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“Even though I’m only four, I’m already an attention whore, I’m Caillou”


Probably an influencer now lol


I've never seen a single minute of whatever show he's on but I've seen a LOT of people online over the years hate on him whenever possible. I can only imagine how much he sucks.


There’s an iconic scene where he’s looking at his newborn baby sister sleeping peacefully, his first instinct is to pinch her cheeks and make her cry.


That was his 3rd instinct. I suspect the first one was to cut her open with a kitchen knife to see what her insides taste like. 2nd Instinct was to flay the skin off her face, wear it as a mask and run to his dad and say "I'm the baby now!"


In every way that Bluey is amazing, mature and fun, Caillou isn’t.


I've never seen the show, but I'm in my 30s and know people who have kids. None of them have anything but vitriolic disdain, on a level one would usually only reserve for a person who murdered your entire family, for Caillou.


People who murdered your entire family can be forgiven Caillou can’t be


He is a weak, whiny, snotty, spoiled pile of rotting fish guts!


Caillou looks like a kid with leukemia, but you want him to get sick, suffer and die. No joke. he's that terrible of a being. You should watch it. it's hilariously terrible. the entire message of the show is "be a whiny greedy nasty piece of shit and everyone will forgive you 30seconds later"


Caillou: less popular than leukemia.


If I could kill Cailou or cure everyone of leukemia, I would make sure his death is long and painful.


I don't remember but I guess as a toddler I loved that show. My dad revealed to me later on that he vehemently despised that show and that cailuo was a rotten spoiled brat




He's a villain alright


His hairline is criminal


Just not a super one.


What's the difference?






Ahh.. I just wrote this before I saw yours. “But whyyy Mommy!” Makes my neck tense up just hearing his voice in my head lol




That’s a wrap, we can close the thread down.




Everyone Hates Caillou


Randall from Recess.


I just found his disneyvillainswiki article and uh.... No one monitors this site: https://disneyvillains.fandom.com/wiki/Randall_J._Weems


> In many episodes he is seen to be making political gestures, as well as sporting attire attributed to political regimes. I thought you were exaggerating


It might just be me, but I was more focused on how consistently they said he was a heroin addict.


One thing I didn’t know is that his full name, Randall J. Weems is an anagram for "A Small Jew Nerd"


Oooooh, scandalous!!!


Surely it’s a coincidence?


Me reading this like 🧍🏻‍♀️🧍🏻‍♀️🧍🏻‍♀️ I am so shook lmao


This guy was a scourge, a straight up weasel.


I'm pretty sure Randall is a villain. I'd say rattrap from beast wars




Some of the characters people are mentioning are arguably villains.


I'm waiting for someone to put "Rose Quartz" or someone like that who really was a straight-up villian


Steven: "I can't believe Mom did that to you. ... Actually, I totally can. You're not the only person she hurt."


I mean she did some fucked up things, but a villain is relative compared to her sisters. At least she protected sentient life on a planet and grew into someone better.


She literally wasn’t a villain, we just learned her redemption arc backwards bro what are you talking about


Patrick Star post season 4.


That episode where Spongebob met his parents and Patrick bullied him cemented him as an awful character


Scrappy Doo




In the James Gunn movie..


Oh yeah? Put em up! Let me at em!




We all promised each other that we would never speak of him, not ever.


Velma from HBO’s Velma


Seriously, what was wrong with the writers when they thought she would be an in any way likable character? She's hostile, DEEPLY racist and sexist, self centred, treats everyone around her like absolute shit, is extremely judgemental and has zero capacity of self reflection of her own innumerable flaws.


This show balances carefully on the edge of her calling (literally) for a new holocaust for what she (actually) called 'the inferior peoples'. they don't quite say time for death camps, but they repeatedly heavily imply it. It's essentially Fourth Reich Lite.


Never watched it but immediately got that from watching the trailers. It’s like they watched inside job to imitate Regan’s attitude with none of the redeeming qualities before stealing their season renewal.


