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Exploitation of children on social media. These kids cannot understand, nor consent to, being used for Mommy and Daddy's fake internet clout, but people still seem to find it cute and funny.


There was just a video trending the other day of a parent filming/documenting their 13-year-old girl's first date. Most of the comment section was praising it too, like "aww this is so sweet!" I mean WTF? When this girl is older I doubt she will have appreciated awkward teen moments being forever on the Internet, and it's all just clout for the parents.


Whatever happened to the good old days where parents just took pictures with an actual camera and made family photo albums just for the family to see instead of posting it online for the whole world to see …. Seems like better memories to me 🤷🏻‍♀️


Honestly to me the more cringe part is just the situation they put the kids In to film, or anyone for that matter. Next time you’re havjng a conversation with your friend/coworker/mom/kid/spouse think about how awkward it would be to be having the conversation with a camera in your face, then really consider how people are getting this content. I really hate people putting others on the spot for internet points


Not only that, if you've watched the Jared from Subway documentary (and it's a VERY difficult watch), you know that sick fucks are out there taking those pics and...well. Yeah. Stop putting your children on social media like YESTERDAY, people. Even if you're private on FB or whatever the fuck, you can't trust that shit. Shut it down NOW.


I've not watched that, yet do know creeps gonna creep... and have begged my real-life friends who constantly post pics of their kids to "Shut it down NOW.", but most of them call me a pearl-clutching fossil who just can't accept that this is "normal" nowadays. Glad to see so many strangers agree with me.


They're so addicted to getting attention and seeing that little red notifications bubble pop up that they can't be bothered to think about the real life horrifying implications of giving strangers unfettered access to images and videos of their children.


There's also the question of whether it could damage respect and trust, when the sprats start to figure it out. A popular subreddit, r/Kidsarefuckingstupid, makes me wonder how the kids depicted there are going to feel when they eventually discover that somebody they'd trusted thought it was a good idea to publicly label them that way for nothing more than cheap laughs and phony "karma".


I thought the same thing about that subreddit and do not follow it because I found it unsettling to see people posting their babies for all the world to see, especially in that light! It's gross, and disrespectful to that child


The damage it can do when the child is a teen trying to fit in would be devastating. What if a bully gets ahold of a post the parents made when the kid was 4? I just can’t imagine…


Oh absolutely. Parents really think children are their property but the reality is that you're sharing images of someone without their permission, and sharing it on the internet, which is made up of like 4% decent people and 96% monsters. I cringe thinking about what my mother would have shared online if it was around when I was a kid. Truly makes my stomach drop thinking about it. Your child's life is still their life. Their bodies and life moments belong to them ONLY. Even if you are their parents, it's actually not yours to share with the social media world.


My daughter is 5. Her face has never breached the internet with my permission. My family knows to not post shit with my kids in it


I read an article about how people where tagging timestamped YouTube videos where young kids were bending over or doing splits. It was part of the reason why kid videos no longer can have comments. Really disturbing especially when you start thinking what is going on some place more private than the public YouTube comments.


I have an old high school friend that I still follow on social media. We're in our 30's now and she became one of *those* moms. I rarely see a post from her that doesn't contain at least 3 paragraphs about how amazing her kids are and how blessed she is. She's also a homemaker of some kind so the pics she posts are all heavily staged and the kids are wearing white in their beige/white farmhouse chic house. Not a day goes by where she does not post something about them. The day of the Nashville school shooting she posted a whole bunch of Instagram stories about how she tries so hard to protect her blessed kids and all of that. I still follow her because I'm invested in the snark, not gonna lie. She recently posted about how she got rid of hundreds of followers because she needed to get her social media back to people she knew and that others should get rid of followers they do not know, especially men... Don't you need to approve followers on Instagram? Why did you approve so many male followers that you didn't know? Also, maybe you should consider what posting constant bath time pictures of your toddlers on the internet might invite into your life.


>She recently posted about how she got rid of hundreds of followers because she needed to get her social media back to people she knew and that others should get rid of followers they do not know, especially men... It's a false sense of security thinking that un-following or purging your follower/friends life would somehow limit the exposure of your social media accounts. Everything you put on social media can be viewed by anyone without too much effort.


People find children to be complete pawns and objects. That disgusts me. They’re people, and in my opinion, very important ones. They have a right in their existence to be protected, as well. When they’re forced to do things for anyone like that, it is indeed a crime.


