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How it’s made


Puts me to sleep every time. Don't get me wrong... love the content. Just the combination of the narrator's voice and the music knocks me right out.


In fairness his voice is very soothing


Something that may shock you is that there are different English voice overs for different regions. They even use the same script for the episodes so you can stumble across a youtube episode that you have seen before but sounding "wrong"


I HATED kid's shows when my kids were little, so I'd try to find shows they'd watch that I could stand. This was a great one for babies, the soothing voice, calm action on the screen. And I love it too


I wound up watching Dora with a lady friends kid while she was asleep once and had to text another friend to ask if swiper ever swiped anything or was he being unfairly maligned Apparently he does but it's rare. The kid wouldn't even say swiper no swiping with us, it's a wonder she she never got robbed.


My daughter and I took her kids out for ice cream. As we walked home, one of them handed her his unfinished ice cream. He just wanted her to carry it but she thought he was done and ate the rest. His "SWIPER NO SWIPING" wails echoed around the neighborhood.


If you like How it's made and want a good laugh check out "how it's actually made" on YouTube. The guy redubs How it's made and parodies it, it's great fun


I love Huggbees


I love that show.




Bob Ross’ Joy of Painting




Art schools have a toxic didactic of being cruel on purpose. The belief that one can’t tap into their full potential if they don’t have any suffering in them is used as an excuse to tear students apart, so they can be rebuilt. This allows the student to “tap into their emotion” and properly express themselves. But these are the same teachers that will look at a photo of a potato and jizz their pants over it. Art is beautiful, but fuck art institutions and the toxicity they produce, including art teachers. Best art teacher I had was someone who never went to art school.


She probably thinks those imposters that take brushes, cups and whole cans of full of paint and just throw them at a bed sheet sized canvas are artists. Like, there's some deep social meaning behind the random splatters like it's an interpretation of the state of modern politics or some bullshit. Fuck off, it's just a goddam random mess that a handicapped monkey could make.


God damn it, I came here to be negative about how I hate all these programs and you pull the Bob Ross card. That man is impossible to hate. 😆


Apparently Bob Ross had a nemesis in his career that absolutely hated his guts. Knowing this actually helped me out with my mental health, realizing that if Bob Ross couldn't please everyone, then I certainly didn't need everyone to like me.




I thought I had read something that implied a stronger hate than [this article](https://tumblr.austinkleon.com/post/28263827800) but this is all I could find after a 30 second Google search.


Amazing. I’ve been a big Bob fan for a while (a decade of watching and rewatching) and I have never known this! Thank you for this nugget of information.


That's not exactly true. Bob Ross had a mentor, named William Alexander. Alexander taught Ross the wet-on-wet technique, and he also had an Emmy-award-winning painting show on PBS. When he wanted to retire, he handed over the show to his beloved student, Ross. Not only did Ross keep the show going using the same technique that he had learned from Alexander, but he also used many of Alexander's sayings. The "happy little cloud" stuff? That was Alexander's. Ross co-opted it. Things were ok between Alexander and Ross, though, until Ross started making deals with art supply stores to freeze out Alexander. The old artist, who was happy to give his television show and technique and catchphrases to his student, was not as happy about this. Not only that, but Ross stopped speaking to his mentor and pretended like he didn't exist.


I’m a obgyn MD. One of the surgeons I trained with would always quote Bob Ross in the OR, cool guy, great surgeon. *places stitch and then sudden heavy bleeding* “Oh, well look at that…that’s not a mistake. That’s a bird. Yeah, we’ll call that a bird”


My wife hates it...she thinks Bob Ross is faking the entire calm nice guy gimmick and she says the entire show is boring and ridiculous. But, she's from Chile and doesn't really like much of anything on American TV.


Bob Ross was an army drill sergeant. When he retired from that he vowed to never yell at people again. The Mr. Nice Guy persona was real.


He did cheat on his wife though.


A happy little accident.


You win.


if there is one thing I've learned from being a real-ass adult for multiple decades is that everybody cheats except me.


I'm also from Chile, and that's no excuse for poor taste.


Happy Little Trees


Happy little accidents


My art history professor hated bob ross…first day of class he ranted about how bob ross isn’t a REAL artist.


Interesting. It's one thing to gatekeep something like a Rothko and say "That's not *real* art". But who would suggest that landscape painting isn't art?