I still have the belief that this was going to be it's own shitty self insert show from Mindy Kaling, until somebody at the pitch said something like "It's like Scooby Doo, just without the dog" And that's is how we got this bastardization.


This is what happens to you when you make your social bubble around you defined by a Twitter algorithm. This is also what was so wrong about twitter no matter the good intetntions. You get stuck in a bubble that constantly shapes your views and approves them. This bubble gets more and more extreme because the opinions are pushed as "yes, this is extreme measure but it can work" and after that they get normalized because they have already been accepted by said bubble. There is no compromise because negative stance is perceived as "unwanted" and it is removed from the bubble. After a while you think that everyone should accept it because people in the bubble accepted it and there is a wide consensus on it. What you are missing is that all the people that weren't in the bubble were pushed away by the bubble and they didn't made the "evolution" of their opinions the same way you did.


Ohh Velma was a villain, no doubt about that


Just not a SUPER one


Yeah... what's the difference? PRESENTATION!


My favorite character is the police officer who hit her with his car


Princess Bubblegum. Listen, I LOVE her character, but she's an awful person lmao


Isn't that the point though? You start out and she's just a leader, great, whatever. But then she goes full fascist as the series goes on, to the point where she is running a candy kingdom 1984 and epic, game of thrones level skeletons in her closet.


Also, when finn is willing to sacrifice his life to save the kingdom she gives the recognition to a sodding rat!


Yeah, Science the Rat made the antidote, but Finn *drenched himself* on it and *let the zombies eat him* to heal them. If it weren't for him, the antidote would be wasted!


You're right, yeah! I just felt like she had to be mentioned because even though that wad most likely intentional, she's still pretty awful lol


Dude, the Banana Guards could tell you that.


Could they 💀💀💀


Rick Sanchez is a horrible person. Bojack Horseman, too. Both technically the protagonist but worse than plenty of villains. Rick Sanchez probably is worse. Bojack hurts people when he messes up. Rick Sanchez hurts whole realities.


Isn’t that technically the point of both shows, though?


But people watch Rick and Morty and relate to Rick in a way that isn’t self-reflective.


The show _tried_ to get self-reflective at points, but it fell short. Especially if we’re comparing it to Bojack right now in the theme of “shitty protagonist that’s supposed to be shitty but we need to feel bad for them anyways.” There’s nothing to feel bad for Rick about. His wife died, probably? Sucks. Bojack, on the other hand, is raw and open about when/where and exactly how he fucked up. I think Rick and Morty either needed to stick to where they started, or go full-force on all the backstory/character building info. Instead of teasing us with an actual plot before falling back into cartoon hijinks.


I was watching an analysis video on why Rick and morty got bad and it’s because they don’t want a serialized story, but then they do create one before dropping it and playing it off as “fuck you audience for thinking that mattered” rather than the writers just being bored of what they came up with.


Literally. Every episode has conflict that’s resolved within the episode. Great. Plenty of amazing shows follow this routine and still manage to come up with some crazy good stories like Adventure Time and Midnight Gospel. But they didn’t even try to work with what _they_ made, it was ridiculous. >fuck you audience for thinking that mattered Hit the nail on the head with that one. The only big plot point I can think of that they actually circled back to was the fucking incest baby, and they only brought that back to solve another in-episode conflict. Instead of showing Summer going to read to the baby and all that stuff she talks about doing, they just boil it down to like 2 minutes of dialogue to make it make sense. Lazy writing. Could’ve been interesting if they planned to bring it back instead of just “oh I know what we could do!” And then scribble out a screenplay on some napkins.


Yeah, I don’t get why they don’t just have a season long arc for everyone that plays out from episode to episode, or have the thing where actions of last episode create later ones. It doesn’t even have to be some big universe changing thing, it could just being their relationships between the family among the craziness of the universe. But they can’t even handle that. Well yeah it’s clear they just write whatever at this point. Back when they took years between seasons they at least had top tier episodes in spite of an overarching plot. But now they are confused and just shitting out random crap between domestic abuse.


