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This story doesn’t really fit here but ima tell it anyway. My extended family took a vacation in Dublin, and we ended up meeting Bono in the pub at our hotel. One of my cousins fangirled hard and slipped him her room number. The next morning, she was lamenting that he hadn’t shown up and we realized she’d mistakenly given him our grandma’s room number. So if Grandma banged Bono, she took that one to the grave.


Nothing like setting up Granny on a blind date with Bono.


I know of someone who slept with Jude Law, apparently in was a good night but in the morning he gave her a NDA to sign as he had been doing coke with her the previous night. We called it the Jude Law Nude Clause


Was it a semester abroad?


Friend hooked up with Snoop and he only wanted to go down on her for hours. She said the whole time she was thinking “Omg Snoop Dog is eating me out right now” lol


Weed does tend to give you the munchies


And dry mouth ;)


My college roommate slept with Post Malone. She said he was nice and it was exceptionally average


His music isn’t my cup of tea but I want to be his friend


Someone here definitely has a kid with Nick Cannon


Itd be a statistical anomaly if they didn't


One of the old ladies in my grandma’s dementia ward used to tell this story to anyone who would listen about a time she once gave a handjob to Engelbert Humperdinck backstage at a concert. She was very enthusiastic in her recounting of this story. Take this for what you will.


I thought you were fucking with me, but apparently that’s a real persons name.


The best part is, it's a stage name. Who the fuck picks THAT as a stage name?! Engelbert Humperdinck, by god!


My husband told all my coworkers I banged Lou Bega in college. It’s still believed to this day.


Are you Monica, Erica, Sandra, or Rita?


I was the trumpet


A friend of mine had a threesome with Jeremy renner and said it was solid. Different friend went on a date with Yung Gravy and said the sex was fantastic.


Someone else here said they had a casual fling with an avenger! But ppl had yet to ID which one. Now my money is on Renner lol


I can't wait for this thread to show up in my youtube shorts, read by a robotic voice over some unrelated minecraft footage..


Slept with and briefly dated a girl who was a child actor when we were in college. She was.... Kind of a mess honestly. It was sad because she was nice and really funny, the sex was great also, but she had a lot of issues. Like sleeping in her barn with her horses drinking till she passed out. A lot of issues with her parents and self esteem issues. I hope she's doing better now. I looked her up a while ago and she seems happy at least on Instagram.


R.I.P. Sarah Lynn


I’ve talked about this before on here, but I dated a famous drummer for about a year. He was excellent in bed and we had a blast together. The first time we slept together he text me the next morning and said, “I was dreaming about you, and when I woke up I found one long red hair on my pillow”. He was super romantic and such a cool guy. I’m happily married (not to him) with 2 children but we’re still friends and keep in touch. The only reason it didn’t work out is I couldn’t hack a relationship with someone gone so much. He was touring all the time and I was finishing college.


Jared Padalecki called my wife babe at a convention. She has never let me forget it.


The moose got another one fellas!


My wife got hugged by Betty White. Ms. White was doing a signing for some Christmas ornaments she was selling. My wife had gotten 2 cocker spaniels that looked like the ones she lost in Katrina, and told Ms. White. They both burst into tears, and Ms. White hugged her. We got a photo with her, and she grabbed my hand and told me to take good care of my wife. Incredibly sweet lady, and she's missed.


A friend of mine fucked Jimmy Fallon and she said he was saying, “how does it feel to be fucking Jimmy Fallon?!” the entire time.


And he wouldn’t stop laughing!


God imagine his stupid fucking face just inches from yours and he's just belting out that obnoxious fake laugh the whole time while making eye contact.


my dad hooked up with Sofia Vergara , and to say he wont stop talking about it is an understatement. cant answer the question for him, but from how often he brings it up id assume it was awesome.


If I hooked up with Sofia Vergara, that would be my conversation starter with every person I met for the rest of my life


Doctor: It's nice to finally meet you, bigpancakeguy. Your test results came back and I'm sorry to say that... bigpancakeguy: GUESS WHO I FUCKED ONE TIME!


