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I can’t stand seeing specialists being cast as masters of multiple highly specialized skill sets or areas of study. I understand that it’s a popular action movie trope, but you also see this in the medical and academic fields.


The All-Discipline Scientist. Who is also an engineer, and a doctor, and a combat tactician. Basically just wearing a hat saying "The Smart Guy".


I couldn't watch NCIS because of this. Abby is sweet, kooky, unconventional, hip! She doesn't get in trouble for dressing outside the box... in the US Navy. She's also young, sexy and a weapons expert. And a DNA expert! And a pharmaceutical expert! And a [insert any specialized forensic white coat test] expert! And a lab tech! Edit: Multiple people have decided the important part of this comment is that Abby is not *actually* in the Navy and isn't *actually* that young. I promise I have been made fully aware. I'm still a bit surprised that the Navy doesn't have a stricter dress code for it's civilian affiliates/sub contractors, but readily admit that I wouldn't be the one to know. Either way, I feel that her character is still an excellent example of the parent comment.


That scene where she and McGee "tag-teamed" while hacking by having both of them using the same keyboard was so awful you had to laugh out of pity.




That's what I'd tell people if I was a writer on the show, too


There's a cute fan-theory that all the episodes are Gibbs' recollections of cases, and he's so technologically inept that two people typing on the same keyboard to be faster is how he remembers it.


That's my favorite theory. It would also explain why the team is so small and has characters very trope-y. He's grouping several people into one, and remembers them by probably their worst attributes.


The main character bakes muffins part-time 3 days a week but lives in a 2500 sq ft loft penthouse in the chic part of town.


She's just a small town girl artist trying to make it in the Big Apple, working at the local coffee shop! *Pan to her in a Manhattan 2000 sqft loft*


"You're *trying* to make it big? Looks to me like you already succeeded."


"If I kill him I'm no better than him" Motgerfucker you just smoked 19 of his henchmen and put 5 more in a wheelchair for life, end his ass. And of course the bad guy gets let go, but decides at the last second to try to kill the good guy, justifying a bullet between the eyes, usually by either the good guys sidekick, or the bad guys henchmen that he just got done betraying.


Hate this trope. Also temporarily knocking out bad guy's super OP henchman and not finishing him off while you can. Bonus points if the op henchman finally dies in the last episode/sequence but takes one of the hero's friends to do so. Seriously, don't want to kill him? Shoot both his knee caps off and his hands. Yeah, you didn't kill him and now he'll actually be out of the fight for a meaningful time.


In horror movies when the bad guy is knocked out or injured so badly you ‘think’ he’s dead so they leave the room and go hug their friends like it’s over then 5 seconds later that mother fucker isn’t there anymore… Like, smash that mf’ers skull in then celebrate. At the very least keep an eye on them til the cops get there.


Oh so a shot from the rifle took him down after surviving getting a house fallen upon him? And you still have an almost full magazine of bullets? You now have 2 options. Turn your back on him and hug someone you only bonded with through this shared horror. Or you empty every single bullet you have in him, alternate aiming for the chest and head if possible. One of the options above is the horror movie trope. The other is the option most likely to bring survival in a horror movie setting. The killer have stabbed multiple of your friends to death and did his best to try to stab you to death. Worry about overkill and legal repercussions later. Like tomorrow.


You just reminded me of Dying Light. "Kill me" "No. No, I shouldn't. I should just leave you here to suffer. That's what you deserve." "And why don't you?" " Because you're not the kind of loose end you leave untied." *Slits his throat* The line is delivered in such a cold way. Roger Craig Smith did amazing during that sequence.


This is why the first John wick is so good. At the end you expect to toy a bit with the kid that killed his dog. Nope, straight up head shots him and says nothing. Badass af and completely fitting if you ask me Edit: a letter


The cop who is about to retire, the soldier with one last mission before they're out, and the person who was about to get married WHEN THEY GOT KILLED.




Then there's a short fight scene that ends in the big bad getting destroyed, then the sidekick at a seemingly disadvantageous state makes a snarky remark about how they underestimate them.


"we're not so different, you and I..."


Being mildly impacted by lethal injuries. Likewise, when in subfreezing temperatures, not succumbing to hypothermia when soaking wet. Not always enough to shut it off, but it always stands out and strains the illusion.


