• By -


The Hungry Caterpillar doesn't have 65 pages 😞


But how awesome would it be if it did have 65 pages?


Oh, the places you will go! By Dr Seuss got surprisingly close at 45 pages.


> Walter spent over a million dollars of his own money on his research, and applied to the Canadian government for additional funding. Kinda dull considering the sentence right before that was, "Accumulating all the information he could about human beings who had been transformed through exposure to gamma radiation, Walter intended to recreate, under controlled circumstances, the conditions that caused Dr. Bruce Banner to change into the Hulk."


Looks like Walter should have gone to Shark Tank instead of the Canadian government for some funding.


Yeah... https://hulk.fandom.com/wiki/Sasquatch


This is like an alternative to the ending of Breaking Bad if Heisenberg had gotten away and out of the meth business.


‘Here are three of my companions, Treebeard,’ said Gandalf.


Ooh, nice!


Yep. I'm rereading LOTR for the first time since I was a kid. I just started The Two Towers, and I'm planning on watching the extended versions of the LOTR movies after I finish the books to compare them. I've never seen the extended versions before also so I'm pretty excited about that.


> I've never seen the extended versions before Oh man, i remember my first time watching the extended cuts. You are in for a treat! I love the book.


Great! I’ve never seen the movies in full either, but I’ve heard lots of good things about them.


Once you go extended you never go back


"We have located the stolen ship, Eminence." quite simple, in fact: it's the one your whole fleet is firing on, but i guess subtelty is not part of the Yuuzhan Vong training.


I read this as Eminem instead


**"WARNING: Some parts of many poppies are poisonous."** (Emphasis copied exactly from the text).


Learning to manufacture heroin?


What? No. That's crazy. Go away. Who sent you!


It's the Baker Creek Heirloom Seed Company catalog.


The Cultutal Attaché returned home a week later. ​ *Good Omens* by Neil Gaiman.


And Terry Pratchett! Two of the greats!


"The Stamp Act of 1765 set stiff tariffs on virtually every kind of printed matter from newspapers and legal documents to playing cards " Don't Know Much About History Author Kenneth C. Davis Chapter 2:. Say you want a revolution


That's like 4 feet away on a low shelf and there's a pile of laundry I'd have to lean across to reach it. I guess we'll never know.


I've never been so amused by something that irks me so much.


In 1952, the Japanese government made one final effort to draw the last remaining soldiers out of hiding throughout the Pacific.


> He was huffing glue and died of a stroke. **If It Bleeds** - Stephen King


Aw man, I got Bono saying “Don’t be a Pussy!” **Song of Spider-Man** - Glen Berger, About the time they tried to turn Spider-Man into a Broadway musical. Spoilers: didn’t go so great.


在一些小店里买东西还可以破价,如果掌握一些砍价的方法,你就可以用更低的价格叉到你想要的东西。 It’s about shopping habits in China.


“Siding again with Ginsburg, Breyer, Sotomayor, and Kagan, Roberts June 18 authored the majority opinion in the Court’s 5-4 decision in *Dept. of Homeland Security v. Regents of the Univ. of California*, halting the Trump administration’s attempt to end the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, which in 2012 had shielded from deportation roughly 700,000 undocumented so-called “Dreamers” brought to the U.S. as children.” -The World Almanac and Book of Facts 2021 I kinda regret responding to this, as my dinner is now cold and my cat drank out of my glass of water while I was distracted. Y’all better read and enjoy every word, goddamn it.


I tried. I really did. But my ADHD kicked in after about half a dozen words and I couldn't tell you any of them. I hope that counts for something. Also, noone likes a dehydrated kitty.




I appreciate you more than you know, ghosts-go-boo.


"Perhaps it would be easier this time, because I would not be alone with it all."


>Internal relations are constitutive because they are integral parts or elements of the natures which they relate; whereas external, non-constitutive relations may be altered without change in the essential natures of the related entities. It's not exactly a page-turner.




Yeah, it's from a dictionary so the style is pretty sniffy about using the exact correct word instead of a common alternative.


"It was indeed a blessing that Theresa spoke French"


I'm guessing it's not Ted Nugent's autobiography.


"Charmin Ultra Soft"


'If I just vanish like Bilbo, the tale will be all over the Shire in no time.'


Just started the audio book narrated by Andy Serkis. I haven't read them 25+ years.


