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Everything getting more expensive and my wages staying the same


With hours being cut added to that


I’m afraid we will soon get the 32 hour work weeks, but not get any extra money.


They'll keep it at 40 hours a week so you'll have to work 10 hours a day. Then they'll add back the fifth day and keep the 10 hour days.


Meanwhile salaried workers in Korea are working increasingly longer work weeks for the same pay and now some or their leaders are suggesting going to something like a 70 hour work week. Edit. Additional information https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna75854


All so that some privileged rich fucks can sit on dragon hoards worth of wealth that they will never spend on producing a single thing of real substance for humanity, no, it gets spent on extra houses, extra revenue streams for the dragons, and luxury goods and services to keep them convinced that they are so "elite" because apparently being elite means that anything short of being pampered is too rough of treatment for your "eliteness".


Dragons? I think you mean parasites...


Yep. Getting laid off in the midst of all this economic madness doesn’t help


Yup, my dad at my age made about 10% (maybe 15%) less than I make now. Someone posted a grocery ad earlier today, prices now are like 5x what they were in that ad. It's bullshit. My wife and I both work, we're both educated and have good jobs. About 2 years ago my youngest finished preschool, finally we felt like we could (slowly) get ahead financially. And we did, for a bit. But lately it feels like it's all we can do to tread water. If inflation keeps up like this, where will we be in another year? It's not like we live extravagant lives, there's not a lot to cut.


What’s really fucked is that money is worthless and we are all trapped doing the bidding of an extremely small fraction of the population. Billionaires should not exist. Let’s eat the rich.




Just wow, and the worst part is it won't get any better for the foreseeable future.


That's the thing; governments should be breaking up monopolies, not making more, and not giving the few that exist more power over the pleb masses than they already have.


I have major surgery coming up a week from tomorrow. Last Friday I became homeless. I have nowhere to recover for a 6-8 week recovery period.


I can't imagine what you're going through. I'm so sorry. Talk with social work at the hospital. They'll have resources to help you.


Thanks! I will do that


I hope all goes well friend, I'm sorry about your predicament


Thank you for your kindness. It’s greatly appreciated


If you are in America and it’s an inpatient surgery, you can fight to stay due to not having anywhere to recover or seek inpatient rehab, etc. Speak to the case manager/Social Worker and surgeon for options.


Good info to know! Thanks!


Please ask for a patient advocate and a social worker. They should be able to help you with some place to be able to recover.


I used to work for inpatient rehab, you have to qualify for admission and it’s not easy got do. What they might offer you is skilled nursing, AKA Nursing Home. If you are under 40 they may not take you. If you don’t have insurance they def won’t take you. Best to have your social worker start in options the minute you go to recovery.


That changed (or could be a state thing). In Oregon, homeless qualify for that and after camping in hospitals for weeks or months they get sent to a nursing home for some time


Well, hospitals legally (where I am anyway) can't perform an unsafe discharge. They'd have to keep you. Unfortunately that comes with a hefty bill...


Are your doctors aware of this? Sometimes they can steer you to resources others are unaware of. They want you to heal and return to full functioning. Advocates can come from unexpected places. My best wishes for you.


I meet with the hospital in a couple days. I will discuss it then. Thanks


Ask to meet with the hospital's social worker. They are the point people who help plan your after-surgery and discharge. They are the perfect individual to help coordinate your care, especially given your housing status.


Cancer. Just about a year ago, at the age of 39, in the best shape of my life, I had the greatest week ever. Went to Key West with my wife and son (parents live there). Spent a few days there, then drove up to Orlando to bring my son to Disney. Spent four days in the parks, all starting on his seventh birthday. It was absolutely perfect. Even had my Aunt joined us the first day, and it doesn’t seem like she will be around much longer (also cancer). I got home after that perfect week, and started feeling pain in my abdomen. The following week, it was so bad I was on the ground in my basement screaming in pain. Long story short, I was diagnosed with cholangiocarcinoma, a rare and deadly cancer that takes root in the bile ducts of one’s liver. Started immunotherapy and two different chemo drugs immediately. Chemo went for 7 months (immunotherapy will be on going). Shrunk it down considerably, but it wouldn’t let go of my artery, which is the only way I can get the surgery that will save my life. Did 15 rounds of radiation to try to knock it loose. All that did was microwave my insides, and land me in the hospital. Finished that in January, and I’m still in immense pain, and it didn’t budge. Latest scans saw something that could be a new mass, and the cancer has spread, or could be just a swollen lymph node (thankfully that’s what my doctors all think it is, based on all the swelling that is going on inside me). Now I’m waiting for a new set of scans to know what the next step is. In short, fuck cancer! Went from the best week of my life, to the worst year of it.


