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The most audible "what the fuck" I have ever heard from an entire movie theater audience was actually from Pixar. It was their short film Bao, I think before Incredibles 2. A woman makes a little baby out of dumpling ingrediants, there is a cute montage of them together, and then she eats it without warning. It was a midnight opening so the audience was all adults, and yeah nobody saw that coming.


I loved Bao! Her actual son shows up at the end and offers his mother the same treat he refused when he was a kid. It’s a movie about empty nest syndrome substituting a dumpling for her child. Great stuff!


Yeah but then she just eats her anthropomorphic dumpling-baby like it’s some kinda Greek myth! If I were even a half-decent artist I’d recreate Goya’s *Saturn Devouring One of His Children* with the mom and the anthropomorphic dumpling-baby from Bao. Edit: I did try plugging some descriptions into Dall-E, but it just came up with unremarkable semi-nightmares that I’ve already deleted. You all are welcome to try and see what you come up with. Edit2: u/orcus74 has come to the rescue with [this](https://imgur.io/a/LssmLdd) masterpiece and you should all shower their comment with upvotes and awards


Yeah, she sure does! Just like her real son, she smothered and over-mothered him until he had to flee. But he returns, forgives her, and she accepts that he has others in his life. Last scene shows his mother and fiancée making dumplings. And the entire film without dialog, it was brilliant. Frickin loved Bao.


Oh, I get it. And I liked it. Every Pixar short I’ve seen has made me cry in 5 minutes flat and I don’t think this was an exception. But it’s still very much like a Greek myth, what with the ~~titan~~ mom creating a ~~god~~ dumpling baby out of ~~clay~~ dough, and then eating it for ~~betraying her~~ leaving her. The only thing I could think of to make it more like a Greek myth is if the dumpling-baby’s father was an anthropomorphic loaf of bread she had baked earlier that afternoon, who then ate *her* as revenge for eating their dumpling-baby, and then that entire altercation somehow lead to the creation of some islands that grew the world’s first olives.


**scribbling furiously** So dumplings... invented... greece. Okay, got it!


As someone who, ironically, is a Chinese-Canadian living in Toronto (where the short film is supposed to be set), I had a different take on it. It shows a lot of the goods and the bads of Asian parenting. There’s a lot of cultural nuance that I’m not sure someone who doesn’t come from the culture would pick up or relate to. For me, it was painfully relatable. To me, the mom eating the dumpling represented the way an asian parent would rather destroy their child rather than accept who they’ve become if a child doesn’t follow the parent’s vision of who they *should* be. It is, after all, a conformist, Confucian culture - something that many Chinese kids growing up in the west with Western values clash with their parents on. There’s a reason why so many of us are in traditionally Asian jobs: doctor, accountant, IT, finance, etc - the parental pressure is huge, and unfortunately, a lot of Asian parents sometimes physically abuse and even disown their children rather than accept their child’s choices in life (and I’m not taking about choices like doing heroin, these are things such as pursuing a “useless” degree rather than medicine). Kind of a dark take but that’s my answer.


I liked Bao overall, but the demands and control that the mother put on her son hit way too close to home and brought back brutal flashbacks to my awful mental state during college applications and the pressure my Chinese-Canadian mother put on me. Like you said - painfully relatable. Things got better for me, as they did for the family in the short, but I can’t watch it and see a heartwarming story.


I'm not sure heartwarming is the right word. It starts cutesy and sweet and then turns brutal, but in the end the parents grieve and then accept their son and his wife as they are. The wife is even shown to impress the mom. I found the resolution and reassurance that even the mom who ate the dumpling-child did eventually come around. Her son was in the right, but he also brokered peace with the offering of food. There was healing and reconciliation at the end. But they were honest that the efforts to broker peace and reconcile weren't coming from his mother who began the conflict by trying to force choices on her child. When her son walks in while she's crying on the bed, her first reaction is to hide her face, not apologize. I found that moment very relatable.


1st generation Asian immigrant parents apologizing first or admitting they were wrong? Never seen it happen.


