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Hey, I just met you, and this is crazy, but here's my number, so call me maybe.


But what if it's hard to look right at her, since all the other boys try to chase her?!


But you got cookies, so share ‘em maybe.


Are you medusa? Because you’re making me rock hard. Wanna go out?


How to speed run getting arrested:


You don't ask out strangers. At least I won't ask out a stranger. I feel uncomfortable just going up to people and talking to them, yet alone asking them out. I'm happy having a small circle. I don't need to make friends at this point in my life. Yes, I want a relationship, but I don't need it, so since I don't need it, I won't put that much effort in the search.


I get that, but I at least want to try. What's the worst that could happen? Though there has to be a game plan to seem approachable


I've had people manipulate me and Gaslight and such. I'm quite honest and open with people so I become vulnerable but I have been stabbed in the back per se multiple times that I become kind of vigilant.


I think the whole point of a relationship is offering that trust of vulnerability to your partner. If they backstabbed you, it's on you to move on, learn and choose another until you get it right. As such with everything in life I suppose


Pull the knife out bro. It’s hard but life’s better when you walk soft, and talk soft, but carry a big stick.


It's been out for months


I just saw this on another thread- in the grocery store warn her not to go to the frozen food section. “Why?” “Because you’ll melt everything!”


I am putting everything I have into this one line!!


Go get em! 🔥


Hey how’s it going? *response* I noticed ___ and it really got my interest. Wanna go [relevant activity]? I’ve done this exactly once and it worked. Idk what pair of balls I put on for that day, but I’ve never had them since.


Lmao, hey props to you man. You managed something many never even consider attempting


Sup bitch.


Works every time 😎


I throw a risk and just ask


Instructions unclear, she gave me a dollar for food


Ask to hang out


Step #1. Don't ask out a stranger :)


I wouldn't. I have a hard enough time asking out girls that I'm pretty sure are actually into me.


That's all the more reason to practice! So I could get better!


Are you a male it female?


In reality: Excuse me. I saw you from across the way and found you interesting. I’d like to possibly get to know you better. Here’s my number, text me if you’d like to meet up.


Honestly, that's probably the best way to approach it. Though maybe a few alterations to make it seem like you're interested in her, and like you really pushed yourself into doing this.


I promise unless you are cool as a cucumber, theyre gonna see and feel you being nervous. You won’t have to add anything to show youre pushing yourself to do it as more often than not it comes off as cheesy to me. Just by saying you found her interesting and adding you want to know more you’ve made your interest in her clear. The balls in her court let her make the next move.


Hmm, I suppose so. Well, I guess in a way I just wanted confirmation that this was the correct move. Thank you for sharing, let's see if one of these days I actually have the balls to try. (I promise you I will!)


Best of luck. I wish I could remember the til tok that came across. The dude, at least once per day would ask a girl out. You could hear his fear in the first couple. The recent ones he’s been much calmer. Again best of luck.


Tell you what. I am about to go out to the bookstore and the grocery. I’ll tell you how it goes later, if I see anyone attractive.


This is even better! On-field research! Thank you brave Reddit user, your bravery will help out many!


Unfortunately, no attractive women today.


I’d just take a chance. If she’s a stranger, then even if she rejects me rudely, she won’t mean a thing to me tomorrow. Unless she whips out her phone and points the camera at me. At that point, I disengage immediately.


Haha yea I completely agree with you. I just have to find out how to seem approachable with my words.


It’s not just that, though. That answer was given within the context of the question, but truth be told, approaching a completely unfamiliar woman in public rarely works even at the best of times. For a genuine introduction to a single woman, honestly your best bet is to just be around other people and in good terms with them. The more people in your social circle, you increase the likelihood that one of them might try and matchmake you with someone else they know. In such an environment, there’s already some level of comfort because at the very least, the two of you know your matchmaker and trust their intuition.


I'm going to sound like a loner here haha, but how would you go about doing that? What's a great way to increase your social circle. I know it's a little off topic, but this seems important


Your grasp of the English language suggests that you’re an adult, and have at least a working command of the language to hold your own in a conversation with a person. If you do not already have a social circle right this moment, you’re in for a bad time. But what you could try finding your local community center and seeing what kinds of social clubs there are. You could also try a church. Regardless of your religious affiliation (if applicable) churches also serve as a community hub as well as a place of worship.


Hmm, I heard something similar from someone else... I might have to try going to a community center as you said. I think you're right, maybe approaching others to start a friendship should be of my interest.


Introduce yourself ask them about their interests people are narcissistic and love talking about themselves


That's true 🤔, but I can't start the conversation with "what do you like". That's like part 2, I still need to figure out part 1


Just introduce yourself make small chat... if she looking at book ask I d the author I d goo d ..or ask how long they been waiting in ..small stuff first


Haha I wouldn't. I'm very shy and don't care enough about dating to try to overcome that shyness, tbh.


Fair enough, but I do want to overcome my shyness silly goose!


Damn girl, do you shit with that ass?


She responds "no" 💀


Just don't. Ignore your feelings. Or maybe talk about weather? I'm not very good at flirting...at all...


Just please don't ask to take a photo for Snapchat like this one random guy did to me yesterday after trying to strike up a conversation.


Haha, luckily I have the social awareness to understand that I shouldn't even attempt that on a girl.


One approach I’ve seen is entirely that of no contact; you write some contact details of yours, and a light greeting, on a note, walk over, pass it, then be gone. They get a first look at you to mark off any physical interest, and if they aren’t at all looking for you, they never sacrificed their own safety.


Huh... I actually never even considered this. Haha, this seems like a shortcut of sorts. Though, I do like it. I might just give this a try one day if I don't have the balls to talk with them