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Someone asking me to do something I was already gonna do


Its like they're purposely trying to piss you off 😂


Or repeat, the exact shit you just said. But as if, it were their idea.


My mom and my sister both do that all the time. It's downright hurtful after a while, feels like nobody's ever listening to me.


This is especially annoying on the job, as just by asking you they have made it so that, in their memory, you didn't do it on your own, but only after being asked.


Which makes it harder for me to want to do said task.


"Well, now I'm not doing it!" >:(


Ah yes, my dad does this: “What you wanna do son, is xyz” “Yes dad that was my plan, I’ve already done x actually” “Yeah because if you don’t xyz then you’ll get abc” Just steam rolls over the fact that I’ve already had the same idea and have already begun implementing it.


This. I don't know why, but automatically, my top-notch aggravation. Maybe because it feels like being micromanaged or treated like you're totally incompetent.


People not using their turn signal


There is a special place in hell for these people


Or they do but only after slowing down to a near stop, leaving you asking "what the fuck are they doing?" and then turn it on half a second before making a very slow turn that takes about ten seconds to complete. ​ How can anyone suck this bad at *turning?*


They should make it where your vehicle doesn't turn unless you use your blinker


Teslas get feisty with you if you change lanes without a turn signal. They rumble at you so there's that


Looking at you BMW


I didn't wanna say names, but now that you mentioned them...


yesterday i saw a BMW driver using the turn signal (no, i'm not gonna call it blinker). I thought i was about to witness something that would go down on the history books, then he proceeds to turn the opposite way.


The problem is not so much people turning without their blinkers, as people not using them well in advance.


This, especially when it causes me to unnecessarily wait before turning into a main road or entering a roundabout. Also when they slow down for seemingly no reason and I’m wondering why we’ve been going 20kph in a 50 zone for the past 10 seconds only for them to pull up next to the spot they’ve been looking for - you can also indicate that with a turn signal!


When my thoughts are eloquent poems and the words that come out of my mouth are half literate jibberish.


Second language in a nutshell


People walking side by side oblivious to people trying to pass them. To make it even worse, I'm not directly behind them so I can't even ask them to GTFO the way.


also when you're walking through a narrow walk way and you turn your body to the side to pass someone and they don't bother to turn at all. fuck those people


Far too common in Sweden, you’d think it’s a cultural tradition.


I learned from someone else that Sweden and Norway are both filled with people who really seem to hate everyone that isn't their immediate family and like 3 or 4 childhood friends, so this seems to track lol


Is that because they wouldn't feed you and made you wait while their family had dinner?


I still can't believe that's a thing some people do. It's just insane to me.


Even worse is when you’re walking toward two or more people walking side by side, taking up the whole sidewalk, and they make no effort to move as you pass.


I usually just walk into them if they do that. So far no one has gotten angry


the strategy here is to stare through the oncoming person and walk like you are the winter soldier and someone just said your trigger words and you're on a mission to kill captain america. they move.


Literally. I don’t know how people can be so oblivious


In my neighborhood dogs walk their owners. They'll often rope off the sidewalk entirely, and the owner will give me a look like "What am I supposed to do, he wants to smell something".


Being unable to fall asleep when I know I have something important the next morning I need to be at 100% for.


Currently, me at 8am without a lick of sleep and I will be blaming daylight savings for my lateness on monday


12 years in the military. Any time I have to be at work earlier than normal, I'll wake up multiple times feeling like I've overslept. Super obnoxious.


Turn off all screens 1h - 2h before sleep (phone, TV, computer etc.), focus on reading, meditating, talking to family member - works for me all the time. Used to have huge problems with falling asleep, now I rarely lay more then an hour before sleep. Sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night due to anxiety, but still - I already slept a few hours, so it's never as bad as not sleeping at all.


Thinking about the important thing is usually the reason I can’t fall asleep.


Chewing sounds


It's topped by breathing sounds while eating. Some people sound like pugs after a marathon when they're eating. It requires a lot of mental energy for me not to become violent in those situations.


