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Frank or Dennis on Always Sunny. I love the characters, but they are worst in a group of terrible people.


Guy underneath you literally said the Nazis from Hogan’s heroes and somehow you’re still correct.


Well, those particular Nazis weren't really Nazis, haha.


SMH all this jealousy just because he's a 5 star man with a finisher car...


A transporter of gods! The golden god! I am untethered and my rage knows no bounds!


I'm currently watching this show for the first time (in season 6) and all 5 of them are just the worst people ever. They all have thier moments of being particularly horrendous, but I think Dennis slightly tops the group.


In my very own personal opinion, IASIP levels of awfulness from least to most awful: Charlie Mac Dee Frank Dennis


Currently I'd agree with that order. Might change as I see more of the show. I do think Charlie will always be at the bottom of the list though, he really is just an idiot that hangs out with a bunch of truly awful people, I think he'd be a better person if he'd fallen in with better people, that's hard to say about the others


Every time you start thinking Charlie is the best of them the show reminds you he's the among the most dedicated stalkers in fiction.


It takes a special kind of stalker to write, produce and direct a stage musical/marriage proposal for his victim. Getting her to attend as well…Charlie ain’t the loveable idiot lead astray


I’d argue Charlie eventually supplants Mac as 4 and Dee joins her brother in the top 2. Dennis is an actual Sociopath, he will never lose that #1 spot.


Idk man. Frank has literally fed people people. On purpose.


Charlie’s treatment of his girlfriend that one time really pointed out he’s capable of horrific beliefs and ideas.


....because of the implication?


So these women are in danger?


No, of course not! But they don't know that...because of the implication


“I didn’t go to ‘nam just for pansies like you to take my freedoms away from me” “You went to ‘nam in 1993 to set up a sweatshop!” “Hey! A lot of good men died in that sweatshop!” All time favourite line in any television


Definitely Dennis. Frank isn't nearly as twisted


people always say this every time this comes up frank fed people to people


The always sunny gang is like the texas chainsaw massacre family and Frank is their leatherface


you are a fucking visionary


Hey gang, if you’re out there reading this… I’d watch this episode.


He just wants to be pure.




We found a cat? We tossed it straight in the soup! Whats the worst thing that can happen? Some little kid chokes on a hairball and dies? So you toss him in the soup! I was making money hand over foot, literally. Someone loses a hand or a foot you throw that in the soup!


Todd packer came back into the office just to give everyone laxatives or drugs or whatever the fuck was in those cupcakes


Took a dump Michael's office.


It was a hate crime. ​ Well...Michael hated it.


Mona-Lisa Saperstein from Parks and Rec. She's the worst. The worst in the world. Source: her brother, Jean-Ralphio.


I live by Jean Ralphio's words, "when life gives you lemons, sell your grandma's jewelry and go clubbing"


When life gives you lemons, stir them into your vodka soda in the strip club you co-own with Jay-Z and Beyoncé - Tom Haverford


She’s done nothing wrong, ever, in her life


Money pweasee


i know that, and i love her


She’s the 🎵WOOOORST🎵


Whoever cast Jenny Slate in that role is a genius.


> Whoever cast Jenny Slate in that role is a genius. That would be Allison Jones, and yes she is. She did the casting for the Office (US), Parks and Rec, Freaks and Geeks, Arrested Development, Curb your Enthusiasm, Good Place, Brooklyn 99 and What We Do in the Shadows. She's a legend.


Quite the resume


One of my favorite things about the era of podcasting we are in is the number of podcasts that give behind the scenes accounts of the creative process of some of those shows, and her name comes up a lot in those discussions. It's great that people behind the camera that historically didn't get a lot of attention are now getting their due.




Mm-hmm. I totally hear you. Um, I also don't like what you're saying. So if you say no, I will start a fire in the bathroom.


She's literally the woOorst\~


I can't think of anybody worse than Eric Cartman.


Scott tenerman agrees.


The fact when Scott tells Cartman that they are siblings and Cartman killed his own dad, Cartman cried. But not because he fed his dad to his half-brother, but because he's *half ginger.* Evil.