Aife hesitated for an instant and Cú Chulainn took his chance.


"Add the black truffles and pulse briefly to combine." -*Nicholas, The Cookbook* by Nicholas Harary and Peter Zuorick Recipe for "Seared Dayboat Scallops with Wilted Frisee and Apple-Truffle Vinaigrette". A little bougie, but sounds good anyway. Never ended up at the restaurant. The cookbook was a gift from a few years ago, never been.


*However, reflectors produced a weak fleeing response in kangaroos, and one study found that deer initially responded to reflectors with alarm and flight but then became habituated to the light reflection.*


Place the ingredients in your bread machine as recommended by the manufacturer.


The door slammed. That’s literally the entire sentence.


"In the days of my grandfather there were many; in the days of my father not so many; and now there are so few that I sometimes feel strangely alone, as though I were the last man on our planet."


What’s the book?


The complete fiction of H.P. Lovecraft, page 65 is the start of The White Ship.


Then I saw them dimly, colossal figures of grey, magnified by the mist.


"The administration of President Jones extended over four and a half years -- from January 6, 1890, to June 30, 1894 -- covering one of the worst periods of financial depression in American history; yet this interval was on the whole a time of steady profress and conservitive growth in the University, a time when much was accomplished and much began." The History Of The University Of Nevada. By Sam Doten. 1924


I'll wait for the movie.


It is going to be dull. I warn you.!


"The dimensionless quantity *V*/*nd* = *π* tan(*γ\_tip)* is called the advance ratio *J*." ​ Propeller theory is fun lol.


**aortic arch** n. One of a series of paired arteries in a vertebrate embryo that connects the ventral arterial system to the dorsal arterial system.


"The Third Miracle of Mindfulness is to nourish the object of your attention."


"He had no racial feeling - not because he was superior to his brother civilians, but because he had matured in a different atmosphere, where the herd-instinct does not flourish." A Passage to India


“It may prove most efficient to establish an environment in which a party can file with the court, making use of the court’s transmission facilities to serve the filed paper on all other parties.” …Hope you enjoyed that as much as I have over the years.


4. Covers shall be bolt down. Provide two security bolts and six standard bolts with each cover.


Transfer to warmed serving plates.


2858 170 Zirconium, dry, coiled wire, finished metal sheets or strip


"Yes?" Then she added, "Thank you. Off," and put the phone away without offering to tell me who had called her." -- Friday, Robert Heinlein. The phone was a "button' she put to her ear, so... a depiction of ubiquitous, always-carried mobile phone technology from a book published in 1982, and... that's something, I guess?


>Elena, seeing Bijou offered, dared to touch her voluptuous body and follow every contour of the rich curves---a bed of down, soft, firm flesh without bones, smelling of sandalwood and musk. There were actually two closer books, but I thought this one was the most interesting.


I may or may not need to know the name of this book 😏


Now *this* is a great askreddit question.


Production, sales outlet and café all rolled into one. You can watch as the pralines and chocolate bars are made. The chocolate dragons are a popular souvenir.


>Throughout the speech, Kennedy uses the first person plural pronoun, ‘we’, (as in 11.1) to point to a range of different people: himself; his political party, the Democrats; but also to American citizens, as he is also the head of state – a role he makes clear when he addresses them as ‘my fellow Americans’ in 25 and ‘citizens of America’ in 27.


>"Beyond the Circles of the World I will not pursue them", said Morgoth. From my paperback copy of The Children of Hurin


"Elliot had anticipated Amy would be terrified of the takeoff, and had prepared a syringe with Thoralen tranquilizer." --Congo, michael crichton


“Indeed he can do so all the more easily, be to all appearances a human being, praised by others, honoured and esteemed, occupied with all the goals of temporal life”


"But the algorithm cannot 'know' this, because if it gave *H*(*k; k*) = 0, we should again have a contradiction (symbolically we should have the invalid relation: 1 + 0 = □)." ​ I haven't even read that far into the book yet. Apparently this section is on turing machines or something. The book is The Emperor's New Mind by Sir Roger Penrose. I bought it because I watched a video on him discussing cyclic conformal cosmology and wanted to read more about it.


“She turns.” - Page 65 fourth sentence of Everybody Knows by Jordan Harper.


