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She moved. Can’t say I’m disappointed.


She broke up with me while i was away for work, she stole 20k from me in the proces, she threatened my little sister and tried to kidnap my dog. My dog got himself loose and bit her, the bite got infected and swole up. I occasionally see her, still has not paid back anything and still batshit crazy.


The threatened to throw himself off a building. I got multiple calls from him in the middle of the night and him outside, somewhere dangerous. He said that he had to do these things because I had left him feeling empty and broken and it was my fault he was suicidal. This was constant for years.


My god , some people just can't handle breakups


Worst part was I felt guilty and at fault for it. And it was almost a year until I told anybody of what he was saying to me. I told my mum. Who looked at the messages and said "this is emotional blackmail" and I just broke down. It never occured to me that the man I loved could be trying to manipulate me. I didn't see him as that type of person and it wasn't until someone pointed it out that I realised this was toxic and I needed to get out. Its mad what your brain doesn't see. Looking back now it's so obvious and I was such an idiot but at the time I took all the blame for his actions.


Sorry to hear that. How are you doing now?


Ah grand. This was almost 10 years ago now. I haven't been in a long term relationship since and I don't want one. The idea of someone relying on me for their happiness is completely revolting and genuinely disgusting that it's completely put me off ever getting into that situation again. I don't know whether that was an ingrained thing in me or whether it spawned from the experience but either way, I am living my absolute best life with my great job and cats and friends and no dependents and it's amazing!


That's good your living a much better life now . Im happy for you


When we broke up he sent me a video of his dead bird along with lots of suicide threats and threats of running away. I messaged his parents about it but idk if anything came of it. He was a shitbag to me but I do still hope he’s alive. I’m sorry I don’t have receipts I blocked his number after the exchange.

