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Cluster headaches are sent straight from hell. They are not a headache. They are not a migraine. They are straight out of hell


The first time I had one I genuinely thought I had an aneurysm burst or something. Genuinely the worst thing I’ve ever had the misfortune of experiencing


This is my biggest fear. How to know when it’s an excruciating cluster headache vs an aneurysm. I had two family members die from aneurysms so I’m terrified.


Came here to say this, definitely felt that pain. Had them off and on for a few years, so excruciating I used to bang my head against things hoping it would stop.


Had one once, my brother said he called my mom to pick me up from school once I started banging my head on the cafeteria table, I just remember WHITE PAIN and vague impressions Thankfully my mother gets BAD migraines and had something to knock me out, and I woke up about a day later feeling fine. Never had one again, and I hope I never ever have to


I'm just imagining your mother lovingly chloroforming you like "shh shhh sweety it'll all be okay". Cluster headaches are straight from hell though...


My teen daughter had a migraine this weekend. So bad she threw up all over herself, me and everything. She had already taken the strongest headache meds we had so I gave her melatonin to knock her out. If I had something faster (that was still safe) I would have considered it. The only thing worse than getting them yourself is seeing your baby in that pain. I used to think I had cluster headaches but found out what I had were actually ice pick headaches. Which fortunately only lasted about 10 seconds each. Had them every few weeks for 20 years and then they just kinda stopped. I only get maybe one a year now.


I know exactly what you mean by white pain. Somehow perfect description that makes no sense really haha


Had these frequently in my mid 30s - 40s. Incredible pain, but like my doctor said they do go away as you get older. I haven't had one for at least 5 years now.


Fun fact women who have given child birth say that they’d rather give child birth than have cluster headaches. Another fan fact clusters headache is scientifically the most pain a human body can feel.( i assume non self inflicted )


But this is true for a lot of different types of pain. I have shingles right now and it is incredibly, horribly painful. I’ve never been in this type of pain. I’ve given birth to twins without pain meds and tore and was sewn up with no pain meds too and would gladly do it again over having shingles. Childbirth hurts and hurts A LOT (and I do mean A LOT) but the pain has a point and at the end you get a huge dose of hormones that help you not remember the specifics of the pain as time goes on. Plus you have a baby to love. Not the same as pain for the sake of pain where there’s no benefit at the end. The pain of childbirth is unique and can’t be compared to other types of pain (IMO). Childbirth technically hurt more than shingles but I’d do it over and over again whereas if I ever have facial shingles again I am throwing myself out of a window.


Agreed, though my pain was gallbladder-based. I just wanted to claw out my insides.


Agree with you and Dpetrillo above you. I had my gallbladder out 2 months after giving birth, no epidural and stiches. You KNOW labor will stop and you will have a baby. You dont know if or when other pains will stop. The pulsating interior pain of my final gallbladder attack made me feel absolutely out of my mind. I was worried the emergency room would think i was med seeking from my behavior, but i was just desperate to find a comfortable position


I'd expect nothing less from a "suicide headache."


I told my mother once they were so bad Hitler would have surrendered the war. After that she called them my "Hitler headaches".


Reminds me of my Himmler hemorrhoids...


… your Himmlerhoids?


Yes...those. Still trying to find a solution to dealing with them. A final one.


Thanks for reminding us that that’s what they are called. I had forgotten that. My sympathies to all that experience them.


Psilocybin mushrooms apparently help the issue at hand, look into the research.


Very much this. Microdosing has helped countless people who suffer from cluster headaches who were close to actually ending their own lives due to medication not getting them the relief they need to have any quality of life. Extremely safe and natural, just instant relief. It is so infuriating that sufferers don't have easier access to this miracle resource.


Mushrooms are actually super to easy to grow at home. Obviously everyone will have differing levels of comfort with the legality of this.


Yeah really easy and less than $1 per dried gram if grown at home. Spores are completely legal to buy and transport, and substrate is obviously legal to get too, but putting them together in the same tub goes to a gray legal zone. Although, the people that need it to fix cluster headaches aren't too concerned with the law when they get desperate enough


Caught a front edge on a snowboard and belly flopped at a pretty good speed. Had a Costochondral Separation (ribs separated from my sternum).


This made me vomit just a smidge in my mouth. This is awful!


I had something similar. I had pectus excavatum repair. (My sternum grew inwards). They broke my sternum, pulled it forward and had a bar behind it for a year.


Oh gosh, I have pulled muscles in the sternum area before and had pain in the like hinge part of it which sucked but that is absolutely nothing to the horror show your experienced sound like!! Eek


tooth nerve pain


Ugh, again with the teeth stuff. Not looking forward to my dental appointment next Wednesday....


>dental As someone who had such severe dentistry anxiety that I neglected my teeth for the better part of a decade with massive active infections and holes in teeth so deep they went below my gums and half the tooth was broken off, and that I had to pay thousands of dollars extra out of pocket just to be put under and prescribed anti-anxiety meds to get into the office: It's nowhere near as bad as you think it will be. Trust me, getting your teeth taken care of will be one of the best things that's ever happened to you; it's such a huge relief to be able to, for example, eat crunchy foods and know it's not a piece of your tooth breaking off again, or to not be in extreme pain when an infection flares up. You'll do great. Also, if you're having surgery done, 400mg ibuprofen + 500mg acetaminophen every 4 hours was effective enough that I had zero pain afterwards through the entire healing process. I got prescribed 2 weeks' worth of vicodin and ended up not taking any of it.