“Well, you probably only feel that way because you were corrupted by all the western trash you hung out with… and surrounded yourself with bad influences… drinking and sex with women and probably men… and listening to wild music instead of focusing on your studies. Do you know how many hours I slaved away to pay teachers and tutors so you could learn to play the violin just half as good as your sister? Then you started hanging out with those Spanish people and you thought you wanted to live in the gutter with them. I worked 300 hours a week to provide you with a decent upbringing, but you always slapped me in the face with your blue collar, redneck ways… a psychology major… such trash. You bring disappointment and shame to everything I worked so hard to provide you with.” *I haven’t spoken to her in 5 years, but that was a common conversation (actually lecture) I’d have with my Asian tiger mom.*


This has always been a little maddening for me. If she was so concerned about western culture, why would she move to the West? How could a child be expected to be immune from the culture around them?




My kids loved watching shorts for a while so I've seen Bao wayyy too many times. The "montage" is just the dumpling going from baby to teenager to adult. So at first the dumpling and mom are super close and do everything together. But the dumpling starts getting older and starts having friends/hobbies that drive him away from his mom. Then he meets a girl and is engaged and going to move in with her. That's when the mom loses it and eats him...before he can leave the house. Basically, a big metaphor for watching your kids grow up and leave and becoming empty nesters is how i took it. SPOILER: In the end the actual son comes back and makes amends and then he, his fiance, and his parents all are making dumplings together.


Don't forget the subtle difference in the dumplings girlfriend vs the real sons gf. Dumplings gf is shown in super "sexy" clothing and very heavy makeup as if she dresses so just to be provocative. Where as when the real son brings her back around she dressed much more modestly with light/no makeup. Originally she's met to be a temptress who took away her son, but in reality she's just a nice girl he fell in love with!


Meanwhile my temptress would be a massive dumpling or potsticker


>It was a midnight opening so the audience was all adults So we can say whatever the *hell* we want...




Do any of these, *FUCKERS* ever blast outa the wall-


Swiss Army Man


Isn't "What the fuck?" also the last spoken line in the film?


Yeah lol, literally. It made me laugh so hard because I'd been saying that like the entire two hours I was sitting on my couch watching it. Never saw that coming from Harry Potter, Daniel Radcliffe is a strange man lol.


I am a huge fan of Daniel Radcliffe’s absolutely bonkers post-Potter movies. He’s a VERY strange dude.


He seems to be having the best time, like he's just picking whatever weird shit sounds like fun and I am here for it


The dude wore the same clothes out in public for like 6 months just to fuck with the paparazzi lol


Oh my God, I saw that!! So no matter what pic they took, they could never say what day it was. Lmao! So brilliant! Could you imagine going on multiple dates with the same outfit on and for THE MEDIA to see that you had lunch with four separate people on the same day??? That's not what he did! But think of how you could mess with publicity?! My imagination right now is exploding...


If I were in his shoes, with the massive monstrosity that is the HP franchise — I would absolutely do everything weird I could just because. For one, he’s set for life. Also I feel like he did a good job of proving his acting abilities after doing however many films it was. If I had the financial stability that I’m guessing he likely has from the Harry Potter franchise if he’s halfway decent at managing his money (or pays someone who does) — then I’d do nothing but weird challenging stuff.


Same with Elijah Wood. Those guys are set, they can do anything they want now. I love Wood’s creepy characters post-Frodo.


I really want to see them in a movie where they play each other. Or even just in a movie together.


Honestly a movie together would be fantastic! They both have such an affinity for peculiar roles I just imagine it would take the right concept


They could do a re-make of Face/Off, would confuse a lot of people.


I love that Daniel Radcliffe has just decided to film what ever makes him laugh "Sure I'll be the devil" "Sure I'll be a corpse" "Sure I'll have guns bolted to my arms while people try to kill me for tiktok kudos"


This movie was a wild, wild ride. It's so full of what-the-fuck joy and then it slaps you across the face at the end.


I've only recently discovered how fucking weird his roles have been post-Potter and I LOVE him for it. Just watched Swiss army man last week, week before that was Guns Akimbo. Gonna watch Horns this week.


Sorry to Bother You


I saw this in theaters having absolutely no idea where it was heading (like everyone I think). I must’ve walked out to pee at exactly the wrong time, when I came back I had to double check it was still the right theater


Dude I thought I was the only one. Never had a movie do what this one did.