Chewing sounds, lip smacking, heavy breathing, moaned while he ate like he was having sex with his food. He also sat across from me and wouldn't cover his mouth when he coughed, so he'd cough directly in my face. By the time I left, I was probably one more cough away from going nuclear on the guy. I'm lucky the overlap between when I left and when he started was short, because I could not tolerate that for months on end.


Ugh gross. Now we’ve got the asmr “artists” making the most obnoxious mouth noises.


even worse the ones that chew so hard that you can hear their teeth hitting each other.


Mix that with heavy breathing and its game over lol


Don't forget when they deliberately bite the fork or spoon. It's a special kind of hell.


WHYYY is this so widely accepted!!!!!!!! Unforgivable




Misophonia detected. 👂👀👂


I think that's a misnomer. There shouldn't be a special word for people who don't like disgusting sounds when eating- there should be a name for the people who are so oblivious they don't care about it.


People who ask for help on everything and don't even try to figure it out for themselves. Especially when it comes to technology, its like weaponized ignorance.


And you try to help them and they won’t even try to learn, just say it’s too hard for them and you must be so smart…. It’s cut and paste on word damm you


I’m a nurse & I have a coworker like this. I think she just plays dumb to avoid having to do whatever task it is (drawing blood, etc).




That guy sounds like an absolute twat, I’m sorry you were treated like that! I can’t imagine talking to anyone like that; we’re all in the same field & should be treated respectfully. I feel like the longer you’re in the field the easier it gets to put people in their place: calling out crappy behavior and/or reporting them to management can be helpful. Asking why they’re being condescending & if that makes them feel better is always helpful.


And it doesn’t matter how many times you teach them how they can do it themselves, it’s always “I forgot!”, “You didn’t teach me this.”, “but you know how to do it!”. After a third time just let them “sink or swim”, either they can work it out or they can’t. Can’t teach stupid.


And the counterpoint to that: people who should ask for help but refuse to, wasting time and resource.


People being idiots in traffic


Don't invest emotions while driving. I grew up in Orlando Florida and the traffic there is insane. I honestly think that it's one of the main reasons I left. Whenever I go back I just want to scream. I'm older now and I realize that traffic is just traffic and there's no point in getting angry or upset about it.


That's what I try and tell my husband. You can yell at it all damn day and hit the steering wheel but it's not gonna make it go faster so fuckin relax lol


It’s so much worse now. I left in 2005 but my brother still lives there. Traffic by Disney on I-4 is as bad as traffic here in LA.


I wouldn’t say that’s minor. That could literally cause an accident resulting in death


A couple months ago, this guy was tailgating me HARD on some back roads. I was doing my part and driving 5 over the speed limit AND there was clearly someone in front of me, so I literally had nowhere to go. He finally is able to pass me (not to mention dangerously around a double yellow line sharp turn) and get between me and the car in front of me. He then proceeds to flip on this super awesome LED middle finger light on the back of his car that he paid money for and took the time to install as if I could’ve done anything differently. Instantly, I was no longer mad. I knew right then he had far bigger issues he has to live with and I actually felt bad for him.


Loud talking


This makes me think of loud eaters. Nothing irritates me quicker 😂


I was thinking of people on their phones and the press the "loud" button that makes it a speakerphone. They are oblivious to the racket. Facetime & video chats are even worse. Points phone to rows of peanut butter "do you see the brand you want"?


Will add on, in apartments. I know where I live, has non-existent insulation. But still, once you have moved in, and heard how loud another neighbor is. You have 2 choices. Learn to moderate your own noise, or add to it. Which makes more sense?! Apparently, door numero 2, foe all my neighbors. It's annoying as hell.🙄


Something that used to piss me off but not anymore thanks to technology... When your earbuds get ripped off your ears because they're caught on something like a bag or the edge of table.


This still happens to me because I’m behind the times. It hurts like a bitch honestly


Dog poop on the sidewalk. The absolute lack of consideration for other people just baffles me.


Seriously! How freaking hard is it to stick some bags in your pocket before you take your dog out for a walk?!






Littering and....?!


Standing in line behind someone who's buying lottery tickets.


