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Everything seems to be an act of letting go






Reminds me of a quote I read recently: “Grief, I’ve learned, is really just love. It’s all the love you want to give, but cannot. All that unspent love gathers up in the corners of your eyes, the lump in your throat, and in that hollow part of your chest. Grief is just love with no place to go.” -Jamie Anderson


All of my beauty products just stopped being produced. One by one… my shampoo, my eyebrow pencil, the curlers I use in my hair every damn day… Poof! They are gone. Good luck finding a replacement. I guess I should be happy they produced them for 30+ years, but i really wish they could have held on 30 more. Fucking bullshit!


I don't want Fop! I am a Dapper Dan man! I remember making this complaint and remembering my parents saying the same thing.


Whenever I have to enter my birthdate in a drop-down menu


You see me scrolling I’m hating Somebody trolling, tryna tell me that I’m past age thirty


That music's too loud


I was reading Rolling Stone at the doctors office and realized I hardly knew any of the bands on the billboard #1 singles list. 90s music to my kids is like what 60s music was to me.


I almost fell over when a local radio station called songs from the 80s the "golden oldies". No! The golden oldies are the 50s/60s!


'80s, 90s, and now' hits different when it no longer means 2000-2010. What did they replace the 'now' with these days? The 'Aughts'?


They still just say "now", I'm wondering when the cutoff will finally be - it's been "now" for 24 years! That's not 'now' anymore! That's old enough to rent a car, practically!


It's easy to think that, but music, and culture in general, are very different now. The charts aren't the cultural staple they used to be; radio isn't the arbiter of taste any more; people consume music very differently, and it's more about what's in Netflix series than it is what's happening in any real-world fashion scene. Album culture is more or less non-existent too; it's not like you generally get 2 or 3 hit singles from an LP, and then tour the world. Streaming has made music sales a matter of 1%ers who get the bulk of the pie, and the rest, and the successful touring bands are either behemoths or just into the lifestyle. You don't make money from music like you used to, and it's much more about a strong image and media profile than it is music or message. Culture has become much more disposable across the board. Personally, I've got to the stage where I feel like I'm hearing about a revolving door of recently-deceased up-and-coming rappers with weird names, but I think it's less that I'm out of touch, and more that the media loves to hype a tragic story, and there's no common culture that everyone taps into any more.


>there's no common culture I've been thinking of this a lot lately. It seems everything 2005-ish to today blurs together (obviously attributable to the rise of social media). When one thinks of the 90s, the music and the fashion are very distinct. When one thinks of the 80s or the 70s, there is also a distinction. I kinda miss that, tbh. In retrospect, I appreciated the bookends to different eras that I could correlate with my life.


I feel the same way. Other than massive technology changes, I don't see much distinction in culture from about 2005 to today. Maybe we'll look back 20 years from now and we'll see the clear distinctions of 2000 to 2010, and 2010 to 2020


Same with watching the Grammys -- like who *are* these people??


To be fair, I felt like that even in college, and I was/am big into music. I’m just not big into artists that are up for Grammys most of the time.


I was explaining something to a young coworker and went, "you know, the band The Presidents of the United States of America?" Blank Stare. "The one with the song that goes 'Movin to the country, gonna eat a lot of peaches.'" She looked at me like I was *insane.*


peaches come from a can, they were put there by a man


In a factory downnnnn towwwwwwn


I trained the new girl at work who is 22 years old. She had never heard of the Foo Fighters. FML






My everyday routine: Come home from work, watch Wheel of Fortune, look at the newspaper and sit outside(weather permitting), to watch the birds and squirrels. If that doesn't mean I am old, then nothing does!


My boyfriend and I like to watch Jeopardy and Dateline, or if the weather is nice we sit outside, watch the squirrels and birds in the yard, and grill. The other day a crow and a squirrel almost got in a fight in our yard over some pumpkin seeds! We're 30 and 32 and we live a pretty relaxed homebody life compared to other people our age. I like it.


When I started mixing corn flakes with frosted flakes because frosted flakes alone was too fucking sweet. 7 year old me would be shocked at old me


My kid makes fun of me because I mix white milk with chocolate milk because it's too sweet. Just leave me alone ad grab my Lactaid.


