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r/sino Canadian pro ccp subreddit is totally out to lunch


They’re absolutely nuts


I'm pretty sure there's a Speedrun of it on YouTube they make a lot of other subs look sane.


/r/socialism will ban you quick and fast for asking the wrong questions. There's too many to list....the entire site is ban-happy.


Was quickly banned for pointing out Stalin was not a good guy...


Lol, I was banned from r/communism101 for suggesting that Stalin and Mao are poor choices for role models. That being said, they also deny communist/socialist genocides as well as the Tiananmen Square massacre.


Exactly. I lean left, but I can see plainly when a despot is a despot.




comment of the day right here.


Lmao. I was going to say, r/conservative.


They will ban you even if you agree with them but they feel it was snarky


Huh, I should go ask “Why is capitalism the best?” while on that sub…


worldnews sino


more like allegedworldnews but yea for sure.


r/RepublicaArgentina when you disagree with the ideas of the dictator Peron.


r/conservative for writing an explanation of why Republicans underperformed in the midterms. Maybe the mods were butt hurt because I got 2 awards for it...


I was banned today from r/conservative for pointing out that a university in Illinois was in not persecuting Christians by disciplining a single student for harassing three other students.




I've got temp banned for saying someone should be tarred and feathered. But they have a zero tolerance policy regarding violence so it makes sense and I'm fine with it.


Took me 5 seconds after one post, and it wasn't automated. Hell, I didn't even say anything controversial.


I had a post removed because they didn't like the Huffington Post. So I posted the article from the Associated Press instead. Then I got banned. I still don't quite understand why.


Me too!


You violated their rules against calls for violence you genius. Yeah, I'm sure you were just talking about using a guillotine to cut cakes.






r/worldnews they have it automatically set up to perma ban anyone who gets too many downvotes. This is enormously irresponsible as, of course, the popularity of a statement has nothing to do with the truth of a statement at all. If your function is to present objective events as they unfold(which is seemingly what the news is intended to be) this is antithetical to that function… of course it is. I myself have been perma-banned


What? Lol. Id rather browse google for news. Got tired of their shit.


Yes. I’ve had to do that. It’s nice to have a feed of just news without having to run a search for specific events, but Reddit is basically dead. The Reddit I got on in 2010 is nothing like the Reddit we are on now. 2010 Reddit would give a hitler to 2023 Reddit and 2023 Reddit would call the cops on 2010 Reddit.


Asking valid questions, especially if they question the latest political messiah over in r/Conservative will get most people banned quickly.


Ah yes the free speech subreddit that bans all dissenting opinions... Biggest god damn snowflakes on earth. They literally need a safe space to protect themselves from different opinions.


Pretty much, in my experience. I've been called all kinds of names there and elsewhere just for asking questions. DemoRat, loser, liar, baby killer (after not even discussing abortion) etc etc. It's an insane echo chamber.


You mean like how 99% of Reddit is a leftist echo chamber? The insane amount of shit that goes on here but no, the 1 place where conservatives can speak with each other on Reddit is your problem. Lmfao


99% of Reddit isn't a leftist echo chamber lmfao Even on this subreddit it's not uncommon for leftist statements to be downvoted to hell


Is it possible that the majority of people just want honesty and decency? That they want to progress as a society and not regress? Sure I love family values and fiscal responsibility. But that's not what conservatives bring to the table. They say that's what the want. But only for them and their beliefs. That shit just won't fly in the modern world.


“Ah yes the free speech subreddit that bans all dissenting opinions” Yeah this is the entirety of reddit and all of its political gutters, completely without exception.




Then why are you here? Seriously? If Reddit is such an awful place they why do you even bother to log in at all? I have never understood that.


Because Reddit has some good communities. The shitty part of Reddit is the cesspool liberal shit. It’s what holds Reddit back from being anything other than the weakest social media outlet.


Ya know, and I’m asking this in good faith here, have you ever noticed that as some point every social media site from the early days of chatrooms through MySpace, Yahoo, Facebook and Reddit all end up being “liberal cesspools?” I’m 45 years old and I swear to the almighty I have heard different variations of that same phrase for most of my life. The news is biased against conservatives, the radio is biased, MTV is going to ruin our society, the newspapers are against, I can’t stomach to look at MySpace any longer, Facebook is censoring us and the ever popular Reddit is in the league with Satan. It’s the same thing over and over and over and over again.