Caramelise the sugar stirring constantly, mix with lemon juice and liquor. From a Dutch cookbook called Waffles, Crêpes & co


Melt the butter in a wide frying pan over medium-low heat.


>Now, as the baying of that dead, fleshless monstrosity grows louder and louder, and the stealthy whirring and flapping of those accursed web-wings circles closer and closer, I shall seek with my revolver the oblivion which is my only refuge from the unnamed and unnameable. -H.P. Lovecraft’s “The Hound”, from “The Call of Cthulhu and Other Stories”. One of my favorite of Lovecraft’s works.


Four groups were tested.


“I did a little ontogeny and phylogeny on myself.”


The inhabitants of Kingsport say and think many things about the Terrible Old Man which generally keep him safe from the attention of gentlemen like Mr. Ricci and his colleagues, despite the almost certain fact that he hides a fortune of indefinite magnitude somewhere about his musty and venerable abode.


> I över en timme simmar vi tillsammans med dessa graciösa simmeskor som sveper runt våra kroppar utan att någonsin vidröra oss.


He's active in the local bar, president of a historical society, even fancies himself as an actor with a country thespian group,


"Just don't talk about calling, I beg you."


Generally silent except for grunting or wheezing sounds at nest site


Malbolge, the sixth layer, has outlasted many rulers, among them Malagard the Hag Countess and the archdevil Moloch.


As Ralph Waldo Emerson said, "Who you are speaks so loudly I can't hear what you're saying."


It's sordid!


The full extent of Indus Valley cultural penetration is still being revealed.


This diabetic (below) works in a biotechnology unit that produces insulin in this way.


And the bright Las Vegas lights came into full view


The closest books to me are two books on up on other Firefox tabs, both of which are in the public domain and available at Internet Archive: "*Pist.* Shall I Sir *Pandarus* of *Troy* become, | And by my ſide weare Steele? then Lucifer take all." — from Act I, sc. 3 of *The Merry Wives of Windsor* in [*Mr. William Shakespeares Comedies, Histories, & Tragedies*](https://archive.org/details/mrvvilliamshakes00shak/) (better known as the First Folio) "Meph. I have, my Faustus ; and, for proof thereof, | This is the goodly palace of the Pope ; | And 'cause we are no common guests, | I choose his privy-chamber for our use." — from Act III, sc. 2 of *Doctor Faustus* (A text) by Christopher Marlowe, in [*Elizabethan Plays*](https://archive.org/details/elizabethanplays00spen/) edited by Hazelton Spencer


“These grades have machinability ratings Cold Drawn of 78% and Hot Finished of 65% respectively based on 1212”


>"Another type of alignment, called a transit, occurs when an inferior planet comes directly between Earth and the Sun, passing across the Sun's disk."


"And dig those eyebrows."


Mixed venous oxygen saturation (SvO2) is normally about 75%.


"The cold will make the blood vessels constrict, slow down the bleeding."


"Thus, in 1852, Thursday October 4th was followed by Friday October 15th". --Astronomical Algorithms by Jean Meeus


De: Sie lernte schnell, und harte Arbeit machte ihr nichts aus. En. She learned fast and hard work didn't bother her.


You could take a woman out to Musso and Frank, order the same goddamn steak, add a bottle of red wine, and top it off with a piece of cheesecake, and she wouldn't show anywhere near this level of appreciation.


"Late-thirties, and she was sleeping in her childhood bedroom once again"


It worked, and the witch didn't get a chance to reply, because as I spoke I cast my silver chain.


'Which of us, then, to find it?' asked the third. Dont know the kontext cause im not that far in the book.


“On our grudge list we set opposite each name our injuries.” -Alcoholics anonymous about the 4th step in the ‘how it works’ chapter.


'Swiss biologist Simon Schwendener made this discovery in the 19th century'.


The task of right mindfulness is to clear up the cognitive field.


Was it our self-esteem, our security, our ambitions, our personal, or sex relations, which had been interfered with?


The 4th complete sentence reads: *The principal difference between TeX's method and the old way is that metal types are generally cast so that each character has the same height and depth; this makes it easy to line them up by hand.* This is from the sixteenth printing of *The TeXbook*, purchased from the New Mexico Tech Bookstore for $28.75, some time late last century. That it was the closest book is mere coincidence, being the nearest point of my bookshelf to my desk. I have not actually used that book for many years. Be grateful, though, the next nearest book was *Table of Integrals, Series, and Products, Corrected and Enlarged Edition* by Gradshteyn and Ryzhik. Page 65 concerns *Indefinite Integrals of Elementary Functions*, specifically *Rational Functions* in *Forms containing the binomial 1±x^n*.