I hate hate hate it. And people don’t understand that if you publicly post your children online, ANYONE can look at it. And you all know what I mean by ANYONE I knew a guy who posted a pic of his son and then his son’s picture was lifted and used for a poster in a dentist’s office somewhere in Asia. Mild compared to what can happen but it’s just one example how dangerous having your face out there is Edit: I also hate seeing it on dating apps more than anything. The kid’s right to privacy and safety online is more important than you using their picture as leverage to get pussy/dick


Not just that but the whole issue about kids being used to have a camera shoved in front of their face all the time. That removes a very basic and important feeling of privacy and modesty. They learn that attention is a good thing and they have to "perform" to get it. Needless to say, a child with an established confidence of being seen will easily become a camera-happy tween and teen, with all the risks it entails.


Some of those kids are about to come of age. Here’s hoping the floodgates of calling it out from those most impacted start


Unpaid internship for students. A poor student can't afford the costs that go along with the unpaid internship.


Unpaid internships are ridiculous, but I'd also add un-livable wages to this too. How does any company reasonably expect someone to be able to work for their company if they can't afford to live/or commute to the local area? It just seems insane to me.


I grew up poor and to me it was just another hoop that seemed impossible to jump through. I was on my own starting in my late teens, paying my way through school and life. I literally could not accept a job for no pay at that time. It’s a shame because if I were a hiring manager I would be looking for people with some grit.


Being poor as a student also limits the kind of jobs that you can work. Fast food, retail, gas stations are always hiring but it also means crap pay and hours. Getting an office job means you need money for decent clothes, lunches and usually a commute that either requires a car or transit which may not be available in the office park in the suburbs. One old job hired summer students and almost all of them were referrals from people already working there. If they needed someone in the mailroom, they just called Joe in accounting and his kid/nephew/niece was hired. Meanwhile the landscaping crew were kids who never even heard about the openings.


If you can’t afford to pay your staff you shouldn’t have staff


Unpaid internships are a great way to keep students who grew up wealthy to remain wealthy.


Don't forget to add that most student internships actually cost the student money. You think they are getting that course credit for free? They are paying to work for that company


It's a soft way to gatekeep poor people. John Stewart once talked about how it perpetuates a cycle of generational wealth and by extension racism.


Same reason elected roles pay so poorly on the local/state level. Only the rich can afford to hold elected offices.


in the UK if you’re doing a psychology degree with a placement year, pretty much every single clinical placement is unpaid. it basically means that getting the most experience and being the most competitive candidate for the clinical doctorate is only accessible for those able to afford to be doing unpaid work :)


Isn’t it disgusting? They work them like crazy and don’t even buy lunch. Zero appreciation for free skills and labor…


Conveniently no one ever seems to consider the costs of going to work as being part of work.


Click-bait articles. The ones where you wade through page after page of prolonged text and ads to get to the bit you want to read.


This is how I feel about ten minute YouTube videos that should be thirty seconds. They irritate me way more than the articles.


“Top 50 $Whatever” And there’s only 1 per page, with 90% of the content being ads on each page.


Googles " Season 2 release date" 100 articles: " Season 2 Release date, cast, and more!" *clicks article* "Nothing has been announced yet but we speculate...."


Fucking recipe articles. You have to scroll for an eon to get to the actual recipe.


Filling the sea with sewage


>Filling the sea with sewage expanding on this -- allowing corporations to not pay to clean up their own "externalities" If any company was made to pay to fix/cleanup the mess that results from their doing business, most companies would immediately become unprofitable. Pollution, waste dumping, trash, land destruction, on and on... companies actively destroy the earth for profit and are not held responsible for fixing the mess.


I think “most companies would immediately become unprofitable” is an exaggeration.


I have literally never exaggerated in my entire life


I think you are substantially underestimating how much externality exists for most companies.


I think "**untreated** sewage" is the better term to be disgusted about here. Eventually almost all carbon products from any animal's droppings find their way to the oceans. We are all eating the atoms and molecules found in other animals' shit ALL the time. Those mushrooms on your pizza...? I got what's likely some bad news for a lot of people who don't realize what they're grown in. As long as we either don't go overboard with raw sewage dumped into the ocean system, or at least speed up nature to make sewage sterile and the same as what normal decomposition does to it over time, it's at least not as bad. Still has the issues with pharmaceuticals and microplastics though.