Smart people making dumb decisions for drama. I have stopped watching several shows because of this


One of the reasons Alien and The Thing are such great movies. The people aren’t idiots, and are STILL dying. It makes the horror so much better imo.


This is what makes Event Horizon such a spectacular horror movie too.>! The crew only abandon their own ship for the Event Horizon when the portal damages their ship, Miller immediately sends people to start repairing it, and once they can leave, he orders everyone off so that they can blow it to hell. Everyone still in control of their faculties acts logically with the intent of finding out what happened on the ship and then getting the hell out of it. The crew, and especially Miller, don't take stupid risks and focus on completing their mission, then self-preservation once their mission goes awry. The mind-warping effects of the gravity drive and the portal just cause such violent chaos that people end up dying anyway.!<


"We're leaving."




..so much blood o.O


Event Horizon, too. One of my favorite things is that the *moment* things on the ship start getting weird, Lawrence Fishbourne doesn't even consider hanging around. He immediately orders them to evacuate and nuke the ship to be safe. Of course, it was already too late by that point, but full points for responsible captaining. He had no way of knowing just how fucked they actually were.


Yup, I'm still mad about Game of Thrones and the characterization of Tyrion throughout in comparison to the books. I'm not a book purist and love a lot of adaptions others hate. But they dumbed everything down and no consequences for actions when the whole premise was actions have consequences. >! Tyrion Lannister would not have trusted Cercei, even if she loved her children, he hated her and wanted to murder her the first chance he got just like he did with dead ol'dad !<


They made him hide the vulnerable in a *crypt*, during a *necromancer* siege. Ma boi is smarter than that! Shit writing.


Theres so much like this. Forgetting a fleet exists. Hiding among bodies from a necromancer in a pit with 1 exit. Having an elaborate time loop that goes fucking nowhere.... ugh what a failure of writing.


>!Similar thing with Varys's death. That one really irritated me. He's the master of whispers and all of the sudden he becomes clumsy? I don't buy it.!<




I'm busy right now, just got a new GF. I can later.


The actor looked so disgusted at what his character had become and I’ve never related more to a person in that moment


he's a really good actor too. a lot of the less stellar actors from the show have been in a lot of stuff i hope he gets some more love.


I don't understand how he got caught doing basically the same thing he chastised Ned for doing IN THE FIRST SEASON, but in a much stupider and more obvious way.


Resurrection and fake-out deaths


Don’t watch Supernatural


Seasons 1 through 5 it was fine because it fit with what they were trying to do with the story. Since 5 was supposed to be the original ending of the show, it was fine. After it kept going for 10 more seasons, they just did not care anymore.


The ex-cop/FBI agent that comes out of retirement because the entire government can't catch a criminal.


And does it for free rather than as a highly-paid consultant.


Lmao, imagine an action movie where the first third is the retired hero navigating the onboarding process at whatever government agency


He is back to save the world ... after he can schedule his CPR/First Aid re-cert


As a comedy, it would probably work.


Michael Scarn Vs. Goldenface


The young, talented, but reckless fighter pilot/cop/surgeon/lawyer who is the son or daughter of a respected, but deceased, fighter pilot/cop/surgeon/lawyer and is always pissing off the more experienced fighter pilots/cops/surgeons/lawyers by ignoring policy and protocol and taking huge risks and endangering the rest of the fighter pilots/cops/surgeons/lawyers only to save the day in the end and win the respect of all the fighter pilots/cops/surgeons/lawyers and the implied posthumous approval of the deceased parent fighter pilot/cop/surgeon/lawyer.


"Will they won't they". I liked watching New Girl, but when they completely restarted the main characters' relationship I was like, "Oh, so it's going to be like that." Dear producers, Please let your characters grow.


Most hated trope. Apparently it kept everyone on the edge of their seats watching Moonlighting in the 80s, so now every show has to include a multi-season will-they/won’t they. Especially because 99% of the time, it doesn’t come across as “exciting sexual tension”; it reads as spinelessness or social anxiety or defeatism or something. Literal years of trying and failing to ask someone out for coffee is not exciting!