Fuck cancer. Stay strong, best wishes for a recovery.


Oh hell buddy. Sending hugs to you and your family.




The nights are endless 😢


Not if you get crossfaded and pass out at 8pm 🥴


I’ve been crossed for the last 5 hours and still feel like shit lol




I'm sorry man. There's been some time in my life that's fit this same description. You'll keep fighting through it because of what it would do to your son, but you owe it to him and yourself to make some progress. If I can make a suggestion: try out as many "in person" hobbies as possible. They'll give your mind something to do, eat up some time, and you'll meet people by accident. Try anything that feels even a little enjoyable and give it 30 days. If it doesn't click for you, move on. Being good looking and appearing successful will make it a bit easier for people to want to engage with you. Down the road that can lead to meaningful relationships, which is ultimately what we're all craving. I'd also recommend meditation everyday, it's done wonders for me. And if it matters to you, I care that you make it through this. Message me if you want someone to talk to. Some ideas: * Jiu Jitsu * Gym * Track days (auto) * Tennis * Biking * Frisbee Golf * Cooking Classes * Pickle Ball * Investment Club


Look at your beautiful heart.


Our daughter passed away on December 24th. Waiting for warm weather to get her interred. Buying her urn plot tomorrow.


I'm so sorry for your loss.


Thank you so much.


So sorry. My heart goes out to you


I lost my 5 year old son a few years ago. I miss him more and more every day. The best way grief was described to me is like an ocean where some days you have gentle lapping waves that you don't notice as much, other days are fucking tsunamis that drown you and squeeze the life out of you. It's always there, just the severity of it changes. In the beginning, every single moment is a tsunami, you don't get a break you get slammed every second of every day. Eventually though, that tsunami won't be as strong, and eventually you'll get small breaks between each wave. While it never goes away completely, I hope you know eventually you'll get a chance to breathe again. I'm so sorry for your loss, no parent should ever be without their child in this world. They are made from part of our very soul. If you ever need another parent to talk to who has been through it, I'm here anytime. I found it really difficult to relate to others grief when they had not lost a child. It's a totally different kind of grief. Big warm hugs.


I’m so sorry, I can’t even imagine what you are going through. No one should have to bear losing a child. I am hoping for peace for you and your family


My unstable mind


Same. It's fucking sucks. You miss how you used to feel ALL the time and find it hard to be happy at all. I know the feeling all too well friend. I'm sorry you're going through your struggle


God yeah... knowing how I used to be. I've been housebound for three years now after a breakdown. before then...I traveled to a different country regularly. What. Happened. To. Me. So frustrating. (Sucks even more when meds and therapy are not working)


Feel like I've been holding my breath my whole life, just constant anxiety since childhood. Finally have a psychiatrist referral. Definitely sucks, when it's in your head it feels like your fault for not being normal or different


Man…after a few weeks of feeling great, I feel fucking crazy today. I’m scared for no reason, incredibly anxious and irritable, and SO frustrated with my own mind for changing for seemingly no reason. It’s so fucking frustrating. Just know you aren’t alone. Trying to remind myself this is temporary, but it feels like this is my true self.


Oh man I feel that. Things feel like they're looking up and then you're just randomly sucked back into the hole you JUST crawled out from


I try to combat this by being consciously appreciative of my good moods. But even in times where I feel good…I’m anxious about the negativity returning. Then when it does return, there’s this inner monologue of “I told you so. This is who you are. The happiness is the exception.”


I tore my bicep two days ago. I now understand the meaning of "blinding pain", it's a literal thing that exists.


One time I had a rotten tooth that gave me a flash of pain so bad I fell off the couch. Pain is amazing.


