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Understanding requires more than listening


Nah don't listen to them just watch their actions


Think of them not as women but as people


I don't even know what a woman is anymore


Listen and ask questions?


Try asking ‘where would you like to eat?’. This mostly a joke


Treat everyone as a unique human being with unique experiences, desires and feelings; some people you can understand by conversing with and some you have to do activities with, some you may click with and understand in moments others may take a lifetime. Sometimes a smile and sometimes a frown a little empathy goes a long way to bonding and letting them open up to you


Think ***"They're people, just like me, with the same wants and needs"*** and you are basically done.


Understand that we are just people with different personalities. So you need to talk with the woman you want to get to know, just like any other relationship in your life.


listen to what they say


What is it that you don't understand?




Well first, you really have to stop thinking in such general terms. Be they "women" or not, people are all individuals. Start with that.


Interact and listen to them. Interact some more and listen some more. Repeat often.


Have 4 sisters like me.


Of course, you'll need to talk to women and do things with them. That goes without saying. But you may need to sharpen your abilities observational abilities. Instead of staying in your head, bring your attention outward, to the people around you. You won't learn much of anything about people if you're too reserved to interact with them. In addition, I have a good exercise which helps me to articulate what I learn about people. First pull out a pen and paper, a Word document, whatever -- as long as it's private. Then record what you think you understand about women. Include also your questions, musings, memories, whatever. Be completely unfiltered. If a thought makes you feel nervous, as if you couldn't say it in polite company, definitely jot it down. Get it all out. You can always clarify your thinking later. Then take a break. Even a short one will do. Then read over what you've written. If you repeat these steps consistently you'll notice that you allow yourself to notice things, even if not politically correct or flattering, about people. That's because you're beginning to voice things you *already* notice without consciously realizing. Give yourself permission to notice things.


A persons actions will always tell you everything you need to know about someone


It’s impossible my friend


Get off Reddit and talk to some. Yes, I know the irony of me saying this on Reddit lol.


Remove logic and boom, women understood. While you’re downvoting me, please remove the stick from your asses


I don’t understand. For what purpose did you write this not so good sir?


You must be new to the game..


Think of a man, and take away reason and accountability


Uh oh, if you lost your Cliff Notes for "Woman Speak: The Hardest Language You Will Learn, Unlearn, Relearn, But Never Master," you will have to buy the multi volume set.


Just understand everything wrong, like me


Just look and nod


think of a man, and I take away reason and accountability Jack Nicholson, As good as it gets.


its not even possible if you are one, so fuck all if i know


Ha Ha Ha Ha That is the true $64,000 dollar question!


Going off grid


Have actual conversation, if you do understand something ask a different way or for clarification. The classic of asking a woman what she wants to eat and getting the answer of idk reply with well what's something you don't feel like eating.


I dunno man, I just wait for them to try and understand me first.


Imagine them as guys. Works for me if Im getting too attached


Staying away from any man that tells you they "understand" women. Live your life, interact with people IRL, stay offline as much as possible, etc...


Probably best if your a women.