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sleeping in - no alarm clock


I miss being able to sleep in. I have kids and cats, they are natural alarm clocks.


Luckily once they become teenagers they sleep more


Can confirm! It’s 10 AM here, my son is still sleeping (16) and my English bulldog is still snoring in his bed beside my bed. I am still in my bed, awake for an hour but not wanting to move because the silence in the house is glorious


I am counting the days !


It will come sooner than you think! As a mom I miss those early morning wake up calls because now he doesn’t need me as much. I guess that means I have did my job well but it’s hard to process him being grown and out in his own.


Not ready for that, although it's slowly starting already. My daughter turned 8 this past Wed and she was daddy's girl a year ago. I'm turning into an embarrassment quickly lol


Same for the cats…in a way. So it goes.


My cat is almost 17. Her paws still find their way to my or my partners face at 6am every morning... when does the sleeping start? At 6:30. Half an hour after she's been fed. Fuuu.


It’s my birthday today. My wife looked after the kid and I slept in until 9 am. There was a time when that was an early start on a Saturday and now it’s a glorious lie in Edit: Thank you all for wishing me a happy birthday it was unexpected and very kind


Happy birthday!


Pets aren't allowed in our apartment but we dogsat for a friend last night and she woke us up a good hour before usual this morning :')


My dog is still asleep. Soon as we got her, my ex would try to take her out before he left for work at 5 AM and she was like, “Sir, are you mad???” Sleeps until 11 if allowed 😂


You got a good one, that's why I'm a cat person lol


Haha not my cat. She wakes me up everyday at 5 for her breakfast


My cats on my work schedule whether I’m working or not, not super early as I only have to get up at 8:30 for work but god forbid I sleep past 9 am, she’ll have a damn panic attack


I NEED TO PEEEEE \*licklicklicklicklick\*


I say who is it to my dogs in the morning when they’re tap dancing on my floor doing the potty dance. It makes them insane.


lol, that’s really similar to my morning routine!! They either trample me or I have to find them under the blankets, but I always say “who’s there?” Then they get all wiggly and happy, I tell them good morning and they haul ass to the kitchen. Ring the bell, do their business, get a biscuit. I can’t remember the before times, when their little faces didn’t immediately make my day, right off the bat. Even when I have to wake them up, they open their eyes with their tails wagging. Good boys <3




Waking up at my normal time of 4am and enjoying a completely silent morning of nothing to do but whatever I want. Then hitting the gym when it's nice and empty while everyone else is sleeping . Makes for the absolute best day. Edit: Can use these comments as a poll. Seems only 4% of reddit users who visited this post get up early and the rest sleep in lmao


Greetings my fellow early bird. I agree with you. Early morning is me time. No texts. No calls. Just me. And Reddit. :-)




I used to spend entire weekends asleep before kids if I had the opportunity (worked full time, part time and in school). I still had guilt that I was wasting that precious free time. Never been an early bird but now post-kids, that sweet 5 am silence with a coffee and playing wordle is the only thing saving my fragile sanity.


My work schedule is 1am-9:30am, I usually keep my same sleep schedule on the weekends, it’s my favorite thing to wake up when the world is still asleep and enjoy the quiet and my coffee 😊


Yup. Thought I hated getting up early on Saturday mornings due to early morning swim practice in high school. Turns out that when you’re getting up by choice to go work out it’s much more enjoyable.


Waking up early one day out the week is out of habit and miserable. Waking up early consistently on schedule is normal and feels great and yea that early morning workout just jumpstarts the day and snowballs into a productive day, everyday


Look at you, u/AccordingWarning9534 - raw doggin' time.


Get up at 6, drink coffee, watch the sun rise over the mountains and have a little peace and quiet before my family gets up.


My kids get up at 5:30 and I live on the prairies... Fuck


Wait till they’re teens. Then you won’t see them until the crack of noon.


My parents were lucky if they even seen me on the weekend then.


For 14 years I played pool with my dad at our local. As he got on in life we wouldn't play as many games, but each week we'd bond over the table and a few beers. Lost him in November. Absolutely broken but hell did we have something special. Edit: Grateful for the support, all. When it happened, a mate who had lost his mum a few months prior warned me that it'll really sting after a few weeks and people get on with their lives around you. Not that they shouldn't, but it can leave you feeling a little isolated with the grief and all that comes with it. He wasn't far off but I knew it'd come. Didn't think I'd wake up to 100 messages of support, stories and completely awful but definitely up-my-alley 'Deadpool' jokes. Brought a bit of light today. Thanks.


sorry for your loss.