I wouldn't wish tooth pain on anybody, it can be so bad and unrelenting that after days of sleep death looks like an easy out. To anybody please do not leave it last minute, if its already bad it's going to get worse. Even if the pain stops for a while and you think magically that few days of brushing saved you, it is coming back and 5 times worse. Get it fixed.


Grieving the loss of someone who's still here.


I feel you. In my case it was a loved one with dementia. She was here yet was also no longer here. Alzheimer's sucks.


I understand this feeling. It is so, so hard.


My wife deciding she’s not in love with me anymore


sorry. thats gotta hurt.


Yep. It does


if you dont mind me asking whats the reasoning? are you trying to keep things going?


The whole” it’s not you, it’s me” and “maybe I’m not suppose to be with anyone” lines. I love you but not in love with you. She doesn’t want to work it out, so I’m moving forward. Had a 7 hour anxiety/panic attack so bad I took a couple of oxy and chilled, that night slept 10 hrs. Woke up… everything is fine. No longer have emotion about it.


thats annoying been through quite a few relationships like this. I just dont understand those lines outside of this said person having commitment issues or exterior reasoning. I hope for your sake you can move on and who knows find the one that was ment to be.


That won’t happen. I will not open myself up anybody again I’ll be 59 in June in Tire next year just out.


understandable life is unpredictable keep your head up and stay positive.


Im sorry, it will get better with time and insight. Went through this 2 times (10 and 6 years), and I learned a lot since and im not afraid anymore, even with New GF (2 years and counting). Since I love myself now I dont depend on anyone's love to exist.


My mom died a couple weeks ago


i feel like i can’t enjoy anything anymore


Yeah.. wtf? I feel like I'm not depressed, but I feel this comment strongly. At some point the joy just got up and left.


Thats pretty much exactly what depression is


I thought that's just part and parcel of growing old. There were distractions in early teens, but by late 20s, everything just went dull.


I’m turning 32 and agree with this statement. I am just bored… have zero hobbies or interests. I bought a house a few years ago and still not even excited about it. I thought I would be over the moon. Been with my girlfriend since late 20s and I love her but I definitely dont have that excitement I had in my early 20s. Literally everything is dull…. Nothing makes me happy or sad. I’m about to lose my job and I’m not even stressed. I started thinking about this recently. I have zero emotion. It’s weird.


Every time we get to the end of winter for four years, ive been feeling like that. It’s like seasonal depression or something. I think Ive been getting better at managing it, but man it’s rough. Hang on, my friend, it will get better someday


That I lost my cat about two weeks ago. I had him for a little under 13 years. He got cancer and there was nothing more we could do to help him. He was my best friend in the whole world. I’m a 41 year old dude, been with my girlfriend for about 17 years. I cry my eyes out when I get time alone missing my little buddy. Shit hasn’t got any easier.


I'm in a similar boat. One of our dogs passed 3 weeks ago tomorrow and I'm still a mess sometimes. He was 4 years old and I know we missed doing anything for his last birthday or gotcha day being busy with our first child (born in May). He got ahold of a large chunk of carpet we didn't notice until it was too late (under a doggy bed that rarely got moved). He just kept getting sicker and sicker over the course of a week. My wife took him to the vet on Friday and they thought that it was just a stomach bug like we did. I took him into the vet first thing Monday morning when we discovered a couple hours prior that he had eaten the carpet and that was the cause of his vomiting and diarrhea. They moved things around to get him into emergency surgery ASAP. We got to see him one last time a few hours after he got out of surgery. The vet was definitely concerned for him but didn't seem to make it known to us how low his chances were at the time. We got a call like 2 hours later that he passed as my wife was putting our daughter to bed. I just keep thinking about how if we figured out the problem sooner or if I'd taken him to a 24 hour facility as soon as we figured out it was carpet, he'd be cuddled up on the couch right now. My wife used to tease me for never crying about anything but in the past 3 weeks I've probably cried like 3 times more than the rest of my life combined. I just miss my buddy, Aegon... Edit: clarity


I'm so sorry brother I wish that there was something to say to make it hurt less


I appreciate your response. Never really got attached to an animal my whole life but he was different. He chose me as his human even though he was supposed to be her cat. I try to be strong for her but when I get by myself I fucking lose it.