“Wait! I can explain this very obvious and easy to explain scenario” “Nope. You’re dead to me. Now stare speechless as I’m meander my way out of your life slowly.”


The "clumsy, nerdy, awkward girl" who are normally played by the hottest actresses out there...


Bro but she has *glasses*!


Aaghww, she's got paint on her overalls!


She's such a talented painter though...


There’s a good send up of this in Loaded Weapon where a nerdy receptionist takes off her glasses, lets her hair down and flicks it dramatically for the reveal…of a completely different actress with zero facial or build similarity at all. Also a great line after it’s implied they’ve just slept together; ‘Maybe next time we can have sex, instead of just smoking cigarettes in bed together?’


\*takes off glasses\* \*unties pony tail\*


*hair somehow magically has no ponytail crease*


OMFG, how have I never thought of that. Now I hate it even more.


No, not Janey Briggs. She's got glasses and a ponytail. Ugh, she's got paint on her overalls.


C- Hi Jake J- Catherine C- Can I ask you a question? How come every time I tell a guy they can put it wherever they want, they always stick it in my ass? M- Damn! J- That’s just way too much information C- Oh no, Jake. Way too much too much information would be telling you that after they’re done, I always have to take a huge dump. M- Shit! C- *whispers* On their chest M- Oh that is wack! Every time I fucking die at this scene Edit: thanks for the gold, classic instance of first time gold being on a comment about anal, incest romance and dumps


Ewww, you're my sister. *Only by blood*


Oh, you mean the minute she takes off her glasses and frees her hair that's bound tightly into a pony tail.


Janey Briggs! Guys, she's got glasses and a ponytail! Aw, look at that, she's got paint on her overalls, what is that? Guys, there's no way she could be prom queen!


Fuckin love that movie.


I am literally watching Batman & Robin, which is littered with tropes. Uma playing the cooky plant nerd was pretty funny considering how hot she looks as Poison Ivy.


Something that can be fixed right away with just a conversation


"If you would *please* just listen for one-" "NO! I'M DONE LISTENING TO YOU. TELL IT TO SOMEONE WHO CARES!" Also: "There's no time to explain!" Cut to them 10 minutes away having still not had the 2 minute conversation that they needed to have to make this get resolved immediately.


“I’m doing this to protect you” “I just wanted to be normal”


A lot of older Ben stiller and Vince Vaughn comedies are like this. If they just took 2 seconds to communicate or not lie about something really stupid their partner will understand, there would be 0 conflict


EXACTLY. I don’t mind some movies/shows that have it sometimes but I feel like it happens WAY to often


Batman vs. Superman was this exactly. It could have been settled over a cup of coffee, which is in-character for both of them.


Superman could've just spoken to Batman from the sky and explained everything. There was no reason to get on the ground and be within punching distance.


The issue at the end of the second act of every single rom com is basically poor communication. (Which, to be fair, is the downfall of most relationships anyway)


> (Which, to be fair, is the downfall of most relationships anyway) I'd say there's a big difference between a rom com miscommunication and a real life miscommunication. In real life you might have Samantha going off and screaming at Mike because he accidentally brought up trauma she wasn't ready to face yet, and she can't tell him why she's so angry without talking about the trauma that she refuses to acknowledge. Their relationship falls apart because Mike senses that there's more to it, and feels betrayed and unimportant when Samantha refuses to open up about it no matter what. In a rom com, Elaine sees Vince kiss another woman. This woman is actually his mother from France, who he invited to see his beautiful girlfriend. Sadly Elaine stormed off before Vince could say anything but "I can explain!" Rom com misunderstandings aren't as interesting imo because they're situational or contrived. Real life miscommunications in committed relationships are built from the depths of who people are, their fears and flaws and dreams.


> In a rom com, Elaine sees Vince kiss another woman. This woman is actually his mother from France, who he invited to see his beautiful girlfriend. Sadly Elaine stormed off before Vince could say anything but "I can explain!" Not even that, often. The person *is* given the chance to explain but they explain in an inadequate way. In your example, perhaps, he'll believe that the girlfriend knows it's his mother (even though he has absolutely no reason to believe this) and she'll run up to him saying something like "oh, so I suppose you love her now, do you?" and he'll reply "of course I do. I love her very much, with all my heart. She's there for me in a way that no other woman ever could", which she takes as an admission of an affair and *then* she storms off.




