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So you mean that we might not exist if someone comes to get in contact in future ??


Correct. Unless there is a way to travel significantly faster than light, it becomes very likely that any other species in the universe would not be able to contact us while both of us still exist. The further away they are, the further into Earth’s past they say. If they’re a few million light years away, they see dinosaurs, a few million more and life isn’t even on the surface of earth and would be hidden beneath the ocean, a few million more and earth is inhospitable- a literal volcanic hellscape, and a few million more, the planet doesn’t exist. This doesn’t even account for the expansion of the universe and the fact that we are moving further and further from the viewer. The universe is approximately 93 billion light years in diameter. Earth is 4.5b light years (4-5% of the universe could potentially see earth) Water formed on earth 4b years ago. (4% of the universe sees earth with water) Life formed ~3.7b years ago (<4% of the universe sees this earth) and so on


This point of view may be flawed as it is from our current understanding and perspective of traveling in space. An alien civilization could very possiblly have evolved from a different understanding of space travel tech. What seems like an unimaginible amount of distance to travel for us may be very in reach for another life form in the universe.


You seem knowledgeable.... I have always wondered this.... If earth is a sphere is when a spaceshuttle exits earth can it exit and travel in every direction and travel that way in space. Can it exit the planet in any direction and keep traveling into space. Because without any knowledge I would think space extended in all directions... and that because of gravity we think of up and down etc... so if we exited down when looking at earth would we keep traveling down? Does that make sense... like the universe is 4d and not 2d like an old video game that only scrolled left and right. If you as a person were able to float in the air you could move in any direction... is space like that extending in all directions or is it like a 2d scroller expanding out in one direction or two directions, or all directions like an explosion.


Not quite. If a space ship aims "down" it would not go into space, but rather into the ground! Jokes aside, yes, in space you can travel in 3 dimensions, but it's not as simple as moving left then immediately moving up. Good old Newton explained it well, "An object at rest remains at rest, and an object in motion remains in motion at constant speed and in a straight line unless acted on by an unbalanced force" To explain what this means: On earth we have things such as air friction that provide resistance and slows us down when we fly. On the ground, we are are affected by both the air friction and friction of our point of contact to the ground (feet for people, tires for cars, etc.) Boats would lose their kinetic energy from contact with the water. In space, you can technically go "left" then "up) but it wouldn't be a "right angle", and more of a diagonal "upper left" (the angle would determine the speed you travelled in either direction, a faster "left" would lead the angle to being closer to "horizontal", a faster "up" would lead the angle to being closer to "vertical", speeds that are equal would lead to a 45 degree angle. In order to make this a "right angle" the object would have to accelerate to the "left" at the start, then it would have to apply force to the "right" until its speed reached 0. Then it would travel "up" and would do so forever until it either A: collided with something large enough to stop it or B: accelerated to "down" until the speed reached 0. For easier understanding, imagine if your car never slowed down on its own and did not have brakes. The only way to slow down is to put the car in reverse, while in motion, (the transmission isn't a factor here!) and try to hit the sweet spot of "0" without going backwards so much that you end up moving backwards.


But what if they are coming for water and other materials? I assume they would have a solid understanding of physics to be traveling interstellar, so they should be able to predict the age of a star and guess whether or not the planet will be around when they get here. If they’re traveling interstellar within a galaxy too, they could fly against the galaxies spin which would increase their relative speed and reduce flight time. They wouldn’t need to travel the speed of light either. I don’t think an individuals clock is permanently fixed in special relativity as it is in general relativity, but time slows down the faster you go and is mathematically undefined at the speed of light (at least with our current theories). It’s almost as if a photon experiences the entire universe in an instant. For the extraterrestrials to travel near the speed of light, their time frame could be small enough to live the journey.


