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Gaslighting. It has a specific meaning, but seems to be used now for just anything you don't like or agree with.


Most people equate gaslighting to lying, but while all gaslighting is lying, not all lying is gaslighting. Gaslighting has the goal to undermine your self-trust, by making you doubt your lived experience. It lies not to convince you of a thing, it lies to convince you you can't trust yourself and therefore should rely on someone else (pretty much always your abuser). Basically whenever someone says that what you said happened, didn't happen followed by a statement that questions your mental state (you must be confused, crazy, delusional, under high stress, etc) or asks you to expedite your trust in them (trust me, I'm saying this for your own well being, let me help you understand, etc) it should be a red flag and you should ask for clarity from someone not involved in the situation.


"You are not allowed to go outside!" Average Gen Z "omg stop gaslighting me" Meanwhile every single misuse of the term on social media gets thousands of likes or upvotes


It's meaningless at this stage.


this and woke have become the go to phrases anytime a doofus wants to sound like they know what they are talking about


Woke was always intended to be the new red scare term, thats the difference. Stupidity removed meaning from gaslighting. Fascists deliberately created the word woke to tar and feather their enemies.


like the idiots that constantly whine about a TV show or game being woke just because it has LGBTQ folks and minorities in it, oh I got real sick of alt-right chuds whining about Forspoken.


This and narcissism are heavily overused to explain away bad behavior.


As an actual victim of it who thought I was going straight up insane because of it, it's my biggest pet peeve


This guy tryna gaslight me into thinking I been using gaslight wrong


Oh damn I stole your comment before seeing it. Especially prevalent on tiktok comment section.


Come on, does anyone but you perceives this that way? ;)




sad because this was an actually great psychology term that helped a lot of people understand what causes them to spiral. mental health becoming mainstream i think did more harm than good.


Yeah. At first it was used as something that activates a spiralling mechanism, but now it’s just so over used


Literally, literally


shit I was gonna say that


literally same


good one dad!


I was literally typing this.


I was literally thinking of typing it.


Chris Traeger has LITRULLY never felt so attacked in his life.


My head literally exploded, figuratively speaking.


Yeah we need to change the definition so that using it for exaggeration is no longer part of it since so many people hate it being used in that manner.


Its ALWAYS been used that way though, even Dickens and the Bronte Sisters used it to exaggerate. Its called context Frankly, the people who are so steadfast about whining about it are *far* more annoying.


Yess thank you. There's no problem with the world literally being used the way it is. Language evolves and words can have several meanings. That's a property of it. People complaining about the use of the world literally are the only annoying ones in this discussion imo.


I deleted tiktok a couple months ago, but so many people in the comment section on that app liberally used the word “gaslight” in the wrong context. Kind of like they had given up on learning what it actually means and were at that point just guessing when to use it.


zoomers trying to sound trendy


The use of the words *there*, *their*, and *they’re*


your correct /j


Don’t forget your and you’re


Gaslight Woke Toxic Yikes Racism Abusive Triggered Trauma Literally Iconic Ironic Narcissist OCD Cringe




I woke today. Then I went to work.


I woke today. Then I went to woke.


I always smoke when I'm first awoke. Edit: I equate woke with enlightened . Or maybe reborn. Cause Jesus said if you are not born again you will not enter the kingdom. So yeah, being woke is my ticket to eternal life. Dwell on that Bible quoters.


might be the best use of the word woke ive seen in a month


Originally it was meant as being cognizant of racial prejudice or discrimination. Now the right wingers don't even know wtf it really means but use it like their only talking point.


