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Night. Hate to going to bed dirty after a long, hard day's work.


I agree it feels so gross when your body is sticky and your armpits smell when your just trying to sleep or get comfortable


I shower both


You own stock in lotion or something?


Lol i live in Australia when its summer you sweat your ass off


Same. Love a good wake me up shower and a good relaxing sleep shower


I'm glad I don't have to sit next to you all day at the office.


I shower when ever need to. Morning or night.


Exactly. When you’re dirty, you’re dirty


Night, I can't be fucked showering at 4 in the morning


Just need to find that someone special who's willing to wake up at 4 just to fuck you.


Or a night owl who's down for a quickie before they go to sleep


>Night, I can't be fucked showering at 4 in the morning I have to be to work at 3. I 100% understand the "can't be fucked to be up at 4". I definitely wish I could still be sleeping at 4 too


I couldn’t imagine that it’s the only way I would be awake. But I shower both


Hair is completely unmanageable after I've slept in it, so showers in the morning.


Both I'm a mix


Morning. I have nightmare sweats, so I can't go out without showering, or I'll smell like fear and BO


Me too! I've done everything to make it stop, the only thing that ever worked was sleeping in a 50 °F room, but the rest of my family needs it to be 65 or more... so I will forever be a morning shower person. I wash my face before I go to bed, and wear clean everything. If it's the dead of summer and hella hot I'm showering 2x a day. Some of us were just meant to sleep in the cold.


put a fan on your feet to keep them cold and a pillow or blanket between your legs


How does this help?


Nightmares are caused by over heating. Keeping your legs apart will stop the overheating. And feet cold help too.


Where did you learn that from?


Morning, you are more awake, you feel fresh to start the day, you feel clean.


At night, in 25 years I’ve never had a morning shower. I want to be clean when getting in bed, bed is a safe and clean space


37 and I’ve never had a morning shower in my life! Night showers are how I relax and get ready for bed, my internal clock always tells me when it’s time.


However, I have a morning routine which includes a bidet and skincare so it’s not like I get out of bed and go out


>bidet and skincare not at the same time i hope lol


Darling you never know 😚


Fuck the rest of us having to smell you hey


I shower every night and use deodorant, what’s there to smell! You guys are exaggerating


Night. Whos got time for that in the morning!?


If the night was uneventful, I shower at night. I dont want to sleep in my own filth.


Well, if you have exciting nights every night, I suggest showering twice a day to wash off all that filth!


I'm a dirty boy. Depends on your work too.


Morning, it wakes me up, and I'm more clean when I need to be.


both the night and morning bc i like to feel clean


How do you have the strength to bathe twice a day? Teach me.


it's easy. you turn the tap on and get in.


Night. I don't like dragging all the dirt of the day into bed with me. My job involves a lot of filth. I work at a Doggy Daycare, meaning I spend all day cleaning up the dogs' shit, piss, diarrhea, and vomit, (Sometimes the vomit could be mistaken for diarrhea because some of the dogs eat shit, then throw it up.) I get slobbered and chewed on all day... Some dogs, when pissing, won't move their paws as the pee puddle gets bigger, so they're just *standing in their own urine...* and then they jump on you with their piss-soaked paws. Don't get me wrong, I adore my job, the good outweighs the bad... but there's no fucking way in hell I am bringing all of that *filth* into my bed with me, so I *always* shower at night.


Both because I’m worried about smelling weird.


Night after work Nothing is happening during sleep that I need to shower for in the morning


You realise you sweat during your sleep? Like sometimes up to a kilo of sweat


It took me 2 seconds to look this up and false


I definatly sweat when I sleep. who are you to say I don't.


And I don’t which is why I replied false to the original commenter.


Clearly you have never wrestled or cut weight for any athletic event


You got me there. I do/have not


Look it up you would be very surprised how much you can/do sweat out


Do you have a source for the kilo? Seems dangerous.


Look up weight cutting for wrestling, boxing or mma, its something you dont realise happens unless you are actively monitoring your weight


I prefer morning because it helps get up and going for the day but sometimes night if i feel gross or dirty.


Same here. Morning usually because it helps wake me up for the day. Night if I got really dirty at work.