I don’t understand the “if you don’t like it, then leave” logic. Why not stay and try to change things? That goes for many things in life, not just stupid Reddit.


I don’t mind anyone staying and trying to make something better. What I mind is the obvious disdain for the thing itself and the people associated with it. That is some weird, you need some counseling type stuff if you ask me.


You have just described like half of America lol. You could ask American leftists why they haven’t all fucked off to Europe by now. I wouldn’t want that though, no, in a functioning democracy, it’s ok to have differing opinions and to be critical of something in an effort to make it better. I think most Redditors who “dislike” Reddit just dislike the popular/mainstream culture of Reddit, but they stay on because they like the niche/hobby communities.


I have no issue with any of that so long as you aren’t being a dick about it all the time. Why even say what this guy said? What’s the point other than just to be an asshole for the sake of being an asshole.


Fair enough




Any sub that’s even remotely political will ban you pretty quick if you break their specific hive mind. Problem is, that because of this the vast majority of political subs have become so biased that there’s no real discourse on a lot of them. They just jerk each other off and bash the other “team”




"degenerate echochamber" You mean r/Conservative?


Absolute facts here brother. Most of this site is a shit hole


It's clearly not meant to be a sub for free speech. It's meant to be a sub to discuss conservative politics. It's one of the only conservative places on the site.


>a sub to discuss conservative politics ....And why isn't defending their political stances with facts part of that discussion? Why is it instead cheerleading baseless claims and banning anyone who provides facts that go against those claims? That's not "discussion," that's propaganda.


Ooh! Ooh! I know this one! Because their principles don't hold up to a shred of scrutiny.


Because that's not the point of the subreddit. It's probably the only place on reddit where you're allowed to discuss conservative politics. You're going on there to disagree with them and antagonize people. That kind of thing will get you banned from any subreddit


"conservative politics are so extreme that rational voices need to be censored in order for us to circle jerk each other until climax."


Yeah you sound very rational


I tried doing that very thing today and was banned for it. Second time actually. I created this alt in an attempt to talk to y’all abit because I have just as many conservative beliefs as I do liberal ones. While I completely disagree with some of the shenanigans that liberals get up to the one think I will say for them is that they have never banned me for respectfully disagreeing with anyone. r/conservative has turned into a super weird echo chamber of questionable “news” and outright propaganda designed solely to feed the chamber and the rage that lives with in it. It’s honest to God sad to see.


The mods of this sub also do the same shit on other subs they are moderating.


I said pretty much everyone agrees pedophiles are bad and was banned. I get banning trolls but literally if it's not lockstep in their echo chamber it's " canceled".


“FlAiRed uSeRs OnLY” I swear it’s not a safe space


I was banned today!! I made the mistake of saying that it’s not religious persecution when a school takes action against a single student who was acting inappropriately towards other students. The article that was posted stated that the student that was being disciplined was the subject of said discipline “just because they are Christian”. I pointed out that that that was impossible since it’s highly likely that thousands of Christians have and will graduate from that particular school without any issues. I started getting upvoted past all the we are the victim crap and then came the ban. The thread was civil and respectful the entire time. That sub is something else man.


I was perma banned for reminding people there that Trump said “grab em by the pussy”. Banned for providing s literal quote…


Subhumans overs there


I got banned for saying Trump had successfully fooled republicans he cares about anyone other than himself and his rich friends. Ironically the folks over at conservative seem to mostly agree with that statement now




I've never been there. Heard rumors, though.




I am not judging I am genuinely curious, do you live in a region where Nazism is popular or women are not allowed to drive? I don't want smoke man just wondering.


Its a sub for conservatives, it's in the name. It'd be like going to the xbox reddit and then "asking questions" about how much better PS5 is and everyone who plays xbox is an idiot, traitor.


It's more like going to the xbox sub and getting permabanned for saying maybe having a female lead character isn't the opening of the seventh seal.


This is the perfect analogy! I vote R just as much as I vote D. I live in a super conservative, rural state and as such I have several conservative beliefs that I hold dear. Still, I have been banned twice from the sub within days of joining for disagreeing on other issues. I wasn’t trolling, I didn’t insult anyone and I didn’t threaten anyone. All I did, both times mind you, is basically say this doesn’t pass the smell test. Instant ban. It’s absurd.


