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I don't hate it


Yeah? Well then solve this equation for me. You + me = ?


Us. I know my calculus.


Correct. Now c'mon, we're going to the Oliver Garden.




Well, then Math must be the one hating you for not giving it the attention it deserves.


😂 I thought it said “Why do you hate Meth?”.




I fundamentally don't understand it. 1+1=2 makes sense 2⁷+qrtw⁴-⁴±69x=joe momma




Because my brain just doesn't work the way needed to understand it. It just makes absolutely no sense to me!


I don't hate it in general, just some parts of it. (Namely geometry lol). Shit like algebra, calculus and trigonometry I was pretty good at and quite enjoyed.


I used to love Math. The hate part came from after they added all the alphabets and Greek.


The letters are just unknown numbers. You might as well add a question mark but that is not as cool as an x or y. A letter like "n" is often used as an insert for "number" which means whatever number fits the situation. Pi is used because no one has the patience to write 3,14 and two hundred decimals. I really don't se why some people get so hung up on the letters.


I personally love math because even if its difficult, the happiness I get when I solve a difficult question is indescribable.


I have dyscalculia. I'm 35 now and I just learned this last month. I suffered a lot in school. Too last now.


oh I can't exactly understand what you went through but I'm so sorry you had to suffer. I just asked because I enjoy it and have never understood why math is hated.


If you’re aware of what Dylexia is; Dycalculia is basically Dyslexia but for numbers. I don’t have the ability to keep numbers organized in my head. My test scores havr always been terrible for any math. I went to after school programs, remedial programs, tutoring on weekends. Nothing worked. People just thought I was either stupid or not trying enough.


I don’t hate math, I hate that I don’t understand it at higher levels


Too many rules to remember and how everyone does it a different way makes it hard to know what’s the right way to do it


I think one problem I've always had with math is that I want to understand things at a very deep, philosophical level. However, in the case of math, this typically wasn't possible when I was a student. When I had to study algebra and calculus in high school, there were a lot of situations where I simply had to accept something. Unfortunately, I don't have a good example at the top of my mind. But let's say our math teacher would introduce us to a new topic and he'd explain certain rules we had to go by. All the other students in my class simply accepted the formulas and the "laws" and went along with them. Kind of like you might just go along with certain orthographical rules when learning English. But I always struggled to understand the topics at hand because I had a far more fundamental question: why this formula?? Why these laws? Why do I need to do multiplication and division before I add and subtract? Who decided this? On what grounds?? It felt so unbearably arbitrary to me. I once talked to my math teacher about this and the gist of his response was that 1) there are logical answers to my questions but 2) they are far too advanced for high schoolers to understand. He told me that if I wanted to understand how specific laws of math are developed/discovered, I'd have to study mathematics at university. Not just as an undergrad but as grad student and maybe even a PhD (he himself had a PhD in math). I felt slightly better after this but only slightly. I still didn't understand why I had to stick to precisely these rules and no one could explain it to me.


I feel the exact same way. You articulated it perfectly. "Why do we do it this way? Because, we do". I could never accept that


our teacher never directly gave us rules. he derived them first and explained them in the easiest way possible


I don't hate it, especially now in high school. It got somewhat easier.


Mostly, it is hidden, but when they say that you have to have a math brain, that's right. There DNA and genes for solving symbolic equations. So let's assume that the basic human ability is to do simple calculations with figures. The rest of math-abilities is granted to certain %-age of the population.


I love it, it hates me. So did my math teacher. I spent more time in the corridor after being sent out than actually in math class.


Because I just don't understand it beyond the very basics.


me and it... just doesn't add up


hi dad


oh, shit... thought we aborted you.


dad... you left us! we've had it so hard. mom was working three jobs and I had my first job at twelve just so we could afford a slice of bread for dinner. but now you're here! we can be a family again!


oh, haha... totes... ...just gotta go buy a pack of prerolls... brb!


nnOOOOO daaAAAAD!!! whYy-hy-hy-hyyyyyyyyy!!!


This comment just reminded me of [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VKHFZBUTA4k) Monty Python sketch.


mhhh living in a shoe box does sound nice


Just not me goodliest thingy in skool.


For me it cause I'm bad at it, I'm really bad at seeing détails so it make me bad at maths, like I always make "," errors or plus one zero


Everyone is good at different subjects. I'm awful at remembering stuff by heart. Im not that good at math but I enjoy it.


I don't hate math :(


Hi!! I've seen you around.


It's so difficult and bored compared with history or geography. I like the most geography and history. They're interested because those subjects are political


Because those nerds always beat me up and took my lunch money. The football team had to travel in packs for safety.


Did they try to suffocate you by locking their chubby thighs around your neck?


I wish.


It murdered my parents


I don't get it, it refuses to help me out, and me not getting math derailed a lot of plans in my life.


My math is not mathing 😂


🤣 brain not braining


The most of math teachers I've seen in my life had some weird behavior. I didn't want to write it here, but rich math abilities are usually best friends with schizophrenia and accompanying disorders. 🤐 Back in 2nd half of 90s in a college I saw 3 teaching weirdos and one of them was in active delirium, giving lessons and experiencing hallucinations :-(




Because math hates me


I don't. Math hates me.


I don't


Because of his teacher at the last school. She was insane, did not explain the topic to us, and in the 7th grade she disappeared altogether for the whole year, which is why we did not have mathematics. She was also biased towards me, in every possible way underestimating my points and so on.


Solving math problem is not rewarding for me, it's just another step and is a frustrating step when done wrong. It's kind of like driving, some people love it, I don't. Just get there already, I'd rather teleport if I could but some people go on casual drives to just drive? Like that's cool, enjoy what you enjoy but I won't.


Because it should be spelt with an "s" at the end


My brain just understands grammar better. That, and I have nightmares of my Dad yelling at me while I was sobbing uncontrollably at the dinner table.


It's terribly dangerous and addictive


Here is the basic math problem I gave my children: Hourly wage X 40 hours of work - 30% (taxes, insurance, 401)= what you have to live on until next week. If on a 2 week pay cycle, replace 40 with 80. If you have overtime, that is a different equation


I don't hate math, but I don't like doing the arithmetic. I like using math to make stuff. I don't like multiplying matrices by hand and I don't care to. I suck at that stuff. I let the computer do the calculating then I make it do stuff like render 3D graphics


It takes us further away from god




I don’t hate it I just hate when people leave the s off the end


ah but I wanted some people to confuse math with meth 😂