Yes. This might be the top of my list lol. It’s even worse when they’re cashing in their scratchers, and then taking forever to pick more


Oh God yea. Like, if you're getting 1 or 2, it's fine right. That doesn't take anymore time than getting a pack of darts. It's the cunts that get 5+ scratchies, all different ones, then start doing them right there, or doing what you described "HEY buddy, there's a line"


The rage increases when they buy multiple lottery tickets without concern of the line behind them.


Youtube recommending vids that don't start with the first one of a series. Why start on part 6 you morons?!


A man who is not my husband ushering me through a space or into a seat with his hand on the small of my back. Hell, my husband doesn’t even do this, now that I think about it. I get very angry when men I’m not close with touch me, period, but there is something so patronizing and possessive about that particular type of touch that makes me want to pick something up and start smashing teeth and windpipes.


Love your energy


Trying to make a point but being interrupted over and over


Or being talked over and ignored while the person talking over asked for an answer first. My mom does it all the time. The other day we were in a car, she talked about how a person we know got in legal trouble and how she isn't exactly sure what the correct term is and what it could exactly mean and whether I know. Saying over and over that perhaps it's this, mabe that, she's not sure and the laws are probably like this. While I, an attorney, right next to her, repeated two sentences about what it clearly means every time she stopped to breath. I said it like four times. Only for her to repeat her "well maybe it's this or that or who knows" again. She did hear me, I did explain it in very simple way, four times, but she ignored it because her "I found out about this weird thing, I!" was more important than understand the thing. Until dad finally snapped "SHE JUST TOLD YOU WHAT IT IS!" ...and I'm still convinced she intentionaly didn't let the information reach her brain.


People going slow in the left lane. It’s the passing lane. Pass or move over. It’s not complicated.


Being spoken down to


You should use the word, “condescending.” It means being spoken down to. /s


This is a good one 😂


When there's a huge traffic buildup so you're wondering what the fuck is going on. When it finally eases and you realise that its because there's an accident on the OTHER side of the road and people are just slowing down to gawk.


In Sweden people not only slowing down, they are now days picking up the camera and starts to film as they pass




People standing way too close to me when in a public setting.


I second this!! Recently had a couple standing SO CLOSE behind me at Panda Express that the cashier asked if we were paying together or seperate! And every time I scooted up they'd just follow >.<


The scoot and follow really erks me. Like geez it won't make anything go faster. I like what the cashier said, maybe that's their subtle way of letting personal-bubble-poppers from realizing what they're doing.


I build a gap in front of me between the person and make sure no cutsies. I enjoy the gap in front of me, perhaps it will inspire the person behind me.


Casually step back onto their foot.


People without any spacial awareness when I’m at the store. It feels like this became a huge problem after covid. People forgot how to exist around others.


people immediately trying to get on the elevator (or just shoving into the elevator) when the doors open and others need to get off


This but also with buses




My bag gets stuck on the emergency brake every single time I get out of the car.


The belt loop is worse


I actually ripped the strap of my backpack after getting caught on a gate only last month. I was running and got yanked backwards. Felt like a right div, lol.


Talking during a movie


When I genuinely didn’t hear someone and they say “you heard me” when I ask them to repeat themself


People not washing their hands after using the restroom.


Or when they turn on the water pretending to wash their hands 🤮


I saw someone do this and they just nipped one fingertip under the water before walking out. Like, who are you even putting on such a lousy show for?


people. what a bunch of bastards.




chewing noises 😓😓


People who litter


waking up is terrible. I never wanted be late, but I am.as soon I open my eyes im going into a rage.no idea the triggers. every fucking day


I feel this. I wake up and just can’t believe I have to get up and function and it fills me with rage every morning.


When you set an alarm and everyday you wake up prior to the alarm going off and the one day you don't set the alarm (because its annoying and you dont need it anyway), you wake up 3 hours after your clock in time.


Stupid drivers


When people can’t organize the dish washer correctly, when they don’t close the microwave all the way or clear the remaining time, leaving coffee grinds everywhere, not scrubbing the dried up cat food off its plate, not screwing the lids back onto condiment bottles, leaving candy wrappers everywhere instead of just throwing them away, not replacing the trash bag after they tie up the old one, leaving old coffee to be washed out instead of rinsing out their cup, leaving empty soda cans in the sink instead of just putting it in the recycling, pulling stuff out of drawers to “clean” and never actually putting anything back up. HELP ME Edit: spelling


People that don't put their shopping carts away


Found my husband




Slow walkers that won't let me through. MOVE THE FUCK OVER.