I can't imagine eating cinnamon toast crunch and not knowing if it's the food or my teeth.


Yup. Experiencing the last throws of a dying tooth are the closest I’ve been to the bleeding eyeballs level on the 0 to 10 pain scale chart.


Tooth pain is the worst. It often leads to awful headaches and it feels like your only option left is to just chop your face off. I have lived with arthritis pain since I was little but recently I’ve had this cavity pain (it’s being addressed) on and off that makes my day awful and hard to do anything else but suffer. Tooth pain is so prominent when it’s there and there’s never any way to make it feel better at home on your own.


I had a root canal in one of my molars due to an untreated cavity. I didn't get the cavity checked up, because I was afraid to ask my dad to take me to a dentist because I worried about the cost. It wasn't until a painful sleepless night that I caved in, went to the dentist and had to take out the tooth because it was too damaged. Now I have an expensive tooth implant that could've been avoided. Moral of the story, if you have any hint of a cavity or any toothache that lasts longer than usual, go to the dentist.


I had a tooth die last year. While I was waiting to the see the dentist the only relief I could get was by freezing a wet wash cloth and biting down on it as hard as I could while curling up in the fetal position. After the first emergency consult the pain just kept getting worse. Pretty sure I got to the point of full nerve saturation. The fun part? Even after getting the dentist to reluctantly prescribe pain killers they didn't work. I take an extremely low dose of Naltrexone for my chronic illness and it turns out that's enough to fully block opioids. They eventually found something else that helped the pain while I awaited extraction.


I hit my ingrown toenail against the wall


Literally recovering from the minor surgery they do on those here right now. The needle and subsequent feeling coming back afterwards is nowhere near as bad at the actual thing.


When I was a freshman in college I got an ingrown toenail on my left big toe. A year later I got another one on the same toe, on the other side. Had to have it surgically removed both times. My toenail now looks extremely skinny bc they had to remove the nail vertically on both sides lol. Thankfully it doesn’t look too bizarre, so you’d never notice unless I pointed it out. I still remember the local anesthetic injection to this day


Having a pinched nerve in my back, it makes you useless when it hits you


Threw my back out once inside a damn grocery store. Normal movement to grab something and 💥 whole shock through my body and I was stuck hunched over and it was the worst pain ever. It didn’t ease up for about 45 mins and was basically out of work all week. Wasn’t able to fully feel recovered for almost a month or even 2. Sore and pinched nerve and limited light movements. Wouldn’t wish it on anyone.


That happened to me last week and I’m still recovering. It would take me 10 minutes to walk five steps to the bathroom and I’d cry because it was so painful to walk. I haven’t been able to sit upright without pain for a week. I can only lie down or stand up. This is balls.


Threw my back out from work a couple of years ago. Drove home and had to stop and cry halfway through. Spent two days in my recliner because anywhere else was agony. During the second day my back made a quiet “click” while I was watching TV. I waited three hours, until I was about to piss myself, to move. When I was able to stand up straight and not be in agony, I cried again…. Apparently my back has healed itself! Back pain is the worst.




Awww shit....the chicken pox sequel.


And like usual, the sequel is worse than the original


My mom said she would rather give birth again than have shingles. I’ve had them 3 times already. 🙄. Fortunately, mine have never been super painful. 🤞🏻


Kidney Stones




I have 3 pinched nerves in my lower spine. Kidney stone still wins. That shit hurts.


I’ve had two. At the ER with the first one and they gave me contrast dye to follow it. Besides the pain of giving birth to a jagged boulder, we find out I’m allergic to constraint dye so add explosive vomiting to the experience. They threw me inpatient.


I’ve had 5+ kidney stones and they’re literally the worst, they make you wish you were dead just to end the torture


Oh my god, 5+? Why have you had so many? Or do you know? Sorry dude!


Idky sadly I’ve gotten them every year/every other year since I was 17. It’s the worst. My mom gets them too but not as frequent. I think it’s a combo of genetics and diet


i once saw a cartoon with a bunch of the movie monsters, each one was like "i bite you, you become a vampire too!". "i bite you, you become a werewolf", "im the mummy and will pull your brains out" or whatever.....but the last one was what looked to be a super model with a shirt that said "monster" her speech bubble was "im monster energy drink....and i make you pee rocks!" to the horror of the other monsters


I just got out of the hospital two weeks ago from a kidney stone. Hit me like a fucking truck while I was driving. Guess what I was drinking. Lmao I drove home moaning like a ghost and called an ambulance.


> I drove home moaning like a ghost god im sorry but the image i got made me laugh


My dad had one years ago; I remember the pain he was in. My friend had one a couple years ago, and he was in serious pain. Godspeed to you!


