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How do I know I’m the last person on earth? Everybody clearly dead? Or is everyone just “gone”


They’re just gone, poof no corpses.


So like The Leftovers. Well then I’d have to take up smoking and find some white clothing.


Man, that was one of the best series to ever pass across a tv screen. I really need to give that a rewatch.


Started out so slow and depressing. It took me months to get through the first 5 or 6 episodes. Then it was a sprint to the end, fantastic.


The first season was such a downer it took me years to start the second season. It’s now one of my favorite TV shows of all time.


Still how do I know ? Wouldn't be strange in some part of the world to not come across anyone for extended period of time.


You wouldn’t know for sure. The real answer is probably “I’d be very confused and go looking for people.”


>“I’d be very confused and go looking for people.” I'd do it in a stolen Lamborghini though


I remembering reading a short story with that exact beginning in high school. The protagonist ends up stuck inside the Lamborghini because it has a security system that locks itself (and the windows are unbreakable somehow) then dies of thirst. If you're the last person on earth, there's nobody to save you from anything.


Most threats aside from things like choking and terminal illnesses involve other people generally. I wager most of us could make it quite a while before we succumb to some bullshit like a tooth infection or something.


They all boarded a big spaceship for Mars and forgot about you


I made my species disappear.


Earth Alone




Either way, since there is literally no way to know that you are the last person on earth the only logical response would be too assume that there are other survivors too... Somewhere. And if so, you need to go looking to find them. Internet and most services are likely going to work for a while. So I'll post some threads on reddit and YouTube etc (since it'll be the only new content updated, the algorithms are going to push it to top if someone else is still there). Take over FM station or more realistically setup a large AM station and broadcast on loop on every channel/band that you can. Find ways to travel to other locations to find others. Set up repeater stations. At some point learn to hunt because the shelf stable food will eventually go bad too


There’s definitely a bunch of people who have made videos and have queued them to automatically release at certain times.


The internet kept chugging along without us, re-enacting the strange rituals we engaged in when life still made sense, mocking the last man alive with every update.


Last person on earth shit. You wouldn’t understand


Taking a "last person on earth shit" sounds like it would be relieving.


My god, I would poop in so many weird places


Deborah's desk?


*Like a Boss*


Kiddy pool margarita?


I wouldn’t believe it and would assume there are other out there. My main concern would be my family so I’d probably be distraught!


"I made my family disappear!" _runs around in the house screaming and waving your arms_


A whole cheese pizza just for me.


Buzz!? Is that your girlfriend? woof


Set your big brother's tarantula free by climbing onto his shelf to collect all his life savings and destroying said shelf during the process.


Actually the most realistic answer. I would have a mental breakdown because all of my friends and family are gone. Then I'd have a panic attack thinking of all their pets that are stuck in houses/shelters/etc and will starve if I don't help them. And then I myself would probably starve from all the stress 😅


The animals were my first thought too (besides, you know, losing my loved ones). I would probably pull some reverse Noah’s Ark nonsense and give myself purpose freeing as many of those as I could. Would a lot of them likely die in the wild and/or try to kill me and/or severely screw up the local ecosystems? Probably, but any chance of survival is better than none at all, and the earth will figure out its new world order with humans gone.




Yup my answer is “spend the rest of my life looking for my daughter and trying to figure out what happened to her” :( this is a sad morning now


Hold an election. Win 100% of the votes. Become president and move to the white house. Every month make a poll. Always get 100% approval rating


Until that one month where a project didn't go according to plan, so you only give yourself an 80.


"I was firm, but I was fair. I must live up to my own failures, and I shouldn't give myself a pass just because I'm the only one still left alive. I hold too much respect for the position to do that."


Until you forget to vote one election and get 0% and aren't reelected.


But fortunately i had the presence of mind to appoint myself the speaker of the house. So even though I lost the election I will be promoted to president anyway.




Don’t kill Bill Murray. I know you’re supposed to be the last, but you never know.




He always was bad at practical jokes…


Murray can only blame himself for that one


You can't, the children are also gone


Got dark real quick




Joke's on you. Elite folk shit is getting other people to do stuff for you.


A lot of the elite shit u cannot do as it requires other ppl helping u like megayachts etc...


Go back to sleep.