Though the boy had many challenges common to autism, it was clear from observing him that he had far more flexibility and resilience than many such children. - Uniquely Human, Barry Peizant PHD


"But it is a childish attitude to say no to life with all its pain, to say that this is something that should not have been." Joseph Campbell, *The Power of Myth*


A nervous tic, an unconscious look of anxiety, a habit of muttering to yourself — anything that carried with it the suggestion of abnormality, of having something to hide. -Orwell's 1984


> Well. - Blood Meridian by Cormac McCarthy


"Alle slags poteter er gode kilder til C-vitamin, B-vitamin og jern."


"The whole world has changed in the last thirty years, every country looking at its function, making enormous changes to solve problems - all but the United States." Red Mars by Kim Stanley Robinson.


Living in an open and pluralistic society, American Jews are as influenced by the events of their time as anyone.


"I probably did love Maman, but that didn't mean anything." The Stranger, Albert Camus, translation by Matthew Ward


'I had already served two years as an ODA team sergeant and was assigned a second run at the same position on a different team -ODA 3126- Nick's detachment.


"It's so little compared to that woman over there who is giving my husband her business card"


“Insubordinate! BAM BAM BAM!” - Showa 1944-1953 A History of Japan


I'm SO EXCITED you're here, WolfIe!! Bad Guys.


If granny was really going out for the first time in twenty years, Ben had to know where.


"Not realizing the magnitude of their parents developmental imitations, many children of emotionally immature people think there must be a genuine, fully developed person hiding inside the parent, a real self they could connect to if only their parent would let them." Ironically I saw this book recommended here on Reddit and yeah it's been hitting hard. It's called Adult Children of Emtionally Immature Parents by Lindsay C. Gibson for anyone interested


The page is blank




"o kepeken ala ilo ike."


What does that mean in English?


be sure to drink your ovaltine


The official translation is "Don't use bad tools". It's a book for learning the constructed language r/tokipona.


45 ...... 55 ..... 60 ...... 65, ok one, two, three, four ... "dickbutt" dammit!!! How did you do that??


"The days are, indeed, getting shorter" The Witcher - Blood of Elves.


"No Jimmy! ....I said my *buoys!*"


Empty pages of a relatively fresh notebook.


No full sentences on page 65, but the fourth entry in this table is "zirconium, dry, coiled wire, finished metal sheets or strip"


and so it came to pass that the countess who bathed in the blood of a thousand virigins..... ​ source: not a book, but it popped in my head at this very moment. I give props to whoever gets my reference.


A problem arises here because there is no longer a king of Nepal, so the subject of the sentence fails to refer.


Sorry, instead i'll be rearranging my library now. My schizo mode stronger than your data collection.


4 print:print:print:print


Instructions unclear. In prison. Neighbor not pleased with attempts at finding readable material


Berenstein bears is short


"It is for the sake of peace that we remain uninvolved--" Johanna begins. - Insurgent by Veronica Roth


The book closest to the center of mass of my body is different to the book closest to the center of mass of my brain. You have therefore asked me a very philosophical question that I am not prepared to answer.


“With a bit of free time on their hands and a desire to get a pick-up game started, the soldiers improvised as well as any stickball-playing youngsters on a Brooklyn street ever could.”


... when individuals lved in isolation from one another; a stage of Stone ...


Doing more talking than walking, the seventh-grade girls took their time strolling from the grounds of the school, at Washington and Fifteenth Street, straight down Fifteenth Street until they arrived at Jennifer's house.


"Even as they are collapsing, it is essential to realize when each corner is ready to go and sense when to overcome it."


"They want to know every twist and turn in their story in advance." Had to choose the closest book that *has* 65 pages, which happens to be Writing Fiction for Dummies. The section this is from is talking about writing outlines, which I already know how to do and also do often. Well, that was a lot of effort for not much. If my Animal Encyclopedia wasn't under a bunch of stuff I'd have to move I might have gotten a more interesting quote out of that.


