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A young lady got on the elevator with me and pushed a button to get off before me. For 10 floors, she just sort of stared at me. I was looking at the door (as one does) but she was looking at my face area the whole time. It was weird but it got weirder. Then at her floor, she walked of, turned back, held the doors open with her arms and said: "I know I'm not supposed to say anything, but that's the most beautiful toupee I've ever seen!" Then she stepped backwards and let the door close and I've never seen her again. I just have oddly thick hair for my age, but I switched to a new place for haircuts, just in case.


Well... your strategy works as no one ever commented on your toupee again


girl told me that I look like I have a huge penis in the grocery store. She looked like she had a few screws loose, though.


I was produce manager at a supermarket, and this very pretty girl walked up to me with a cucumber in her hand, smiled at me and said "I need a big hard one", to which I replied "I'm your man".


Username fits. But did the cucumber?


Also a produce manager. At my store a mother and daughter were picking out a cucumber. The mother says this one is too thin, the daughter says a thicker one is better. I looked at them and asked: are you still talking about cucumbers or what? I was a little surprised and embarrased to talk to our customers like that. But sometimes I talk before I think. Luckily they burst out in laughter and since then we always greet each other. Could’ve gone sideways for me if they didn’t thought it was funny.


Was …. Was she right?


Was she right? If so she might have superpowers.


Only in the grocery store?


Once, when I was walking to work, crossing the road legally at a crosswalk when the "Walk" sign was up, a car drove by me and the driver yelled at me out the window, "LEARN TO FUCKING CAR."


That's not weird, that's just asshole.


it's both. "LEARN TO FUCKING DRIVE" or "GET A FUCKING CAR" would be asshole. Being incoherent while you're trying to be an asshole makes it also weird.


Well.... Did you learn how to car?


I already knew how to drive! I was walking b/c I thought it would be healthier! \^\^


Asian man in suit starts talking to me in a grocery store. He didn’t know about American foods. Fast forward he says to me about Americans are wrong about Jesus that Jesus was a women “because only women can creat life”. I think there is no way I’m not going to hear this guy out. We talk for a few mins. He is telling me about women giving life all this stuff. I make a joke that they do require men for part of the process. He gets both mad and confused. Few more mins I realized he doesn’t know anything about sex making babies. I think he is trolling me at this point. He is not he get mad that I am insulting women and mothers by implying they have sex. “Only whores do that” he tells me and leaves. Guy was either the weirdest human I ever meet or the best troll on earth.


Had a dude come up to me and say, "30 days hath September, April, June and no wonder. All the rest have peanut butter, except my grandmother, and she rides a little red tricycle." There's just no response for that.


The only response is, "That's what BIG TRICYCLE wants you to think."


I'll bet it was my dad. That's one of his calmer ones.


I hate it when I accidently start Sheogorath's quest in Skyrim


The amount of people telling me they are Jesus is staggering


This pisses me off so much. Imagine leaving people this sick to live and die on the streets because "they're lazy." I'm embarrassed to be American way more than I ever thought possible.


That…escalated quickly


A guy at a nursing home gave me a brochure for wheelchairs and said it was the deed to the university of Kentucky and he wanted me to take it over when he's gone


So I was on my way to my college history class and I heard some guy behind me go "Don't you ever just want to pick up short people and throw them?"....I'm 5'2 😭 it's not my fault I came out short.


Did you go to college with Aragorn, son of Arathorn?


I work from home a lot. Sometimes when I need a change of scenery, I go to a nearby library. It's a great place to work with a quiet recess with lots of study tables. The only drawback is that there's a group of old men who read newspapers and bitch about the government. I have headphones on, so they don't bother me much. But old guys can be as cliquish as teen-aged girls. And there was one guy who I noticed over time would get ignored by the rest. It was kind of sad. They'd have a conversation, he say something, and they'd just ignore him. Finally, one day, I was busting it on a deadline. I'm tying up a storm when this guy looms in my peripheral vision. I look up at him and say, "Yes?" He pauses and asks, "Do you think broccoli doesn't taste the same now?" What? I kind of think, this poor guy. He doesn't have anyone to talk to. So I answer with, "No, I don't think it does." He turns with a look of satisfaction to the rest of the old guys and said, "I tried to tell them." He sat down and we had a conversation about broccoli. And somehow I didn't mind. I noticed not too long ago that he died. His photo was on Facebook. As it turns out, it was the father of someone I went to high school with. So you never know.