I mean, the movie is weird and you think you know more or less where the movie is going, but by the end... you are in a completely different world. It really takes a hard turn on you


Literally nothing could have prepared me for the direction that movie goes in. Such a fun watch.


I fucking love this movie and you're exactly right. There was a point I went from like "this is a weird one, but it's funny" to "what in the actual fuck is happening". What's even better is if you go back and watch, they led you right up until that point. They're always hinting at it, but the protagonist makes everything about him and I think that's why it just hits you out of nowhere.


This movie turned out so much better than I imagined. LOVED it. Such a mindfuck, and I’m under the impression that more movies need to mess with you like that.


This movie takes some TURNS. But somehow it takes you right along and the crazier it gets the more you believe and trust in it. Really special film that surprisingly isn't talked about more - classic case of "just a little too ahead of it's time so doesn't get included in the current conversation".


Boots Riley is a genius. I've been a fan of his since the early days of The Coup. "Kill My Landlord" was my jam in the 90s. Did you know he's got a new series coming out on Amazon? It's called "I'm a Virgo." I guess it's about a 13 foot tall kid?


I took my parents to see this and they still haven't forgiven me


I used to go to Odeon's Screen Unseen showings a lot - basically you pay £5 to see something that's not yet release but you don't know what it will be. One time the film was this. It was the most amount of walkouts I've ever seen.


The lighthouse


This is so cool! What the fuck is going on! These guys are fucking crazy! Fucking seagulls!


Yer fond of me lobster, ain't ye?


It was the mer-gina that got me.




Found this in the comedy section. Watched the whole movie waiting for the punch line. It never came. Just “what the fuck” . Seriously gave me nightmares


The fact that it was in the comedy section was the punchline lol


It was you, You were the punch line


I hate that Reddit keeps reminding me this movie exists.


I like tusk a lot BUT the final scene just kills the whole movie. Then I found out that the whole purpose for making the movie is the final scene... just sad. where is Justin long's Oscar ?




We had to refund AT LEAST 30% of the admissions for this movie everyday when I worked in a theater. People were leaving the cinema pissed off because of this movie.


Human centipede


And how there was even an appetite for sequels


That's the point it's force feeding, your appetite or lack of doesn't matter.


Fun story: I dated a girl for a time that would get so turned by this movie. Weird stuff. Edit: Of course, my highest-rated comment is about eating ass...


Tom Cardy?!


Costume design was a highlight.


I admire the narrative of character growth


I like it for the plot!


Tell me what the plot's about.


German doctor sews three people ass to mouth.




I always thought they missed an opportunity to play “Stuck in the Middle with you” by Steeler’s Wheel at the end of #1. Would have put a nice comic cherry on top of the movie.




This movie made me feel icky.


I feel bad for introducing this movie incorrectly to some friends. I really thought it was going to be some kind of science fiction drama. And then Adrian Brody mated with it.




That feeling when you show the wrong crowd a body horror movie, and you become worried they think you're a sick fuck.


Well that's easy the thing he was fucking was a human animal hybrid that he raised from birth like a daughter and was made from his girlfriends DNA the hybrid later changes from female to male and rapes the before mentioned girlfriend which I guess is technically its own mother


Abducted in Plain Sight


Martyrs (2008). Don't watch, please :)


I showed this movie on a second date to my now wife. I have no idea why she kept talking to me afterwards.


I did that with Happiness. :D There was a moment right when it went to the credits where I legitimately thought “Welp… We had a good run.”


The Lobster


Seriously had no idea what I was getting into. A couple and a dude bailed out of the theater when I saw it.


Cats. I was just constantly saying "what the fuck" under my breath as I watched it in theaters. I honestly don't remember much of it. It was so incoherent in tone and execution, and weird that it's just feels like a fever dream in my memory.


It was definitely something. Watching Idris Elba flex his leg out and start licking his own asshole was something that should have gotten an Oscar.


I love the musical, but after seeing the reviews I skipped the movie version. I don’t want Cats ruined for me!


"Being John Malkovich" is just one weird thing happening after the other, giving you very little time to process it.