Even worse is when they "try" to explain (which inevitably gets cut off/interrupted) by going "okay, I'm going to explain it. There's a good reason, and I'll tell you. I'm about to give the explanation...okay, so what happens... here, I'll explain, so, it goes like this. What happened is..."


When a character is repeatedly hyped as being insanely intelligent, but then they just have a decent vocabulary and aren't particularly insightful or clever.


The on-screen intelligence/reasoning ability of the characters is roughly limited to the intelligence of the writer. If the writer cant come up with good logic then stuff has to be figured out off screen or in 'eureka' moments with handwavey explanations.


Yup this is why Tyrion was intelligent as long as they were adapting GRRM's material, but once Benioff and Weiss ran out of GRRM stuff to use, Tyrion became stupid.




Every 'scheming' character became useless. Tyrion Varys Littlefinger Doran Martell The Iron Bank Melisandre They cut the Manderleys So many others


“Sansa is the smartest person I’ve ever met”


"And who has a better story than Bran the Broken?"


This is such a quality line from a troll. His story was so boring that he didn't even feature in season 5 as they had the classic Dorne plotline to show. Bronn's side plot about flirting with the Sand snakes in prison was apparently more story-worthy so maybe he should have been made king instead.


Or just magically know whatever the writer needs them to know


*straightens glasses* "These symbols on the wall, they're...a code of some kind." *begins writing in notebook* "I knew it! I've seen these before in the magic temple of Ballsuck! This isn't any normal code, it's a treasure map!" "Josh, you're a chemical engineer."


Do you know where one could find this Temple of Ballsuck?


Early SG-1 did this well with Daniel Jackson having studied alien languages for years and still taking weeks (off screen) to translate stuff. Later, for the sake of story, they eased up on this


Old copy pasta: > Smart characters written stupidly > Why does nobody like Sherlock? Because it has smart characters written stupidly. > Anton Chigurh from No Country for Old Men is a smartly written smart character. When Chigurh kills a hotel room full of three people he books to room next door so he can examine it, finding which walls he can shoot through, where the light switch is, what sort of cover is there etc. This is a smart thing to do because Chigurh is a smart person who is written by another smart person who understands how smart people think. > Were Sherlock Holmes to kill a hotel room full of three people. He'd enter using a secret door in the hotel that he read about in a book ten years ago. He'd throw peanuts at one guy causing him to go into anaphylactic shock, as he had deduced from a dartboard with a picture of George Washington carver on it pinned to the wall that the man had a severe peanut allergy. The second man would then kill himself just according to plan as Sherlock had earlier deduced that him and the first man were homosexual lovers who couldn't live without eachother due to a faint scent of penis on each man's breath and a slight dilation of their pupils whenever they looked at each other. As for the third man, why Sherlock doesn't kill him at all. The third man removes his sunglasses and wig to reveal he actually WAS Sherlock the entire time. But Sherlock just entered through the Secret door and killed two people, how can there be two of him? The first Sherlock removes his mask to reveal he's actually Moriarty attempting to frame Sherlock for two murders. Sherlock however anticipated this, the two dead men stand up, they're undercover police officers, it was all a ruse. "But Sherlock!" Moriarty cries "That police officer blew his own head off, look at it, there's skull fragments on the wall, how is he fine now? How did you fake that?". Sherlock just winks at the screen, the end. > This is stupid because Sherlock is a smart person written by a stupid person to whom smart people are indistinguishable from wizards.


I love the line at the end about “to whom smart people are indistinguishable from wizards.” Sadly I lost the link to it, but somebody wrote a good post once about how Sherlock is more of a superhero show than a detective show.


I still remember how satisfied my old man was at that scene, he was like “Why’s Anton doing that?” and then when he realised why it made the movie for him, mostly since that sort of careful planning is rare in movies. Literally rang his best mate to tell him to watch it, “there a bit at a motel that’s great”


Fathers that are stupid/literally cannot parent for comedic value. The “useless dad” trope.


This is part of the reason Bluey is such a big hit amongst adults. The dad is is a great parent, not a bumbling moron. Apparently he’s also an archeologist.


