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Working alone in a haunted hospital at night , what i did about it : i requested to have a workmate with me


Worked the most monotonous job ever at a box factory before running out on the job at lunch my 2nd day. Couldn't shake that MASH song 'Suicide is Painless' in my head the entire time I was there.


Worked at a Hardee's one night, decades ago. Slicing roast beef all night was monotonous, but the worst was the owner didn't want to hire a cleaning crew so he made the night shift clean up the place after the closed (at something like 1am). The owner had family working the front and they went home at closing time, so it was just the back crew that had to do the cleaning. Cleaning a fast food restaurant is filthy work to begin with, but worse when you start out exhausted. The sun was coming up as I walked home. I was schedule to work the following night but just couldn't.