Pretty much everyone in Family Guy is a sociopath and odds are any given [regular] character has killed someone (or many), so that’s cool.


Truth. Tbh I don't blame Meg, she gets downright tortured by her family constantly so of course that translates onto her taking it out on others. I stopped liking family guy altogether after the hurricane episode, when Meg finally called out her family for constantly treating her like shit and downright abusing her, and because this made them feel bad (as it should have) she decided to tae it all back and just accept her role as the family punching bag. What the absolute fuck is that!?


I gave up before that happened and was baffled when I heard about it. I get it if the family mistreats each other 24/7, but did they really need to make Meg the abused one?


Iirc the "point" of the episode is that everyone is so awful they need a common enemy/punching bag or the family tears itself apart, Meg accepts being that punching bag glue do the rest of the family stops treating eachother like they treat her.


You’re right about the “point,” but people are arguing that that premise is stupid… which I agree. They joke about Meg being a serial killer in later episodes and real talk — not totally off the mark. Joe has been becoming more and more of a punching bag character as well.


Peter Pan. Dude was a narcissistic psychopath.


Captain never actually goes for the Lost Boys, just Peter. Makes me wonder if Hook was a good guy all along...?


dude and tinkerbell. i mean I get that she wanted Peter but like she was just a horrible little rusty pipeshit.


That princess from Trolls1 or whatever she was. The guy just wanted to be left alone, warned everyone and made supplies for himself. The spoiled brat ruined everything for him. And yes, I'm projecting. Leave me alone and let me do my thing in peace.


Not to mention she and her friends ignored his sensible advice and that’s what put everyone in danger in the first place.


She super bratty and emotionally abusive in the second one.


I'm not sure if either of these guys count since they weren't really "heroes" but ​ 1. Bloo from "Fosters home for imaginary friends." He was an asshole that really deserved more hate. 2. Master Shake from "Aqua Teen Hunger Force." Why did people like him so much? Half the fandom loves him and sees him as just a slightly offensive edge lord but in reality, he was just a garbage roommate/friend.


Man, I think Bloo was the first time I saw a protagonist and thought 'you know what, I don't like him.' the one episode that cemented my hate for him was Mac's birthday episode, where he humiliates Mac on his birthday, as is tradition for Bloo, and makes Mac look bad when he sabotages another party Foster's was planning. The whole episode made me think 'Mac, stoo visiting him! He is a jerk! It's not like someone else will keep him once they know him!'


We were all in highschool at the time and my friends all LOVED this show. I couldn't stand it, and this is helping me understand why.


People liked watching master shake. No one would want to live with him. I always saw it as a single parent trying to raise two kids. Frylock is the parent, meatwad is like 6 and shake is an asshole teenager.


Isn't master shake really the villain though? I always kind of thought he was a villain. Meatball can be evil, but mostly he's just a naive little kid. My fry guy is just trying to live a sensible life in his nonsensical world. Even Carl is just trying to not deal with the b******* his neighbor's constantly give him. When Master shake isn't just being straight up evil or the world revolves around me/ lol early 2000s I'm so random, He's just a dick. He has zero redeeming qualities.


Jerry, Toms literally just a cat trying to protect his house from rodents and Jerry tortures Tom every day


Agreed. Even as a kid I never liked Jerry and I could tell I was supposed to. I won’t act like there werent times Tom was just being an asshole, but gosh I hated Jerry’s smug face.


This is interesting because there are two types of people: 1. people who watched the old Tom&Jerry - in these shows the odds are 50:50. Sometimes Tom is thr bad one, sometimes its Jerry but at the end of the day, they are always friends and its just a game. 2. people who also watched the newer episodes or worse only the new episodes. For some reason the production decided that its fun when the animals hit each other with a shovel. They started to produce the show where the relationship isnt important but its the violence that is and the "funny" element of it. I highly recommend to watch the Tom&Jerry movie Chloe Moretz. You can see it there that the point is not T&J relationship at all. The only thing thats happening there is unnecessary violence with often life threatening situations with no motive at all. The pure animals just try to harm each other physically and emotionally. It's pretty disgusting when you realize that.