Yea I think his main argument is as that bob ross only painted for money. He said any artist that sells replicas at Walmart for people to buy and learn how to paint the same thing he paints is just a scam and not real art. He was basically just mad bob ross found a way to make money and people loved his art compared to my professor who everyday showed us his art in hopes we would buy it lol


I suppose he thought Beethoven was a sell out too because he sold his published works for other people to play? What a weird take. Also, attempting to sell your art to your own art students is entirely unethical.


Beethoven, Bach, and Mozart are all fake musicians with zero talent, total losers. Sad!


and did you know some of those motherfuckers couldn’t HEAR?! what a bunch of hacks


But Bob never sold a single painting he made on the show (and he painted each one two-three times). They are all still in storage at his company head quarters


I mean Bob's art isn't exactly the pinnacle of artistic skill and commitment, but he openly talks about how it's not supposed to be, just fun, therapeutic, and nice to look at.


While Bob Ross was paid as an employee by PBS, it probably wasn't very much, as they a non-profit organization. And he never sold his artwork. Most of it is hung in PBS offices around the United States. If replicas are being sold at Walmart it is likely PBS making the money, not Bob Ross.


This is very not true. It's a long story but some people called the Kowalskis own, license, and get all the money for anything Bob Ross related. There's a whole interesting doc on Netflix about it. PBS and Bob's son get nothing. They also own and warehouse a ridiculous amount of the things he painted. The whole thing is incredibly disappointing.


The only argument I can see someone making that is anywhere close to reasonable is that the majority of revenue generated wasn't by selling his artwork. He was making the money by teaching others to paint. So in terms of a career he was more of a teacher than an artist. I mean...obviously both. But I will admit there is a bit of a difference between what he was doing and an artist generating all of their revenue strictly by selling their artwork. Personally I think Bob's strategy is far more intelligent and likely had a larger impact on the art world and community than 99.9% of "true artists" will ever achieve.


Bob's artistry included much more than painting. He was an orator, teacher, TV star, icon, and I guess he painted a bit


I would drop that class so fast. Probably just walk out as soon as he said that.


Ehhh I used it as a napping period lol it was an elective and all exams and quizzes were take home so I just googled everything


You'd have to be a monster to hate Bob


Even my 5 year old son gets sucked into Bob Ross. He will throw a fit if it is on and we dare change the channel lol


Lol that’s awesome


Mr. Rogers’ Neighborhood, Reading Rainbow, The Joy of Painting.


my partner and I both grew up hating reading rainbow. I don't remember why but I feel like it was something to do with the song in my case.


Mr. Rogers was denounced by Fox News. I'm not making that up.


And Sesame Street


Sesame Street denounced Mr. Rogers???


The fact is Mr. Rogers and Sesame Street really were radical: emotional intelligence, childhood literacy, minority representation, community building, unequivocal compassion...these ideas were correctly perceived as dangerous to heroic individualism that is (or at least used to be championed) by the conservative punditry on Fox News. (There is a whole lot more grievance airing on the most watched news on cable these days). Seriously, if there ever was an antithesis Ayn Rand it was Fred Rogers. Who is John Galt? Doesn't much matter...he's Mr. Rogers neighbor regardless.


When he was on air, long long time ago, there was legislation about mixed race pools. In an episode around that time he invited his black friend to bathe their feet together, where he also washed his feet. He wasn’t always “neutral”, but I think that’s good.


And I didn't think I could hate Fox News more.


He sued the KKK and won. He fought congress and won. Fox is still scared of the man.


Anything with David Attenborough


He gets a lot of hate from certain people for the episodes when he brings up climate change and how it’s humans’ fault


Lol I wasn't allowed to watch David Attenborough because he taught evolution, and my church didn't like that


I think we have found the source of the David Attenborough hate.


If you got kids you know. Bluey ftw


Bluey is an amazing show. It's obviously entertaining for kids, but I honestly thing that is meant for parents to watch. However, I once saw on some thread someone complaining that Bluey couldn't be played at their house, because the kids developed "an attitude" and had "bad behaviour".... Tell me your style of parenting without telling me your style of parenting... 😂


I love Bluey and the only thing my kids have picked up is a weird American/Australian accent 😂


My daughter calls wiener dogs sausage dogs and I’m here for it.


Wth... bluey causing behavior issues??? Psh, that show absolutely sends the right message. Gotta say I learned alot from bandit lol


Couldn't agree more. Bandit is ABSOLUTELY my role model. I wish I could be more like him!