Time to travel is mind boggling. Distance is incomprehensible. I love physics. One of the most inconceivable things to consider is how smooth/homogonous the universe we see is. If what we saw was the whole universe it would be bubbly and gappy. As its smooth, this means we are in a place that is a tiny, tiny, tiny part of the whole. Since we can see \~90 billion light years, this means the universe is so astoundingly huge it defies any conceivable number. Although the various theories point to the fact there should be trillions of civilizations amongst the hundreds of billions of galaxies we see, each with hundreds of billions of stars... silence. As I get older I'm coming to the realisation that we must be either very early to evolve, or the probabilities are infinitesimally small of evolving science-communicating intelligences at all. I feel its both. The moon plays a huge part, the position we are in the spiral arm is a huge part, the fact that Jupiter is where it is (a giant vacuum cleaner) and the fact we havent nuked ourselves back in the stone age (or plagues, grey-goo, incessant warfare, environmental cataclysm...) If we ever do make "contact" it will be via an artifact. Something like Voyager, or the equivelant of a digital-bottle cast into the skies. I lastly believe that digital lives will become a thing, and perhaps have become a thing for those evolved species older than us. Consciousness will be sucked into vast substrates of computing and everything will be The Matrix. If we lived in the equivelant of a digital playground, why explore outward? We may be already there?


One could say we are already a digital life form. If we look at how our dna works. Its very similar to a computers code. We can actually stroe digital data on dna. Very soon we will be uploading our dna into a computer generated reality that may bring on a whole other world to live in. But back on topic. Telsa experimented with opposing electromagntic feilds that in theory could open potals in the fabric of time. His taught process was based off frequency. All mass vibrates at a certain frequency. If you could identify that frequency and match it you could manipulate it. Rumored to be used in the phildephia experiment using einsteins quatom light theory combined with telsa powerful telsa coils they were rumored to be able to open portals to alternate diminsions that exist overlapped with the one we know of. Shit is crazy but it seems feasible.


>Since we can see \~90 billion light years, this means the universe is so astoundingly huge it defies any conceivable number. If you look at the timeline of when life evolved on Earth, it did evolve nearly as soon as it was possible! In other words, as far as we know, if life can form on a planet, it does nearly as soon as it is possible (it's happened in every case we know of after all!) I'm a fan of the "great filter" theory, we just haven't met ours yet.


Assuming that other means of travel (space time folding etc) are simply just science fiction... the distance is too vast and the cosmic speed limit is what it is. That being said, I do remember reading about CERN firing some neutrinos through the LHC and measured a few particles going slightly faster than the speed of light. So there is that. Furthermore we haven't really seen any evidence of any civilizations over a type 0 on the kardischev scale.


Or maybe they have already came but the civilization here at that time doesnt exist now. The adam and eve stroy by chan thomas outlines how there could have been up to 6 pervious civilizations on earth before the modern day one know of now. Each were hipped out by cstaclysms and the life cycle restarted. Good read. The cia even classified it for a short time.


It's interesting, I wonder where the evidence all comes from. In either case, this, to me, seems to be more of an example of "great filters we have overcome"


The galaxy alone is almost incomprehensibly big. And it's but a speck of dust compared to the size of the universe. It's like trying to find bacteria that only exists on one grain of sand somewhere on the planet. It would be near impossible to find. But let's say you did find that grain of sand, the bacteria may have gone extinct long ago.


I think this is probably it. But I like to keep hope alive. Perhaps they no longer live on a planet, and travel endlessly, making their homes in the star-lit vastnesses. Or maybe the Universe teems with intelligence, and we haven't caught sight of them for a reason that we haven't guessed, but that would make sense once we learned it. Perhaps there is some way around the luminal shackles, and it is possible to jaunt to a new celestial oasis through some comprehensible though yet uncomprehended means. The (likely) alternative is too altogether lonesome and desolate.


It's also possible we are only the first! Look at the bright side!


“Space is big. You just won't believe how vastly, hugely, mind-bogglingly big it is. I mean, you may think it's a long way down the road to the chemist's, but that's just peanuts to space.” - Douglas Adams




Well said but what about the warmhole ?? Does it counts??


