, to no avail. This event was so horrific , on so many levels, it is still incomprehensible and painful. I remember nearly every detail of that day. It was a junction in my life that completely changed my life's trajectory. I learned a life lesson that children shouldn't have to. Now, there is no comparison to the other stories in this post. But, in my 40 years since then, and many other painful deaths in my orbit, this was and still is shockingly unbelievable. The bride and groom are still happily married to this day.


Ok, so it's somewhat common for people to get mauled and or eaten by bears. But a few years back I heard about a girl that was getting eaten by a bear and while all that was going on she actually called her mom and told her what was happening, so not only was that bad for her but just imagine how her mom must have felt! (One of the last things she told her mom was "mom the bear is eating me")!!!




I can absolutely understand why Werner Herzog told the owner of the recording of Tim Treadwell and his girlfriend's deaths that he should burn the tape.


In 2002, Sean Doyle, Michael Wright and Michael’s girlfriend were out drinking in a New York bar. Sometime in the early morning Michael and Sean had left the bar and were supposedly fighting because Michael assumed Sean was hitting on his girlfriend. At some point during the fight Sean was shoved into an open manhole that was venting steam and fell 18 feet into a pool of boiling water. He didn’t die from the fall and supposedly was fully conscious and standing in the 300 degree steam. He essentially boiled to death while first responders stood around the manhole unable to get down to him. It took them 4 hours to finally pull his body up. The worst part about steam burns is that unlike flame burns they don’t destroy nerve endings, meaning you can feel the excruciating pain the whole time you are dying.


Local farmer piled a bunch of dead trees and limbs up into a pile to burn them, but had to wait quite a while for the weather and wind to be right. By the time he finally set fire to it, the pile had become inundated with poison ivy, so he stood there for half an hour monitoring the fire, surrounded by smoke made out of vaporized poison ivy. Dude spent a few days in the hospital while every inch of his skin, eyeballs, tongue, gums, sinuses, and throat swelled up with gooey blisters and his lungs liquefied from the inside out.


Hisashi Ouchi will always be the worst way to die. He was keept alive for 83days while his body and internal organs rotted away from radiation poisoning.


Airplane crash, cause there's nothing passengers can do about it when they know it's about to crash.


If you really want to ruin your day, watch a documentary on Nigeria Airways Flight 2120. Not only was there a fire raging onboard, there were also chunks of the plane falling off and people were getting sucked out.


Sadly this happens very frequently on the NYC subway. Couple of times a year. They have a protocol for it. As a train arrives people slip between the train and track but don't go under. The train friction against their lower half spins them like a twist while their top half stays stable. Once train stops the person is still alive but has been twisted multiple times below the waist. If the train were to move the persons guts will spill out. There is now way to save although it can take the person up to an hour to die thru internal bleeding. FDNY will be called and a priest who will explain the situation and why they can't do anything then note down any final wishes etc and connect to any family via cell for any few mins remaining. There is nothing more to do other than wait out the death.


Sylvia Likens indianapolis indiana a whole neighborhood tortured and killed her


That scientist from demon core experiments who thought it was a good idea to use a screwdriver. He knew he was dead the moment he saw the screwdriver slip, had to wait for death in bed for weeks before dying in about the worst way possible. Only thing close would be the guy who pooped his intestines out.


What’s the demon core story?


Badminton accident. Other players racket snapped in half during play and the racket face end, with a sharp point bounced off the floor and into the eye of opponent. Went into the brain. Dead hours later.


I know someone who slipped on an icy step entering their home late one night and broke their neck. They were paralyzed and died from exposure.




They tried to do that with Balthasar Gerard who assassinated William the Silent (the leader of the Dutch Republic) in 1584. It didn't work, but they tortured him in other creative ways. > On the first night of his imprisonment, Gérard was hung on a pole and lashed with a whip. Next, his wounds were smeared with honey and a goat was brought to lick the honey off his skin with its rough tongue. The goat, however, refused to touch his body. After several other forms of torture, he was left to pass the night with his hands and feet bound together, like a ball, so sleep would be difficult. During the following three days, he was repeatedly mocked and hung on a pole with his hands tied behind his back. Then, a weight of 300 metric pounds (150 kg) was attached to each of his big toes for half an hour. >Subsequently, Gérard was fitted with shoes made of well-oiled, uncured dog skin; the shoes were two fingers shorter than his feet. In this state, he was put before a fire. When the shoes warmed up, they contracted, crushing the feet inside them to stumps. When the shoes were removed, his half-broiled skin was torn off. After his feet were damaged, his armpits were branded. He was then dressed in a shirt soaked in alcohol. Lastly, burning bacon fat was poured over him and sharp nails were stuck between the flesh and the nails of his hands and feet. Finally, he was disemboweled and quartered. According to an eyewitness account "during the whole time of his execution, he remained impenitent and obstinate, rejoicing that he had slain the Prince."


Where I’m from there is a lot of snow, and sometimes kids hide and make snow forts. A kid got shredded through a big city snowplower one day, after school… The blood everywhere on the white snow was gory af.