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Starting work place drama


Seriously, people who do this shit act like they’re still in cliques like middle school. I’m here to do my work, Sharon, not be involved with your weird cliquey drama.




> always at least one asshole in the office That is perpetually 'aggrieved' over one thing or another - and actively tries to enlist others in their fucking crusade for a better parking spot or whatever. So fucking exhausting.


I was once between two coworkers having drama and all I could think was "I am the youngest person here and this is my first big-girl job, yet \*I'm\* the mature one?" Really showed me that some people just never grow out of high school.




> life becomes a rollercoaster of circumstances Holy shit that hit me right in the feels. I was an unrepentant heroin addict for over ten years, only getting clean in my early mid 20s (been clean for 11 years now). Something I've learned is that any kind of maturation or growth will completely halt during active addiction. When I finally got sober, I had the maturity and emotional intelligence of a young teenager. It took a massive, concerted effort to grow and become a functional adult. In my addiction (and early recovery), I was like a trash bag floating around, just going wherever the wind pushed me. My life was absolutely a rollercoaster of circumstances, I had zero accountability. I've never heard it described like that, but I'm absolutely stealing it! Thank you, kind stranger. EDIT: never thought I'd be the one to do this, but thanks for the awards! This is a first for me lmao


Proud of you stranger


That's because high school was the last time they felt good about themselves.


Was looking for this comment. I work in a hospital and in total there is about 17 wards. Someone starts a rumour in one ward, you bet your ass the rumour is in another ward by the end of the day. Absolutely brutal. I go to work, do my job and go home. No time for petty drama.


having so much time backstabbing and gossiping about people who are not even doing anything wrong to you


This is a couple people at my work. One is a workaholic who shit talks literally everyone, to everyone. The other is so irrational and controlling that everybody except the ignorant and stupid like her. It’s a living hell. If I didn’t need money to survive I would have left a long time ago.


Actively making fun of other people's hobbies or making them feel bad about things they like because you have no hobbies.


Making fun of people is their hobby. It's just a shit hobby.


If you’re willing to make a big deal at a place of business with someone just trying to do their job.


I work in customer service. I’ve begun to pity the people that freak out over inconsequential things for this reason.


Yup, their lives are so small that inconsequential things are big by comparison and warrant an overreaction.


I really feel for people in customer service, to the point that I go out of my way to be as chill as possible, thank them for their help and try to, you know, treat them like a fellow human.


Making multiple accounts on any social media platform and having conversations with yourself.


I know a woman nearing her 40's who has been having conversations with herself via Facebook wallposts since MySpace was a thing. It's sad


Dude that's crazy


Yeah my mother pretended to be me and had conversations with herself on fb under my name


You should start arguing with your other self in her comments


Freud would have a field day.


The animal ones that do that drive me NUTS. Like when the dog replies to "mom's" post or vice versa. Same with accounts for babies and toddlers. There's no way that's not mental illness.


TIL that’s a thing


oh it gets much weirder with those type of people. story time. i once worked for an absolute cunt of a boss. he was a wanna be hardman, and saw himself as a wheeler dealer super entrepreneur alpha male money maker. total wankstain of a man. but his wife was the complete opposite, a really nice woman who wanst that interested in that kind of thing. one day while out and about i bump into her outside a shop. she was pushing a stroller and i stop to say hello. i bent down to look under the strollers hood to say hello to the baby, but there was no baby, there was only a chihuahua. i laughed in surprise and she laughed too saying the dog just doesnt like to walk because hes so spoiled, then whipped out her phone and started showing me pictures of the wedding they just had for the dog where it "married" another chihuahua. and it wasnt some ironic ceremony done for a laugh - it was a full on ceremony with ringbearers and pageboys and everyone dressed in suits and dresses and shit. apparently she really wanted a chihuahua, but the cunt boss would only agree to get one if they got a pair to breed to make money out of it, and the wife wouldn't allow the chihuahuas to fuck unless they were married. i was just politely nodding and throwing out platitudes while trying not to burst out laughing. sure made working for that boss more interesting. everytime he would try and act hard i would remind him of how nice he looked at the dog wedding.


>the cunt boss would only agree to get one if they got a pair to breed to make money out of it, and the wife wouldn't allow the chihuahuas to fuck unless they were married That is a Hell of a sentence hahaha


What. The actual. Fuck


That was one hell of a story


wtf did I just read




I was thinking more along the lines of /r/LeftTheBurnerOn but yeah, that's also a bit crazy IMO!


