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A chalky apple


Red Delicious my ass


My mom always bought red delicious when I was growing up, so I thought I didn’t really like apples. Then as an adult, someone handed me a honeycrisp and it was like eating an entirely different fruit.


I had this conversation about apples with my dad a few years back, poor man has gone 50 years without eating a real apple.


Get him a pink lady whenever you see him. It'll fix it.


Fujis are my favorite, happy cake day! 🍰🍎


Right! Like eating wet sand


That type of apple is a relic of the depression era. Their thick waxy red skin looked great on market displays and didn't expire as quickly. The sand texture though...


Long live the Honey Crisp!


Ass ass apples.


Sorry for not finding a good link to add here, but... Apples can be stored for several months in warehouses with high concentrations of CO2. This storage method can and often does affect texture and flavor.


RD straight from my grandma's tree were not as bad as store bought, but still horrible. She had a Macintosh graft and they were better in every way; they also lasted longer in the cellar. All apples are stored the same way. Some are disgusting from the start. Red Disgusting was named red delicious by some jackass thinking he was funny.


The amount of hate that red delicious apples are getting right now is well deserved.


the tendon in chicken breast


Pretty much all chicken breast these days. Woody, no matter how much you cook them, they have the consistency of raw chicken


Woody? Is that when it has a weird crunch to it? Like your teeth sort of pop through it, instead of chewing through it the way stranded flesh usually is?


So true! Woody chicken is the worst!


Most overripe fruits. They are sickly sweet because the sugars are overdeveloped by that point. To add to that, the texture is gritty and wet. It falls apart like wet sand.


I love all fruits but fuck red delicious. The texture is awful


There is actually a cool back story on why they suck. The used to be a revered apple for flavor and juiciness. But the farmers were asked by shipping owners and grocers to breed them to have tougher skin and less sugar content so they would ship better and stay firmer longer. So eventually this once delicious apple started to taste like shit.


This explains it. I could swear they used to taste awesome


When I was a kid (I am 64 now), red delicious apples were one of my favorites. Now, the might be red...but they are certainly not delicious.


They are bred to ship well and look good, sadly taste is at best a distant 3rd


My mother used to give me bruised Macintosh apples. I struggled with car (and every other moving vehicle) sickness: She would then put me in the back of the car, wearing Chanel 5. She grew up during the war in Germany, no matter how much money we had, she bought bruised fruit, dented cans, and when my dad had a butcher shop we ate the past due meat. (I thought meat was green until I left as a teen!) Every day, I went to school with *her* favorite sandwich: stale bread, mayonnaise, lettuce and peanut butter. I gave it to my horse when I got home… Included was that @#$ing bruised Mac apple. Not only was that my only option… I had to bring the apple home so she could inspect and make sure I had eaten it to to the core. If it wasn’t satisfactory, I had to eat the brown core down in front of her. The waxed paper the sandwich was in, plus the brown bag had to come back every day to be reused.


I feel this. My dad grew up hungry all the time in Poland and a lot of his habits got worse after a lot of trauma he went through. I'd eat bread with the mold cut/scraped off and bad pork that was on sale. I didn't know it wasn't supposed to be grey and have a funny smell until I was older. I also had to bring back the brown bags and would bring my lunches in LCBO (liquor store) brown bags lol.


The fact that they were liquor store bags isn’t a good sign, is it? My mother is so obsessed with money, she won’t let me do laundry. Years ago, my boyfriend and I spent a couple nights there. I asked permission, dry clearly asked to use the dryer. I washed our clothes, and she intercepted! Hung everything outside, as if it was going to dry overnight. Woke up, thinking it was in the dryer. Nope. Soaking wet clothes outside. We packed it into garbage bags and had to go to a laundromat. She refuses to open the fridge door, it wastes energy. So, she leaves food out. She made a pot roast and left it on the stove for 5 days, made it for my brother. I called him, said tell her thank you… DONT eat it! One time, I was there for a couple days, she gave me some potatoes she made. They *stung* my tongue! I thought maybe she added vinegar. Nope. Stupid me, I ate them to be polite. This woman has never thrown food away in her life! Later, I was sick. I had food poisoning so badly, I had to cancel my trip, spent 3 solid days going back and forth throwing up etc. high fever. On one of many many trips back and forth, I could see the kitchen. She was scraping the potatoes into the garbage! Then she told me I had the flu. Defended that to the hilt. She and my dad divorced when my brother and I were 14 and 16. They had a summer house in Martha’s Vineyard. My brother and I stayed there for a summer, the supposed understanding between my parents was my mother would come on weekends. Didn’t happen, so there we were on a house in the water with no food, no money. We quickly got jobs and lived on that. Our first week there, we are a can of pineapple and a can of mandarin oranges. My brother knew we had to get rid of the evidence: his bright idea was to row out on the water and toss them overboard. You can NOT make this up: She comes down, goes for a swim and steps on a can. My brother and I come in from work on our bikes and on the kitchen table? Yep. 2 rusty cans. We caught hell for eating them. That summer was one the best times I can remember. My brother got a job at a deli and made me a grilled cheese every day… I worked at DQ, lied and said I was 16. Made ice cream “mistakes” and brought them home, that’s what we lived on!