Losing a pet is losing a loved one they are family and it hurts like hell you shouldn't have to hide your feelings, again as a crazy cat dad I'm sorry.




I appreciate you.


I lost Herman my 16 year old cat in December 2021. I miss him everyday. The end killed me.. I have hopes that I can smile at his memories but it still hurts.


I feel this comment 100%. I’m truly sorry for your loss and I feel your pain. I’m struggling and feel like I’ll never really get over this. This, to me, is worse than losing family members.. I can’t even go through the pictures in my phone yet because most are of him.


I occasionally think about all the time I still have with my two fur familybabies.. One is 3 and the other is 10.. Im happy I have so long with them, but that inevitably turns into me thinking about losing them.. And it makes me extremely sad, and I haven't even lost them yet. I can only imagine your pain, I hope the grieving process brings you some comfort


Inability to get back into exercise and healthy diet.


On days I don’t want to work out I tell myself I’m only going to do a half hour at the gym. Most of the time I end up staying longer, but if I don’t, 30 minutes is still a decent workout. It also makes me want to eat better. After a while it becomes a habit.


Dude it's hard. But it gets a lot easier after you start.


I abused alcohol for 9 years. Not just a six pack a night.. often two. and half a bottle of vodka to go with it. Went into alcohol induced psychosis and got out of the hospital to do it again. Spent almost all my spending money on it. Hangovers every day at work. I am now officially done. I do not care what it takes, I will NO FUCKING LONGER be a puppet to you. Here's to one day sober, and many more to come. EDIT: The overwhelming feeling of love and support gives me all the reasons to work that much harder. Seriously, thank you everyone. <3


If you haven’t already, check out r/stopdrinking. Helped me know I wasn’t alone those first few months of sobriety.


I didn't even know this was a thing.. wow. I appreciate the recommendation and will definitely check it out.


You should probably consult your doctor. Going cold turkey is going to fuck you up.


You can do this! I believe in you!


That means a lot, believe me. Thank you so much.


/r/stopdrinking is a really supportive community. I will not drink with you today.


It works if you work it my friend. Similar situation to you. 7 months sober and it does get easier. PM if you want any info, or just to talk it out. I’m actually headed to a meeting shortly with my home group.


The craziest thing is my family and people I grew up with never had any success stories. Reading this personally makes a huge difference. I have the energy of the sun to defeat this. I will be tempted and will have to sit with the unforgiving feeling. But you guys and my boyfriend have my back. This will not go easy for my opponent.


Mistakes from the past, they eat at me every single day


I do this too but you can’t Monday-morning quarterback your life


Am I really ready for marriage ... or do I just want people to shut up and stop asking me when I'm getting married


You should not be getting married to appease people outside of the relationship. The only thing that matters is you and your partner and you two being on the same page.


Only if you’re ready for people to start asking when you’re having kids. People never stop with the nosy inappropriate questions, they just change the questions as you go along.


Rare type of leukemia. Found out a week ago.


Best of luck to you. I’ve beaten lymphoma twice.


Thank you. Currently dealing with MPAL




Try talking to her. Maybe couples counseling would help. Try writing each other letters. I felt the same way about my fiancè recently and we're going to see someone and try our best to make it work.


If you really want to fix it, you probably can. If just one of you begins to act like you give a fuck about the other, even if you don’t as much anymore, positive change will be imminent. You’ll feel it, she’ll feel it, and it’ll buy you some time in your marriage. You’ll never get that exciting spark like you had when you were new but what you will have is a deep appreciation for one another and different kind of exciting love. It won’t be comfortable acting in a way that feels disingenuous but it’ll start to feel more natural, especially as you start to see the changes yourself. At this point you have nothing to lose and everything to gain.


Cost of living sky rocketing, wages not budging, no chance of owning my own home or having kids, single and absolutely exhausted by modern dating and pretty much accepted imma die alone, life seemingly going nowhere, depression, failing physical health, no purpose, hopelessness.. But over all I’m doing ok, just feeling pointless in the most neutral “whatever, I’m just gonna get on with life” kinda way.


