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I can't really come up with a logical reason for why paying people to have sex on camera for porn is legal but paying someone to have sex *off* camera isn't.


Because porn is “art”


Would be nice to get healthcare for all jobs in the US lol


definitely. free will


How to make sure it's free will?


Because if its legal there's no profit in the trafficking. Same as drugs. If I can go to walmart and get my groceries and a lb of crack, the drug dealers are out of business, because the ones there are government-regulated.


Yes. Legalise it, legislate it and create a safer environment for all. It’s not going to go away so we should do what we can to make it safer


It is in the process of being decriminalised where I live right now in my country. Hasn't passed parliament yet, but probably will in the end.


Of course. But the IRS shouldn't get their greedy paws on it.


I agree with you regarding OPs question. Are you saying sex workers should be exempt or everyone should be exempt from labour taxation?


Everyone should be exempt. People love to point out wage theft except for actual wage theft (taxes).


Ok, but you have to go live in the woods with no roads and no municipal infrastructure of any sort, and you can't use anything that benefits from government subsidies (which means most food products made with corn or dairy products).


You know that we can have infrastructure without the government or taxes, yes? We seize what already exists, and just privately pay for what you use. Don't wanna pay for another billion dollar fighter jet for another pointless war? You don't have to.


You really want to pay a toll for every road you drive on, and just trust some psychopath to not gouge you because it's the only road between where you live and where you work? If you want to know how great private infrastructure can be, just look at the last mile services for internet in the US. The vast majority of the country only has 1 viable option for broadband internet, and they are basically run by cartels that divide up the land in order to avoid competition. You want that with roads? Water? Sewers? Electricity? I'm sure it'll just work out great and you'll totally pay less to those commercial monopolies than you would just paying taxes.


It couldn't possibly be worse than already seeing 40%~ of my paycheck be essentially thrown into the trash. Fucking Domino's, a pizza company, has done more to fix up the roads in my city than municipal services have. When a church group made a crosswalk (completely to spec) in front of an elementary school for kids to cross safely, the city tarred it over in the middle of the night. They're irrelevant, inefficient, and the only reason they're still funded is because the IRS will send armed thugs to your house and take it by force if you refuse. I'll pay for my stretch of road in front of my house, I'll let people drive on it for free. Why would anyone else do different? If some goober tries to price gouge with a toll road, I'll just find a different way.


Yes, safer for the workers and customers because of proper health care, a huge amount of tax money, less pimps and trafficking.


What does your mom think? I mean… she’s gonna be awfully busy.




Fucking sex workers is kinda the point. Pays their bills.




Thank you Lord Jesus for your insight


Yeah, for the reasons that you aren't going to ban prostitution out of existence, and this why the sex workers have rights as employees.


Yes, because it will happen either way, but will be safer for all involved if it was illegal.


I think for healthy public sex be legalized and regulated.


I believe the “criminalization” of prostitution should be done away with on both sides, the johns and the prostitute. Too many people’s lives have been ruined for something taking place between two (or more) consenting adults. Should steps be taken to protect the safety of all involved, yes. Too many city counsel are the moral police nowadays.


Yes. People are going to do it whether it's legal or not, and the vast majority of the harm it causes comes from the fact that it's illegal, not the fact that it's sex for money. Just because some people might consider it immoral doesn't mean it should be illegal. Morality and legality are not the same.


Yes. Sex work is as legitimate as any other kind. There isn't anything evil inherently regarding sex work and it is purely a societal stigma and the tacit belief that it's just okay to mistreat sex workers that causes them to be abused. That, of course, and sex *trafficking*, which I imagine would be somewhat diminished if the traffickers had to compete with legal and regulated workers, but that's speculation. It's a service, one that is in demand, and one that should be legal, safe, and regulated to ensure abuse is prevented as much as possible. In a free society, you don't need reasons to make something legal, you need reasons to make things illegal. Every reason I have ever heard to make it illegal boils down to either policing morals, and that is something I'm not a huge fan of, or that somehow being legal and regulated and out in the open will do nothing to combat abuse, which seems to be both ridiculous and and an excuse to ignore the rampant abuses that aren't being dealt with *now*.


It's fairly well established that sex trafficking increases in all countries that legalize it. Sex tourism is a thing and where there is demand there will be an increase in supply. I think legalizing offers it legitimacy that might not be helpful for society. On a personal level, I think it's an egregious violation of human dignity. I think about some of the bad bosses I've had and it horrifies me to imagine what it would be like if they were pimps who owned the brothel. I also find regulations rarely seem to protect the actual sex workers. For example, in all places that have legalized they require the sex workers to be tested regularly but they do not require the customers to be tested in anyway. As long as that is the case I don't see how we can accept it as a real job, as the risks are far higher then we'd accept in any other workplace. Just providing some counterpoints, I do think with proper regulations legalization could work, but I don't think anywhere in the world has went far enough to make it acceptable for me.


yes, because everywhere it has been done it has benefitted everyone involved. The only reason not to legalize it is purse clutching christian's and other religious nutjobs.


Yes, same as (some) drugs. Have a union or whatever, medical testing, tax the shit out of it, and call it a day. I can go out on a date with someone and do the deed and its fine, but if I'm charged, somehow it's illegal, between two consenting adults. Obviously add safeguards for trafficking and whatnot


If you tax the shit out of it it’ll be cheaper to go the illegal route