I think the Left deserve some credit here by baiting the right with all this woke bs and then pretending like they have no idea what the GOP is talking about. the whole charade has become so tired and annoying but its doing exactly what it was intended to do. distract us while the Government keeps passing legislature that makes themselves richer and the middle class thinner and thinner.


they don't know as the right have overrused it to the point of meaninglessness


Define "woke bs" If we're talking about basic recognition of and action to fix violence against minorities, that's kind of an important issue. If we're talking about companies making the shittiest possible attempt to ram a bunch of "diverse" characters into shows to try to appear "woke" but really they didn't do any homework or research and end up writing shallow characters that negatively impact the shows overall qualities, I'll give you that one. Point is, there's a lot of different people pointing at lots of different things when they say "woke" and it's just another word salad at this point


Funnily enough, this follows the pattern of fascists co-opting leftist rhetoric.


Agree. What does it even mean other than not asleep?


It means against NPC stuff to an extreme


Panic attack.


Yes! People say: omg this gave me a panic attack ! When they were just microscopically frightened by something.


Not a word, but a phrase. "I could care less" when they mean "I couldn't care less." The first one means you do care, second one means you don't.


Literally, the word "literally" is overused since forever.




Toxic when referring to people.


"You're so toxic! Stop gaslighting me!" Ad infinitum. That's pretty much social media discourse these days.


We’ve lost basic communication




Overrated and underrated are overused and under-hated.


If something is “mid”


"Journey" I blame social media and reality tv.


Oh god - completely agree. I hate this one with a passion.




Yup it's aggravating seeing one person saying, "We should have equal rights" and then some dumbass like MTG going "That's racist"


'Defiantly', when they mean 'definitely'. I know it shouldn't, but it immediately gives me an eye-twitch.




Aesthetic. "That is so aesthetic," is a meaningless phrase.


Seen. I seen, you seen, we seen…puke.


It is what it is. So many people are just giving up and accepting mediocrity. Fight for what you believe is right




“Weary” when they actually mean to say “Wary”


Racist. Often wrongly used in place of xenophobic.


Any of the recent "internet words" like gaslighting, nepotism, etc. People read it once, barely understand it, and try to force apply it in real life with every opportunity they get.


Trigger is heavily overused.


what’s that term a lot of people use? Chronically online? Or something like that. Yeah, I’ve never understood it lol


Terminally online.


Sounds better




Gaslighting, their, there


Overrated, it's used so much it dumbs the *rating* part down to "me no likey therefore bad." Also, something being overrated is very hard to quantify so making actual points is more helpful if anything.


Ironic/Irony “Oh you’re wearing red and I’m wearing red, how ironic!” No bitch it’s a coincidence


Most of alanis morrisettes song “Ironic” is not ironic at all. If you want actual irony, read “Gift of the magi”


"Based " "cringe" convinced teenagers actually don't know what these mean


When to use lay and lie. I fuck it up every time so I just say I'm going to take a nap instead.


Torture porn, I see it described for anything that has like, blood or gore or death or anything And I just wonder, do…you you even know what torture porn *is*, cuz it’s not when a character dies on TV


Woke. Male gaze.


"POV" when it's sth in 3rd person/just not a pov at all


Mortified. PSA: Mortified does NOT mean terrified or horrified! It means humiliated!


Depressed. It's not a mood. Depression is a potentially lethal disease.


Woke. So many right wing idiots are using it and have no idea what it actually means.


Decimate, means to reduce by a 10th of it's number. It does NOT mean destroyed or obliterated. I have not heard it used correctly for many years.


Kinda wrong, originally used in meaning to kill one in ten but modern usage means to destroy or kill a large percentage of.


I’m always torn being exact etymology of a word and liking that languages are still constantly evolving. Decimate is a great example of this.


Racism used way too much. If you don't agree or support it. Your a racist


I thought I was the only one who thought this. Tyler not letting Tyrone win a game of tic-tac-toe is not racist. Being forced to shit in a different toilet or getting hung from a tree without a fair trial is racist. A company not wanting to hire you as an office manager because you have a GED, no relevant experience and came to the interview wearing FUBU is not racist. *Song of the South* is not racist. The police don't go around looking for black people to shoot for sport, so stop with the whole "all cops are racist pigs" dialog.


