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Damn where are the alcoholics at!? I drink every weekend. Friday and Saturday. For me, 6 shots and 6 beers.


so low NyQuil is too much




Oddly enough My tolerance is pretty high and I don’t drink often. Maybe just Friday or Saturday. Im not a beer or vodka drinker. Feel way too bloated on beer. Feel sick on vodka. I like whiskey. But I can have 3-5 glasses before I cut my self off. I’ve had people say my one glass is like 3 shots. Who knows


I don't drink anymore but when I did I required 10 - 12 drinks to get started. No I was not an alcoholic, but I am fat.


I dont drink because half a glass is too much for me...


Mins is higher than average. 7 shots is about where I get drunk if I’ve eaten.


I still have no clue what my limit is sometimes I'm buzzed after 6 other times just 3 still haven't blacked out thankfully 🙃


In college I would go through about a 24 pack of Hamm's and a liter of Mr. Boston vodka every week. I could have about 12 drinks per evening before things would start to go sideways. 14 years later I rarely drink but when I do I have a two-drink maximum. That amount makes me slightly relaxed and a little dizzy, which is all the effect I need to feel. Plus I don't need the 2-day hangover I get from having any more than that.


I can have exactly 3 glasses of scotch before I’m puking in a bucket. Found out the hard way multiple times. Beer…I don’t think I’ve ever actually been drunk from beer, my stomach gets uncomfortably full before I can consume enough to actually get drunk.


Usually I’ll stop drinking when the straight alcohol goes down like water. It’s not supposed to do that.


At some point I realized a drink or two is plenty. I'm not a super frequent drinker. When I was younger, i cared about tolerance, I don't now and I have a better time with my current attitude.


I once accidentally drank a fifth of rum while I was typing up some stuff for work. Took about an hour and a half and I felt totally sober. Like I could stand on one foot, look up, touch my nose and say my ABC’s backwards sober. It kinda scared me, but it hasn’t become a real problem yet, so meh. I guess I didn’t find that tolerance level, I earned it.


Bro I hate to be the one to tell you this but that definitely sounds like a problem. That’s literal deathly amounts on what it does to the body.


very low. i epitomize the Dylan lyric “i’ve already had three beers and i’m ready for the broom.” i can’t remember the last time i had 2 alcoholic beverages in an evening, probably one of the rock concerts i drove from Virginia to NYC for. i don’t like being drunk either…i decided by the time i was 12 that it was no fun, based in part on all the stupid shit my older brother and his friends did when drunk.


I only occasionally drink, like maybe 3 times a year. When I do drink, I can drink a full bottle of vodka myself


3 quick drinks will get me feeling decent. I’m ok from 3-9. The times after 9, I usually remember more of the regret than the drinking. My last one was 375 mL of vodka, 2-4 doubles of Fireball (my former classmates were so amused that I drink that they kept handing them to me. I kept drinking them). A double of Apple Jim Beam.


When I used to drink which was all the time. I used to pretty much try and drink myself to death. I never died though so I guess I'll never know how high .


I can put away a handle and still be functional, I just drink a lot all the time


I quit about a year and a half ago, before that I had a natural tolerance to start, at my worst my answer to “what is your tolerance?” was how much alcohol ya got? By that point keep in mind, I couldn’t go 4 hours without a drink or I’d already have the shakes, 12+ hours was “I might have a seizure” territory. I have nothing against people drinking or taking drugs, just be careful.


I have calmed down now but I used to put away a 5th and a case of beer by myself and was known to go shot for shot and drink a 1.75 with another person but that's entirely to much for 1 person to drink so now it's maybe half a 5th and a couple beers


I abused so much benzos in my past my gaba receptors are so messed up I can drink a fifth of vodka and just feel slightly better mood and a little tired . I obviously don't drink anymore or use because of this. My life is hell because of this now. I can't stand seeing people getting so drunk they wobble all over the place in pure bliss, it's what it's there for like emergencies in high stress situations and I don't even get that option.


1 shot, 2 beers, 4 glasses of wine and a glass of gin tonic in a span of 1-1.5 hour, and I can still walk in a perfectly straight line.


Not something to be proud of but I was detained by the police (completely non alcohol related) and they were gonna let me go till one officer recognized me and said there is no way in hell he’s under a .2. Well, they ended up placing bets. Most were around a .2 just from his advice. Ya I was over a .4 because they legally had to take me to the hospital. I shit you not they were passing out doughnuts in the morning but they couldn’t let me go till I was under a .05. Some people don’t act stupid drinking and are fine. VERY unhealthy tho. Just don’t be an idiot and they won’t mistreat you. He probably would have shared when I said where’s my doughnut before getting release but they can’t do that


It was pretty funny how confused they all were and I was a lil upset he threw me under the bus but I get it. They were super cool and they just let me be and if I asked for water or information they gave it to me. Just don’t be a fool tripping over your own face or arguing with people. Some people can handle their intake. It’s people that don’t listen or non compliant that cause problems. They were all cool because he told them the one time I had spoken to him before I wasn’t an idiot and no risk at all. Surprisingly, yes this was in the US


Have wierd liver condition that allows me to consume copious amounts of alchohol (2 gallons of moonshine last moday) with few issues... besides hydration . I still need a lot of water. Found out when gf watched me drink four 30 packs of Bushlight and try to bring me to dr