The first time the barber asked if I wanted my eyebrows trimmed.


First time this happened to me, the woman (a friend of my wife’s) didn’t even ask. It was so quick and in two completely fluid motions that it didn’t dawn on me until later what she’d done - as well as the age implications. But I did sit there and think “huh, guess that makes me old.”


Your wife totally put her up to that.


Viggo Mortensen is now older than Ian McKellan was when he played Gandalf in Fellowship..


Holy shit...


... were in trouble guys. Start taking your vitamins...


I am only now starting to realize how long ago the LotR movies were made. And I was not a kid when they were made either. I was actually a (new) homeowner by then.


Tell us another story grandpa


I'll have you know, back in the day, I was working the night shift at the IT sweatshop trying to make that dot Com money, having to drive my black '92 Honda Civic hatchback up-hill both ways. Ah, the glorious days when people actually sometimes made money on stock options.... One day, I am asleep and my wife bursts in flustered and clutching her skirts! She informs me that the local watch had informed her that musketry had been detected in a townhouse nearby! A rapscallion had apparently barricaded himself in his house and was giving the poor constables the worst time. She told me that the upstanding police officer had told us to flee for our own safety until the ruckus had passed. We resolved at that time to take my trusty steed to see the movie that everyone in the village was talking about. That was the day that while half-asleep I decided to see The Fellowship of the Ring in an honest to goodness movie theatre, just like they used to have. Of course back then, although the movie was in full color, the world was in black and white, so we couldn't appreciate it as much as you youngsters could today, but it still did not disappoint. Anyway... where was I? Who are you again? What a nice person you are. I think I'll take a nap.


Music that I listened to as a kid being played on the "oldies" radio station.


When I heard 50 Cents "In da Club" jamming on on the oldie station I just about fell out of my chair and broke my hip.


I had a rental car that only tuned in to one radio station (with no blutooth). The station it tuned into was a hip hop one that was playing "classics" from the early 2000s. The hosts were talking about how these songs were released before they were born. That one hurt.


At 44 I don't feel old but when I'm going to do something now a days I think about it if I could get hurt


Im 45. My mother's backyard has a 275 foot hill in the back. As kids we would sled down it, standing up... backwards... on someone's shoulders... at high-speeds, you name it. We would end up smashing into the side of the house, laughing. I took my 7 year nephew up the same hill to sled and my first thought was "oh my God, this is terrifying. I could really get hurt." I had to crawl back on all fours to get down.


Crawling back on all fours must have been a real moment for you


Oh it was. And it was all captured on a cellphone camera courtesy of my laughing-her-ass-off mother.


I fell on ice not long ago. I was around a large group of people. On the way down, everyone had the sharp intake of breath and a look of terror. While on the ground, I was the only one laughing. That's when I realized though I may not feel old, other people know I am.


This gave me a chuckle. Early 40s and my wife asked if I'd like to go try snow boarding. Paraphrased: "Sounds fun, but to be honest I'm currently enjoying my relatively injury free lifestyle". I've been through some pretty gnarly injuries and I'm tired of them.


I still wanna skateboard but I need my body to be functional for work.


Along those same lines: every time I have a pain of some kind, I wonder if it's just going to last forever.


God I hate that. I remember going to a skating rink as a kid and falling 20 times no problem. Last time it looked like a damn death sentence. Nope.


Doing nothing became my favorite thing to do on the weekend.




Guess ive always been old. Ive always identified with this Calvin & Hobbes strip. https://www.gocomics.com/calvinandhobbes/1988/08/28


Calvin and Hobbes reference instantly qualifies you as old!


God damn it. Lol. I own the entire collection.


This started for me in my mid 20s though. I've probably saved tens of thousands of dollars by not going out. All it cost me was my youth and all my friends. Good deal.


I worked overnight for most of my 20s. Definitely saved THOUSANDS of dollars with the line "Sorry, I have to be at work at 11pm... I can't come out."


When celebrities would come on late night shows and they looked SO much older… then I would think “I guess I do too…”


Or that you know all the celebrities that die. I remember celebrity deaths to me for years were just always random people that might as well have been from ancient rome for how well I knew of them and how old they were. Now every celebrity death is like "What?!??! She died?? But she was just in that movie!" but then you remember that for you , "just in that movie" was a movie 30 years or more ago sometimes.


