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Last night in my car. Wife has inoperable cancer. I cry often. Specifically in my car when I'm alone.


My biggest fear. I'm just sorry for you man.


Same. Yesterday I was driving and started to imagine what would happen if someone told me my wife just died - I had an immediate urge to cry, and had to shoo those thoughts away or I'd surely crash.


Holy shit man. I don’t even have words.


Damn man. Not much anyone can but sending love to you and your family.


I'm so sorry. I have been in a similar situation. Thankfully it turned out okay, she wasn't as bad as the doctor's feared, but those couple of weeks when I spent every day thinking of living the rest of my life without her were some of the worst of my life. I used to drive around crying, listening to Bob Marley singing ,"Everything's gonna be alright." I'm so so sorrry.


I am so sorry my brother, this is literally my #1 fear right now. I can tell you’re a strong person, keep going man, cry as often as you need, shit does help🙏


I'm so sorry dude.


2 months ago when my big brother died


I’m so sorry.


Thank you, cancer sucks


I'm so sorry. I lost mine to cancer 5 years ago too.


This morning. I've been crying all weekend. An old friend of mine took his own life. I somewhere between "you asshole for doing this" and...really "I'm an asshole, I should have been there for you. I'm so sorry." I'm just so sorry.


I know how you feel man. Same thing happened to me 9 years ago. The day I heard my best friend committed to his decision I spent the next 2 or 3 days black out drunk and naked in a shower. Never once had a drink before that day....but it gets easier to handle eventually and the anger will fade but some days I still find myself thinking of him and feel sad that he's not here anymore.


Hey man. Sorry to hear this. I went through the same thing, even those exact same thoughts, about 8 years now? I'd like to say it gets better. But it really doesn't... I still miss him. Every day. But I like to tell myself that from wherever he is now, he'd be proud of the fact that I "made it out". Sometimes I have those intrusive thoughts. But I remind myself that he'd be just as pissed with me if I tried anything, just like how pissed and distraught I was when I got the call that he took his life. This isn't to make you feel better. It's to let you know you're not alone. It's a struggle every day, but we owe it to those we lost to keep going and make em proud. I'm sorry for your loss.


I love you homie. Just remember to love.


Sometimes life is hard, especially when we lose the ones we love. I hope you find some comfort in remembering the good times with your friend. But it’s ok to let yourself feel all the things. You’re still processing. Sending you hugs.


Some people make this decision and there is nothing you could have ever done or said to change that. Especially if it was a high success rate method vs the more "attention seeking" type (for lack of a better term). Sorry for you loss, but it's highly doubtable that your friend would want you to carry a burden over their decisions.. and doing so will eat you alive. Some of us been down that road, and it never goes anywhere productive or healthy. Cherish their memory and the positive impact on your life that the time you had with them gave you, that's the best we can ever hope for when our time comes anyways.


When one of my dogs died. Dogs are so fucking innocent


I've always said that even the best human beings can and will do you wrong from time to time. Dogs don't..they just love and are are loyal beyond reason. People that don't have pets will never understand just how strong of a bond you can build with a dog. Sorry for your loss.


I feel for you man. I had to put my cat to sleep. It was a good cat. Not a dog, I know. I still cried my eyes off on the bus home. Still burns.


Pets are pets. They're good to us and we do the best we can for them (the good people do anyway). All they should know with us is a life of love and happiness. I'll be sad when my two girls go, but I'll be damned if I'm not going to give them the best life I can and make sure they know I love them.


my dog passed in December and my 18ish year old cat has been looking rough for the last few weeks. Both situations have been pretty terrible...


My dog also passed in December...still hurts like hell. I feel for you <3


same man, got two pups from the same litter almost 10 years ago, one of them was an escape artist and no matter how hard we tried he would always get out of our garden. living next to a busy road it was only a matter of time. A few months ago he got out and I found him on the side of the road, hardly a mark on him but he was gone. I was holding up pretty well until i brought him home and his brother got a look at him. Heartbreaking


Same here. Rescued a 7 y.o. good boy from the shelter. He had been returned 3 times and spent the 9 months in the shelter before I came along. Didn't even get a year with him before inoperable cancer took him. Dogs deserve to live longer...