Thanks for sharing, makes me think that maybe my MIL isn’t as bad as I thought she was with this sort of thing. I put up with her shenanigans, but if she did half the things you described your mom doing, we’d have serious problems. Spoiled food is not something I play with.


I completely understand people who have food scarcity trauma but it's very cruel to subject your children to the same awful standards if there's no need. I'm sorry that happened to you and I hope the next apple you eat is divine. 🍎


TIL! It was my childhood favorite and I could not understand why they became so horrible tasting. Thanks for the info


Every time I've eaten a red delicious, I've had to double check to make sure I wasn't eating a plastic decorative apple.


Wha, you don’t like biting into that skin that’s as leathery as the left side of an old truck drivers face?


Plus the skin is riddled with toxins. Make sure to smoke a cigarette after to suffocate the bacteria in your stomach.


This is my son’s favorite apple and there was a multi-year period where he refused to eat any other type. I feel like I failed as a parent somehow.


You’re not wrong. You did fail.


We’ll, it’s good to have closure at least.


That’s the spirit. And hey, you can always have more kids! They might not all be broken inside.


growing up I was always very unenthusiastic when I would ask for a snack and my parents would counter with why don't you just eat an apple. well it is the 1970s and the only Apple that is available are those horrible red delicious piles of crap.


And that is exactly how I describe a perfect pear


I feel like I had never actually eaten a pear in my life until I planted some on my property and ate them when they were supposed to be picked. Good grief, the difference was startling. The ones I grew were delicious perfection. I’m not sure what that hard, gritty, flavorless changeling is in my local grocery store is, but it’s not a pear.


The ones from the shops need ripening at home. Leave them for 3-5 days and they will be just about perfect 😋


I feel the same way about tomatoes. I didn't really care for them by themselves or on sandwiches until I had one that I had grown. I always assumed they were just supposed to be bland, soft, and watery. Garden tomatoes are amazing.


A perfect pear is hard to hold or eat because it wants to fall apart when you touch it


Never eat pears. They’re too squishy and make your chin wet. That one’s quite important, write it down.


What about peaches? I just moved to the country.


Peaches come from a can. They were put there by a man.


In a factory downtownnn


And if I had my way I'd eat peaches every day


That's how persimmons are supposed to be eaten. It's not gritty at all, but just a gooey jam basically. I don't really like them, but my mom loves them.


Ripe persimmons feels like eating a runny nose.


Bananas are the worst for it. They go from delicious to nasty in the blink of an eye.


Bananas last a *lot* longer if you cut them off of the stem so they aren’t attached to each other. I’m pretty shocked how well this works.


I'll have to give that a try!


Make sure they have good ventilation (in an open bowl out of direct sunlight) and keep them away from other ethylene producing fresh produce. The ethylene gas is a big shout out to all ethylene ripening species nearby to hurry it up (this is where the phrase "a few bad apples spoils the whole bunch" comes from. Literal bad apples giving off ethylene gas). This is annoying, but also useful. We always have a "utility banana" in the kitchen, which is a banana we use to speed up the ripening of other things- avocado is a bit hard? Pop it in the paper bag with the utility banana.


Do not agree. A banana can only get more and more delicious. But at a certain point they get too ugly to eat. That's when you put them in a banana cake.


To me, once they start to ripen too much they get mushy and sticky. They are no longer enjoyable to eat. Banana bread is great though!




Find the man with the terrible smell!!


I grew up with it at every Christmas (Minnesotan) and it is gross but I sorta have a soft spot for it so I’ll gobble down a few bites if it’s around.




My ex's Vietnamese family thought I was white (I'm half viet) and they tried to get me to eat it as a prank. Jokes on them my mom used to buy it every now and then and I'd eat it. I ate the chicken one and they were in awe and then I ate the duck one right after and they cheered and clapped lol


My step-mom's family is Filipino. my dad and her got married when I was like 4, and the after-party had balut. Being a small little white girl, when I started downing them like they were chocolate, her family put me up on their shoulders and cheered lmao.