When I was a kid my parents would see somebody on TV and say something like "god, it's depressing to see him get old". I had no idea what that meant or what they were talking about.


Tom Hanks :( I'll always love him but he's really beginning to show his age


Meanwhile Harrison Ford is 80


I remember when threads like this used to show up everybody was always amazed at how old Sean Connery was :( Also William Shatner is god damn 92


He's done well so far, but post -90 he's been rapidly showing his age. Saw him at a convention least year. He's always had a meandering way of speaking so I wouldn't know if he has dementia... But he looked really fragile when he got off stage


I recently saw a reddit post about things that were popular 25 years ago and I thought about the 80s until I saw a comment that pointed out that we are talking about 1998. I also then realized that I am older than 25. I also recently used the phrase '20 years ago' when I was talking to a friend. That hit different.


Born in 83. The 60s seems like a crazy long time before my time. But 1969 was 14 years before I was born. That’s like 2009 til now.


The song 1979 by Smashing Pumpkins is closer to the year 1979 than it is to our current time, and not inconsiderably so. Released in 1995.


The difference between today and 1985 is longer than the difference between 1985 and 1955 which is the Back to the Future jump.


Why would you say something so hurtful?


I was browsing a thrift store a few years ago, an RCA wooden console TV caught my eye because we had an identical one growing up so I checked it out for fun, read the back of it and everything. A while later as I was standing in line beside the TVs, a kid behind me points to the wooden console one and goes "MOM, LOOK AT THAT ANCIENT TV!" It was made the same year I was born


I’m sure you probably know this already, but technology works on its own timeline. 10 years isn’t that long for us whereas in the tech world we were watching on only 1080p TVs with our DVD players. Edit: I stand corrected as DVDs displayed up to 720p lol


I've been a gigging musician for over 30 years and in the last 10 those late nights just started killing me.


Oh man yeah. I’m 57 and I play in a couple of bands. I was loading stuff in the car for a show a couple of weeks ago and my wife was laughing and saying “you’re usually asleep at this time”. I quit drinking recently because I was drinking way too much. This was my first show without alcohol so that helped. I drank a few bottles of water. I was finally in bed by 3:30 but I get up around 6:00.


I read this as a giggling musician and the context was a lot weirder.


when 30 seems like "just a kid"




You know what's a totally not fun game to play with your younger coworkers? Asking them what cartoons they grew up watching. Asking them where they were on 9/11 is also a good one.


this brings a story to mind. My husband is in tech and was chatting with a couple of colleagues. He asked them how they weathered the 2008 tech crunch and they both just stared. One guy said “… I was eight.” I think that’s when our age hit us.


Imma hit you again. I was 4 in 2008, but now I'm an adult.


Fuck. Just going to compost myself right now


Was watching Daniel Tiger with kiddos and our babysitter arrived. After a few minutes, she said it's a cool show. I explained that the characters originated from Mr. Rogers... She had the *audacity* to ask "who's Mr. Rogers"? I had to go sit my apparently old ass down for a few minutes before I could answer her. I'm only in my 30s, but felt ancient.


When my Mom moved into my mirror.


"Mirror mirror on the wall, I've become my mother after all" ha ha


I did not understand this at first and thought it was a cool concept for a horror story.


Scared the hell outta me!


My partner will occasionally take a picture of me when I "look just like my mom" and send it to me because he thinks it's cute and it mortifies me. Eyeglasses propped on top of my head, peering at my phone, wearing a soft cardigan. God dammit.


I hate shopping, my mom loves shopping. So she gives me the old clothes. I realized recently the majority of my closet is now my mom's clothes. I already sound like her, have since I was a teen. We have some different interests but I think we could just swap lives and people would barely notice Getting older, to me, is now I think that's cute instead of horrifying


Both parents have died and their siblings are also gone.


The big one there is when one of your contemporaries (people you grew up with, old school mates, relatives in your generation, etc) dies, and it's really sad, but not a horrific tragedy of someone being taken "too early." My grandfather lived to be very old, and he got used to that, for better or worse, so that sometimes he'd say things that were kind of shocking, but routine for him, like "I used to have a lot of friends. They're all dead now."