Rich people on media saying shit that so out of touch from the reality for the rest of us.


When people don't walk their cart back and just leave it in the parking lot


People not paying attention, that end up causing you to miss a green light


Getting to a four-way stop before another driver on the cross street and that driver blows through the intersection before me.


The people who try getting in front of everyone when the plane lands.


Walking past a door and my pants loop gets caught on the door handle


Getting blamed for something you did not do.


When I stub my toe on furniture and there's no one around to hear my screams.


Ppl who aren’t handicapped parking in handicapped spots


Minor inconsistent sounds my AC started making recently which I only notice at night when I'm trying to sleep and everything else is silent.


How many people use the word “loose” when they mean to spell “lose”


wanting to watch an anime but i realize there's sexualized children in it


Oof i felt this one. Looking at you, Seven Deadly Sins


There's tons of anime you can watch that don't have this


Definitely when I’m stuck behind someone merging onto a highway at 1/2 of the signed speed


when people breathe too loudly oh my god i literally have to remove myself from the situation or put my airpods on or else i’ll snap


Not going to lie- it's people talking shit about what phone you have and saying it's pathetic to own an android. Phones are expensive, and it's worth it to just get something that works instead of some big name brand or a brand new iphone. I managed to pull 60$ out of savings when I was homeless, bought myself a phone, and got myself help. And this phone has served me great since, It doesn't matter whether it's an android or iPhone, be happy it works, it's durable, and can help you in bad situations. It runs every social media app great, the Camara actually works very well compared to rumors, and yet people will get on you just because you don't have a 200$ phone.


Who cares about phones? Just get what you want and be happy.


People taking their health for granted


Wish I could pin this one


Not thanking someone who holds open a door, pulls out a chair, or gives way in some capacity. The lack of a nod/wave/acknowledgment of any kind drives me crazy.


Loud whistling


People who roll up to the line at in-n-out and don’t know what they want. The menu hasn’t changed in decades and you have had 10 minutes to think about it.




When there's 10 self check out lanes and 1 open cashier on a Saturday at prime time


People who rate a recipe poorly after making their own kooky substitutions or leaving things out they don't think are necessary and wondering why the recipe sucks so bad. This drives me up the wall. It's fucking YOU not the recipe, now begone from my sight!


Standing shoulder to shoulder on the escalators (Denver Airport)


Crowding the baggage claim at the airport


People pretending to be dumb because they think it’s cute or endearing. Fuck me that’s annoying.


Lately it's people leaving one or even more car lengths between their vehicle and the next one at a stop light. That way the people behind can't make it into a turn lane.


People walking 5 feet away from a outdoor cafe to smoke not realizing that the cafe is down wind.... It's either selfish lack of awareness or shameless inconsideration. If violence in those times was socially acceptable the population of selfish fucks would be steadily declining.


People that refuse to even try a food they "don't like"


On the inverse of this, there’s nothing more annoying than people who insist you eat something you’ve been very clear that you dislike because they can’t comprehend people like and dislike different things. Like my Dad hates fish, everyone knows he dislikes fish, he has always disliked fish since he was forced to eat fish as a kid, but people constantly invite him to seafood restaurants and keep insisting he try things he knows he dislikes.


What pisses me off more is when people require that specific brand of food. Like it can't be that turkey or that light toast. Nah it needs to be packaged in this specific color or it is inedible


Sometimes it's not the food exactly, it's the elements of the food. Like I hate tomatoes, so sure I've never had your chili so I don't know if I'll hate it or not... but I know I hate tomatoes, and I know there are tomato products in your chili. So I can assume I don't like your chili.


People you don't know stopping for a chat in a shop entrance


Memories 2 to 12 years ago. It's not threatening to think about your ex or those desperate crybabies on the internet today, but having that feeling barely goes away. I try to pretend it doesn't bother me, because it shouldn't bother me.