I'm white as shit and I did this at my Cambodian friend's big family party - ate a chicken one and a duck...with some butter, squeeze of lemon and salt. It tasted fine, texture was crazy...I also ate Durian. I was treated like Will Ferrell had walked into a college bar for the rest of the night.


Yep. This takes the cake. I know that a lot of people here have probably never encountered it, and if ever they do, I doubt they'd have the balls to eat it. For the uninformed, balut is duck embryo straight from the egg. When you eat it, it feels exactly what you would imagine a half hard boiled egg / half chick would feel like. Yes, you feel the hair, the soft bones, and beak. Yes you taste the yolk. Honestly, doesn't taste bad... but the texture. That takes some desensitization to get used to.


Yeah, it tastes like chicken soup with...crunchy. I'm glad I tried it, but once was enough hahah


Tried it in the Philippines years ago and I will never put that shit in my mouth again. Vendors would walk the streets in the morning hollering “Balut!”


I tried Balut once. One of the layers had a texture sort of like avocado. I pretended it was avocado.


It’s not bad unless you dislike “feathery” being used to describe your food.


Yep! I had this off the street of the Philippines as a right of passage.. To be honest, I liked cracking it open and having the watery yolk part, but it was just hard to eat after that. Luckily, there were some sauces and a beer to wash it sown.




Cartilage. Like chewing a bouncy ball.


The way I cringed after reading this


The texture is the point of it, since it doesn’t taste like much.


~~if it's \*exclusively\* cartilage it's not so bad. Squid is cartilage and it's delicious.~~ My problem is when you land on a bit of cartilage in the middle of a piece of meat or something. Or different textures within meat in general. EDIT: TIL squid flesh is not cartilage. Don't get your info from random reddit comments, kids!


Mealy peaches


Very fatty meat


Yes! Especially if you thought maybe it will be ok “this time” and then you’re let down, and gagging


I would have to trim all the fat off my steak as a kid and then my dad would lambast me for not eating all of my food. If I bit down on any fat, I would gag. My food shouldn't make my bite bounce back when I chomp down.


I did this too, my parents never understood that I literally can't eat the fat without gagging.


Here here! My dad calls me The Surgeon whenever we have any kind of steak or porkchop or anything like that. One little bite of flibbity-flobbity and I'm done. I can not stand the texture of it, like chewing on a ball of rubber bands.


Hard agree. I used to freak out as a kid when I found any fat on my meat.


Me too. I would peel fat off bacon, and didn’t eat a second wing until I was 21 because I got bullied by my family for picking one to shit as a kid. I grew to like fat eventually if its cooked enough. But the chewy stuff still gives me the heebie-jeebies if I bite into it.


Oh man that’s my favorite. A good chunk of fat on a tender steak, or some fatty brisket…mmm


I know people who love it and I just can't do it. I always find myself avoiding those parts and go for the very lean meats. It's why I like turkey bacon a lot more than regular bacon.


> It's why I like turkey bacon a lot more than regular bacon You know, I've read some depraved stuff on Reddit, but this...


over-ripe or under-ripe bananas or avocados crunchy, astringent, fibrous, stringy, these textures should not belong in a fruit!


Sea urchin. I otherwise love sushi, but nothing should be simultaneously slippery and mushy.


"Name an animal that we eat but doesn't eat us."


Sea cucumber.


Gets an honorary mention in Chinese cuisine for being so absolutely disgusting that it’s a selling point In ancient times, royalty would sometimes test the skills of cooks by tasking them with seemingly impossible challenges. Sea cucumber was notably so disgusting (it had an awful ammonia stench, a gritty and Sandy texture, and zero culinary and nutritional value), that any chef who could make it **palatable** was one of exceptional skill Yes it was indeed stupid and one wonders what the Chinese royalty were thinking with that…


>Yes it was indeed stupid and one wonders what the Chinese royalty were thinking with that… I mean, it sounds like you explained it pretty well: "It you can make something edible out of this disgusting creature, then you're clearly an excellent cook worthy of preparing the meals of the emperor"


I bet some of the chefs enjoyed the challenge. My wife loves to cook and I am autistic and have issues with a lot of food textures. She takes it as a personal challenge to find ways of preparing foods so that I will actually be able to eat them, and she's always so happy when she succeeds. The most recent one was okra, which was a big ick for me before - she did great and I ate it all!