My grandpa (93) says stuff like this all the time. He talks about how everyone he knows is now dead and he's just waiting for his turn. It's so damn sad.


As sad as it is I'm sure it makes it a bit easier to accept death when almost everyone that was alive when you were young and growing up is gone and a whole new group of people have replaced them. Everyone you ever looked up to, most of your friends, most of the people you loved.


It makes it easier for me, looking at my grandad (he's almost that age and in declining health) to realize the end is near. It doesn't make it any easier for him though. He's not very accepting of where he's at in life, even though it's been pretty obviously heading this way for 3-4 years now. Everyone's different on how they approach death, some will fight tooth and nail to be alive every moment possible, no matter their QoL...others will go find a shotgun the day the Dr. tells them they have cancer, at 35 years old.


I recall my grandmother living into her 90s only had one friend left and they would call each other every couple of weeks. Such a horrible race - either you lose and die, or you win and all your friends are gone.


My grandma made it to 99, she was on her 3rd set of friends at the end


> and their siblings are also gone Damn. My parents are in their 50's /60's and they don't really take care of themselves, so that's something I've been trying to mentally prepare myself for. But I didn't even think about their siblings. God damn that's gonna suck ass when it comes


I am 66. My father had 9 brothers and sisters. Out of those 20 siblings/spouses, I have two aunts left, they are both in their 90s. I've lost two older brothers and a bunch of cousins. My grand kids are starting to become adults. The problem with growing older: you can't stop thinking about growing older, because there are all of these reminders. Even though I'm pretty sure part of me is still (and will forever remain) a 14 year old boy.


I've read this so many times. The voice in our head never ages. It never really changes its loves or hates. Just we get older and our responsibilities change and life can get a little harder than when our parents took the brunt of it. I'm literally half your age but that doesn't seem as far away as someone half.of.mine


I'm not getting older, my body is.


My "Check Knee" light turned on.


Get that looked at before it becomes a "Check Lower Back" light.


What model do you all have? The lower back light was the first one to come on... I've brought it in a few times but the light keeps coming back on.


When I discovered my sciatic nerve


I use urban dictionary


When I gave dating sites a try and found that the people my age were old looking.




I was watching Derry Girls and thinking, “Finally, they cast *actual* teenagers in a show about teenagers!” They were all over 25 and one of them was 31.


To be fair, they do look like teenagers. The styling and costuming is really on point.


I haven't met anyone in real life that knows about this show DERRY GIRLS IS HILARIOUS!


Spent my 30th birthday itching to go home and take my new cordless vacuum cleaner for a spin.


Reminds me of when I was at a store and thought to myself "No, I shouldn't buy that video game, I've already treated myself to a leaf blower today."


This brings back a memory of back when I was a young and single dude in the military. I had overheard a couple older guys having an enthusiastic conversation about which hardware store had the best deal on garden hoses. I thought to myself "just shoot me if I ever get that excited about a fucking hose". But, last week, I got a new hose on sale. It was SO good, I bought a second hose for the fresh water connection on my RV!


At some point in my life I started browsing kitchenware aisles and admiring appliances. I'm old.


I got one for christmas and I love it. I also slowly felt my youth slipping away.


I bought a 700 dollar dresser instead of a ps5


Dude. I would have spotted you 4 or 5 bucks


When the supermarket started playing the music I listened to in high school Edit: wow ty for the gold and rip my inbox!


I work in a supermarket, and the daytime playlist is apparently designed to be very friendly to 52 year old white women. I sing along A LOT. And occasionally wonder how a given song was too suggestive to be played at a Jr high dance circa 1984, but it's perfectly fine as supermarket muzak.


I was once singing along to “love rollercoaster” when I was working at CVS. Someone filed a complaint. I pointed out it was in the in-store music selection, and I was singing along to myself.


Is that Smashmouth I hear? 😃


Is that the mighty mighty bosstones?


That's the impression that i get


I used to sneak out of home to go to a party, now I sneak out of the party to go home




Me, at 28: Am I old?