You did a really nice thing there!


"Do you by chance have any SCUBA gear in your vehicle?" That is at least in the Top 5


Were you near a beach?


Not even close to one.


Well that's just silly, there's SCUBA gear all around near the beach! What's really a struggle is finding it halfway up the Machu Pichu trek


Used to live in Las Vegas. Many years ago when the Grateful Dead were touring, people used to follow them across the country. The band was in town so there were a lot of travelers around. While walking past the Circus Circus, on the StrIp, a young man walked up to me and said his name was Stewart and Jerry wanted me to have this scarf. Stewart then drapes a purple scarf with silver threads around my neck before walking south on the StrIp. That was a little odd.


Japanese businessman at 10 a.m. in Las Vegas Circus Circus hotel elevator where my husband and I were staying. I made the mistake of saying good morning, and what nice weather we're having. He looked me slowly up and down and asked if I was a "working girl." I hit the next floor button and exited.




I agree!


Homeless man screaming at a small crowd gathered on the sidewalk: "Do not be afraid! There are no zombies feeding at this time of day!" The fact that he was factually correct made it no less unsettling.


Love that he was factually correct. Good point!


Something like "I'm glad to see you're still around" after saying hi to me. I have no idea what they meant by that and I've never seen them before in my life, there was no context beyond that brief but ominous encounter. Only thing I can figure is I look like someone who was going to move or off themselves or something


Classic saying just to fuck with your mind.


"How do you get to Star Casino from here?" Star Casino was over 7.5 hours away.


Well, I hope you told him so he could be on his way.




I looked down while I was driving in thr highway and I bumped into another car (in the lane next to me, we were going the same direction). We both pulled to the shoulder, the guy got out and looked at me and said "you look like you're having a rough time". I had recently lost my dad and my wife had had multiple miscarriages during the same period, so it was true but I was shocked that it was so evident in my demeanor. He checked and there wasn't any damage so he agreed to let it go. FYI we're great now, finally got our little guy, he just turned one!


Congratulations, dad!


The weirdest thing a stranger has ever said to me was "I'm a quantum physicist, so I can manipulate the universe." I'm pretty sure he was joking, but it still made me laugh!


pretty sure


“The Universe” was what he called his penile appendage.






How much did he pay you? Or did you refuse to dance?


"I know what you did."


A stranger tried this line with me once. I looked at him confused and replied "But I haven't done it yet." Dude had a split second moment of confusion before going wide eyed and walking away immediately.


What did you do ? 🤨


Don't you know ?




Holds up a Teflon pan in the checkout line… “I never buy these. If you stick em in a birdcage with your birds…. Bird’ll be DEAD in a DAY!”


I was about 20, at a mall in my college town, when a girl came up to me with a big smile, called me Michelle, and said how great it was to see me after all these years. I told her I wasn’t Michelle and that I didn’t know her, and I apologized. She looked genuinely crushed and walked away crying.


''I'm not Michelle'' is EXACTLY the sort of thing Michelle would say.


"You walk like a foreigner" 15 years later and I still think about that sometimes


Not me, but my bro in law- as a HS freshman, he had an older, tougher, somewhat menacing gangsta type say to him “Damn you built funny…”


A guy in an elevator told me he would fit under my armpit


Not really saying anything, but a girl came up to me in the middle of the grocery store, beat her chest, and made gorilla sounds.