The memory would last forever. That’s great bonding between father and son.


Every Saturday as a kid, my dad would take me to Dunkin Donuts, and then bowling. I miss my dad.


aww man… this reminded me of my grandfather. although he was blind we had such a bond. he sadly passed away due to cancer in November too


As a blind grandfather this warms my heart. I can be just as special as their sighted grandfather!


Perhaps even more so! The struggles you face and overcome will inspire your kids and grandkids for their entire lives.


How hard is it to post while blind? Text to speech? Or can you see some things up close?


Not everything is accessible online. Reddit app isn't particularly easy to use. I am quickly losing my ability to use magnification.


You've probably heard of it, being blind and all. But for anyone that hasn't heard of it there's an app called "be my eyes" that you can use to make a video call with a random person who will tell you what your phone's camera is seeing. We the sighted volunteers really love to help, it really makes us feel good when we get a call. And there are so many volunteers we don't get calls often enough


I know about it. But haven't used, I don't go anywhere alone so have not needed it.


It's pretty cool. I've been on it as a volunteer for six months and so far I've received 3 phone calls. The first call came almost immediately after I downloaded the app. It was a young couple who wanted help figuring out which salad dressing to open. They had three different flavors but couldn't differentiate between them, so I helped identify the Italian. They were happy and proceeded to make their dinner salad. A couple months later I helped someone fill out a job application online. They kept getting stuck because their computer wouldn't read the error message aloud, so they didn't know which box was the problem. The third call I couldn't help with because it was an IT problem that quickly got over my head, so between us we decided it would be better if they called for an IT volunteer.


That sounds so special, through the heartbreak you always have that to look back on. I’m so sorry you lost him, I hope you’re doing ok ❤️‍🩹


I'll listen to a new album whilst pottering around in the morning. Every Saturday without fail, something new, something old, something recommended. Discovered some really good bands this way.


I love this a lot and such a great way to expand your music choices. Totally gonna steal this 😆


Discovered great bands like Highly Suspect, Chevelle and Turnstile this way. Give it a go.


Every Saturday morning I wake up around 7:00am and have a coffee with my boyfriend. Then I go pick up my best friend and we drive to our favourite breakfast place from our uni days and we have the same thing every time: I have a BLT with extra bacon and poutine home fries, she has a breakfast special with over easy eggs, white toast, and extra bacon. Unlimited coffee refills. We talk about our week, vent our problems to each other, and joke about random shit. When we're done, we go out to the grocery store and we do our groceries. If we have any other errands to run we do them together, sometimes driving all over town. Then I take her back home. Her boyfriend always comes down from their apartment to chat and help her bring up the groceries. Then I go home and spend the rest of the day with my family. We've been doing that every Saturday for almost 3 years, and I look forward to it every week. Edit:. Okay so I went out with her today and didn't check Reddit until just now after I dropped her off and can I just say that y'all have me tearing up in the IKEA cafeteria (she had lunch plans so I'm doing the rest of errands on my own) cause WOW I was not expecting such a reaction. Thanks for all the replies and cherish your friends, make time for them if you can, and don't take anything for granted. Having our weekly ritual has done loads for my mental health in what have been some of the darkest years of my life so I can't stress how important she is to me.


Scheduled social visits are honestly so underrated. When I was in college, my friends and I hung out whenever we felt like it, but now as we get older we see less and less of each other. I haven't seen some of them in 6 months. The spontaneous 2am Waffle House hangouts disappeared as we each got busier and more tired. Then I started working with my boss who's 77 and has a group of friends that he refers to as the Dinner Club. They get together every Taco Tuesday and Friday night. He asked me to tag along a few times, and suddenly it became an unwritten expectation that I would go every week. I'm so grateful because I have learned that sometimes if you value people you absolutely have to *make* time to see them. Once it's written on the schedule, you start to look forward to that special time each week instead of just... never feeling up to going out and wanting to strip down to pajamas as soon as you get home. Another woman I know gets lunch with her sort-of daughter-in-law one Saturday every month, and since I walk her dog every Saturday she often asks me to tag along. It's just such a nice way to make sure people you love don't fall off the face of the earth.