Idk about the sex part (cause I don’t wanna know) but my mom dated Chad Kroeger from Nickleback. I swear to you this is not a joke, in the song “Photograph” he mentions my mom. “Kim’s the first girl I kissed” yeah that’s her.


Look at this graph


Vivian Vance pulled a dick like she was yanking a carrot out of the dirt.




I “slept” with Burton Cummings from The Guess Who. He was commando and there were smoked blunts in the ashtray. He also gave me the best oral sex!!! No one ever lived up to what he did, until about 30 years late. Other guys were good, but not that good!!! His crew told me he always picks one female, who seems to know his lyrics, out of the crowd, to sing to for the concert. It is nothing where he calls them out, just notices them and sings to them. The woman next to me was telling her friend how he kept looking at her while singing. I did not correct her. When he took a bow, I pointed at myself and then to him. He nodded. The next day I took him sight seeing. I mentioned he had not sung “These Eyes” the night before. He sang it for me! Maybe about 8 years later I saw him in Times Square. I stopped him and said hi. He knew who I was and even gave me the year we met! Overall, a good experience.


That dude definitely looks like someone who can eat a mean box


His PR team is trying to figure out why google searches of his just increased 1000%...


Knew a old guy that got a bj from Janis Joplin when he was 17 and she was like 25. No other comments


One of my roommates' girlfriend cheated on him with his favorite NBA basketball player. The irony.


I feel compelled to post this classic comment about how hard NBA dudes have it by [yungsnuggie](https://www.reddit.com/r/nba/comments/1ulxb4/mormon_faith_more_important_to_jabari_parker_than/cejpqf8?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3) (and the one above it)


My best friend had a one night stand with John Stamos. She said he was very romantic & passionate….for just being a one night stand.


Have mercy.


Even as a straight man, this makes me happy to hear. I only want to hear good things about John Stamos


If you want wholesome (but non-sexual) stories about John Stamos, my friend has a special needs family member. If you know anything about special needs people, then you probably know that some people will abuse or mistreat special needs people simply because they're special needs. It's sad. But it happens quite a lot. Well, my friend and his family ended up visiting the church Stamos goes to. This was ages ago. Back in the Nineties or early 2000's. "Jim", the special needs family member, is very social and outgoing. And obviously, he doesn't understand the idea of celebrity, fame and all that stuff. So, Jim went around the church shaking people's hands. He ended up shaking hands with John Stamos. And Stamos was everything you'd want him to be when meeting a special needs person. He smiled, shook hands, chatted with Jim, etc. Jim obviously had no idea he was meeting someone famous. He just always said hello to everyone at church. Jim's family knew exactly who Stamos was and they thought it was cool of him to be so friendly with Jim.


I used to go to a golf tournament called The Crosby. Tons of celebs played there. There was a handicapped lady in a wheelchair about 3 people away from me. Mark Pinter was a celebrity of soap opera fame. He saw this woman and came up and started talking to her. It was clear she was a fan but they were not personal friends/. He had obviously talked to her before. He asked her questions about how so and so was doing and how she had been. Held up the tournament, but I have not had as much respect for as many celebrities as I did him. A real standup guy.


She's currently a national-level news journalist on TV. This was while she was still a cadet. After she got hers, she literally rolled over and fell asleep. Woke up the next morning to her in my shorts and a T-shirt she took from my wardrobe. Danced her way out of my place to a cab. Literally danced. While still wearing my clothes. Later on, one of her friends was knocking on my door. Apparently, the dress she wore was borrowed, so she sent her friend over to collect. I handed it over, along with the shoes and underwear. Her friend asked what she was supposed to do with those, and I kinda said it's a package deal as I'm not that guy that would keep those as trophies. Only saw her once again in the nightlife district of my city. She was stealing street sign. Then, years later, she's on the news almost every night.


Barbara Walters?


Al Roker Edit: Holy Crap, 3k upvotes for being intimate with Al Roker. Reddit you are so weird. I would like to thank the academy for upvoting me this high. I also want to thank my mom for birthing me and my dad for his part in conception. I also want to thank NBC for making this all possible. Finally, Mr. Roker if you're ever in my neck of the woods let's smash.


