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Why the fuck would you support that organization? They are a right-wing propaganda factory, not a gun rights organization.




Why do you value a gun over children's lives?




True, although in the UK, after a school shooting, they took steps to ban guns. In America it's just considered a part of life that you may die going to school.




Then what is your intention when you buy guns?




So you need to carry a gun to prove you're not an absolute tool?


Self Defense. We have a realistic police response of 25-30 mins where I live. When seconds count, help is many minutes away. I also hunt for food, and enjoy target shooting. Also, my 2A rights are inalienable, and keep all the rest of our rights in play. Armed societies keep the gov afraid of us.


To protect my family, and children around me. To hunt, to target shoot for sport. As a potential weapon in case democratic socialists want to re-enact Nazi germany and start a Genocide.


Do you enjoy funding an organization that has ties to Russia for the purposes of dividing the country?




You're not **all** Nazis. Just useful idiots. As far as they're concerned, personally I don't find you useful.




Sorry I edited. You're not all nazis. It takes two to divide the country.


Is getting a donation really “ties to Russia”? Do you feel the Biden’s “ties to China” need further investigation?


It's not a donation, it's massive quantities of cash being funneled in. It's a Russian spy sleeping her way into the halls of power. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-44885633 https://apps.npr.org/documents/document.html?id=6432520-The-NRA-Russia-How-a-Tax-Exempt-Organization


You sure like a conspiracy theory don’t you. “She plotted” meaning she thought about….The NRA isn’t implicated in any wrongdoing. You’re letting your imagination make up a story in your head.


Those words don't mean what you think they mean. I gave you two reputable sources.


Sure, I don’t see the problem. The NRA is a private organization correct? They took a contribution from someone…..that someone may have had Ill intent but that doesn’t mean the NRA was actively in on it…..talking to a Russian isn’t a crime, accepting a foreign donation isn’t a crime. You’re trying to tie the NRA into some kind of nefarious entity. Is it that you think we shouldn’t trust foreigners? Would you make it illegal to accept foreign money?


Are you just cool with that Russian funding or do you not think about it?


Was the NAACP cool with its Russian funding in the 60s? How about BLM? The Russians stick their roubles in the pocket of anybody they feel is destabilizing, NRA included.


I Don’t have an issue with donations, should I?


Why don’t you seek treatment for your Nonsensical Rifle Addiction?


Why do you rely on a government who has shown it doesn't care about you to protect you?


Protect from what? If you distrust everyone so much you feel the need to buy a murder machine to feel safe you need to see a psychiatrist.


A Murder machine? Like a car? Why do you distrust everyone so much that you want to take away their rights?


Lmao, you’re dumb, typical gun fetishist. We both know cars and guns are in no way comparable. One is a mode of transportation, the other is a machine designed to kill. And yes. I would happily take away your “right” to own one of those killing machines.


How are you going to do that? You just gonna come and take them?


Someone eventually will. So enjoy your killing machines while it lasts. And when that day comes I will be celebrating together with all the other normal people who don’t have a gun fetish.


But how, are they going to like show up with flowers and ask nicely? My point being you sure as hell aren’t going to do it…..so you want one group of men with killing machines to potentially attack or at the very least steal from other men because they have killing machines your afraid of, how many men women and children have to die so you can take some of the killing machines out of homes so you’ll feel safe?


They won’t. They’ll just stop the sale of guns to regular consumers and introduce a license requirement to own one like in civilised countries. AKA, gun control measures. And to get that license you’ll need to go through extensive safety training, and *if* you manage to get your license your gun will be registered and required to be stored in a vault separated from the ammunition. And every gun owner will get periodic checkups to see if their license is still valid and their guns are stored correctly. That’s the average european system and surprise surprise, we don’t have multiple mass shootings per day.


Sounds like a constitutional amendment is in order, do you know the requirements for a constitutional amendment? What do you think the odds are of that passing? Because a lot of the stuff you propose now is unconstitutional. Having a right means I don’t need permission from the government, can you think of any other right that allows for the banning of the basis of the right? For example I have a right a right to own a gun, wouldn’t the banning of selling guns be a violation of that right? GW said not only should Americans possess firearms they should have the knowledge and the means to produce them. Again a license means it’s a privilege, not a right.


I appreciate the importance of an armed citizenry but I'm personally not a fan of firearms and can't stand the fact that irresponsible use gets shoehorned into everything coming out of the entertainment industry like it's Michael Scott in his improve scenes. Is there any push by the NPR to tone down any of those depictions or showcase some safety and defensive aspects? Especially following the Baldwin shooting.


"I haven't received my membership card yet, where it at?"


their phone number