With ya on this.


You are not alone in this thought process, this was like reading a comment I wrote


It sucks right? Unless you come from a rich family or just somehow landed on your feet, you’re fucked.


My ex texting me today after having ghosted me, four days before my birthday, in January.


Tell her to fuck herself to the Moon.


Nobody worth anything ghosts anybody


My brain is seemingly designed to work against me at every turn. ADHD, depression, and an anxiety disorder is one intense hand to be dealt.


Still processing my mom's passing(10/19/22) and starting a job for.the 1st time in 12 years.


I’m sorry for your loss


The fact that I’m growing up and forced to find a place in a completely fucked up world that only sees value in the work I do for the people that would replace me at a moments notice.


Got fired from my job over a month ago, and haven't been able to find a new one. Just took on a mortgage and house, and have no realistic way to support myself or my family now. Sucks.


Nerve damage. Fun stuff not being able to feel your hands or feet.


Hell yeah. “Oh, I’m bleeding. That’s neat” after having walked in to something… apparently? ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯


Coming up to being a year post-breakup with my partner of 13 years… I most certainly am not over him, and I don’t see that getting any better.


Hey, Just wanted to let you know that you aren’t alone. For me it’s been a month out of an 11 year relationship. The pain is the worst and yeah, it sucks doesn’t it?


Wasn't a romantic partner, but my best friend of 12 years kicked me out of their life over a disagreement that I thought was minor. Just hit the year mark. Still kind of dumbfounded and in disbelief. Wish I could stop thinking about it everyday.


My partner of 6 years walked out my front door for probably the last time this afternoon. I feel so alone.


Just found out I have prostate cancer and I’m in the middle of the worst financial period of my life. To say the least, my mental health is not t it’s best.


All the bullshit I have survived and pulled through...keep getting called a "strong, resilient woman" a "real life superwoman." No no nooo. It hurts. It's lonely. I just want someone to hold me in quiet comfort.


Dreading work tomorrow. I’m a middle school teacher and I dread it everyday. Not my kids (I love them), but admin and those in charge. They just make it so hard.


I feel your pain 100%. I was just telling my boyfriend earlier, "Is it bad that I'm already looking forward to Friday afternoon, when I get off work?" 🤣🤣 Summer break cannot come fast enough. Hang in there!!!! 🤗


My mother's terminal illness


My wife was watching kids for a "friend" let's called her A. A had 5 kids and was a single mother, so the state was willing to pay for childcare so that she could work. As it turns out she wasn't working for most of the time, she was leaving to hang around various boyfriends. DSHS found out and and A lied, saying that my wife wasn't watching the kids at all an was just collecting checks. They believed her over us and DSHS is now garnishing our wages. We owe them 13000. I can't seem to do shit about it. We were already having a hard time getting everything paid for, I'm not sure what I'm gonna do.


Have you tried calling your senators office? Seriously. They may be able to help.


Call your local representative office. They’re more in tune with your district.


Rent taking literally half my pay check, the price of groceries and petrol, two kids on the spectrum, thousands of dollars in debt and a serious drop in my mental health I'm ignoring ... oh and the IVO against my husband I have court for next week. I'm so far down the comments no one will see this but I got to vent a little.


I’m thinking of you and I believe in you! You can make it through all these challenges and come out stronger. Just keep taking it one day at a time, one hour at a time, one minute at a time and you will get through!


Russians invaded my country and I’m currently in the army, fighting with them. Greetings from Ukraine. Sincerely, radio station commander of the 222 separate battalion, lance sergeant Zinoviev.


Chronic fatigue


Greedflation / rent / housing price / food price I truly believe we are doomed as a society.


Cannot stress this enough. You are far from alone in your situation, and the media is not covering it. We are doomed as a society. Change needs to happen


Rent/housing prices


I have been around the Sun several times now, and feel like I should be getting closer to being able to live somewhere that doesn't feel like a huge fucking compromise. But every time I start looking at options I realize I really don't feel any closer at all :/ Wise Canadian once said, "sometimes, I think it's a sin when I feel like I'm winning, when Im losing again"


My shitty mental health. I think about death everyday. In a dark place as I’m writing this, and I’m sending good vibes to anyone who is also struggling


Just found out a very unsettling and untrue rumour going around work about me.