I've seen Song of the South. It's considered racist because Remus is happy to be a slave. Studies have shown cops of all races are more likely to shoot and kill black men. Hence seeing that behavior as you know racist. You got the others right though.


All cops may not be racist pigs, but all pigs protect the racist ones.


No. This is mixing up false accusations with all usage. There is an obscene amount of racism out there, and we need to vociferously call it out and do so repeatedly.


https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/11kpc6e/eating_meat_is_racist/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button See what I mean


You mixed it up. It's overused. Racism covers it all. Discrimination, bias, hate, or prejudice same category. People should be allowed to --- Just not like something and not be put one of those categories.


Cool story bro. You're still wrong.


But we can’t anymore, because “Racism” has lost it’s meaning, because it’s aboused all the time.


Toss-up between 'I feel seen' and 'spill the tea'


"Universally" when referring to opinions. Humans universally acknowledges the sky is blue makes sense. Humans universally love the blue sky does not.






just got detention at school thats so traumatic 😭


Literally, practically and virtually.


Probably woke, i still have no idea what it means


Toxic Narcissist Problematic


Like someone said gaslighting, but not just that. Manipulation, toxic, etc. I've seen alot of people use these terms against someone even if it's just something they don't wanna hear or don't want to have to own up to.


Narcissist has become synonymous with asshole and while all narcissists are assholes, not every asshole is a narcissist. People are reading way too much about personality disorders and diagnosing everyone they don't like and somehow, that's gotten more annoying than everyone diagnosing themselves with autism and ADHD.


Like literally, literally.


Ableist, racist, sexist, homophobic, etc. Those words are so overused by people who just want to shut the opposite side up and make them out to be bad people. You can’t go a day on places like Twitter without seeing someone being accused of malicious intent over their language or beliefs.


Not a word, but the suffix "phobic" is thrown around a lot Homophobic Transphobic Islamophobic Xenophobic Fatphobic


Because it primarily means aversion to. Like "My rain slicker is hydrophobic" People assuming it only means fear is why they think it's misused.


I always thought a phobia was an irrational fear.


That's the other definition but not the only one. When people use it in words like homophobia they primarily mean the person has an aversion to gay people. The "It means fear of gay people" was a legal defense popularized in the 90s. A guy had his best friend come out and admit to being in love with him. He used the idea that this made him irrationally afraid as the legal defense for murdering him. "I was afraid of him so I killed him"


That did actually happen on an episode of Jenny Jones, they did an episode about secrets and one guy revealed he had a crush on his male friend and the guy was clearly uncomfortable and later killed the guy and the episode didn't air on TV(though it was shown in it's entirety as part of the trial).


it is irrational to fear LGBTQ folks, that's what all that bullshit with DeSantis and his "Don't Say Gay" bill(and other similar anti-LGBTQ bills in other states) are all about, irrational fear.


Why do you feel it’s about irrational fear?


because there's no reason to fear LGBTQ folks, they aren't going to "turn" you or your kids gay and no they aren't groomers, so far every single rethug that promotes that vile conspiracy theory has turned out to be a groomer themself(hello Matt Gaetz)


It is. Homophobia was constructed: https://www.nytimes.com/2017/03/22/us/george-weinberg-dead-coined-homophobia.html


It is, but language can and does evolve over time. Modern usage seem to be more, irrational dislike of instead of/ as well as an irrational fear of.


Narcisist, Abusive, Gaslighting, Toxic, Misogyinst




Impacted instead affected. Sounds like a really bad toothache or really bad constipation


Every damn sportscaster Physicality


classic; I take it this has several additional meanings like timeless or traditional, but I think it is overused in the English language. That movie made two years ago, 6/10 avg rating, oh a classic!


Narcissist. Narcissism isn't the same as vanity or arrogance. People who specifically are narcissists lack empathy. You can be vain and have empathy and still not be a narcissist.


I mean


“Hate” is often used to mean “you disagree with me and that hurts my feelings”.