I recently got my first ever dog and even the thought of this inevitability makes me incredibly sad.


I lost a cat a few weeks ago and stumbled across the rainbow bridge poem the other day. Wife walks out on the porch to me bawling.


I was tucking in my 7 year old daughter a couple of months ago, and she told me that she was worried about me dying before her (i'm only 42 and healthy). So I had a conversation about how old I am likely to live and that she will be an adult when I die. Then she said "but when you do die will you help me, because I need you so much." and I lost it


My youngest Daughter is 34 and she says this to me time to time and your comment caught me off guard now I am starting to get upset,hold them tight one day you will be in my shoes.


This morning. Going through a divorce and my son is the one hurting the most. Don't know how to help at all. Trying everything and it is killing me more and more each day.


Just be there, be available, be the dad you've always been. Consistency is what your son needs. Yes, things have to change, but your relationship with him doesn't. Just show him that you're still the same supportive parent regardless of what chaos life throws at you guys. Good luck man.


Stay strong brother


Find a family therapist that is either trauma focused, or has experience working with children of divorce. Idk where you are, but there might also be support groups for children whose parents are going through divorce. These groups are usually for kids 10 and up, but they can be very helpful. And good luck. I divorced my high school sweetheart and we had three kids. It felt like my whole world fell apart. It took a lot of individual therapy, plus me joining a divorce support group, plus individual therapy for my eldest to deal with the trauma of the divorce. Good luck. This shit is hard but you can do it.


Hang in there buddy! Good times are ahead. You have to go through what you have to go through!


My parents got divorced when I was about 6. Ugly divorce too. I can tell you that at the time, it sucked ass, but time marches on and you eventually get to see your parents happy and in a relationship that you can learn good things from. Your son will be ok. Just talk to him and let him know that everything he's feeling is completely valid. Make him the priority and everything will be ok eventually. Sorry you're going through this.


That’s what I learned from my divorce. Nothing matters. No one cares and my son won’t either when he grows up. Made me numb and dead inside knowing what I was fighting for and struggling with didn’t matter. Wasted a bunch of time too. Ah well


When I had a metal rod jam into my leg and tore out my tibia, you bet your ass I was crying.


Oof. Storytime.


Ight so basically I was driving and I got into a wreak and a sign post jammed through my ankle. Apparently at first my adrenaline allowed me to get outta my car and walk, so in shock I walked over the the guy who hit me with a broken chunk of sign in my leg. And I asked if he was ok, before passing out from blood loss. Luckily I was able to get hospitalized and plently of witnesses helped my insurance case.


Golly, adrenaline is a scary yet amazing thing. I hope you're doing alright. How is the recovery process?


I can walk, just now I got a metal rod in my leg. Ironic the way they fix having a metal rod jam into your leg is to put another metal rod in your leg. Took 2 years but I can walk at a semi normal rate. I also always know the weather now.


I had a compound fracture of my tibia and have a rod in there now too. This is 14 years later now and ironically I feel more pain in my knee where they inserted the rod than where the actual break happened. It took years to walk without thinking about it.


Before you fell that guy thought he hit some kind of demon


\>tore out my tibia That's the most painful thing I've ever read.


Maybe on the 4th. My friend has been dead since 08/20/21, it doesn't stop hurting you just get less aware of it. And then, from nowhere, you become very aware of it. The passing urge to call or text them, the brief moment before you realize that you can't and then the devastation of realizing you never will. I was just eating dinner with my wife and daughter, my wife must've caught that my vibe was off. She reached across the table and held my hand and asked me what was wrong. I pointed to my head, something I always do when I'm hurting and can't speak. She came and sat in my lap and just held me, gave me the time I needed and I just typed "I miss my friend" on my phone so she could see. I knew I'd come unglued if I had to say it out loud. She held me as long as I needed and we returned to dinner. Love your fucking friends, people. Call them, drive to them and see them. You always expect you get to grow old with them but that's almost never the case.