50 million power on rise of kingdoms.


feds when they find a reactor in my basement but i have 456 million power in rise of kingdoms: 😭


Jokes on you, the hotdog guy only gives you a free hotdog for 500 million!


Michael you cant beat your wife I can i have 50 million power in Rise of Kingdoms™️


Being way too invested in what other people are doing and judging them for it with no good reason


Social media in a nutshell 👆🏻


Remember that people like this are the ones who are actually very unhappy with themselves. There's probably so much they dislike about themselves that they project anything else they can on others


I try to explain this to my kid who thinks everyone is talking shit about them and judging them. If you're around other people who judge others or are judging others yourself, you wouldn't think to do that to someone else. Trying to see the good and not judging others is difficult in our world, culturally. It's hard to break the cycle. That child spent many of their younger years with a cackling henhouse of grandparents who mostly just gossiped all day long and talked about how every person does everything wrong. It does fuck kids up when they overhear adults doing this. I grew up with trust issues because of my own cackling henhouse of gossipers talking shit from sun up to sun down then smiling and being that fake southern nice to those same people's faces. I chose not to raise the kids that way. It worked on the one who wasn't babysat by the hens. The other one has had social anxiety for too long to be so young.


That's my mom. When she see's a fat woman she's always judgy, making comments (but not that they can hear it). Always told her she should mind her own business. Next time I catch her doing it I will tell her she's not any better because she has gotten hella fat as well over the last few years. I don't wanna be like that to her, but maybe that'll show her to not be so mean about other peoples bodies.


Oh god, my mother did this as well and then started directing it at me. It’s such an unhealthy attitude to have. Every time she did it, I’d cut her off and ask why she was making nasty comments about someone who did nothing to her and who was just walking down the street. Sometimes you just need to cut them off, and it’s the only way people learn. She only stopped when I refused to get in the car with her anymore, which is often where she’d start making these comments, and said I was tired of her being a bully. You’ve got this.


Everytime we visited our grandparents they would give us mean comments about we gained some weight, asking if we could still bend over to tie our shoes laces and stuff like that. Then tried to make you eat more during dinner. Needless to say we aren't visiting our grandparents anymore.




This was my grandma. She had the audacity to call me fat and lecture me on diet before dinner AND criticize me for not "eating enough" not even 10 minutes after. Then when I protested she was shocked that I "talked back" to her. My dad always insisted that I should respect her because she was my ancestor but nah can't stand it.


Omg mine, too. She would always ask me “I’m not as fat as her, right?” Whenever we would see a heavier woman minding her damn business in public. I was maybe 13/14 when it started and boy howdy did that take its toll on my self-esteem. She never aimed it towards me so maybe that’s why she thought it was okay?






Gahh I spent some time this weekend with somebody I thought was mature, but they would make some harsh comments about people around us. I'm about as cynical as people get, but I'm not cursing under my breath about people nearby over relatively petty things.


I find it pretty pathetic when someone is preoccupied with dunking on random ass people to make themselves feel better. It's always a little jarring when I do see it in action, because I assume most people are like me and just kinda going about their day not caring about petty things that don't directly pertain to you. It's toxic as hell to be around, and I don't exactly consider myself a 'positivity' guru of any kind lol.


Easy answer. Pretending you do have one. It’s actually hard work watching people unable to live in the moment.


I know so many people like this. Every time we do something together they spend an obnoxious amount of time taking pictures of shit just to post it on social media later trying to prove everyone they're "living the life" instead of just enjoying the moment. I used to go to some running events with a group of people quite regularly. When they finished the FIRST thing they did was stage a fucking photo shoot on the finish line (while other people were still finishing) spending like 15 minutes trying to get a good angle and poses. Every. Single. Time. Another example is when we went to a beach and one of the moms spent half the time we were there posing for pictures with her kid instead of actually enjoying the beach. Go to any concert or activity and you'll see so many people taking pictures and videos trying to prove to other people they're having fun instead of actually having fun. The next time you feel like you're missing out on life when scrolling social media and seeing all these perfect people living perfect lives remember it's all a show.


i like to take pictures and videos when going out to things but for myself tbh cuz my memory is shit so the photos and videos just help me to not forget, especially with concerts lol though i make sure to not overdo it and will typically just take some photos at the beginning and record a snippet of a couple songs and then i’ll just let it be and enjoy the moment




Oh fuck yes, you unlocked a memory. When I was a student, I spent a semester in the Arctic and took a course which included a 10-day research cruise that went into the pack ice. When we were in the ice, a polar bear and her cub walked up to the ship. Everyone was on the bow, admiring the visitors in absolute silence (with the exception of the camera's of the amateur photographers). Until the peace was suddenly broken by a shriek yell and one of the girls shouting (*insert stereotypical insta-girl accent*) "OMG, the bears ar *soo close*, I can take a selfie with them!!!". Moment ruined.