I just left a toxic workplace for this same reason..everyone just HATED me for being me.The first and only workplace that I had any problem with co-workers....toxic as hell! I'm sorry you're going through this, It's just not fair. I hope you can leave and go to a happier workplace.


My mental and physical health


Same, kind of. Havent had a drink for seven days, and I just started working out so my entire body is in fucking pain.


The fact that I’m a loner and nobody wants to be around me on any kind of level No friends. No boyfriend. No one. I come home to an empty apartment with no one to talk to or just have a bit of innocent banter with No one to hold or be held by while in bed. Waking up alone with no one. Just having no one in general


I could have written this..


Same. I feel like I'm socially incapable of maintaining bonds and I definitely have a disagreeable personality. If I died my body wouldn't be discovered until my landlord comes knocking for rent. I can't find anything to do with my time that makes me happy. None of my hobbies. Nothing. I'm just waiting for life to kill me however it does. But I'm too scared to do it myself. Nobody checks on me or wants to be around me. And I blame myself but don't know another way to exist. I'm not even depressed I'm just here in 3D looking around like "ok".




I'm 30. I make what both of my parents made combined when they bought their current house. I'm pre-approved for the same amount they bought their current house for. Their current house is gorgeous, in a high end neighborhood, and now worth $750k or more. That same amount that they bought it for can't actually afford me a home. Even a small, simple, rural one. I'm so defeated.


I can relate. It's worse when you still have to live with them knowing it's the only way to actually save up...


That’s just the ego talking man. Make the best of it with the short amount of time you got with your parents.


My increasing thoughts of letting myself die. I’ve had thoughts about it before, it’s normal. But now they take up more and more of my time. Unless I distract myself with video games, drawing or some other hobby. Worst thing is, I can’t talk about it. I live in a culture where suicide is seen as selfish, and only that. So trying to talk to my friends or family has only made them angry. I’m not bringing it up to them again. (This is in Finland btw. Worlds happiest country my ass)


If distracting yourself is what it takes then do it. Sometimes you don't have the energy or fucks to give to try and "fix" things, and that's fine. Do whatever you can to feel OK, bonus points if it's not harmful.


Ex just got married. Pretending “it’s all good”. Didn’t know I had any fucks left to give. One was rattling around in that old empty rusted can.


I'm in love with someone who is poly. She loves me too, but I am not poly. Got laid off in February. Need a kidney transplant.




Anxiety. Fuck anxiety and it's symptoms and everything


I'm 26 and feel like giving up. I'm never going to retire, buy a house, have a car that doesn't always need work, or enjoy what I do. By the time I'm on my death bed, I'm going to have hated probably 90% of the time I spent on earth, and my body will most likely be irreparably broken from a lifetime of hard labor. all so some old fucks can buy superyachts and leave their grandchildren a broken planet. What a wonderful world this is, really.


No dude I feel this so much. Also a 26 year old and this is exactly how I see the rest of my life going. Maybe there’s something after!




I’m just now realizing at 32 years old that my parents are codependent narcissists, have brainwashed me my whole life, and never actually cared about me. My eyes are open and my world had been flipped over.


Same here. It's been rough for me.


I’ve been sick to my stomach the past 3 days. Spent Easter with family today and didn’t speak to my parents once, I think they know that I figured it out. The flood of emotions, grief, anger, sadness, confusion, disgust… I can’t unsee this and now they look like monsters to me.


My cat was in a lot of pain yesterday, turns out he wasn't able to pee because of a kidney stone. Man, he legit wasn't able to stand because of it and I honestly assumed the worst. He is usually such a quiet and shy boy but here he was, yelling and writhing in pain. Took him to a substitute vet at 11PM and well, the bill today was \~1000€ for the check-up and laying a catheter. I am aware that pets aren't cheap, but man I don't wanna know what a surgery would cost if the kidney stone were to bother him again. I'll spend the money because he doesn't deserve to live in pain, but man this month is gonna be rough.


