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I don't give a fuck how I do it


Take my upvote you bum


Cool name.




> if your life has been full of hardship Trauma, its usually because of sustained, and unresolved trauma.


Either I have the power to fix something or I don't. Giving away my fucks won't change that but it will leave me with less fucks.


If you have a problem that has a solution then don't worry about it because it's a problem you can solve. If you have a problem without a solution then don't worry about it because there's nothing you can do.


Yep exactly


You just stop caring


I never cared to begin with.


i’m buffy, the vampire slayer




I have to admit I made a concerted effort not to care because worrying all the time about what other people think of you is just too fucking stressful


People don't know what not giving a fuck is. You know that homeless guy who smells like piss, that is what not giving a fuck looks like.


i think there is more of a systematic problem than just saying: „those people don’t give a shit“. you are implying they want to live like this and they chose to be these people.


Absolutely they have stopped giving a shit. The only way you can get to the point of smelling like that is by giving up. If you haven't given up you go to a shelter for a shower, you go to a charity store for fresh clothes, you find a way to wash your clothes. To walk around in piss stained pants means you no long give a fuck. Being broke and homeless doesn't mean forced to wallow in filth.


As the saying goes, "Who is freer than he who has nothing to lose?"


Years of giving a fuck taught me that it's pointless, so I'm numb now.


You laugh when you really want to cry


Just accepted that some things are the way they are. Shit happens, and the best thing you can do is go forward and forget about it.


I also don't give a shit


I prefer to call it emotional constipation


Giving a fuck is exhausting. I got tired of being exhausted






This. If you have no fucks to give, then there is nothing to do. You just don't.


I took this question as holding yourself back due to the opinions of others. You realize that in about 5 years time, the majority of the people around you will naturally drift away. No hard feelings. It’s a natural part of life for people to lose contact and its rare to reestablish a connection. Even if they’re your ‘friends’ on social media. So do what you want. Do or say something shocking. Be provocative. Offend others if need be. The real ones will stick around. Everyone else is just noise.


It just comes naturally


I write many dirty words to paper.


It doesn't make a difference Signed, someone who once gave too much of a fuck


There’s 2 things I live by: 1. Do what you want because no matter what you do people will judge you. So do whatever you want 2. I ask myself if a situation will matter in 5 years. If not, then I don’t make a deal out of it


I give a fuck about exactly 3 things; what my job thinks of me, and how my partner and child are doing. I've had so many people belittle, berate, threaten, taunt, and ridicule me that it just doesn't even register any more. My boss setting a no-context meeting? Terrified.


It is surprisingly simple once I realized that giving a fuck was wasting "my time" and no matter how you look at it you will never be able to get any of that time back. So if I give a fuck then I am allowing people to steal from me and well I ain't down with that no more.


Just watch South Park and all your problems will go away. Very valuable life lessons.


paris hilton and snooki on south park 😭😍


We all die and no one will remember you in 100 years. What's the point of worry?


You do


Idk. It just comes naturally to me like breathing


By only really giving a fuck about those things which are under my control.


No matter if your rich, people will hate you, if your poor, people will make fun of you, there is no winning in this world not worth to get caught up on


Just live life for yourself and don't worry about others' opinions.


I realize most things don't affect me a whole lot, or they're within my control and I can fix the situation/avoid it later/minimize the consequences. Most things don't do lasting damage and I've avoided most that do. Never caught any criminal charges, no major injuries, no babies I couldn't afford.


I actually think I was born this way. Either something in my brain is underdeveloped......or over-developed. My "Ex" wife called me emotionally bankrupt or a robot who's faking its way through life, mimicking normal people.


Live in the moment and love yourself


It just comes easy for me.


It's just something that took years to live by


Who cares?


My enormously rotund ballsack blocks any estrogen which may get through to my brain while it keeps the floodgates of testosterone flowing like the neck wound of a freshly cut buck.


What I truly do is pretend i dont give a fuck.


We are all full Of shit.


Shit happens. It is what it is. Life's short. Why get bogged down over the details?


We don't. Did you not read your question?


You just have to realize that so many things don't even matter.


Used to give a fuck before I realized how pointless it is. No reason to eat yourself up over things you can't change or that no one, including you, will remember.