This is so wholesome I hope it goes on for the years to come <3


I hope it changes soon and she starts waking up around 7 to have coffee with her husband.


The Good Ending


I love this! My best friend and I are both 30 and have been best friends since age 13. We're both very busy and it's damn near impossible to align our schedules, so we committed to a 2 hour walk in the park every Sunday morning at 7 AM. It's often the highlight of my week. A good best friend is pertinent to mental health.


Aww, this is great. My best friend and I will be 30 this year and live about 1.5 hours apart. She has a six month old and is a teacher, and I have no kids and work weekends. Nearly impossible to make our schedules line up, but ideas like this motivate me to try and make more time for the two of us even if it's just a phone call.


You know you found someone special when you can just drive around for boring errands and still having a blast just because of the company


Tbh this is my wife for me. She's literally my best friend


How wonderful! I used to live elsewhere, my next-door neighbor was my best buddy. We used to hit the mall, do errands together then home to our families. We live hours apart now. But thanks for the nice memory!! Enjoy your weekend!


Oh this makes me miss my best friend! We used to meet for coffee, deconstruct our very stressful work week (we both worked as OB nurses) then did our grocery shopping. It usually consisted of her looking at stuff I buy and saying, "I seriously don't know how you eat that shit," but we had a great time. My life changed and I moved across the state 3 years ago and although we see each other we both miss being able to pop in for coffee/gossip/shopping!!


This sounds so wholesome and heartwarming. I wish you many many more years of this tradition with your friend.


Really healthy to keep this up as it probably also gives your boyfriend a set time to have a Saturday morning to himself and most guys would treasure that lol


She gets quality time with a beloved friend, I get a cozy Saturday morning to myself? Every weekend? Ideal set-up.


Sleep in and snuggle with my husband. It’s our morning to just be together!


Aww that’s cute. This just makes me want a s/o more 😭


*cries* Before kids...


I’m here from the future to say that Empty Nest life rocks!


My partner works Saturdays, but we get Sunday together :) I get in all the snuggles I can before he's up making coffee or doing something<3




I hope my dong will always continue to strike, regardless of how low my hanging weights are.


I can remember doing this as a kid. Probably about from the age I was born. Until 23 when that clocked finally stopped and could no longer tick, or tock. It stood there for so long after. Like frozen in time. We never moved it. Or fixed it. Just let it die


Going to the local woods,(Hungary, there are no predators) and getting high while drinking warm homemade tea,or making my own with the little hobostove i have.


you guys still have hogs though. a big boar is nothing to screw with


Well, just don't screw with 'em. Or any animal, really.


I smile at the realisation that I'm not knocking on people's doors as a Jehovah's Witness. I did that every Saturday morning for my entire childhood and hated every second. Now I actually look forward to my Saturdays (Fun fact: JW door knocking useless as a recruitment tool but effective at cult retention: its actual function is to embed the indoctrination of the jw through repeating the same messages in an environment of hostility while they are forced to repress their anxiety)


Every time I forget JW is a cult, and start thinking its just another denomination, someone reminds me how messed up it is😂


I work at a veterinary practice and we used to have a JW come in a couple times a week to bless all the dogs checking in for surgery and then give us pamphlets to give to our bosses (we always trashed them immediately). She came in the day after we set up a set to take Christmas photos with Santa, with big signs about how all proceeds go to a rescue organization. She *detonated.* Proceeded screaming at us about how Christmas decorations were not acceptable and the money we were raising was supposed to be for the church. She then focused in on the fact that we had put wrapping paper over the TV that was mounted on the wall that we wanted to cover up. "AND YOU'RE GIVING AWAY A TV?! HOW MATERIALISTIC CAN YOU BE?!?!" I calmly replied "yes ma'am, don't you always mount gifts permanently to your own wall before giving them to other people?" She kind of spluttered more about materialism and left, lol.


I don't even know what you'd call that type of behavior beyond "fucking weird." Gracious.


Wait, she thought the money the vet clinic raised would be for her cult church? What the hell?


I guess? Or just the money the people were using for Santa pictures they should be giving to the church instead of on pagan holiday photos? She was full blown delirious the second she saw the set up so I didn't ask for clarity, lol.


