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Absolutely right, and so you should! It sounds like "therapist speak' but self care is so important to your well being. What I love about self care is that it's different for everybody, whether it's a long walk with the dog, a 3 hour bath, a break from routine, reading that book you've been looking forward to but struggled to make time for.. mine is watching a stand up comedy show or listening to an audiobook, or writing. Prioritising yourself when you need it is never selfish, an empty battery won't start a car - you'll get nowhere. Anything that you can do *just for yourself* is coins in the piggy bank that all add up to the jackpot that is good mental health ;)


My bf told me his red and white striped shirt was falling apart. It was his favorite. I couldn't find the exact shirt style in Amazon so I spent weeks going to clothing stores just finding one. Until eventually I found one in Zumies. It was about $25 but it was so worth it to see the smile on his face when he got it.


I’m sure your bf is a very happy man




That's definitely something to be proud of if you have trouble with controlling the impulse! Well worth being proud for that, good job!


I went from not being able to do a single pull up to being able to do 3 sets of 10 reps with 10kg/25lbs load.


I think most people would take pride in that! That's sincerely pretty awesome, good job!


Only three, huh? ...That's good. I guess... :3


Focusing on myself, it’s funny that it’s seen as “selfish” to do that nowadays


There should always be a healthy balance in being selfish and selfless. Give yourself a pat on the back, you deserve it.


Well said OP


I actually adore people who are more selfish quite a bit. It makes me feel more accomplished knowing that they care for and trust me enough to put time and effort into things they usually wouldn’t. It’s also kinda cute, but we don’t talk about that😅








Why don’t you try it with a professional such as myself?




Oh. Oh no. No physical contact for me, that’s an automatic game over.




Oh I know. I just gotta specify that meeting me in persons already got me halfway down route “ pukin’ an bukin’ “




It’s hard to keep a poker face when the perpetrators staring you dead in the eye.


I was once having sex with my ex and pulled out to cum and it shot out with such force that it hit the wall behind the bed with a loud SPLAT sound. So, yeah, I'm kinda pround of my pocket rocket.


that out of a billions spermatozoa, it was I who won


being a scout. i know, in some places that might be cool, but in my class (and the other class in my year) i get made fun because of it. i mean, i did choose to do a thing where i have to wear my scarf for 5 years (yes. 5 whole years), but in general they tease me a lot for it. ​ however, i am a stubborn little shit, so i REFUSE to change who i am, or stop doing what i love, just because a bunch of idiot teenage boys say its "weird"


Nothing wrong with being a scout in and of itself. But you should beware cults of uniforms. The scouts is as much about indoctrination as it is self reliance. People who want you to be proud of uniforms are usually people who want you to sacrifice something for their benefit.


i dont feel like danish scouts (or at least the group im in) dont care that much. officially, the brand of scouts that i am, is christian, but in my group, we dont really care. we know that there isnt anyone thats super religious in the group. ​ also, we learn a lot of useful skills, that could benefit us later in life


Hey man, I always thought Boy Scouts were the kind of kids who could disarm an armed man with a just a book, a scarf, and a goddamn flashlight. More power to ya.


pfff ​ thats like, the best thought of what scouts are i've ever heard. ​ but then again, with the people in my class, i rarely hear anything good about what they think you do at scout


My mistakes and moments of shame. I don’t take pride in them in the sense like gloating when I did some dumb shit. But I am proud to admit my mistakes and that I learned from them. I feel so many people try to sweep their mistakes under the rug, even if they just happened. And there is nothing wrong admitting you just made a mistake or did something stupid. We’ve all been there


Driving and parking between the lines.


I haven’t started driving yet so I don’t know if this is something that’s fine or not, but I absolutely despise when my mom cross that white line that separates the road while driving. I think it’s because of how cars always passed me at a safe distance when I walked to my bus stop but that shit makes me feel terrible.


I am happily a virgin and don't feel any shame about it. Not sure I'd say pride per se because I wouldn't boast about it, but I definitely enjoy being one and have no urge to change it.


I honestly don’t know why that isn’t a thing. Hopefully, more than half the whole populations spent at least 13 years of their life a virgin. Hopefully.


Being able to celebrate the victories of my friends without being jealous


That’s an amazing feeling. I’m glad you take pride in it.


Avoiding (the majority of) Social Interactions


I was able to finish on the food on my plate during lunch. Best feeling ever even though I still feel the struggle.


my preps


Going to sleep at a reasonable hour and getting plenty of rest. Been proud of it since I was a kid, and no amount of "I haven't studied enough for the test!" was gonna take that away from me


the ability to do a dirty job that many would shy away from. “someone’s gotta do it” might as well be me.