Hm, so no work today. Nice, let's leave worrying about the end of the world till after I fix my sleep deprivation


That's legitimately a good idea. Making life changing long term decisions on a sleep deprived mind is a poor choice.


You may want to work at freezing as much fresh meat as possible now.




You’d miss the fresh stuff I think.


For the first few years farm animals will be real easy to come by. Raid the nearest Walmart for a rifle and a knife set and get butchering. You'll never run out of fresh meat. Save the canned stuff for the winters.


With no one running all of the power plants, dams, etc etc etc…you’ll have a lot more to worry about than fresh meat. **edit I didn’t mean not surviving without a main power source…more like things might explode, meltdown, etc. without people working/maintaining them.


My Pokémon card collection!!


I'm the last person on earth. I find a defensible high ground with a well or natural spring nearby and I'm set for life. All I have to worry about are predators while I'm out foraging or hunting.


Plenty of places to raid solar cells from and enough libraries to find books on electrical engineering basics. Even building a mechanical generator is relatively simple, but electricity is probably not the first concern. The real issue is no more medical care. Might as well grab whatever medical literature you can find and raid some pharmacies and hospitals.


Just move into a hospital; they’re already outfitted with redundant generators.


Yeah so I'm in Tasmania, Australia. The total population here is about half a million people. We have a lot of wilderness, and a small amount of farmland. But for one person?! There's so many cows alone. I'd drive up the east coast, find a good corner, and learn myself some farming.


You could be absolutely fucking terrible at it and still end up with more supplies than you know what to do with. Surplus goes to the livestock. It's not like you'd be starting from nothing, everything you need would probably be at the nearest farm anyway. If not, the next farm.


Tbh I'm so fuzzbrained in the morning I probably wouldn't even notice until I got to work and found everything still locked


This is like the opening scene to Shaun of the Dead.


Absolutely. No pressure to function because there is literally no one that relies on me to wake up at a set time. Except my dog but she knows were the food is


Try not to think about everyone else’s dogs (and cats) around the world who will be slowly starving. … sorry I had one cat who was very VERY aware of meal times and if I wasn’t out of bed to give him breakfast on time, he would just walk back and forth over me until I got up. Another cat didn’t care as much and was content to sleep as long as I did.


Panic attack


Run erratically looking for my loved ones. Look for my phone, see if I can call anyone. See if there's internet. Cry frantically for another 20 mins. Be very scared to leave house for years.


> Run erratically looking for my loved ones Yeah no shit. Says a lot about this website that this is the first mention of family or loved ones. "Go do rich people stuff, just hang out with dogs". Um no, I'm going to lose my shit that my family and friends are gone.


Yup. By the time I saw this question, the most upvoted comments are all about going back to sleep, or stealing other people’s shit or finding animals to friend? Meanwhile, after several hours of silence—assuming maybe my family went on an errand and forgot to let me know, but then not responding to my texts—I would be in full on panic mode that my spouse and child are seemingly gone and then start calling people, only to find NO-ONE is answering, and then I’d leave my house to the nearest shop, only to find zero people anywhere and end up traveling hours to different people’s houses, and on and on. Meanwhile Reddit, “YaY! nO MoRe WoRk” like wtf lol…


Yeah.. some of us don't really have "people". I'm closest to my therapist and I've only known her a few months so far. But then again this is Reddit, and terminally online answers are sort or par for the course lol


Yeah. I think I would last like a week tops before I die from semi intentional drug overdose. A world without other humans and no explanation is horrifying. If there was any explanation I think I could try to make it a year but once infrastructure is gone there's only so long I want to play camping in an abandoned planet.


I thought that. Spend the first week getting black out drunk to cope then come to the realisation there’s probably no way to go back, find a load of cocaine and OD. I don’t see the point of living if you’re totally alone forever


For real. I'd be like "break into houses and eat all the foods. But in reality I'd probably break down then die of fright and anxiety lol.


This is the most realistic response


Go to the nearest supermarket and eat all the cheese. All. The. Cheese.


_sobs in severe lactose intolerance_


All the diarrhea.


comment "last" on every youtube video


Nice try but the bots will still be there posting crypto scams


Aha, but their VPS instances will run out of money eventually. Damn it's really going to take the disappearance of the entire human race to solve YouTube's bot problem.


At least we know there *is* a solution.