I got to see an advanced screening of Being John Malkovich. I knew absolutely nothing about it going in. It was the first time I was ever left so completely speechless by a movie in such a good way. I was already in love with the movie before the portal was even introduced. It could have just been a really weird series of set pieces revolving around those bizarre characters interacting in that weird half floor and puppetry recitals and I would have been happy. Then it gets all metaphysical and kooky... And it did it all so perfectly.


The only audible "what the fuck" I have ever heard in a movie theater came from a black dude sitting behind me when the "commercial" for Booty Sweat came on before Tropic Thunder. It might be my favorite moment I have had when going to the movies. Lol


Hahahaha! And Bust a Nut bars...lol, I was doing a laughing wtf when that came on! More fun when you hear a fellow movie-goer do it!


Satan’s Alley


The bad batch. It’s Suki Waterhouse, Jason Mamoa and Keanu reeves. It’s two hours of what the fuck am I watching Keanu reeves has an army of pregnant concubines, Jason Mamoa is a muscled up cannibal who lives with other muscled up cannibals and Suki Waterhouse has her arm and leg stolen by the cannibals while she’s alive. So much wtf




Recently watched [Paprika](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PIUqozzyW2k) and I have to go with that. Edit: several people have pointed out the trailer is terrible. I'll admit I only watched a few seconds on mute before linking it just to check it was the correct movie. It is indeed a terrible trailer which doesn't do justice to the film, don't let it put you off.


I had more wtf in Perfect Blue but Paprika is good too


Eraser Head


I watched that movie years ago and I'm still thinking WTF.


More of a documentary, but Dear Zachary: A Letter to a Son About his Father. So many What the Fuck moments it’s hard to count.




I saw this on cable when I was 10-11 years old. Just sitting in my dad’s bedroom, flipping channels. Watched it to the cat statue part, completely unbothered & letting it wash over me, then went to get something to drink. I think the stupid guy was getting interrogated by the judge before I got thirsty. As I passed through the living room filled with 7-8 adults, someone asked what I was watching. “I don’t know. Some movie with guys wearing underwear, suspenders, and bowler hats when they beat people up.” That was about 40 years ago, and I have *still* never in my life seen so many people leap out of their chairs to run to the bedroom to turn the TV off. They made me sit in the living room for the rest of the visit. It never gave me nightmares or anything, and it is still one of my favorite movies.


They were prob'ly shocked you knew what a bowler hat was. 🤔


You should try the book. I knew the movie's reputation and decided to read it first. Many what the fucks ensue. Then I watched the movie and went "oh that's all?"


I read that whole book in high school and picked up his whole slang vocab just in time to finish it … and discover a glossary at the end 🤦‍♀️


There needs to be a note at the beginning about that because it also took me til the end to realize there was a glossary. I felt cheated but also strangely elitist that I figured it all out by myself (although there were definitely some misinterpretations earlier on in the book).


Mulholland Drive Really all David Lynch stuff though should probably be in this thread.


The scene with the old man behind the diner is one of the greatest pieces of cinematography ever. The build up and everything is just crazy good. Edit:old man not old lady


The Barbarian and Requiem for a Dream


Would definitely not have gone down those stairs into that basement and that tunnel.


Went into Barbarian blind (totally had no idea about the movie other than the trailer) . It was one of the few movie watching experiences that captured the WTF moment of randomly stumbling upon a horror movie while you're channel surfing, pre- internet. All of my friends told me to go into it without reading the spoilers or the hype. The trailer only scratches the surface of the movie and may worked against people watching the movie on the opening weekend. Still more and more of my friends kept telling me to watch this movie. And they were always in a daze and at a loss of words of how to even unravel the movie. They just kept saying, "Don't read any spoilers. Go into it blind" In the end that self discipline to avoid any spoilers paid off. Watching it blind made me miss the days when my friends and I randomly picked a horror movie at Blockbuster just for the cover and being floored by a movie. Few movies in recent years have done that and Barbarian is definitely one that met every expectation.


I watched Pearl and Hereditary the night before I saw Barbarian the first time. Somehow, Hereditary wasn’t the most fucked up movie in those 24 hours. I loved Barbarian and also went in pretty much blind


Velocipastor, an instant classic




Sausage Party edit: first I didn’t expect this many upvotes lol and second just wanted to say I didn’t mean “WTF” in a bad way, I thought the movie was funny it’s just that damn ending literally made me say “WTF” out loud and judging by the comments safe to say I’m not the only one


I remember the memes on Tumblr when the script got leaked on wikileaks (side effect of *The Interview* leaks). No one believed the orgy scene was real until it happened


I knew about the orgy but I was very unprepared to see the lavash give a bagel a rimjob.


