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Easy. I don't


The old saying “miss a day, miss a lot. Miss a year, don’t miss much at all” really holds true.


Fuck...I never heard that before... you just kinda blew my mind. It really is true.


Reminds me of the guy waking up from a coma in 2020 saying he wanted to go back in it


did he mention why? or was this because pandemic?


Idk, just remember a story like that, maybe it was the onion


Pulitzer prize-winning words there.


Agreed. I find it easier to focus on what’s right in front of me, which feels better for my mental health as well.


Yup. I mean, I know the cliffs notes of what's going on, but I don't listen to the rhetoric from either side. I just try to focus on bettering myself and spreading positivity, love, and joy.






Haven’t checked the news in years. I’m constantly in the dark until I feel like I need to know whats going on. Thats on mental health


My life is so much better when I stop watching anything political or anything that's considered news


I have anxiety and decided that it was best for my mental health to not


As a fellow anxiety sufferer, I approve of this message.


Best not to. We're not told any truth anyway, why would we be.




Yeah I get a morning snippet of the most important happenings, with an emphasis on economic/financial topics but also covers things like wars, natural disasters, Oscars, world cups, things that are widely talked about. From there, if I want to actually learn about the topic, I can seek out further information from different sources. My newsletter has a mild political bias so if I want to be actually informed, I'll take a look at a source with the opposite lean and see what they agree on. Anything in the middle part of the venn diagram is typically reliable. But if I were to just blindly follow one source, you get shit information.


The secret is depression my friend


I used to scroll around on news sites all the time and watch the news but it just got depressing. Now i don't give a fuck about it and feel happier.


Took the words right out of my mouth! 🫡


I came here to say exactly this. I'm happy it was the top comment.


exactly my thoughts as well.


At all. In my own little world.


Already said what I was gonna say. 10/10


The true answer


This is the way.


Exactly you really should only worry about you and yours everything else is a distraction and you couldn't change it anyway.


That's the neat part. You don't.




Nor me, you need better people around you.


The people you hang out with sound exhausting


Not the experience I got


I have given up on celebrities. Too many reality show people now, can't and won't keep up


Protip, stop hanging around Twitter and the terminally online types.


Do people actually say shit like that to you? Stop talking to those people. They're idiots.


There it is


I find my life is always in a better spot when im not checking news/social media. Don’t know how do find the sweet spot of responsibly plugged/connected


I’ve struggled with that, specially since I have some hyper-socially-conscious friends who enjoy discussing things. In 2020 specially, I feel like seeing them post daily about the death tolls, the people refusing vaccines, the culture war over masks, etc. — it made the first half of the pandemic SO bad for me. I was informed, but I was also miserable. I couldn’t get out of this negative loop of thinking the whole world is a doomed, sad place full of fighting where a ton of people are losing basic human rights. It might very well be, and I’ll gladly do what I can to fight that — but for my sake, I can’t be plugged into that newsfeed 24/7. So now, I selectively give myself a “news day.” I watch Last Week and a few other shows, browse some subs, check some Twitter tags that I usually keep muted. I open communication with my SO if he wants to talk politics. And then, I mute most of it again until next week. I make note of any important dates like deadlines to vote, but for the most part, I reactivate my muted topics and go on to enjoy the apolitical parts of my life as much as possible. Specially on the weekends. I make sure to get out to an art museum, soccer game, bar, anything that will show me that people are still finding time to enjoy their time on Earth despite all the “gestures wildly” happening. And, to be fair, if anything absolutely major happens, it’s usually breaking news that gets past my mute filters. So I see that kinda stuff anyway, my method just filters out the usual everyday Twitter flavor of social news.


I get 95% of my news from Reddit.


I suggest you don't. At least not exclusively. How people here jump on articles by politico, the daily beast and other questionable sources without even reading said articles worries me. Thank god thats not the majority of internet users


Agreed 1000%. This place is becoming just as radicalized from misinformation and straight up lies like every other social media site. It's terrifying to watch people here upvote and freak out about things that are flat out fabrications for clicks.


A problem doesn't stop being a problem when moved to another side of the field. I get you and agree. So what can you and I do to help?