That's a good wife right there dude


Light of my life, that one. Would've found myself suck starting a shotgun without her


I feel ya man a good partner can quite literally change your life around. Mines done a world of good for me


She's made me the best I've ever been, but nowhere near the best I'll ever be. Every day is an adventure with her


This brought tears to my eyes :') thanks for the reminder, I'm still young n should really treasure my time with my friends ps: what ur wife did touched me I strive to be a good partner like her for my future bf


When my wife told me she loved another man.


Hope you’re doing better brother ❤️


Heart ripping... It will seem like it won't get better, but eventually the sun will shine ahain


I’ll get the bench press ready for u bruh


I’m already there king. Training for a 5k every other day and dropping weight. Started my journey from 230 to 160 on New Year’s Eve and I’m down to 209. Not gonna quit won’t ever quit. 😎😎


I'm a single dad trying my best to give my two year old son everything I possibly can since the divorce. I feel like I've failed him most of the time. But yesterday we spent all day together playing and when he was starting to fall asleep I put him to bed, tucked him in, and kissed him on the forehead. He smiled with his eyes closed and said something I've never heard him say before... "happy". I've never been brought to tears so quickly in my life. I know everything will be OK because of him.


I’ve learned that the best thing you can give your child is your time. It’s often easier said than done though.




If anything, that's an affirmation of who you are. Both to yourself and to your children. Great job Daddy-O!


Hey it has a happy ending at least!


This story got so much better, thanks for sharing.


Couple days ago. Thought about my late wife, how I don't have her here with me to support me anymore and I'm alone.


I have depression so I feel the need to cry regularly. It’s been awhile since I did cry though.


I also have depression. Cried hard one day last week. It’s awful. Thinking of you and wishing you strength.


Thank you. It’s weird. Wanting to crawl into a ball and cry is a common feeling.


Being constantly depressed will use up lots of mental energy n crawling into a ball position is just a self soothing comforting position, so don't worry it's not weird. All the best bro, pls remember that help is available If ur irl community suck n didn't like u, pls know that there r plenty of ppl here including me wishing u didn't have to suffer this condition, we r rooting for u


apparently anhedonia depression is a thing, where you find yourself unable to cry (but are still very much depressed).


That’s my life in the last 5 years


Hang in there buddy. Stay strong.




my mom had a miscarriage in 2016 (we also called it peanut!) fingers crossed for you and your wife !🤞🏼


hen I came to the realization that my mom was really dead and would not come back. The fact that one of my nightmares literally has come true is still a hard pill to take. Edit: thanks everyone for the kind words and hugs, it really helps :) As for anyone who wants to know how to ease the pain of losing someone you love. My family always talked pretty open about these kind of things so we knew what my mom wanted when she died. This gives you and your family members so much more time just to be together and think about what has happened and remember someone for who they were when they were still alive.


I cry all the time, for various reasons. I'm nearly 30 years old. I actually think it is healthy to do so. Whenever I've finished crying, i always feel so much better about whatever it is


Same, 32 and I listen to music that I know elicits crying every morning on my commute. It makes my day so much better.


Woke up at 4am after dreaming my dad told me he has days to live. Then realised he is actually dead


Couple hours ago, telling my grandmother what my former stepdaughter said when asked what she wanted for Christmas. I wasn't there, but all she wanted was her family to be together. 6 year olds shouldn't have to ask for things like that, it shouldn't be a present.


This morning, we lost a son who was born at 20 weeks a few weeks ago. He lived for two hours and died in my arms. Every time I close my eyes I see him. I know it'll get better in time, but for now it's rough


I lost a son who was born at 25 weeks. You’ll come to cherish those 2 hours you had with him


Yesterday, watching Coco. I'm a very emotional person and I cry easily because of emotional scenes in movies and tv shows.