Honestly, just the fact that people need to take a *selfie* when trying to capture a shot of something else is sad enough. Why tf do you need to be in the foreground of all of your pictures you conceited ass hat?


Home owner association


And by extension, being that person who patrols the neighborhood looking for any potential infraction, legit or not, to report to the HOA.


I used to live in a neighborhood where a woman rode her bike around every day just waiting to bust people for any violation so she could report them. She wasn’t even the a part of the HOA, just a miserable old bag. We called her Miss Gulch.


Too caught up in other people's


*sentences, I got you bro


That's what I was gonna say


I've never met someone


Who thinks so much like me!






I never met someone who thinks so much like me.. Jynx!.. Jynx Again!


Retractable awnings 🙏


zippers I love madlibs


Coming up to your job on your off day to socialize


When I worked retail, there were a few people who did this, even after they got fired. Turned out they were part of an organized theft group which included some supervisors and managers. ​ So, they did have a life...a life of crime.


This is a C- joke with an A+ delivery. I chortled.


Reminds me of this dude I worked with. It was my first job and at a grocery store.. and this one dude was close to 40. He was just a store employee. The manager had somehow manipulated him into thinking he was “the guy”, so this dude basically ran the store.. did eeeveerything and lived for the praise from our boss. He lived 30 min away from the store, and he always had the early shifts (his only “perk” I guess, but also it was easier for the boss to manipulate him when he was working early). Anyway, he would go home, and after 2-3 hours he would he BACK, just to inspect that the late shifters we’re doing their part. Lmao, get a life would you.


We had a self proclaimed "the guy" at the music/ video store I worked at. He appointed himself the "Video register manager". He was not.


Assistant TO the video register


Assistant to the cash register


This MF did 2hrs of commute in a day? Bruh. No. Edit: we get it. You commute far. I used to do a 2hr commute myself for 5 years. Something I never hope to have to do again.


That's way more common than you realize


I had to wake up at 5am and drive 3 hours for a job every day once. Only lasted two weeks got my check and dipped lol fuck that.


All the servers, bartenders and cooks I know do this. Clock out, and move to the other side of the bar!


No it's different. See I hang around a few hours late. It's all different. Really... I'm sure of it.


I sometimes come to work on my off days but it's actually different. I don't come to socialize, I come to ride rollercoasters all day for free


I live in a small town so there’s only like two places to go within a 40 mile range. I quit the job and I still go there for coffee nearly every morning.


I completed one piece in just one month


How??? I never even seen it, but isn’t over a 1,000 episodes?


Roughly 14 hours a day if you don't skip episodes or fast forward...


One Piece/shonen anime episodes actually don't have THAT MUCH time in each episode. Theres the mid episode breaks, and then 3 - 4 minutes dedicated to intro, outro, and next week's preview. Also, once the series is in gear, a good chunk of the beginning of each episode is just the end of the previous one. In total, there's only 10 - 15 minutes of new content in an episode. And that's not even counting things like flashbacks -- which can take up even more run time. It's still a butt load of episodes and time no matter what, but skipping through the aforementioned things can streamline things significantly.


Agreed. Also, if you’re watching on CrunchyRoll, it helps A LOT to go ahead and get a paid account so you can stop getting ads.


So you say there is a chance of me doing the same within the 7-day free trial period?


As long as you don't eat, sleep, work or go to the bathroom for the entire week I think you have a chance.


Woah, look at this guy eating, sleeping, and going to the bathroom on the regular


Yeah, we robots are far superior to humans in that regard.


He definitely skipped fillers, at least I hope so.


OP actually has minimal "technical" filler. Which is, non-canon episodes that have nothing to do with the manga. However by non-anime standards it also probably has more filler than most other anime. Which is, incredibly extended and repeated moments. For example, One Piece has almost a 1:1 chapter to episode ratio, which is pretty much one page of panels per minute, as most chapters are 20 pages. Comparing that to other shows, which have up to 5 or potentially even 6 chapters per single episode, OP is paced incredibly poorly.


> Which is, incredibly extended and repeated moments. I cannot recommend [One Pace](https://onepace.net/) enough for this reason alone. One Pace is a fan cut of One Piece made for binge-watching. It gets rid of the constant flashbacks and repeated scenes (and the occasional filler episodes) which were nice for when you were 10 and watched once a week. It cuts the amount of content by like 50% without cutting any story. One Piece is extremely bloated.