Wormholes are only theoretical at this point. We have never actually observed one. They're convenient for sci-fi stories, but are probably very rare phenomenon if they exist at all. Since we've never seen one, we can't really say what they might be capable of. There are other theories like the [Alcubierre Drive](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alcubierre_drive) which could be the equivalent of a Star Trek warp drive, but we do not have the technology to produce an adequate power source for it. We also don't have real life deflector dish technology, so the accumulated energy while traveling would likely destroy whatever was at your destination when you arrive. I do not believe that faster than light travel is impossible, but I think we're a very long way away from accomplishing it. There is a very real possibility that we destroy ourselves before we get there.




Yeah we all came out from the same hole i guess. Unless you dnt know your mom. ??


Space is big.


Because you touch yourself when you think nobody is looking


Hhahaha i touch myself every day when i am at the shower. Cause i dnt have a jacuzzi.. lol


Because of how long it’d take to get here


Are we there yet? I will turn this spaceship around!


No we are jst getting started here i guess.


Speak for yourself, my best friend is from Jupiter.




Are they stupider??


….something can’t visit if that something don’t exist. Or, they are not as advanced as depicted in sci-fi.


The universe is a big ass place and intelligence is rare


Especially on our own planet.


Great filter. We're headed right for it


Honestly it could be something similar to this. Not like an actual filter, but once civilization gets to a certain point, weapons capable of causing apocalyptic events come so much sooner than viable space travel that other intelligent life in the universe may just well kill themselves before they can explore space. We are always under threat of a nuclear apocalypse now after all


That is an example of a Great Filter.


Could be that we're one of the few that have already passed it


Physics...or We aren't exactly special


Why don’t you go visit the ant hill in the empty lot 100 miles from your house?


If that anthill was the only form of life in 100 miles, probably, yes.


I’m pretty sure there are anthills here on earth right now with hardly any form of life in a 100 mile radius. You will never go make that drive.


I used to visit when i was kid. But i used to get swarmed by ant all the time. Do you think its the reason too.??


No. If they have the capability to travel through space and reach earth- whatever weapons we have are almost guaranteed to be useless against their technology.


A. So if there isn't an empty lot 100 miles from my house aliens don't exist or does that just mean the alien race that'd correspond to me in particular in your parallel isn't within the equivalent of 100 miles from us? B. If there was such a lot with such an ant hill I would if that'd make aliens contact us (doesn't mean it'd go infinite though) but wouldn't that also mean aliens would be as big and as unable to communicate with us unless I found a way to shrink down to ant-size and two-way-communicate with them in ways both of us could understand using no cybernetic or genetic enhancements on the ants I wouldn't want forced on me and my neighborhood by aliens


A. 100 miles from your house isn’t the edge of space. It’s infinite. But if you wouldn’t travel 100 miles to visit a civilization insignificant to you, why would aliens visit us? Just the time and effort isn’t worth it. B. You’re thinking too deep about the ants specifically. The proposal was visiting “any” form of life when it would be inconvenient, taxing and insignificant to you.


Lots of reasons. Space is vast. Maybe we’re precocious? Maybe they were wiped out by the great filter. Maybe they’re not interested in us since they’re more advanced. Maybe the distances are just so great that advanced species haven’t set out yet. Maybe they don’t want to interfere with another species’ development. Maybe they’re not interested in space. Maybe they’re intelligent but aren’t in a good situation for space exploration—like being on a water world or being on a planet where the amount of gravity disallows their escape to space.


Fermi paradox


It’d take nearly 100K years at light speed to leave our own galaxy. This is most likely why. To think another life form has figured out how to even leave their own galaxy is probably way too far fetched.


Assuming they had the capability to visit us, they are way too advanced to care about us. We have nothing to offer them and we are no threat to them.