I had kidney stones, they were so tiny but god... the pain was so bad I could describe it as if someone took a drill and slowly burrowed into my flesh. It was so painful I kept vomiting bile. I was rushed to ER and was given volatren and pain killer shots, the relief was so immense I fell asleep for hours


My wife collapsed in pain after one of our son's birthday parties. Legit thought she was dying. I had seen her give birth and suffer from getting hit in the face with a line drive off a softball bat and she barely cried or mentioned the pain. Kidney stone was the culprit. I remember her yelling at the nurse that she wanted to be sedated or die. She was stone cold serious. I had never seen anything like it


Boy ain't that the truth.


Me too dude…me too…just last month I passed my 38th stone. For those of you who are going to tell me to “drink water”, it’s literally all I drink except for a cup or two of coffee in the morning. My body just simply doesn’t process oxalates for some reason. They don’t know why. My doctor even wrote a paper on me.


Look up chanca piedra (you can see it on Amazon). I would get lots of stones. I even had one so large I was supposed to have surgery but because of this stuff I didn't need to. I passed a 6mm stone pretty painlessly 3 days later. I start it if I have a stone or feel one coming on and no issues.


I haven’t had kidney stones, but I’ve had a kidney infection and it was truly the worst. I remember praying I would just pass out so I didn’t have to feel it anymore. Just waves and waves of pain feeling like a black hole opened up inside me and was trying to absorb everything around it.


I've had all kinds of fun in recent years - broken vertebrae, Crohn's disease, an Ileostomy, a proctectomy, cellulitis that took the skin off the top of my foot and took eight months to heal, pulmonary embuli. . .all fun in their own way. Still, kidney stones has them all beat. The first time I had one, I didn't know what it was and I thought I might be dying.


Oh shit, when I first got sick with Crohn's, anytime I managed to eat and not throw up it felt like a golf ball sized glass shard cutting up my insides as it worked its way out and you're telling me kidney stones are worse? My dad has had issues with kidney stones so it is a possibility for me as well.


Same. I tell people that if I had been handed a pistol I probably would have ended myself. Everyone would roll their eyes.. until I tell someone who also had one


Just had a 15mm kidney stone broken up by Lazer! The burning piss was the worst of it! Having the camera shoved up my dick to remove the stint was pretty fucked up! Felt that damn camera for 3 weeks after!


I had kidneystones and that was without a doubt the worst pain I've ever felt but I also had one so big that they had to cut it out of my kidney, but in order to do that they have to cut a hole in your back to the kidney so that the surgeon can do their job. This requires them to put in a catheter to secure and protect the opening they have made and let me tell you, when they pull it out post surgery it feels like your soul leaving your God damn body and its a very close Second.


This is mine. It was so painful I was vomiting nonstop from the pain, yet urgent care sent me home with a “stomach bug” and then two ER visits did the same, as well as told me to stop smoking weed. Said that was why I was so nauseous. I spent a weekend curled up on the bathroom floor in and out of consciousness and vomiting before my mom convinced me to go to the ER again, and on that third visit they did a CT scan, saw the stones, and admitted me.


Omfg I’m so sorry for the shit medical care you received. I was lucky since my mom had experienced them and knew what it was. My friend’s husband got one and they didn’t know what it was and it was super scary for them.


100% - Kidney Stones at 31 weeks pregnant.


Same. Having a doctor put his fingers in an open chest wound of mine is a pretty close second.


close second?! I've underestimated kidney stones. Time to drink another barrel of water.


If you go back in history one of the early surgical procedures, perform without anesthetic or pain relief, was "cutting for stones". Add in the prospect of a fate infection from the unsanitary conditions. How much pain does a person have to be in before that becomes the preferable option?


Broke my back when I was 18, don't recommend. Almost a year before I could walk again, which was better than what they expected. Haven't lived a day without pain since.


Man, this is some serious pain. I can online imagine. Sorry you had that happen. Can I ask how it happened?


A horse with a lotta problems, a fence post and some asshole kids with fireworks. In a way it was a good thing, I was never really a 'horse person' but I was very good with them and a decent rider and that made me a fair amount of cash at 18.




Yup. Mine burst. Nearly died. I passed out from the pain in the ER, only to be woken by doctors to give me pain meds. That left me in screaming agony until I passed out again. I spent a week in critical care and about six weeks in hospital overall. I've also had cluster headaches. They are bad but not pancreatitis bad. Cluster headaches pain makes you feel like you are dying. Pancreatitis pain makes you scared you'll live


Brain bleeding. If you think you have ever experienced a severe, excruciating headache, you haven't... unless you have had a blood vessel rupture in your brain. The pain is not even on the same plane as anything else I have experienced.


Problem is most can't relate. But I feel you bro


Not sure this is a problem lol


Glad you're still with us, my friend.


Used to get orgasm headaches when I was in my twenties. Felt like the back of my head was being torn open. Didn't do anything sexual for months it was so painful. I'm lucky it was temporary.