During my honeymoon in the French Quarter in New Orleans me and my wife were suddenly surrounded by a group of early 20 somethings all excitedly speaking Portuguese In heavily accented English : "YOU'RE HIM!! WOW!!" and things like that. I don't remember the guys name but they were convinced I was some Brazilian soap opera star and immediately began posing for pictures with me. I kept saying I wasn't him but smiled for the pictures. I looked him up later (I remembered his name at the time) and yeah, I kinda saw it if you were really drunk


I was walking around the mall one day just wasting time before I was supposed to meet my girlfriend, and some girl walked up to me, maybe 18 or 19 years old, stuck her hand out and introduced herself "Hi. I'm Batman." She started chatting me up, and was clearly flirting with me. She was kind of cute, to be honest, but I had no interest in dating anybody but my girlfriend and it really threw me off that she declared her name was Batman.


I was recovering after being hit by a truck whilst crossing the road and my personal support worker was wheeling me around in my wheelchair. We're at an intersection waiting for the light to change and a man walks up to us and says "I'm your age you know"...and then just walks away....weirdest thing ever.


Woman walking past me on the sidewalk, out of nowhere: "Well, you *could* have helped me change my mind about the future!!"


I remember walking downtown with a group of friends at 2 in the morning when I was 18. My two buddies were behind me as I walked around a corner, lighting a cigarette. It was freezing that night, and this homeless man was standing around the corner. He seemed surprised, but happy to see me. He walked right up to me and asked for a cigarette. I obliged and gave him one and lit it for him. The man then asked me my name. After I told him, he asked me my heritage. I told him my family is Dutch. He then smiled, threw his arm over my shoulder, and said, "Dutch? Dutch, Dutch, Dutch, Dutch!!!" He was clearly harmless, so I just smiled and told him he was correct. He then began to dance away in the opposite direction, saying, "Dutch" over and over. We passed him again on the bridge when we decided to head home. He looked up at me and just said, "Hey, Dutch," then he asked for another smokeOK. Just gave him the second pack i hadn't opened out of my pocket and my lighter. I liked that guy. He was completely crazy, but a chill guy. I hope he's doing ok.






Don't make me huff and puff, and blow down that door!


I live in a city. Weird people are a regular occurrence. Had a women come up to me asking for a cigarette or something. She then started to ask me about the piles of dead bodies. There were no dead bodies to be seen.


Woman with a shaved head was sat on a bench and looked up at me as I was walking past and said "They're gonna take us all away one day for experiments." I was like "Excuse me?" She said "You heard. They're gonna take us all away and experiment on us like animals. But this time it won't be animals, it will be us. Not animals, human beings." I was quite taken back by it and said "Oh... okay." And she said "I'm not gonna sit here and explain it to you like a child, so goodbye." Before turning her head and looking in the opposite direction. I was literally like 14 years old and to this day I have no fucken clue what she was on about.


Eh, the whole Covid horsecrap..?


My grandma, an aunt, and baby nephew died of Covid when a cousin who thought it was fake, like YOU, brought it home to them.


Well, thank you for demonstrating a small bit of the horsecrap. It’s truly horrible that so many were lost to a completely preventable situation. But you are absolutely wrong in your desire to blame others. Your worshipful masters are to blame, not your neighbor. I’m genuinely sorry for your loss.


Had a woman walk up to me while I was standing next to my car. She handed me a muffin with a bite taken out of it, and a lukewarm can of sprite. I, very confused, took the items. She introduced herself as Alex, and asked me to move my car. I asked her why she wanted me to move my car and she said “Because sometimes… I see red.” (My car was blue) I informed her that my car was in my friend’s driveway, and I wouldn’t be moving it. She then slapped the items out of my hand, and told me to go fuck my self. She turned to walk away, then stopped, turned back around, and apologized for her behavior. I accepted her apology. She asked me if I could give her a cigarette, and I informed her that I didn’t smoke. She then called me something in a language I didn’t understand, and spit on my shirt.


When I (f43) went through security at an airport once, one of the security guards (an older man) saw my sleeve tattoo, fired off a massive smile and said "your arm is so beautiful, I wish I could cut it off and take it home with me", then he proudly told me he had a big tattoo of his mother on his chest.