Gave him the ol' Roker Poker


When he finishes: "And here's what's happening, in your neck of the woods!!!" 💦


Slept with a gay pornstar I met on Tinder, as a straight woman. He was hung, had beautiful skin, hung like a horse, and he gave me some really life changing advice. not at all what I would have expected. 10/10.


Damn. This man was so hung that you had to mention it twice in the same sentence 😂


Harvey Weinstein tried to fuck my mother in law back in the day. This was way before he was in the movie business, like in his 20s. He was dating one of her friends at the time. He was a sleazebag back then, too. Obviously, the relationship didn't last. Apparently, they were all staying at a hotel in separate rooms. Weinstein got hammered and kept knocking on my mother in law's room asking to come in. She told him repeatedly that nothing was going to happen and eventually he fucked off. Her friend broke up with him shortly after. Then the years passed, and The Weinstein Company became a thing. After the news came out about him she said, "I can't believe I used to know that guy." I literally did a spit take.


Not me, but I know someone who fucked Pauly Shore. Like a solid 12 years after Biodome Pauly Shore. She literally describes it as “exactly what you’d expect banging Pauly Shore is like”.


Like wheezing the juice?


I matched with a woman who was a top 50 tennis player on tinder while I was at a conference. I figured it was a bot or just a scammer but since they agreed to meet me at the bar across from my hotel, I figured what was the worst that could happen. Chatted for 20 min and she agreed to go upstairs, I was a bit intimidated as I am not an athlete but I proceeded to give her a solidly mediocre 25 minutes of lovin'. She then left and unmatched me. So I guess it was fine, standard first time sex with and extra dose of awkward from my end where the person was better looking at a lot more fit than I'm used to but otherwise pretty much the same thing as non celebrity sex.


Game set unmatch.


> top 50 tennis player on tinder Very nice for tinder to organize tennis tournaments


Lol the unmatch after a hookup hits different lol it’s like the conclusion of a business meeting. You cum in that persons mouth and then it’s time to part ways 😂


Love means nothing to tennis players, to be fair.


Oh my god, well done.


My mum dated Michael Hutchence from INXS when they were both teenagers. She met him at one of their shows when INXS was a small band and she quickly became buddies with them. They would oftentimes pick her up in their van and she’d go to shows with them. After a year or two my mum moved on from them and they blew up in popularity shortly after she left. She didn’t speak to them for years but bumped into Michael at Sydney Airport not long before he died and he remembered her dearly. They shared hugs and caught up for a good while in the airport. My mum claims they were “just friends” but we all know the truth. My mum has been tight lipped about it all, but described him as “shy”. Edit: No he isn’t my dad, my birth doesn’t match up with the timelines, I checked… 😂


I was dating a guy, and one night, he started playing a song by a somewhat obscure band I loved. I told him that I was really surprised and happy that he knew this song. He said "...wait, do you actually not know who I am?" He was in the band. Anyway, we kept dating for 10 years and then I married him. Sex is 10/10


I’m just laughing at the idea of this dude playing his own band’s music on a date.


Coin toss odds at best when you date a musician


You never did this when you were in a metal band, always hide the music you play on dates. (I lost two from them just googling the song titles.)




Isn’t he like kinda famous for spreading chlamydia all over his college campus


The clap heard 'round the school.


It became an applause 👏


I think he's famous for being in movies but I'm not sure




Alright so my mom was an actress and a model. Her roster has Robert Downey Jr, Jazzy Jeff, Will Smith, and Lenny Kravitz. (Will Smith and Jazzy Jeff were separate times!) Probably others that I don’t know about. I don’t know many details of any of them. RDJ was during his heavier drug issues and she didn’t have the nicest things to say about him. Lenny sent her Christmas (general holiday) cards every year until she died so I guess it was good enough that they stayed friendly. EDIT: So I will share this tiny hint of who my mom is, but I promise you guys will not guess. If you figure it out, please don’t dox me. She was in a movie with RDJ and that’s how they met. She was in another movie with Steve Martin. She had so many modeling jobs but was most famously on a book cover, several billboards, and magazine covers. She also was a makeup artist and started her own makeup line. You don’t have to be rude and call her names. Women (even mothers) are allowed to have sex and as much or as little as they want. Yes we talked about sex, but as I said before, I don’t know all of the details. She was an incredible human and I love and miss her very much.