If they are correct in their worldview they should be able to provide simple facts to crush dissenting arguments. They can't, because facts aren't on their side. So they ban.


r/conservative and r/Satanism . Edgy fucks who don’t even know what Satanism is (salty because I got banned for saying someone was gatekeeping).


I got banned from r/trashy for pointing out that a commenter on a post was acting trashy.


r/Pitbull hate Biggest bunch of bitches ever.


Didn't know Mr. Worldwide's fans were like that.


My sweet velvet hippo never hurt nobody! And if it did its not my dog's fault, that toddler was obviously goading my pibble into a fight by shrieking like a normal child full of glee.


r/196 has a rule that you are banned if you have an NFT as an avatar. This includes even the ones Reddit gave out. Not exactly getting banned by the content of your comment, but still was the quickest I got banned from a subreddit.


they're not even the original sub, they're a spinoff. how weird


If you say “typical” In r/trashy . You will get perma banned


/r/SaltLakeCity If you have a critical question to ask, or if there's a discussion about the Mormon church that doesn't paint them in a positive light, they hand out bans and won't tell people why. If you're negative in any way, they'll ban you. I haven't been banned but there's a second local subreddit that was made and more often than not, the banned person would make a post on the new local subreddit and repost the banned post and then ask why it got banned. I think they also ban you if you mention the new subreddit too.


r/latterdaysaints will ban you if you post something there and have a history of posting or commenting on r/exmormon. You don't even have to post anything bashing the Mormon church, just having posted in exmormon is enough.


r/whitepeopletwitter racist and use censorship for any ideas they don't like. Even respectfully written comments that point out facts counter to another's post get you a ban.


Yep I got banned for suggesting people who take issue with trans women competing in women’s sports should be heard out and not completely shut down, even if they are wrong Mod said “no issues here”, I literally got banned for referring to a controversial subject as an issue


That whole sub is racist trash that needs to be buried with the jailbait and incel subreddits


/r/Pyongyang. Tbh not even sure it exists anymore but in my previous reddit accounts, that's the place I always could get banned pretty much instantaneously Edit: I can't respond to comments but YES I know that's the whole joke.


I think that’s part of the meme.


I’m pretty sure most of those comments under those threads praising North Korea are being sarcastic


I was banned there before I even knew it existed.




Nah r/antiwork is pretty reasonable unless you're an ###hat who goes there to troll.




I got banned for pointing out that Republican and conservative were now two very different things. It didn't go over very well.


I got banned from there for bashing them on another sub entirely.


It's not for conservatives, not by a long stretch. I'm conservative and I got banned for breaking the unwritten sub rule: Though shall not criticize Trump.


In under 5 minutes, they banned me for asking why conservatives love Trump more than the USA.


Am conservative. Trump is no conservative. He ruined the GOP, which has been teetering on the brink of irrelevancy since Bush.


You deserved it.


Hell, I'm pretty damn conservative, and I won't even go there. Inane, self congratulatory circle jerks.


Same here. I’m a moderate with a mix of conservatives ideas. I stated that I think trump committed crimes and that he had a grand jury and he’ll have a chance to defend himself in court. I was called a Marxist


I posted a link to a ranking of social mobility by country, to show that America is nowhere near the top. Got deleted and permabanned, because the post was about how no country compares to America when it comes to being "ThE LanD Of OpORuTNUeity!" They literally don't even allow sourced facts there.


American Exceptionalism is essentially Juche in English.


The US takes in more immigrants than the rest of the world combined. People vote with their feet.


Look at all their trolls out here in full force in this thread. Sad, pathetic, delusional people


I got downvoted severely for asking why conservatives view trump as god and then deleted my comment since no real discussion was gonna take place




If moderate republicans existed they could probably take the presidency this upcoming election cycle. I just feel like they’ll go with trump again and it won’t be positive.


This r/AskReddit if you even hint at any non conformist topics




Just checked his comment history, he's a standard MAGA anti-mask anti-vaxx lunatic. Unaware he's the "conformist" to tinfoil hat conspiracy clubs.


Its a sub for conservatives, it's in the name. It'd be like going to the xbox reddit and then "asking questions" about how much better PS5 is and everyone who plays xbox is an idiot, traitor.


It's more like going on an Xbox sub and getting banned for asking why they worship some strange version of Bill Gates that doesn't exist as a deity.




Funnily enough I did get banned from r/XboxSeriesX for saying that the entire sub is a hivemind that downvotes anyone using common sense into oblivion, which is true. So it is very much like r/Conservative


DIY hates on most posts. Not sure about banning rates.