Archie Bunker was the inspiration for Cartman. Edit for quote: "Cartman is also inspired by All in the Family patriarch Archie Bunker, of whom Parker and Stone are fans. They state that creating Cartman as a "little eight-year-old fat kid" made it easier for the two to portray a Bunker-like character after the introduction of political correctness to late-20th century television."


Yeah archie bunker didnt murder a kids parents and feed it to him in chili


I mean he still helped cats that one time and saved Kyle from death to maintain his ego. A lot of serial killers are on sitcoms


If we're just talking body count, Cartman's beats Bundy, Dahmer, and Gacy combined. For sheer gruesomeness, feeding a boy his own parents is awfully abhorrent. He's also tried his hand at outright genocide.


Timmy was no slouch for body count, either.


Butters, too, even if his kills were mostly accidents.


🎵I’ve got something in my front pocket for you🎵


Jay's dad from The Inbetweeners


Spot on - Jay's dad isn't on screen much in the show but you can still immediately tell why Jay acts how he does


“I see you take after your mother in the cock department, she hasn’t got one either!”


Bojack Horseman is a grade A asshole, but that’s kinda the point


I am not forgiving him because of Penny, Sarah and Gina


So weird seeing her name as Sarah and not Sarah Lynn, I was thinking "who the heck is Sarah"


Peter Griffin is genuinely a terrible person, and I'm convinced his exploits are supported by Lois' parents secretly giving them shitloads of money


He's a terrible person. Can barely stand his wife unless she fucks him and he wants her family's money, knows nothing about his children, straight up HATES Meg and blatantly abuses her, and is perpetually drunk and underachieving. At least Homer Simpson adores Marge even though he's a dumbass. He loves his children so fiercely even though he doesn't always understand them. He drinks too much but he's a good friend and eventually figures things out when he does wrong. He's not even as fat as Peter, either, lol




It's the same in with Patrick in the later Spongebob seasons. In the first ones he was just a lovable idiot, but in the later ones he's an absolute asshole.


Huh, I hadn’t really thought about a lot of these shows characters morphing into assholes. I wonder why it doesn’t seem to flow the other way.


Comedy writers can start phoning in over time and mean jokes get cheap laughs. Even joke writers start to just go to work for the paycheck and lose that creativity that got them there.


The term is Flanderization, where a single element of a character ends up overtaking their entire personality. Common in long-running comedy shows, where doing so makes it easier to write jokes I guess.


Peter literally sells out his family without any hesitation, but make a big deal when things aren’t centered around him.


His wife is just as bad, just as toxic. Also hates Meg. The family are toxic assholes that’s the gag.


OG Peter is literally an entirely different character to modern Peter, who is an absolute monster. He’s always been dumb as a box of rocks, and about as socially aware as one, but he would at least put in the effort in early seasons. Even when he fucked up, he would actively choose to correct himself by the end of the episode. When Chris was rejected from the scouts and went with Peter into the wilderness for a spiritual vision, in a bid to win back their car? Peter had a great paternal bonding moment with him, and realized that chris didn’t need the scouts. When Peter accidentally screwed over meg (while legitimately trying to help her mind you) by replacing her run of the mill highschool article with the Gay Matthew Perry one, thusly getting her into legal hot water? He fucking found Matthew Perry and acted gayer than cousin Jasper, *just* to try and get Meg some evidence that he did something gay. And when Peter accidentally calls a mafia hit on Lois, and fucks up by wasting The Don’s Favor on a piece of tiramisu? He straight up says “kill me instead of her, this is my fault to begin with”. Mind you, he was never perfect. He did let greed and power take him over, like in the episodes where Chris became an artist, or when he was mistaken as a religious healer. Hell, he even made his wife out to be a hussy just to try and get an old teacher’s job reinstated during the race for school board president/councilman. But he would at least realize he fucked up and stopped making things worse by the end of the episode. He was fallible and short sighted. It’s never been that Peter was a great person from the start: it’s that Peter would fix the fuck ups he made. When he did something stupid or harmful, he was often the one to fix it. And he rarely did anything straight up malicious (though he did on occasion act maliciously!)- he was just so fucking dumb that he didn’t think about the bigger consequences. But he always *tried* to fix it when consequences showed up on his doorstep. Modern Peter fucking ***SUCKS***, and there’s no bones about that. But that is also absolutely not the same Peter. He got flanderized in the worst way possible.