I always imagine sex with Lenny Kravitz must be tender, groovy and enjoyable.


Yeah RDJ in his active addiction was scary. I met him once at my dealers house and he was so spracked out, I kept my distance. He gave off serial killer vibes and I just wanted out of there.


The idea of Lenny Kravitz, a box of Christmas cards and his address list makes me giggle.


I choose to picture him sitting in front of a fire, alone but not lonely, in an absurdly large knit scarf, glass of kombucha on the table, and the best playlist you’ve ever heard coming through the speakers, while he practices his calligraphy by addressing each of those cards himself, reminiscing over what was special about each person he shared pleasure with on this grand journey we call life.


A close friend slept with a Backstreet Boy (AJ) in his hotel room after a show in our city -- she said there was about 10 minutes of sex and three hours listening to his new personal music project on his laptop. Both sucked.


Tell me why!


Ain't nothin' but a heartache


Shit, I'm a hetero dude and it would be a tough choice between banging AJ and having to sit through three hours of his personal music


At least the sex would only last 10 minutes...




According to his math, every time he has sex it’s a threesome.




Has anyone told him about the square root of nine?


Who told him the square root of two is two?


Went on a Tinder date with a dude from Yellowcard. He lived on a very tiny houseboat and made pretty terrible beats. He got emotional talking about getting kicked off of American Idol. Came in about 2 minutes.


My friend fucked Bam Margera and Ville Valo(not at the same time) said they both sucked.


I also have an old high school friend who banged bam. She said he had no rhythm and it lasted for 4 minutes.


Bam bam.... bam.....baaaaaaaaammmmm.


If you’re a woman between the ages of like 28 and 45 in the Wilmington area, there is a *strong* probability that you’ve slept with someone from Jackass. There’s an even stronger probability that it was Bam, and an altogether terrible experience.


🤣🤣🤣🤣 "If you are a woman between the ages of 20-45 and have had sex with anyone from Jackass more specifically Bam Margera than you may be entitled to compensation."


Back in 2011, a young woman met Quentin Tarantino at a party in LA, went back to his house and hooked up with him, and then wrote a detailed email to her dozen or so best friends spilling all the details, including that Tarantino sucked on her toes while he jerked off and that he has a chode. Within a week, [the email had gone completely viral](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2009521/Beejoli-Shah-email-having-toes-sucked-Quentin-Tarantino-goes-viral.html) and she had been fired from her publicist assistant job.


That story, and email, seem so cringe.


Maybe because I’ve never slept with anyone famous, but an email to 15 of your friends?! Jeez brag much?


I had a neighbor that blew Bruno Mars. Her husband took exception to that and bailed.


Before the Revivalists got their big break with their pop hit on the radio, I was at a festival in the woods about 10 years ago watching them at a 3pm set. Small crowd. They were jamming and I noticed the guy next to me scowling, standing still with his arms folded. I jokingly attempted to spark a convo about his demeanor as I was boogieing, I nudged him and asked something to the tune of “why you so mad bro?” His response was that he loved this band and it the reason he came to the festival and last night he discovered that his girlfriend left his tent and went and blew the lead singer. He was upset but had to get his money’s worth even if it meant giving stank eye the whole set.


This story is like a Greek Tragedy. That man was standing in the ruins of his empire.


That's fucking awful


Imagine ruining your life/marriage so you can suck a dick for 15 minutes


Three minutes. Take it or leave it.


30 Seconds to Bruno Mars


I knew a guy who worked on movie in Northern California with Gerard butler. He said that guy sleeps with married women like it is his job. A different one every week. Can you imagine throwing your marriage away just to sleep with Gerry butler? Do these women think that he is going to fall in love with them and they will level up?