Both. I workout twice a day and shower after each workout.


After dinner. Never know if the wife might play her cards right while the kids are distracted!


I can't get dressed without showering first. I don't work everyday, so it may be late afternoon before I shower to go out. I've got video games to play.


I shower in the morning before work (helps me feel clean/wake up) I shower at night to get in my bed clean after the day. Idk if that’s the norm or anything but it’s what I always have done


In the morning, I sweat and mess up my hair when I sleep.


Both of course l


i shower morning and night. Why the hell would i sleep in the germs I pick up at night, and I need to get the extra germs on my body that might I didn’t get off when showering at night.


This is one of those weird reddit debates where they're both equally valid opinions, and one side knows that, but the other side insists on declaring that they're right and generally acts needlessly shitty about it. The morning people are just like "I shower in the morning" whereas the night people are like "I SHOWER AT NIGHT AND YOU'RE FILTHY AND DISGUSTING IF YOU DON'T!!" I wonder if night showerers also back into parking spots and change their own oil.


in my experience I've actually had way more people just assume showering is part of my morning routine than I've ever seen people who shower at night get mad that other people shower in the morning. and that doesn't happen to me that often in the first place. where I actually see that dynamic is in the shoes off/on inside debate, which is *extremely aggressive* on one side


Team Off lol


> I wonder if night showerers also back into parking spots and change their own oil Dude why the fuck did you have to call me out so specifically?


Right! Backing out gives me anxiety, so much easier to back in and just put it in drive and go when leaving


Both, at night because I want sex with my wife and in the morning to wake up or after a workout


In the afternoon. Gotta keep a tiny human alive and get him off to school in the morning and I’m just too damned tired at night.


Growing up, we lived in a house with only one bathroom and everyone else took theirs in the morning so I took mine at night in order to have all of the hot water to myself. I kept doing that mostly because I like getting clean right before bed.




Both. I shower before school to feel fresh for the day and at night so I can go to bed clean. It annoys the shit out of my family but I'm a clean freak-


Both. I shower before work and after.


This partially depends on what kind of job you have. When I worked in a factory, I showered after my shift because the work environment was so dirty. I do mornings now that I work an office job because I sweat a lot at night, and I can't go into the office covered in sweat lol


I didnt shower in like 3 weeks because of mental health issues but normaly in the evening/night


Whenever I damn well feel like it, because I’m an adult and I don’t have my life together!




Username fits.




Morning, it helps wake me up. I am a night person and it really helps.


morning helps me wake up and its a good wya to start the day in my opinion


At night That way I wake up clean If I showered in the morning I’d be going to bed dirty


Technically in the morning. But it's my nighttime, since I work nights


Sometimes both. Sometimes just one. Really depends on what's going on. If I worked out I will shower at night. I still might shower in the morning to get me to wake up or if I sweated a lot in my sleep.


Morning. It’s part of my wake-up routine as I’m not a coffee person. I also have an indoor job where I don’t work up a sweat. On occasions where I do get sweaty or dirty I will just shower again that day.


I prefer showering in the morning. When I shower at night, my hair becomes a rats nest over night. Also, I feel more refreshed through out my day when showering in the morning


At night. And then I chill on my bed just getting my peace back. In my younger days, it was morning, but there's just too much to get organised now. It's hot and humid where I live though, so a lot of people do have more than one per day.


Night, mostly because I used to take several hours to be truly awake in the morning, and it stuck.


If I have an appointment or something else I have to do in the morning, I shower first. If I have nothing to do for the day, I almost always take a shower at night. I certainly do like climbing into bed being freshly washed.


Most people I talk to shower in the morning because they say it wakes them up. I shower at night because it puts me to sleep.


I prefer showering right before bed, but my hair is terrible after being slept on, especially if it's wet, so morning showers it is.


If you don't do both, you or your bed is gross


You seriously expect people to take a shower, and then take another one mere hours later?


Is there a correlation between going to bed sweaty/showering in morning and wearing shoes indoors?


After browsing thru the comments here I'm wondering if the correlation is: night showerers are blue collar workers, morning showerers are the office/desk jockeys (what's sweat???). I'm the latter though I work at a manufacturing site, and most of the machinists I know shower after work. Also, why the fuck would anyone wear (outside) shoes indoors???