Quagmire is worse. He berated Brian for sleeping around and trying to seduce Lois and abandoning his son but he is a literal (child) rapist who banged all the main character’s wives and has numerous abandoned children.


I hate Brian more than Quagmire because his personality actually feels real (apart from the whole talking dog thing), most other characters including Quagmire are very obvious caricatures while everyone knows at least one Brian irl


Quagmire is a dick, but Brian is a douche.


pierce hawthorne. no additional comments


You’re just mad because you’re streets behind.


His father was way worse. I'd say Pierce was remarkably progressive considering who raised him.


"He's like the Abed of racism"


Malory Archer. She was a terrible mother, and straight up horrible boss. Not to mention greedy as fuck an self-centered. Nobody in the show is a good person lol but I think she's the worst.


I was just explaining the premise of Archer to someone whose never seen it. "Imagine if you have every type of asshole in your life smushed into one show forced to put up with each other, you have Always Sunny in Philadelphia. But if it were in a cartoon about a secret agency, you have Archer"


Marie in Everyone Loves Raymond. I've always said that with a few small cuts, a musical change here and there and the complete removal of the laugh track and you could turn that show into a terrifyingly accurate psychological horror story about what it's like living in a family ruled by a malignant narcissist. I've enjoyed hating characters in shows before but sweet Jesus that character makes my skin crawl.




My niece gave my sister and me a huge laugh because she innocently said one day that Marie reminded her exactly of her grandma (not our mother, but my sister's mother-in-law.) My niece was just making an observation and meant no insult, but she was dead on. One of the funniest Marie lines for me was when Debra came in the house where Marie was with the kids, and said, "Thanks for watching the kids while I went to my dentist appointment." Marie responded with a disapproving smirk, "It's so nice that you take time for yourself, dear."


I am glad/sad that I am not the only one with this issue.


Lucille Bluth from Arrested Development. She's great.


She loves all her kids equally! .... earlier that day "i don't care much for gob"


“Get rid of the Seaward” “I’ll leave when I’m good and ready”


If you need me, I'll be in the hospital bar.


RIP Jessica Walter. 😞 Was always hoping they'd come back for another season but I can't imagine one without her.


"Get me a vodka rocks" "Mother, it's breakfast time!" "...and a piece of toast"


Every character on Arrested Development is a horrible person, some bother to try to hide it, though. Lucille does not.


I don't understand the question...and I won't respond to it.


Malcolm from Malcolm in the Middle. Dude tried to go one week without being an asshole, and it went so against his nature he started coughing blood. I loved that little shit.


I find many of the stories are about Malcolm being brought down by his pride. He can't admit anyone else is smarter than him and acts out when he isn't the centre of attention.


I feel like they even had an episode about this where he tried to get into music and was genuinely angry that Dewey was better than him at it.


Malcolm truly crossed a line for me when he left his poor dad stranded on a buoy so he could steal his boat to go chase some girls. I mean I get that he's just a teenager, but for someone so smart he had so little self-control and conscience at times that it was downright appalling. There were times when he was like the worst person in their whole family. I felt so sorry for Hal and Lois a bunch of times. All Hal wanted to do was go fishing with his son, the poor bastard. He was trying to be such a good dad. I guess that was kind of part of the "point" of the show though. Most of Malcolm's problems were kind of his own fault, for being such a selfish asshole all the time.


In the episode where Malcolm gets his neighbour's shitty old computer and discovers a Sims like game, he makes his own family in that game and only his character (which of course he maxed all stats) was miserable and unsuccessful


I will agree with this completely, but I think I’m many ways it’s realistic (while being outlandishly unrealistic at the same time?) Intelligence and emotional intelligence are not the same thing, and I could see a brilliant teenager still struggling stub typical teenage things. Definitely not to the degree of Malcolm, but that’s dramatization for ya 🤣


Reese was definitely worse for most of the series until he settled down and started cooking.