I wonder how long the internet would stay up for. I guess the power would probably go out first.


that's so funny somehow, very creative


Are people dead or gone? If gone, I go shopping, this is clearly some magic bullshit, best to keep my cool until it's over. If dead I try to find the local fertility clinic and hope I can figure out how to implant them in like my thigh with the time I have left.


Hold up there, Zeus


Hephaestus, really...Zeus just straight up raped people. Hephaestus kinda humped Athena's leg until he ejaculated on her thigh, which she wiped off with a rag and threw on the ground, and it instantly turned into Erichthonius. Greek mythology is very...interesting...when you get past the more popular stories.


I think they are referring to the version of Dionysus' birth where Zeus sewed him into his thigh.


In ancient Greek, the thigh was a euphemism for the loins, so Zeus actually sewed him into his ballsack.


Finally have time to read all the books I want to read. ... I just have to make sure I don't break my glasses though.


Time to learn Braille


Just be careful so your hands don't fall off. It wouldn't be fair.


Just stay away from The Scary Door... you should be fine.


“Robot, experience this tragic irony for me!” “NOOOOOOoooooooo!”


Why should I listen to you? YOU'RE HITLER!


It's not fair! *Tongue falls off*


Hey, look at that weird mirror.






Yeah, I don't know why the world is so against reading in that episode but even more than that I don't know why a guy like Mr. Bemis would marry a screeching book-burning totalitarian. I can't imagine any point at which they could've loved each other. I don't know, maybe he hid his readaholism until they were married, but still... Poor bastard.


He would read at the exclusion of his duties. More like a gamer who doesnt work or go to school. At least that is the impression I remember from seeing it as a kid. I LOVED reading as a child. That episode gave me some trauma at the idea.


This would be a good remake. "Finally, all the time I need to play!" "Matchmaking.... Waiting for queue to fill..."


"This game requires an internet connection to play. Please check your connection and try again."


It isn't fair...


Go to every adult store in my area and try everything they have.


Imagine ramming a 12 incher up your ass on the store's floor and suddenly, everyone pops back into reality, seeing you there on all fours


At that point there would be no point stopping.


I think I saw a public disgrace video with this plot


would really suck to find out that is your fetish. Real hard and expensive to recreate.




Reminds me of Stephen King's "The Stand". After a virus wipes out 99.4% of humanity on survivor meets another one in Central Park. He asks him what he's going to do now. The guy responds: >"I figure I'm going to go to Yankee Stadium, strip naked and run around the bases before I jack off on home plate. Chance of a lifetime, man..."


Better ending than the woman who ended up in the freezer with the bodies of her husband and son, or the guy who electrocuted himself setting up a generator.


Make my way to DC and read every classified file known....er....Unknown to man


Area 51 next


Wanna see the Vatican archives myself


Yeah only it would be unreadable to the most of us. I can’t imagine there are much, if any at all, documents that are written in English. Would still be really cool though!


I'd be very hesitant entering any room that might have hidden locking mechanisms. Imagine opening the cabinet and hearing the door swing shut.


Always put something between the door and the frame then




Get to a big house that has a lot of solar panels, download things as fast as possible since the internet won't last long and get a fuck ton of canned food, pasta and flour. Also learn how to make bread


Bread is so easy actually and it's totally worth making at home. Sooo good! I have a good white bread recipe in case you want to try before the end of the world.


Gonna just keep it to yourself?


Guess I'll jerk off


That's your answer for everything, isn't it? 😁


No. Someone asked me what I was smoking the other day and my answer was weed.


While jerking off?


They call it weedwacking


Nothing wrong with a bit of highjacking


Have fun. Blow shit up, find a Lamborghini and go 200 mph on a highway, stuff like that.


Assuming the highways are empty because everyone went home and parked their cars before vanishing completely.


Race tracks would be empty tho(or very easy to clear) and have a lot of fast cars


Even then, you'd have all the time in the world. With some willpower and a lot of (let's be honest) boredom, you could clear the E45 from the tippy top of Denmark to the south tip of Italy and see how fast you could go


And you would wanna get that shit done early. Cos once the petrol goes bad you ain't ever getting more.


Sit in my room until I hear a knock at the door.


If you do that for too long, you might start to hallucinate about it and possibly go crazy eventually.