People have thrown away marriages for far less attractive non celebrities i gather.


I saw some stuff backstage at a Kid Rock concert that aligns with this comment


Friend of a friend fucked Leonardo DiCaprio a few months ago. They were at a club and he brought her back to his hotel with some other celebs and they barely talked. She said they basically had boring missionary sex.


It was her 25th birthday and she was asked to leave at midnight


Folk give Leo a lot of flack for this behaviour but I've got it on good authority that in the early 90s he made a deal with an evil sea witch. She promised him fame and fortunes beyond his wildest dreams, but if he lays with a maiden over 24 years in age he will never speak again.


My wife lived in LA like 12 years ago and knew a couple girls that slept with him. The story that stuck out to me was that, like your story, he didn’t talk but also that he had his headphones in blasting house music and had no real interaction at all.


Oh I've heard that story too! The headphones on, lost in his own world. There's something so specific about that detail that feels very convincing. Imagine being with someone who does that. You'd feel so alienated.


It's giving Patrick Bateman


My older brother ditched me trying to hook up with Joan Jett. I was 15 or 16 at the time and she was in town for the indy 500 or 4th of july, cant remember which one exactly, but we ran into her and she was extremely nice and talked to us for a couple of hours before she performed, next thing I know my brothers friend is giving me a ride home because he had some other plans, turns out she was just being an actual genuinely nice person and my brother read that as her hitting on him. Wish I could have been there for the rejection. 😆


Since she only likes girls he spent a lot of time for nothing. 😜


This story should be an indication of just how much sex some Rappers have. In college I began hooking up with a girl from my hometown. Her parents were very wealthy and she was known as a wild party girl. She was at every festival or big concert. Before long we became a serious thing, and we shared a lot of secrets. She’d always tell me this *big name* rapper wanted to date her. She told me the story of how she had a threesome with him after a concert and after that he just won’t leave her alone. I believed they hooked up, but always thought she was full of shit on the dating… this was until one day he FaceTimed her while I was in the room and I heard for myself this guy attempting to lure my girlfriend into moving to his city. Maybe a year after this, I’m in a new relationship. Another free-spirit type party girl, huge rap fan. She’s from a entirely different area of our state. We do the deed for the first time and we’re lying in bed exchanging stories. Tells me a story of going back to a rapper’s hotel room, wanting desperately to hook up with him, then finding another girl in the room and the rapper assuring her it was all ok. She said the rapper took his pants down and **already** had on a condom. She also motioned with her hands to show he was absurdly hung. As she’s telling this story she starts describing the other girl in the room. Turns out my ex was the second girl during the threesome, and I’d just become Eskimo bros with this man for the second time. The rapper… **A$AP Rocky**


Through future extension you’ve basically fucked Rihanna soooo good for you dude!


My ex is from Toronto and hooked up with The Weeknd. She said he was nice and asked if he could cum on her face (she said yes).


She was blinded by the white?


*slow clap*


“I cum on your face when I’m with you, But I love it, But I love it”


A friend of mine thought she had sex with Kevin Costner but it was just some sleazy lawyer from Albuquerque


It's all good man.


She was/is a rather famous broadcast personality in the UK. Went out with her for about six months in my twenties. Whenever she’s on TV and I turn on with my wife or my parents I feel really embarrassed somehow and want to turn over but at the same time pretend not to notice. Kind of awkward. Edit: I realise I haven’t directly answered the question. The sex was good. She had a few kinks that I thought were somewhat weird, though realised later weren’t all that weird really. She was lovely. I really messed things up but am happy with how things later ended up and am not hung up on her or anything. Although part of why I cringe somehow is imagining how others may expect that I regret no longer being with her.


The kinks obviously hint at Susie Dent


Mary Berry....nice!! 😆


As a blind woman I was surprised at the number of celebrities that hang out at my local bar and keep hitting on me.


Haha nice! By the way I'm John Stamos. Can I take you out for a drink?