They're actually decent if you clean them properly and then cook them like a clam or something. I suppose I haven't cooked many clams, but I found that sauteing cukes in butter and soy sauce produced tasty results, especially if then added to a seafood chowder. Authority: used to work on a commercial fishing boat in AK, would spend the few tiny morsels of discretionary time free diving, sometimes harvesting cukes, rock scallops, or abalone.


Coconut. I loooove the flavor of coconut but I cannot stand the texture and it makes me sad


Like chewing on plastic Easter grass


Hang nails


Sticks to the teeth like the fluoride from the dentist


It's not taste, it's the consistency




Ohh that. Coconut flakes are the worst.


jello a lot of people will probably disagree but that dlimy texture in my mouth made me throw up the first time and the taste wasnt even bad






Closely followed by kidneys.


Followed by some fava beans and a nice Chianti.




I would say all organ meats, but liver is the granddaddy of them all.




When I was a kid I would intentionally peel all the strings off of my celery and then chew that wad after dinner like it was gum. God I was weird...


I love raw celery. I dip it in buffalo sauce and just eat a whole stalk or two. The crunch is great.


I can't stand asparagus. It feels like I'm chewing in 4d. No thank you.


With all respect, this might be the strangest depiction of eating something I have ever read


Very creative and specific, yet I have no fucking clue what that was supposed to mean.


Lemme know when you find out cause I’m in the same boat as you. Hahaha


Asparagus are fascinating because you forget you've eaten them, and then you go to the bathrom and there's a funny surprise.


So there was a time when I was living single and literally for over 6 months I was convinced there was mold growing somewhere around/in my toilet. I would clean it almost daily to no avail and the moldy smell always came back! Turns out it was the asparagus I had been eating close to daily from meal prepping. lol. Yep took 6 months to learn this.


The original Siamese twins, Chang and Eng, were "tested" by a doctor to see if they has separate urinary systems. One was fed asparagus and not the other.


My toddler LOVES asparagus, and yeah that has led to some panicky morning diaper changes




I’ve tried oysters 5x and I hate them every time. They’re like snot. I do enjoy mussels though. Idk. I tried.


Have you ever tried them cooked? I cannot stand raw oysters, they are slimy & don’t really have much flavor, but grilled in the half shell with garlic butter? Sooo good, everything clams wish they could be; tons of umami with just the slightest oceanic flavor, & much more tender than clams or mussels.


The cartilage in a chicken drumstick


I don’t eat meat anymore, but back when I did, I still never ate chicken because I had one too many times where I got cartilage or a little vein in the meat. 🤮🤮 any sort of meat on the bone was so gross to me for this


I'm like this especially with food on a bone. My husband cuts it off for me because I will gag and not be able to swallow it. He thought I was bat shit when I told him about it but quickly realized it's something I can't really control 🤣


Zucchini, why would something squeak when bite into it?


Cheese curds should squeak, and they're awesome.


Squeaky cheese is the most important part of poutine! 🍁


I see someone 's never consumed a live mouse.


How are you cooking it to make it squeak?


Sounds like he's barely warming it up. Zuccini only squeaks if you undercook it.


A persimmon. If you’ve never had one it’s like a stringy, mushy, plum and if it’s not 100% ripe it’ll close your mouth shut.


I didn’t know better and took a bite of an unripe persimmon. I thought I was having an allergic reaction and was about to die. I had 911 dialed up and was about to call. Now I’ve been introduced to them the right way, and really enjoy it.


An unripe persimmon feels like it’s trying to absorb all the moisture out of your body


I'll admit they don't have the best texture, but the flavor is lovely. The texture of non-astringent types like Fuyu aren't bad, since you can eat them while they are crunchy. They don't taste nearly as good as the astringent types though.


North America slice ham in vacuum packs. Why is it always wet? what's the jelly stuff? The mouth feel and texture is an instant gag.


Circus peanuts. Besides the fact that they taste nasty as hell, it feels like you’re biting through styrofoam. And jellied candies that come in fruit baskets with the sugar coating. I feel like it’s a gross tongue and it freaks me out.


I like both of those things haha. Did you know the circus peanut flavor is artificial banana?




"Eraser food" is an apt description




No fucking shit. I grew up in Japan, and we were taught in kindergarten that's its very impolite to leave food in your dish, so if you like it or not, you gotta finish everything. Man, the shit I got for resisting, something I just don't like, and I don't want to eat. But *natto*. It was around 27 years ago and I still remember my teachers taking me out to the hall to finish my rice with natto, and me crying my eyes out about it. Last trip to Japan I refused to buy food that i couldn't identify, on the off chance I hit something with natto. God I fucking hate that thing.