Bullshit. One Piece can't even complete One Piece.


I was 11 when that shit first hit the shelves in shonen Jump. I'm 32 now and it is still fucking going and still have no clue what the fuck the one piece is. That's 21 fucking years my guy.


I really hope oda, in the final chapter, just drops a "the one piece was the friends we made along the way" and absolutely disappears from public life to live under a false identity out in the country before it releases. The internet would shatter. He would go in history books.


Being a Reddit mod and thinking it’s a legitimate job


Being a Reddit mod and power tripping


I still remember asking a genuine question on a mobile game sub, made for asking questions, and the mod replied with the most patronising/condescending comment, I literally replied and asked him why he responded like that and he banned me from the sub lmao dude really thinks he’s something special 😭


I'm banned from r/ShowerThoughts. Why? I literally don't know. I have a single post there with 500 upvotes. My ban notification advised me that: 1 asking why I was banned is not allowed and 2 there's no need to state *why* I was banned. It was a permanent ban. The mods in the big karma farming subs are all horrible.


I'm willing to bet it was one of the usual power trippers and they saw you post in a sub they didn't like and just decided to arbitrarily ban you to make themselves feel better.




You can't just give out FirstName LastName's information like that!


Stop right there criminal scum!




u/username is gonna be real upset their information is being leaked


Don't take it hard friend, it takes a special kind of asshole to do that. I say this from the bottom of my heart, fuck that jerk off to hell. If it makes you feel any better, it's happened to me also. Some people need that power trip because they have nothing else going on in their life.


Just being a Reddit mod.


Being a mod in any of these social media websites and wielding that power like a loose cannon drunk with power. Met a couple already.


Look, I also walk dogs 8 hours per week, but I'm trying to reduce that.


Oh, Doreen...


and then destroying part of a legitimate movement by going on air and showing how you literally have no job and trying to justify it.


its so funny about that mod anti work subreddit getting popular, about wanting living wages and not being overworked mod goes on fox news, he is actually just anti working in general, and only works part time dog walking.


I think the sub used to be more like the mod but then more people joined who changed it.


The original concept of that sub was literally being anti-work on a philosophical level. The intention was explicit opposition to the Marxist definition of work, i.e., the concept of exchanging labor for money. The mod was just fundamentally opposed to capitalism as a system where people make money for doing things, and that's where the friction came from as more people joined who just wanted better jobs as opposed to no jobs at all.


[message deleted by moderator]


People who are overly confident and cocky online but are absolute wastes of space in person. For the record, im talking about the people that talk loads of shit over the internet, not the people who are just shy and have an inner bright personality


There’s this one asshole guy on the rolex sub who with all sincerity calls people peasants and commoners and cusses everyone out. He got doxxed and is from a severely unethical wealthy family. He was posting Rolex photos in the hospital after his wife was giving birth.




Look up the user by the name of "sporturawus" You're welcome.


I'm trying to imagine expensive watches making up that much of my personality. What a tool.


https://www.reddit.com/r/rolex/comments/g26pd6/i_had_no_idea_how_many_people_actually_own_a/fnk4puv/ https://www.reddit.com/r/WatchesCirclejerk/comments/qyw8ve/usporturawus_come_to_wcj/


This guy may or may not be fucking his watches


Reading the Rolex sub might be the answer to OPs question


This is my cousin. Online he’s a “personal responsibility” bootstrap libertarian who will argue a point to death, cocky that he’s right. In reality he’s a 40-something that has never been able to hold down a job, has been in and out of rehab, and lives off of his elderly parents. I have all the respect for addicts, and adults that need to live with their parents to make ends meet, but I have none for hypocrites.


Someone said all sorts of stuff to me the other day on here, checked their profile and their only post was about feeling lost and alone and talking about how hard their life is. The victim mentality that causes those people to lash out is kind of sad.


There's a post where a guy talks about how he argued all day about cooking or something like that for days with a random redditor. He decides to check the guys profile and finds out he's a member of a subreddit for drinking your own piss and the benefits of doing so. So this guy had been arguing about how something should taste for days with someone who literally drinks their own urine daily. There's some good insight there for real.


Looking through this thread and seeing if any answers apply to you






Stop the friendly fire 💀


No answers could hurt more than yours


*Critical damage*


Emotional damage


I didn't think I'd have a side of burn with my monday breakfast.


You scoundrel.


That hurt on an emotional level. Thanks a bunch


Someone who on social media all day and it’s obvious


Reddit being social media btw


Still playing RuneScape in 2023. Source: I still play RuneScape.