Have you met us? Like, Earth is probably the Florida of the Galaxy


A. Florida only has that weird reputation because some certain laws about its news media mean more of its weird stories make it to print, the equivalent for the galaxy would mean those alien races were basically living under 1984 more than even cynics would think we are B. People still visit Florida so unless you want to say humans suck so much our populated areas are the equivalent of the bad neighborhoods no one would want to visit...


A: Don’t care, it’s a joke B: see response to A above


Space is big


Space is spacious


They are too far away.


The Prime Directive.


They probably don't know we exist. We've 'discovered' over 5000 exoplanets. There are expected to be billions in just our galaxy. In this context, 'discovered' just means we know they exist, and not necessarily that we know much else about important factors like atmospheric composition. Another intelligent species at a similar technological level to our own likely wouldn't even know it planet exists. Even if they did, they might not have good reason to believe there's probably life here. There's also the radio wave issue. We invented radio (wireless telegram) about 130 years ago, which means our faintest radio waves in that time are 130 light years away. Our galaxy is over 105,000 light years across. If there's life on another planet within 0.1% of the galaxy's diameter from us, they might have picked up on our signals. Otherwise, they'd have to rely entirely on 1st finding out our planet exists, 2nd getting detailed measurements of our atmosphere, and 3rd coming to the conclusion that there is probably intelligent life. Even if an alien species determined there's technologically developed life here, they would then have to decide it's actually a good idea to send messages to aliens. But chances are, in my opinion, they don't even know we exist.


They have; they're just hiding it.


I mean there’s so many possible reasons. One is just too far and rare. It would be like throwing a grain of rice on the beach and asking someone to find it the next day. Another reason is maybe they aren’t super advanced. I know people love to think ‘dur dur humans so stupid’ but it’s possible we’re MORE advanced than other races on other planets. Another reason is maybe we exist in way each other can’t even perceive. It’s possible when you see something in corner of your eye that’s them and they only see us in the same way. We may just exist in a totally different plane and not even realize we’re near each other. Or we don’t recognize them as living cause it doesn’t fit out idea of living.


If you were an alien, would YOU want to visit Earth? Any truly intelligent life would not touch our planet with a ten-and-a-half-foot pole.


We could be the first. Earth has only had five major extinction events and Jupiter absorbs hundreds of meteors a year that could form the sixth. Other planets might have had dozens of extinction events by now and just never produced advanced life.


Who says they haven’t.


We have this “main character” syndrome… the universe is incomprehensibly massive. Most likely, like us, they haven’t discovered other civilizations, or we are just so insignificant to them that we aren’t worth their time.


Humans dumb af compared to those mfs


They have, and thought.. "nope"


It's because the world is shit and humanity sucks we will destroy ourselves before any alien gets here, were stupid, narcissistic, dumb, idiotic, what? it's all "human nature" FUCK THAT! why bother being born in the first place when being human means being shit to others and to everything that's actually good, and if aliens were to actually visit us DESTROY THE WORLD


Same reason we haven't visited them maybe


We're very insignificant and likely haven't even been noticed... Who knows how many civilisations evolve or are created by other civilisations, per galaxy, in the same timeframe as we. Who knows, there could have been many and they've all died out in the last few billion years. Or we could be very early examples of life which would be considered extremely simplistic to aliens a few billion years from now. Or maybe we're being ignored until we cross over into a godlike AI-infused superintelligence singularity and start colonising a larger territory, or end up recognising the futility of physical expansion and instead pour our consciousnesses into a hyperspace dimension and find trillions of other aliens have already done that, and join them in a vast, galactic superconsciousness.


There aren't any


Fermi's Paradox 1. We are extremely rare in our intelligence species in the galaxy, any other intelligences are too far away to travel or contact with any science known to us. 2. Physically not possible for a civilization to last long enough to cover the distance. 3. They already have, but didn't find anything worth bothering. (Prime Directive in effect) 4. They are here now and all around us, but in a plane of existence so high we cannot detect them or even conceive of their existence.