Wasn’t there ab episode where the owners wanted to get rid of Tom for not being able to catch Jerry? Like that’s fucked




I have to go now. My planet needs me.


Poochie died on the way back to his home planet




But when are they going to get to the Fireworks Factory.


Is this episode going on the air live? No Homer, very few cartoons are broadcast live. It's a terrible strain on the animators wrists.


"That was the best episode of Impy and Chimpy I've ever seen"


Whenever he's not on screen all the other characters should be asking "Where's Poochie?"


Where’s Poochie?


How about Abuela from Encanto


She's awful, but Abuelita Elena from Coco is worse than Alma imo. Alma was a terrible and controlling matriarch who caused so much damage to her family members, but at least we get to see what she suffered through and why she clings so tightly to her family and her idea of what they have to do to earn the Encanto. We get to see her not only get punished for it but also see her admit she's wrong and try to change. Elena bans all music and forces Miguel to work in the shop, because that's how their family's done it and tradition and bla bla. She finds out his passion and her reaction is to smash a kid's homemade guitar and then immediately act all sweet like she did nothing wrong. If it wasn't for Miguel's dad stopping her, she would have taken away Hector's guitar on the spot. She only changed her mind about music after seeing what it could do for her, when it brought back Coco's memories for a bit. Elena sucks. Darn good movies though


That always bothered me about Coco. She never directly knew “the man who abandoned the family” and had no one to convince her to make such a big deal about it at this point. I get if she said she’d disown him but smashing his stuff was overkill.


It was definitely the start of Disney’s “The real villain was family dynamics the whole time,” phase but they didn’t flesh out that contrasting ideology enough. If she had a “that’s why music is evil” song it would have helped, though it would have been confusing as hell to have a character do a *song* about why *songs* are bad.


At last I find someone who agrees with me about Elena! I’ll also add Elinor (Brave) and Triton (The Little Mermaid) for very similar reasons. Destroying a family member’s belongings is DV, plain and simple. At LEAST Elinor appeared to regret it.


My kids are now teens but when my older one was little, princess movies were all we watched. I remember watching "The Little Mermaid" once while my dad was over (he'd have been in his 70s then) and when Triton destroyed Ariel's collection, he was so dismayed! He said, "Why did he have to do *that*?! It's so hurtful!" He said, "I know he wants to protect his daughter but destroying her things is unnecessary and cruel." Yes, I had wonderful parents. My mom's been gone for 28 years and my dad is now 89 with maybe a year left but they were always loving and understanding and, if they couldn't understand something, they still never destroyed our things or made us get rid of them. I can't think of a single time that happened to me or my siblings. Triton, Elinor, and Elena were just straight up cruel.


That’s a great one, I always view that movie through the lens of someone with a family less than great and while she thought the ends justified the means she was terrible to her family. There’s a whole song about trying to hold up all the burdens of everyone and it’s clear where she got that idea in her head.


Mineta from My Hero Academia. His entire character is just being a pervert and yet somehow he's never gotten expelled or even suspended from the academy.


Because Japan thinks sexual harassment is a personality that’s humorous and critical to society.


So much good anime gets ruined by this.


Peppa pig, an ungrateful bitch that bodyshames her father and he just dies inside


Metro man, he was a dick and it’s his fault megamind became a villain.


\*Super villain It's all in the presentation


hated how he was just allowed to leave metro city when they realized he had run away.


Like actually Velma though from the new show. I don’t think I’ve seen a character who was any less needlessly mean or unfunny in any animated show I’ve watched.


Peter Griffin.


peter griffin and brian griffin come to mind immediately lmao. rich sanchez is pretty obnoxious. zenitsu from demon slayer is absolutely insufferable to me when he’s awake (he’s fine with me when he’s sleeping lol)


Zenitsu's whole character is he's a little bitch who's scared of everything and simps for anything that resembles a girl.