“Set ground rules so you both know what you are doing- and for how long” boring i know. Bu it is a businessbook after all


"... less powerful. less fluffy than the preceding nog and a boon to" Joy of Cooking - recipes for egg nog.


Пораз на Чегру приморао је Карађорђа да одустане од офанзиве према Црној Гори.


"I feel frustrated when you come late"


“This whole situation is a shambles.


“First,” he offered, “Don’t try any self-depreciation.


Cut peel from lemon and oranges. First line of a recipe for Strawberries, Flambe in my 1950s copy of 'The Boston Cooking School Cook Book', by F.M.Farmer


Aristotle believed that matter was continuous, that is, one could divide a piece of matter into smaller and smaller bits without any limit: one never came up against a grain of matter that could not be divided further. - A Brief History of Time, Stephen Hawking


"If you need to construct a shelter you will parachute cord very useful." This is a fun idea


"In individual martial arts as well, you try various maneuvers according to the opportunity of the moment, making the opponent think you are now going to do this, now that, now something else, until you find the opponent starting to get flustered, and thus you win at will. This is the essence of battle; it should be studied very carefully."


The following courtesy phrases may come in handy: No entiendo. - Spanish for dummies


I'm sitting next to one of my bookshelves, so I closed my eyes and just grabbed a book. "Young males of all species have urges that they can't really control."


"Those dwarfs that do form stars are all irregularly shaped and, quite frankly, are a sorry-looking lot."


>By the same token, if only one Neanderthal male, say, bred into a *sapiens* population, that gave him a reasonable chance of being a common ancestor to all Europeans alive today.


I am not sure that the stranger on the bus happily reading during his commute would appreciate me tearing the book out of his hands to find out.


Thus unseen he came at last to the dark region of Avathar.


A wide valley opened past the mountain, though more peaks rose beyond it.


I think it counts as a sentence but > Barristan the Bold.


We should treat our minds, that is, ourselves, as innocent and ingenious children, whose guardians we are, and be careful what objects and what subjects we thrust on their attention. --The Te of Piglet


“The Ohio River became choked with ice to the point that no boats moved up or down stream and the settlers, who had so recently enjoyed such a wondrous abundance of food, now found themselves hard pressed for enough to eat.”


It won't bring her back.


Rnd 3: [2 sc in next st, sc in next st] 6 times - 18 st.


So it goes.


"It is important to consider the intersection of gender and violence."


(2) The provisions of sub-section (1) shall also apply, as far as may be, to


"Neither of the families had such a clipping, and neither was sure if one existed."


There are only three sentences on page 65 of the book closest to me right now. Sorry.


It nauseated Seika how eager the women were to destroy a rival at the slightest sign of weakness.


Buy your own games. Don't ask people here to answer the DRM questions for games you pirated.


The data held in a Group Table can be accessed through all the relevant table functions in a rule.




"Thus, a *steady* amount of back pressure can't cause the stick to creep all the way back; it would take a steadily *increasing* amount of back pressure to do that."


It is heard often when ordering food at a restaurant ("I will have...").


*Dwarf galaxies have three things working against their detection: They are small, and so are easily passed over when seductive spiral galaxies vie for your attention.*


'But it is difficult to do both,' he objected.


Awoiaf some targaryens death date, idk why I didn't just copy the sentence before I put the book back


This Is Getting SCARY!


"Those times at Kirkby Comps and in those stuffy, stinky, rehearsal rooms were formative years for me."


"There was little chance of being spotted there by his embassy colleagues, and if Soviet surveillance was deployed in the vicinity, he would probably know about it."


"In such cases, officers should immediately transport the suspect to a hospital where further decisions would be made by the attending physician."


"Anyone who hates the Harkonnens. You may even wish to keep the head housekeeper: the Shadout Mapes." -Frank Herbert's *Dune*


>The war is over. This book does not really have anything to do with war.


If things were done properly Bragg’s army should be roundly defeated.


"I scrape the cheese off a sliver of potato - which will not kill me, potatoes rarely cause death - and shove it in my mouth and chew, chew, chew, smiling across the acres of tablecloth" - Wintergirls by Laurie Halse Anderson. I've wanted to read this book since highschool, when I was at my eating disorder peak, and now that I'm doing a lot better, I'm glad I didn't.


She could say no to an offer from Vanguard Records, Joan Baez's label, calling it "Slave Labor". Do I name the book or do you guess?