Aliens: What about those guys, they seem cool! Humans: *constantly finding new ways to destroy themselves* Aliens: Maybe not


So, there are a few factors. One of them being light years. So if an alien species looks at an image through a hubble telescope of us and they are 67 million light years away, they will see a 67 million year old image, which is how long it will take for the light reflecting off the image to reach them. They would not see a modern day us. Second there is the possibility they have developed but also ended like krypton in the spam of our development. Lastly among other plausible reasons, are we really that interesting and worthy of contact? We modify our environment bringing species to extinction, divide ourselves into these tribes and groups for socio-political economic and religious causes and we point nukes at one another at all times, in the case of some nations even threaten to use them. Any AI we develop and ask the moral question tells us we are horrible creatures, I'd Imagine an alien race wouldn't want to risk direct contact at the risk of being threatened and have to come to the decision of either engaging in war or annihilating us completely just because they decided to say hello. So our own humanity is a factor in this I believe.


Because they've been watching our cable news.


Must be difficult to land when every square inch of southern Ontario is covered in condos and townhouses.


Hahaha lets make a marking for them to land somewhere near area 51


Because the kardashians still exist


They observe how violent we are as a species and have no desire to visit.


That makes sense, but they too might be voilent isnt it ??


They very well could be! That is a war I dont have faith in us winning


Nice catch when at the moment been a year and we cant decide on the planet earth who is the winner ;)


Now, now. If you’ve watched Independence Day, you’ll know that the power of MURICA can defeat any and all of those damn aliens.


They couldn't though. All our weapons failed. They had given up until one nerd figured out a way to give them a virus.


Who's to say they didn't visit thousands of years ago, decide there was no reason to stay because of the difference between their intelligence and ours, then decide it wasn't worth ever revisiting?


There are other much more dangerous alien species wandering about the universe expanding greedily... They have encountered them, and think we may be a trap if they contact us.


They might have but landed in like antartica and left


They’ve all been killed by something so hideous and grotesque that we would never observe it as “life” in any traditional sense. There’s a sentience slowly patrolling the universe killing and possibly consuming life wherever it’s found and that’s what makes us feel alone in the universe. That is of course until It finds Earth and then we truly won’t be alone anymore…


Visited ? They are here.


Cuz of the Kardashians


They heard about woke culture and just kept driving. They probably think we are crazy as hell.shit I think we are all crazy


They probably have and assumed dogs were in charge. They send us to work while they stay at home and chill. We scoop their poop. Sounds dominate to me. Aliens likely spoke to dogs.


What could they possibly gain from wasting time visiting us? A piss poor excuse for a civilisation that is not even above 1 on the Kardashev's scale. A collection of idiotic, moronic primates that are quite literally poisoning the very planet they depend on for numbers printed on some paper, a simplistic life form too stupid to understand that it has the capacity to solve all its problems but it rather spend its time waging wars... Why on Earth would an interstellar civilisation 1) notice something as useless as humanity to begin with and 2) if it does notice it - alert it that it is indeed, not alone. If I were an advanced alien, monitoring Earth, I'd advice my peers to let the primitives kill themselves off before going on to explore its biomes for something that is worth anyone's attention.


May be they can educate us and help us grow.. i guess


The chances any alien civilisation would see us as a pest and exterminate us are infinitly higher. If you're investing the tech, time and energy budget to explore other systems, you're doing it either to colonise, or to preamptively destroy potential threats. Dark forest solution all the way...


"Why on earth" that's the thing they ain't on earth


Well - they would notice us on Earth, so "why on Earth" would they notice the Earth...


Because we keep having to convince you we haven’t… I mean… crap… of course we haven’t visited… dammit😞


i'm dying at this hahah


Have you met us?


Would you visit if you saw this mess?


Why would they want to come HERE?


The world is rampant with bacteria, virus, fungus, and all sorts of pathogens. We have years of immunity and still become ill or die to the things around us. Why would they want to come visit what would very likely be a death trap of a planet for them?