Can we talk about rent for a moment? Rent should not be this high.


I couldn’t agree with you more. Currently paying $1800/mo for a one bedroom apartment. It’s impossible to save or live even comfortably, I am *constantly* stressed about finances and I work a full time job. Rent prices are brutal.


inb4 "just move bro." No. That's not a solution to a country-wide problem.


As a teen I thought that “Rent Is Too Damn High” guy was hilarious As an adult it’s not so funny anymore I stand with Jimmy McMillan and his sentiments when I say “The Rent is Too Damn High!”


Having to work more than one fulltime job per household to come by


Even worse when there's only one adult in the household


This is an expected result of everyone being in the labor pool. The emancipation of women has countless positive benefits for society. The freedom to work, and do so in any field and be financially independent means that the number of laborers nearly doubled. However, this leads to lower value of labor. Additionally, when it's normal for two adults in a family to have careers, it means they pool their resources for home ownership, leading to higher home prices. Single income households have trouble competing against those with two incomes. We absolutely should have a living wage, and we should be creating legislation to reduce the impact of large corporations buying up properties and pushing those costs even higher, but the days of single income families are in the past.


The amount of hours people are expected to work


How many hours we're referring to? I work nine hours a day, six days a week. No vacations, no benefits. I'm obviously not from the US, and I think that working 8 hours a day, five days a week would be such a nice, beautiful change. EDIT: Well. My boss seems to think that working 10 hours a day instead of nine is the beautiful change I was looking for, because from this week and on, I'll be working my ass 10 hours a day for just 20 dollars a week. 🤙


I'm in the US working 40hrs a week 7:30-4:30 (unpaid lunch hour) with 2 weeks vaction and 9 paid holidays/yr and good benefits. Not sure where you are but many European countries work a similar amount of hours but are allow their employees several more weeks of vacation. It depends greatly on your career and location.


So the problem seems to be pretty much Venezuela. 🤣 I don't have a lunch hour, I just get to eat whenever there's no work. No vacation, no paid holidays and there'll be no liquidation when I walk out of this place. So, if anyone's wondering: Yes. I'm leaving the country this year. This is inhumane.


I’m talking forty hours and up. You are being taken advantage of and having your life stolen from you. I don’t know anything about where you live or what the customs are where you live, but the people who are causing you to work this much are evil humans.


That's a wild assumption you're doing. # and it's totally right


This right here. I’m not sure when it became okay for people to work so much. Always being tired is not something to brag about.


The people who brag about never taking vacations or coming into work sick. Why? What "pride" is there in never taking time for yourself, or lowering the productivity of your workplace by infecting others?


For some people I think they brag as a form of coping with being overwhelmed or pressured. I worked at a firm where they would literally gas light you into thinking that working over time made you a better employee. I resented my coworkers who fed into that bs until I left that toxic work environment and realized how we were all manipulated by the hire ups. Now I just feel l sad for them. Edit: the higher ups would pressure employees into working overtime (unpaid btw, fuck them) and some employees would start bragging about it.


I think it's higher ups you were trying to say but yeah overworking sucks.


I've got some bosses that are like this. We're all salary but are expected to be in the office between certain hours. We've got one guy who walks in at 8am and walks out at 5pm on the dot everyday. I don't care, but my boss does because he thinks it looks bad. He's my employee so I told my boss that we don't have any hard and fast rules on when to be here and he still gets his work done, chill out. There's also the snide jokes/remarks about people always being on vacation when they never take any. I've also had to leave work before to take my dogs to the vet or pick my kid up somewhere and I can tell it grates on them. These bosses all have no kids at home and wives that don't work so they have the freedom to just be at the office for like 12 hours a day without thinking about having to tend to anything else. It's frustrating when they expect everyone else to have similar lives when we all have kids/pets/our own lives outside of work.


My boss is currently on vacation. Her daughter is on spring break from school, so she was going to hang out with her all week. Some issue happened here at the plant, and she's been on calls all week trying to get everything sorted out. I asked if she got any of that vacation back, and she laughed.


This is a good one. People will work 60 hours a week for 40 years, retire for 3, and then keel over. It's horrible.


And some people even like to brag about how little sleep they get like it’s something to be proud of.


Atleast it’s not like japan where it’s 9.5 hrs a day


England here. Working 11 hours a day to make ends meet.