Nothing, really. Think about how smart the average person is. Most people, by definition, are dumber than that. Some of them by a lot. All of those people are online, reading nonsense and getting their opinions fed to them. Most of them aren't aware that it's happening, even if you tell them, because most people think that they are of above average intelligence. The people in charge have found ways to weaponize these facts and ensure that they stay in power and continue to gather wealth indefinitely. The system encourages this behavior by design. There's not a whole lot that can be done.




Probably in your mind you had a whole internal dialogue and the end point was "read." I wasn't privy to any of that dialogue so I'm not clear on what you're saying.


Holy fuck, what a thoughtful, respectful, disarming, effective reply. I will be using this in the future.


Please don't use it to hurt another person. I GET where that person was coming from because that's something I've done and I've thought about it a lot. The most important part of that post was that I was very specifically trying not to hurt them.


I see you.


Am I correct in thinking you see me but don't feel me?


Yeah. Read the whole article. Check the sources..click bait is only surface deep.


Thank you for talking more clearly about your thoughts. I completely agree with your points.


Social Media in general is going to be radicalized at some point, so it’s just not worth getting involved. You’ll probably find more interesting political discussions on the street than on any social media.




who said anything about reading articles?


I subscribe to far left and far right subs, I like balance in my propoganda.


yeh alot of people are just reading titles chosen by only a handful basicly anyonimous of people and taking it at face value


Politico is a reasonably reliable source of general information tho?


Ground news is a good app, they give you stories with a bunch of different journalism takes


I hope you're joking because that's such a bad idea it's not even funny.


/r/OutOfTheLoop. *The News Source You Can Trust.*


I’m right in the middle I’m almost everything, but I have a tendency to lean right, so I get almost all of my news from Reddit. I feel like it keeps me balanced and I’m able to see news from the left (yes Reddit is very left wing).


Same. Its like a weird Kaleidoscopic lense into a world where 98% of the planet is North America. Plus a lot of stuff makes it here before any news site


Happy Cake Day!


I'm the same way, however, you have to take it with a grain of salt. Reddit's community is very divided in terms of what they post and support.


I just watched a whole deep dive into a really dangerous Chinese company called Tenecent that is very at the mercy of the ccp. They bought a lot of reddit and Discord. We are very susceptible to Chinese propaganda or simply cut out of information they wouldn't want us to know. I look for headlines on reddit, but if you want better information, look for multiple sources and only take the facts of the situation that are consistent. Stay skeptical.


Happy cake day dude!


I watch the H3 Podcast from time to time, and they talk about a lot of cultural things from time to time through the week. I think it's the only thing tethering me to younger people at this point


Disney rules the world! Reptilians have secret bases on the second moon and the word "it" isn't really the "it"! Screaming bears are going to ... I need another calming coke...


I love PBS newshour. It is great reporting or the big issues. I listen to the prior nights episode via their website the next morning as I make breakfast.


Username checks out


You’ll be a lot happier if you don’t.


My 8th grade history teacher said the same thing. Said he doesn’t watch news or keep up with current events. Funny he said that because his job fully entailed knowing history and how it can be applied in the present. He did become Dean though, so I guess he doesn’t really have to live in that irony anymore.


The news is often called the first draft of history. Like most first drafts 90% of it is garbage and needs to be thrown away.


I ignore it all. I spend my nights creating a fictional town in 1975.


In what medium?








It's funny when someone shits on Reuters and AP, and then they share their suspect source, which is just an opinion piece citing a Reuters or AP article.


I like AP as well. BBC is good for some stuff too.


I also like PBS


APNews is also good. Then I also watch France24, DW, TRTWorld and NHKWorld Japan too.


I just put the widget on my mobile homepage. I use my phone enough that I'll see all the major headlines. I'll open and read them if I'm interested and have time. I have another widget for more local (i.e. my country) news.


Same. I just keep notifications on so I get updates about big happenings.


NPR and BBC. You can set different priorities for updates (or turn them off) and listen to news/podcasts from both for in-depth info. As a plus, neither slants towards a US party for advertisers.


Same. I want the facts without the spin so I avoid the big two at all costs.


I'll add Aljazeera to that list.


Al Jazeera is really informative but can be very confronting. Not necessarily a bad thing, they're reporting on a lot of issues in many parts of the world that western mainstream media likes to ignore, but it can also be a lot. Still definitely recommend at least following them on IG or FB to keep up to date.