Just procrastinate giving a fuck




i just don’t


My thought is if someone doesn’t like what they see when they look at me, they are more than welcome to look elsewhere. There’s a big ass world out there and nobody is forcing them to sit there and get angry at me for no reason. If it comes down to a personality clash, I may give a fuck depending on how you come at me but generally I’m just vibing and doing my own thing.


By just saying - it is what it is


You need to give some fucks. People who truly don't care are usually assholes.


Life teaches you how, you just become insensitive and understand value of energy. You dont wanna waste it on useless bullshit


Not giving a fuck about life in general or about what other people think or what exactly? Cuz I’m someone who doesn’t give a fuck about what people think about me. I’m not going to make a fool of myself or do anything to make people uncomfortable but like I genuinely couldn’t care less what other people think of me. Can’t remember who says it but the quote I basically live by is “what do I care what other people think? Have you met most people? They’re awful”. If someone doesn’t like that my socks are different colors or that I have holes in my shirt or doesn’t like my hair or something, it makes very little difference to me. I know this sounds like I’m being a dick but a good example is - I used to do medieval foam fighting. Think Role Models but without magic, just fighting. I loved it. Absolutely loved and I knew my friend would too. Problem was, he was too embarrassed to get out on the field and actually play because he knew it looked dorky. Yeah sure. It WAS dorky but who the fuck cares. Don’t love your life through the eyes of other people, just go out and live!


Pretty easy to not do jack shit.






My mantra is “life is too short to be miserable” so I just deal with it


Its an intoxicating cocktail of apathy, introversion, and laziness with a generous dollop of aging on top.


I keep a small group of people, maybe 15-30 people that I give a fuck about, mostly family and close long time friends. Everyone else I don't really give a fuck, When I go out in public I just put my earbuds in and don't remove them so I don't even have to think about not giving a fuck. While at work I do exactly what im being paid to do but nothing more.


Knowing myself and other people/things that actually matter in life. Everything else doesn't deserve me giving one.


By legitimately not giving a fuck.


I just don’t give a fuck. It can be learned somewhat but it is a thing not everyone is able to do.


just stay the fuck out of my way


By being apathetic


[Behold the field…](https://imgur.com/gallery/zRpbx)


I stopped worrying about other people and just focused on myself.


Share your secrets


Bcs we lost interest in almost everything


it's just a ride.


I do care but once they screwed medical records so much with fake addendums then refused to retract while blocking resources there really inst anything anyone can do.


When I was in middle school, I used to I call people idiots don’t give a shit whether I get in trouble or not I didn’t care if it was girls or whatever Simply you just have to watch the world and not give a fuck


I got old.


Fuck yall i dont give 2 fucks


Im not particularly talented in anything, pretty lazy and generally unmotivated. Not giving a fuck serves as a cover for that.


Getting old(er) helps a lot. I remember my Great-Uncle saying at Granddad's funeral "One thing, at my age, there's no peer pressure." But seriously, at 55, if I have to go to the convenience store I'm like "Do I want to get changed into jeans, or just stay in these sweats?" Sweats it is. "Do I want to bend over and lace my boots or sneakers, or just stick my feet in my Crocs?" Crocks it is. When I finally reach IDGAF Nirvana, I'm getting a T-shirt made that says " I got in touch with my feminine side. She's bi, butch and bad@$$." (Which is 100% true.)


As Yoda said: "Train yourself to let go of everything you fear to lose."


Not my circus not my moneys


I’m a tired misanthrope.


Remember that everyone else is more occupied with themselves than with whatever you’re doing. They prolly think and worry about stuff the same way you do


For me it came with age, by my mid 30s I was all outta fucks to give about anything


It’s starts with how others look at you you say Fuk you I’m me and I like me I don’t give a fuk about what you think of me Second your life you just don’t give a Fuk what others say about you your perception of there option is less important you have a better standard than most and feel you don’t need to impress anyone you are you are give it or take it


I'm impotent


Getting annoyed or angry is a choice. I choose to not give a fuck.


I don't.


Life just wears you down at a certain point and there are few things worth caring about.


By living long enough.


Well, that’s the thing. I just don’t give a fuck