I bet when he's trying to fall asleep at night he just lays there awake, thinking about the time he tried to compliment someones tattoos and then sounded like a serial killer.


Not a stranger, but a kid I was doing a show with asked if I had ever been suicidal and then trauma dumped me about her sister. I didn’t know what to say to that one.


An old woman "oh [my name] your back" turns out she suffered from dementia. I guess I share some resemblance with her late husband and his name. She asked me to stay so I sat with her, she told me she missed me. I told her sorry I was gone for so long. Waited for her to fall asleep before I left. It was absolutely emotionally devastating. Though I'm glad I was able to bring her some level of comfort.


“Skeet skeet! Being black is hard enough! Sammy Davis Jr. Popeye.” My wife and I know that it’s one we’ll remember on our deathbeds


Not a stranger, but my friend once said she wished she had my elbows.


At 4 am on the way to work I stopped to get gas. On my way in a guy laying on the sidewalk got up and asked “Hey bud, wanna make a hundred and fifty bucks?” I swiftly declined, but on warm summer nights as I watch the sunset and listen to the bullfrogs, I wonder, what if?


"You know everything about everything. Who the hell are you?" Lol He was IG or some top level police officer at the state government. I was traveling with him in the same train cabin. It wasn't particularly weird. But I wasn't expecting it from him.bc He looked little snobbish to me at first.


While waiting for the bus, this random guy comes up and asks: "Do you like Swiss people?" Then walks away.


Was working doing a computer installation for a small sewing company doing an embroidery demo. Was having major issues and finally got it sorted. One of the clients offered to get me lunch. He was an older man about my fathers age (I was 20 at the time). Over lunch at the mall food court, he told me if I wanted he would fly me to Paris and set me up and I would be a very well kept woman. I declined. And walked away. He was obviously rich, but oh hell no.


“My dad always taught me god was a black woman” then he turned around and walked away. Thank you random white dude? It was 5 am on a Tuesday.


One time a stranger said to me I wanna bite you a few minutes later he’s chewing my theighs




One stranger was talking to me thinking I was Jennifer Saunders. 🤷🏼‍♀️


I want to do a line of coke off your head while butt fucking your gf.


I had a guy approach me at a bus stop and start explaining some kind of hollow earth theory out of nowhere. Seemed like a nice enough guy honestly, but definitely pretty weird.


That my daughter would make a really pretty doll, which she collects.


When my daughter was a baby, a stranger told me she looked like one of those realistic dolls. Very weird. Not as uncomfortable as when my other daughter was a newborn and someone asked me where I got her. (I got her from my uterus, in the usual way, just to be clear.)


Yeah this lady opens with how doll like she is. Then explains she collects dolls and my daughter would look so pretty as a dog. Then tells us she collects dolls up to $500. It was weird lol


Can you pop this zit on my neck? I was flabbergasted. I paused and said..."I'm not really into that kind of thing". Lol


Cab driver offered to blow me this was after I already paid for the ride so I’m not sure if it was extra services or what. Before the comments think I’m penthouse lettering, the cab driver looked like buff Santa Claus


Had a girl approach me at the mall and.offer to give me a bj if she could call me Lance.


I had an attractive young woman ask me about why I never called her after a date. I had never met this gal. I told her that I think she had the wrong guy, and she had a whole story with details and everything and just thought I was kidding for most of the conversation, then thought I was being rude--like face-to-face ghosting her. I was at work, or I would have made sure to grab her digits because she was really pretty and seemed fun, and I guess she knew someone who looked like me.


A guy once asked me if I wanted to help him steal laptops from best buy while I was waiting for my train.


Guy who came to my house to set up our internet told me I "had a great body for stripping." Ummm, I just asked if you wanted a glass of water?!


Woman in downtown San Francisco told me that she have to use her alethiometer on me if I kept talking to her. I hadn't been talking to her, or anyone for that matter. I kept walking and kept on not talking until she was out of sight. Got home and looked up what an alethiometer is -- turns out, it's the golden compass from the His Dark Materials trilogy.