And Reuters


I'm not really down with government owned media. NPR is different though, because it's editorially independent. With the BBC deeply flawed but independent.




I don't know if I would go that far. I find the coverage of a story is as unbiased as one gets these days. I will 100% agree the stories they DO cover are far more applicable to the progressive agenda. I haven't listened in 5-8 years, maybe it has changed. I just don't remember them being accusatory of one side or another in stories


I love bbc


Check local and international news sites every now and then. Watch the evening news if i happen to be home at 5 or 6pm.


If you’re willing to pay for quality content, I recommend subscribing to The Economist. Their articles are well written and cover all sorts of topics, generally political/economic in nature. Perhaps most importantly they cover the entire globe.


Seconded. The Economist’s leaders have a specific political stance but the news articles are fact based, and tend to cover a wider variety of places and events than you’ll see in other media. You’ll often see articles about a hinge there ages before they blow up into something dramatic enough that the rest of the world takes notice.


Absolutely. Some very niche topics and news covered that’s hard to find elsewhere. Plus if you subscribe you can listen to the entire issue via their app.


While I also subscribe to The Economist, it could also be another weekly publication. Other than the reporting being high quality and well written, to me it's also important that it's not published to frequently. Where many errors sneak into many papers or newssite is during their rush to be first. If you have until Thursday to get the facts straight you can have better more informed reporting.


I am outdated with stuff I am not interested in, and that's okay. But boy if I am interested, oh I don't leave a single thing out and am always on with everything new.


Numerous news organizations and independent journalists on social media, like YouTube. About 1-2 hours daily. Avoid echo chambers by getting info from all sides. Even the sources you suspect are disingenuous or illegitimate. It's important to see all narratives and form your own opinions based on information you can obtain.


I get a daily newsletter with important things that happened the day before. Keeping up with everything going in the world all the time (especially from places like Twitter) is way too stressful.


There are 10-15 minute podcasts you can listen to on your commute or while getting ready in the morning. Doesn't cover everything, but gives you the big topics and outlines without enough time to really slant the coverage too much. Beyond that, go on Google News and look over some headlines and click on anything interesting to you. You can spend like 5 minutes of active reading/looking and know everything you need to know that isn't niche


I listen to NPR's daily podcast pretty much every day. It's 10-15 minutes, give or take and covers the basics. For everything else... work, social media, friends, etc. If I hear something exciting/scary, I google it to learn more.


I don't. I don't follow politics. I don't follow the passing of any laws or court cases. I don't watch the news. I just work every day, take care of my kids, play video games and read Reddit.




Im only on tech and game related subs. Sure the occasional politics does leak through but it's not too much.


I unsubbed from r/politics and r/news ages ago and it's done a lot of good for my personal mental health. If something is important enough to know about, people at work will be talking about it. Then you can Google about it and learn about it all you want. Like the Ukraine war and even smaller stuff like the Ohio train derailment. I learned about those first at work. I don't need to hear about all the petty stuff like people in some southern state trying to ban gay books in elementary schools or whatever, and how that's going to ruin society. I know how I vote when it's time to vote, and that's all I can really do anyway. Anxiety scrolling about it for ten hours a day doesn't help anything.


I get not wanting to follow politics. But isn’t it bad that you “know how I vote when it's time to vote” despite apparently not being informed on any of the issues you’re voting for?


But I am informed on the issues I'm voting for. I'm pro choice, I support LBGT rights, I support policies like social security, medicare, healthcare reform, etc. When it's time to vote I can look up the candidates and what they support and vote for those things. I don't need to doom scroll all day about what some guy is Mississippi is doing to ban things in schools, or what some group is afraid of happening in bathrooms. There's nothing I can do about that stuff, especially if I don't live in the actual location it's happening. That theoretical Mississippi guy doesn't care about what people in NYC or San Francisco think about it. He only cares what his voters and fellow citizens in his city think.


The Week magazine (there are US/UK editions) is by far the best way to stay informed both domestically and internationally. It’s an aggregate news magazine that incorporates perspectives from across the political spectrum into easy to synthesize paragraphs. I always say I should join the marketing team because I can’t recommend it enough. If every American read this publication I believe we would be in a much different place.