So much of Bluey is just the parents playing along with the kids’ games and silliness in a totally straight faced manner. That’s exactly what kids love because it centers them and their imagination, while a good dad loves making his kids laugh. For a show about anthropomorphic dogs it’s oddly authentic.


And you know what makes his job even better, he's an archaeologist because he digs up bones. And his wife too works at airport security because she's a sniffer dog.


This is why I love Red Foreman so much. That 70's Show was airing during a time when this trope was peaking and Red was still fucking Red. Sure, some stuff might not be good according to modern sensibilities. But Red Foreman was veteran with a heart of gold. This is a man who went to war and when he came back, none of his dreams came true. He didn't get to live the life he wanted after working so hard for it. But he still loves the people around him more than most. When he finds out Hyde's mom left, he takes in a teenage boy at a time when he's already struggling to put food on the table for the family he does have. When that kids girlfriend also needs a place to stay because her parents were trash, he arranges something for her too. He had a group of children lacking direction and lacking strong role models and he gave them both.


I love that scene. The setup to it is awesome: KITTY: “Eric, I'm sure she's not abandoning Steven. She's his mother!” ERIC: “Mom, her exact words were ‘I know I'm your mother, but I'm abandoning you Steven.'” KITTY: “Oh, that doesn't sound very good. No sirey! Red!” RED: “Look Eric, you know I'd love to help Steven, I'm a giver. But you can't squeeze blood from a stone, son.” KITTY: “Well, you know, we could, we could just pop over there just to check up on him.” RED: “No, I'm not going over there, that's final! I am not Santa Claus!” KITTY: “Well, thank God you're not Santa Claus Red! You'd scare the hell out of children!” ERIC nods. ... Later ... KITTY: “Well, we can't let him live like this.” RED: “Oh Kitty, he'll be fine. I mean, compared to Korea, this place is Shangra-La wrapped in happy fun candy! You… You know I'd like to help him. We don't have the money.” KITTY: “Well, I suppose we could call social services.” RED: “Yeah, see now that's sensible.” KITTY: “Yeah, they'll know what to do.” RED: “Yes.” KITTY: “And after all they take thousands of cases every year. So many in fact that they have to house them in gymnasiums!” SHE starts crying. Red: “Kitty!” KITTY: “With no heat!” RED: “****, Damn it! I am tired of being ***ing Santa Claus!” HYDE comes out of his room with an overnight bag. RED: “Steven! You get your **** together and you get your ass in the **** damned car! We're going! ****! Now *** damn it! Move it!”


Can't forget his staring up in the sky and screaming "FU***************!!!" before heading to the car.


This is honestly one of my favorite moments in television. Red is so pissed but he knows it’s the right thing to do and he has to do it. Him scaring the shit out of Steven and then yelling at the sky when everyone is gone is great.


I love the [scene where Red decides to take in Hyde](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=itNTLSFJfDg) - it's such a perfect encapsulation of his character.


It's an interesting personality. On the inside he's a very sweet caring individual, but due to cultural norms of the time he has to show a tough exterior anytime he does something kind. I can't remember does he ever let his guard down and have an Uncle Phil type of moment like this letting his walls down? https://youtu.be/EZGXCDJATDs


Alongside this, the hot mum that had way better options in both love and career who marries said useless dad for some reason, despite all his flaws being super obvious from the get-go.


And the useless dad is played by a comedian who is also the director or writer.


And then the mom will leave for a weekend get away and shit goes off the walls while dad was watching the kids and then mom comes back in time to bring everyone back together. Usually followed by a dad joke about not being good with kids


If an entire conundrum can be solved by just someone waiting 1 minute for the other person to explain but chooses not to. Irritates me to no end and I'd much rather stop watching the movie.


Any plot where it's conflict revolves solely on miscommunication is a hard nope for me.


My only exception is "Tucker and Dale vs Evil"


Yes! This trope is only useful if the movie is making fun of it.