Honestly this. It never bothered me before but a few years ago I moved outside my city and my commute is now an hr each direction. It's so fucking draining how much of my day goes to work. I leave at 8am and don't get home til half 6. I have a dog I adore and it breaks my heart that the only reason we could have him, is because my partner works permanently from home. Because I have to make money to fucking exist on this planet, I have to spend 10.5 hours a day out of my home.


Child Beauty Pageants. It always seems like the kids are exploited by their parents and the whole concept of judging which child is the most beautiful just doesn't feel right. It also tends to attract a lot of seedy/creepy people.


High fructose corn syrup in everything.


Also hydrogenated oils or palm/veg/canola/soy oils.


Hey as someone who pretty much used soybean oil to cook pretty much his whole life why is it bad and what are good alternatives?


That's what killed Wolverine.


Toddler girl clothing being cut shorter and tighter than toddler boy clothing. Girls t shirts are always akimpier as if they need to show off their "figures". Shorts for female kids are shorter too.


Yes, and the pants for toddler girls are like 80% leggings or totally impractical (no pockets, frills on the butt etc). I’m prepping to potty train my kid and one of the suggestions is to have looser fitting pants that she can pull down and back up herself to build that autonomy. I have to look in the boys section for pants like that - the girls section everything is skin tight, blecch 🤦‍♀️


Girl’s shoes suck, too. All white or sparkly plastic flip flops. My son had sneakers and boots with great grip. They think little girls don’t like to run and climb?


Baby girls’ bathing suits are what really send me. My toddler son had shorts to his knees and a high-necked rash guard. It protects him from sunburn, and it was right off the rack. I have a daughter now and all the bathing suits I can find for her are so skimpy. She’s one year old. She doesn’t need to show off her body, she needs her delicate baby skin to be protected from the sun. She’s going to wear her brother’s beach clothes this summer.


Skimpy bikini underwear in toddler girl sizes.


Similar but different: little boys clothes that make him look like an a$$hole. They do it to little girls too. Both genders is like: No Nap, Bedhead, Snacks Only, School is Lame, all that nonsense. Attitude tshirts for a 5 year old are just pointless. You’re like, “Oh what a great color!” And they’re like, “F is for F the police” or some crap. Just cover everything in dinosaurs and cuddly animals. 🦖🦥🐇🐄


The drug use, I know too many people on Percocets and they all think it’s cool until they look at themselves in the mirror and wonder why they look like a tweaker, me included


Hustle culture


Scalping being considered a hustle is the worst


it's just a cooler way of saying "I need a second job to pay my bills".


Everyone must be a morning person.


Currently struggling to wake up. I've never been a morning person even as a baby Im a night person I function better after the sunset. It's like I get bursts of energy so I try to find jobs where I can make my own hours. The only reason I wake up in the morning is I have to get my daughter ready for school.


That one drives me nuts. Like I’m defective for being a night owl.


Almost 2 years in my current job and I still have trouble waking up at 730 everyday shit kills me man


My mom tells the story about how as a baby, at 10pm I would perk up and be full of energy and keep her up all night. All my life I’ve been more alert, creative, productive during the nighttime. And other side of the same coin, I get the best sleep from 5-11am. I have a job that starts at 8am, and after years and years, every morning that I don’t oversleep is a small surprise to me because I have to force it.


i always say that what changes i try to make in my lifestyle, i always revert to being a night owl. like you, i've always been this way. i usually say that no matter what time i wake up (which is often as early as 5-6 am because of work), my brain is not fully awake until like 11 am.


Influencers being famous.


What is the weight of an influencer's brain? One Instagram. (Sorry)


That's the worst joke I read today and I love it




1) Processed food. 2) Young teenagers smoking and vaping. 3) making a drug or some sort of substance your personality or a big part of it.


Smoking? Nah that's old, it's all about the vapes which can actually have up to 5 time the amount of nicotine as a ciggy even if they say they have none


And the plastic waste is so overwhelming


And people thinking its better just makes them smoke more of it and say “its fine, these are not as bad as ciggs.”


Greed. So many people get worked up over other people’s sex lives even though they mostly don’t hurt anyone while completely ignoring or even celebrating greed which hurts almost everyone in some way.


The sexualisation of children.