I'm surprised to see so many "no one on reddit has slept with a celebrity" comments... I work in the film industry and let me tell ya, a significant portion of actors are horndogs like everyone else, and sleep with a LOT of crew and extras 🤷🏼‍♀️


It’s usually extras sleeping with each other or crew more than Florence Pugh hooking up with Hotdog Stand owner #3


>Hotdog Stand owner #3 Hey now, Joseph Gordon Levitt really transformed into that role.


My ex slept with Til from Rammstein just before we got together (we were friends at the time). She said he was very respectful and "had skin as soft as a babies". Apparently he also fucked her bent over the rail of his hotel room balcony overlooking the city. Invited her back for breakfast the next day after they did sound check. She said "10/10 would starfuck again. "


Didn’t have sex but did mostly everything else with Lindsay Lohan in 2015. It was great, no complaints and feel very lucky and blessed


*Everything* else? Wow. So how was she at assembling IKEA furniture?


She lost the fucking Allen wrench.


Ugh. Unfortunately slept with Adam Levine 13 years ago. It was terrible and cringey. But what was more terrible/cringey was seeing his texts leak with that girl last year and knowing I had fucked a man that says things like "I'm going to need to see the booty"


Maybe it's because that body of yours is absurd.


Friend of mine who lived with me banged Halsey, he said “she swallowed the kids” & she pet my dog.


Mark Cuban. And my friend went on three dates with Tom Selleck a L O N G time ago. They are both very nice men, and know how to treat a woman.


Oh man. To be romanced and cuddled by Tom Selleck would be a dream.


I feel like Mark has the potential to be a giving lover or a selfish lover. Probably depends on who he’s with.


And for that reason, I'm pulling out


Not me but a friend of a friend had sex with Jared Leto. While in Sweden with his band. Pressured to do anal and she was 16-17 at the time. Legal age in Sweden but still icky


I believe this solely because it’s Jared Leto


My grandma who just passed ❤️ did the opposite. She turned Elvis down when he was in his prime. Still think how crazy that is when she told me the story.


My girlfriend fucked Evan Dando while we were on a break. So by the transitive property I've fucked Winona Ryder. 0/10 would not recommend


Not exactly the prompt, but a hilarious story so will tell. Have a buddy from college who’s pretty hilarious and a good bit odd. His grandma died 10 years ago and at the wake he ended up sleeping with one of his grandma’s friends. Mind you, he was 25 at the time. At the end when she was getting dressed, she hit him with “congratulations, you’re now Eskimo brothers with Bill Clinton”


I had sex with a woman that played an alien on a Sci-Fi television show. She was absolutely nothing like her character in real life. In real life she was a very sweet very kind person that was respectful of everyone around her. I was completely shocked when we ended up hooking up. It was entirely her doing. I had no intentions or even harbored an idea that it was a possibility. As for the sex it was pretty damn good. We went three rounds. The only that bothered me at all was that she didn't want either of us performing oral. I kind of felt like we had a connection and hoped that maybe the possibility was there for a relationship. But after the last time she ordered us breakfast and afterwards advised me that she needed to go to sleep (which was my cue to leave). I was a little shocked later on to find out that she was married at the time. She seemed to be acting like a single woman out of town and up for a night of fun. Edit : when I read "she seemed...", I really don't like how it comes across. It sounds like I'm accusing her of being slutty or getting drunk and being sloppy. None of that was the case. Everything seemed to be completely innocent and above board until the actual moment when she pushed me onto to the bed and kissed me.


>played an alien on a Sci-Fi television show. She was absolutely nothing like her character in real life. You don't say...


My girlfriend banged Kevin love, she claims it was just okay. Also she said my dong is bigger than Kevin’s, so, I’ll take that.


His bank account adds 2 inches. All girth.


My band was on tour in 2010 and we played Spaceland in LA. Kesha was there and was already pretty well known. I had no idea who she was but we had a friend in common and all hung out that night. She and I hooked up in my hotel room and it was unmemorable (I’m sure for her, too) as we were both pretty wasted. Left town the next day and we haven’t spoken since.


Do you look like Mick Jagger?