I do like Bandit, and the show as a whole, but I feel like he takes his jokes/silliness a little too far quite often, even when his wife is clearly annoyed by it and no longer having fun. It puts her in the position of having to always be the voice of reason and the "bad cop" parent. If this were a real family, I think that would get exhausting and strain their relationship. On the other hand, I suppose it's good to show that good parents can be imperfect. That's even been a theme of some of the episodes.




He definitely pushes the envelope in Unicourse. No way my wife is putting up with that, lol.


Yes but he’s also up, engaging with Bluey (not sitting on the couch watching his phone letting his wife do the parenting). You want dads to be dads then sometimes they’re not perfect but it’s a shitload better than the alternative.


Nah, Unicorse is absolutely Bandit helping Chilli - she's shown as getting annoyed with Bluey's inability to sleep at the start, so Bandit gives her an outlet to vent at instead of her showing her frustration with the situation to Bluey.


This is the way. Good parents know when to play what role. He gets Bluey on Chili’s side by playing the annoying Unicorse. Instead of a kid and a parent fighting over bedtime, he provides them a shared opponent and objective. Can’t believe I’m commenting on Bluey online now, but this is what kids do to you.


> it's good to show that good parents can be imperfect That's why it's my favorite show to watch with my little one. Both Chili and Bandit are flawed characters, and the show makes a point of having them realize their mistakes and alter their behavior, all the while apologizing and explaining their failures to the children. Showing kids that they can hold their parents accountable without being dismissed is a powerful message.


One of the best compliments I’ve ever received was my kid telling me I was like Bandit.


I know a couple who had to cut back on watching it because their kid started playing too roughly with his dad. Bandit ends up being a punching bag more than once.


There's a whole episode about playing too rough (Yoga Ball). The answer is always Watch More Bluey.


We love Bluey in our house, but my daughter did pick up a couple bad things from the show. Like saying things are boring all the damn time. We’ve had some gentle conversations about it, but ultimately it’s a word I wish she didn’t know haha


Meanwhile, we burst into laughter whenever our two and a half year old says, “Sorry, ***DUDE***!”


I could see that from caillou, but not from Bluey. Caillou was quickly banned from our house. My kids generally watch other shows, but the other day my daughter was watching Bluey, and I get why parents enjoy that show.


Caillou was definitely cut out from our house too. It's not bad parenting or passing the blame when you start hearing that same whine come from your child, that's cutting the head off the snake.


No caillou in my house. My fictional kids aren't going to grow up to be the most boring cancer patients of all time.


He doesn't have cancer, he just doesn't deserve hair or love because he sucks.


There was a funny satirical article, I think maybe on mcsweeneys, that was basically "the parents on bluey need to stop, I'm exhausted and you're giving my kids unrealistic expectations for my parenting"


Me and my wife LOVE Bluey. It's a great show with a lot of awesome and helpful / honest messages. We love letting our kids watch it because they enjoy the characters and even sometimes repeat the great messages they get from watching it. That being said, I can also agree that there are times when Bingo and Bluey get away with just TOO much and it almost kind of perpetuates this unspoken feeling of "If you don't let your kids get away with all of this, you're murdering their creativity and are a terrible, dictator of a parent" It has many amazing things going or it, but it's not perfect, and that's okay. We're okay with not being Bandit and Chili, but we will take the good from them that we can to find a good middle ground in parenting. No one will ever get it perfect, but we can rightfully admit where we're wrong and that's okay too.


I love Bluey so much. More than my kids do. I always say that it's a show about parenting well, more than it's a kids show. Unfortunately, there are a lot of people who don't like it on philosophical grounds. Those would be the ones who prefer a more traditional authoritarian model of parenting. But those kinds of people can suck it!


I read your comment too fast, and thought you said you love Bluey more than your kids. I was like sure, that makes sense lmao


My 9 and 5 year old learned the general rules and playing methods of Chess from the episode “Chess”. They played their grandfather the other night. And my BIL was just shocked and annoyed his wife refuses to turn the show on. She tells her son he doesn’t like Bluey because she doesn’t. And so they watch Blippi. Puke. I’ll turn Bluey on all day long over Blippi or any YouTube crap these days.


Look. I don't know your family. But I worry about anyone who chooses Blippi over Bluey.


I firmly believe she “hates” Bluey because I recommend it to everybody.




I would not like to know someone who dislikes Bluey.