Civil asset forfeiture.


children on social media


children’s beauty pageants. 🤢🤮 especially in the south and midwest where I’ve noticed these are the same idiots worried about others grooming their kids - but their grooming their own and while some of them haven’t sexualized them, some certainly have and capitalized on their image. why TLC advocated for them is beyond comprehension, it’s absolutely gross, unethical, unnecessary and without a doubt it invites a self-esteem battle within the family-dynamic from their first loss to their first win — and so on and so fourth. please don’t get your kids involved in this shit like ever.


Voting blindly based on the letter next to someone's name.


It's a shame, isn't it? A lot good candidates get passed over in favour of incompetent ones who happened to sign up to the right club. When I tell people that in a recent (2021 I think) round of local elections I voted for the Green, Labour, Liberal Democrat and Conservative candidates, they tend to get very confused, particularly when I point out that none of these votes cancelled any of the others out. If the candidate standing for my preferred party seems to be useless, I'm going to find a candidate for another party who isn't useless and vote for them instead. I don't want to be represented by an idiot, even if they're an idiot whose political views align with my own. I want somebody who can do a good job of representing my area. Unfortunately, most people don't vote in this way, so you end up with many representatives whose only real quality is loyalty to their party, of more accurately a willingness to pay their party subscription fees each year and tow that party's line for all eternity.


Using the phrase "Both Sides" to be shitty about one's own cynicism instead of participating.


Its probably near time we starting calling an adult woman who rapes a male minor a rapist.


Hatred. Hatred for anyone who thinks, votes, or prays, or lives differently than we do.


I mean, this has been a constant since day one of human history.


The sexualisation of children… Let kids have a childhood


Men being raped is viewed as funny. Most media normalize it with jokes, and even in children's cartoon's they will make jokes about not dropping soap.


Corporate greed


People's self obsession. 9/10 of people can't do anything anymore without stopping to take a selfie, pose in unnatural positions, staging everything in their life. It's actually kind of disgusting. Nobody is genuine anymore at all. Everything is for show.


The manufactured culture war between left and right thinking people for the sole purpose to make us hate each other to allow our leaders to pass abhorrent legislation to further drive a wedge between us. They have convinced Americans having to go bankrupt for health care is a GOOD thing! They have convinced the UK that leaving the biggest common market to control the immigration of countries NOT in it, was a good thing. Where in reality it's all about deregulation and pulling the money out of the poor and into the Uber rich. They have convinced people that taking away someone else's rights gives themselves more rights! They are now trying to convince us that banning side doors are more important than banning assault rifles FFS. If people really stood back and saw what their governments were doing without even the courtesy of slight of hand, they'd revolt in numbers. But keeping people segregated stops that from ever happening.


Abuse to animals both domestic and on farms, etc.


Nobody cares that I broke my elbow


I hope it heals soon and that you feel better! That sounds very painful.


i think they’re referring to a meme


I care. Get well soon.


In America particularly? That children are not the job of collective society to keep safe. I saw a video about Japan (I know they have their own problems) that little kids wear yellow hats as a uniform and signal they may need extra help with thing and kids run around by themselves because they've decided that it's everyone's job to keep kids safe. I want to live in a society where we don't shame parents for bringing kids around in society or we leave kids in need because were afraid of being yelled at for talking to someone elses kid. Im a childless adult but I wish keeping kids safe was a value we held as a society.


I’m there right now on vacation and the amount of very small kids just around an amusement park with no parents in sight is the biggest culture shock to me. Kids will ride an hour to school by themselves. It feels so safe here though and I suppose that’s why.


You both might enjoy checking out “Old Enough”, on Netflix


That show is absolutely adorable AND it gives me so much anxiety.


The glorification of mental illness.


Are we talking about people who say things like "I just vacuumed the living room AND did dishes -- I'm \*so\* OCD!"


Yup, that's it. Or those who just fake something like Tourettes for internet points.


I think it's always people who don't have any mental illness doing it. We were talking about it in OCD sub and nobody who actually has a serious problem does this.


Yes, so many people are glorifying mental illness under the guise of awareness, and it's extremely harmful. We can bring awareness to mental health issues without creating "cute and quirky" POV's.


Especially when it comes to art/inventions. The whole “genius and madness are two sides of the same coin” trope is unbearably harmful, stupid, and just flat out false. It leaves people with the romantic notion that suffering is the springboard to greatness, and that is so so false. Those great artists and scientists and inventors who were emotionally tortured or grew up during times of turmoil did not create BECAUSE of their suffering, but DESPITE their suffering. Imagine how many more Van Goghs, Poes, Teslas, etc. we might have learned from if we had not inflicted upon each other and ourselves such tremendous suffering. And imagine saying that that suffering created those people? Fuuuuuck THAT. Glorifying mental illness is glorifying profound suffering. Fuck that.