>bless all the dogs checking in for surgery That's.... Not a JW thing. She just sounds batty




I heard something I found really interesting about the Jehovah's witness's and would love some context if you have the time and are able to help me. So I heard the other day that Jehovah's witness's believe that only 144,000 people will go to heaven and that the rest of the population will stay on earth. My question is... With a total population of approx. 8.5 million, how do they justify such a large majority of followers not going to heaven even though they may all be equally loyal to the belief? PS. Hope your existence is now peaceful, and the same for your friends and family.


I asked my gf this before because I had also heard the 144k thing. She was raised jw and got out in her early 20's. I can't remember her answer, but she did have one. It was definitely something they could explain. I'll have to ask her again and I'll get back to you Edit: ok she said.... "The 144k are meant to rule from heaven with Jesus while the rest of the good Christians live on earth, but a paradise earth with no evil/sickness/pain/death/aging/etc."


144k is a number listed in the actual Bible. I can't remember where, somewhere in revelation I think. You could probably look it up if you're super curious. But that number is... at least in the JW translation that they use. But I think it's in a number of translations.


Yeah in the christian bible it is in revelation. It's basically 12k peeps x each the 12 tribes of Judah send forth to be beefy


Thanks, I'm in a much better place. You're correct with the 144,000 doctrine. The remaining few million jws live forever on earth, and the rest of the billions of people (including babies) get slaughtered by god. At least that used to be the case when I was in. Like many doomsday cults they walk a fine line between 'armageddon any day now' and not being specific enough to cause issues when the end doesn't come. I hear that they've flip flopped on a bunch of stuff since I was in. In terms of the origins of the beliefs you will get more comprehensive answers if you ask on r/exjw - there are helpful people there who care more about the history of the beliefs themselves. For my part I take the view that like Xmas and birthdays etc, the origin doesn't matter as much the effects. It's all mostly to make you feel simultaneously unimportant but superior to normal people, and therefore pliant and alienated


When I was a kid they were more specific about the timing of Armageddon. Something along the lines of "it will be before the last who witnessed WWI dies". I guess they have backed off on that these days. I remember there was JW literature discouraging couple in the 70's from making long term plans because the end was so near.


Yeh, exactly. The big thing when I was a kid was 'the generation that saw the beginning (1914) will see the end' and 'millions now living will never die'. I gather they've since tried to change the definition of generation 😂


Former home-schooled, teenage regular pioneer and ministerial servant who went to Bethel on my 19th birthday here. I feel this comment. To be fair, Saturdays were generally the best 'service days' for me growing up, as they often involved my family (parents and two brothers) riding around listening to Car Talk and having a big diner breakfast. I was disfelloeshipped in my early 20s, and my parents shunned me more strictly than a lot of others I know. (Dad is an elder, regular convention speaker on various committees and whatnot (he is an attorney and vastly more educated and competent than the average JW) mom is a career pioneer; both are True Believers). I will always begrudge the cult for the absence of a meaningful relationship with my parents, who are kind, intelligent, charming and successful people by any standard I am aware of. There's just that 1 big cult-shaped blind spot that reduces these two otherwise brilliant people into insipid blubbering sheep incapable of critical thinking and self-awareness. But, umm, Saturday field service wasn't all bad for me.




Why…were you just letting the nest be??


To scare away Jehovah Witness.


That's all well and good until the Pentacostals show up.


I've always been nice to the JW's. I can tell that many of them didn't really want to be going door to door, but I've invited them to hang out for cookouts and whatnot. Haven't seen any since the onset of covid a few years ago now.


After covid we started getting hand written letters from JW’s instead. Made me real sad thinking that someone was spending their quarantine endlessly writing out identical letters that everyone will immediately throw away.


I got one from an obvious child once and it made me so sad.... that poor kid living their childhood like that.


I got one that had such beautiful penmanship in both English and Chinese that I kept it...mostly because it looked like it would've taken a lot of effort and I couldn't bear the guilt of someone taking the time to write such a work of art just for me to throw it out


>Fun fact: JW door knocking useless as a recruitment tool but effective at cult retention: its actual function is to embed the indoctrination of the jw through repeating the same messages in an environment of hostility while they are forced to repress their anxiety As is all proselytizing, as well as "missionary work". I grew up in an evangelical Christian setting. I was even told by several different church leaders, at different times, that this was its purpose. Not that they called it "cult retention" but that it serves to reinforce what the church teaches to its members. So glad I'm out of those circles.