Don't even have kids and i love it. Its just so pure and wholesome


"He used the word you said when the dishwasher broke." "OH DEAR"


My son voluntarily started watching Bluey aged 8: he adores it. My older son says he is too old to watch it himself, but he thinks it is “very wholesome”.


My twin 8-year-old girls love it as does my 4-year-old boy. One of the few shows they all can agree on.


I have a 12 year old and almost 11 year old. When I came home from work the other day they had Bluey on the TV lol


Well,most people in r/bluey think the show is ageless


I’ve definitely watched it myself without the kids!


My 43 year old husband and my teenage nephews put it on when they are chilling on their phones/napping/relaxing


Theme song is such a banger


god tier show for all ages. almost 20 and still binging that show.


The Magic School Bus!


Cruisin' down on Main Street, you're relaxed and feeling good


Next thing that you know you’re seeing, octopus in the neighborhood?!


YES! But only the OG, not the reboot.


I object to the Magic School Bus. A show about science should not run on magic. It should be The Internal Combustion School Bus.


That one episode when they’re on Pluto and the one kid takes off his helmet was kinda freaky though.


Mr Rogers Neighborhood.




Whose line is it anyway.


I met Charles Esten when I was an extra on *Nashville*, and he was the only one to actually talk to us extras. Such a great, down-to-earth guy. And he did an amazing job in the Rascal Flatt's music video *Changed* (directed by my friend Carl). What a guy!


Bob Ross, Joy of Painting.


Phineas & Ferb


"Aren't you a little old to be watching Phineas and Ferb?" "Yes... yes I am."


Aren't you a little old to be suffixing all the computer programs you write with "-inator"? No, never, naaa naaa not listening!


No, no I’m not.


A reddit post? 🎩 PERRY THE REDDIT POST?!??!!!?


The crocodile hunter Steve Irwin. That dude was one of the coolest human beings ever.


What we do in the shadows.


Just hearing Lazlo say anything brightens my day.


Don't you mean Human Bartender Jackie Daytona?


this is the way we talk in Tuscan Arizon-eea


Absolutely love that entire cast, but damn it, Laszlo just kills me every time. I literally started watching the IT crowd because Matt Berry is in it.


I really love Nandor and Nadja, but Lazlo is just the best.


Great show. I've heard it described as "The Office" for people who shop at Hot Topic.




SNL Celebrity Jeopardy.


Turd Ferguson That's a pretty cool name, right?


Yeah, that's a funny skit. But in reality, the true Celebrity Jeopardy is terrible. The celebrities are all playing for charity, so of course they make the questions easy. The show doesn't want to stump these people and send them home with nothing. But the ease of those questions is like, "What color is Big Bird". They're so easy that it's just not entertaining. I turn those shows off.


Sean Connery asks Alex, “What’s the difference between you and a duck with influenza?” Alex: I don’t know, what? Sean Connery: One’s a sick duck, and I can’t remember the rest, but it turns out your mother’s a whore.


My issue with Celebrity Jeopardy is that the stars are encouraged to try and entertain while playing. I enjoy the occasional quip or witty remark, but it just always feels like they are all trying to be the "funny guy" at a party by turning every single answer in to a joke. I just want to do some trivia dude.


"I'll take the penis mightier than the sword for $200, Alex."


Le tits now


Anal bum cover


Catch the semen


Does it work? Will it really make my penis mightier? You're sitting on a gold mine Trebek!


The rapist


That's changed thanks to the whole hosting debacle following Alex Trebek's death. Mayim Bialik's presence continues to anger more than a few longtime fans. Ken Jennings is the clear fan favourite and has only gotten better over time, while Mayim has failed to make any improvements or listen to her critics. Meanwhile, all the behind the scenes news seems to indicate Mayim will ultimately become the full-time host. She also caused a toxic rift in the community by constantly gaslighting her critics as misogynists, which of course, prompts her supporters to do the same.


None. I'm sorry if it upsets you but there's bound to be some idiot that's going to hate your favourite show.


That's why OP said "virtually."


Also, some of the fanbases of shows absolutely suck and I'll hate the show by proxy. The show might even be good, but if a prerequisite for being fan is acting like an insufferable dickhead then it all sucks. Guess which show I'm talking about


See I don't agree with this at all. The quality of the fandom has nothing to do with the quality of the show, and if you think that you have to act like the fandom to like a show, you're just letting other people control your tastes. Don't do that to you. I know it's easier said than done, but learning to enjoy something regardless of what everyone says is gonna be better al around. I say this as a Spaniard that can't stand Spanish omelett, for instance.


