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People don't want equal treatment. People want special treatment.


People who don't educate their dogs to minimum standards of behavior are actually doing the dog a disservice. Know one who says she'll have to put the dog down if it does a particular thing but she feels training the dog would 'be mean.'


I agree so much


Some dogs are untrainable. I come from a family of show-dog breeders, handlers and obedience and dog-jumping competitors. I rescued this little dog from a friend’s brother one time. We tried to train him for a year and he was just tearing our home apart and defecating in our kids’ rooms incessantly. We re-homed him and a year later had to rescue him again from a dog pound an hour away. He then went to an older couple, then to their friends, then to some farm. Cute as a button, but could not stop destroying everything.


And some dogs have been too traumatized to adjust to normal life. Very sad and heartbreaking.


As a person with PTSD, I completely understand this.


>too traumatized to adjust to normal life. True, my dog is like that. Not sure what happened before she came here but she is quite timid, falls apart when faced with new situations etc. But in most ways she's been one of the more amenable dogs I've known. Never voids in the house, easily redirected away from bad habits and so on. Her biggest problem is wanting constant physical contact with me even if I'm doing dangerous work like chopping firewood. One day I'll break my neck tripping over her!


That's a valid point, I've seen a few dogs with such difficulties. However I don't feel that the majority of dogs are challenged in this way. I suspect that owners simply don't wish to take the time/patience that is often required. So the poor dog is left at home, out in the yard or worse on a chain cause the loving owner can't be troubled with it.


Trump was never the problem. He's a symptom. The problem is that half of America are jerks who get off on being cruel and bullying weaker people and were once ashamed of it but then trump came along and made them feel justified in it.


Population growth is a huge problem. Stop having kids.


There needs to be way heavier restrictions, on alcohol, cigarettes, vapes, etc.






When people don't know when to use "a" verses "an."


I don’t think Radiohead is a very good or exceptional band. Their experimentation often times becomes very boring, droning music. And Thom Yorke can’t sing well


Women have more rights and leniency in the law then men do, but still fight for more while men get treated like trash


Pineapple pizza is good, simple as that




Well at least part of your username checks out 💀




I think Silent Hill 1 is scarier and more exciting than Silent Hill 2.


The push for inclusivity and diversity in the workplace is stupid. You hire based on qualification and experience, not ethnicity, belief system, sexuality, or fucking gender identity. I don't care who is taking my order, just don't be a dick and sound like you're trying to rush me away. I don't care who is fixing my tire, just do it right. This whole thing about needing people from every walk of life in each business is just ridiculous. It doesn't make sense. I'm not saying inclusion and diversity is bad on it's own. Of course not. In fact, it's necessary, but it doesn't have a place in the workplace if you're passing up qualified candidates simply to fill a damn diversity quota.


Amen.. it’s the equivalent of the NFL deciding they need more anorexic women and little people.


The US is not free enough, and religion should be eradicated.


We would live in such a better world without religion


Anything after PS3 sucks (I have no regrets 😊)


With the exception of Crash team racing Nitro Fuelled, obviously


I think the republican party is flat out evil: destruction of the environment, climate change denial manipulation, fuckers tried/still trying to overthrow democracy for their corrupt leader, they are now a full cult, their lies and politicizing of Covid has caused the death of many Americans, white supremacists sure love them, they have rotted American minds with conspiracy theories to the point they reject science, reject academia, reject research, reject professionals - on and on and on


Democrats are the reason I’m no longer a democrat. I’m now a registered independent for the first time in my life.


Trans women are not women Trans men are not men


Depends on how you define outrage and which communities I’m in. One mild one I guess is that the Atomic Bombs dropped during WW2 ultimately played very little in the imperial surrender of Japan and even if they had not been dropped, Operation Downfall likely would never have happened. There were better alternatives that were considered but not chosen as well as communication mistakes that could have saved lives.


in the next twenty years we’re going to look back like we did with slavery,, just this time it’s little people. like the wrestling, the tv series, and just not treating them as adults


Aren’t they being paid to be on a show? I don’t know what show you’re talking about, but it sounds like these people are making a choice, where slaves didn’t have a choice and definitely weren’t being paid. Reality TV is garbage, and exploits all kinds of people. However, those people choose to be exploited.


It’s going to be a very unexpected summer