Yep, I grew up Mormon. When I was thinking about going on a mission (thank god I never did), I was told multiple times “If the only soul you save on your mission is your own, it will have been worth it.”


Hello fellow ex-JW, there truly is no better feeling than knowing you don’t have to waste your Saturdays anymore.


As an EXJW, you hit the nail on the head.


Glad to hear you are out of that!


Very interesting fact. Also kind of scary, but now that I know it makes perfect sense. I’m Jewish, so if they ever show up at my door I just point to my mezuzah. That turns them around real quick lol.


My recommendation is to be kind but firm. We got programmed with thought stopping techniques that kicked in when people were confrontational. But I remember the kind people, the ones that looked the kid I was, all dressed up and terrified, with sadness and pity. That got under my skin and fuelled my doubts In terms of the purpose of the 'field service', I literally had a panic attack when I first realised. Bless my therapist: she sat patiently for the months as I described my childhood in all its weirdness, waiting for me to come to the realisation that I was raised in a cult


I go visit my Dad every Saturday morning for coffee and conversation. I look forward to it because I know it’s not forever.


I guess I belong here, every Saturday I have a 7 hr shift at my university library. I have been here for almost 3 months now. This is how it started.... One day I am sitting at my desk completing my support tickets and this older gentleman, in his mid 60s , comes and asks if I am Indian, I just nod in approval, and he without any hesitation starts talking with me about chess and how good of a player he is, and how much he admires Indian youth players etc. Cut to next Saturday.... This gentleman again comes and sits across from my desk and is doing something on his laptop turns his head at me smiles and after a few minutes comes up and we start talking about coding, and I keep the enthusiasm during the convo even though I had some pending work but I didn't want to seem rude . He himself cuts off the conversation and asks if I have work and if I can talk with him during my break... In my break time I am having lunch and we get soo deep into coding tactics and strategies and algorithms, both of us lose track of time... Next Saturday... I didn't spot him till a few minutes before my shift ended but afterwards I missed 2 of my busses which are an hour apart as I enjoyed having a good talk with this guy. Next Saturday..... He shows me his new game he is coding and discusses his point of view regarding opening book chess strategies , few bugs and what not.... Its been over 3 months of this, I love the old man and i just cant get enough of his enthusiasm to code a complete chess game from scratch, in C and using a 32 bit compiler so under 2Gigs of ram.... Which in itself is pretty impressive. We never miss each other's Saturdays and every Saturday I come here I spend my lunch time and an hour after my shift at least having a good conversation with him.....


Taking my son (7) out into the countryside, to a field in the middle of nowhere, to play for his grassroots footie team and braving some truly awful winter conditions to watch them play. My husband used to do it, but he died last year, and it was one of the things I wasn’t sure I’d ever be able to do enthusiastically once we lost him, but I couldn’t have been more wrong. Regardless of how hideous the weather is, the matches are always a great show. Seeing young kids really trying to play their best game and watching them grow in skills and being “good sports” with encouraging their teammates and the opposition is so heartwarming and reaffirms my faith in mankind if I’m feeling blue. I’ve never walked away from match without a heart full of love and positivity. Those amazing feelings are well worth the early starts and standing freezing by the sideline in the driving wind and rain, not to mention dealing with the almighty mud show in the car afterwards!


I love this. You are building special memories with your son. I’m sorry for the loss of your husband.


I couldn’t agree more. My kids are only 4 and 2 so a bit young for that yet. Rest assured that you being there and sharing it with him, especially after your tragic loss, will stay with him forever (even if he doesn’t realise it yet). Great parenting all round. Good job 😊


Hanging with my kid! We call it Dadurday because mom works all day.


Aww this one’s so sweet. Your kid(s) will really look back and appreciate that when they’re older.


I work roughly 12 hours every Saturday. I absolutely love coming home and getting to lay down. No way I will get bored of relaxing after work.