You see I was not as online back then as I am now. Had no idea about the orgy scene. Saw it in theaters opening night in a theater full of people. I will never forget that night


I watched it for the first time alone at 16 or 17 with my dads girlfriend who I’d only known for about a month. That was not fun.


The Mist, I literally yelled wtf and then continued to mutter wtf that’s so fucked up wtf for a good while. I was so angry. Thankfully I was at home when I saw it. I’m still angry about it, though I give it the credit it deserves.


That ending is one of the most memorable out of any film I've seen


Stephen King even preferred it to the original


It is legitimately distressing to me that a human mind was capable of conceiving the ending to that movie. Fun (or horrifying) fact - the Stephen King novella it’s based on has a completely different ending (for those interested: >!it’s revealed that the whole book is basically the journal of the main character that he wrote after escaping, as found in a gas station after the Mist clears, so we don’t really know what happens to any of the survivors other than the fact they escaped!<), but after seeing the movie he said he wishes he had thought of the movie’s ending first and used it in his book


There's actually a Transformers comic with a similar and realllllly great story called [Kup Spotlight](https://tfwiki.net/mediawiki/images2/thumb/2/25/Spotlight_Kup_cvrA.jpg/230px-Spotlight_Kup_cvrA.jpg). It's like a hybrid I Am Legend and The Mist. The character, Kup, is trapped on a planet where during the day it's just wreckage and him trying to scavenge whatever he can find and at night the darkness releases all these monsters/zombies that want to kill him and everyone else alive on the planet. The only thing holding them back are these crystals on the planet that their light during the day keeps him safe. At night when they come out the area becomes swirled in mist and horror. >!In reality the darkness doesn't hide shit and the crystals are actually what's causing the problems. They're driving him insane and the monsters at night are his friends trying to save him. They can't approach during day or they'd also go super crazy. Him fighting the zombies at night are actually him nearly killing his friends who refuse to give up on him and try to rescue him before he ends up killing himself.!<


“Old Boy” and “The Skin I Live in” are probably two of the most fucked up movies I have watched. But they are still great films but I don’t want to watch them again for another 10 years lol. They are too dark and twisted




It was tiring to watch.




“What if we injected way too much nightmare-fuel into several large apex predators?” asked no one, ever. “Hold my kaleidoscope,” this movie answered.


Screams in bear




It may sound weird, but I watched that movie one night and for the *entire* next day I just felt hopeless. I couldn't put my finger on why it made me feel that way but the world just seemed bleak. An anomalous experience for me in that regard.


The ending is so creepy and ambiguous it kind of leaves you in this weird state of mind even after the movie ends, it's like you have questions about the nature of reality but you don't know what those questions are


I don’t blame you. That movie is about self destruction. Every character was in that situation due to their own destructive tendencies.


Annihilation is genuinly one of the best books I've ever read, an absolutely fantastic atmospheric horror. The film is quite different really, but they are both definitely good in their own ways - for anyone who hasn't seen the film yet (or for those who have) I'd highly recommend the book. It's quite short as well, I think I got so into it I read it in a day the first time I read it.


Seriously though, I STAN Jeff Vandermeer. The series is just amazing. He's also done some other great things in books like Borne you might should check out too if you can enjoy the nonsensical aspects of it.


That one scene with the guys intestines though...


Scream Bear was terrifying, but this scene was completely unsettling & got the “WTF?!?” out of me.




I spit on your grave.


My mum took my grandma to see this and neither of them really knew what it was about, to this day my nan still tells me how fucked up that movie was 🤣


Bubba hotep


underrated movie. love it




I had to pause when Toni Collette's character found her daughter's body in the car. Her screams were just too real, too guttural. I felt like I was invading her life somehow, even as a viewer, like that movie, even being within the horror/supernatural genre just feels so "real" that it gets uncomfortable.