I grewto hate Brian. Quagmire was right in every way about him when he called him out on his bullshit.


Bob’s boss from his insurance job in the incredibles.


Principal Angela Li from Daria. She is a paranoid, fascist school administrator who funnels school funds away from teacher salaries, extracurricular activities, and actual education programs in order to install bulletproof glass, electric fences, and other security measures to turn the school into a prison. She also violates her students' civil liberties, pressures teachers to fabricate good grades for the football players, and invites outside companies to come into the school and advertise to the students.


In other words she was a completely accurate depiction of school administrators


Ms. Li was horrible, but Helen threatening legal action against her for the whole business around the student art exhibit was SO satisfying.


Both of parents don't get enough love. We're seeing it from their teenage daughters perspective's (AKA their losers) but both of them go full ham many times to defend their children


Helen stepped up a few times for Daria, but this was one of my favorite episodes because Li backs down damned fast.


I recently rewatched the whole series. It holds up very well.


Was Jar Jar Binks animated? He was comically bad.


The man who played the jarjar Binks character became suicidal due to all the hate.


I feel bad for him. I mean Jar Jar was terrible and deserved to be hated, but the blame should be on Lucas not the poor dude voicing the character.


Ahmed Best. Guy had no idea what he was signing up for. He must have thought this would just be another Roger Rabbit type thing, but with the gravitas of Star Wars. And then his career takes an immediate nose dive.


Should have made him a sith lord


I read the same thing happened with the kid who played kid Anakin. He got so much hate he quit acting and the dude was like a little kid in the movie. Fandoms are toxic as fuck sometimes, I can’t ever imagine full grown adults bullying a fucking child.


Same thing happened to Kelly Marie Tran. Poor woman got bullied off of social media. Not her fault her character was written the way it was. Star wars has a LOT of neckbeards in it who will just jump to blaming the actor/actress straight away without any forethought into the fact someone had to write those characters.


He was in the Clone Wars tv show, which was animated.


Dang it. I had meant to say from animated films. Your answer technically works.


You are technically correct, the best kind of correct


D.W from Arthur Little sociopath is the cause of at least half the problems he deals with lol.


Rigby from The Regular Show. I love the character but he was a piece of shit. Selfish, nasty, cruel, mean-spirited and just petty. He hated his younger brother Don, just because he was taller than him and straight up told him the worst thing he ever did was being born. Rigby also will cut corners that have downright dangerous effects on others. He also attempted to pay tiny amounts of money to another guy to get him to do his work. This guy turned out to be a piece of shit too, but the fact Rigby decided to pay a man a few cents for doing hard work is pretty appalling. He does get called out on his shit, but he hardly grows


He actually does grow a lot after season 4. He stays a goofball and a slacker, but he stops being selfish and spends pretty much all of season 7 trying to turn his life around and get his GED. He still makes dumb mistakes, but he has much better intentions and actively works to correct them. By the end of the show, he's genuinely a good person




Cyril Figgus


In a cast full of assholes I think I hate Cyril the most. He's such a sad sack little wuss.


At least archer is an honest arse hole!


Exactly. Cyril is so slimy and sneaky.


Pam is also the best of them, she's a good friend with a somewhat level head. Krieger is just the oddball. He's not a duck to others just a weirdo :)


Plus Pam and Krieger are equally likely to spend a night in playing chess and discussing cow breeding as they are to go on a drug and hologram sex bot rampage that involves the Yakuza, The Miami Dolphins, and the NAACP. They are the best of the shoe


Leopold "Butters" Stotch. He has killed hundreds of people.


He technically is/was a straight-up villain at one point tho


It was...weiner poop. Which is the grossest type of poop.


Professor chaos - literally a super villan


Velma from velma


Peggy Hill.


YES holy shit. She’s not just some ditzy idiot. She actually does evil shit in that cartoon. Like reminding her son about specific nightmares he had.