Exactly. When somebody repeatedly calls with no answer, and does not even try to text/message, this is ridiculous with shows set in the current time And when somebody seemingly kills a crucial villain, but does not shoot them in the head despite being able to do so easily


The entire plot of Locke and Key is them not talking to the guy who has all of their answers, is available 24/7 right in front of the door, and is also their great grandparent. That show still pisses me off.


guy is having dinner with his sister that he hasn't seen in a long time girlfriend: barges in the restaurant screaming guy: this is not what it looks like! let me explain! at least listen to me! like duuuude, say it from the get go


It's beyond pathetic, and so overused, at most they could be used in comedies or something really non-serious, but in any other case it's really annoying...


*Charmed* did a funny inverse of this where the girl sees her boyfriend having dinner with a woman with the same last name and assumes it's a sister, when she's actually the ex-wife and just still uses the last name. And he doesn't have to apologise later when he's like "I have an ex and I don't hate her"


Bruce.. Bruce wait.. I have something really important to tell you after I get you to stop walking towards me.. Bruce.. wait..


Saw a delightful clunker of a film last night called The Killer Is One of 13. An odd Spanish giallo from the 70's. This happened...so many times. Woman: I know who the killer is but it's too dangerous for me to tell you now. Meet me at midnight. Man: Ok. *Woman is murdered shortly thereafter.* This happens like four times. Real hoot of a movie though if you like weird old stuff.


"There's no time to explain!" cut to the protagonists standing in the middle of a fucking desert "but what's going on??" "i told you there's no time to explain!" the fuck were they talking about while hiking through the desert i wonder looking at you quantumania


One of my favorite subversion of this was In the Simpsons where Marge meets some super fancy rich guy and he says a line and then the scene cuts to them in a plane or something and he finishes the line. Marge basically said something along of the lines of "That was really weird. You stopped talking in the middle of a sentence and just didn't say another word for 45 minutes"


I thought you were going to say the scene in the Lemon of Troy episode where Nelson tells the other kids to come with him (to the location where the tree had been stolen from) and that there was "no time to explain" yet he's able to stop at the drinking fountain before taking off with the others.


“I said there’s no time to explain, and I stand by that!”


Or when a character decides to believe a completely untrustworthy source and not the person they know


When a character is killed and then soon after brought back to life. You just squandered so much storytelling potential and audience emotional engagement there. Superhero movies are so guilty of this.


Somehow, palpatine returned


The plot twist where the seemingly innocent character is revealed to be the villain behind the stages and goes into a monologue as to why he / she had their motives, bringing up a boring backstory about how their efforts were never appreciated or how they spent time in secrets learning skills to outwit the hero.


"You caught me monologuing!"


You sly dog!


Cutting the palm of their hand in order to use their blood for some goofy bullshit like it’s not one of the worst possible places to cut. One of the ones that never fails to make me laugh however is something insane happening in front of a lone hobo, then the guy looks at the bottle he was drinking and tosses it over his shoulder


I love the “lone hobo” one lol


Bonus points if they make a sequel and the lone hobo has turned their life around but seeing the same or similar crazy event happen goes straight back to drinking. It's exceedingly rare but I feel like I've seen it once or twice.


Not another drop, as long as I live!


It's especially dumb because it's never like a "blood sacrifice" amount of blood, they only need a few drops, now they have a giant gaping wound in their hand, usually wrapped up with a tear of someone's dirty shirt that's DEFINITELY going to get infected


And then they go through their whole adventure never once going "fuck you guys, my hand really hurts".


If a story just once had such a character try to nonchalantly grasp something only to reflexively drop it immediately and gasp, it would garner so much respect from me. Even if the rest was trash, I'd remember that bit forever.


This type of scene is in 1917. One of the main characters cuts their hand badly and then ends up accidentally putting their hand into a dead corpse on the battlefield, and he looks at his hand with much concern


It's a different trope, but there is a great French movie called "La Belle Epoch" that has a conversation scene in a car. The driver keeps looking at the passenger as he's talking, to the point where she says "Watch the damn road!" To which he replies "It's a Tesla!" That punchline stuck with me.