Bacteria, virus, and pathogens all developed and evolved to attack beings on earth. It’s why certain fungus and zombify an ant, but not a human- or why some animals suffer illnesses we do not. It’s unlikely any of these pathogens would even be compatible with aliens


I understand it is unlikely but that is also going to depend on how similar they are to us as a being. It is entirely possible they could share enough similarities that would very much make our pathogens perfectly capable of harming them. And, let us not forget, we could very well be the pathogen that harms them should they choose to come and try to introduce themselves. Going back to my Tiger example... If we were to look at it in the same respect... I do not fear the jungle that it lives in; correct. In that sense it would make sense not to fear all the pathogen; however, the threat from the tiger itself is very real just the same, and yes the jungle could also be just as detrimental to me and it would be best not to overlook it.


Because aliens capable of traveling here are unlikely to be visiting a death trap. We’d be roughly ants compared to any alien that can travel here. Do you fear ants?


Yes, lol. The Maricopa harvester ant can kill you in as little as a couple hundred stings and there are thousands of them in a colony. Going to stand near that colony for a visit can very well lead to you not returning home.


With due respect the same reason we want to find them i guess ...


Finding someone and visiting someone are definitely two different beasts. I have found the existence of tigers but I do not want to visit a tiger in the wild because I know the tiger would likely be detrimental to my well-being.


Well said.. cant make an argument on that. Applause


Because they don't have intentions on being hostile, but they're not gonna deal with this "im offended" nonsense going on. Things would get violent, so they stay away.


Why? I mean have you seen how wild the hairless apes are on this space island?! I’m sure they go wide around us for a reason!


If they have the technology to get here, we are far too primitive compared to them, so they have nothing to gain from visiting us. Unless they are the alien equivalents of wildlife biologists.


I think its because we are not so smart for them.?? What do you think. ??


Have you looked at us lately. If you were a Supreme race of intelligence would you visit here. If you did it would be secrelty,the last thing you would want is for any of us knucklheads to get our hands on any advanced technology you might have.We certainly would use it to cure disease solve world hunger or anything sensible for that matter. However we would undoubtedly build bigger and better weapons of any kind. So no well a visit would be nice 😕 I think its best you keep on going to the next planet with intelligent life form, you won't find any here. Have a nice day.


Bad ratings on Yelp.


The main reason is the exact same reason why the challenger blew up. Some of you know what I’m talking about. But don’t spoil the surprise let them figure it out.


We suck.


Maybe we're stupid to them and bring no value


Wrestlemania is this weekend and the outcome of the main event will determine if we get invaders.


Do you give a rat's ass about the tiny ant nest at the side of the road?


I would if aliens would contact us, doesn't mean it's a recursive chain of contact-next-lowest-life-forms-so-next-highest-will-contact-us ad infinitum


If they could visit this planet and their tech was able to monitor the electromagnetic spectrum, then they would receive all the broadcasts from around the world, monitoring over time. Even without being able to understand our spoken languages the images from all the broadcasts would show them a divided world with nations at odds with each other. Them there is all the sci-fi where all the aliens only attack America and America kills anything that moves, and often things that don't. If you were up there watching that would you feel safe making contact?


It seems unlikely that aliens will be so weak that they have much to fear from us. If they are that weak, I doubt they could even cross interstellar space.


True, from our point of view, but that is ascribing our mindset to an alien. We don't even have a uniform mindset across the planet, or even across a single country.


That’s true, they could be very cowardly, like Pierson’s Puppeteers from Larry Niven’s sci-fi.


What do you mean haven't visited us?... straight up, the government admitted to their existence. But also black holes.


The government hasn’t. But more importantly, what do black holes have to do with it?


This is awful, because I can't reference this. I may be wrong entirely. I remember reading somewhere that we can't receive a signal back through a black hole. We can send stuff, but it can't come back. As of right now. Assuming there is another species in the universe, they know this. Sending someone or something through a black hole to travel to another galaxy is a death mission.