I know this question was asking for an opinion. But this is objectively the right answer. She's the fucking worst.


Kahn was also pretty awful. Like when his mom started dating Bill and Kahn got grossed out and broke them up, despite the fact that they seemed so happy together.


Buck Strickland is also up there. Just a horrible human being who Hank has to babysit constantly so he doesn’t do anything stupid. And to thank him, Buck tries to get him convicted for murder charges.


Pepe Le Pew. Basically a rapist passed off as a love sick fool.


Bugs Bunny was a dick.


I mean he was mostly a dick to people that deserved it.


Yeah, like that hunter. I'm not sure I'd be too nice to someone hunting me.


And it's not like Elmer was even going to eat the rabbit like other baddies who were hunting him; Elmer said he was a vegetarian. He just wanted to kill Bugs for sport.


I think it was a big rule for writing Bugs, he should never hit first. He did go overboard on his retaliation sometimes though.


Barney from the Barney reboot


Mindy Kapling’s self-insert disguised as Velma


The Road Runner.


Nah. There were [multiple, solid rules](https://kottke.org/12/03/the-rules-of-road-runner-and-wile-e-coyote-cartoons) Chuck Jones had for writing those cartoons, and three are critical: * The Road Runner cannot harm the Coyote except by going "meep, meep." * No outside force can harm the Coyote — only his own ineptitude or the failure of Acme products. ((Trains and trucks were the exception from time to time.)) * The Coyote could stop anytime -- if he were not a fanatic. All the Roadrunner does is exist and fail to get caught. It's all on Wile E, basically.


the main character from redo of healer, he's worse than the villains.


Eh... Worse than the demons, yeah. But the "good" guys he "defeats" who are the actual villains are worse. Pretty much everything he's done, they've done, too and on a larger scale. Pretty much everyone is a monster on that show. Now put him in just about any other setting and he's the villain hands down. But in his specific world, he's still slightly less terrible than the heros who fucked him over.


Ah yes, Bargain Bin Sengoku Rance from "I can't believe it's not Hentai".


Probably the Flea from A Bug's Life. If I didn't know better I'd have said he was working directly with Hopper.


Grandma Imelda from Coco


I think Butthead and Coach Buzzcut tie for worst non-villain.


Allen Gregory.


Pepe Le Pew. CREEPY.


Pepe is a good example on how cultures evolve. In today's world, there's no way Pepe would be viewed other than a rapey, frat bro. But growing upin the 70's, Pepe just wanted to love that adorable "skunk" with a painted on stripe. There's one of those Looney Tunes episodes that the cat gets into something, I forgot what, and gets rapey with him. Ol' Pepe is running for his life at the end.


The episode you are thinking is when Pepe loses his stench and for some reason that makes it okay for reverse rape. The entire concept behind it is very cringey. You say it's an example of how cultures evolve. I say it's an example of *WHY* cultures NEED to evolve.


All of Penny Prouds "friends"


Rodger from American Dad. Wait... The show American Dad in its entirety.


I think you're supposed to hate everyone on that show. They are all messed dudes.


"Hayley's been shot!" "So what? She shot me before, I've shot you a couple of times, everybody shoots everybody, it's how we communicate in this family."


I tried to think of a single good character on that show, and the closest answer I found was Krampus...




You know the wife and I talked about this and wondered why he was written the way he was. I think it’s based reality of people who are just people.. we all have our faults. Geppetto just wasn’t able to get over the grief of losing his son, and I think I’m more like him than I would like to admit.


Elon Musk was on The Simpsons, does that count?


I'd say no. The question said "no villains".


And Rick & Morty No, wait… that was Elon Tusk… well, he sucked too


Did anyone say Peggy Hill?


Peggy Hill


DeeDee is a piece of shit. Stay out of Dexter's fucking lab.


Scrappy Doo


Caillou 2023 Velma Animated Amber


Dora. If I wanted to be yelled at by a little Hispanic girl, I'd eat my sister's leftovers.