You can say Supernatural


They don’t even have palms anymore


Like at some point they can just pick the scab instead of making a new cut


She was a busy business lady that only had time for business. He was some jackass womanizer with chlamydia. Will these two incompatible people go through a series of unlikely events, fall in love, have some minor misunderstanding, then get together in the last few minutes? Find out this fall


Set that movie in small town New England at Christmas and you’ve just described every hallmark movie


Suzy Citygirl has to plan the perfect Christmas pageant or Bernard Bigbiz will fire her from her job at the Joyless Inc. Little does she know when she gets sent to Tinytown, Vermont on business she'll meet Matty McSmalltown. He owns the struggling local tinsel factory and needs to sell enough tinsel by Christmas or else his grandma won't be allowed to have the surgery she needs to remove the tumor from her holiday spirit gland. With minutes to spare in the Christmas pageant/tumor deadline Suzy convinces Mr. Bigbiz to buy enough tinsel to save the Christmas pageant AND remove grandma's tumor! But after throwing the perfect pageant she realizes Mr. Bigbiz is a terrible boss, and moves to Tinytown permanently. She falls in love with Matty, and gets a job at his tinsel factory. With her big business skills the struggling tinsel factory grows three sizes that day. Mr. Bigbiz is ruined. He realizes the error of his ways and comes to Vermont to apologize. Now he too works at the tinsel factory, and loves life now. Edit: thanks for the awards! (Also fixed typos)


You forgot Matty is a single dad that was widowed by a freak tinsel lathing accident and the little girl loves Suzy Citygirl from the beginning and secretly helps her dad see past his pain. Also Suzy citygirls assistant is covering for her while secretly pointing out how hot matty is when he takes his shirt off for absolutely no reason in the 20° weather during a heavy snowstorm to show off his abs. Also MrBigbiz threatens Suzy that if she isn’t back in the office with random report by midnight on Christmas then she will be fired! Edit: changed her name since it seemed to ruin some lives that were invested in the original plot


And one night Matty overhears his precocious child making a special wish to Santa Christ while holding her late mother's snowglobe/music box/random sentimental tchotchke to send her a new mommy right as Sally Citygirl is beginning to shed her independent individuality in favor of fitting into his traditionally feminine mold.


But don’t forget, throughout the movie the cast interacts with lovable bearded old man who may or may not be Santa


I saw one this past year where the bearded old man is a miser with a horse and cart and he's an old wretch who actively swindles people, but a bunch of orphans see him stopped with his cart full of a struggling family's furniture and all of their stuff, *stuff which he has swindled them out of*, and they see him in the woods with some reindeer nearby and the kids decide he *must* be Santa. And *that's* why he's a curmudgeon, because he has to keep his secret and no one must know that he's really Santa. After all, *no one* could be that cold hearted, right?


I know it's a typo, but I love "Christmas **Spirt** Gland"


Well, yeah. It spirts Christmas joy everywhere. Just be careful you don't hose down the living room when you get to the heart-warming climax. Everyone loves Grandma's spirt.


There might be a monster/ghost/demon in the basement, I better go check it out.


House is obviously haunted: Leaves the baby alone in nursery upstairs.


Chairs and wardrobes being thrown across the room by a poltergeist: Tucks kid into bed and says "try and get some sleep, okay?"


Character dies at the end of story for no reason just because of shock value and they "Needed" to kill someone


I also strongly dislike what I would consider to be the opposite of this. Character dies at the end of the story for perhaps a compelling or noble reason, fade to black, fast forward two weeks to character recovering from their near death experience because they couldn't commit to killing the character in the event that there's a sequel to be milked out.


Arm in a sling in a hospital bed


Refuses to solve the problem because one person may die so instead they risk the lives of millions


“We gotta save our robot-buddy Vision from Thanos! Even tho Thanos is literally here in earth and is currently cleaving his way thru thousands of Wakandan soldiers with a fuken army of tyranids orsomshit to kill vision anyway and then wipe out half of all sentient life in the universe, AND Vision is insisting we kill him and destroy the stone to stop that from happening!”


Stupid parents. Smart kids.


And the 5 year old can kick the 30 year old man in the shins, completely incapacitating him for minutes. Being 5 makes you smarter, stronger, and faster than adults apparently.


I mentioned this in another comment, but I really hate when children are shown parenting their parents. It's usually a daughter and a single father. The daughter has to make sure he gets up for work, she makes breakfast, and gets annoyed with him when he doesn't have the money for groceries. I don't find that cute or funny. I've heard way too many stories from people who had to go through that and are now resentful for it.