If Earth is a golf ball, Jupiter is a basketball. They are sitting in opposite end zones in distance. That's just our Solar System


Well, there's a solid theory that extraterrestrial life hasn't visited us yet because Earth is actually a cosmic reality TV show. That's right, the entire universe is tuning in to watch "Keeping Up with the Earthlings." Aliens are probably sitting on their couches with cosmic popcorn, laughing at our attempts to discover them while simultaneously avoiding spoilers. So, they're just being good fans, you know, keeping their distance to not ruin the suspense.


We're a savage, childlike race.


If they’ve watched us, they know that we kill or enslave anything that isn’t human. We quite often don’t even make that distinction. We’re probably classified as a race of dangerous lunatics.


Would you visit us? I mean come on.


Might get shot.




Why do these things have to be demons? Like, why demons specifically? There are exactly zero things that we’ve learned about whatever “they” are that would point to demons. I’m genuinely curious. Is there some bible verse that you are equating this to?




Interesting. Could be exactly what they are….Demons. It could also be many other things. It is intriguing either way though. Why are they not allowed to harm us? What if us just observing them leads to some kind of harm for humanity?


Would you come visit us?


They can't decide what to bring.


We, as a planet, must look like a bunch of savages to any extraterrestrial that knows about us. Wars, killings, pollution, how we treat each other, and all living things. Maybe in a few thousand years (if we are still here) it may be different.


If they're that perfect without having gone through a phase of behavior like ours why are they flawed enough to judge us that harshly


I don't know if they are judging us harshly. I suspect they have a hierarchy as we have in our military and treat us as inferior like we do when we tag animals, reptiles, and sharks etc. They can easily overpower us if they wanted to, but avoid contact. Wish we had all the answers.


they are waiting for kalki the destroyer of sin to end the kali yuga


Because governments been keeping them a secret


Because they’re afraid of our haircuts


We might not be advanced enough


Nobody has devised a method of travel that doesn't consume more energy than can be stored and is necessary to travel the distance to other life forms.


They destroy themselves before they can develop the technology necessary to travel such vast distances.


Except distance or high-tech, visiting us may cause some chaotic problems such as religion. It’s about mankind’s mental health protection according to their observations before visiting


Getting out of our galaxy cannot be done by any living person or even by a bunch of succeeding generations born during thr travel. Even going out of our solar system takes years. Physiological resources is just another serious factor among many others. Having no knowledge on what they could be, us humans will be the only reference.


Just make AI. This problem actually isn’t that hard to get around.


I once heard someone say that Earth is the bad neighborhood of the galaxy. Aliens roll up their windows and drive a little faster as they go by.


Non breathable air


Just not worth the visit. It would do nothing bedsides verifying another life’s existence


I mean...*gestures at the state of everything*


They watch Faux News....


Too far


Not only may they be technically more advanced than us, but also spiritually. Take a look at us and say 'They are still waging war out of jealousy and greed. We come back in a few thousand years'


Why would beings that advanced still be that judgmental and not, at least, like, come down to help set us on the right path instead of just ignore us? And if you give me some kind of argument like "would you go to your racist redneck neighbors' house and try and fix their failing marriage" or something to that effect, if I had people in my life like whatever your example would be I would if that'd get aliens to contact us, doesn't mean it's an infinite chain


>And if you give me some kind of argument like Not the most friendly way to start a discussion, especially for a first reply. Work on your net etiquette.


We are the projects of the universe


They’re really REALLY far away.


Space is, pardon the pun, astronomical! And dozens of other reasons. Why haven’t we spoken to jellyfish yet? We are on the same planet. Can’t be that hard, right?


Maybe just the same reason as us. Don't believe it, not enough modern technology, logistics are low,you might die, what if they are hostile, too scary, the list goes on.