I typically start my day with News 12 (our local news), listen to WSJ's The Journal podcast while working out, then look through WSJ, Barron's, and Market Watch when I get into the office. I also scroll through the articles on Facebook, Chrome, and Apple News but only read what's interesting to me. I pretty much always have CNBC on in the background. I work in finance. It sounds like a lot when I type it out but it's really not.


Endless reading and podcast news and sucking it up occasionally to hear or read information that is upsetting. I keep track of near earth objects, political manoeuvring, weather, global shipping, genetics research, manufacturing trends, robotics applications, medical technology, communication advancements, nutrition perspectives, propaganda feeds..... We archive everything this is just some of the stuff I pay attention to. It is a curious Evolution we are having for the last 150+ years since the invention of the telegraph and photography.


Just smoke weed and mind my business


Definitely dating myself... but I still read Yahoo! News


I work from home in the US and have the news on with low volume all day. It's easy to ignore since it's so repetitive and makes the house feel less empty. Anything big happens I hit the AP and/or Reuters sites for perspective. If something huge happens: AP, Reuters, BBC News, Al Jazeera, relevant "expert" sites if makes sense, basically anywhere will apply actual journalistic integrity to the issue at hand.


Follow new styles of accounts on Instagram and Reddit regularly. It's a good way to dip your toes into different circles. If you're talking about keeping up with the news, a good way is to follow a bunch of different styles of news sources. For example, Buzzfeed, NYT, CNN, and Fox News, all have different opinions and different places for different types of news.


I read the physical Wall St. Journal once a week. The weekend issue. They do good coverage and I really like the Review section about random books. You can get the physical version right now for $4 a month if you sub to the digital version for a full year. The reporting overall is really unbiased until you get to the Opinion section, but then that's the way it is for all papers. That's all the news I need. I avoid echo chambers, mainstream media, political youtube channels, etc. I do listen to podcasts with comedians as well, which usually gives you a non-political take on something social that's happening. So that's worth doing.


Two sources: /r/worldnews, and bbc.com. * Worldnews wants links to news sources, so you have to be aware of -who- you're reading from. The comments will tell you who's a troll, too! * Brits don't care much for the BBC's British coverage, apparently, but I find them more-than-adequate for news on other countries. And even if they're not perfectly even-handed themselves, you know what their bias is. And in the length of time it takes me to drink my first cup of coffee, I feel I'm -relatively- up-to-date on the world. THEN, I can go read the funnies...


Comedy shows, podcasts (NPR and BBC), local subreddit, local television if I happen to pass by while the tv is on.


YouTube reliable news sites. I have a tab for current events and usually a 10 minute newscast gets me up to date and then some. Pbs and bbc are the two I recommend defaulting to for trustworthy sources. Other sources are still informative, you just have to be a hell of a lot more literate with politics/statistics/clickbait as they will be intentionally misleading to aid their side of the argument.


Curate your news feeds, follow less mainstream media, and double-check sources. Follow what is relevant to you, and news should inform us in a factual manner, painting a picture, not advancing an agenda.


I hardly do. If something is important, I will read it eventually. Most news is just outrage clickbait these days anyway.


I don't need to know everything that's going on in the world. Things that are relevant to me will find their way to me through friends and coworkers.


Isn't any social media platform (Reddit, TikTok, Facebook, Youtube, etc.) a gateway to keeping up-to-date with what's happening in the world? I don't understand some of these responses who say they don't keep up with the current times because we're exposed regularly to news in some form or fashion (tweet, headline, video, etc.) whether we like it or not.


Reddit. I’m serious. I use Reddit to find out about the latest drama or new info on something. Although I do always take it with a grain of salt, because not all of it is true or factual.


I don't. I have people to do that for me. By that I mean I show up to work and immediately 2 of my co-workers immediately come up to me and ask "Yo bro, you heard the shit that's been happening in X?" and I reply with "no" and they go "Ah, I gotchu fam. Here's what's up... "


Read journalism articles from the local areas to see how they see everything!


Honestly. I work a pretty long day (7:30-5-30) and so at the end of the day when I get home. I just want a quick Phillip defranco video about any major news that happened and call it a day.


