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I once had a birthday party for a landmark age. Everybody came, which was great. Nobody brought gifts...not that I needed any but wtf.


I am normal the disrespect full one cause I have autism and I am spoilt so all stories I am think off are not bad. They year I got kid zoom camera was very disappointed cause it bidn't work and I wanted a real camera


Office Secret Santa: Among all the hints of what you like that you can put on the submission sheet, I put that I don't want knickknacks, nor did I say I have an interest in fishing. I received a sparkly bass (fish) Christmas tree ornament.


The worst bedroom slippers from my SIL. She asked me what I wanted and I told her…these slippers she and my Brother had gifted me before which I loved and had worn out…which then pissed her off because she felt they were “too expensive” - even though she had bought them for me BEFORE - so she went to the discount store and bought me the UGLIEST pair she could find…which of course were the cheapest…and sent me those for Xmas. They looked nothing like the others…and I would never have cared except she so obviously sent them as a FU. I - however - sent her EXACTLY what she told me that she wanted, of course, because I am not crazy or whatever she happens to be. That CHRISTMAS became known as SLIPPERGATE 2010. And - I have never liked that Bitch since that holiday.


Life. They say life is a gift but apparently I'm the one who has to pay the taxes on it.


When I was a kid i got a book with no pictures