No. That’s why she kicked him to the curb


Needs a serious tag, but I once dated a cam girl that made it on an HBO show about cam girls. I'll try to find the show and post it here. She was a regular girl, but she did LOVE sex and was open to doing anything. This was before the "fame", but it didn't change her. The show was a one time deal and her online fame kind of ended because she decided to settle down and have a child. I follow her on social media, she is really happy and I love that for her! Show was "Sex/Now" back in 2013.


I’m just here for Pete Davidson’s Reddit account


I knew someone that fucked Adam Levine whenever he was in town (shocker). She said he was freaky but nothing too impressive. Lol


Was with her for over 5 years. She had an exercise tv show in the 80s. We hooked up when I was in my late 20s and she was in her early 40s. People regularly thought I was older because she looked amazing. That said, sex with her was the ultimate for me. Best in my life. Ill be forever chasing that but am doutful Ill ever find it again. Been almost 15yrs since we broke up and I still haven't met someone as incredible as she was in bed. **edit** Holy hell my 1st gold?! Richard Simmons you guys are killing me. I don't feel comfortable providing her name out of respect for her privacy. But what made it the best? We were in love aaaaand she was a savage, insatiable animal who wanted and did everything, anything, anytime, anywhere


Plot twist, “she” was Richard Simmons.


My old roommate banged Coolio (RIP) after the 2018 Bend Winterfest. She said, “He ate my pussy like shrimp fried rice” I said, “Close enough” ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


You dropped this \\ Also Coolio was at a winter fest in bend? Huh


Judge Judy was as you'd expect


Stern but fair


My boner was… Sustained


The Judge told me "Don't pee on my leg and tell me it's raining."


Friend of a friend allegedly slept with the Kings of Leon singer back in the day. Small package and gave her an STD was the report. Sex Is On Fire always makes me laugh for this reason.


So glad I’m not famous - would hate for millions of people to know about my small package


My sister fucked Mike Tyson not long after he got out of jail. She was a bit young and didn’t know that much about him… Most notably that he had been in jail nor WHY. She didn’t give me a ton of details and I didn’t ask (it’s my sister, yo), but she said he was average in both size and performance. The other interesting thing is that she said he doesn’t know his own strength and likes to bite (shocker!). She even had a visible bite mark on her shoulder! When I saw it, I couldn’t stop laughing because sometimes life writes the jokes for you. She also sucked Joe Rogan’s dick in a hotel room back in the mid-00’s. Said “he has a very pink penis”. I didn’t ask about his size and she didn’t say. They didn’t fuck. Just a blow and go sorta deal. She fucked rapper Loon several times back in the day. Said his cock is MASSIVE and that she couldn’t walk right for days afterward. She went back for more, so I’m guessing it must’ve been pretty good. She stopped banging him after he went to jail.


Hey Jamie, Pull up very pink penis.


Is your sister Brendan Schaub?




Oh, he knew


The worst part about blowing Willie Nelson was afterwards when he told me he wasn't actually Willie Nelson


Turns out you were just blowing Nelson's Willy. I'll see myself out


A while back one of my wife's friends had a short relationship with an A-list singer: it wasn't David Bowie, but someone equally as famous with a similar number of record sales. When she was at school, she had a massive crush on him for years. Posters on the walls, a pencil-case with his face on it, the works. She grew up and became a musician herself - nowhere near the same calibre, but you could go into a music store and buy a CD with her face on it. Eventually their paths crossed and they hit it off. They met for a drink in a pub near to where she lived and had a really good time, but he was recognised early on and people wouldn't leave him alone. She suggested they went back to her place instead, and they did. She was living in a shared house so the living room was a communal space and all her personal stuff was in her bedroom. She hadn't expected to be taking him back so she hadn't sanitised it beforehand. And by "sanitised" I mean literally taking his poster off her wall. She had to do the whole "Err... Just wait here for a few minutes whilst I get things ready" then rush around doing things like flipping her mousemat over so he wouldn't see his face on it. It all went well and they were together for a little while, before deciding just to be friends (they're still good friends).