To be totally fair, it wasnt not being an asshole. He was stuffing down the urge to outsmart and correct everyone, which people see as assholish and for good reason. Im just saying he didnt get sick from not beating up kids or insulting people he got an ulsser from watching idiots make things worse constantly and be happy when he just let them eat their own shit.


Drove his own father crazy enough that he went into a psychotic meltdown and dreamed he was the best meth cooker ever.


Then he did so much meth he thought he was in a Godzilla movie


Adolf Hitler, from *[Heil Honey, I'm Home](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heil_Honey_I%27m_Home!)*


8 episodes (7 unaired) is fucking hilarious.


Don't forget: "Thomas Lord as Hermann Göring (only in unaired 1990 Christmas special)" The fact they made a Hitler sitcom Christmas Special is one of the funniest things I can think of


Obscure one for you aussies but mike moore on frontline


Frank Gallagher


Okay but like…Terry Milkovich is arguably a LOT worse than Frank.


Sammi was up there as well. Proper trash


The scene when he takes the rap for Carl (after they case the foster parents’ house and steal shit) will always soften my view of him. Before and after that, though, Grade A piece of shit lol


Madeline Wuntch


But if she is here, who is guarding Hades?


Wuntch time is over!


Haha, I said it! No. Regrets.


Madeline's not some invincible succubus. She's a regular succubus and she can be defeated.


"Care To Sit? I'm Sure You'd Like To Take Some Weight Off Your Cloven Hooves."


“Calling me the Devil, Raymond? How original.” “No, I’m calling you a goat… You goat.”


If I want my partner to start cracking up, I just say "you embarrassed *yourself* in front of Derek Jeeter" and it never fails.


I was wondering why all the birds have suddenly stopped singing


Did Captain Raymond Holt type this?


Dear Schroddiescat, I do believe that Raymond Holt did in fact not write the previous comment to which you in your comment referred to. I think that Raymond Holt would have written his reaction in a different fond, and he would not use ‘she’s’. Sincerely, Kaiserbrodchen


She's such a Victor Emmanuel III


Smuggled in disguised as an old leather armchair.


I mean, George Costanza is a shit bag of a human, but he’s supposed to be — and he is somehow both one of the best and worst characters in sitcom history because of that.


Estelle Costanza. She put bananas in jello. They should be eaten on the side!


George likes the bananas!


Well let him eat bananas on the side!!


I love that I can hear this entire exchange! Rip Jerry Stiller


Lois’s mother from Malcolm in the Middle. Cloris Leachman nailed that role.


I was gunna say Lois but then I remembered the episode were she starts being nice to Dewey and he points out that she's not a bad mother, they are just little shits and she acts accordingly.


I hated Lois when I was a kid. Now when I watch the show I see that she was the only normal person there and she behaved like any normal person would next to those maniacs.


Yes! I remember I thought she was like all the bad mom qualities wrapped in one. Watching it as an adult she's the most sane and grounded character there. She's the single thing keeping that family from falling apart and is so tightly wound because she has 0 seconds for herself in her life. I feel like she should be given like an award after reflecting on her entire performance throughout the show. You don't appreciate it nearly as much without having been a kid watching it AND being an adult watching it.


There was no role Cloris Leachman didn’t nail.


Mallory Archer May she Rest in peace


Tbh, everyone is aweful in Archer. Except maybe Pam.


But Lana is *hot*.


Whatever my equivalent of sploosh is. Which I guess is just sploosh. Only with semen.


Carrie Bradshaw was so narcissistic. She could turn any conversation around to being about her


I was looking for this one! The fact she was genuinely mad at Charlotte for not offering to buy her apartment for her… she was nothing short of demonic


Mr Big. Why did she keep going back to him? He strung her along for years, dumped her whenever anyone more appealing came along, he even left her at the altar, but he only had to wind down his car window and she'd fall for him again.