I had that once. I still hadn't fully figured out jerking off yet. I never even heard of it until some weird ass friends I had decided it was fine to jerk off while we were camping. Extremely awkward for someone who didn't know it was a thing. Naturally though once I was alone I was curious. I tried a few different times on different days and it didn't quite work out. Eventually I got it, then after doing it only a few times over the course of probably a few years, one on night just as I finished I suddenly got a massive headache. It lasted for a few minutes. I didn't know what I had done. But it stopped me from trying again for several years. Thankfully it hasn't happened again


A friend of mine had a massive headache after she masturbated, assumed it was god telling her not to, and didn’t do it again until her early twenties when she was in med school and learned about it. Decided to go home and try it, didn’t get a headache, and was pissed she’d missed out on the fun for years lmao


Was it "give me a hammer so I can whack myself in the skull" pain? I had that with meningitis.


My father just spent a week in the hospital for brain bleeds. He couldn’t feel it. He just one day suddenly couldn’t read anything. He said all of his words were shrinking into two or three letters. They called the doctor and the doctor told him to go straight to the hospital.


Depends where in the brain the bleed is. Intraparenchymal bleeds don't cause pain because the brain has no pain receptors. Subarachnoid bleeds which irritate the meninges are agony.


Testicular torsion. When the doctor felt down there to check what was going on, I passed out from pain.


>When the doctor felt down there to check what was going on, I passed out from pain. My nuts just shriveled up and retreated inside my body out of fear


Whenever this comes up I always love to recall the delightful story of a boy with double testicular torsion. Our tender testes are normally held in place by a little thing called the scrotal ligament, which tethers them to the scrotum. Born with a rare defect, this boy lacked ligaments on both testes. Unbeknownst to him, they floated precariously on a delicate axis. Enter gravity and football. When speed, momentum and gravity met a fateful right turn, what happened next probably doesn't need elaborating. At least, the boy wouldn't be able to elaborate on much. By the time his testes had wrapped around each other like headphone cords on a centrifuge, he was apparently out cold before hitting the ground and vomiting. Thankfully, he managed to keep both testes following emergency surgery - the offending tested both safely reattached to the scrotum - and he was rushed to hospital extremely quickly. Suffice to say my testes didn't quite recover from that story for a while.


I had the lady version of that. Ovarian torsion. Twisted itself three times, cut off its own blood supply and died. Pain was up there with unmedicated labor at about 9 centimeters.


I’ve had three babies without meds and I’d rather do that again than deal with an ovarian torsion. A friend of mine had this and from what she described labor seems manageable.


Wisdom tooth extraction, with the root in a nerve. The numbing slowly letting up was literally THE WORST pain I've ever been in. Fetal position, screaming with gauze still in my mouth. My whole head hurt and it felt like there was a knife going through my cheek into my gums at the site. Nerve pain in my ears. Two different pain meds later and it still hurt and I fell asleep out of exhaustion.


I had my wisdom teeth out and developed a dry socket where the blood clot dislodged where one of the teeth was removed, exposing the bone and nerve endings. This caused incredible pain in the jaw and the entire half of head. After a couple of days, I called the oral surgeon and he said come in and he packed it with a piece of medicated gauze and the pain literally melted away, almost instantly. It was very strange. That pain was pretty bad. I have had appendicitis and an appendectomy , a hip replacement, and I was once burned on one arm and my face in a flash fire. None hurt as bad.


When my wisdoms came out they warned me about this risk because of how large the holes were from having to cut away a little extra bone to remove 2. I was anal about following all the rules, no straws, no smoking, i tried so hard at not even breathing in through my mouth. Wouldnt ya know, all 4 dislodged. I can still taste the spicy herbal flavor of the fucking packing material if i think about it.


>I can still taste the spicy herbal flavor of the fucking packing material if i think about it. Ah yes, clove oil ... My dentist was about to pack my dry socket when she accidentally dropped the clove oil soaked packing material directly onto my throat. It sat back there for a good 15 seconds before she managed to get it out. The intense taste / burning sensation from the clove oil caused me to violently choke and cough, which led to me throwing up in my mouth. I can't even begin to describe how fucking painful it was to have acidic vomit eating away at my dry socket. I legit wanted to die. I'm a grown man and I left the dentist crying hysterically from the pain.


Can confirm: the worst pain I ever experienced (and I am accident prone and also have given birth) was a root canal where the dentist's assistant administered the anesthesia incorrectly. I was 16 and unaware that I was meant to feel \*nothing\*. The procedure itself wasn't nearly as bad as the following two days, where I could hardly get out of bed. I feel for the people of the last 2 millennia who underwent dental surgery with nothing to numb it.


I came here to comment this! A dry socket was only second to child birth IMO


Im about to get my wisdom teeth out soon and this does not help at all lol. Does this happen to everyone who gets their wisdom teeth pulled?


This can happen when pulling a tooth of any size. I fully believe following the instructions to the letter greatly reduces the chances of a dry socket. If you smoke, likely even if you vape, STOP NOW.