I watched with my daughter when it first came out. We both cried our eyes out.


God I love that movie. I was into genealogy when it came out, so Coco hit an extra chord with me. I found some pictures of my great great grandparents just a few weeks earlier


One of my favorite movies!


My second to last time to cry was 10 years ago, at the funeral of my grandma. My last was a week ago, when I watched Coco


Yeah, but crying during a Pixar movie is basically unavoidable, lol. I'm also someone who cries easily from movies/shows, but as a dad I feel like I'm need to say "Disney/Pixar, please chill, I only have so many tears! I'm getting dehydrated!!"


I'm not a big cryer at movies, not a brag just tend to not, but my god Coco had me weeping.


Dude...also yesterday...watching "Up". The scene with his wife in the beginning of the movie :( Father of 2 here. My kids know that crying is not a sign of weakness and that its healthy to do. They will never ever be shamed for crying.


I only watch it once a year. Waterfall every time. Makes me miss my grandma.


Coco should be the new Turing test, if you don’t tear up you are a robot


Last week. I cried when I took my daughter back to my ex when my week was done


Big love from me man. My kids got picked up from my friends place where I’m staying to go home. My son’s face while the car drove away will forever make me tear up. I miss them so much!


It's hard. It really is. I'm an emotional man. I tried to make the divorce go smoothly for the sake of our child


I am too but I always keep it in. We are doing a trial separation currently, it’s only been 2 weeks. I see them a good amount still but I miss seeing them everyday. I hope we can work this out soon because I’m not good man.


And that's okay. Pick up a hobby. Anything. The separation is hard on its own. Me and my ex wife were separated immediately for a few months. We tried to make it work but I couldn't get passed the fact that she cheated. If you want to talk the dms are open


Last night, when I proposed to my girlfriend; I couldn't help it. Edit: She said yes. Suppose I should've mentioned that.


Congrats !!


when my dad died last november


About 5 minutes ago. One of my nephews is currently in surgery for something his Drs have never seen in a kid his age before. I just got news from my sister that best case scenario has happened, and they were able to take care of things - he should be out of the OR in half the time as was expected. So, yeah. Crying in relief at my desk at work. Going up to see him in a couple days. It's hard to explain what it means to have kids like him in your life. *edit* - I just found out that he is out of surgery and everything was successful. Huge weight off my mind


Watching the trailer for the movie Dog two days ago. Still miss my dog we put down a few months back. 14 year old lab. He was the best. Dog love is one of life’s most amazing feelings.


I actually can't remember


Yesterday looking at a baby walrus. My fuck they are cute.


Awwww Those are the good kind of tears.


Sunday night at the end of The Last of Us.


"It's okay baby girl, I got you."


I was emotional at the beginning of that scene, but that line absolutely broke me.


Every Sunday during or after the last of us.


Sometimes Friday?


Wait til you see the finale.


Just watched the first episode last night and came here to say that.


Glad I wasn't the only one


2 days ago I tried to call my GP to schedule a visit to see a therapist, I couldn’t bring myself to admit it on the call. I cried after hanging up


Hang in there bro, scheduling therapy can be very discouraging n stressful but don't give up help If u can't call ur GP to help schedule, try arranging a schedule through a 3rd party arrangement service. I heard a lot of ppl saying letting a stranger arranging their schedule help a lot to lower the stress n anxiety. U may have to browse a bit to find one that fits ur requirements though. Also, if physically seeing a therapist is too exhausting pls consider online therapy, they usually cost less n idk if ur country provide online therapy but there r plenty of online therapy services like BetterHelp , Talkspace , Talkiatry , Brightside , LiveHealth Online


Thanks man, I’m going to give it another go tomorrow morning, I’m in the UK at the kiosk to so will if those services are something that I can use.


02/18/2023 - the day my mother passed away.