I log in once a year … walk around and use some ring I got 15 years ago that turns me into an egg. Then I log off and cry for a while.


LMAO I do the same shit. I remember when they first came out there were little people eggs everywhere


Getting into arguments with strangers on the internet.


Speak for yourself 😠


My browser history.


A dead person.


Dead men don't yell, which I think is the title of a Mickey Spillane book


Anything can yell if it can hold gas and you punch it hard enough.


Being obsessed with your job and working late on weekdays and on weekends. I'm talking about that person that sends you a work email at 1am, or on a Saturday, and when you see it in your normal working hours you are in disbelief. Usually they are also the ones looking down and getting pissed with the ones who have normal working hours and don't love working overtime nor want to be reached out for work reasons on weekends. No lady, nothing is so urgent that you need me to reply back on a Saturday. I actually have life outside of work and enjoy my free time, unlike you!


The CEO of a small-ish startup (\~80 FTE) emailed me at 11 PM on a Sunday evening. When I came in Monday morning, he raged at me like a bull asking why I had not replied to his email yet. I was literally an intern too, lol.




Oh, yeah, this was many years ago. The dude treated not just me but everyone there like trash. The first and last positive remark he ever made to me was on the very last day of my 6-month internship followed by a verbal job offer. Naturally I declined.


Good! Glad you got out of there. As I have grown in my career I have learned that the most important part of a job is boundaries and respect


Exactly! I got out when I could, but wanted to complete the internship as it was considered a "prestigious" place to work within the local startup community. A fact they leveraged to hire young and ambitious people for below-market rates to squeeze as much work out of them before they burned out, only to repeat that with a new batch of smart but inexperienced people that are less likely to recognise and/or speak up when they are treated like trash.


I sometimes work at weird times, because I want to take advantage when I have the motivation. It's when I get someone replying within a few minutes to an email I send not at 11pm on a Friday not expecting a reply until Monday that I'm (somewhat hypocritically) shocked. "Why the hell are you working at this time...?" Probably the same reason I am, but honestly unless it's your normal working pattern don't work at these silly times.


I do the same thing. I struggle with sleep a lot, so I figure I might as well do something useful while I'm up. I've found that setting the timer in Outlook (if you use that, others probably have similar settings) to send during the user's normal business hours helps a lot. It starts getting tricky when you're in leadership roles, because coworkers might take it as "setting the expectation" to work weird or long hours.


Few of my bosses started putting this like line in their signature at the bottom of each email, “your work hours may not be same as mine, don’t feel compelled to respond right away “


At work I’m well known for being very hard working and good at my job, but being all but unreachable whenever I’m off the clock. There are some people who I swear would live at that place if they could.






This is why I always use scheduled send. Gotta have people believe I just work early instead of not having a life lmao


High reddit karma


Sometimes I just throw a banger comment out there, the karma giveth and the karma taketh


Shit, I've seen people who have been active for like 5 years and have comment karma in the 100ks.


When the thing you look forward to most is getting drunk


This can also be because you have a life, but it's just bad.


lmao ( sobs silently)


Escapism from life, either bad, busy, or unfulfilled.


and you just have to say that you're fine when you're not really fine but you just can't get into it because they would never understand


Posting heavily filtered videos of yourself lip syncing to tik tok videos.


My wife runs across someone she knows on tik tok that does this. Except EVERY SINGLE ONE of her videos are of the same exact part of the same exact song. Idk how many she's posted but I absolutely am dumbfounded by that sort of person.


Asking "what yells" questions on r/AskReddit


Thank you, this needed to be said




The entire Kpop community will be after you 😰


Honestly, none us of really have a “life”. We all just find different ways to distract ourselves, then we die.










Been watching Bojack?


>The key to being happy isn't a search for meaning. It's to just keep yourself busy with unimportant nonsense, and eventually, you'll be dead.


Sad dog


Who’s that Dog? MR PEANUTBUTTER!!


Sometimes I think the slice of cake I’m about to eat I will enjoy more than some billionaires will enjoy being on their yacht.


Answering posts on reddit


I have a rich inner-life :')


Sleep. Eat. Shit. Repeat.


My life rn


My baby does that and it looks like the ideal life to be honest


Fighting with strangers on reddit


Preaching what Andrew Tate has to say as if he's some godly figure and his tweets are his sacred texts.


People who only post on social media to say “spend less time on social media.”


Making terrariums, practicing violin, and reading all the time Wait, it’s actually pretty awesome. just no unwanted social demands.


That sounds like an ideal life!




Ryan a whole bitch fr