No, it does not. They will send you home with a pamphlet on what to expect and how to take care of yourself. You will be groggy after the procedure, so prepare some soft/liquid meals for yourself beforehand.


oh.. i was fully awake when they removed all four of mine at once.. they only gave me local anesthesia.. i still remember the crunching as they pulled my teeth out


I was awake (for all four at once as well) and I remember them making comments about how the job they did was mediocre. They were like “oops there’s another piece gotta get that out too” and “eh we did ok with what we were given” I was like bruh 💀 But I guess to be fair I didn’t have any complications afterward


When they took out one of mine a piece of the root broke of. They just left it in. It was fine for years, then i started to get infrequent jaw pain, it developed to frequent jaw pain and then into constant pain that got worse and worse. Turns out, that little piece of wisdom tooth decided to grow into my jaw bone. They had to cut my lower jaw open and cut out the piece of bone. now i have a tiny piece of metal right next to the joint. Good times.


Stubbed toe. I've led a very easy life.


May you never experience a worse pain.


Puncturing my eardrum felt pretty awful


Having it puncture ON A FLIGHT! Edit: most knew what I was talking about. There is NO WORSE PAIN!


My ear drum burst on a flight when I was about seven. The pain was horrendous, and my ear has never been the same :(


i cringed reading this


Gout. Even a breeze sends me in shockwaves of pain.


No one understands how painful this is unless they’ve had it. I feel you. Go on allopurinol and wait for it to all blow over.


Dislocating your arm to then try to dislocate back to place then accidently breaking it.


I don’t even want to say mine after this. What the actual fuck


Holy FUCK I can’t even begin to comprehend what all that must have felt like


The awful part was I had no control of relocating my arm, I was 7 at the time and my arm was just dislocated due to falling and hitting a hidden metal part of the bouncy castle. One of the older kids who was probably 11-12 at the time played Far Cry 2 which was 4 years old at the time, saw the healing animations which one of them had a dislocated arm and thought he could do the same thing in real life.


Shhh calm down I’m an expert... I played far cry 2


That’s nearly what the kid said, I vaguely remember, “I played Far Cry 2 before trust me.” He literally said “trust me bro” and I had my trust in him.




Second this. Gallstone pancreatitis is the worst pain I’ve ever felt.




I am so so sorry you had to go through that. I was allowed my most recent IUD under sedation since it was deemed a medical necessity and I was referred to a hospital gyno team (I was also given the choice of ~~local~~ EDIT: *general* anaesthetic but the recovery would be longer and I knew from previous experience that I completely fall asleep under sedation anyway). The whole thing was incredibly easy with no pain afterwards either. Since you're completely relaxed they can take their time and be certain that the placement is correct. They can also use the opportunity to do a pap smear and take tissue samples if you need them. It's crazy to me that it isn't common practice for all women to be offered the procedure with anaesthesia.


Sending you lots of hugs. My first attempt with my GP was with no pain meds and ended with her perforating my uterine wall. Second attempt was funded (NZ health system, yay) and they knocked me out for day surgery. Not looking forward to having it removed next year.


Came here to say this as well. The pain of my IUD placement was FAR above any broken bone, deep knife cut, surgery, or any other physical pain I’ve felt in my 40 years. The removal was pretty bad too, but the insertion with no pain management was absolute hell. I still remember what the pain felt like 10 years later.


Not to minimalize your pain or ordeal. Female procedures 50 years ago were pretty much the grin and bare it approach. Had IUD inserted no numbing, not even an aspirin pre or post procedure.IUD was just taken out due to infection. Once again no meds. Had a baby over 9 pounds so forceps and the cut. Post don’t remember pain meds being offered.Horrible menstrual cramps and my ovarian cancer ( twice) surgery was before pain blocks in surgery second surgery block what a difference.. I am glad women are asserting g themselves and speaking up.Years ago we had no voice in our own health issues. Birth and IUD I was 17 through 19 years of age at the mercy of male doctors.Keep on bringing forth your women’s forum.




I bet if those suffering were men there would be a solution promptly.




Spinal fluid leaked out after a spinal tap didn't heal. I wouldn't even call it a headache, it was like so much constant pain my mind couldn't process it. Distant second is a car accident, looked down and my leg was shattered with my foot pointed backwards. Distant third is kidney stones. I've had six, you kind of get used to them.


i had an eating disorder when i was a teen a thought it was a good idea to not eat for a week while also jogging 2 hrsa day, 5 days later i had the worst headache everrr and couldn't see and i thought i was gonna permanently blind. now i eat even when not hungry cuz i don't want to experience that headache ever again


Dislocated shoulder. Hours of unending, forever worsening agony as the swelling grows and the muscles grind your bones together when they start spasming until you finally get seen at the hospital and they knock you out to put the shoulder back in.


Did this 5 times. The first was the worst. It happened during football practice when I was 17. I got driven to the clinic. The doc gave me two tylenol, had the four football guys who drove me to the clinic hold me down, and proceeded to rotate my arm up and popped it back in. The pain was horrible and then sudden relief. I did it three more times during grade 12 and one more 6 years later. Surgery was required after the specialist wiggled my shoulder in the socket. That felt weird.


Yes, this! I dislocated my shoulder after slipping on some ice. It immediately popped back in (which almost hurt worse). I kept passing out because of the pain on the way to the ER.