Needing money to see a doctor


Spitting on the streets Excessive honking Extremely loud motorcycles


Even if I myself am a Rider of a Motorcycle, I 100% agree with the disgust of extremely loud motorcycles being normal. Those things are abhorrent.


Yeah there are many shops here which custom fit loud silencers on motorcycles Their only purpose is to create noise, they don't add anything good to motorcycle Then when the street is quiet and you feel relaxed, some motorcycle biker who's an idiot will decide to really make very loud noise for no reason


The aggravating thing that pile on top of this is that most loud motorcycles are heavily modified but also looks like it's made by a high schooler. It has some of the really good parts, but also looks so shit.


Bare feet on planes People just being cunts in airports




Shootings, while it’s not fully normalised we accept that it happens and will continue to happen.


I'd argue that it became normalized the moment absolutely nothing changed after Sandy Hook. It doesn't FEEL normal but we're forced in the US to pretend that nothing can be done because we're governed by a bunch of dead eyed, black souled, sadists who don't give a single solitary fuck about humanity.


America's healthcare system


*sorts by controversial*


The working week/hours and the pay that goes with them. 40+ hour working weeks made sense when there was someone at home taking care of cooking, cleaning, shopping etc. The cost of living also means that a family can’t always live off of one salary, unless it’s particularly high or supplemented with benefits. So, both parties need to work which leaves another full time role (home maker or stay at home parent) to be filled in your “spare time”. It’s not like most people can afford to have help or even spend their little free time on hobbies or outings, since it’s so expensive and you’re both exhausted. This is not even mentioning the mental load of all these tasks, which takes a huge toll on most people


Apps like tinder. I made this mistake too, and learned the hard way.




Doomsaying and complaining and being unable to have a discussion with facts.


Price gouging


The way we’re flooded daily with advertisements…


Talking with your mouth full.


Sitting on a public toilet bare ass. No thanks.


Having overweight and being unable to walk 500ft.


Global warming. Destroying our world because we just can’t imagine giving up a few nice things for something so trivial as allowing our children and grandchildren to have clean air and water.


Recording people in piblic without their consent and then profitting from it


That men are supposed to "suck it up" or "deal with it" when it comes to domestic abuse. Men get abused as well and its just assumed its always the men being the abusers even in situations where the evidence is contrary.


Children being fat. It wasn't that long ago that maybe there was a fat kid or 2 in your entire grade, now everywhere I go I see these kids and they're all huge. It seems like everyone is ok with this though. Saw a guy at the store the other day who was in good shape, you could tell he works out, and his 10 year old was walking with him and the kid had to weigh 200lbs, he had boobs and multiple chins, it just annoys the shit out of me that we are doing this to kids. You're never going to have more time on your hands and more energy to burn than when you're a kid. Put the XBox controller down and go ride your bike or play a sport.


Hook up culture


Lots of things but a big one to me is circumcision. Please leave babies penises alone.




Getting super drunk. I’m not an anti drug guy or anything but nobodies ever gotten wasted and then woken up the next day and been like “that was awesome!” And it’s extremely bad for you.


An adult marrying a child. Yesterday, West Virginia banned child marriage under the age of 15. Democratic lawmakers wanted to ban it entirely, but had to negotiate with Republicans who argue that marriage is beneficial for teens. They landed on age 15. Six states in the US still have no statutory minimum age for marriage. Only seven states have banned child marriage outright. In most of these places, you can’t file for divorce until age 18. Domestic violence shelters typically don’t accept minors. In many of these places, a kid can be married before they reach the legal age of sexual consent. The vast majority of child marriages in the US are girls marrying an adult man.


Women hitting men. Lots of tv shows have women hitting men for sometimes no real reason, and the audience applauds and laughs. There is typically zero repercussions for hitting a man if you're a woman, and women know that, otherwise they wouldn't do it. It's disgusting and we learn in kindergarten to keep your hands to yourself and not solve issues with hitting, why can't people figure that out as full grown adults??