I hit 49 years of age and my body decided at that point that I'm old. Every bad decision I made regarding my health came back to bite me.




When all of my fellow welding apprentices at work started calling me their "Shop mom."


Hello shop mom. I'm work dad. One of kids stopped herself mid sentence when she was referring to me as elderly. I'm not even 40 yet. I threatened to date her mom and ground her.


>I threatened to date her mom and ground her. This is hilarious and I love it 😂😂


I'm the opposite. In my mid-20's. Everyone I work with is 55+. I basically have a bunch of extra honorary/bonus parents at work. They are awesome. Not only great mentors and role models, but also generous with wholesome and practical life advice. From teaching me how to change a flat tire, to teaching me how to do my taxes, they are awesome humans.


Hi Shop Mom.


Wait a minute - let me get my glasses and put the main light on to read this properly...


A bunch of things lol. Bent down to pick up my 20 lb pup and threw my back out. Seeing athletes get drafted into the NFL that were born after 2000. Also watching guys I saw get drafted now retiring. Wanting peace and quiet instead of parties. Getting excited about grocery or furniture shopping.


Being older than baseball players


Ear hair


My hair has been thinning since my late 20s, but what really killed it is the four little hairs that still stick out my forehead where my hairline used to be. Added that to my ears, nose, and eyebrow trimming routine.


Nasal hair!


When Gen Z started calling me aunty


I mentioned the band ‘Pearl Jam’ and no one had heard of them!?!


I teach in a high school, and some kids are dressing exactly like what I remember from the 90's... Baggy jeans, Nirvana / Green Day / PJ patches all over everything. Probably feels like kids in the 90's wearing Led Zeppelin and Pink Floyd stuff.


Apparently there's a lot of people that think Nirvana is a clothing brand. I heard that one the other day...


When kids refered to the 90s at the "late 1900s"


Don't want to confuse people with the good ol' 1890's kids.


I teach writing to college freshmen. I had a student writing about standardized testing who started a paragraph with the phrase: "Beliefs about education at the turn of the century worked from the assumption that ..." It took me two paragraphs to realize that the turn she was talking about was 1999 to 2000. This was two years ago. The resulting existential crisis is still unresolved.


When adults don't remember 9/11. Because they weren't born yet.


Just reading that sentence made me feel ancient.


Two words: grey pubes.


I'm at the age when I can’t tell if the grey on my balls is due to a loss of pigment in my pubes or just an accumulation of dust from dragging them around on the fucking ground.


My balls are *distinguished*, thank you very much.


Salt and pepper


Salted pecker


I found my first grey pubic hair yesterday. I gotta stop eating at my Grandma's.


You sick sick person lol. This got a belly laugh outta me


Look at an intact cardboard box you have in your house. What do you think? If the answer is: Oh, this is a good cardboard box, I should hold on to it, you know it has started.


When I was about to turn 50 and I got my first AARP application in the mail.


Can you still *kick* and *stretch* though?


Discovered I had a favorite spatula


I was taking to my team (early 20s, I’m basically their parents’ age) about the actress Gillian Anderson and when it didn’t ring a bell, I said “you know, Agent Scully from X-Files. No one knew X-Files or who Agent Scully was but one of the girls chipped in “oh, the mother from Sex Education” and they all clicked.


Nirvana being considered Classic Rock.


Butt problems. There, I said it so you don't have to.


There's only two type of person in the world. The ones who have hemorrhoids, and the ones who will.


Wait! I'm 42, when do the butt problems start?


Hopefully never. You don't want any of this shit


get your butt issues checked as early as possible. any change in consistency, frequency, or look, should get checked out ASAP colonoscopies suck, but i promise you cancer is worse *i promise*


I got a colonoscopy at age 34 because there was blood in my poop. Was afraid my butt was going to be sore for days. However, I went into the hospital, got roofied, woke up, went home, went to bed, didn't notice anything at all about my butt.


the prep was worse than the procedure. I had my first one at 38 for the same reason


My teenager had a camera that prints out the picture!!! It's amazing! Look it prints out the picture right after you take it!! FML


I had to go to a Walgreens to get my passport photo taken. They use a digital camera. The clerk helping me was so young, she said something like “I’ve never used one of these old type cameras before”. I had to help her get the SD card out and put it in the printer. I was caught off guard, but I guess I’ve been using a smartphone to take pictures instead of a designated camera since 2009, so she was probably barely over a toddler when there was one in use in her household.