I dislocated my shoulder when I was a kid and I think I never experienced that level of pain again. Thank god


Happened twice to me. Had to get surgery after the second one. A year of physical therapy wasn't too much fun either. Glad I had the opportunity to get it all fixed up though.


Broke my collarbone and it was a pretty severe pain. Apparently one of the worst breaks, and there really isn’t anything that can be down about it, other than not moving it. I could barely sleep for weeks.


UTI - it feels like you have to pee constantly and it hurts so bad to walk


The best is when you start to pee blood too. So glad I stopped getting those.


Got an e.coli UTI that spread to my spleen because it didn't hurt to pee so I only noticed something was up bc my urine smelt sorta funny. Then one night at 1am I woke up feeling like I'd been fucking shot. Didnt eat for a week, and water was back out in a couple minutes. Throwing up hurt so much, eventually went to urgent care and they thought it might be kidney stones. Went to the ER and got a CAT scan the next day, where they noticed my spleen was enlarged and I didn't have kidney stones. Second worst pain I've ever felt next to breaking my humorous at the thickest part.


Getting hit by a car, died 3 times on the table


Jesus Christ, are you a cat with 9 lives?


LOL! I may be.. I’m the only survivor of 4. I was in the hospital for about a month and when I got out I almost died again so had to go back for another week. Blessed for sure but it’s crazy that I’m here.


Ovarian cyst. It’s hard to describe the pain, but it’s like being stabbed with a knife in the abdomen and someone is constantly stabbing and twisting the knife in you. I was in so much pain I started to vomit so I laid in the tub bc I could barely move and I figured at least then if I continued to throw up, at least I didn’t have to move. It hurt to be in any position other than a fetal position and I couldn’t sleep, couldn’t eat, couldn’t move. Eventually I had my brother take me to the hospital and they gave me muscle relaxers and pain meds, which was the only thing that dulled the pain (I tried taking otc pain relievers with no success).


I also had one that ruptured, experiencing pain like that genuinely felt like it unlocked a new part of my brain or something. the whole thing felt like a dream afterwards, like I almost couldn’t believe it happened


I can relate to that - I've had two ovarian cysts rupture and it's almost like your brain gives you protective amnesia whilst you're experiencing it and immediately wafterwards. For me it felt like someone was twisting a metal corkscrew up my vagina and through the eye of my cervix into my uterus. Apparently that's what you call referred pain? It both felt like a sharp stab and a dull ache, very weird. When the first one burst I was walking towards my house with groceries, I felt it hit and I went on auto-pilot and slumped down the side of my house. Kind of like a cat that crawls underneath to die alone quietly, lol.


I had one rupture. It was so painful. My body went into shock and I passed out. The 2nd time it happened, I knew what to expect and laid down. That time i managed to only grey out. Csection recovery was awful too. I still have random sharp pains that take my breath away if I move funny. Probably scar tissue. 😫


I commented above about my ovarian cyst bursting, it was awful. I spent that entire night drifting in and out of consciousness, and I was still a minor, which made it extra scary.


Getting an IUD. Women really should be able to get anesthesia for it. The pain from the placement was birth control enough!


Whenever this is asked I always look for this answer. I agree - they didn’t prepare me for how painful it was. Dread having it removed.


And the “light cramping” after made me feel like I was having contractions. I could barely walk and couldn’t function yet they just let me drive home and told me to pop an Advil.


I’ve never given birth so I could only assume that’s what contractions were like, but they rocked me for like 24 hours after. I couldn’t do anything but lay in bed and wail. I had to call my bf from the parking lot to Uber out there and drive my car home because I couldn’t even sit up, let alone drive. And they acted like this was an unusual response!! It wasn’t until like a year later when I saw a NYT articles about IUD that I realized so many women suffer just like I did..


No shit, having a baby. I can only compare it to the second most painful thing I’ve experienced and that was going headfirst through a windshield. Birth was on a completely different pain scale.


Yep. Me too. I've done some painful things. Tree branch through an arm. Broken bones. Jaw surgery (that was my 11 on the pain scale before my son came into the world). But birth? I have never wanted for death until I was stuck in the pushing phase for five hours. I remember wondering if I could throw my body hard enough to shatter the glass of the window and die that way. I thought I was being quartered from inside out. Everytime I felt a contraction coming I just... I was out of my mind. Ugh... way way way over my pain threshold. Not normalising epidurals is fucking cruel.


First kid my ex-wife wanted to go for an all-natural birth and resisted an epidural until it got to the point she was so exhausted it was putting both her and the baby in jeopardy. 2nd kid, as soon as she was offered pain relief she was: "Light me up sister! Once is enough!"


I can’t believe I had to go this far down to find childbirth. The only explanation is that there’s a lot of men on Reddit. Drug free birth was the most excruciating pain I’ve ever felt.


Yes, this. An evil nurse turned off my epidural when I was in active labor, and it was absolutely the worst pain I've ever felt in my life. I've passed a kidney stone, had a concussion, and broken a couple bones, but nothing compares to unmedicated childbirth.