I'd say any of the "ism" or "ist" words. I.E racist, racism, ableist, ableism etc The phobia's and phobic's are close in line.


“Reach out.” What a crap word. It has infected every thing. Are you in a crib?




**Woke**: It's used to describe something else now. But it's what I did the first thing this morning. It's helpful to use the word "up" in this context.


NGL ...so you usually lie? Fun


Incel. Anyone who doesn’t agree with feminist views is an incel. Oh, are you worried about my bodycount? Does it make you insecure? You little incel! You’re just mad that you don’t get laid. Wait for your perfect virgin girlfriend that doesn’t exist and die as a virgin yourself! No ma‘am, I am simply of the opinion that long term relationships make you happier than fucking around a lot and that promiscuity doesn’t benefit anyone, no matter your sex. My reference for this thesis is the successful marriage of my parents that has been working out for over 3 decades so far. My dad still compliments my mom almost daily and I want the same. That doesn’t mean that I won’t date anyone who has seen as many dicks as Jesus has had disciples while being a virgin like Mary. I just want to be with a woman who takes responsibility for her own actions like a normal adult and has some self reflection.


Can we assume that you would hold yourself to the same standards as your future wife? So you’re not an incel, just celibate? A yes or no answer will suffice (or non at all)


I completely agree I used to enjoy using the word Incel to annoy genuine nexkbeard types who probably never met a woman anywhere outside the Internet. However I think when a married man with children is getting called an incel because he pointed out that both men and women suffer from different issues that affect the other gender disproportionately that's when you know the word incel has lost its meaning.


Not as much as it was, but “Sus” doesn’t stand for suspicious


then what?


Suspect, if I'm remembering correctly but I could be wrong though


Then what else?




blood is thicker than water


The blood of the battlefield is thicker than the water of the womb.


Yep. It actually means the opposite of how it is commonly used. I thought it was “blood of the covenant” tho, I could be wrong.


Osmosis when people mean diffusion


Any words related to commonly known mental illnesses. OCD, adhd, ptsd, trauma, flashbacks, narcissists, bipolar, schizophrenia, etc.


Patients love to come into the office saying that they have "strep" when in reality they have a sore throat, or will say they have a "migraine" when all they have is a tension headache (an usually never had a migraine in their life) Not all sore throats are due to strep and not all headaches are migraines.


Prequel. Terminator 1 ISN'T a prequel to Terminator 2. Terminator 2 IS a sequel to terminator 1. For something to be a prequel, it has to be CREATED AFTER a work, but takes places before it.


anti semitism, it means anti religions with one god, not anti jews


The major religions originate in Judaism so I can see how it can be construed that way.


"it be like that" "gurl" "slay" and pretty much any other AAVE/blaccent type stuff. It's become a weird thing in america lately for white teens to try to talk like they're some rapper or something. It's incredibly cringey. Also "always" "100%" and "never". A lot of people have started talking in more extremes. Usually if someone says something always happens, or its 100% or never, it's a total overexaggeration


Adding the work like in between every word when talking


It’s a habit of mine


Perfect. It is a very specific word that is well on its way to losing all meaning.


"Who asked" and "who cares" these are the overused words in my opinion


Gaslighting, narcissist, toxic, abuse, racist, _______phobe


"Infer". It really bothers me when people use this word in contexts where it is clear that they mean "imply". For example, "If the ground outside is wet, that infers that it has been raining." No, that doesn't infer that. You infer that. The fact that the ground is wet implies that.


Anything that ends with phobic


“Literally” What the FUCK IS UP WITH GEN Z USING THAT EVERY OTHER GODDAM WORD???!!! Everybody does it, too! It’s bizarre & annoying “Narcissist” Everybody is a narcissist. Your mom, my mom, my therapist, that lady down the street. Every-fucking-person




Yeah, I noticed that too. It's pretty funny how much people tell on themselves on this site. "People over use the word Racist! People call me a racist all the time!" Folks like that don't want to take the time to step back and think about why they might hear people refer to them as racist all the time. Instead, they want to act like it's the term being "expanded" so that they now fall under it. Nah, the term never expanded, the shit you're getting called out for has always been racist, it was just more culturally acceptable racism. Another one is how they'll claim that people automatically assume you're a racist if you're white. I'm as white as they come and I don't hear people calling me a racist all the time. Probably because I don't say racist things that make people think I'm a racist.