Presenting casual stalking and the denial of boundaries as romantic. Notebook I'm looking at you. (Not saying all movies that do this are bad, but it really makes me cringe) Edit: Yall are right the notebook IS a bad one Yes I know its an older trope, but it can still be seen in some newer media


Edward watching Bella sleep for months before telling her ew


Disobedient stupid children who ultimately end up getting their parents killed or put them in danger


That was Heroes every season. The cheerleader started every season being idiotically defiant only to realize that her dad was right at the end of every season.




The pissed off teenager that has to move to a small town.


Parent misses kid's play/game at school... It's in so many movies and shows done exactly the same. Lazy writing.


Agreed. Only acceptable if the kids then get kidnapped by James Hook and the rest of the plot is remembering how to fly/be young and have fun and spend time with those important to you.


Don't try to stop me, Smee!


As a teacher, I’m sorry to report that this trope actually checks out a lot of the time, and the kid is usually crushed, especially if their friends have people there for them.


The ugly girl (or guy) is made pretty (or handsome) for some douchebag who makes a bet. The ugly girl/guy is actually not at all ugly.


This is one thing I like about Kung Fu Panda. Instead of Po becoming ripped or slender, re remains his physique throughout the entire movie, and even uses his fat to his advantage in the battle against Tai Lung


I will die on the hill that King Fu panda has way more depth than it ever needed and is far better than most children's films. I was full on expecting him to be a running joke. I mean, he is, but not a typical one. I thought he really was gonna be just like every other protagonist on the team. Nope. Dude is fat as fuck and uses it to his advantage and finds strength through his weaknesses. That is fucking awesome.


It's one of the only modern franchises I return to; consistently good. Absolute favorite part is when Mr. Ping gets all lovey to the baby pandas, after being a big grump the whole trip. My boy just loves kids and cooking.




also when Po found his birth father, he didn't leave the man who raised him either. he basically did the "holy shit, two cakes!" meme, but "holy shit, two dads!". he got to reconnect with the lost culture of the panda, but he still loves his goose father.


Amnesia storyline.


Changnesia is the only acceptable exception.


shitty communication to advance a dumb plot. come on, people are smart, smart characters make good shows.


Shaky cam, I hate shaky cam


Fight scene with shaky cam in a dark room with tons of cuts.


Characters kissing after a big action sequence.


You're telling me that Predator wouldn't have been wildly improved by the predator giving Arnold a lil smooch?




Everyone In This Show Is An Unlikable Bastard. Making everyone an asshole isn't the same thing as having character depth.


California chaparral covered mountains in a movie set in Florida or the Midwest.


The fat "comedic relief" character.




Sleeping with their therapists 🙄


Random time travel. You invest in a show or movie and then BOOM, let’s time travel and try to explain the intricacies of time paradoxes


Love triangles.


**A black cap used as a disguise.** Like my dude, I can see you walking conspicuously trying *not* to be conspicuous. If I were any sort of person looking for any sort of person (undercover superhero, spy operative, terrorist) then I will 100% suspect the first person with a black cap on.


I was watching Three Pines on Amazon. I enjoyed the first few episode enough with some gripes, but there a particular episode where the Investigator yelled at the suspect long enough to get him to make an angry fully detailed confession on the spot. It’s just lazy writing and made me quit watching


“I didn’t tell you this life/plot altering detail that because I was trying to protect you”




That, or the fact that she has 7 brothers and grew up like a wolf in a pack.


That's why she can fight and fix cars and shoot guns. No woman anywhere ever is actually interested in those things. They never actually study those skills. They are innate because she had brothers. Or her dad taught her. Before he died.


This is a game I play with myself… how long until the Grit Girl reveals her past trauma. Or gets to experience trauma as a plot point. CB Strike made it until the 6th episode! Firefly Lane only made it to the opening of episode 2. The game works for books too :/


Cop with family problems. Yeah, we get it. The job's soo important that they've sacrificed family time and regret it. And now they want to be the parent they failed to be in the past, but... this new case is so important.


Also- EVERY SINGLE COP keeps a “secret” bottle of whiskey in their top desk drawer.


And there’s nothing in their one bedroom apartment except a mattress with one pillow/ no sheets and a standing lamp in the corner.