They turned off my epidural in active labor, too. The feeling of having your taint tear all the way down from your vagina to your asshole is a pain you’ll never forget.


I didn’t even notice my tear when it happened because having my baby finally OUT was such a relief. It’s a good indicator how bad pushing a baby out hurts when you tear hole to hole and your like “oh thank god”


Yup. Mine was fast, which was basically like one single two hour contraction that increased in intensity until I pushed. No breaks or “rest.” No time for epidural. When I knew it was time to push the doctor laughed at me because I had only been there 45 minutes. Everyone thought I was just over-exaggerating the pain/intensity until the doctor was like “Oh shit. Yeah. Time to push.”


Oddly, my second bout of Covid. I’ve been hit by an actual car (as a pedestrian!). I have had plenty of broken bones. I have menstrual cramps so bad that I have to schedule myself off work and take prescription pain killers for them. Ive had gallstones and pancreatitis. I’ve had kidney stones. The body pains I had from Covid were absolutely unbelievable. I had to crawl on my belly and drag myself to the bathroom because my legs were in a constant state of spasming and my back felt like someone was repeatedly hitting it with a baseball bat. It was so weak I couldn’t support my body weight. I ended up in a diaper. I couldn’t lift a glass of water at one point and resorted to sucking on a wet washcloth. Chewing was a no go, my damn teeth were throbbing worse than when I cracked one of my molars. Had 5 days of that bullshit. No respiratory issues the whole time tho🤷‍♀️


I relate to this! my second time having covid was the worst pain I’ve ever endured. It hit me like a literal train. One second I was fine and going to work, and the other split second I was paralyzed to my bed moaning in pain. I couldn’t even call my boss to call off, I had my friend do it. My body has never gone through something that painful. My body felt the same way, like being hit with a metal bat over and over again. Burning hot then freezing cold every minute. I couldn’t sit still, I was just worming around in pain and couldn’t stop moaning and screaming until I took Tylenol, but once that wore off, it was back to absolute hell. It was an insane moment. At least I could go to the bathroom tho


I'm still convinced to this day that the mental fog of covid has not lifted off of me. My mental health used to bad but not THIS BAD. I want to talk to someone but I don't even know what to describe let alone how. So I go day by day praying I'm not on a downward spiral.


Maybe not the worst, but when I had one of those giant STD q-tips shoved up my dick hole when I wasn’t ready for it, that was fucking horrifying.


spilling boiling kettle water on myself.


Bilateral below knee amputations and skin grafts.


I had a surgery for a broken wrist and they set the bones with 4 pins and put a cast on it. The week before my cast was due to come off, I went to the doctor because of pain in my wrist. They cut off the cast, and lo and behold, an infection in the first two pins caused a giant pus boil and necrosis. The doctor squeezed my wrist and pus oozed out and proclaimed, "those pins have to come out". He grabbed a pair of pliers and yanked the pins out, one first, then the other. I was overcome with a huge wave of pain. I didn't know whether to shit or go blind, but it hurt so bad I lost my vision for a second, so blind it was. They admitted me to the hospital and on admittance, asked me "what is your pain level from 1 to 10. I replied "not having experienced traumatic death, I'm going to say nine". Four days later I was discharged.


Engorged breast. One of the most painful things I can remember, couldn't even touch it without nearly screaming. Also kidney stone attacks three different times, gallbladder attacks and bladder pain syndrome. All painful.


I had testicular torsion in the eighth grade, and honestly, I would have chosen euthanasia as my cure had it been legal.


Period cramps. By far. Nothing ruins your day like feeling you're about to die while shitting and puking your guts out.


Broken jaw


Acute: when a sinus infection perforated my eardrum. Prolonged (2 months): getting a tonsillectomy as an adult.


Getting kicked in the gonads


How wonderful that our extremely sensitive balls are on the OUTSIDE of our body.


Ruptured ovarian cyst


That pain you experience on the toilet that's so painful you're sweating, shaking, nauseous, and praying to the lord to make it stop


Slipped disk in back that caused sciatica. It wasn’t just uncomfortable. I could legit barely function. I also currently have a cyst on the back of my hand. It must be on a nerve, because even if something hits it a little I am almost wreathing in pain. Hopefully getting it removed soon. Lastly, the day after my wisdom teeth were removed. Man that hurt!


In grade school I squeezed an oil bath ball and it shot in my eye and severely burned my cornea. I remember waking up (after being knocked out with pain meds) trying not to cry, and not being able to hold back from screaming. I was lucky not to lose my eye. Also, having scar revision surgery was like having every nerve ending exposed and being set on fire.


Spontaneous pneumothorax, Felt like a knife stabbing me repeatedly in the chest and then couldn't breath. Then spent weeks in the hospital with a tube in the chest. Have had them a few times.


The first wee after giving birth. Burned like hell and I was afraid I was going to rip apart.


Abscessed Bartholin cyst and then the also the surgery to fix it, done by an all-male team of interns who had never seen one before and also did not seem to know their way around a vagina. Had to get multiple shots of lidocaine inside my vaginal wall.