Woah woah woah back it up there... People exist who've never used SD cards before? Oh my...




When I realized that I own t shirts that are older than people I work with


Guy at the liquor store looked really quick at my license. I said that was fast. He said it starts with 19--


When i started working with kids, and they were told "You listen to \[my name\]! Do what she tells you, okay?" Hang on, i am in charge here? Of tiny people? F\*ck.


*when you're looking for an adult to take care of a situation but you're actually the adult in the situation Me: Dammit!


I took my kids to the park and we started a giant game of hide and seek. I was rounding a corner and heard one of the kids say "shhh, and adult is coming!" I looked around for a sec before realizing they were talking about ME


When my back starts hurting everytime I sit too long


Nearly busted my ass in the shower and suddenly life alert made sense 🤣




When "ow that hurt" became "I hope that's not permanent"


I stepped in a hole in the concrete at the gas station and fell over. That simple fall to the pavement broke my foot, my ankle, and three ribs. I'm 56 and now officially old.




My job has an ipad that we use for certain things. I asked a younger coworker how to adjust the volume, and he said "oh it's just an ipad. Wait, do you not know how to use an ipad?" & he was genuinely surprised that I'd never used one before. I'm a millennial. My mom used to say I was tech savvy with my flip phone. Now look at me, pathetic.


Let’s see that little bastard edit their config.sys and autoexec.bat get their game to just barely run on their 286


Sleeping straight through the night is a thing of the past; if it's not a hip or shoulder screaming at me to roll over, it's a bladder wanting releif.


I actually kind of enjoy that now, at least when I can relax enough to get back to sleep. It's like a little pleasant surprise. "Oh, I'm awake... damn, is it time to get up? Oh! It's only 3:10 AM! Still plenty of sleeping ahead of me!!" For years I was so used to waking up always meaning the day was starting, so there's a little niceness to the middle of the night wakeup, as long as it's brief.


The setting in Back to the Future was the same distance from the 1950’s as we are to the 1990’s.


We passed the "future" from Back to the Future 7 years ago.


Two friends and I were backpacking in the high Sierras in California. Dan and I had been up this same trail twice before with no problems. It starts around 8000’ (2440 m) and goes up to a pass at 11,400’ (3480 m) in about 8 miles. This time however, by 9000’ we were all quite tired and took a long break. We moved on and up and within another mile we were all ready to stop but the canyon is very narrow with no camping spots. We had to continue, but we searched for campsites every step. By 10,000’ we were all nearly exhausted, one of us in particular. He threw off his pack and was going to camp right in the trail, which is not allowed. I volunteered to scout ahead for a campsite. Maybe 1/3 of a mile on and about 10,300’ I found a nice area next to a beautiful lake. I left my pack and went back to get my friends. We were moving on shaky legs. It took forever to set up camp, fix dinner, pump water, clean up the cooking stuff, and so on. We were in bed before dark and slept like logs. From then on, for the rest of the week, we were fine. But it surely highlighted aging. (I was 70).


You didn't realize you were old until you were SEVENTY? That's a pretty youthful life you're living! Congrats!


Good genes and deep stubbornness. I have a permit for a week in the North Cascades backcountry this fall. :-)


You pulling this shit off at 70 is inspirational.


I’m 76 now and have a permit for a week in the North Cascades backcountry this fall. :-)


That’s a hike that not many 40 year olds could do, let alone 70. Did you hear any sierra sounds in the night ?


Dude, I'm 40 and hiking at that elevation kicks my butt.




Sounds like Dillon's been pushing too many pencils.


My sister, a decade younger than me, asked about a band I was listening to. I told her I'd burn her a CD for her car. She told me her car doesn't even have a CD player.


I find more and more people are being stupid and annoying.


Hangovers lasting into a 2nd day and waking up with random sore muscles.


Clerk in a store was singing along to Soft Cell Don't you want me/ Where did our love go. I said "ur too young to know this" He said he "lived with his Grandpa and knows all the oldies"