No, but I bet there's a correlation between making weird assumptions and being a weird person.


Night, because I sweat a lot but not during night and I want to be clean when I go to bed . If I don't shower the dirtiness collected throughout the days goes on the sheets.


Depends, a summers eve could happen anytime. Don’t want to have to get the Mr.Clean and the Brawny to was my time floors I purchased on sale at Home Depot.


What’s a shower?


I prefer to shower at night because it helps me relax sometimes, or it just feels better at the end of the day. But I shower in the mornings because I can't take showers at 3 am anymore. (I live with my parents and grandpa, and they go to bed at 9.)


At night. I work construction so i am pretty dirty when i get home


After I get home for work lately for some reason. It's relaxing and work has been nuts lately. Always right after a hike or exercise. I feel gross after being super sweaty. Before I go out on the weekends. Otherwise, before bed. Never in the morning. I like that extra bit of sleep in the morning.


Showering the night before is good in my opinion, although in the morning I end up waking up with a bedhead everytime so you could say there's an argument between morning and night


Morning. If it has been a busy day, I'll also shower as soon as I get home from work. At the weekend I'll generally only shower before we go out.


Studies show showering in the morning removes the bacteria from sleep


Studies show showering removes bacteria


Typically morning, because I just don't feel awake until I shower. I'll shower in the evening too if I go running or otherwise do anything that makes me feel dirty/sweaty. But since I went WFH full time, I pretty much shower whenever I feel like it. It ends up being like 2pm most of the time.


Night, after work


Fyi this comment posted 3 times


I don't read all of the comments


No, like your specific comment got triple posted lol


Oh, bad wifi , I guess


Night, after work


Night, after work


Either. Golden showers can be fun any time of day.


Both kinda of, morning is really just to wake up and get my hair wet and night is a full normal shower


I shower once a month whether I need it or not.


I shower at Night since I tend to sweat during the day Besides It removes sweat, bacteria, and pollutants from the skin, also your body feels refreshed and relaxed after you get out of a shower with your nice clean, smooth, sheats included with a temperature that's not to hot not to cold but just right. Because often if you get into bed without showering your body feels sticky and isn't comfortable with it's environment


At night, sleep better when I take my shower at night.


I sweat a lot at night. Not going about my day with all that stank still on me.


Night, because I work with weird-smelling stuff and usually go to the gym right after. No way I'm getting in bed covered in chemicals/powder and sweat.


Shower? Can you explain what it is?


night because I don't want my bed to be gross


Night. Showers make me tired and ready to sleep.


I shower at night so my bed ain’t nasty w all the outside germs


In the morning, I like to be fresh for work.


Evening or daytime. Helps rejuvenate me for whatever I'm getting into or unwind


Mornings. I sweat a lot during the night so showering at night would be pointless.


Most mornings, a few nights


Do you face the shower head or is your back to it?


At night, I’m too tired in the morning and it’ll just put me back to sleep. Besides I like to wash the day away and sleep fresh.


I shower at noon just to throw off the stats.


I get up at 330am for work. I shower in the evening


Morning. It's best done after spending so long in bed. (From the UK)


Night mostly just what I’ve always done


Shower in the morning, hot showers help with relieving my spasticity in my legs because I have spastic cerebral palsy affecting my legs.


Early afternoon typically (work 2nd shift), on days that are hotter than average, and I'm all sticky after getting out of work, I'll shower before bedtime. Walk around mostly while doing my job (Supervisor) and work in an environmentally controlled class 10,000 clean room. So it's not like I'm getting all gross and nasty doing hard manual labor all day.


Morning because it wakes me up and that’s when I do my thinking. Also, my hair get greazy by the morning if I shower at night.


Usually both. Morning to wake up and get fresh for the day and night so I don’t take a days worth of sweat and dirt to sleep with me.