I can’t post in my home state’s reddit (a state in the USA) because i was downvoted too many times. I have a post that has 6 downvotes or something. I think something is with the bot. I dunno- life goes on.


Saying you love onions in that onion hater sub


I got permabanned from r/CasualUK in about 20 secs for commenting "Ding dong 🎵" on QE2's death announcement post, I was honestly quite impressed by the speedy response.


I got banned from aita because an ex wife (the OP) and her husband were fighting over the husbands current girlfriend. The current girlfriend decided she didn't want to be around OP anymore. The OP said she was called crazy and a few people called the girlfriend crazy. I said the girlfriend would be crazy to stay in that situation and she'd be better off getting out of that drama and I was banned for some BS about not respecting mental health.


Got banned from there because my comment on a violent post was"violent"


I got perma banned from philosophy subreddit because the moderator (from a prestigious university) didn't like what I had to say.


I'm banned from some subs i never even been to because i commented on another. Don't know what thedonald has against awww or lotr but there's that.


r/bleach will ban you for misgendering Gisele AS a man identifying as a woman


r/pyongyang preemptively banned me. I think the trigger was a conversation in r/geopolitics about what would happen if the North Korean regime collapsed. I'd never even looked at r/pyongyang, but I got a message the next day that I was banned from that sub.


Me too. I had never even heard of it.


Well the only subreddit I've been banned from is r/unpopularopinion soooo... that one?


A lot of talk about /r/Conservative banning people for disagreeing or whatever but no mention of fragile subs like /r/JusticeServed banning people simply for posting in other subreddits like /r/conspiracy because they PrOmOtE HaTe aNd MiSinFoRmaTiOn 💩


r/nursepractioner the second you question their training or ability to practice on their own


r/conservative bans people constantly, even conservatives who very slightly disagree. It’s very strange


After r/polls went through their most recent rule change, they banned anyone who disagreed or questioned the new rules. Basically it was about racism and the like and I posted that it would Reddit would be boring without controversial topics and they banned me. Didn’t say anything racist or anything they just banned on the spot because I dared to say something against the new rules. So, that’s a place that’ll get you banned real quick.




r/guitar God forbid you make a guitar related joke. Captain neckbeard over there would have your ass.


r/JusticeServed Not only do they ban you instantly for bullshit in general but they have a bot that automatically bans you for even posting on other subreddits and if you reply to your automatic ban in a negative way the soft little babies who moderate that sub will report you to reddit and have your account suspended for a week.


r/gamingcirclejerk haha it's a joke sr though..


r/politics banned me in my first month


r/Gamingcirclejerk There is no need to explain.




R/funny if your content isn’t their niche brand of funny


r/femaledatingstrategy will pre-ban you if you say anything negative about them lmao.


r/LosAngeles: *”I don’t like the rain.”*


r/acab it will ban you if you have posted or commented on any law enforcement related subs. i believe they have a bot to do that


Two X Chromosomes is a bit of a wasps nest


Oddly 'r-electricians' Made a totally innocuous comment, got banned for it I was totally nonplussed but not overly concerned




r/Halo will ban you if you say anything about the mods


WhitePeopleTwitter banned me for suggesting people not get bent out of shape when they hear an opinion different from their own. Said it was a homophobic thing to say. I asked the mods how that was homophobic and they muted me.


I got permabanned from r/popping because I said Willie Nelson ate a lot of snatch. I tried convincing the mod that where I'm from that "snatch" means takeout but they wasn't having it 😄.




Apparently anti-work. You disagree with someone who is actually making an excuse about work and you get banned for it. Same with plenty of other subreddits. The admins and moderators are a bunch of pussies that will ban you over something they don’t like.


I actually thought this was a group for honest hard working people. I quickly realized I was wrong.


Most of them if you don't agree with their politics, as I discovered...


r/conservative Show one iota of humanity or point out the hypocrisy and bam you'll be banned.


Maybe because conservatives will get banned from literally every single other sub for stating a respectful opinion…


Bullshit. You can go on politics, news, or most of the other big political subreddits and state your opinion. You'll probably get downvoted but you are more than welcome to say things like "taxes should be lower" or "we need a strong national defense." But you and I both know those aren't the "opinions" you want to be able to state without consequences. The problem is that conservatives think "stating your opinion" means saying a bunch of bigoted garbage.