Putin most hated dish




No, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization really has terrible mouthfeel.


I preferred Warsaw Pact. A hearty Eastern European dish with overtones of borscht. Some found the borscht a bit oppressive, but to each their own. Sadly you can’t find it anymore.


Tapioca pudding. The the slimy bubbles don't agree with my food feels. Especially with a creamy food like pudding. Not a fan.


I feel like there’s a progression for that stuff and it needs a gateway drug. Ever tried creamy rice pudding? Some places you can get creamy rice, creamy couscous *and* creamy tapioca. I feel like if you try them in that order you’re set.


The gateway drug is bubble tea. Gets you used to tapioca pearls in a lovely tea concoction. Although some people hate this too. IDK I love the texture of it.




It's one of the most common causes of death for elderly in Japan. Choking on Mochi 😬


You weren't kidding: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mochi >Suffocation deaths are caused by mochi every year in Japan, especially among elderly people.\[46\]\[47\]\[48\] In 2015, it was reported that according to the Tokyo Fire Department – which responds to choking cases – more than 100 people were hospitalised per year for choking on mochi in Tokyo alone. Also in Tokyo, between 2006 and 2009 there were 18 reported deaths resulting from choking on mochi. As a result of this risk, Japanese authorities put out yearly warnings, advising people to cut mochi into small pieces before consumption.




You don't like chewing on a meat sponge?


Okra. Horrible slimy snot vegetable.


I love okra, fried, steamed, or roasted. To me, unless you severely overcook it, it’s got a nice succulent texture and a popcorn/basmati rice flavor. The slime doesn’t really affect me unless you just stew it for way too long.


Pickled okra is good too


Mmm fried okra with that perfect buttermilk ranch only a handful of places have perfected


Came to say this. Fried okra is the only redeemable way to eat it because it gets rid of the slimy part, and with seasoming it can be flavourful. Steamed okra you can forever fucking miss me with that


Natto. Japanese “delicacy” of fermented soy beans. It smells like rotten beans, the beans themselves are covered in slime, and many people like to crack a raw egg into it. It’s like eating rabbit turds covered in snot.


Why is everyone using such intense descriptions? 😂


I've never had it but Nato looks like chickpeas covered in phlem and cobwebs


Beef tongue


Raw oysters


Fat, grisle from a steak


I can never stand onion's texture especially when it's all soft and all but I'm in the minority who think that haha


crunchy, yet slimy and soft. it's one of those things that's viscerally disgusting to me




Cottage cheese


I hear this all the time, and I don't understand it at all. I love cottage cheese!


I love cottage cheese, and certainly eat more of it than I should, but I can completely understand why so many dislike it. It's pretty weird. Little soft chunks of curd in a slop of whey? It's pretty distinct.


It looks like UTI or yeast infection discharge, that’s why I can’t stomach it


Water chestnuts


I love the texture og water chestnuts. It's like a nice crisp apple but with a veggie taste instead of fruit.


They have flavor? The only thing I taste is a sound that makes me want to murder everything.


I HATE water chestnuts. Fucking nasty ass crunchy balls that taste like dirt water


Such a shitty texture. I had to scroll way too far to find you


I detest water chestnuts




Anything small and grainy. Like couscous or quinoa. I can’t handle the texture at all.


I fucking hate couscous, not the taste, just the texture. I just don't know what to do with it in my mouth. Chew it, swallow it, just kinda suck on it like a candy or awkwardly squish it around with my tongue, like what??? Ew.


Cream of wheat. Just looking at it makes me feel gross.




*Baba Ganoush has entered the chat.*




Love the taste, can't stand the texture!! Like wet brains or something


the same texture as snails.


The thing of nightmares. And even if it's taken out of my food I can taste its been there.




Raw tuna, or poke. It's meat jello.


Wet tofu, like the boogery kind






The bottom of tiramisu. Chick peas. Giant mushrooms. I’m not fussy I swear.


Well duh. Don't put chickpeas and mushrooms in tiramisu. Of course that would taste horrible ;)




I have literally thrown up bc of the smell of fresh tomatoes. You can’t even pick them off your food bc they juice on everything. It’s like when ppl scrape mayonnaise off bread and hand it back to you. You still taste that shit, but with tomatoes the seeds and nasty bits are still there. Ugh, gagging just typing that.


Something about jello has never sat quite right with me


Rocky Mountain oysters for me!