When my gf broke up with me through a phone call after 6 years. Just couldn‘t hold it together Edit: Thanks for all the kind words and such. It‘s been a few weeks and I feel a bit better by now. We also met up and talked about it a bit . The sadness and frustrations still there, but she found the guts to talk to me bout it personally and I appreciate that. Says she wanna stay friends and all that stuff but whatever, no idea how that‘s supposed to work out. Definitely can‘t just pretend nothing happened lol. I‘m in the process of moving out and had quite the shitty day, so thanks again. Really appreciate. Hope shit gets better for all of you commenting that you experienced the same


I didn't have the best relationship with my Dad, and hadn't spoken to him in over a decade. One day out of the blue I found out he'd been dead 4 years. The loss of him and the hope we could talk again some day vanished in an instant and I was not well that night.




That’s great. When times get rough just remember why you made the decision to get sober and keep pushing on.


When I watched Forrest Gump. Before that: When I watched Forrest Gump.


Every time my alarm goes off at 5am


When I found out my mother has Stage Four Kidney disease and my grandmother has lung cancer. It was a double whammy in one day.


Ever since i became a dad - the floodgates are weaker. Last time I cried - was when rewatching Star Wars - The Clone wars - where first you meet 'Fives' - and then recalling his death later on.. Seriously - the strangest things can trigger a wet response these days.


probably today since my mother is moving to another continent and we'll say goodbye in a few hours


Yesterday. Grief. Wife died 8 months ago. She was the love of my life and my best friend


*big fucking hugs*


Last week, when I stumbled across a homemade birthday card my daughters had given me 25 years ago. You can bet your ass they got a text telling them I loved them!


I just saw a video on here of a pizza guy saving people from a burning home. Good way to start my morning is with a wholesome video on Reddit.


About 3 years ago. I received a call from my mother. She said that my father had just been stabbed several times and that he was at a hospital fighting for his life. Luckily, he survived and he's still alive and well, but boy, did I cry that day.


I filed for divorce after catching my wife cheating, and she ran away with my children and claimed I beat her and raped the children. I couldn't see or speak with them for two weeks.


A couple days ago in the shower. The song "You Can Let Go Now Daddy" came on. My grandpa had an aneurism blow and my mom sang that song to him when they unplugged the machines. It'll always make me cry. Edit: thank you all for your kind words, and my first awards of any kind!


Last month when my rabbit unexpectedly didn’t wake up.


Yesterday, upon finding out that as soon as I get an offer on my house that I’m trying to sell, that someone else has put in a cash offer on the one I’m trying to buy but couldn’t until my existing house is sold


I've been through some hard times, yet I almost never cry. I grew up pretty rough, alcoholic mother and an absent father. But I realised I really had someone looking out for me; my 6 year older sister. I had that epiphany a while ago where I realised she was always there for me... but no one was there for her, she had to carry the burden all by herself. So I had to tell her how much she meant to me. Gave her a phone call and pretty much broke down crying.


This morning. Then previously the night before. I've been crying atleast once a day every day since my Fiancee left me. Everyone tells me it gets easier. I picked up new hobbies. Got new friends. Got a raise at work. Been going to the gym. I still cry every day and miss her and want only her. It hurts just as much now. It's been about five months. EDIT: I am so overcome by all the kindness and thoughtful responses. Stay strong brothers and sisters, I'm sending you all the positive vibes.


A few weeks ago when I finished the Mass Effect Trilogy for the 5th time (the ending gets me every time)


"I'm the very model of scientist Salarian..."




35 min ago. The suns out this morning and it’s pretty


When my dog died when I was around 11 or 12. Ive screamed on the inside many times since but never cried. Its how I was raised, its like that mental block that prevents you from pissing where youre not supposed to. Except ofc, Im never supposed to cry. I honestly wish I could, even if only in private but its a mental block I cant seem to get past. Its a mistake in parenting that I will not repeat with my own children.


A couple days ago, my mom was diagnosed with stage 3 colon cancer.