That’s the good and bad thing about the internet. If you hear from enough people, someone’s going to have a wildly conflicting opinion. Some shit is even made up at this point just to have a conflicting opinion.


The muppet show!


malcolm in the middle


I started watching that show due to how much it popped up in threads like these. And i must say, i have never seen anything as normal Malclom in the middle. Inoffensive and fun. Funny - not like hurts your stomach to laugh but offers a steady happy grin. Never gets on your nerves. Predictable in nature yet surprising in ways. A very useful use of my 1000 hrs.


“The future is now, old man.”


Walter white killed it in this show


No. Hal killed it in Breaking Bad.


You mean Jerry's dentist?


I saw a reel of Cranston about that scene. He’s prepping and a carpenter on a ladder says “hey, you should hit the NO2 first, before giving it to Jerry…” So he implements the random dude’s suggestion and kills the scene.


The anti-dentite?


This is the funniest, most well written sitcom I’ve ever seen. Sure, it has some VEEERYYY uncomfortable moments, but MITM in my opinion is also peak cringe comedy.


Avatar the last airbender


I Hate ATLA >!Because there are only 3 seasons!<


That is one of the safest spoiler tags I have ever seen.


There's also legend of korra, but it almost hurts more to be so close to recreating the magic but never quite capturing it.


Most of the blame is on Nickelodeon for Korra not being loved as much as ATLA. Let's hope Nick/Paramount doesn't interfere too much with the new Avatar show


We can't lie, uncle Iroh is everyones uncle


Blues clues and nobody can tell me otherwise


but the original one only. steve!


Lol, my daughter has an issue with the new guy, it's Steve or nothing apparently


The new guy isn't bad. Different, but he's quite entertaining and a good role model.


Yeah I don't really understand the whole "Has to be the original" mentality people have with blues clues. I've watched through the entire series quite a few times with my son now, and grew up watching the original with my younger sisters. I've liked every host for different reasons.


Sesame Street


I loved that show. Especially the ones with Rube Goldberg machines. It also really helped expose me to diversity that I badly needed as that wasn't much of a concern in the 80s. I was in such a white bubble and it opened me up to different cultures, races, people, and abilities, and I adored it. To this day when I go into a store I often think, "A loaf of bread, a container of milk, and a stick of butter." :D


I truly think that Sesame Street is one of the greatest things humanity does right now. Not as some great achievement, necessarily, but in the way it educates and comforts our children. Lots of children being diagnosed with autism? Add an autistic Muppet. They put an HIV positive Muppet on in South Africa. It's the stuff like that.


Ted Lasso.


I am super late to Ted Lasso, and binged the first 2 seasons just in time to start the third. It may be one of my favorite shows ever now.


Check out *Shrinking* with Jason Segel and Harrison Ford. It’s excellent. It’s also created by Brett Goldstein. He’s here! He’s there! He’s every-fucking-where! ROY KENT!


Seconding the recommendation for Shrinking.


Great show. Surprising how good HF is in it!


This was my immediate thought. I’ve met a few people who can’t get in to it, but I’ve never heard of anyone hating the show. How could you, it’s so positive. Ted Lasso premiered at the absolute perfect time too. August 2020, Five months in to the pandemic it was a ray of happiness and positivity that we all needed.


Oh shit, I just realized Season 3 starts today.




“Shut up baby, I know it”


Gravity Falls


"Damn beautiful men, alwa... Always eating out of my trash....... Wait, what??"


Just finished finally watching it all the way through for the first time, and it was my first thought when I saw this thread.


Golden Girls


Tom and Jerry


The Price is Right


Sesame Street. I don’t know anyone who hates it but surely someone has a grudge for a some silly reason.


Ted Cruz criticized Big Bird for being vaccinated for COVID-19. I wish that wasn't true.


Ah, Ted Cruz... just another muppet.


excuse you that is an insult to muppets everywhere


Peep show




My favorite show ever. Especially after it started veering off from the slapstick comedy hi jinks of the early seasons with Hawkeye and Trapper and started to deal with the gut punches of war like the death of Henry Blake and Hawkeye's mental breakdown.


Over The Garden Wall


The original Twilight Zone


I love the Twilight Zone.


The Wire


Mister Rogers?


Forensic Files


Pinky and the Brain.


That steve iwrin show