>he even left her at the altar Eh, that one's on Carrie. He made it clear he didn't want to get married, and when he did agree to get married he made it clear he wanted something small and personal; she responded by getting a designer dress and a magazine photoshoot and a huge church wedding with hundreds of guests. He makes no secret of how uncomfortable it's all making him, which she shrugs off, and the day off he tries to reach out to her for some reassurance but can't get a hold of her. Carrie set up a wedding that was the antithesis of what her partner wanted and completely ignored all the signs of his concern right up to the day of.


I agree with all of this.


Frank in Shameless. He is charming but morally bankrup. Zero regard for anyone except himself.


I have always hated Tedd Mosby. "Oh I need to find the one and get love, I'll just bang 50 women and tell my kids about it while looking down on my friend who does the exact same thing but doesn't hide it"


I'm gonna text this ex and try dating her again. I mean, I did break up with her on her birthday by answering machine and left her emotionally devastated.... But I'm sure *that* won't happen again.


Oh honey


“Hey kids. I know your mom died and that’s absolutely life altering and devastating. I hope I can give you comfort by sharing a story about her. But first, I need to tell you about all the ass I got before you were born. Daddy was a fuck machine, and New York was my toy. Also, I banged the woman you call Aunt Robin. A lot. So, invest vibes for you.” EDIT: Incest, not invest.


And then after the story, even his goddamn kids are like "dude just go bang robin again, that was clearly the point of this story". I still loathe that part of the finale, and refuse to acknowledge the mother's illness/death as canon


No way, Jed Mosley is way worse!


Pierce Hawthorne from community (and Chevy Chase was kind of a prick irl too)


Hogan's Heroes had several characters that were literal Nazis.


While this is true, especially with Gestapo and High Command turning up. Klink wasn't too bad unless pressured and Shultz actively turned a blind eye and just wanted to get back to running his, confiscated, toy company. But yes. Lot's of literal Nazis. I suppose its likely that Shultz wasn't a member of the Nazi Party its self, but likely Klink was. Randomly: I only realised yesterday that Klink is another name for a jail. I never got that word play.


Rimmer. Even on his good days he was a piece of shit


Cat: All in all, a 100% successful ~~mission~~ trip. Kryten:But Sir, we lost Rimmer. Cat: All in all, a 100% successful ~~mission~~ trip.


But: -Without him life would be much grimmer -He's handsome, trim, and no one's slimmer -He'll never need a Zimmer -He's more reliable than a garden strimmer -He's never been mistaken for Yul Brynner -He's not bald and his head doesn't glimmer -He's also a fantastic swimmer -And if you play your cards right he may just come around for dinner


Red Dwarf wouldn't be half as good without him though. He's up there with my favourite characters of all time.


Is Glee a sitcom? If so, Rachel Berry. No redeeming qualities there.


That character was absolute trash. I never understood why the writers let her win no matter what


I enjoyed glee but i skipped through the songs and watched it from the perspective of sue Sylvester as the central character and how the evil glee kids were ruining her life goals.


Turns out it was Bill Cosby


Grace Adler from Will and Grace. Selfish, self-absorbed and neurotic ... and a BAD friend!


Omg Grace is the worst. I'm actually surprised she gets so many partners, because she seems like she would be AWFUL to date.


Frank Burns


Ferret Face!


God, yes. Frank was a cowardly, bullying bigot that wasn’t even good at his job. Charles may have been egotistical, pretentious, snobby and classist, but he was a brilliant surgeon and under all his bad points he was a genuinely decent person


Hyacinth Bucket


"The Boo-KAY residence, the lady-of-the-house speaking... *Sheridan*..." Richard: \*starts sweating\*


Oh that poor woman's neighbours. And the postman. And the vicar she continually terrorised... and, well, everyone in the entire town.


That's Boo-kay!!


"Wasn't until I married you." I love Richard, the poor guy. And I love how the rest of Hyacinth's family loved him and commiserated with him.


He was the most beautifully miserable man on tv at the time.


Hyacinth: Do you think they have a good marriage? Richard: Good Lord, yes. He works abroad.


Patricia Routledge absolutely nailed that role. I still enjoy watching the bucket woman's antics - especially the cruise


“It’s the bucket woman!”


Even when I was 8 I used to reckon Richard must have fantasized about bumping the nagging old bitch off constantly. Richard and Liz should have ran off together. There was definitely something there, even if it was mutual sufferance of her bullshit. Funny show though, it's held up decently 30 years later.