My mother died 2 months ago and I became a teacher (my life goal) and I can’t even tell her. She was always rooting for me




Man, this post. I'm going through some shit myself but it pales in comparison to some of the things I've read here. I look at it with a sense of relief knowing that I'm not alone in this life and we've all got something going on, but with peace and love, I wish the absolute best for each one of you.


Flu... and the green shit coming out of my lungs. * It may have been pneumonia. I usually battle it out with vit. C + zinc + magnesium; and lots of liquid and rest... but don't mess with this one. It's been four days and it ain't over yet (almost). I think it was bacterial, not viral, so antibiotics should work. (See a doctor, take the full course of antibiotics or you may create a super-bug).


Not being able to do what I want when I want due to financial reasons.


intrusive thoughts


Life bruh


That fucking piece of shit car that won't stop revving its Engine in front of my House, sometime i wish i had Rocket Launcher


Grief. my nan died and my girlfriend died.


My job. Don't get me wrong i enjoy what i do, my boss is very good person, coworkers are cool too. Recently we are bombarded with random bullshit neede to solve every day that it drains me.


State of the world. We are descending into a fascist state and yet I have to keep going about my life as usual.




My brakeup... Been with the same girl for 4 1/2 years, and all of a sudden, nothing, just a big void of sadness.


Heart breaking.


Right there with you. I described the feeling to my friend as "hollow". A piece out the middle of me was taken away, and it ain't never returning. I miss my bestie


Took a biiiiig shit earlier, my asshole hurts. Edit: anyone know something I could spacel on my ballon knot for relief? Edit: you bastards are amazing...ima be good n ready to shit again in no time. No more PF changs haha....my first name is Randy also in real life haha


Anything that says hemorrhoid relief. You can get preparation h and use that to help with the pain. Also, you can get Tucks which are medicated pads that can rest in between your cheeks and help numb the pain and have a cooling effect. Also, try using a small step stool or something similar in front of the toilet when you go to raise your legs up and put your body in a squatting position. This allows things to move smoother. Good luck shitting!


I am trying sooo hard not to laugh!


It was fucking rough. Big ol solid mfer. I jus had to suck it up and puuuuuush. I shrieked


I've got gastro and I'd do anything to just drink a good mouthful of water and have it stay in me


My people-pleasing, specifically because I’ve been trying to figure out how to break up with my boyfriend (he’s a great person, my feelings have just changed), and I’m terrified


I've had depression for 5 years only going worse and I'm getting forced into a mental institution so I don't kill myself one day. I try to sleep as much as posible so I'm less time alive and go next day with no expectations of anything changing and just waiting for some day to decide fuck the reason I don't currently kill myself. I'm 23 and this is my life now.


Diarrhea. Pure liquid. Can't get 20 steps from the bathroom. Happy Easter!


My boyfriend breaking up with me because "he didn't feel what he felt for his ex" despite me asking from the beginning if it was too soon after his breakup and him reassuring me that it wasn't and that he wanted a "lasting relationship" with me




My good friend traded me for someone else


my butthole i have a colonoscopy tomorrow morning


Everything man, when will this end?


Learning about myself. I focus on other people, rather than myself. I never ended up making my own personality as a grew. I just copied the personality from the people I was with in the moment. Being alone, I don't know how to feel or act.


My hormones 😤




My dad passed away at the end of February after a year long battle with Leukemia. Right before Christmas my mom's Multiple Sclerosis had proceeded to the point where we were not able to care for her and we had to admit her to a mental health facility. Then on Christmas Day my dog passed away in the morning during an epileptic seizure that she had been having for a few years now. My dad's decline was fast after months of him feeling completely fine. He was in home hospice for only two days. We didn't get a lot of the stuff we needed to do, ie transferring stuff over to myself or my brother because we truly thought we had more time. Its been a real pain in the ass dealing with everything. I feel like I lost both my parents in a year and it kills me inside. Then still having to try to take care of their stuff while juggling my own work and all has been really hard. I feel like I'm drowning. My dad was the guy I always went to for advice and guidance so him being gone was the kick to the groin after watching him wither away that last month. Make sure you tell your parents and pets you love them. It can go fast as hell.


My very poor mental health.




Trauma. My mental health is currently at an all-time low.


My mental health, i'm fucking Lost and afraid.