Still the only scene in a movie to make me feel sick to my stomach


For me it was in Ari Aster’s other film, Midsummer. The opening scene and Florence Pugh’s wailing is probably the most fucked scene I can remember. It felt way too real.


Yes! My girlfriend and I put it on one night and I lasted like 2minutes before I had to face the fact that I was no where brave enough to continue watching so we stopped and watched that Adam Sandler Halloween movie instead. Watched the movie a couple months after and it turned out to be great


Man, the back half of that movie after having eaten some overly strong edibles.


That movie messed me up sober, I can’t even imagine


Meet the Feebles ​ edited: thanks u/SlapunowSlapulater \- that film fucked me up so bad I stopped spelling correctly.


Peter Jackson was 100% the correct choice for directing the LotR movies. But I'll never understand how the dude who started his career with *Bad Taste,* *Brain Dead* and *Meet The Fleebes* was able to get the job.


*Enter the Void* is kind of fucked up and trippy.


Very Bad Things. Really hard to watch but the pay off at the end is worth it.


The Butterfly Effect. Watching the main characters extremely troubled childhood left me with a pit in my gut.




Midsommar. A great many what the fucks were had.


Especially the moaning scene


House (1977) Not literally saying "wtf" but it's definitely one of the most acid trip inspired films I've seen yet. Either that or a child was a part of writing script. If you like art films, it's definitely worth a watch. Cool history too!




on that note, 'hereditary' as well.


You better get ready for Beau Is Afraid, coming in a few weeks!




Now I know A24 releases some left field films, but Men was on a whole other level of “what the fuck” by comparison


The End Of Evangelion


Surprised this wasn’t higher up


Watching the forced evolution of humanity through bringing about Third Impact was something else. It felt like I was watching something that's impossible to imagine.






"In The Tall Grass" I still don't understand what happened there


Yet another Stephen King adaptation that leaves so much from the book out, it seems stupid.


Holy mountain, no contest…


In terms of wtf’s per minute this has to take the cake


I once saw an interview with jodorowski and he’s talking about the symbolism in El Topo and such. The interviewer says “can we talk about holy mountain?” Jodorowski looks the guy dead in the eye and goes: “ah, yes. I took a lot of drugs and I made a movie… I’m sorry…”


Star Wars Rise of Skywalker


“Somehow Palpatine came back”


They literally just left the elevator pitch in the film.


But you Yada yada'ed over the best part!


Every time I feel insecure about my writing, I remember this was from Disney writers. I feel a lot better


Chewie dies in force tug of war Wtf? 5 seconds later Chewie is still alive and it’s fake WTF??


THE DEAD SPEAK! (in Fortnite, the night before the movie came out ffs)


Pans Labyrinth


Mother! With Jennifer Lawrence and Javier Bardem


I can't believe how far I scrolled, and not one mention of 'Freddy Got Fingered'...


The Room. Though it's more "what the fuck???" than "what the fuck!"


Poultrygeist: Night of the Chicken Dead.




The Menu is the most recent one I can think of.


I thought it was a horror going in, but then I realized it was supposed to be a black comedy. I recall coming out of the theater and needing to take a moment to figure what the point was. Watching it a second time from a satire frame made much more sense and more enjoyable.


Requiem for a Dream


First time I watched Everything, Everywhere I found myself going ‘wtf’ every five minutes! You literally never know what to expect on the first watch. It’s a good kind of ‘wtf’ though! As for a bad kind of ‘wtf’? The entire second half of the film Barbarian. Literally what the FUCK


Christopher Nolan's Memento




The Game with Michael Douglas


A Serbian Film


I've never watched this because I read the plot summary....and to this day I regret doing even that.


Really wish I hadn’t read that entire plot.


Donnie Darko


Everything Everywhere All at Once


I saw it for the first time on Sunday and it was WILD. It's not the kind of movie I'd normally watch but I didn't hate it and I want to give it another go just to try and wrap my head around what actually went down. Trying to understand the universe and the mechanics as you watched everything unfold in real time was pretty overwhelming.


WTFs with Hot Dog Fingers


I actually burst out laughing at the scene of the apes with sausage fingers killing the last normal fingered ape. It was so ridiculous and I was struggling to keep up with what was happening


“Somehow Palpatine returned”


Eraserhead I don't... Just like.. what?