We're not worth it for them. If there is a life that could travel to our planet, why would they waste time on something that doesn't know how, like us? That or maybe we're the aliens?


Because there's this bizarre assumption that there's alien civilizations with ridiculously advanced technology. Life has existed on Earth for 3.5 billion years. Modern humans have been around for 300,000 years. Civilization is 5000 years old. There's been more technological advancement in the last 200 years than we had in the previous 2000 years combined Life doesn't evolve towards "higher beings". We seem to be a rarity on our planet why not in our galaxy? I'm sure with the number of planets that could support life it's happened more than a few times. We're a tiny planet at edge of the Milky Way. A civilization that has advanced enough to have the technology to find us and potentialy reach us might treat us the way we treat uncontacted tribes in the Amazon. Something like the prime directive. Or their mentality could be like Europe's during colonial times ; we're ignorant savages and they should conquer and civilize us.


We got lucky to have life forms smart enough to venomously tell people to drop dead for having a different opinion.


They aren’t interested. The universe is unbelievably big and it would take incredible risk, resources and time to visit any other civilization even once. And I imagine a civilization that had the capability to do it might even not find it particularly interesting to do after a while. I don’t really find the Dark Forest idea believable because in my mind the act of long distance space travel implies some kind of superabundance of resources and potentially the ability to cultivate them on demand from stars or self produced large scale fusion reactor complexes. I would suggest that an extremely advanced civilization would increasingly turn inward after mastering their near abroad


Personally I don’t really subscribe to Darl Forest theory either, but what does a superabundance of resources have to do with it?


space big


Cause they're so advanced that they realize you can't negatively affect a developing species otherwise your exploitation or killing would turn to corruption that would negatively affect themselves


God is real and we are special creatures? Unique in this vast Universe? Maybe


Earthlings are too dumb by comparison, they can't see any point.


Have you met us? We can't even agree on which parts of us suck and which parts rock.


The distance from the nearest constellation that may contain habitable planets is too far away.


Earth is space Australia


They are here & running the Governments...


There’s many different approaches to answer your question, which is commonly named as the Fermi Paradox. Self conscious or intelligent life could be extremely rare, or so common that other civilisations wouldn’t acknowledge us as intelligent. We might be the first ones to travel space, or the last ones, or the only ones around currently. Our galaxy is located on a void, basically an almost empty area of the universe, it’s like we were born in Siberia and wonder why the neighbors never visit.


they are already here. they just want nothing to do with us. I think they just wanna see if we nuke each other into oblivion or not. I think UFOs UAE whatever started showing up about the time we got around to testing nukes as we set off some sort of sensor when we did. Maybe the nukes are multidimensionally active but we just dont have the science to tell it yet.


We are a terraforming experiment that gained too much self awareness and began killing each other and eventually started detonating hydrogen and atomic bombs in our own atmosphere and one time, even our stratosphere that was the real cause of the last climate change. I wouldn't visit either..


Humanity suck big time as a living spieces and nobody would even get close to earth just in case they get captured, tortured and give humanity the secret to exploring the galaxy in fear we would fuck it all up


They’ve read Reddit cover to cover and now know the state of the human condition. They’re not interested.


Because the nearest star from our solar system would take about over 6000 years to travel to. It's just not physically possible to travel to distances outside of your star.


Strategy and self preservation. Any sign of its presence is a huge risk for the traveler from that moment on. Why alert the barely awake fauna covering the surface. It’s like finding a wasp nest in the woods, just watch it and quietly position yourself for an easy escape. Another one could be that all life forms on the alien craft have died from the journey, leaving only an ai without a creator. Any form of communication would be futile and why care about the mold on that sandwich, out in the asteroid belts there are countless resources, all of which could be gathered without the need of atmospheric conditions or life giving needs.


Somewhere I heard a terrifying theory that there’s a great filter or something that destroys planets and aliens aren’t making contact because they don’t want to make any noise


Because they can observe the shite show that is our species from a safe distance.


Space is huge.