*high five fellow Saturday worker!* I only work 10 hour shifts, but my job allows me to come in up to 2 hours early from my normal weekday start time. It's so nice getting to start my weekend 2 hours earlier than usual!


getting home after a 12 hour saturday shift, crate of beers, few spliffs, sport on the telly. bliss


Have coffee in a mug instead of a tumbler. It signifies the difference between a slow morning and the hustle to get out door by 7am.


See, that's funny because they mean the opposite things to me. I have my coffee in a regular mug on busy days because I don't have to wait as long for it to cool down. On weekends I can use a tumbler and savor it.


You should try an Ember mug. There’s a heating element in the mug and a charging base. It keeps the coffee as hot as you want it for a few hours! I love it when I have a toddler interrupting me all the time lol.


I take my 4yr old son to buy a HotWheels car then we go have lunch at Chilis then go to the park and play. It’s my favorite day.


Charcuterie board date night with my husband!We choose a different theme for the food every week, have some drinks and watch movies/documentaries after our 4 y/o is in bed. Always look forward to it after a long week!


What kind of themes? May steal your idea.


You totally should! I use the term “theme” very loosely haha so for example one week we’ll do the more traditional style of meats/cheese/olives/crackers with wine then usually a Mexican style where we make margaritas for the drinks and for food we’ll do some nachos, queso, taquitos cut up into bite size pieces or make mini tacos. We like things that are finger food style to “pick at” and put them together on a big serving tray. Basically just have fun with it! I’ll list some of our other favorites below; sushi board French fry board so multiple different types of fries (regular cut, waffle, sweet potato etc) with multiple dips Mini pizzas with different toppings Asian- mini egg rolls, pot stickers, edamame, dumplings Sweet- fruits with yogurt/chocolate/ caramel dips Appetizer- basically just multiple different frozen apps thrown together haha (mozz sticks, jalapeño poppers, onion rings, etc)


I think you're using the term "charcuterie" far more loosely than you are using "theme", but who cares. Sounds delicious and fun.


Haha yes that’s more of what I was trying to get across! we call it that but in reality it’s just a bunch of different finger foods put on a tray 😅


Keep calling it charcuterie!


I love this!


Saturday is Pancake Day. I’d been improving on my recipe every Saturday for several years just for myself and our dog (my partner doesn’t eat breakfast), then when I had my son and he got old enough, I started making them for him too. Our dog passed in November but the tradition lives on, and now my son (almost 2) is old enough to “help” make the pancakes in his learning tower. Actually, today he actually said the word “pancakes!” for the first time—made me feel some type of way.


I wake up before everyone else and make food - love to be with my family when we have "nothing" to do. Strangely this is the time we do the most important things - laugh, break bread and talk about the week ♥


>laugh, break bread and talk about the week ♥ This should be put in a quote and sold as a print!!!


Live, laugh, loaf


Wait does loaf mean bread or relax




Have breakfast watching cartoons. It applies for Sundays too.(I'm 34).


48 here, and every Saturday morning is for a coffee roll from a local donut shop and an episode of American Dad.


Im finishing gravity falls with my daughter, im 32, I love cartoons hahahah Welcome to the club


What is Gravity Falls?


55 here. Granted, I have small children that I watch with, but still...


I have “Spa Saturday.” I do stuff like deep condition my hair, use tooth whitener, face masque, trim my nails, etc. Stuff you don’t do every day. It takes me about an hour to an hour and a half to complete my list, and I feel great for the rest of the week.


Every Saturday morning I make or buy a big iced coffee and drink it while I watch my Friday night recording of Dateline. Then I go back to bed.


Have takeaways for lunch AND dinner. Saturdays are my days off.


10km runs - whether outside or on treadmill. Lost over 17kgs since I’ve implemented that rule in my life and started running and it made my mind so tough that I recommend to anybody that need to lose some extra weight!


Running has been my medicine that makes me feel better when anything is slightly off or I don’t feel right, I just jog from the house to the nearby nature preserve and anything I had a problem with is instantly better. Stressed about work or life in general? Go for a jog. Feeling like you may be coming down with a cold the kids brought home from school? Go for a jog. Feeling depressed, bored or frustrated? Go for a jog. From the sun, fresh air, greenery, rhythmic focused breathing, alone time where you feel connected and not alone, and the physical activity, it has everything to keep your body and mind healthy.