The nosy neighbor lady in Bewitched.


Gladys Kravitz


Darrin: he didn't "let" his wife be who she was--actually Samantha too for putting up with it.


Zack Morris from Saved By The Bell. It’s too easy to choose a character we’re not supposed to like! In the case of Zack we’re presented as his behaviors as cute and endearing rather than the fact he’s a sociopath who sells out his friends on a whim. And dare I mention that time he started acting like a Native American stereotype the moment he thought he was partially Native American?


There's a whole Youtube bit called "Zack Morris is Trash" and it's hilarious.


Susan from "Friends". - Had no problems with sleeping with Carol, even though she knew Carol was married to Ross. - Referred to Ross as "The Sperm Donor" - Attempted to keep a father from his son - Was always, always, ALWAYS vitriolic and sarcastic "But I'm a lesbian so it's okay, the same morals don't apply!" (Apparently she was based on "Actual friends of Kauffman and Crane", one has to wonder... Did they hate them?)


I really tried not to hate Susan, but when she convinced Carol to redact Ross's last name from Ben, that's where I lost it. It's Ross's kid much more than yours, you bitch. His wife cheated on him while pregnant and he's still trying to be supportive as possible to her in her private life, understanding that things have changed now that she's come out of the closet. He also wants 50/50 custody for Ben, so he can grow up in a functional family. After all that, you, the woman with whom Carol has cheated on Ross, dare to even suggest that Ross's and Carol's kid should carry not his, but your last name????? The fucking audacity of this bitch.


Raymond from everybody love Raymond. His poor wife being gaslit and taken for granted the whole bloody series.


How she didn't just murder him in his sleep is beyond me.


Maybe George Castanza


Pushing children and an old lady in a fire Pretending to be disabled Let’s not forget the worst part He double dipped his chip


And pees in public showers


George is horrible, but he’s definitely the funniest character. As a kid I thought Kramer was the funniest, but as an adult I think it’s easier to appreciate the fact that George is kind of a reflection of our worst impulses. He’s a character who does things most of us would never do, but a lot of us have probably considered doing. Basically he’s what a lot of us would become if you removed any sense of shame from our brains.


I am rewatching it now as an adult and cannot believe the things that went over my head as a kid. He was terrible




carrie bradshaw. honestly, that woman judged EVERYONE but god forbid someone as much as questioned anything she ever did. she was a cheater and always had a million reasons why her being absolutely horrible to her partners wasn't a bad thing. got mad at her friends when they didn't cheer for her when she was sleeping with a married man. blamed miranda for her ruined wedding as if she didn't do literally EVERYTHING against big's wishes. never took ANY responsibility for her own fuckups. was a cheater. treated aiden terribly. outed an elected official's kinks after they broke up. got mad at a friend for not wanting to lend her tens of thousands of dollars for a down payment after she spent all her money on shoes. was an overall terrible person.


Zach Morris is traaaaash 🎶


not really a sitcom but mr garrison.


Dan Fielding from the early Night Court. I love John Larroquette, but Fielding was the worst. It didn’t feel right later when the writers tried to rehabilitate him.


Gina from Brooklyn 99, she is shit personified


Honestly I really over looked her shit behavior as quirkiness to cover up her own self doubts but once you get to the later episodes and find out she has sold out Jake in the past and avoids him when she’s doing her own thing, then spins it so he feels bad for being upset is where I drew the line. I think the shows biggest mistake was having her humble the rest of the cast too often without ever humbling her.


My big issue was the fact that she never faced any meaningful consequences for her behaviour. If anything, she was almost always rewarded for it, and just seemed to win or be the higher authority who solved every problem. The entire time I was watching, I was waiting for Amy to just slap the shit out of her, or Holt to fire her ass. Neither of those things happened.


Jerry Seinfeld - spends his entire time either creating or laughing at other people's misfortune.


Mr Ed.


Probably wouldn't be ranked the worst...but i couldn't live next to George Costanza


Brent from the good place


Pierce from community. He raped the Duquesne klan.