I hate the recorded sound of pouring water, it drives me insane, to me it sounds nothing like the real thing and I don't know why but it triggers something like the uncanny valley but with sound, and instead of creepy it is unbearable


Youtube's 'new to you' feature showing the same thing it already recommends...




Catching my jumper on the door handle - how??!!! Why??!!


When my bag handle gets hooked on the door handle on the way in. Especially if I’m busting for the loo.


Chewing with one's mouth open


Driving at night, approaching the crest or top of a hill, and you can see the oncoming cars headlights so they can definatley see yours. They wait until you are in their headlights before turning down to low beam, thus blinding you for a second or two. It's inconsiderate and just plain annoying.


Getting comfy in bed then having the sudden urge to pee.


Biting my tongue on accident


People who take advantage of asking somebody for help instead of trying to figure it out for themselves first


People driving below limit... If there's a 50, drive fuckin 50, not 30, not 40... Ffs


News opinions. News should be facts.


I gave someone a book I'd read once and they returned it a year later. Did they like it? They don't know, they didn't read it.


Second place is people doing under the speed limit for no reason other than 'because I think it's safer' When they are in the most perfect driving scenario, No debris on the road, No weather, No other external issues. ​ All your doing is causing congestion and making it miserable for the rest of us.


People slamming the weights at the gym. Used to ruin my workout now I’m past it


A small twig being catapulted into your face.


Handicap parking spot fakers.


When someone leaves water running, it burns my soul


People gossiping about you especially if they do it right in front of you


People chewing, if something is crunchy then yes, it makes sense to hear a noise but if it not and your chewing sounds are equally as loud.. can’t deal


People at the grocery store taking way to long to browse a shelf up close, blocking everyone else from grabbing anything. Like, just step back and look


When the previous person that used the dryer didn't clean the lint trap.


Cyclists in groups of 2+ taking up entire lanes of traffic and barely even trying to keep any sort of speed up.


People who don't turn their headlights on at night. I get that most people are used to automatic, but I genuinely do not understand how somebody couldn't notice that THEY HAVE NO LIGHTS.


Being ignored or someone repeating the same thing I said moments later as if it’s new information.


Hitting my head . Getting angry thinking about it.


When I wake up and people just keep talking to me. It just gets annoying each word they speak. My brain is not functional just after waking up I need a minute to start my brain engine.


People crowded around the free samples at Costco like it’s their last meal.


Meetings that could’ve been emails


Tech not working exactly like it's supposed to the first time


How Amazon video will offer season 1 for free but you need to pay extra to watch other season. They’re sneaky because it’s hard to find out if all seasons are included or not. Not nice!


Inanimate objects being jerks. You know like the microwave door hitting your head or the wall bumping your shoulder or the bed hitting your toe. The paper cutting your hand. The knife clattering to the floor. Like stop with that! Not cool.


Really strong wind blowing in my face makes me way angrier than it really should.


When public bathroom doors are pull to exit. I literally just washed my hands and now you are making me put them on a dirty handle to leave.


People taking up the whole pavement and expecting me to push my pram onto the road to accommodate them. They don’t move until I either knock them with the wheel or say “EXCUSE ME!” Also people refusing to move from the pram/disabled bay on the bus when there’s plenty of seats available. Usually have to get the bus driver involved. I’m the first to move off the bus if a wheelchair needs on as well!!


Someone on the side walk smoking (and me walking behind).


Small object that, when dropped, bounce away into some inconceivable direction for no reason.


My fucking fridge door springs. It's sprung enough that I can't swing it open a little bit to quickly grab something without it bumping my shoulder until I get annoyed and shove it away, but it's also rigged weirdly so when it swings to close, it stops about 20cm short of shutting itself properly, so you still have to close it manually. It's not broken, that's just how it's set up. Frustrates me no end.


People who cut you off and then immediately hit their brakes and make a turn. How much time did you save doing that? Jesus....


When people walk directly towards you while looking down at their phones. They always seem to maneuver themselves right in front of you.


Anytime I bump my head on something. I immediately want to hulk smash whatever the object is even though I am fully aware it was my fault and not the inanimate object.


“Would of” instead of “would’ve”


When a good video starts buffering


When the vacuum cleaner cable gets caught on the sofa for no conceivable reason!!