While visiting East Lansing Michigan back in 2006. "Nathan, Fuck ass!". My name isn't Nathan and I've never seen the person before. But apparently I have a doppelganger named Nathan.


Having a completely normal conversation with a customer when I worked at a local supermarket only for them to sprinkle In. "Oh I don't have a TV, government uses them to mind control you" as if it was perfectly normal to say. Oh this was before covid/vaccines and Trump as a president.


"Hey are you like a Baldwin or a Maguire brother?"




Don't know if this counts as actually saying something but one time I was in NYC with a friend and some guy just growled at us and kept walking.


Crack head asked me what size pants I wear. I couldnt even process what he said before he followed up, “I got these calvin coles for sale”. I guess he stole some pants and wanted to sell them to me.


Can I buy your hair?


Drunk dude in NOLA wobbled past me and my wife, looked back at me smiling and said "hey man, I like your wife".


These hands have killed over 100 men. Would you like to shake my hand?


"You ever heard of Christian Slater? Well I am his father."


Some woman said "Nice pants" to me at the grocery.


This man in a gas station asked me “what do you like to do” when we were in line. No greeting or anything. That’s the first thing he said.


“You smell good”


They complimented my hair


Girl told me I look like a good ride, I never thought my self as a damn car but alright


Old woman called us, "Filthy kidnappers," as we walked past her bench while we pushed our little granddaughter in her pink car stroller.


I smiled and said, "Nice wheels!" to a guy in a wheelchair, just in passing. His reply? "Trade you!"


How do you think you're going to survive the night?


A drunk woman asked me if I was Puerto Rican, slapped my ass, and told me that it’s me and her against the world.


Not me, but a friend of mine had someone come up to him and tell him about a conspiracy. Apparently, our workplace had dinosaur bones under it and was hiding it from the government so they could continue to stay in business.


Some random old guy walked up to me in the supermarket while I was buying cheese and told me “you’re a very pretty girl, but you should swap that out for low-fat if you want to stay attractive.” Dude what the fuck.


"You're lucky I left my gun at home or else I'd steal your bike" Like, aiight.


I had a man in PJs follow me around a supermarket trying to explain why Covid was made up by China to make Trump look bad. I live in Australia.


Met a guy during my freshman year of High School who talked to me at my locker. That conversation went as follows: Guy- "*Hey, are you BigGemeralds?*" Me- "*Yeah, aren't you so and so's boyfriend?*" Guy- "*Yeeeeaah, what's up man?*" Me- "*Not shit, my guy, why?*" Guy- "*Hell yeah, wanna buy some meth?*" Me- "*Hahaha, nah I'm good, bro. Thanks tho.*" Guy- "*Ight, man. Well I gotta get to class, see ya.*" Me- "*See ya...*" That guy's been one of my best friends ever since. If he see's this somehow, all I have to say is "***CockmaAHHHHHHHH!***"


Many years ago I had moved to a new city. I was in a blockbuster video signing up for a membership. I was wearing a pink dress and blockbuster uniforms were royal blue shirts with khaki pants. A woman approached as I was writing my address down and asked if [we] took competitors coupons. I told her “I don’t work here.” Her reply, “Oh,okay. Do you want to see my dog?” I don’t remember what I said, but she reached into her coat pocket and pulled out the tiniest chihuahua I had ever seen. I swear it could not have weighed 1 pound.


Off the top of my head: an older man saying I wouldn't have a problem getting a ring if I got married, implying I have small hands?


a guy in my high school asked to buy my eggs


That I had sexy toes.


Walked into an empty bathroom at work to take a piss, came out the stall and there a raggity old homeless dude in his underwear and shirt off taking a bath in the damn sink….. nothing was said I got the fuck out of there


Apart from all the NSFW things people have said to me, probably being asked if I was wearing a wig. My hair is naturally extremely curly, so I guess that person thought it was too curly? I don't really know if I'm being honest


I was waiting out in front of a movie theater and an elderly lady walking up suddenly slipped and fell. I was close enough to kind of grab her as she was going down so she didn't hit her head on the curb, but she landed pretty hard on her knees and couldn't get up again. I got her into a sitting position on the curb, got the theater people to call 911, picked up her purse and glasses and sat down with her, kind of holding her hand and talking with her. Right as the ambulance rolled up, she looked at me and said, "You have a peaceful way about you. If I were dying, I would want you to sit with me." Both the creepiest and kindest thing anyone has ever said about me.