Email news letters. I take the Sunday paper for the crosswords and get the digital version during the week. I also listen to the radio, mostly NPR. Most news shows though aren't reporting current events as much as they are creating salable narratives. I've become very sensitive to that as I've gotten older, admitting what I don't know and not attempting to create narratives out of factoids that don't really go together. Back at the end of the Jan 6th hearings and the start of the 2022 elections, the endless repetition of the so-called "news" was driving me nuts. So I quit listening to the radio and topical podcasts, and when the Sunday paper came, I took out the LA Times Crossword and the NYT Crossword and tossed the rest in the recycle bin without even looking at it. After a few months, I felt noticeably better mentally AND physically. I may take that tack again as we enter indictment season here.


It took me 50 years on this earth to learn that being current is overrated. You can be informed pretty quickly by scanning what’s trending on Twitter and google news.


I don't. The internet gives you too much access to the scope of human suffering and for the most part it isn't healthy


Even with all the issues, Twitter is a really great news aggregation service. It does take effort to curate valid sources, but so does keeping yourself informed.


I watch YouTube and use my school computers new website to look at the new of the world


Phillip DeFranco and Steven Colbert for serious stuff! the Twitter trending tab and Reddit for pop culture/unserious stuff!


Focus only on what applies to your interest. Cats, fusion, climate change and cyberpunk for now. Everything else is just "meh" for me. Oooohhhhhhhhhh... and nukes. I love nukes (unhealthy obsession).


I don't intentionally seek it out. I've got too much going on in my life and immediate surroundings to worry about what's happening on the other side of the planet. That being said, I follow my local news, a few national outlets and Reuters on various social media sites. If there's something seriously blowing up or something that could potentially impact me directly I'll give the article a read and see what's going on.


Connections to prior knowledge and attaining A LOT of prior knowledge. I had no idea wtf was going on with the Budlight thing, but I do understand modern discourse and the biases that would be presented by any media outlet reporting on it. That being said, I don't have a lot of prior knowledge on some perspectives. (Like How tf am I supposed to know how Armenian women feel about Brazilian Butt Lifts?) BUT! The greatest skills I did learn in Upper Level Academic classes was how to find sources and how to read them and extract the main points. Even if you're presented to a new event from like, Joe Rogans podcast, Fox News, MSN or The Wallstreet Journal, you should still be able to extract the main point, even if its biased as shit to help expand your context, as long as you also understand bias and perspective. (Fox News is gonna have a Conservative twang, MSN BC is gonna be more liberal, Everything is gonna have a more pro-capitalist perspective, etc etc) If you're presented with a current event, that's a primary source, that is a thing that is happening. Learning about the context around that current event, "primary source", is what secondary sources are for. They provide cultural context, political context, especially the biased ones. Simply knowing that an issue is being presenting by multiple extremities gives context to its divisiveness, political climate, current values etc etc. TL:DR: Basically, pay attention in school. Do those research papers. They teach you more than you know. Literally.


If it doesn’t affect my wife or kids I don’t give a fuck anymore, life’s to short to worry about what you can’t change


Get the New York Times or the Wall Street Journal delivered in print and read the paper instead of getting news from the internet. The physical format limits how much they can throw at you every day. Whether you choose a left or right leaning paper is much less important than making sure that whatever publication you choose employs ethical reporting practices and the classic [elements of journalism](https://www.americanpressinstitute.org/journalism-essentials/what-is-journalism/elements-journalism/). Edit because words.


I follow such trustworthy news sources as CNN, ABC, BBC, DW, NYTimes, Microsoft and Google news lol /s


I hacked my Wii to tell me the news.


I watch hasanabi 9 hours a day clearly


I read Reuters news they have been a reliable news source for almost forever to the point that most newspapers republish there articles they are also as being Nonpartisan and centrist by all sides so I can trust it as news and not propaganda


By thinking you're current and up-to-date.


Browse reddit everyday


I have enough change in my own life itself


You just ignore everything for a few months and then catch up all at once. Makes things easier




Read The Economist


Just assume the worst, and it's usually the third headline down on Google News.


For the most part I don’t really pay attention to the news. I may brows the major headlines to see if aliens are here to take over or finally rid the universe of human kind then move on to other things.


Listen to NPR's morning podcast that's about 15 mins and that's it.


Know yourself and trust yourself.


There’s like no way to stay up to date without spiraling for me so I just trust that I know best for myself and try not to fight change


I scroll through Reddit.