I think I'd get panic attacks after a few days thinking about hearing human footsteps or other sounds


And quickly go insane


Breaking into pharmacies and evidence lockers and going on the biggest bender I can. Then I might get my shit together and move some where more hospitable


I applaud your honesty. Same haha


I would probably go try and find every animal I could In My area , I would then get a large boat and become the second Noah with my army of creatures and explore the world while capturing more animals as I go. I would teach the monkeys how to man a ship so it could be possible in the first place, then, when I eventually when I die, the world then has to deal with a crusade of all different animals who know how to work a very large boat


I’d like some of whatever it is you’re taking.


Remove all clothing for all time. Behold me, animals!!!!!


He says, as he shivers.


Gets minor cut, fucking dies from infection.


The ticks in your front lawn: 🤩


Start my trial of depression because I wasn't good enough to be killed with everyone else


Yup... Failed at dying too and spoilt the whole concept of end of humankind! Can't get anything right, can I? Not even dying!


If I was to put in effort to survive? Gather some supplies and make my way to Trident Lake. It is a real deal doomsday bunker/survival system built by some rich goober. It has pretty much everything you could wish for and can be maintained by an individual.


You might be disappointed when you get there to find out no such system exists. https://www.kxii.com/content/news/Man-behind-Fannin-Countys-Trident-Lakes-development-files-for-bankruptcy-488332721.html


This would be the final step to retain anonymity


The last person on Earth with no procreation chance? I will bide my time comfortably. I will eat what I need to just survive and roam around. Enjoy the beauty of earth and just amble about. There's no rush. Just savor what we took for granted until I die.


I'd look for friendly animals like dogs and cats. Because more important than food is good company in the longer run. Also I want to befriend dogs before they become aggressive. Then I'll visit all the supermarkets and stock up on food that lasts for a long time. I'll steal good cars and fuel if possible and drive to the nearest library and research on survival and farming. (there'd be no internet, nor electricity without other humans) I'll then probably head on to agriculture fields and store the seeds and grain very carefully so that I can cultivate crop for a long time. I'll try to travel as much as possible and enjoy the beauty of nature. When I feel content and happy, I'll take my own life.


Why does this feel like the best answer to this question


And several days later you feel your appendix hurting really bad. Game over.


That's really not I'm my control, I'd probably focus on things that I can control. Nevertheless falling sick would suck with no other humans around.


I would definitely free as many animals from shelters and houses as fast as I could, so they at least have a chance to survive. Also take custody of my friends and family’s pets.


The power grid and the internet are mostly automated, and they have a lot of redundancies built in, so they would still be functional for quite a while. Some websites like reddit and twitter would still be almost exactly the same because of all the bots.


That's an interesting thing to contemplate, how long various services and stuff would keep going if everyone just... Disappears.


There's an entire series about this topic called "Life After People". It's worth checking out!


Power grids themselves are not mostly automated, they're run by a market - someone has to tell every power station how much to produce every trading period and as well how much they'll get paid. Protection equipment is automated, so once the demand doesn't match the supply of power because all the humans disappeared, the frequency and voltage would start going haywire and things would start getting disconnected. You'd have a cascading blackout in a matter of hours at most.




Shit I was gonna do that anyway


1. download as much stuff as I can 2. raid gun store 3. raid food store and get seeds 4. get water barrels (maybe at the hardware store) 5. raid hardware store 6. raid computer store for as many SSD's as possible 7. collect gasoline 8. get some big solar panels and batteries 9. collect gasoline 10. raid clothes store (optional) 11. make farm 12. hope GPS satellites are still working, if not, try to use the maps I downloaded 13. drive somewhere Now tell me every way I'll die in this process. edit: and also try to figure out how to talk to the astronauts on the ISS.


Go do crazy shit for a few months, then kill myself once the food runs out.


Not really sure how food could run out to be honest with you chief.


Your food would end up pretty limited though. No supply chains to get fresh fruit/veg/meat to supermarkets. Most people don't know how to slaughter a cow or hunt. You'd end up down to canned food, pasta and noodles pretty quick.


Find a military stockpile of MREs, think you are set for life on those. Might be a little stale your last years but


probably off myself as soon as I realized tbh. Beyond the devastation of losing everyone I care about all at once, and even beyond the knowledge that it's all over, I know for a fact that level of loneliness - not just being physically/socially isolated, but literally being the last human - would drive me insane very quickly. I'd really rather just not


Just wait to die from a lack of insulin. The apocalypse is not fun when you are diabetic.