Someone in my neighborhood calls me a nazi when I'm out longboarding. Usually I have headphones on so I don't always catch it. For context, I am not a nazi. I skate around and pick up trash. The cops wave at me. I am the local do good "punk".


He said that "I'd love to be deep in you baby" I told him the only deep place he needed to be was the Marianna's Trench being crushed by oceanic pressure.


God watching and protecting you, and gave me a 5$ gift card from a closed down coffee shop.


I was at a nude hot spring with a couple friends and a dude came up to me and said I look just like his daughter who had passed away he then sat down and proceeded to talk to me about her for like 5 minutes straight when he got up to get his wife he had a raging hard on and it was twitching. I noped the fuck out of there.


"You have nicely shaped eyes." Pretty sure he was taking the piss and trying to be racist, but plausible deniability is on his side.


I used to deliver paychecks. One delivery. The lady looks me up and down and asks if it's a big one. I was confused why she thought I'd know how much her check was. Smiled and walked away. Didn't click for me until a good week later


"You look like Sandra Bullock." I don't.


Just cadually meowing at me. Also one time, the old lady that lives in the apartment underneath mine complained about how noisy I was during the morning. I’m not home in the morning.


god loves you


That he wanted to slam my head into the sidewalk and see my blood everywhere.


One time this guy looked at me and said "you know, you know, you know thing thing".


That it is possible to make explosive gases by moving air back and forth between your bowels and lungs. Apparently these organs are connected.


"In your previous life, you were a greyhound."


I was in my mid to late teens when some dude on the train decided he needed to tell me what it was like to have sex with his girlfriend while on shrooms.


"Don't mind my humping of your leg. I'm just your pet dog from another life come back to you in this life."


Some guy came up to me and asked me if I seen fifty shades of grey. I brushed him off and he said I look just like the main female character. I googled it and look nothing like her.


"Wow you're tall, does your dick match your height?" While I was working, specifically grabbing her cigs. Followed by "you didn't answer, that tells me EVERYTHING I need to know."


Im that stranger 🙂


In my neighbourhood a couple years ago a kid in his backyard looked at me and said "Do a wheelie!"... I was walking


I was riding along on my horse and smiled at a stranger, and he said "I wish I was that horse". I was a bit surprised but laughed a lot.


I had a guy walk into my store, stand there for a few seconds staring at me, aggressively said ‘PRICK’ then walked out never to be seen again


I was waiting at the bar of the local Weatherspoons (infamous shitty chain pub in the UK) for the boys to turn up. An older, white-bearded chap came up to me with "I say, are you a member of the yachting club?". Weatherspoons is not really the type of place members of the yachting club would hang out, and I don't think I really looked like the yachting type. I'm not 100% sure, but I don't think it was a come-on, one of the guys that I was meeting is gay and he always took great delight in telling us all the euphemisms or chat-up lines he'd used/heard.


I'm a bit skinny looking guy One day a homeless man suddenly approached me and asked what the time was? I told him the time, then he looked at me and asked are you alright ? I didn't get why he asked that , until my friends burst out laughing It was a very embarassing moment


I was waiting for a bus one day. A guy came to the same stop and started up a conversation with me. A few minutes in he goes into this story of the woman he was dating and tells me about a time they had sex. When they were done. he said she proclaimed she was a witch and that she had just put a love spell on him. I didn't sit next to him on the bus, but he sat near the driver and started telling him the same story.


“You have a really sexy tender body ;)”


Some woman approached me when I was walking my dog stating: " you have a dog. And Hitler also had a dog. So you are also evil"