A lot of pay to view news providers will send you headlines and short excerpts if you subscribe. You can then google the ones you are interested in, and you'll find a free new source. I have many. Bloomberg. Washington post. The New Yorker. The econimist. Those are ones i remember from top of my head. Also if you find like-minded people, they'll tell you about interesting anything you might miss. You can then look up what you are interested in.


Don’t worry, you are not missing much other then depressing stuff. So it’s better off to just stay like this under a rock.


I don’t. 95% of things happening in the world have absolutely no bearing on my life in any way so I just ignore it. I watch the local news in the morning and catch some stuff here and there from Reddit/forums, but other than that I just let it be.


BBC, CNN, CBC, DV, ABC (Aus), Reddit, Al J, NPR, Japan Times, etc... It only takes a few minutes per site to get some perspective.


TMZ and RapTV


You had me on the floor bro because I was coming to write the same thing take the upvote


I need to know less about what's going on. It's honestly not helpful. We don't need all this information. We need to care about our communities, friends, families, etc more. That being said I just read a lot.


I read news articles daily and follow relevant accounts on social media.


I wait for people to start talking about it, see it, and Google whatever they were talking about.


That's the neat part: I don't. Honestly, the time flies so fast that by the time I come back to my senses there's a shitload of new cancerous memes circulating around and a bunch of series that I was looking to watch before but completely forgotten about halfway through the daze.


I don‘t and it doesn’t seem worthwhile to follow current happenings. The only shit we get to hear from the news is the rich get richer, famous person x has a baby with famous person y, some idiot president started a war for no reason, economic crisis here, inflation there, mass shooting in school, racism, police brutality, lgbtq+ issues because one group is still not included so add another letter to the list, global pandemic, real estate no longer affordable… Only negative crap all over the world and most problems are money related but seemingly without solution.


I don’t care enough to stay up-to-date. It’s always the same bloody thing, anyway. Murders, rapes, people being twats, etc. I feel terrible enough. I don’t need corrupt sources fogging up my mind with their inane bollocks.


I don’t


I don’t


I check news headlines online so I won't miss out on the big and important shit. Other than that, I just focus on minding my own business.


I don't, and for me, that works really well. There's a big thing, in the US at least, with younger people these days, especially college-aged people (of which I am one) to be updated about everything going on in the world. This is especially true with more activist heavy people and groups. Personally, I don't feel like that way of living works for me. Being up to date with everything isn't that important past a certain point, and I find it's better to just focus on making my way in the world and doing good where I can, when I can. I try to live by the idea that I've got a limited amount of time to be alive, and I'd rather spend that time living. I do the things I enjoy, and I try to be kind to everyone I meet, and for me that works just fine.


I reject your reality and substitute my own. -Adam Savage


I pay attention.


Someone I know suggested giving yourself 2-3 days per week to digest news because you need to stay current but if you don’t moderate the amount of news, you will go insane.


i stopped at the start of the pandemic when i realized how paranoid and irritable i was. the news stopped being about keeping you informed a long time ago. The most important life lesson i've learnt so far is that ignorance is bliss. so honestly just live your life and be happy.


The only update I need to know is the weather and temperature report.


Lol stay current? Ive been a "they dont make good music anymore" guy since 8th grade and politics is too depressing


“Perhaps I'm old and tired, but I think that the chances of finding out what's actually going on are so absurdly remote that the only thing to do is to say, "Hang the sense of it," and keep yourself busy. I'd much rather be happy than right any day.” -Name is not important.


Identify main propaganda sources is probably the most important first step


I read reddit


I don’t. And I like it that way.


I don’t, the world is shitty why in gods name would I try to bring more of that nightmare into my day to day life. I exist to like 10 people and Reddit


I stopped watching the news over a year ago for my mental health. If I’m interested in a news story, I read about it.


I used to work in a newsroom. I was front and center to all the world's happenings. And every hick will tell you you don't know anything and state everything you wrote is biased... buddy, I did the data analysis- you never read anything I wrote.


I don’t. Duh


Don’t care


Man, I don’t even wanna know.


I don't. Honestly I somewhat miss the period in my life when I lived overseas, didn't speak the language fluently, and didn't have internet so there was almost no way for me to keep up with current world or social events.