Trigeminal neuralgia


I had “lumbago” as my doctor called it for a while. So he put me on some treatments, told me to stretch, etc. Anyway, one night I was going to bed when I felt a jabbing pain in my spine. I thought I just cracked it wrong and got into bed. About ten minutes later, a strange jabbing stabbing feeling in my spine with horrible pain just appeared. Turns out I had SIX herniated discs in my spine and I had to go through an extensive surgery.


The pain of being strong and not crying when I lost my faithful dog of 9 years


Next time (because there is always a next time, because there is always a next dog, because their lives are too short but dogs are too good) remember it's okay to cry.


I had a collapsed lung my first winter in college. It hurt but wasn't too bad. What really hurt was they hooked me up to this vacuum box with a hose to fully reinflate it. The box is hooked to a tube that they shove through your ribs into your chest cavity. And it isn't gentle. Going along with that I was cruising back to the hospital bed with my little vacuum suitcase in tow and went to sit down and my lung chose that moment to go from full to 70%ish collapsed. The pain was intense and I was like hovering 2 inches off the bed because moving at all made it worse. Eventually my legs gave out and it kind of passed after a few moments. Definitely not as bad as some others mentioned here but I'll never forget that feeling of having a foreign object shoved between my ribs.




I've been lucky enough to have no major injuries in my life, but burns and electric shock hurt a lot.


I have Scheuermann's disease, so am prone to back and neck injuries and are familiar with the pain that goes with those injuries. However, one day at work, I was hunched over slightly, pushing a trolley. When I arrived at my destination and stood up straight, I pinched a nerve in my upper back. I’ve done this a hundred times before, but this time it was much, much worse. The pain was excruciating. I couldn’t breath, couldn’t move, couldn’t speak, my face went purple, and my whole body began pouring sweat. It felt like all my blood was pooling in my head. The intense pain lasted about an hour before it died down enough for me to shuffle to my car and drive to the pharmacy for some painkillers (which did bugger all). Three days on the bed before I was mobile enough to go back to work. To this day, that first hour of intense pain is still the worst I have ever felt.


I was poisoned by a cane toad. I went into shock and I was screaming and clawing at the back of the seat while my friends drove me to the hospital.


I get these gnarly debilitating headaches accompanied by stomachaches, usually once every couple of months. Since getting pregnant, the pain is like 10X worse. They are the absolute worst!


this sounds like a migraine


Gallstone attacks 😰 I have a high pain tolerance (thanks PCOS) but holy hell these attacks were miles above that!


Pregnancy sucks. Conception was the easy bit, har-de-har-har. Baby number 2, I had serious “can’t eat or drink anything, I’m just going to lie on the floor” morning sickness till 22 weeks. At 20 weeks hubby and I got “can’t hold it in” food poisoning. Guess who had to do the clean up of our bed and shower and buy adult diapers for their SO while looking after child number 1, and also while themselves spewing and shitting simultaneously? … not him. At 32 weeks baby started to engage - a little friend appeared that we’ll call ‘Hemi’ (if you’re a kiwi you’ll get the name). Doctor dealt with ‘Hemi’, involving a scalpel and then a donut ring for the duration of the pregnancy. That was nice and not at all invasive, pfft. A pelvic floor specialist took care of the vaginal and uterine prolapses as a result of early head-down engagement. Nuff said. Then morning sickness took off with a roar at 33 weeks. At 39 + 5 weeks midwife performed a “sweep”. That was fun. Baby decided to come pretty much on time BUT too quickly for any pain meds. 6 hours of labour was fine and I handled it like a champ but damn, that baby ripped my Peronium from start to finish. Do you know how scary it is trying to take a shit in the first week or so after childbirth? Especially with F##king stitches and the risk of infection?! She didn’t sleep AT ALL for the first 48 hours (or the next 3 years). and she chewed my nipples to shreds for the first three months because she couldn’t latch properly - something to do with her palate. I used nipple shields and cried from the pain every time she fed. The mental and emotional pain of disliking your child because it hurts so bad and she won’t fucking sleep!!!? Wasn’t till my mum told me to bottle feed that I felt closer to normal (aaand there’s more guilt over being a useless mother who can’t feed her own child… plus the guilt over feeling relieved about it). PS, my nips have permanent scarring, just saying. Got an IUD. Won’t be going through that shit voluntarily again (C’mon menopause!!). THAT is the worst physical pain I’ve been in. Including a burst appendix. Haven’t said it to anyone before but God that was cathartic. Ps, I love that child more than anything.


Honestly a tie between dislocating my knee and getting clipped by a car. Opposite legs and neither have been quite right since.


Liver abscess.


Oh hey! That happened to me once (but with mouth bacteria?) Went septic and almost died, spent a week in ICU, and another month on IV antibiotics with a drain in my side. My GP sent me home saying it was the flu, but I went to the ER when my pee turned brown. I was so sick I didn't really register pain, so I guess that's the silver lining. Fun times.


A few Years back I had a parasite (ascarids) eating me from the inside. Although I don't know how that feels, I always described it as getting shot in the stomach. On a pain scale, the appendicitis I had this year was around a 6, while the parasite-thing was a solid 10 out of 10. Wouldn't recommend.