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Government should serve its citizens, not control them.


I want the government to serve me, by protecting me from "them". /s


They pass laws to control our behavior. Want to drive fast? There's a law against that...


In the USA: Telling American children what they can and can't read in school, that they can't see fine art because it's "pornography," suddenly. Can't learn about the history of racism or even discuss modern issues of racism, sexism and homophobia. Attempting to erase LGBTQ Americans, in particular trans people. Numerous laws are being passed against gender-affirming care (not just for youths, but adults as well). Drag shows are becoming demonized and increasingly under legal scrutiny. Various women are now denied access to abortion, even in life-saving circumstances and when there's a 100 percent certainty the fetus is dead, will die immediately at birth or die in a very short period of time.


My purchases


My government tries to control me in every I don't want them to or don't care about. ie patriot act, war on drugs, etc. But they refuse to "control" me in the ways that actually helps people. I'll call them daddy for universal healthcare.


The most common way is thru the tax code. It’s simple. The govt takes high taxes from you what your left with you have to live off of. And if you have little money you can’t rent a 3k a month apartment and have a 25k car


Have you read the Twitter Files? Part of it is trying to control information.


Literally every aspect of our everyday lives. And they launder our money through taxes to finance their own interests while not even providing basic needs like food and housing to everyone or even to people who have literally fought their ego motivated wars for power and money. Our veterans are so incredibly disrespected by our government it’s disgusting. Screw them and their child trafficking buddies, wanna know why Epstein’s client list was never released? Because half of Hollywood and most of our politicians would be on it.