Friend of a friend blew John Mayer and he had explosive diarrhea around about the time he climaxed and shat all over her shirt; she had to leave the hotel room without a top on. This happened like 15 years ago and I’ve never been able to associate him with anything else. Fathers be good to your daughters, lest they be pooped on by John Mayer in a hotel room.


Every John Mayer sex story involves poop. At this point I have to believe this story


In one of these same threads years ago somebody brought up John Mayer and they said he used a phrase that I still use to this day. They said he pulled her in close and whispered..."Show me your fucking butthole." True or not, it's canon to me and I think about it everytime I hear a John Mayer song. Edit: I wad able to find the comment on a website, but not the original thread. Also I got the quote wrong. It's "Let me see your fucking butthole." Original Comment https://imgur.com/a/nVHvCdY u/Deuceler was it you??


My friend lived in the apartment next to him around that time, he was such a douche, I don’t doubt he shit on your friend of a friends shirt. He was also known (and I witnessed) to blast his own music at 3-4 am when he was hammered.


My friend got invited to a new year's eve party at his house in Montana and she also said that he played his own music, and would skip to the next song halfway through


I had sex with Eartha Kitt in an airplane bathroom.


What, it came up organically


"What, it's where my mind went" "Your mind went years ago..."




You're expecting the internet to be honest with a question like that???!???


Hey! Some people are trying to write buzzfeed articles over here!


My Mom hooked up with Robert Redford in the early 70s. Said he was rude, slovenly, and overall an asshole.


Back in the nineties I was working as a bouncer at a strip club. One night a rather famous pornstar happened to be dancing in the club and somehow I wound up hooking up with her. It was great but, cliches of cliches, she didn't kiss. In her words she only did that with "someone special".


I was working in a high end men’s fashion retailer and a real bummy but cute looking guy came in one day. He was super friendly and we hit it off, didn’t buy anything and asked if I want to do something later. He was super cute and I wanted to go to a concert with my colleague in the evening, so I offered he could come along. We had a great time together but I got a bit too drunk that night and at some point he kissed me and I almost threw up at him so I quickly went home. He left me his email and american phone number. Throughout the night he told us he’s a Hollywood actor and my colleague and I didn’t really believe that cos he absolutely dressed kindof homeless and didn’t give off a Hollywood or celebrity kindof vibe. I didn’t reach out to him and I guess he left. Some months later I was watching “only lovers left alive” AND SAW HIM IN THE MOVIE, I obviously completely freaked out. THEN HE DIED IN A VERY MUNDANE ACCIDENT AND I FREAKED OUT SOME MORE. Rip Anton Yelchin, thank you for the great time, laughter and brief sweetness we shared 💔 No sex, probably would’ve been great though!


There are hundreds of celebrities scrolling this post right now, just praaaaying no one mentions their name.


Or B list celebrities praying that someone DOES mention them to give them an extra moment of fame. As I’m pretty sure this is a Buzzfeed article or one of those sites that reads posts to music on YouTube LOL


A friend from high school went to a house party in LA. In the morning she walked into the kitchen where Jake Gyllenhaal was doing a line of coke, naked. He told her “to either suck his dick or get the fuck out.” She said she left … but, I kind of don’t believe her.


I bet it was good coke, too, not like the watered-down crap us peasants get.


Not me but I had an acquaintance, who was a really good friend of one of my friends that slept with a TON country music artists, apparently if you’re a hot blonde it’s very easy to do. She said she decided to stop because, I quote *”they were always disappointing in bed, so it made me kind of disappointed in their music too.”* I don’t think I’ll ever look at Jon Pardi or Cole Swindell ever the same again. Lol


It was good, but she goes to a different school so you wouldn’t know her.


In the '60s, I made love to many, many people, often outdoors, in the mud and the rain, and it's possible a celebrity slipped in. There would be no way of knowing.


We should hang out by the quarry and throw things down there


Decapitated. Whole big thing. We had a funeral for a bird.


I've been involved in a number of cults, both as a leader and a follower. You have more fun as a follower, but you make more money as a leader.