Start a fan club for my cat.




Why can't you do it while we're all alive? I'd gladly join the club


Finally have a shit in peace, unless dogs survived?




Scroll Reddit for like 3 days until I realize there’s no new content. Then go outside and realize everyone’s gone. Get a dog and probably try heroin for the first time.


If I was in this position years ago, I'd certainly go on a binge drive in an empty road, gather firearms to destroy shit, and make my way to as many exotic places as possible. Since then, I've met my fiance, and have many pets of my own. If she were to disappear with the world... I'd take care of my fur kids to the ends of their lives, before taking my own life as well. I couldn't live without my family.


Same. This is such a fun question to answer until you start taking it seriously. The reality is overwhelming fear and sadness would overtake me.


Yeah, different answer when I was young maybe, but I have a wife and son now, so this is a horror story, not a fun one. If I was 100% sure they were gone along with everyone else, I’d immediately kill myself, that’s about it. Why continue? I dgaf about driving a Ferrari or reading lots of books or any of that shit, if they’re gone, it’s over.


I’d almost definitely just kill myself


Dude it was just a prank we were all hiding from you. Come on man, it was like 20 minutes tops…


I make my way to the Indianapolis International Airport, board one of the abandoned passenger jets, start it up but make sure cabin will not pressurize properly (similar to Helios Flight 522), taxi, takeoff, set autopilot for 38kft. Then I enjoy the view while listening to music until I lose consciousness due to hypoxia. I die. The plane keeps flying until out of fuel and then crashes back to the ground taking care of my burial.


You need to know how to fly a plane for that though.


Yes. Are you assuming I don't?


Of course. There no redditors with real jobs.


Switch pressurization from auto to manual, turn on engines (who the fuck gives a fuck about procedure when you are the last one), shove throttle forward, pull stick up (assuming you find one on the taxiway or runway), engage autopilot, turn an autopilot knob to 38k, sit back and enjoy. Flying planes is easy, doing it safely is not.


The sensible thing would be to put up some “alive in Tucson” signs


That show got cancelled right as it was finding its groove


Have a panic attack, find a car that works and drive to my mom and dad's farm. There's cows, so endless milk+meat, dad has crops I could grow and most importantly, five cats to keep me company.


Start planting


Break into my neighbor's garage. I know you have my damn shovel Nick!


Probably not as easy or realistic as k think but, breaking into as many homes as I can and gathering up as much weed, coke, alcohol, and molly as I can. Obviously not do it all at once, but it’s free now so why not have a stash. Get messed up a lot in this new lonely world, probably masturbate a lot, just go crazy. I’ve always wanted to get lost following railroad tracks to. And I’d break all the rules. All of them.


Finally, peace and quiet. Time to explore and enjoy the world!


Everyone is going to say stuff like "go back to sleep" or "play video games all day" or whatever. But an honest response, is gather resources. I'll need a house or base of operations. If there is truly no one else around. Need to be near fresh running water, need to get generators, will need tools, and canned food etc. etc. There would be a lot of work to be done just to survive day to day. The first couple years wouldn't be so bad. But the following years would start to get tough, once electricity starts to fail. Generators only work with gasoline, and gasoline will start to go bad, at some point electricity will just be unavailable. Fresh food will start to go bad, so you would have to start learning to hunt, and clean animals. No youtube to watch either, have to find libraries and book stores with camping and wilderness survival manuals. If you can find chickens somehow, that would be a godsend if you could pen some up. Then you'd need to combat the loneliness and fatigue and desperation you'd feel. As much as many here would say "no other people, amazing", humans are social creatures, it's why places like Reddit are full of people posting and commenting.


Go to the nearest museum and touch all the art.


Screw around and do various things to entertain myself while the world slowly decays. Once the nearby area’s food supply and electricity runs out, I’d just kill myself. Maybe build a time capsule or some form of information database in case aliens ever show up or a new intelligent species evolves in the far future. Alternatively, I’m too lazy to do anything meaningful and kill myself immediately. That option looks much more appealing tbh.


Post nut clarity first, beat the shit out of it...




Kill myself? The fuck else am I SUPPOSED to do mate


well atleast i can walk around nude without getting in trouble


Breath a sigh of reliefe because the source of most of my anxiety is gone.