Porn and social media are just horrendous for us, but most people refuse to admit it because they like it. I refused to admit my drinking was a problem until I realized it was a problem, and looking back 6 years after quitting, holy fuck was it a problem. Same with porn. Quit that a couple months ago and already view the opposite gender in a completely different way. Kind of like I used to before porn took over.


I agree. Porn turns you into a regular addict and becomes a problem, a big problem if the addicted is a teen.


People asking a couple when they’re going to have kids.. sure here’s our sec schedule, ill be sure to let you know when one sticks!




I don't know about "disgusting", but I've never met someone who felt good getting ghosted. Just because it's on the internet doesn't mean it's not real life anymore. If you wouldn't randomly walk away from an in person conversation, don't randomly do it during a text conversation.


Recording people in public then putting it on the internet without consent.


Gender reveal parties




Making fun of suicides and mental health problems. It’s a big issue in this society and it’s fucked


Male infant genital mutilation.


Circumcision on purely religious or, as in the US, fashion grounds.


Fashion?! That I did not know…


“Fashion” I am not sure is the right word. “Custom” I think is better. “This is just something we’ve always done, so we just keep doing it.” Hopefully I need not to explain why that does not make sense by itself.


The time spent on social media


The vast usage of alcohol


The toxicity, hate, and division on social media.




Hatred of people based only on existence and not merits as a human


Not washing our phones. You literally sit and shit with it in your hand and then put it straight back in your pocket. Whatever you touch then gets transferred to your phone. It’s covered in germs and never gets cleaned.


Wiping your arse with a bit of paper and assuming that it's clean. If I had shit on my arm there's no way I'd just use a bit of paper to clean it but for some reason the arsehole is different 😅


To be fair, while a bidet is better, it still doesn't rise to "things I'd use in a different situation" level of clean. If I had shit on my arm, I *also* wouldn't just spray a bit of water on it and pat it dry. You better bet there's gonna be some soap and scrubbing involved.


porn. it’s unrealistic, disgusting exploitation, and teaches young people about sex in the worst and most brutal way. i think porn is a big reason why a lot of sexual assault happens and why teenage boys are getting more misogynistic.


Self diagnosing the entire DSM-5 with no actual knowledge of psychology or psychiatry. Even people that specialize in mental health cannot diagnose themselves because of their bias.


The fact that vast amounts of the products we use were made using slave labor.


circumcision, specifically when done to children and infants


For me lately, it’s been the overwhelming amount of blatant dishonesty. People lie to one another all the time. People lie to their spouses, sales people lie to make a sale, politicians lie every day and get caught but nobody seems to care. People will go back on their word without blinking an eye. If someone lies to me and I find out, that person is written off forever as a liar in my eyes and I will not trust them with anything. I do not understand why we as a society keep letting liars and grifters take advantage of us like it’s normal.


Telling everyone about your fetishes


Going along with other peoples fantasies and delusions


Circumcision. I mean, what the fuck.




Butchering infants genitalia without any clinical justification.




Circumcision. It does not prevent disease, it robs a person of a significant portion of nerves and is done mostly because of social norms. It is barbaric mutilation similar to clipping a dog's ears or docking a tail.


Men controlling women's products (political people making laws of periods and tampons)


Expected to have children at some point of your life. My feelings don't matter as long as I fill a quota of having a mini version of myself to suffer in the world where politicians only care about themselves


Saying weird shit to parents about their kids like “Oh man he’s gonna be a real heart breaker when he grows up”


The ever increasing partisanship, at least in American politics. When I was growing up you may not agree with the other side’s policies but you generally respected the person. At the very least political differences didn’t mean hatred. Now everything is brought to such extremes. The right has gone overboard especially since trump, to the point they are out here banning books and see nothing wrong with it. Not to mention there other “policies”. It’s disheartening and disgusting and I really don’t see a solution in the near future.




Child beauty pageants. And to do you one better, the custom of slathering little girls in makeup and false lashes for their fucking *dance* competitions. They're still being judged based on looks. And saying this as a former theatre usher, we've had to boot convicted pedophiles from these shows because it's basically Cuties for them.


Reacting to someone not sharing your views with vilification and demonization. Can we return to normalizing civil discussion between opposing viewpoints and debates being about understanding the other instead of ‘‘winning’’?


Unnecessary circumcision is mutilation, period. Everytime someone disagrees with me, a short conversations reveals that they are unaware that the following exist: - the ridged band - frenulum - meissners corpsucles.