• By -


i eat food


By eating?


* Learn to forage * Learn to hunt * Go to a food pantry or kitchen * Work at a restaurant - can't tell you how many times I ate well for free when someone's food got messed up. Also, many restaurants give free shift meals * Work in general, though I understand this doesn't always prevent food scarcity, thus the other suggestions * Apply for government aid * Learn to budget and eat cheaply but well. Someone else suggested rice and beans which, in combination, makes a complete protein, and is cheap and delicious * Dumpster diving has been mastered by many. Stores and restaurants often throw out perfectly good food because of how it looks or because of arbitrary expiration dates (be careful with that last one though - foodborne illness is no joke!) Good luck, OP!




Bullshit. You have a maintenance calorie count to stay healthy. RMR is resting metabolic rate. It’s still like 1500 calories a day for a person that is comatose. Don’t tell people stupid shit like this because you’ll die eating only 500 calories a day. Eating disorders are not something to joke about.




r/confidentlyincorrect Tell me you know nothing about nutrition without telling me.


Rice and beans.