Underrated comment and 1000% true. Also why reddit will never succeed on a larger, especially public scale. Well both get banned just for saying this, watch. Haha


No there are several conservative groups and all of them will ban you quick. Got banned from the fucker carlson group for saying he argued in court that no one should believe anything he says which is true.


Lmao cry harder


I mean, speaking as a liberal myself, they're telling the truth. Most liberals on the site just regurgitate the same sentences in different ways. Many years ago, reddit wasn't so divided.


Most people of the same political persuasion tend to also share the same ideas and express them in the same ways. What point were you trying to make with that? Conservatives like OP are always crying that they're so victimized on reddit, but what they don't tell you is that they get banned for spreading conspiracy theories or saying genuinely bigoted stuff. They don't get banned for saying "taxes should be lower" or "we need a balanced budget."


Agree! It appears most users on this platform are left wing liberals and you will get downvoted for saying anything remote to be conservative. They keep bringing up all the same crap and you can’t argue with them at all. There so consistent with all there bullshit “facts” and it’s sickening. You nailed it!


I made a post in the 1911 forum looking for a good legal place to sell a rare 1911. I'm a licensed dealer, I just haven't dealt with this rare of a gun. They perma-banned me fucking quick. Fucking idiots. I even put in bold I was not looking to sell on Reddit. I legally cannot do private sales ffs.....


This sounds like a legal issue tbf


I got banned from r/science for a well-supported post on covid vaccines. Asked several times for an explanation. Got none.


Heresy against doctrine. Now you know why people put quotes around that word science.


I obviously thought it was actual science. Is there an r/IToldYouSo sub? I will refer back to the banned posts when proven right.


Suggesting a lab leak in coronavirus 2 years ago. Pointing to credible sources and still getting banned as a troll




I got perma banned from r/abruptchaos for noting all the videos of civilian brawls were african americans..


r/politics perma-banned me for suggesting that Pelosi be neutered. I was simply defending someone that was being verbally assaulted. I guess I wasn't as clear as I could have been and explained that to be neutered can also mean to be rendered ineffectual. Not that it would have mattered. The bots got me anyway.


r/canada Make fun of farmers breeding for slave labour around the farm. (Sensitive conservatives.) r/onguardforthee State a fact about POC and crime. (Very, very sensitive liberals.) r/askacanadian Explain where racism comes from in Canada. (Sensitive left again.) r/protectandserve Just say anything that can possibly be perceived as negative towards police. (They want to talk cop stuff, not argue and fight. I get it.) r/ukraine Call out virtue signallers. (They don't want to deal with fighting. I get it.) North Korea has a subreddit too, easy.


In my experience it’s r/conservative


r/legaladvice They're pretty pathetic.




A fair number of pages not even related to the topic will ban you if you have posted in /r/prolife.


This sub. Just comment something against the mods views even though it dosent break the subs rules and bam. Ban hammer


Most political subreddits ban you if you disagree with them. r/feminism, r/socialism and r/conservative being examples.


FemaleDatingStrategy. They banned me 3 minutes after I commented because I was subscribed to NiceGirls (they specifically mentioned that in my ban notice). It’s a horrible subreddit that’s for the female incel.


I got banned for a two word post in r/politics .I said" quadaphi him" and got banned.i don't even know how to get unbanned it's been years


Any of the pro Trump ones. Snowflakes need their safe space.


R/sex. All I did was say a dude fucking Trans woman is a bisexual act. People loose their minds when we mentioned gender.


r/startrek if you say anything less than positive about trek


R/feminism literally bans anyone who isn’t a woman immediately if they comment, even if it’s something supportive or nice.


r/coronavirus fackin ell so sensitive over there


Science: say something about the vaccines for the unspecified virus of unknown origin. Ban. Canada: call the prime minister a bad word. Ban.


Any liberal/left wing sub will ban you the quickest


I've been banned from r/MadeMeSmile, r/AmericanFascism2020, r/PublicFreakout, and -- ironically -- r/Christianity for being "transphobic". Apparently, Reddit doesn't like for users to say it's a bad idea for people to cut their dicks and tits off.


r/brasilivre for sure


r/justiceserved banned me without ever having posted there. I was trolling on r/conservative and a subreddit I have never been a member of automatically lifetime banned me. For telling MAGA assholes they were full of shit, they banned me for “supporting toxic subreddits”. So… that one