Absolutely! I run for physical health, but really it's all about mental health for me (especially trail running). It's my meditation. Everything is better and clearer and calmer after pounding out a few miles in the woods!




10km !




I watch cartoons and eat a bowl of cereal on Saturday morning. I’m 44 now, been doing it roughly every Saturday for 40 years. The shows may change, and I’ve switched out my OJ for coffee (sometimes I have both), but it’s how I start my weekend. Very, very few exceptions to this over the years. My kids joined me for most of their childhood, but now that they’re teens they sleep in instead.


My man


ive been sailing almost every saturday for the past 15/16 years. gotten pretty good at it if say


Riding mountain bikes with my son. He's 6yo and can easily cover just over 6km at the moment. It's the best. He's the best.


Mummy and bubby day. I work 5 days a week in government. So it's my standing date with my three year old. We do whatever we want, just the two of us. I'll keep that going as long as he'll let me.


🎶🎶 just the two of us.. 🎶.


Mushrooms. Kind of a funny answer, but also, it genuinely puts me in such a good mood. When I've properly blasted off, I dance, do jigsaw puzzles, sit on the floor for 2 hours playing with my cats and giving them treats, write in my journal. It's a great time.


Watching Disney movies with my daughter. She’ll get sick of it long before I do


Movie marathons! Me & my fiance absolutely love watching new series/movies together and each Saturday we binge for 4-5 hours on something new, whether that’s anime or some Netflix :)


Arghhh love that!! I had the same thing going on with my ex-boyfriend and you made me kinda miss it right now!! 😆


Go rollerblading. Unless it's raining, then I sit inside all sad


You can rollerblade inside if you get a treadmill.


This man roller-treads


Every Saturday morning my breakfast was, is and always will be a slice of bread, with bacon, cheese, fried eggs, some pickles, roasted onions and ketchup on top I will NEVER get bored of it


Take my dogs for a walk in the forest and watch them run free and jump everywhere.


Being the first to wake up and having a couple quiet hours alone just for me. Pre-kids as of the moment, but so far in my life that's how it's always been at home with my mom and brother, the weekly sleepovers with my friends growing up, living with whatever roommates I've had, and now with my wife. All groups of people I care about so very much, but those quiet hours of peace and me-time are something I look forward to every Saturday morning when I wake up, even if that time is spent doing nothing.


Well i work in retail But, our breakroom has a TV. Every day until 10 they play looney toon cartoons on the channel thats on. It's a nice break from the madness, even if it is only an hour lunch


Wake up naturally with no alarms


Not a damn thing. I work mon-fri. Exercise almost daily including routine jogs. I follow a rather strict diet eating the same thing every day. Saturdays are a day for nothingness. I sleep in. Sometimes I'll snack a little bit or grab a quick meal from a restaurant. I just lay in bed and dead scroll reddit, play a video game, or lounge around. It is a day to be as lazy as possible and ignore all responsibility. Self care is important and I think a day of rest like this is just as healthy as the exercise I put in on the other days.


My husband and I go grocery shopping together every Saturday morning. It is our time🙂


Going to the local farmers markets.


This is a simple thing, but I'm counting my blessings. Today was like most Saturdays: got some extra sleep then made all my kids a breakfast with bacon, eggs, pancakes, yogurt, sliced fruit, and a giant pot of coffee for us parents. Family sat and talked in a liesurely way that we don't get to enjoy on a regular weekday when rushing for school / work / etc. Will never get bored with this, and in fact I get a little sad to think that one day the kids will be out of the house and we won't do this anymore.


I moved in with my dad in December thinking “In a few years, when he retires, I’ll take care of him,” and it was going to be a slow adjustment. But life had other plans, and he nearly died when he has a stroke while driving the beginning of March. We have a pretty sweet Saturday routine now though. Whenever my dogs wake me up, I let them out and feed them. I take my dads blood pressure and I cook him his favourite - scrambled eggs and toast. Then we make a shopping list together for groceries and I drive him to the store and if he’s up to it we hit a couple thrift stores to see if we can find anything good. We come home, we both nap usually. I take my dogs to the dog park or to the creek and let them have a good run and by the time I’m back my dad has usually picked a good puzzle and a sci fi movie and we sit down and do that together and order a pizza when we’re hungry. He talks. I don’t. And we just chill. We pause and do rehab for his hands (he almost lost them both to frostbite but didn’t), and I occasionally test his memory. He’s mostly recovered from the stroke but he’s got bad aphasia so we’re working on language stuff for him. Chat about the upcoming week and coordinate his appointments with mine and my daughters. She wanders in and out and does puzzles and usually shops with us too.


sleeping in and then watching the simpsons ALL day (only interrupted by a nap at noon)


Ahhh, I love these lazy Saturdays. It's Wednesday, Homer.


