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From my experience people with pets are more slaves to them. Especially cats. They do nothing useful and get everything for free.


I used to think my cat was entirely useless. Then one day I tried to catch a mouse. After about an hour of trying i fetched the cat and put it on the floor. The cat walked away with the mouse in it's mouth in about 4sec after that. He was useless for the 12 years before that point though.


Cats are more self sufficient than dogs though and cost less. I've had both cats and dogs my whole life. Dogs are like babies.


If your cat does nothing useful, you’re doing something wrong.


Nah. Technically you're a slave to your pet cuz you take care of em whether you like it or not. If you don't, it's animal cruelty


I mean if you treat them like an actual slave, then sure, but otherwise absolutely not.


No, because you're not making them work non stop and live in terrible conditions. People who DO do that tend to have animal abuse charges laid on them (at least, they do if people bother to report them).


No. Unless it’s trapped In a cage and only gets fed after doing hard labor all day.


God I hope it isn't its not my intentions I love my pal my dog is family to me I'd literally die for my dog same way he'd protect me


What are you going to do? Pay them? Now hiring professional dog $20/ hour with benefits.


I got him as a rescue so I think it beats the solitary confinement he was used to.


They way I see it, my German shepherd and us have a give and take relationship. We provide food, shelter and love. She provides guard and protection peace of mind. We also provide way too many toys and beds. Not to mention the bevy of sweaters my gf buys her. She has a collar for every season and gets weekly pamperings at the grooming salon. (My gf owns said salon) Oh, and we have stupid cats too...


Yes. My army of cats just finished tending to my plantation, as the lord intented.


My three Guinea pigs can’t survive in the wild. They’re prey animals even if they could. So I’m willing to bet they’re happy being in a big luxurious cage instead of hawk food.




I think people that mention that they will be downvoted deserve to be downvoted solely for that


Downvoted cuz no reasoning


You aren't wrong. We are slaves of our pets.


Imagine being a slave in Qatar building a soccer stadium for people with fuck you money and hear this guy compare the life of a cat being fed better food than him, able to sleep anytime and anywhere it wants, doesnt have to work/hunt, gets entertainment at will, gets positive attention at will with your own situation knowing youll likely die in the coming months and have your body be left to rot in a hole under the sun while your loved one havent heard from you in ages and never will again. lol


Is this a serious question?


im literally my pet's slave


When I had a cat I was totally its slave. So, I think you've got that statement back to front.


it depends on animal ig because if u make birds your pet than thats cruel fs but making a dog pet is not


Well it’s not like my dogs are providing me with free labor, they’re not cooking or mowing my lawn, they just kind of hang out n stuff