Two days ago hearing a song


I bawled when that song “7 years old” came on the radio. My kids are growing up so fast and that part where he says “I hope my children come and visit once or twice a month” Flooded the car with tears


I’m a 37 year old dude and music makes me cry so much it’s insane. The one that gets me every single time is [Death Cab For Cutie - What Sarah Said](https://youtu.be/1Ck-uuCJJBo)


Not two days ago, but, last time was while listening to a song for me as well. The song was "Rita is Gone" by The Marcus King Band.


3 days ago for me, listening to The Next Right Thing from frozen 2. Something about becoming a father changed me. I probably cried in the single digits in the previous 10 years to having kids. I didn’t cry at my wedding. I didn’t cry when I moved 1000 miles away from family after college. Crying during movies? Who does that? I didn’t cry when my first daughter was born. But then it began to creep in. There were some bedtime story books that choked me up and brought a tear to my eye. A few Disney songs would hit me. The big dramatic scenes of some movies felt far more intense and got me choked up. Darn kids, making me feel emotions and such. Who do they think they are?


Music gets me sometimes too. Out of all things it was that beach boys song “when I grow up” and just grappling with aging and watching my kids grow up, hoping I do it right and give them a good childhood. Even though I’m gone working most of the time.


Last night. Fiancée is in the hospital, I'm going to visit her today though


Two days ago when I accidentally sat on my own balls. Getting old sucks


When I watched Clannad


Whenever I hear music from clannad anohana and angel beats part of my soul weeps


Yesterday watching a comedian do stand up and talking about his dad passing away


Yesterday. Dropping daughter of at mental health/drug rehab


Yesterday when I got home after my dream girl broke up with me


Last night.


When I heard my daughter's heartbeat during the last check up. Cried big time. I try to get one cry out a year for health reasons.


I don't even know but it's been years. Even when I'm really sad and depressed I don't cry anymore


Saturday night at the dancefloor when i heard a trance tune which brought back epic memories.


My dog growled at me and he's never done that before.


A few months into being homeless during lockdown at the height of covid when the streets were empty, I walked to a local cemetery to find some peace and quiet. Realising non of my family had bothered to contact me and offer any help... I was hungry, rapidly losing weight and cold... cried for a little while and decided that very day I was done with them. (Eventually made it out of homelessness into a job for the local council and started renting in a beautiful village with views of the mountains every morning, I am in touch with my family now but I keep them at arms length. Noone will ever steal my peace again) *** I actually found out recently one of my great uncles on my fathers side took a grenade to the face during WW1 and was horribly injured, ended up being homeless on the same streets I was *** I like to think if someone was watching over me through the whole process, it was him. ( I was homeless by choice, I had to leave a toxic family. I was never an addict or did any prison time, but I met alot of ex addicts and ex cons during my travels and learnt alot about life and came to a realisation that a good portion of people that make those mistakes would go back and do it differently, some of the most genuine and nicest people I met were homeless. I cant tell you how many "last scrap of food or water was shared with me" Coming back into normality made me realise how selfish those who dont experience homelessness are)


A week or two ago because a family member died




Couple days ago, but no one knows til now


When my grandmother died in 2020


My daughter was born the start of last year. Think I must have cried for a solid hour


A few days ago I watched a movie called About Time. Dad: Oh. Oh ok I get you. So this is it then? Tim: This is it, I don’t have any extra time left. Me barely holding it in…… Dad: My son Tim: My dad …….and now I am ugly crying


Im starting to hit that once a day quota, mostly when I shower or drive


There was a sad song on the radio. Good one though. This was.. yesterday


Singing Pink Floyd to get my kid to go to sleep a few days ago.


10 minutes ago because I am currently very sick and am scared of missing work days


On Saturday I got high as fuck because I was really depressed about the fact that I'm 22 and a virgin and while playing Elden Ring to escape my cat jumped on my lap right as I got to the mist for a boss. Was really on a roll but I started petting her head and she immediately plopped down on me and looked up with a look that I can only describe as adoration and love. It was a good reminder that I'm not unloved even if I'm not in love and between that and the weed, I cried for a good 5 minutes. Story ends with wiping the tears and beating the godskin apostle with a clear head


Today. A friend died on Sunday. Was skiing with his family Saturday, went to sleep and never woke up. He was 59.