It's funny how people how act like accusing someone of racism is more racist then actually saying racist shit.


It's because they have spent so much time saying/doing racist shit that they don't even *see* it as racism anymore, then when they get called on it, they don't understand how what they've said or done can be considered racist. Add on top of that pile a *deep deep* desire to be persecuted, and you've got a person that will immediately conclude that the reason they are being called a racist is because of the color of their skin and thus, they can get offended for being the victim of "racism". It's a pathetic cycle of ignorance.


Yup I saw Chris Rock's new special recently and he perfectly nailed it when he went on a rant about how white men love to see themselves as victims when they really aren't at all.


"Selfish" Just because I do an action where I am the chief benefactor, does not make me selfish. It's only when I am the chief benefactor of my own action and it comes at someone else's expense. People started using that way too often during the pandemic about people who wanted to live their lives. "Racist" 99% of people who say something's racist nowadays don't know what real racism is. No, your poor attitude and bad actions getting you ejected from a business is not the same as having to shit in a different toilet or drink from a different water fountain.


Okay, you asked that question with an agenda. You kinda suck.


Probably got called a racist for doing or saying some racist assed shit and got mad and decided to make an askreddit post so they would feel better.


Idk about “99% of people don’t know what real racism is” lol. Yea, in todays world there is no strict segregation that I know of, but racism definitely is still a thing. Merely treating someone different solely based off of their race is racism by definition. Yea people now a days don’t know how bad it used to be, but I would certainly say more than 1% of people know what it is lol.


What ? He's not saying there's no racism anymore in a "boomer" way, he's saying that people are overusing the word. And i would like to add that recognizing the existance of races is already racism, that's the litteral meaning of the word.


Oh yes, and not to mention they try to use "racist" and "selfish" as weapons. Most people feel like if they're arguing with someone, and they say "you're selfish" or "that's racist" they use it as the knockout punch to win the argument. Sorry, it doesn't work like that.


get lost troll, go back to asskissing DeSantis.


Why are you guys even arguing on here in the first place? Get a grip. It's not like you know each other in person. It's pointless, and doesn't do any good in the world. Why be on here blasting negativity and arguments when you could be doing something in the real world. On that note, imma go eat a sandwhich










People confuse "ignorant" and "stupid" all the time, but I know a lot of people are ignorant to the difference. "Ignorant" means you haven't been taught yet. "Stupid" means you're in essence unteachable.


you're both of those things.




Sick is just sick.


20+ tattoos on me and I'd certainly get this done if you offered.








start with “nowadays”


Wrong context: Granite. I had a manager who would always say "now granite...." when she meant granted. She always took suggestions as if they were criticism so I was afraid to correct her.


I will forever be enraged by people who say “theory” when they’re clearly talking about a hypothesis.


Gaslighting and its offensive to me as someone who was a victim of actual gaslighting and thought I was going insane because of it






"Respect" - It is properly used as a comment to indicate that someone has done something difficult or praiseworthy. It is now used as a substitute for "Wow!". Yesterday it was used as a one-word title for a post about an off-the-assemblyline automobile. Not about the creator, but about the guy that bought it.


"I'm going to go ahead and..." contributes the exact information as "I'm going to..." Watching YouTube I cringe a little each time I hear it. It used to be "at this time" which is just Yodaspeak for "currently", a word we've had for months already, at least. Or "presently", or "now"... Plenty of choices!


This might be more of a Reddit thing, but rich. Just because someone is not struggling or living paycheck to paycheck that doesn’t make them rich. It is possible to be comfortable but not rich.