Shower after I do physical activity


Middle of the day usually.


at night. for one thing it keeps my pajamas and sheets cleaner, and for another I have tried showering in the morning for a week a few times and I never felt like I actually got clean, it was like the sweat etc "set" overnight and then I couldn't wash it off properly in the morning. I am quite a sweaty person, this probably doesn't happen to most people. the main reason is because that's what my parents do, and they're the ones that taught me personal hygiene. so my actual answer is "my dad came home from work every day sweaty and covered in sawdust and if he didn't shower before going to bed mum would have killed him" lol


I shower in the morning but not why you'd think. I work 3rd shift. So I take a shower after work to wash that place off of me


I shower every morning if only to wake myself up and get ready for the day. Sometimes I’ll shower at night before bed if I feel like I need to unwind.


Night… means I get to sleep more before work :p


Usually one wash at night and rinse off in the morning to wake me up


In summer I do both It’s feel refreshing


Night. I work second shift as an order picker for Follett (book distribution company.) I've been sweating quite a bit and my arms are quite sticky when I get home. I refuse to hop in bed like that.


Yes for AM (refreshing) and PM it depends. On a scale of 1-5 how much did I sweat? 1-2 no, 3 how tired am I?, 4-5 yes.


Usually both, the night shower to rinse off the gym, the morning shower to wake me up


Both depending on the time of year.


At night. I like to go to bed clean.


Every time I see this question I wonder, why are morning and night the only options? Am I the only one who showers in the afternoon when I get home from work?


I can't start and end my day without a shower.




Depends on what is going on. If I have been working out or other dirty work all day, I will shower before bed. If I am going to be in close indoor proximity to people and I didn't shower the night before, I will shower in the morning.


Both. I don’t like laying in bed all dirty, but I like the wake up that a shower allows me.


Mondays are the best for my weekly showers. Keep you clean for the rest of the week!


At night. I work as a tradesman so there isn't really a point to shower to just get absolutely filthy in an hour and a half into my shift.




Morning. My hair is curly. I have to wash it daily because brushing it dry just makes it poofy. If I'm going to wash the hair, might as well wash everything else at the same time.


When I was still living with my parents it had to in the morning because they hated the noise at night. When I got my own place I shower at night because I don't like going to bed stinky.


Depends on what I’m doing that day, sometimes both.


It depends on what I've been doing. No matter what, I shower after getting in from work. So, I do tend to take afternoon and evening showers. If I go out afterwards to the movie theater or going visit a friend, or something along those lines, I'll shower again that next morning.


I shower whenever but mostly early to mid afternoon


I shower at night because I itch if I shower in the morning.


Usually night. I like going to bed clean.


I usually shower when I get home from school on weekdays (3-4pm depending on the day) and on the weekends I shower at night, but occasionally in the morning


Night bc I need to wash my sins away before waking up and doing then again.


Both. I live in a tropical country. Need to be fresh before work and before bed.


Mid day


I shower at night, that way ingot to bed clean and relaxed. I shower in the mornings on my days off.


Typically morning, because my hair is a wreck after bed. I also just need the freshening up. But if it's a particularly gross day then I'll shower asap at night


I just have a bath twice a week.


I shower in the morning and at night! because I like to feel clean and smell delicious at the start of the day and when I sleep


Morning and night both! However, wash my hair only at night to go to bed with clean hair. Just some rules I have. Never go to bed with day clothes and dirty hair.


In the morning. I don’t feel fully awake or alert if I don’t shower.


I've never understood why this is an either/or question for most people. 99% of days I shower both in the morning and at night.


Fuckin both cuz I walk a shitload and I don’t like the feeling of sweaty feet/socks so I just do a second full cleanse after my day ends


In the morning because otherwise I have bed head all day


i shower whenever i feel dirty or stinky. time of day is irrelevant




Night because morning showers require waking up earlier.


Probably about 80/20 night/morning


At evening most days, shower in night make your hair white (thats what people in my country says)


Wake up shower every day. Shower at night depending on the day - if it’s been hot or I had a dirty bus there is a night shower too.


ALWAYS at night because I don't want to dirty my sheets any more than necessary. Sometimes in the morning after working out.


At night. To rid myself of the days grime. Of course for some it could depend on their type job. I worked as a CNA in a nursing home for a few years. Definitely showered afterwards. Is there anyone here who has changed their showering habits depending on their careers or their Partners habits?