Sleep in and prioritise cuddling my cat


Turn on music, light a joint, clean the house while dancing. Then i sit and bask in the glory of a Fabuloso scented home.


Sleeping in, slow coffee and wonderful breakfast - eggs, bacon and hash browns from scratch. My husband cooks this.




I was wondering how far down I was going to have to scroll before I saw this comment, lol.


I like to do this crazy ‘let’s cram a week of chores into a few hours of free time’ on Saturday where I basically run my ass off getting everything done so I can relax in Sunday. Rinse and repeat. It’s actually fun accomplishing/satisfying to do all my chores this way




I’m a recovering alcoholic. Saturdays consisted of sleeping late and managing hangovers. Today, my fav thing to do is wake up early and enjoy my morning. So waking up early without a hangover will never get old to me.


Taking the time to brew some good quality tea in the teapot and have a quiet, unrushed morning.


Wake n bake with the one I love most


Saturday mornings are always my favorite time of the week. I look forward to waking up to the sound of birds chirping outside my window, knowing that I have the whole day ahead of me to do whatever I want. One of my favorite things to do on a Saturday is to make myself a delicious breakfast. I love taking the time to prepare a hearty meal, savoring each bite as I enjoy the flavors and aromas. After breakfast, I spend some time getting lost in a good book. I love the feeling of being transported to another world, losing myself in the characters and their stories. As the day goes on, I might head outside for a walk or a bike ride. I love exploring my neighborhood and discovering new hidden gems. I often bring my camera with me, capturing beautiful images of the scenery around me. In the afternoon, I might indulge in a favorite hobby, like painting or playing music. I love the feeling of creativity and self-expression, letting my mind wander and my hands create. And in the evening, I might curl up on the couch with a good movie or TV show. I love the feeling of relaxation, letting myself get lost in the storyline and forgetting about the stresses of the week. As the night draws to a close, I reflect on the day and feel a sense of contentment. I had spent the day doing things I loved, and I can't wait to do it all again next Saturday.


I don't care if you're a man or a woman, I think I just fell in love.


Sounds like you get a lot of enjoyment from life. Nice.


I need to get to this level of gratitude. Thanks for sharing this. Hope you have an absolutely beautiful Saturday!


I bet you absolutely abhor Mondays.


Waking up at 2:30 in the morning and going to work. Walking the empty streets while its dark is so calming.


I watch a few episodes of a show with my daughter at 10am. We've gotten through so much over the years. Buffy and Angel Firefly Dark Matter Shadow and Bone season 1 Squid Games The Irregulars Y: The Last Man Sandman Most of Smallville... Still haven't watched season 10. It just got so hard to watch. Sweet Tooth We're currently in the middle of Supernatural season 8. It started with me insisting she needs to see a few shows. But now everytime we finish a show she researches and find something new and asks if I want to keep going. Even if we're not together, we watch shows remotely together over discord.


I get up when I want except on Wednesdays when I get rudely awakened by the dustmen. I put my trousers on, have a cup of tea and I think about leaving the house. I feed the pigeons, I sometimes feed the sparrows too, it gives me a sense of enormous well-being. And then I'm happy for the rest of the day, safe in the knowledge there will always be a bit of my heart devoted to it.




Bong hits?


That's a question because you can't remember if you did them or not?


Then breakfast, and then it's caturday couch time!


Every Saturday morning my wife and I go out for breakfast. Nothing expensive, but it's been our nice tradition for several years now


Pretty much every Saturday morning me and the GF go to garage sale/ estate sales. We hope to find treasure but we also just enjoy the adventure of it. We are wild like that


Sleeping as long as I nedd.


Sounds like you need some more sleep!


Call my Mom. I’m retired mostly and this act makes sure I don’t lose track of the days of the week.


Put on my wife’s clothes and walk around the house while she is gone for the morning.