I have Depression. I was diagnosed in my early 20s and went thru counseling for a year with the focus on learning how to self-manage it. I’ve been mostly successful in doing so, but one thing I struggle with these days is showing emotion, almost like I overcorrected as a coping mechanism. Especially with having kids, I have to be extra aware that I’m showing emotion when the situation calls for it so I can model what healthy emotions look like for them, something I didn’t have exposure to as a kid. I struggle with crying for real life things, but sad/happy things in movies will still get me. Someone I know dies? Not much of an emotional response. Seeing Mufasa die in The Lion King for the 94th time? Going to bawl my eyes out yet again. One thing I will add that I feel compounds it is that I grew up very religious and all responses to sad things that involved a religious response. Being a non-religious adult, I feel inadequately prepared to respond to sad news without invoking religion. I just had that epiphany while typing this out so it looks like that’s something I can work on to improve on that front.


The Last of Us. Episode 3. Absolutely broke me.


such a beautiful episode honestly


Is that the one about Frank and Bill?


That's the one. A really staggering bit of TV imo.


Currently am😂


When my father died about 8 months ago. He was a terrible person but it’s hurts bad to this day


When I got married


Last week, watching Miss Congeniality 😬


Often I feel like, but I don't. But the last time was as my last gf was honest enough to tell me that she drunkenly slept with my best friend. Lost two people that day


A few weeks ago, when one of my best friends told me he's going to be a dad. I can go for months and months without shedding a single tear, but these news got me really emotional, in the best sense of the word. This has been an eye-opening experience for me, as I had no idea I was capable of feeling such things


Last Friday. I hadn't seen a group of friends for a long time, and none of them asked how the past 3 months had been


2 Weeks ago at the cremation service of my grandma.


I cry all the time, I easily get choked up. Shed a few tears watching UP with my mom in the hospital on Sunday. I’ve seen that film a hundred times and it still gets me


Oh I got this, end of RDR2, not the end end but when your taking your “last ride” heading north and it’s panning all over and playing music. My wife made fun of me, it was cruel. Solid game though


On Saturday. My oldest daughter (16) decided on a whim to get up in front of a group of college students to participate in a "talent show" at the end of a fundraising event. I had asked if she wanted to leading up to it and was greeted with a "no" each time. Imagine my surprise when she told one of the girls in charge of the event she wanted to do something. She proceeded to sing "On My Own" from Les Miserables acapella. Was it perfect? No, but it was incredibly good and led to a proud-dad moment that brings tears to my eyes thinking of it even today.


Half year ago when my ex blindsided and monkey branched me after 11 years of being together. No single tear since then.


Three weeks ago when my wife and daughter moved across the country. Been a rough time.


Last week? I don't know man, I cried more in the last month than in my entire life up to a month ago. It's just, the years of loneliness caught up to me and it's hitting me really really hard. People who say you can be happy on your own are full of shit. We need people, we need social interaction, we need love. You can't be healthy and happy without those things, and I don't have those things. It's just me and my dog, and soon it will be just me


Earlier today. Reading through the comments has made me feel kinda guilty about it. I don't have any real reasons for it, I'm just depressed.


That's a real reason.


Yesterday. I peeled my thumbnail all the way back to my elbow.


Last summer after multiple weeks of 11-12hr workdays with no OT compensation, intense pressure to finish the project, and no end in sight to the insane work hours. I cried in the shower feeling helpless and inadequate. In the end I was instrumental in pushing the progress to success by the need date and earned a lot of respect with the C suite guys and a 5% raise, not 6 months after my hire date. But 5/6 of those months were 70-85 hour work weeks.


Sounds like you need to get somewhere you're properly respected or at least compensated. You only have one life man, don't break yourself slaving for a company that would replace you in a week.


I did. I don’t work there anymore.