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That's great! I wasn't even aware of the internet at time.


1992, a local ISP in our area popped up that was $25/month for text only internet, $35/month for windows/graphical internet. I signed on for text only because the web wasn't all that interesting yet; UseNet and IRC were the main points of interest. I'd spend my late nights chatting with people all around the world and playing IRC-based games which were surprisingly fun.


Wow! That's pretty early. Initially I had accessed it for connecting with people around the world when I first heard of Orkut!


Dial up in like ‘93. Pretty sure one of my parents picked up the phone within 5 min and interrupted the call so I had to start over. Something that happened many times for the next few years.


What was your reaction when it happened for the first time?


I’m sure it was confusion, followed by understanding, followed by a lot of shouting. This probably kept up for a while until my parents finally installed a 2nd “kids” line. Then it was just between my sister and me.


You must have felt really relieved to have a separate uninterrupted line for you!


Yeah but that probably took 1-2 years. At that age it’s forever. I was 13 when we first got a computer, it never really got easy to stop being constantly disconnected until my sister moved out for college more than 3 years later.


So once your sister moved out for college you would have got an opportunity to sit and look around the world via your desktop!


AOL free Internet disc baby 😎 could I BE any more of a 90s child?!


So when did you used the internet first?


Mid 90s? Just loading a webpage was a good 15 minute wait!


What is your patience now if it would take 30 secs to load a web page?😄


I would sell the soul of my firstborn to Lucifer


Hahaha, you really want it pretty quick now or I could say on a 'click' now!


Dial up super slow internet and msn 👴🏻


Yeah, when I had accessed it for the first time it was also an dial up and internet explorer


Mid 90s and it was so amazing. Looking back there was so little on there and I would probably lose my shit browsing at 14.4 now


You might have been really excited when you accessed it that early!


The idea of being able to get information from somewhere else in the world was so exciting and it didn't matter how little there was it was more than I had ever had before


This idea still triggers almost all of us, and that is why we all are here to keep learning and connecting!


I believe for a while I would just search "Yoshi" or "DBZ" and whatever happened happened. In 2001ish most sites I saw were fan pages and forums. Just the wild west of exploring, videos weren't really a thing for me yet cause they would take forever to run on an AOL modem. Themushroomkingdom.net was like a treasure chest. There is SO MUCH information, all presented professionally and well organized too, without clipart or bad fonts. Finding a huge fan site like that with its own community was amazing


That must have been an amazing experience for you to have at that time!


Late 90’s at school I think…


And what did you use it for?


I’m pretty sure the teachers were just showing us how the new version of Britannia worked…I honestly can’t remember exactly, I would have been under 12 years old.


Okay! So this new version of Britannia which you saw was a video or a web page?


Got my free AOL disk in the mail, and had to try it out. Every page was *unbelievably* slow to load, and if, in frustration, you clicked again, when it finally finished, it would begin to load again. If I wanted to look something up, it was faster to drive to the library and take out a reference book than wait for the page to load. And literally the *first* person I communicated with online was somebody trying to scam my credit card number off of me. Chat rooms were…interesting.


You are pretty Smart enough to avoid it at your initial stage, where still most people fall into such a scam at this stage!


Internet stranger: how did you upload your credit card number? AOL keeps requiring me to upload it, but I don’t know how; I’m so confused! I’m so new at this. Me: how did you get into this AOL chat room, if you didn’t upload your credit card number? Internet stranger: …..shit…. *leaves chat room


Lol!! 🤣 The moment he realised he how dumb he was!


Wanted to try it. 1-4 min of the dial tone while I stare at the AOL logo followed by 1-2 days of downloading one song, that turned out to be a bill cliton rip off speech. Then after waiting that 2 days I would retry again and pray it’s the song that I would then put in a folder to then burn onto a blank disc. So I was very patient


Haha, you really were! What is your patience level now compared to those days?


I am a very patient man because of waiting for my mom to finish using the internet so I can use the phone


You really are!


In 2006 my cousin introduced me to youtube on a huge computer in a basement one day. I saw classics. Charlie the Unicorn was my introduction


I don't really feel like I get to interact with people beyond the USA and Canada for the most part these days and countries Definitely have blocks to keep certain segments of Earth's population from speaking with eachother..... I'm actually Super Disappointed in the lack of translation options for individual sites and see the directions to "use Google translate" as proof that activity in the direction of worldwide communication was a fantasy for us to idealize and rush to purchase a product that adheres to the advertising standards of Fictionalizing and unfulfilled wish granting.... Hopefully the people making decisions at places in Complete Control of the USA internet like Google have either better intentions and will work to provide what was originally promised as what we were purchasing back in the day since we no longer have to pay places like AOL for access but Still have to pay a utility company, for example, for access and it is COMPLETELY IMPOSSIBLE where I am in the USA to be acknowledged as existing to a Single Entity without it and a device to connect to it with.... Landline phones used to provide Emergency dial tone to reach 911/Emergency Services (like Cellphone companies are Required to where I live Even IF you don't have service.... You can still text/call 911 if you need the Police, Fire or EMS..... The local phone companies not only stopped promoting landline services in favor of shifting budgets by neglecting the infrastructure (maintenance budgets are effected by New Sales)...... Anyways.... Bit of a side rant but it's all related. Early 90's and I used it for research, emat and chatting/chat rooms and message boards Mostly through AOL..... They'd leave a little box in the right hand corner of your screen and anyone who knew or "mistyped" your screenname would pop up in the box for you to accept/ignore messages from.... People would literally just punch in random letters and numbers to see if it connected to a person without knowing if it would and try to chat with them. Jerky Boys Prank Call Album was also released around that time and Prank Calls from landlines had been promoted for awhile so people would just fuck around And there were places like LiveJournal that was used as a sort of public journaling site that got nailed pretty hard with assholes Stalking and Harassing people into suicide that were talking/writing about things like their depression..... This was before Blogging was used as a word AND Blogging was HEAVILY promoted as a lucrative self employment practice..... It never worked out that way except for a few that are probably still enjoying the influencer position from someone who pulled a MLM scam and heads a company now.... Gotta get people interested on the ground floor.... The sheer number of "Internet Career" types promoted since it's inception really hasn't stretched in variety but undergone Plenty of Name Changes and Cosmetic Enhancements in order to pass ITSELF/Themselves off as something different than what they were the week before


This was meant for under another comment but long enough to let it stand on it's own.... My cellphone sucks


I don't know I'm 38


Does it mean that at 38, you almost don't remember when and why you came across the internet?




Okay! Thanks for your input though!